and L antee WANTEI Women to lisheri hone No caï¬v enclose 5 dress Ma Until further notice Mails will be chased at the Richmond Hill Post 011100 as follows:â€" MORNING ........... EVENING ................ N. B.--Registered Letters must be I least Fxfteen Minutes earlier than mentioned hours for closiufl. of each month Fire BrigudBâ€"Meots mouth Public berary and Tuesday. Thursday and Epwortb Leagueâ€"Mel Half a mile v: Binders and Mower CourtRichmohd, A O I ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U W» of each mouthï¬ Sixty cents a hundre Church o! Euglundâ€"-Services at 3p. In. every Bunting. Pres yterinn Churchâ€"Services at 11 n. m..nnd 'u' p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Church« Services on alt-or- nate Sundays at U a. m. and 10.30 11'. m. Methodist Church-Services at 10.30 a. m., and 'l p. m. Suurlu. School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thurs my. ovouimg. Richmond Lodge, A F uud A M â€"Meets Mon- Camp Weduos d‘uv Leave Newmarka A 1 l‘. M 'l Leave Richmnï¬ii'fll'ï¬ï¬'. 6411?); Ms, 11.55 a. m., 2.40. 3.55. 4.55. 6.40, 811) p. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Leavec P R Crossing at 8. 7.20. 9.40. 1.30. 2.40. 41.00 5.40. 7.45 p. beam Rlchmond Hill 8,20, 10.30 a. m 3.30. 4.50, 8.30. 8.35 p. m. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE PLOW E Rich I .3311 Elfel Mager’s Mary, SANEEESON’S K handsomeiy i culutlop of any ï¬ffl‘ï¬ï¬'i’ï¬ï¬ Plow Points for all 1. Séieliéï¬ï¬c Iii-ï¬nch Offu Between Toronto and Newmurket‘ Shop open every I )f Tempura): mouth gudeâ€"Mec El; day OFFICE CLO SE M Village Directory. m A TT'N! ,u 4.15. 6.06. 7 GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH If: n Mmth “I . Y so YEARS' , EXPERIENCE {Richmond Hill BI‘I SHE S AT 7.30 P M TEEFY. Postmaster. .fght until 8.30 NBAGER, Prop QENTS ‘RTEHT 800d ldaas I Subscribe principal plows at 3;“e;;§l"i{éw_quk â€"Mee ts second and VOIV ‘ndins .1 rqu 11.15 a. 3 l9? seqnssad by LLIE MAX‘VELI Services on ulter- 1030 a. In. rs at 10.30 a. 111., and )0. General prayer I‘HY MEN AND tise for old estub« standing. Salary payable in cash‘ sec‘ ts fourth Tuesday H l 0 Emma. I ETC}; feceive h n wrought or 7. Largest cir- ‘I. Terms, 33 u ,1] newsdgnler nd and fourth the shortest Roomâ€"Open Wanings ‘ldny. ‘ny of every Addr Wednesday 712.20, 2.20, 8.00 11.30 a. m.; mum, ! Eccna, imam, Md. J handed in the above 2, 3.15, during Sept" 0‘ Wednesday ( the rest 01 Coal delivered to Ri‘ August. 1. 1901. 6 com. 3mm!th 1991-1902. BEST HARD COAL WI“ be at the stutionrrcr Wednesday 0! eunh Coal, Hardwood and Slabs. Deliver- ed on shortest notice. Also for sale 1 Spring ‘Vagon, will carry 3,500 lbs. ; and 1 Cooking Stave. wood. MICHAEL BROS. strayed from the promises of the undersigned. lot 26. 3rd con. Vaughan, about the latter Dart of Mg.) , a, Red. Heifey, l yqar oldf _free> frqu spotp. Terms cash siderod The following courses are open : Teachers. Matriculation, English, And a, new Commercial Course : Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Book-keeping, - Mathematics, English and History. For particulars apply at once to the Principal, R. A. Farquharson. J. N. BOYLE, J. A. E. SVVITZER, A'Iiy pors’pn giviï¬g information lending-to her recovery W111 be n_z:9p_ly {eyjyglpm BEST SOFT COAL Also one of the best grades made. {or sale at $3 1 cents per bbl. refun ANNOUNCEMENT HIGH SCHOOL “folpniï¬blï¬bt$V1££Vfï¬ktber pmtictflars up- ply to tho nearest Canadian Pucxï¬c Agent]. or to Fron allpoiats in Canada, Onaping, Sault Ste. Marie. Windsor and? Eqsc. Sept. 17th Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent, ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patelmiitaliez out through us receive special hotice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Sand for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & co., Harvest _ h Excursmns? Evans Building, Returning untll Returning until Nov. 17th, 1901 Sept 3rd, Apprentice for Millinel-y. MRS. S. SHUTER. Chairman. H. WINGEE 66 SON Will be run on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1901. For throshin \V e A. H. NOTMAN. Assn.Genl. Passr. Agent 1 King Street. East. Toronto. THUBNHILL The High School will re-open Nov. 3rd, CQAL Estray Notice Re-Openin g) and FOR SALE “flow gdvcttimmmta. WANTED For household purposesl at 25 cents per JAMES SHERMAN. Maple P 0 Thursday at Prince Albert Calgary MacLeod-.. Red Deer. ‘Edmontun Regina. Mousejuw ‘Yorkton . :Winuipea wDeloruiue lAutler jEstevan , Biuncm‘th Monsomiu Haminta .. . Swnnï¬xver suck ‘tend to customers on )er bbl‘ Twenty led (or empty ‘1‘ steam purposes cwt., at. STATION. 01 Portland Cement Richmond Hiâ€. Secretary. Thornhill. Return Fares Cnrrvi‘de P 0 RAL (Patent Attomeys,) $30 $35 $40 .10! Si: arms of land on Centre St; 0011* Village of Richmond Hill. 1 Apply to The undersigned runs his wagons to TUESDAY AND FRIDAY The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, 101:32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred buli and hog kept for service on t_he Premises. Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. HULSE HGTEL, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Expressa 333! Wand & $3533 Women to travel and advertise for old estabâ€" lished house of snlid ï¬nancial standing. Sularv $730 u year and expenses, all payuhle in cash. No canvassing required. Give reference and enclose sell-addressed sï¬ampetl envelope. Ad- dress Manager 355 Caxton Bldg. Chicago. 4246 CALL AND SEE ME PRESSING TICKETS, $1.00 EACH. Earth Toronto Milling Co. ï¬Ã©mmsï¬ &, Ema; GLUTEN MEAL SHORTS BRAN CORN CHOP BIBBY’S CALF MEAL, ‘ FLOUR, ETC. My W. sands émfl Fiï¬ are Bahama ALHUME ith twelve WANTED ~ TRUSTWOR’HIY MEN AND Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city or may be left; at the Commerâ€" cial Hotel. J. Sheardown. SUNNYSIDE FARM BIAPEJE. THOROUGH LY REFITTED» 49-tf ’1‘ O RON'EO â€"â€"EVERYâ€" FOR SALE 35 to 47 Shaftesbury Ave. FOR SALE WASHINGTON, D. O. 'ick house and Ha ve for sale D. G. GOODERHAM, D0» J. H. SANDERSON good ontbpijmgs ALD WATSON. Maple. fig part of lot El. 0! Maple. Thxs is hich 18 a. flowing Proprietbr. East n the P. G. SAVAGE, - Rich On the Unconditional Accumulazive Plan contains bnt one conditionâ€"Pay the premium. Extended and Cash Value on every olicy. Rates and full information will be sent in Pamph ets on application to P.‘G. Savage, District Agent. London Guarantee & Accident Co. The Registry Co. of North America. We make Insurance our Businefs. Claims 11 and business strictly attended too. PaniphIets Em application to P.‘G. Savage, District Agent. Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies 3 WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. MERCAVTILE NORWICH UNION IMPERIAL THE CUNFEDERATIUN LIFE ASSGCIATIUN Call at THE LIBERAL OFFIC lo ue. Make your selection as iar, pedals, saddle, tires, etc. Duniop tires. Old w‘hccis Its chief feature is. the saving: of (In the rider by absorbing vlbrationâ€"l up and down experienced on It was thought last season shat C1: most reached perfection. '1 he ever, has ushered in sevez ments. The most In provement is p WEE GEESEï¬ï¬Eé 55% Brace and 6 best Auger Bitts only $1.50. Nails at factory prices WILKENS 5; {7%}. . MASON, 166 and 168 King); St. Ii: Agent for Richmond Hill a VVELKiNS 5g. THE POLICY ISSUED BY Accident Compa as: Barb and 5’}: VVil-q at lcss than who} $292923 doors YORK M UTUA 133‘ James. robabiy :sprm a1 nev « UWA 1mm m an £3 £33 4% MOND 1m I‘II‘OVC‘ STOVTE E mi. flï¬jfl! é" mptly Attend 'E‘Vwis tin and Hill. VCIL‘ 3nd Hill ale prices. )ves made HILL )l'S ‘0th6 c mptly paid s the cheap- vetroughing 11 kinds. h a d how- STORE y;- for and Win rl;in2 ‘OJ'CI alitx ndleâ€" :. up Rakes ickles: