Public and High Sclxtmlsof incorpor- ath \‘ilhlgr-s. towns and citim will re- vpen next Tuesday, the 3rd of Supt. RlCHMOND HILL, August. 21), 1901 Next Monday, St" Day, at statutory hn All kinds of Public zmd H igh S< books at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. A count of ten per cont. on sales cents and over. Lightning strm-k thr- wires in front uf t 19 IVh-trnpnlimn \Vnilmg Room Monday nftermwn about 1.30. shatter- ing the glass into hundreds of pieces. My Eiiacml. Fire BHgnde nwolim Munday vvvning, SvpL. A letter from Mr. Harold Proctor states that he and his {mu-companions who went to Manitoba with an ex- rrursion putty arrived safe. Mr. Proctor u-mained in \Vinnipeg. but the others went further west. Citizens who knmv of good books not already in the Public Library are requested U) hqu :1 list In the Sucro- tal-y m‘ the Book Committee, so that (hwy may he purchased if approved by the committee. Gutvrendy fur the oxcm-sion to Ni- agara Falls and the Pun-American Exposition Thursday of this week. Tickets nmy he sonm'ed at; Savage’s sml'e. Smnlvrsnn’s drug store, or THE LIBERAL Otï¬ce. A delightful entertainment will be held in tllP Mil-sonic Hall on \Vednes- (lay evening, September 25, in aid of the Church of England. Riclnnond Hill. Further particulars will be given by posters. Eva t1- customer. Last week’s Aurm‘a Banner gave an elaborate description of an elegant sidoboald with glass cnphoards and plate glass mirrors, placed in the [1:11 0f the Royal Hotel by Messrs. L. Innes & Sons of this village. I have a full line of duor rollers. tracks, hinges all sizes, for hams, that I will sell cheap. (J. Mason. The Montreal Family Herald and \Veekly Star are. giving a. premium wicture of the Duke and Duchess of g’urk with their popular weekly. That paper tuthe end of this year _with the photo picture will be sent new subscribers for 25 cents. This is a rate chance. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Oï¬iCe. A general meeting of the Ontario Historical Society, Tnmntn, “U†be held in a tpnt in the Industrial Fair Grounds, Friday, August 30, heginnin at 11 a. n1. Miss Carnochan will I‘m a paper on “ A Lost Page in Canadian History "; and Miss Toofy will read " Some Notes on Old Yonge St.†I have a 1200 lb. Farmers Scale to sell fur $15.00. C. Mason. ’l‘huxsduy of this week having been Emhximed a Civic Holiday, places of usiness will be closed. It is hoped that those who purpose visiting the Pam-American Exposition this sum- uwr will endeavor to accompany the Firemen‘s excursion party. Return tickets fmm Richmond Hill to the Falls are $1.35. -‘ Cars leave the village at 6.15. Excursionists may return Thursday night, Friday or Saturday. All kinds of hardware for builders at the lowest price. 0. Mason. MONTHLY SALE. Monthly sale at; The Palmer House, \Vednesday. Sept. 4, consisting of 50 head of Fresh Milkers, Springevs and Young Cgttle. The above will be. of- fered by public auction .,at 1.30 p. in. sharp. N0 stock will be sold by priv- ate contract. Terms three. months. Saigeon & BIL-Ewen. auctioneers. ' Corn is attaining a wonderful growth this season, and stretched up greatly since the recent ruins. There are many heavy crops in this section of country, but Mr. Thus. Ludfui-d’s is the highest We have observed. A stalk pulled up indiscriminately in, Mr. Ludford‘s corn patch measures 12 feet 6 inches. . Below are a number of Fairs in this .onuntv, and the dates when they will be hefd': Industrial, Tmonto.Aug. 26 to Sept. 7 North York, Newmzu'ket. . ‘Sept. 17â€"19 Weston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept). 27 East York, Markham . . . . . . . . Oct. 24 Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 7 and 8 “’oodbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 16 and 17 . \Ve court, the closest scrutiny. lkinson & Switzer. The members of the Zion E. Luther- an Church, Sherwood, will hold their Harvest Home and Entertainment (m _the 15th and 17th of September. 011 Sunday. the 15th, sermons will he preached appropriate for the occasion. On Tuesday, the 17th, a fowl dinner will be served in the basement of the church, after which an enjoyable en- tertainment will be rendered consistâ€" ing of selections, elocution, and sing- ing. For further particulars look out: for posters. I have one \Vickless Oil Stove left Which I will sell at cost. C. Mason. IJ()(j AL HAS. T\VELVE FEET SIX. HARVEST HOME msnction m Atkinson A“: FALL FAIRS. idu) ng_ and practice will be Labor b plea witzet the ml Al Six very ï¬hé‘i-igé {vere on' Monday shith‘Id fran 1:1:e‘lilel‘s Canning? \Vorks tofu-Id tn the display of cuxfrin as at the Toronto exhithiun.‘ W!!! {the excvpLiun of one hug y the rigs‘ were sold, and consisted Hg". delivery wag- ï¬â€˜on for the Eckurdt. Casket. Company. omntn: :1 heavy spring wagon for Wm. illnrksnn, Aurora; u. butcher’s Curt fur Thus. Burn-9m. Toronto; 8 nu-vvym-‘s cart for Rayhuuld Brus.. l‘nrnntn; n. Gladstone, and a. piano lmx buggy. The buggies were sup- plied u iLh ruhhel' tires. Just to the m-wu fvdura nu THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ov grmvn on Mr. Cumisky’s farm, 2nd ton. of Mark- 1mm. fnl'mmiy known as Rennie’s Silver Medal an-m. The grain is plump; and that the yield was good may b9 judged from the fact that My. John \Vicv Llu'oshed fur the, rnprietor 1,300 bushels in ten hours. 'Bhe hnrley averaged 45 bushels In the acre. With the exception of \‘Vild Grouse \vheat,Mr. Cmnisky’suthm' grains were equally grand. his was, timothy and clover be- ing particularly hom‘y. The Richmond Hill Board of Edn- cation has issued a neat eard showing the different courses of instruction to be taken in the Richmond Hill ‘High I School, which re-opens next. Tuesday. i This card refers to a Teacher’s Course, Junior Matriculation, and u. Com- [inercial Coulse. The subjecteviné'the , last named course are English, History, i Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-Kee ing. I Shorthand, Penmanship and ypeâ€" writing. A new Underwood Ty e- ' writer is supplied for this course. he , J uniox Matriculation is prescribed for 1 entrance into the. University, Medi- cine, Mining. Dentistry. Engineering, , Law, Surveying, and Theology. The x Teacher’s Course is said to be the best generalcourse, whether intending to . be teachers or not. Ainon the feat- ; ures referred to are V ide-Awake Teachers, Firm Discipline, Good Com‘ panions, Attractive Grounds, New ; Buildings, Annual Games, First-Class Board, Excellent Churches and Public Library. Fruits and Flowers are the to ics especially treat-ed in the Uana ian Horticulturist, which is the leading jnnrnal of horticulture in America; IL contains 48 pages of np-to-date read- ing matLer, written by experts and professional gardeners, and is fully il- lustrated by beautiful photogravures. It is issued monthly, and a sample copy may be had free of charge by ad- dressing theoditor, Mr. L. Woolver- ton, M. A., Gl'imsby, Out. The sub- scription price is only $1 a year, and new subscribers for 1901 may have the balance of this year free of charge. A treat, for your table-Concord Grape Vinegar. Try It; 50c. gallon. Atkinson & Switzer. grounds of M. Teefy, Esq., on the evening of Monday, Sept. 2 (Labor Day). A good programme of vocal and instrument-Ll music will be fur- nished, and the beautiful grounds will be appropriately decorated. Admis- sion, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. Ice cream and cake extra. The grounds will be open at 6.30. The public is cordially invited to attend. There will he reduced rates from all points 011 Metropolitan cars, and a. special car north and south will leave at 10 Mr. Moses Ransom of this village, visited his aged father in King on Sunday, 18th inst. The old gentle- man decided to make his son a. visit and returned with the latter in the evening. Tuesday he was taken sud- denly ill. and dle the following after- noon at 3 o’clmk. Both of the Villa 9 doctors were called in, but they 0011 (1 do little for him, and pronounced it a case of apoplexy. Deceased was 81 yeais of age. The funeral took place from his son’s wsidence Friday to the King City Cemetery. The‘pall-bearers were Messgs. :1. C. bbolxes. A;D:Carlez. n v 1..- . o‘clock. P. Ross, J. Burns. J. Wéilisrand \Vilkie, all of King. The September Review of Reviews is an unusual number, even for that magazine, of which the public has come to expect great things. Merely to list the contents of this issue is to enumerate the topics that now, at the approach ‘of Sgptembey, 1901. have H~[Sre’fem'ed positions †in the daily news. The great, steel strike. the cureel of Admiral Schley, the great. contributions of Dr. Kochto the mod- em method of dealing with consump- tion. the rapid advance of the home- less carriage, the conditions in Kansas after- the severe summer’s drou ht. are some of the subjects tree». in this number, and, each subject, is dealt with by an expert. I have two 16 inch best make lawn mowers, $4 each; that, is less than cost. C. Mason. RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL. A Garden Party in aid of St. Mary's . 0. Church will be held on the sample of Russian barley is «st LIBERAL Ofï¬ov grmvn on Mr. {sky’s farm, 2nd con. of Mark- fnrmmiy known as Rennie’s 1' Modal Fnrm. The grain is p ; and that the yield was gggd THE HORTICULTURIST. SEPTEMBER NUMBER DIED OF APOPLEXY. EXHIBITION R198. GARDEN PARTY. EXAMINATIONS. mm] at Atkinsnn & Switzer‘s Shillk's in black felt. huts. ski T. GOOD YII FIELD ,1... u vsvu -LA‘UALL'ZI‘I 7 I ' Penple ivnuld probably not be sur- rised to learn that Markham Village as no particular lm'e fur Aurorï¬; a itlis claimed by the former that tn‘é‘ latte? Stole their shoe factory. Ac-' cording? to a sermon preached by Rev. \V. Bain the people of Markham have not much lo‘ve for one mmth’mï¬'A week ago last Sunday that gentleman point- ed out in n. sermon that dissensions existed nbt may in p‘h‘liticul circles. but in churches, shcieties, councils and various organizations. It is claimed that one year‘s municipal council will endeavor to upset any good tha their prcdccessnrs have inaugurate the. previous year, thereby creating much ill-feeling in the community. The Markham Economist is inclined to de- lnre this lack of harmony, but The nn views the scraps in a different li ht. saying that “ Markham isaplace o pronounced opinions. Men think and act for themselves, and often discussion is mistaken for dissension." The Sun’s “discussions†often leave behind them much heart-burnimz. Sugarâ€"23 lbs. Extra. Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 271bs. Good Sugar for $1. \Ve want your boot and shoe trade: come and see us; we will in- terest you. Niulghtun Bros.. Elgin Mills. The annual autumn number of The Fanning \Vurld will be issued this week. Its readers may expect a. rich and rare treat. The unique feature of this number will be a. series of articles dealing with organized agriculture in the eight Provinces and Territories of the Dominion. This series has been compiled by the Ministers and deputy heads of the agricultural departments for each province. including Hon. Mr. Rogers, fur Prince Edward Island ; B. W. Cliipmau, for Nova Scotia; Thos. .. . “nu†u, .u. Ann", uuwum, .Luuc. A. Peters. for New Brunswick ; G. A. Gigault. for Quebec; Hugh McKellnr, for Manitoba; 1. “7. Patterson, for the North \Vest Territories: J. R. Anderson. for British Columbia: and W. B. Val-Ivy. Secretary to the Min- icter of Agriculture, and Tlms. Snuch- worth. Director of Colonization for Ontario. Other notable contributors will be Prof. J. W. Robertson. F. W. Hodson. and W. H. Hay. Canada’s display at the Glasgow and Buï¬'alo Expositions will be dealt with in two well illustrated articles. A number of ï¬ne photo-engravings of Canadian farm and ruml scenes will be shown. and the regular departments of the paper, including the sugar beet world, studies in nature, the Agricultural Gazette and the Farm Home. will con- tain specially prepared matter. Read- ers of this journal can have copies of this special edition by addressing The’Farming World, Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto. THE LIBERAL and the Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star, in- cluding photo pictures of the Duke and Duchess of York, will he sent; to new subscribers to Jan’y 1, 1902, for 40 cents. Call and see us. MOELBOYâ€"On Monday, August 26, at Elgin MillsAbe mi? of Dr J. T. Mchlruy. V. 8.. of 9. son. TnURsDAY,Sent,12â€"Auccion sale of household furniture, house. and outbuildings, Snares of land. &c., the Dropsrty of W. R. Proctor, Richmond Hill. Sale at 1 o'clock Terms for chattelslimontbs. Saigeon d: McEWen. auctioneers. THURSDAY. Sept. i9â€"Auction sale of fresh milch cows, springers, steers heifers. sheep, Digs, die, at Thompson’s Hotel. Lansing. Terms 4 months. Sale at 1 o'clock. Parties having stock to sell are requested to send descrip- tmu to Mr. Chas. Thompson, or to THE LIB- ERAL Ofï¬ce by Sept. 3. when bills will be printed. All entries must be paid when property arrives on the premises. Ecknrdt 6: Prentice. auctioneers. Straved from the premises of the undersignâ€"i ed. lot 26. 3rd con. Vaughan. about the latter part of May a. Red Heifer. 1 yen old, tree 110m eppts. - . .- ‘Wa-WAAA‘...‘ -r...... Any person giving information leading to her recovery will be amplv rewarded. 4-4 JAS. SHERMAN. Maple P 0 A comfortable brick-clad eight- momed residence in the leasant and healthful village of Ric moud Hill. convenient to churches, High and Public Schools and the Metropolitan electric railway. 6-6 Address Box 397, Richmond Hill Ihe Next Sitting of Division Court for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, Food doesn’t digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Ton ue coated? It’s your liver-l - yer’s Pills are liver pills; they .cure dys; pepsia, biliousness. n RICHMOND HILL BIVISIflN - COURT. RIGHMGNB HELL, _ON__ FRIDAY, BGTUBEH 4, 1901 Sick r Headache ? El. oribguoqou. on R. P. run. A pm, BUB! “ LOVE .ONE ANOTHER." Estray Notice Buy a. Home THE NE \V FARM ER. Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. McMAHQN CLERK Sale Register. 250. All druzgltts. themselves, and often mistaken for dissension." discussions †often leave .much heart-burning. BERT Ila. Ozone sma1133, large 65 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 65c Pierce’b Golden Medical Discovery 65c Pierce's Pellets 15c Willinms’ Pink P1118, 330.. 3 for 950 Electric 0i1,5 bottles for 25¢: Carter's Pills. 2 bottles tor 25c Chase's Pills, 2 bottles for 25c Dodd's Kidney Pills. 306 Parmeele's Pills 15c Castoria 250 Burï¬ock Blood Bitters 60¢ Eczema Ointment, 35c You can save money by dealing with us. We want you for a. customer. Comrade these pri Mexican Fly Oil,for keeping flies off cattle,used once a week. I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO E'NSILAGE AND DEERING CORN BINQER ; JACOB EYER & SON FEED CUTTENG. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Everything needed in the Grocery hut? in the homes of this town and vicinity can always be found here and of best quality. Our regular customers find this a good place to tradeâ€"and so will you. Might leave us a trial order any Way. Best B Rice, per 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best India. Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Japan Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Laundr Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best White 1093 Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Celluloid Starch . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benson’s Enamel Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benson‘s Corn Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pure Cox-n Starch . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . l . . . . Ha py Home Soap, 9 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 l 5. Good Sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 lbs. Powdered Sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . Golden Dates, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good Prunes . . . . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shredded Wheat Biscuits, per package Grape Nuts . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Groceries The undersigned having purchased a complete outï¬t for Ful'inosa. . Swiss Food Jerieypajs A. D. C. Flaked Barley, Peas. White and Rice each 9§ Turmeric, Curry Powder, Chillies Celery Seed. Mustard Seed, Mace. Mixed thole Spice, Whole Ground Pepper, Cinnamon, Ginger, Allspice, all best quality. Best XXX White Wine Vine rar, per gal . . A . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Extra Pickling White Grape inegzir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Concord Grape Vinegar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Best Glass Fruit Jars, Wine quarts, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Best Glass Fruit, Jars, imperial quarts, per doz . . . . . . A . 70 Jar Rubbers, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Atkinson & Switzer Here are some quotations for this week \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Splendid Machine Oil, 30 cents a gal. C. D. DANIEL & CO. RICHMOND Ensilage Cutter & Blcwer, Are prepared to do all kinds of Patronage Solicited. B. Bell & Son’s Consisting of a STRAW‘ CUTTING Aver's Hair Vigour, 60c Hood‘s Sul'saparilla. 650 Epsom Salts, 30 1b., 10 lbs. for 25¢ Sulphur,3c. 1b., 9 lbs. for 25¢. Kendall’s Spuvin Cure. 75c Dodd's Dyspepsia. Tabiets. 35c lelect's Lye 10c perjin, 3 101‘ 256! Vaseline. 5c abobtle _ Sarnia. Water-white coal oil, equal to Ame: 1- can. 160 a. gal Fowler's Extracn W111] Strawberry, 25c Beei,I:on and Wine 50c Opp. Clyde Hotel .6c 9.