New Advertisements. Changeâ€"Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J C Ayer 6: Go Clerk’s Noticeâ€"C. H. Stiver. Changeâ€"U. D. Daniel & Co. Changeâ€"C. Mason. Changeâ€"W. A. Sanderson. Changeâ€"W. H. Shaw. For Sulaâ€"Mrs. Johnston Wantedâ€"Fred C. Jarvis Liberal Conventinuâ€"R. A. Mason @1115 EligilarmL R-ICHMOND HILL. September 12,1901 ~TH-E TABLE OF PRECEDENCE. As the heir apparent to the Throne of the British Empire is now on his "way to visit Canada, and is certain to receive a right royal welcome ‘»from all classes when he does arrive; in order that our readers may under- ‘ stand the procedure observed on such ‘occasions, we publish the “ Table of Precedence,†as it appeared in the ofï¬cial gazette. The “Canada Gazette " dated Ot- tawa 14th Feb’y, 1880, contains the following: "“ By a despatch from the Right Honorable the Secretary of State for ‘the Colonies, bearing date 3rd No« vember, 1879, certain alterations were made in the Table of Preced- Ience, and the following is now the “amended Table :â€"- 1. The Governor-General, or officer administering the Government. 7_ 2. Senior officer commanding Her -Maiesty’s troops within the Dominion, if of the rank of a General; and ’ofï¬cer commanding Her Majesty’s naval forces on the British North 3Amcricau station, if of the rank of ‘an Admiral. Their own relative ~‘anl; to be determined by the Queen’s regulations on this subject. 3. The Lieutenant-Governor of =‘Outario. 4. The Lieutenant-Governor of “Quebec. . 5. The Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia. 6. The Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick. 7. Archbishops and Bishops, ac- cording to seniority. 8. Members of the Cabinet, accord- ing to seniority. 9. The Speaker of the Senate. 10. The Chief Justice of the Sn. ï¬preme Court of Canada. 11. The Chief Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity, according to seniority. '12. Members of the Privy Council, not of the Cabinet. 13. General ofï¬cers of Her May. esty’s army serving in the Dominion, and ofï¬cers of the rank of Admiral in the Royal Navy serving on the British North American Station, not being on the chief command; the relative rank of such otiicers to be determined by the Queen’s regula- tions. 14. The ofï¬cer commanding Her Majesty‘s troops in the Dominion, if of rank of Colonel or inferior rank, and the ofï¬cer commanding Her Majesty’s Naval Forces on the Brit- ish North American Station, if of equivalent rank; their relative rank to be ascertaith by the Queen’s regulations. 15. Members of the Senate. 16. Speaker of the Ho so of Com- mons. 17. Puisne Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, according to son- iority. 18. Puisnc Judges of Courts of Law and Equity, according to sen- I iority. 19. Members of the House of Com- inons. 20. Members of Council (Provincial) Province. 2-1. Speaker of the Legislative Council, within his Province. 22. Members of the Legislative . Council within their Province. l 23. Speaker of the Legislative As- sembly within his Province. 21. Members of the Legislative ‘ Assembly within their Province. 2.3. Retired Judges of whatever l Courts to take precedence next after ' the present Judges of their respective Courts. l the Executive within their ï¬lmâ€"n.â€" . tor drunkenness in Ontario; in 188‘.) :mmro’tmx MANAG f MENT .2) . _ l l i I, n. Coniplz‘unm against the Manage- mcni of the Metropolitan Railway have been frequent ever sincelhc ï¬rst car began to run. Tm: Linru-l 3.x. has always been inclined to be- lieve that many of the charges of i.‘nrelessncss and a lack ofcourtesy towards the travelling public were} not well founded. We could under-‘ stand, also, the difï¬culties to be met v with in dealing with so many people 3 every day, and expected that matters ' would improve as time went by. But after fair trial we have come to the conclusion that those who pre- tend to manage the road are either incapable or are altogether indiffcr- cut as to the wishes or convenience of their patrons. Those who patron- ize the read should be reasonable in their demands, but they certainlyl have rights which ought to be re- spected. And the Company should know that to serve the public well is to serve themselves, and put more money into the pockets of the stock- holders. There havc always been we:k points in the management, but one particularly in keeping from the people the special rates on holidays, and the hours that special Cans will be run. During the last week of the Toronto Industrial Fair many people complained because it was impossible to ascertain with any de- gree of certainty whether they could return home on a late car after the evening programme. As matter of fact late cars left the crossing every night of the last week of the Exhibition at 11.30. On Monday one conductor, when asked 'by an anxious passenger, said be though; there would be a late car, though he was not positive. Another the last car would leave at 10 sharp. And a third ventured on opinitn that all who wished might remain on the Exhibition Grounds until after the fireworks. Had a notice bein posted up in the Toronto waiting- room and three or four other places along Yongc Street the public could have seen for themselves. Then the passengers need not have botth'd the conductors or about 21 Sillkl lll’fl'illl‘lllltll late cars as they know nothingabnut : them because they had not been told. Thosb who pretend to manage the Metropolitan Railway should feel ashamed of tllOlllSClVQS‘ The Provincial Inspector of LlCLll- 505, Mr. J. K. Stewart, w'r: In: been making 5 series of ili'.'c:sl.lgutlt)l‘;i of the working of the Lie 152‘ Law in various parts of the provinre, says : “ On the whole the law in Ontario is , respected more than in any otln r : province in Canada. I have studied the matter carefully and the records show that there is much less intemâ€" perance at present than ever in the history of the province. In 1889 there were 8,707 commitments tojnil the number was only 1,802, and there has been a substantial decrease in every year during this period.†In concluding the Inspector said: †The County Inspectors are just as vigilant to-day as ever they were and there is not nearly as much il- legal business done by licensed men as there used to be." l mm mm The deepest Sorrow is foit and ex- pressed every where over the at- tempted assassination of President McKinley. The shooting of this good man in the Temple of Music at , the Pan-American Exposition on Friday was cruel and Cowardly, and l enough to cause any civilized nation to bow with sorrow and hu- l miliation. a The stricken President is 1 making a gallant tight for life, ‘l:(l ‘ all rcpn'ts from attending physicians l point to his recovery. That their 1 ho} cs may be rcaliecd is the wish of: all good citizens not only of the " United Start-s but of all callilll'lCS. j is Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes?D Bad taste in your mouthi> It’s your liver! Aver’s Pills a liver pills. They cure pation, headache, dys All drugglsts. I‘ 5 P 25c. Want your moustache or heard a baa \tiIuJ brown on rich black? Then us v for ï¬le: BUGKINGHAM’S flY .Whiskers 50 on. ornnmem's. on R. P. mu A t; . «p. s. l". ‘. 1. . Kind That Please. My stock of Rings is quite complete. Some of them very suitable for enâ€" gngvnn-nt gifts. Every dollar invastcd in such goods is wisely placed. Your rognid for a friend is never cheapcncd by sun-h gifts. JERRY SMITH, Practical VVatchmaker ‘hï¬fa Homeâ€"â€" A comfortable brick-clad eight- rooun-d residence in the pleasant and healthful village of Richmond Hill.. convenient to churches, High and Public Schools and the Metropolitan electric railway. 6-6 Thresher’s Goal Coal. hard and Soft, Hard wood and I Slulis. Iri'liu‘i-ed on shortest notice. ' 1\l.\‘() for Sale 1 Spring \‘Kngon, lbs. ; and I (looking Stove, wood. MICHAEL BROS. Richmond Hill. Address Box 397, Richmond Hill 1 Z4 ' will carry 3,500‘ I iii. The Royal "Visit to Canada. The Closing Scenes of the War. The Return of the Army. E, iiiiti iiiiiiiid An Opportunity for LIBERAL Readers to b'r-np Posted During this Period of Excitement. 1:: VIC R OEFI‘IICED. ' 1 3c 1 z , f1"? THE ’BIGGI 9'" V if I' By a very 5:11 isfnclorv clubbing :Il‘l:|h;_:'r'lll"lll- Wllil llml grout FillllllV News Wipe-1' the Family l'l"l‘:-ll(l and \Vovlzly Star of .‘-lonl l ml \to urn tumbled to uifcr lo now FuhSCl'lllf‘l'S llw biggest \nllu- rvol‘ heard of. The balance of this your promises the mer start ling events, and every person snnuld km‘p [mslvlL “Pro is tlH‘ uppul'lllliliy. For the small sum of Si) tzt'nis we will Sl'lHl you until January Isl. 1932, THE LIBERAL, The Familv lir-rnlrl :znrl \V't't-My Slur and the Family llm-nlul‘s lwu grle premium pivlui't-s. "L‘hiist in the ’l'omplu" and †lloun- from the \Yur." Is that not :1 dollar’s Wm lh? llillu-r pfl'lurc ulnnv is Worth double. the mom-y. This oil'or is open only to June iiillh as Ibo supply of picturos is limitâ€" ed and cannnt he promised after that date. To any of our present subscribers “'1' oil'or the Family Herald and “Weekly Star until January lst, lilllZ, including the l w†pictures for tho small sum of 500. mm‘mw mm? C BEAT URE , , Cf MW) R'I‘S People tall: about men requiring only the “ Creature Comfort.†That‘s all your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what is right if you buy your harness, llv nets, horse nets, and supplies from {£0 0. ï¬IcDonaid, RICIIEIOND IIILL. â€"' We can supply your needs at close cut prices. Black b‘euce Wire. 5011 ............... 2.90 No.12 ........................... 2.95 per 100le. Universal Food Cutter, $1.25 The Universfl Food Cutter will cut raw or cooked meat and all 7 kinds of food. It has three cutting knivesâ€" coarse, medium and ï¬ne ; impossible to get out of ordrr and will but a. lifetime. Made to be sold for 81,50, we . .ro selling them for $1.25. I! you haven‘t one you should have. ‘5) 9.. p. a m E: an. :r a E. 9. :â€" Gives a. beautiful clear steady white light â€"â€"no dirty chimneys. no dis-l agreeable smell. If you i want the bent value for the money buy ' Golden Light ‘ Coal Oil. l We are sole agents. Made of the best i material by an ex- j {en workmanwil' , stand any ammint l of rough railway name Hoe outline i if you need one. 1 NOON: Hooks, , 3 ‘ ‘ 150. each. Reaping {holiest cts. l each. You n‘ilineenon» to cut your corn. l l l l ' t acmeâ€? .n "‘a‘n‘fs ‘13-“ "I" ‘ an".â€" Buying in carioad lots 3 enables us to sell you nails _, at just the price the or‘ :7 (linnrv dealer has to pay 1â€" the wholesale man. we are offering for $2.75 if keg; 5 and 6«inch cut nails for :52 00 keg. This is away below the 3' regular price. ’ Grain, Root and Chaï¬' : ' Baskets. You'll ï¬nd our as sortment large and -, rightly priced. HICKORY BASKETfl. If Bali bushel size. boat 1" shaped. the best bns- '- ket for gatheix‘ng up. I plea, potatoes. etc. - 300nm MATERIAL. Rooting Pitch. Tan-ed L: Rooting Felt, various ‘ Are the hendsomest, simplest. and the most economical runcoa on the market to day. If you are going to have range this season DON'T spend your money until you have seen the splendid \vulne wo can offer 5 on in this line. Stove Repairs. We can supply repairs for almost any make of stove. â€"â€" ~ 7 weights. lost Tarred inildir-g Pazer. 45c. roll; law-t Plain Rooi- - 1 ,. - ‘ inn Paper, 359. roll. A 3: 353. A “00' edrvm ‘ roll of plain or ton-ed F. able Jim-km“ for 350. Mill better ‘ linr-s ranging in price up to $1 each A good hardwood folding Saw- : horse for 250. building paper con- tains 400 square feet. 7; Lamp Chimneys, So. each. Medium or large size. HONEY CANS. In 3.5 and 10 lb. sizes. Lantern Globes Ordinary or cold blast. 5c. each. regulation stun 'nrd patâ€" tern. Special close out ’s'flfl'b' ‘Dffl‘flh’a‘l..€ 'FJ'V.‘ - ~37. prices for quantities. «(My 11331633 liliender, 350, This very handy toolhas been sold for ONE D «LAB. \Ae are selling them for 35¢. You can‘t afford to ' be withort one. ' Cobbler’s Out- flt 4.90. ;» I‘m-134i: ‘ «swore .3. " " W ’ ._ I 1. Meat Hooks, Sc. per doz, 157.31% HEB FORKS, 696. ; 1 ' ‘ A 1‘. st- ' l‘) ' 100 dozen Meat Ronl’s, as l R clip; four- ; Fenltry Betting. m'w‘lmted' Made ‘0 r" Q Eliâ€"21:10 ‘ Our stock is complete in an ' :5 \ mm ‘9’ an' drum†"4"" “(VIM sizes. Close cut prices for quan- I 95 R t. are selling at 50. per doz I n; 1.01qu . ,7 - i Eâ€. i ~43" i fork. regular 75c. lor We. “"05- J l .‘ . .. - . F , . , -- are e - - Q i. see: .i a