Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Sep 1901, p. 1

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VOL. XXIV. RICHlVIOND HILL Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. 111.; 12 p‘ m.; 7 to 9 D. m. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING LIBERAL PRINTING dz PUBLISHING RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Telephone. 3358 for appointment. One of the [has Oddfollmv's Office zâ€"Noxt Best fitting lowest venience cravaller Graduate of the Ontario Vetev with di 10mm from the Untan- Denml chool. W131 visit, Maple 0 Friday of each week. and Com: (1'93: 1 to H me. Calls promptly Late resident phvelciau at We Hospitals, Toronto. VETERINARY SURG __._V r.~...r .._, Diséasés 5f Eirseamntule and ot ed animals treated by the latest proved methods. Calls by telephone PALMER HO \I "ll! I’ALFIER. Gulls by day and night promptly tended Lu. DR. T. A. CURME, J. H. SANDERSON Cor. “loo ' and Spaduun Ave 'l‘ormno. Room 12‘ VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Member College thsiciaus and Surgeons ODE. : is the dc {t $1 per annum, in advance. d: Gallanmgh 8e Bishazds VETERINARY SURGEONS, Thornhill. Ripans Tal Ripans Tat Bipans Tab \Vill be in Richmon \Veduusdz (Success Office Hoursâ€"87m In a m DR. L. LAWRASUN, RICHMO ND HI BUSINESS CARDS VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL. DR. E. and Cull 35112 agiberai DEI‘Q’TIS'T P. McMAIâ€"ION. An if! pqrtieg . u’eeil Tmtfier, TERM Emmn a: Pnomzm‘on Hill char Dentist, asor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) nu . McEEroy, 'l‘lloruhiil, Eflu’iiflll *AND__ tterinary ules Jles Victoria. St. Tm' AT THE 7t080m fichoo 8 to 10 3.111.; 12 t 7130 9 p. m. bh J.STUBB& , also re Toronto, (201-. Stan, Toronto from Richmond L to me. asbern }EON our st latule Hill every 12602pm DAY Ml “"0! Mb of my (11.11659, Veterinary Monday and A large stocknf Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. - a“. umesticat most up H'C nun. {In lic 011E? 'ace at 1t LENNOX & T\I()RGAN Mouev t-o 1min on land and clyxtgol mortgage): at lowest rates. one duo? west VI}! In; en-tli'n‘xfié tor Tillie. Ontario Dunk. Newmarket oflice~Threo doors south of the )1 ml: 0| ce. '1‘.Hrmnmw LENNOX COUK & MACDONALD Barristm‘s, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE : Fu-ohnld Loan Building. cur. Adolaxde& Victoria. Stl'P9IS, Tux-onto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Aurorafiniteâ€"‘Rcmovedfn 3119 old post‘ofl‘gg MEGAN Barristers, Solicitors. 530.. 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. East Tornuto Office, Mr. Grant's "evidence SALEM Ecmmm‘. 1C8 Wellington Plzxce, Toronto L1censed Auctionegrs lot the County of York. Goods sold on consignment; General sales of stock etc“ promptly attended to at a‘eaaonanie rates. G.B.Guuldmg, Newton Brook. agent for 0110 above. Licensed Auctioneer for Generalsales of implemev timber. etc. .nttendod on t, at reasonable rates. Patronagesolicited. P.U JAS. N E\VTON Barrister, Solicitor. thary, 3m. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. HIGH COURT OF JUSTXCE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. License Auctioneers for the County of York ,re- speattully solicit your patronage and friendly uflueuce. sales :Lstr‘nded on the sLortest notice anda reasonabe rates. P.0.u.ddrefis King Licensed Auctionher's for the County of Balesattended to on shortesbnotice and e sonablerates Patronage solicited. Eva accommodation to guests. Board 8 Derdn ' J. '1‘. Saigeon, Maplo‘ Licensed Auctionear h and Ontano. All sales tended to on the short mtoq. Mnrtange and 11 Residence, Stoufl‘ville. THORNHILL Licensed Auctione nnfla” Mu: -.. A,» 510: file gounty Money to loan at NE . NOTA RICHMOND DAVIDJAP Woodhndge. everv evening. Thornhill.eaoh Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2 A large st ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E§L{}IN 13111434513 No Witnesses 0 STOKES ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SERVICE (Ind pvtakers 63' Embn mum‘s, LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. @fiafi’fifi Efiyi‘ii‘fla :arrlstcrs and Sollrimrs. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% £6431 RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. 158 KING s'ra‘ . G. F. LAWRENCE WRIGHT BROS Ecmmm‘. J. H. PnENTlCE iugton Place, Toronto. UDiJ!4\ ule Eckardl a: PI onlice 3011. J. h. McEweu, .1an0. Wanton. aigeon (Q McEw 'en. Stokes 4% filougla. Er! CK rMMISSXOFHB IN THE all N. E. ioneer for the County of York. ‘1 implements, turnitmestanding bepdod on 1.55 shortestuotice and ‘ses of the undersigned, D. Bcadman, GWEN & SKEAFfi learfor the Counties of York lsales of farm stock, &c._ at- shortest notice and reasonable and bailifl' sales attended to. fville. Out 5 per cent Tflmnl. ox. G. STV. Mummy Aurora. _ IV ewx HILL & THORNHIU. I71 Essentials, Um'ty; in Non-Esswtz'als, Liberty,- in all things, Charity T. LUDFORD Smith. PUBI EAST. TORONTO address Maple Rich mind Hill Telerht me 2984 Furnishir MES 111W of York. eand at ten. Newmnrket D BLOUGE ONT. well There is no other condition which the cows have to contend with which makes as much vauiation in the flow of milk as does that of atmospheric temperature. So long as the temper- ature is about the seventies the cows keep up a good, even flow of milk, but just as soon as the thermometer goes up in the eighties, down goes the milk, no matter what the feed is. Green corn, cut, and green millet have taken the place of silage for the past ten days and the cows were doing well on this feed until the present but spell came upon us which commenced ‘ on the 19th ult,, and the cows are now isufiering from the heat as much as 1 they have. done at :my time since the r test commenced with a consequent ! shrinkage in milk. There is the great- I est variation in the heavy milking - breeds, they drop the most when the conditions are unfavorable and they respond more quickly when the con- ditions are. favorable. The week end- ‘ing July 23rd was the most trying week until the present, and when the cooler weather came in about the first of Au us’t there was a good increase 3 in hot milk and butter in most of the 1 breeds, but at the present writing the thermometer stands from 85 to so do- gtees, and the milk has again fallen off badly. Up to the present time all the cows have been milked three times dailyâ€"5 a. m. and 12.30 and 8 p. in., but there has been much debating as to whether this is the wisx-st course under such trying conditions, with the l result that three of the Aim-ricnn I herdsmen bloke over the lines yester- 1duy and are now milking only twice i per day. The result will be closely gwatched during the next month, as 1 some claim that more milk and butter ! will be produced by three niiikings p1 will he produced by three milkings than by two milkings, and thosein- tei'ested will do well to watch the re- sult, which will be giVen from time to time as the test, gees on. During the cool Weather the Ho]- steins made the greatest gains, with the exception of‘Meg. as she had a week’s sickness which put hm- back very lllppb in her milk. The cost of feed. however, still keeps {hem down to 4th or 5th place on the butter test. The Guernsey. Mary Mai-shall, has again assented her 511 remucy of queen of the barn, and hen ed the list with $2.09 profit, While last week slic gave tl. prufit. of $2.39. The Jersey, Prinn x-ose, which headed the list two Weeks The Panâ€"American Dairy Tes a Fireman’s Excursion. @gm m buck wt of [own test. ago with $2.33, stood second last Week $2.22 profit. and this work with $1.91. Th9 Jersey as a breed stood at the head iast week with a load of 95 cents, but they have lost heavily during the week just ended, August 20th, and the Guernsey's have increased their load by 56 cents, making their total lead at present $6.66. It may not he gonvral- ly understood how the Gnornsoys got such a load of the Jprseys during the first month, but in justice to the “ther- breeds it might be stated that the Gur-rnseys were all in fine working trim at the beginning of the test. an- of the-m ’il‘esthed in April, two of them after they had arrived in the ground. The Jen-59y, Primmso, lléld‘ hpon milking two months before the test cmnmence-d, and Rt‘xina did not calve until the 0nd of the second week after the test cmnmoncod, and she was paying for her fend in the meantime, which put her hack about $4133. 'j'hp lied Polls are making a remark- ath good rerord, and Mayflower holds seei’ml place on total profit smce May lst. Mm y Marshall (Guernsey)st:mds first with $30.08; Mayflower (Red Poll) second. $33.79; and Primrose (Jerst'y). $2116. The whole of the led Polls in the test are owned by Capt. V. '1‘. Hills of Delaware, Ohio, who has made some remarkabl‘ good sales as a result of his cows record hero. le Canadian cows us a whole are making :1 good would and are a much finer lot. of cows than theircompetitors and they will all give at good account of themselves by the time the test is closed. Report of S. S. No. 4, Markham, for the ugnnth of August: Fourth Classâ€"Elsie Brillinger, Mag- gie Cnsgrm‘e, Stuart Read. Senior Thirdâ€"Ailie Rand, Foster Hickson, Roy Nelson. Junior Thirdâ€"Ella Cosgrovo, Clar- ence Dunn, Alex. \Villiams. Senior Secondâ€"Cora. Bl-illinger, Ethel Mortsou. Junior Secondâ€"Gertie Nelson, Chas. Hoover, Maggie Doyle. Pt. III Glassâ€"John Cosgrm'e, Clam Cosgrove. Rolph \Villiams. The dredge Tm-te w Polson‘s shipyard in Hon. J. Israol Turte ar distinguished guests. PE. II ClassLRrwlph Baker, Baker, H¢ rman Mm'tson. FRED. W. HARRISON, Te‘ I; is reported that King Edward will confer a Dukedom on Lord Salisbmy at, the coronation. Appetite inducersâ€"grape nuts, 14a; shredded wlwat biscuits. 14c.; Swiss food, 140. : Libby’s 'cal loaf,'1a.rge Lin, 25c. Atkinson & S\ itvzer. It is said that forty million bushels of wheat will be exported from the west this year. You must buy sun» sort to buy for the Gm pe Vinega 1'. 50c. g Switzer. The South African receive no further clu on account of damn war after September Thu-e are four prizes given in this testâ€"(me for must profit on estimated butter as revealed by the Bahcock tt'st, thu butler ralle at 25 cents per ll). ; (m9 prim“ for llK‘Su butter by the churn te‘s‘c; nno prize for total solids in the milk value-(l at 9 cents per ]h. ; and one prize fur “It‘ll snlids plus the gain or luss in flesh uf the cows valued at 3 cents per lh. Eighty-three thousand people at tended the Tux-unto Exhibition ins Monday, Labor and Citizens‘ Day. Perfect products of skill and trail: ingâ€"lhnse wady-tu-\\'ezu' skirts at At kinson (k Switzcr's. Labor Day was generally celebrated thmughuutthe Dominion by proces- sions, speeches and sports. Bo-z'ua any of The first is ('r ‘::ting the greatest in- teiest and is the «me on which the profits. so far, hme been based and published. The churn test is not con- sidered to he at :11] iclinhle on account. uf only nne day‘s milk from each herd per Week being separated and churn- ed. the result fur the week being esti- mated from that one day’s churning. There are so many contingencies which might and (in arise to efi'ecb the Wxnluct (Af 011:2. particular day that the 'esult‘ can (miy he approximate at, best. The prize for Ivtal Asblids is based on the value of the whole- milk as food, estimated frnm the whole-sale price for ('ity delivery, and in this the sugar of the milk figures very largely, forming about 33 per cent. (If the total solids. JAS. STONEHOUSE, MI S. S. No. 4, Markham. as specialist in L- $475 per amuum must buy some ‘d by News Notes. :e Tm-te was launchel ipynrd in the presexm ol ante and a. number _ Model Dairy, Pan-American Exposition McKay, e )Iurkh in commission claims of forelt mazes in the sort ; table ience at a. 1:er Mq ' ‘ . , - ( ggle , a '3 , Teacher. l I th n lsh iil The stealK strikers have failed to in- duce the Duquvsne Cnx’negie workers to come out. Milwaukee menure dis- cussing 21 retum to work. Andrew Carnegie has presented the sum of one hundred pounds to each of the four heroes of the colliery disaster at Donihristle, Scotland. The difficulty between the Ursuliner nuns and the City of Quebec with re- ference to the transfer of the Plains of Abraham has been settled. and the deeds will he signed shortly. Brampton :md Markham lacrosse team played ()6 their tie in the inter- mediate C.L.A. series at, the Toronto Island on Monday, when Brampton defeated their oppdnents by a some uf 13 to 2. Circulars gladly mailed on request \V. 1:1. SHA\V. A strum: school with a. dozen teach- 91's! sixty-six typwwritern. and every {acuity [or doing good work. Address AUTUMN SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 3RD. If them nt gifts [Single copies, 3 cts. Yonge and Gerrard Stsl Please. ’E‘OIEONTO sis Kind Thai HI! \V quite cc iuitnhle No 10 p 511

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