New Adygg’gisements. Changeâ€"Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"‘J C Ayer 6: (Jo Chengeâ€" xtkiuson & switzer. Clerk's Noticeâ€"C. H.-Stiver. Vaughan Councilâ€" Jas. B. McLean For Saleâ€"Miss Brown Auction Saleâ€"W. R. Proctor " Bead Wheatâ€"F. Elliott @1112 ï¬ibmfl. ( iRIcuMoxn HILL. September .3. 1.001 MB. MULOCK WON‘T RETIRE. " The Toronto World is‘ again dis- .playing its journalistic enterprise (.9) by telling its readers that another vLiberal is retiring from the ranks. ‘First The World stated that East ~York’s Local Member would not he ’a. candidate at the next election; then the Libe‘als of West York -Would have to seek another standard ‘bearer before the general election; .and lastly, on account of ill-health, THon. Win. Mulock of North York, 'Postniasterâ€"General, has decided to quit the Cabinet. In all three cases the members 1' have given an unqualiï¬ed denial lo ‘ ' The World’s statements, and there is .. good reason to believe they will all be members after the general elec- itions are held, It is well known #tliat Mr. Muloek suffered from rheu- 1~matism when away on his trip to .Australia, but he has no intention :of stepping down from his high io- ssition. Had The World been ai.x- ‘lous to give its readers reliable in- formation it would have been little ;trouble to get an answer from Mr. llIquck himself. But The World is :vnot accustomed to do things in that «.way. PERSON ALE». Mr. A. Savageï¬â€™Tfâ€"Tbronto Junction, ~spent Saturday in the village. Mrs. Adams of Conseeon. was \isit- ing Mrs. J. Mortson last Week. ‘Mrs. Leonard Robinson of Meafozd. .is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brownlte. 'Mrs. J. Bartlett of Thamesville spi nt FMond'ay with her aunt, Mrs. T. Ht p< .per. ‘Mr. Charles Lawrence of BIPnIHâ€"‘ilt', has been making a visit with ReeVe Savage. Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien of Deer Park, -were visitors at Foulden Lodge on .‘Saturday. Mr. Geo. TillilllpSHIl, a foruior‘lius driver on Yongo ht... who left ln-rc for Chicago eleven years ago, has ill'l‘ll making a visit with his fatln-r, Mi. John Thompson. Thoruhill, and \‘l\‘ll- ed his sisii-r, Mrs. T. Harding, :1 lo“ daysago. Miss A. L. Ellslon has been furnish» ed with a. large camera by Tln- (iloln- THE UN Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA Assures on all the modern plansmnd is one o the most prosperous and progressive l Mrs. (Rev.) H. Lee and little daugh- »vtei' Vida, of Burks Falls, visited at the Parsonage this week. Mr. 'llld Mrs. \V. Daniels of Orange- ville spent a few (lays with ilIl“. T. Hopper, the latter’s sister. Mr. Herbert Peach of Gravenhurst, will return to-day after having spent a few days here with his mother. Miss \Vellwood has gone to Day Mills, Algoma, to make a visit Willi ~her brother, Rev. H. E. \Vellwood. Mr. \Vilford Clark, postmaster at Elcho, spent a few days with Mr. T. F. McMahon this week and returned to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crosby and Master Holmes Crosby started Mon- day for a visit to the Pan-American Exposition. ‘Mi‘s. T. \Villiams and family of To- ronto, returned home Monday, after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Mr. Jas. “'right of Keniptville, is home for ten days“ holiday“. This is Mr. \Vright's first trip home since he .left here last full. Mr. Valentine Niin and wife of Aveii, South Dorclioslor, made a short visit last week with Rev. F. Elliott and other relatives in Markham. Mr. “'alker Hall. Clerk in the Ontar- ‘io Bank at Sudliury. and Mr. Chas. Hall, clerk iii the Bank of Ottawa, Toronto, are home for a few holidays. Miss Lauder and Mrs. Sager of Ameliasburg, visited their sister, Mrs. J. P. Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Rossmorc, were also guests ol‘ Mi 5. Glass. Miss Brown of Central College, Liv- ingstone. Missouri, spent a few days at Fonlden Lodge, the guest of her SiStel'â€"ill~iil\\‘, Mrs. L. E. Newton- Brown. Miss A. Dils of Alterclifï¬e, who at- tended the Toronto Exhibition on Monday, canienp and made a short visit with Mr. '1'. I“. McMahon and childien. Mr. Alf. Qiiiitli of Vancouver, B. O. who has been visiting.r his father at (ioi-inlcy. was in the village Monday, and called on several of the old High School boys. M isses Aura Smith and Laura I.ep~ ard of Newniniket, spent over Sunday with Master Starr and Nora McMahrn. Miss Margaret McMahon of Aurora, who spent a couple of weeks, returned 'fl‘uesday. p .' Printing ('oiiipaiiy, and is inking a °°mP““i°5in°‘i5‘°DC°‘ number of views for the Christmas Number. Sho- has already sm'l-rnl liiw views of country seem-iy and farm buildings. Premiums low, policies unconditional and noniorieitablo. Take a. policy with the district agent, T. F. McMAHON. RICHMOND Ill: .1 Mrs. John Powell and little daughlcr of Buffalo. New Yolk, lllillll' a visit this \\'(‘l‘l{ with Mrs. Thus. Molcall', u sisiorol'tlicl'ormrl'. Mr. I)(|\\'('ll and son also ('illlll‘ over to Toronto, lill‘ former i)(’ilig bandiilaslor of tho Willi lisillalioli “and, playing at the lilâ€" dusli-ial Exposition this {vi-ck. a“ IlllllillaL OFFICE. MONEY l MONEY} A lmge amount of prim to funds to loan ‘oi improved farm property. Five per cent. in Lerner. Easy tvrim: for repayment. 1‘0 com mission Lbaruod on loans. Apply to A. G. F. 1A\‘iltF‘.NCl-‘., Freehold Loan Building, ’l‘ornntt ()r at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Farm to Rent 'l‘hv ivc-st half of lot 22. rear of Bid «on. Vaughan. adjoining Maple, (‘Ollv mining li‘r’.) acres. Brick dWelling and gin-ll outbuildings. ole. For iln-t'iici- particulars apply to H. A. NICHOL S, Richmond Hill. . Farm for Sale \‘Vost half lot 35, rear 2nd con. of Vaughan, containing 100 acres more or loss. Good house, bank barn, stables, shod, driving house. and other outbuildings. Young orchard, all kinds of fruit. Good well and plenty of water. \Vi‘ll fenced. Land under a good state of cultivation. In every town and village may be had, T-lf ¢_.__. that makes your , horses glad. .2 . Im erlnl 0| ()0. M or to _ .lNll. THOM PROM. Thoriiiilll RU Sale Behister. N THURSDAY. Sep'. l-Zâ€"Am-tmn sac. of in when) n . monies unilzn colts at Iinvilms' l-o l'l. il. l nil}. lhcpiupel’ly' of w, 1i. i nrlz' es. s... “ 'b 3'; 3 “ ' '3,» at 2 o‘clock TU'HlS 3lidiiys. in Lardl. l~!l‘ 6;; Frcriieo. nucllonci-vs. Tnt‘i. . v.Ni]rl..12~iliwliviii HilB n‘.’ lion ' iuluilnie,housn. and outbui iiinioliu 1.1 hind. 810., the properly in! \'~. lx Proctor.‘iioiid Hill. Sale at 1 o'cio-k Terms forcliti‘tclsiliilOiitbs. Saitzeon Jr l‘ul'cl‘iweii, House and turn norm of rind wif‘. orchard. ju ~t w -.t ::l‘ the tm._..s.y, lllgm :xillIS. Apply on . [‘i‘t iiiist's. 3»; aucticneers. m5 ' \Vlll)\l-;>‘1L\\, bopt. lswx’lredit 511‘s of (arm stoi ', iuiplo'iients, luriiti‘re. etc, on tho "ill hall fll-t i8, l‘earflnil con. i‘IlTkllllll‘, ‘ oi Son“) T/oiicli. Sale nitln ut bale at 12 o‘clock, 'l‘rlins twelve .. N. 1'). Smith. liner-ioheer. Tur'asiiu‘ Supt. l9vlluetioii sale. of tresh milrh 4‘Ir\\'§..\)\i'\‘.li' :, steers heifers, sheep. pigs, donut l‘liompsou‘s Hotel, Lansing. Terms 3' months Sale at 1 o'clock. Parties liiiViiiL! stock t iseil a"e l'equnstcd to send descrip- tion to l! r. (ï¬lms. hon psi ii, or to THE L113â€" JCRAI. 0mm by Sept. 3. “lien bills will be printed. All outiios must be Laid when properly Thrill-’3 on the pleuliSeS. Ec‘ ardt l = & P‘T'lll ice. auctionem's. AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS T)UH1.IC NOTICE is hereby z'ivnn 'l at i‘lirsu- ant to authority 0: l (50, s l'. Own-«cit. Luv lted and White l‘iNis ill-115ml“. in tho I li'u\\ill$l . townships in the IIIbq.‘ .tIl‘. l‘ O)" thliO‘u ‘namely 2â€"Tllc Townsl-ips ol' (irr- H n: l]ill.l tl, HART, liAii'i'I-sn. LFTACK. Jam . -. e: v" limiN, Cal-isms)", GILLMOvi, \VEITM-‘.N, i lawn an I , ltUTm-jicrolm ipurti and cerium arnm ou'wr-wn i the PiGi-iox RIVER and tho ARRow iuvrn wit. 1H in the District of THUNDER BAY. will b..- l i'i'urud for salebv Public Auction at the Parliament Building. in the City of Toronto on 'l‘Ulel'HY, tlic Sl‘i\'IZNTlSEl\"1‘H day of SFI’TEMBER next. at the hour of ONE L'CIOCk iii the after- 1100]]. At the some time and place certain forfeited and. abandoned berths ii; the Townships of DIGBY, Sunnnonxn mid LUT'I‘ERWOB'I'H in the District of HALIBURTON and County of Vir- TOBIA will be oï¬ered for sale, the purchasers of these latter berths to have the right to cut all kinds of timber. BARB WIRE. .;_ We can supply your needs at close em prices. ' 1lglnck'h‘ence Wire, I\o 11 ..... 2-90 ‘0. 1n .............................. 2. Universal Food Cutter, $1.25 The Universal Rood Cutter Will cut raw or cooked Hunt and all kinds of food. three cuttingdmivesâ€" coarse, medium and fine; impossible to get out of order and will lint a lifetime. Made .‘0 be sold for $1.50, we re selling them for $1.25. It you haven’t one you should have. Sheets containing terms and conditions of .. Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and A ‘ Concessions comprised in each Berth will be furnished on Application, either personal or by letter. to the Department of Crown Lands, To. , ‘ route, or the (‘i‘owu Timber Agencies at OTTA- l wa. SAUI-T STE. Mum; and Pour ARTHUR. " E. J. DAVIS. Commissioner Crown Lands. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, Juno 1, 1901. 4-8 Gives a beautilnl clean- steady white light â€"no dirty chimneys, no dis- agreeablcsmell. It you went the best value for themoney buy Golden Light Coal Oil. We are sole agents. N. Râ€"No unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be paid for, i 1 l Gm lllSlllEllBï¬ GD ‘ I The sixty-second annual meeting (if f the Gore Fire Insurance Co. was held at Gall on the 28th of January, 1901. I s . l aiiioliiited to $100,648,.)3 leaving $31,“ The total income from all sources. was $131,928.60 and the disbursements Willow Butter Baskets. Made 01,-th best material by an ex- pert workman,\vil‘ stand any amount of rough railway usage. Secoprllue 2.79.92 as the balance to the credit of i the year’s transactions. Out of this the directors have decided to make a refund of 2U per cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the. Com- l l paiiy. The total assets of the company amount to $433,823.11 of which $255,- 195) 11 are in cash or C'ish items The ‘, - ’ . . . . ‘ ‘ ,- ' ,if on need,one. total liabilities amount. to h5o8,00l).20. y leaving a balance of assets over all I liabilities of $375,813.91. J Reserve for re-insurance and all‘ Corn HOOkS, other liabilities 855.009.230. ‘ each. Total assets available to pay losses, $433,823.11. 1 The amount of insurance in force was 511507192210â€. i Reaping Hooks. 25 cts. each. You will need one to out your corn. Apply on tho premises to l . ,f AT'I‘IlEVV MORTSON. Kip? HO. '- It has. 'Mwwmmmmq mwumaarm ii iiiiii YEFili iii Eiitll'iiiitiii. The Royal Visit to Canada. The Closing Scenes of the Weâ€. The Return of the army. ï¬g: Elm“! 'iiiii't?" iii LE ii iii. tail. E a An Llppoi-l :il.ity for LinniuL Readers to Keep l’osiml During this Period of l‘lxciteliient. 7‘ V A 1. U5 If! i I.‘ 1,) .11. (:3 51" :RED. By n \‘l‘l‘V vii i\i':‘.l'l'n")‘ clubbing arrangonionl H il 11 that great i:(:illliIV' News paper the Family llwi-al'l and \Vw-hlv Star of Monti-cal we (“‘1‘ riinhlcd t0 olI’L-i' .o new FlllNl'l iliors lll'.‘ biggi-st value in or homd of. Tho inflame of ibis year pi oiuisl-s the most start ling events, and every person should lil‘l'll p'wlt'li. lfvu- i»; lln- opportunity. For lln- small ~ini: of Ni writs we will solid you not il Jamiui y 1st, 1902, Till?) LliiEliAL, Tho l":iiiiil\. Herald and M (Wkly Slur :Ill'I thr- Family ile'rald‘s lwo sl‘l‘ul f)l'('llllillll pirliprs. “('li. isl in illt‘ Tl-mplv" and “ Home from llie VVar. ’ Is llini not :- dollar's \‘.'ol'l li ? Either picture alone is worth double the mom 3'. This oil‘i-i- is upon only lo .Iniic .‘ii'lh as the supply of piclures is builtâ€" (-(i and (‘Illllliii ln- pi-oliiisml :ii’ll’i‘ that (late. To any of our prcscnl subscribers we offer lln- Family IIl'l'ilid and \Veekly ':.g;‘ two pictures for the small sum of 50(: . r i F 1. - , if‘ tidal r 0 Bid People talk. about men requiring only the “ Creature Comfort.†That‘s all your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what is right if you buy your harness, flv nets. horse nets. and supplies from (Shoo. ï¬IcDonald, RICHMOND IIILL. M I (flaunt; Cut and Wire Nails. Buying in carloed lots "1 enables us to sell you nails stjust the price the or- z, dinerv dealer has to pay V the wholesale man. We have a surplus stock of ' three and halt-inch nails 7‘ we are offering for $2.75 "’- kcg; 5 and 6~inch cull nails . for $2 00 keg. ' This is away below the ‘ regular price. 7 Grain, Root and Chaff Baskets. You'll ï¬nd our 3.5â€" ' sortment . large and rightly priced. HICKORY BASKETS, -, Halt bushel, sine, boot shaped, the best bus- : hot for gethen‘ng up plea, potatoes. etc. I ROOFING MATERIAL. Rooï¬ng Pitch, Teri-ed 7 Roofing Felt, various , weights. Best Tured 5' : Building Paper. 450.1, ‘ roll; Best Plain Roof- v ing Paper, 350. roll. A a roll of plain or curred . building paper con- . tnins 400 square tact. Are the hendsomest, simplest, and the most economical ranges on the market today. If you are going to buys. range this season DON’T spent‘hyour money until you have seen the splendid value we can alter you in this line. Stove Repairs. We can supply repairs [or almost any make of stove. BUCKSA‘FJS, 350 A good. servic ' able Hacksaw for 35¢. Still better lines running in price up to :31 each. A ood hardwood iolding awâ€" , horse for 25c. Lamp Chimneys, :- 50. each. ?: Medium or large size. " Lantern Globes Ordinary or cold blast, 5c. each. HONEY CANS. 1113.5 and 10 lb. sizes. regulation stair 11rd pat- tern. Special close out prices for quantities. 4’“? Cobbler’s Out- flt 490. You can be your own .’ cobbler with one of our outfits at 49c. You if. will save its cost many ‘ times over. Mend’er, 350, This very handy tnollms been sold for ONE D's-LLAR. We are selling l them for 35c. ‘ You can't afford to i be without one. 1 Handy Harness The Gore-'isaii upâ€"lmdato HoliieCom- i puny and is noted for its broad policies . and liberal scltlements. 1 Call. write or plioneJ. T. Faigeon, Maple P. 0., if [it“‘(lillg insurance. Explaining llll‘ form ohpoliey issued by the Gore costs nothing. i itieney to Loan Mon.“- £010,113 at 5 per cent. interest L11 fliï¬t niwi'tuure farm property. ' limpiire at THE LIBERAL OFFICE Meat Hooks, 50. per doz. â€" 100 dozen Men: Hooks. as illustrated. blade to b sold for 25c. dozen. We are selling at 52. pay (102 ubscribe tor THE - LIBERAL V 159 ï¬iï¬gï¬LL’ maxim FORKS, 60c. A firstâ€" cias: i'Jur- ~ _ pron'z . ‘1 :~_Q_' Q “funded 0 ,r stock 15 complete in all g i furl") ‘0 sizes. Close cut prices for qumr ‘ manorâ€"i . . titles. fork, regular 750, lor 50c. ALT THE King St. East, Toronto.