Dam runner noticejiua will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" lfoRNING .. 3.00 EVENING .. .. 6.15 N. B.-Registored Letters must be handed in I least ï¬fteen Minutes earlier than the above mentltmed noun} [pr closinn, Church o! Englandâ€"Services at. 3p. In. every Eundaï¬. _ Pres yterian Churchâ€"Servnces at. 11 a. 1.11., and jwp. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting 6 dnesda evening. Roman Mlmlic Churchâ€"Services on ulter- nate Sundays at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist, Church 1â€"Servicos at 10.30 0.. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M -Meets Mon- day on or belnre run moon CourtRichmond, A 0* Fâ€"Heets second and mum Friday . Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"»l\1eets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp Elgln. S 0 S -â€"Mcets second and fouxth Wednesday. R 'J.‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month FireBrigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Labrm-y and Reining Room-Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets evcrv Friday. Between Toronto and Newmnket‘ GOING NORTH Leavec P R Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40. 11.8 1.30, 2.40., 4qu 5:49. 7.45 p. p. Leave Newmuket 7.30, 9.15, 11.15 a. m.; 2. E ' 4.1.1600, 7.30 p. 11') Leave Richmond Hm 7. 8.10, 9.65. n.55 a. 2.40, 3.55, 4.55, 6.4n,8.10 p. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Leave! mama 'Hm 8,20, 10.30 a. m 3.30.451), 5.30, 8.35 p.131. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Half a. mile west of Richmond Hill. Binders and Moxxers rvpaired on the sham nobxce. Sixty cents nhundred allowed on wrought cast iron. Shop open every night until 8.30. lisbed l PLGW PQINTS cac' dress Ma unused Mageg’s Eï¬unï¬m Anyone sending a. sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an vention ls probably ntentable. Communica- 1. one strictly conï¬dent a]. Handbook on Patents tent, free. Oldest agency for securing patenta. Patents taken t rough Munu & Co. receive Ipccial notice, without charge in the , -A, __ , WAN v v - v -v - i 7 - A handsomely illustrated weekly, Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c nurnal. Terms, $3 8 ur months. $1. So d by :11] newsdealers. ' ‘ “‘ r l‘l-...\l-..l. 1,5111! MUNNT 5&3 SANDERSON’S *g‘é’g‘ééxas‘sï¬eMWF: 'low Points for all the principal plows at B'nmch Otf OFFICE (11.05133 AT 7.3a P M M. TEEFY.Poetxnuste1-. Village Directory. $1.00 [51 ABVAME iclun 011d Iiill LAUNDRY travel GOING SOUTH €0.36 1 Broadway. 15x1 s‘s‘Chxoou m'dg __AT__ and advertise for old estab- 1 ï¬nancial standing. Salary renscs, all payable in cash. uxred. Give references and sad stamped envelope. Ad- :nxbou Bldg, Chicago. 42-913 ‘V. MAG-ESL Prop ST‘VORTHY MEN A ND To PATENT Rood Ideas $535823; may be secured by our aid. Addrew, THE °"ENT RECORD, 1 Baltimore. Id. mily Washing; Gents‘ specialty. Work gum- ‘LIE MASWELI Héflï¬rk 11.55 a. 111-. m. thé shortest 11.80 a. m.: 112.20, 2.20. 2. 3.15. \Jun va .u........_ __ .. - ___7 any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning thepatent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a. Patent†sent upon request. Patents scented through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & 00., TUESDAY, SEPT. 10, 1901, Winter King, new and excellent, variety red chaff and beardless. A limited quantity for sale by F. ELLIOTT. Lot 21, con. 2. Markham. Sample at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. The next meeting of the Council of the Munici‘ pulity of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall Vellore, on 1 Cooking Stove, wood ; 1 Buggy. Appiy to MISS BROWN, 10-3 Richmond Hill Tuesday, Sept. 17th, 1901â€", Vaughan Council. The next meeting of the Council of the Township of Markham will be held at Unionville on Harvest _ Excursmns%% sept. 17th Wï¬orâ€"ï¬iabmet givxï¬g Hither particulars up- ply to tho nearest Canadian Paciï¬c Agent, or to Evans Buiiding, From 3.11 points in Canada, Onapiug, Sault; Ste. Marie. Windsor and East. GOAL smnrigj 1901-19ï¬2. BEST HARD COAL BEST SOFT CGAL Also one of the best grades of Portland Cement made, for sale at $3 per bbl Twenty cents per bbl. refunded tor empty sacks. W111 be at the station to attend to customers on Wednesday of each week during August ; Wednesday and Thursday of each week during Sept..0ct. and Nov.; and on Wednesday of each week during the rest of the coal season. Coal delivered to Richmond Hill and Thomhill on the shortest notice. Terms cash on delivery. No order will be con- sidered binding until accepted by us in wnting. WWium'peg Will be run on I'Delnmiue lAutler ..... | ‘. . Sept 3rd. {$535333 uMoosumm Returning untll “Hamiom u ISxxml River Returning until Nov. 17th, 1901 August. 1. 1901 A comfortable brick-clad eight- roomed residence in the pleasant and healthful village of Richmond Hill. convenient to churches, High and Public Schools and the Metropolitan electric railway. 6â€"6 Address Box 397, Richmond Hill Coal, hard and soft, Hardwood and Slabs. Delivered on shortest notice. Also for sale 1 .Spring Wagon, will can-3' 3,500 lbs. ; and 1 Cooking Stove, wood. MICHAEL BROS. Our fee returned if weTm. Any one sagging! sketch and _description of A. H. NOTMAN, Assn.Genl.Passr. Agent 1 King Sweet East. Toronto. For threshing and other steam purposes at 25 cents per own, at Clerk’s Notice. Nov. 3rd, Thresher’s Goal THOBPQHILL STATION. 31m @dvccï¬iaemmts. and Buy a. Home Seed Wheat FOR SALE For household purposes INGER 8c SON, At 11 o'clock aum at]p.m {Regina {Moosequ \Yorkcon . Prince Albert; Calgary . Mac Leodz Red Dee)... Edmonton JAS B MCLEAN. Clerk C H STIVER, Clerk Richmond Hill. Return Fares (Patent Attomeys,) Cnrrville P O $38 $35 $40 @939“ North Toronto- Milling Go. At $9.00, regular price $12.00 to $14.00 I have also a few pieces of Tweed Suitings which 1 will make GLUTEN MEAL SHORTS BRAN CORN CHOP BIBBY’S CALF MEAL, FLOUR, ETC. Eï¬némsh €23 Winter ju‘st o‘p‘PrnE-(l. Suits from $13.00 up. A full line of Black & Blue \Vorsted. An elegant line of Fancy Trouser- inga. AJHUME WANTED â€"â€" 'I‘IKUS’I‘“ OR l‘hY MEN AND Women to travel amt mn'urtise for old estab- lished housunf Slllld ï¬nancial standing. Sulnrv 5750 u year rum expenses. wli payable in cash. Nu canvassing required. Give reference and enclose selmmdrcsscd stumped enveloue. Ad- dress Managnr :1." qutun mug. Chicago. 42-26 The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester wlnte hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Handsome Goods Exceptional Values Fxrst-Class \Norkmanship ThorougE-hI-ed bulrl/ and hog kept for service on tjw premises. Make Your Fall Suit. The undersigned runs his wagons to '1‘ 0 IRON T 0 â€"~EVERYâ€" TUESDAY A ND FRIDAY HULSE HOTEL, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Six acres of land on Centre St. East in the Village of Richmond-Bill. Apply to v n n. \vnr‘nnnxv A large brick house and good outbuildings with twelve acres of land. being part of lot 21, cou.3. Vaughan. in the village of Maple. This is a vervdeaimble property on which is a. flowing well. Will be sold cheap. DONALD WATSONt Foal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. SUNNYSIDE FARM Parcels delivered or collected in any part; of the city or may be left at the Commer- cial Hotel. J. Sheardown. 49- if if DIAP} 4E. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. ï¬ne of new goods for Fall and LET US BARGAINS 55 to 47 Shuftvshury Ave. WASHINGTON, D. O. FOR. SALE FOR SALE 24f Have for sale D. G. GOODERHAM, iWILEEN J. H. SANDERSON Proprietor. Mama Brace and 6 best Auger Bitts only $150. Nails at factory prices. It was thought last season shat Cleveland Bicycles had al- most reached perfection. The spring of 1901, how- ever, has ushered in several new improve- ments. The most noticeable im- provement is probably Call at THE LIBERALâ€"OFFICE m Its chief feature is the saving of the efforts the rider by absorbing v1brati0nâ€"â€"that is Wuprand down experienced on rigid fr THE CUNFEDERATIUN LIFE ï¬SSUCIATIUF On the Unconditional Accumulative Plan contains but one conditionâ€"Pay the premium. Extended and Cash Value on every policy. Rates and full information will be sent in Pamphlets on application to P. G. Savage, District Agent. Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies : WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. MERCAVTILE NORWICH UNION IMPERIAL London Guarantee & Accident Co. The Registry Co. of North America. We make Insurance our Businefs. Claims promptly paid and business strictly attended too. P. G. SAVAGE C. MASON, logue. Make )our 86 bar, pedals, Sw’dle, Dunlop tires. L 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toron‘.‘ Agent for Ric W’iLKINï¬ 84. 00.. TH Accident Companies. IE POLICY ISSUED BY selection as to fra 6, tires, etc. No Old wheels taken hmond Hill and '\ Icinit garb and f’lain ervist \Vire at less than wholesale pnces. YORK M UT UIAL Has for sale Screen Doors and Win- dows; Oil Stoves from 500. up; Scythes and Snaths; Hay Rakes, 120.: also the Quick Meal Wickless One of the 1 not: forget tl HARDWARE furnace 5 £2 603.1171!) 0134 f55"1‘()V’13 511111 130115 at $2.2 'org fu( Rich Richmond Hill. W"?! 04 MW? M4 32 RICHMOND tha the] Ear *ï¬orts and Vltailty oi at is the jerking gid frames. a descriptive céta- me. ï¬nish,handleâ€" extra. charge tor in exchgpge. m‘ï¬â€™Ã©â€™a mond Hill )m FELL HILL tly Attend- rs made. Do is the cheap- 1vetroughing, all kinds. STORE