Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1901, p. 5

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all” glittllli. hicéiiéxn hm, St‘plmlj her 12,1901 Io ()(3‘ AIJS. Regular meeting in" Court Richmond on Friday availing. Vaughan Municipal Council held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday of this week.- Minutes of meeting will be. given in oiir next issue. All interested part y is making inqliiry about a turning lathe. the property of the lzlte Richmond Hill Fanning Mill Company. The lathe is said to be Worth $300. The annual Hurvvs't Home exercises of the. (hlrrvillc Mcthodist Church have been postponcd for a law weeks. Definite nrl'nugcmeuts will be un~ nounced later. Employes of the. l’casc Furnace Company spent Friday evening and Saturdin in laying a brick foundation for the new ldenl Heater which they Will place. in one of the rooms of the Public School next Saturday. A herd of 31 Montana ranchers ar~ rived in town yestelday and spent the night in NW park. The managers dis- posed of about half a dozen of them before halving for Newmurket where the balance will be sold by auction. Just to hand a fine lot of gents’ ties and some of the latest. shapes in young ' men‘s stil'x‘ and soft l't-lt hats. “"0 can save you money on line felt huts, styles and quality right. Atkinson & Switzer. As will be seen by atlrcrtisemenl‘. on another page a convent inn will be held at Markham Village on the illih inst. to nominatn a candidate in thc Libel-.11 interests for the Local House. Among the. speakers will be one o‘.‘ the Cabinet. Ministers, Mr. John Richardson. M.P.P., and Mr. GJS‘Jtiulith. ex-M.Pl’. The annual meeting of {he \‘Cvmlan‘s Missionary Society will be held in the School Room of lllL‘ Illelhodist Church to~morrow (Friday) at 3 o‘clock. A synopsts of the year‘s work will be givru. and ofiirm-s will be elected for the ensuing year. Mr. T. 13. Mctcalf, having served as :L voluniecr during the time of the Fenian Raid, has made application for the usual grant of land. which is 160 acres. He has received his papers from the Crown Lands Department. and Willmzlke his selvct’ion from the open Sections in North Nipissing‘, Al- gorua, Thunder Bay or Rainy River. Sugarâ€"«Friday and Saturday of this week we will give 23 “)8. exit-3 g1 anu- lated sugar for $1 : 29 lbs. good brown sugar for $1. A snap in grain bags. Naughtou Bros... lfllgin Mills. A large number of fricnds availed thcmsclvesofthe pleasure of calling on Mr. and Mrs. \‘l'. R. l’i-oclor .lon- day evening, the occasion being the twentieth anniversary of their Wed- diug. \‘farmcst congrutuhuions were extended thz- host. and 1mm. «5. but im- grcts expressed that it was thclast occasion for enjoying Mr. and 3115. Igroctor’s hospitality in Richmond ill. NOW OPEN. The Autumn fir-«ion [T the Central Dllsincss College, Toronto. has opened out this month under most favorable conditions. with-largest. enrollment of new nicmbels in its history. Thu repâ€" utzltion of this excellent school set-ms to be of the right kind and iris bct-n honestly won by its amplc clpiiplneut and its first-class work. FALL FAIRS. Below are :1 number of Fairs in (his county, and the dates whcn tlnry will be held : North York. Fewmarket. . .Scpt. 17-19 Weston , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Sept. :17 East York. Math“ :llll . . . . . . . . Get. 24 Bolton . . . , . , . . . 00!. 7am] H VVondbridge. . . . . . . . . . Oct. 10 and l? Good dark sugar. 32 lbs. {or $1 ; exâ€" tru. granulated sugar, Lil lbs. fol-$1; Paris lump sugar, Ililu‘tlel'ril sugar, icing sugar, bt'si qualities. Atkinson & Switzer. (JANA DIAS HUME JOL‘ RNAL. That thc tendency to amulganntte now-a-duys llus been extended to journalistic circles as well as com- mercial. is shown by the r: cent pnr~ chase of The t‘unadian Home Slocum] by Hugh t‘. filcl'man, publisher of The Ladies’ .‘llagdzine, Toronto. The. Journal. which was established many years ago, will be discontinued as :1 distinct publication, and will lll' merg- ed iuio'l‘hc Ladies” Mngzuéillc, which lnlsulread}: \von n. place for itself as the popular homo paper int Canadian women. LIBERAL AND \Vl‘Ll-Ililk' ULOB The \Veckl)’ Globe his :I most ll“- lightful picture of the 1 Nike and lan'll- cs5 of Cornwall in lnedaliuu selliv :: with the royal standard ;1‘ a la ground. It will l‘l'-'il' li11' royal r m: l l‘ arms, and the Canadian coal of aw s with a. maple leaf embellishln-m . This we are satisfied will In Ull‘...‘ of 17 most seasouahlc al;.l sis luv-in? souvenirs of the vi<it Li ll uir ll.» l llighuesses. In :nl-lirion to this '7. Paul \Villisnu of Paris, ha.» paints" Pitture of [Wu farm burs. >. which iv calls “ 'I‘llel“:l1‘lll Pets," t‘Slll'L‘litlly lot- The \Veekly Lilobe. THE human. and \Yeekly Globe With the above pictures will he want for M. ‘~'c mom [is 101‘ $1.75. and in“? sui-s 'l'ibL-l'; \\ ill ;,x-t the balnlue of ’h < vow Irce, l l 1 HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL. Thc members and friends of Zion E. Lutheran Church. 4th con. Vaughan. purpose holding it. fowl supper on I‘nusday, Sept. 17. Ten served from i) 1.08 p. m.. to he followed by an en- tcrl ninnlvnt consisting of solos by Miss McDonald and Miss Smith of Klein- hurg: rccilations by Miss Craig of 'l‘i’z‘i'outo. uml Miss Ellis of Kleinbul'g: also selections by the choir. There will also be addresses by Revs. Messrs. Dean. llack and McDonald of Maple. The church will be suitably decorated for the occasion. A cordial invitation is extruded to all. Tickets. adults. 30 cents: children, 20 cents. The Harv- est Home Hermon will he preached on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 11 a. m., by the pastor. There will also he service in the evening at 7 o’clock. XXX white. wine vinegar, 33c. gill. ; white grape extm pickling; 406. gfll- : concord grape vinegw, line for table use. 50c. gal. Atkinson & Switzer. BAR NS BURNT: The barn and outbuildings on the farm of Mr. \Vm. \‘s’ashington. lot 30. 2nd con. Vaughan, were burned to th ., ground Monday morning between and 8 o'clock. The loss will be heavy, though partly covered by insurance. There were burned about 30 acres of oats, 13 tons of hay, 600 bushels of barley. 300 bushels of fall wheat; 2 calves and a number of flii‘m' iiiiple: meuts. Mr. “’ashington was insured in the Gorc Insurance Company, hav- ing $300 on buildings and $500 on con~ tents. The origin of the fire is a mystery, though it is thought some PRISON. probably a tramp, slept in the. burn dul ing the night. SEPTEMBER TW’ENTY-SIX. Pastels are. out announcing an en- tertainment to be. given in the Masonic Hall on the above date. in aid of the Church of England. The entertain- ment will commence at 8 o’clock. Ad- mission, 20 ccnts; children, 10 cents. Tho following programme will be gth‘ll : PART I. Piano Solo, Miss Covert. Violin Solo, Miss RC Wland. Song. Dr. E. K. Richardson. Guitar Duct , M iss Covert &. Miss Smyth Song, Miss Grace. Hogaboom. (a) Swecdish \Vedding March ; (b) Loin du Bill ; (c) Soldier’s Joy, by the Orchestra. PART II Piano Duct, Miss Covert and Miss W. Evans. Violoncello 8010, Miss M. Evans. Song, Miss Grace Hogaboom. Guitar. Mandolin and Banjo Quartette. Song. Dr. E. K. Richardson. (all Al Fresco; (b) Daughters of Love \Valtzes ; (0) College Hornpipe, by the Orchestra. THE FARMING WORLD. The annual autumn number of The Farming \Vorld, a. copy of which has just been received, is one of the best things we have seen in the line of Ag- ricultul'al journalism. This special issue Contains H) pages of well illus- trated and valuable reading matter. Thc cover is A work of art designed to 1'-‘[)l'i*.\‘t‘llb agriculture as the all im- porulnt industry of the Dominion. The unique feature of the number is a. writ-s ofarticles from official sources dealing with agricultural progress and what the various Local Governments in Canada are doing to make the farm- ers‘ business more profitable. Perhaps no one volume yet published contains its much oil’icial data. relating to the progress and development of agricul- Lule in all parts of the Dominionas docs this number. It will be especial- ly valuable as a. source of reference. Prof. liolnxrtsou. Agricultural and Dairy Commissioner, and F. \V. Hod- son, Dominion Live Stock Commis- sioner. contribute two valuable arti- cles on (’anadian Food Products in Great llrita in and live stock conditions in the Old Land. based upon informa- tion gathered from their recent visit to England. Two well written and well illustiated articles deal with Carr uda’s display at. the Glasgow and Pan- Americau Expositions. The illustra- tions which represent farm and other Canadian scenes are exceptionally good and all the departments of the pupi-r. including the Agricultural: Gazette, The Sugar Beet W'orld. Stud- les in Nature, and The Farm Home contain matter of special interest to thrillers and farmers’ wives. The number throughout is ft most credit- able one and in every way worthy of the important interests it repxesentsa tlult of organized agriculture and ag- licllltlil'ul development in all parts of the Dominion. Readers who apply promptly may have sample copies of this i-xct-lll-llt production by writing llic l‘armmigy \\ orld, Confederation Lite Bldg, ’l‘oionto. ILLJ’X’MIY.LM . ' ‘ Sonic Reasons Why You Should lrsist on Having El; will 8% Gil Ullul'idlucd by auv other. Q'cndcrs hard leather soft.) specially prepared. - ecps out Walter. . J . heavy bodied Oll. the: :sss _ _.:u excellent preset-votive. - K 9?: 'duces cost or your nannies, R ‘vcr turns the leathcr; Its ‘ (ET *ieucy is increased. gccures hast Service. Stitches kept from breaking." Q3 l 3.. Es sold in all Localities it?“ mum“ ' a??? 5 {Lu I ’ luau-J. ".m.’ mu...â€" ' l unnumcmnd by Imperial on Campus)?- l I l Sale Register. Wxnsmmv, Hope. ISâ€"Crsdit sale of farm‘, stock. implements, furniture. utc, on the: south hall 0! lot 18, rear 2nd con. Markham, the property of Humâ€"y Leach. Sale without raserve. Rate at. 12 o'clock. Terms twelve months. N. E. Smith. auctioneer. THURSDAY, Sept. 19â€"AUCLioD sale of hash milch cows, springeis, steers. etc.. at Thompson's butchLaumnu. Su'ent 1 o'clock. Terms 9 months. Eclmmc dc Prentice. auctioneers. thhnmnv, Sept. 25~Auctmn sale of household furuiune. etc, on lot 41. c011,]. Vaughan, tho Dropel'ty belonging to the astute of the late Frances Leaf lian at So'nlock. Terms cash. Suigeou lt- ADHE‘Ven‘ auctionma; Success or Failure _ ofa mercantile business is in the , 49.9. AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: pursu- a it to uuthoritv of Orders in Council, the Red and White Poo; Tmnlin in the followmz townships in the DISTRICT OF ALGOMA. namely :â€"Tlia Townships of GRAHAM (part), HART, CARTIER. LEVIKK. Janws. Annunson, Canaries, GILLMOK, Wurmm. Cuima nnil RUTHERFORD [pm‘tl unit cortmn areas between the Pianos Rivnn and the Arum r1 RXVER waters in the District: of 'l‘urxpnn HAY. will lm cfl‘ererl for sale by Public. AHCMUH m. the Parlinment Buildings i”! the City of Toronto on TUESDAY, the SE V’ENTEENTH duv of Sl‘l’ThiMBER next, at. the hour of ONE ('clock in the after HOOK]. At the some time and place cert-min forfeited ‘ and abandoned berths in the Townships of DIGBY,SHERB(\RNE rind Lurrnnwoaru in the Dismal. of HALmunToN and County of VIC- Tonu will be offered for sale, the purchasers 01' these latter berths to have the righc to cut all kinds of timber. question of profit. licoods'are con- stantly sold below cost failure is bound to come. If prices are mark- ed away up, the people will not come to trade more than once, and trade 13 light. Too high or too low prices means failure. Just where the turning point is be- tween too high and too low prices it IS hard to determine. In marking our goods we have gone low instead of high when we were in doubt _ r . . L ’ Sheets containing terms and conditions of “(here the tubnn‘g POlnL “ as. ‘V6 Saleandinformution as'tu Areas undLots and give the pUbllC the benefit Of the Concesswns comp‘hsediueach Berth Will be ' furnishedou application,either personal orby doubt and 56“ the SiOCh’ cheaper. the Depilrtruentor Crown Lunds,’1‘n- . . . ronto, orthe Crown Timber Agencies at OTTA- You can prove thlS tl‘adll'l“ \Vlth WA. SAuVr STE. Mum»: and Poor Airman. - a DAVIS.- With us. See the latest neat dressy shapes lor young men in Hard and Soft Felt Hats, just to hand, and note values; also the Melton and Serge CommiSs-ioner Crown Lands. Department of Crown LATHIZ, Skirts and Flannel Blouses for ladies. Atkinson 5;; Switzer Tllfililllilthos made, for sale in; $3 per bbl Twenty . cents. per bbl. refunded for empty sacks. Will be (it the st itiou to attend to customers on Wednesday of emzh week during AuguSu; Wednesday and ’I‘nursdav of each week during Sept. Oct. mm Now; and on Wednesday of each week during.’ the reel. of the coal snuson. C0111 deli\ start to Richmond (Ill! and Thornhill on the shortest notice. Terms cash on delivery. No order will be con- sidered binding nut-ll u‘ccepted by us in writing. H. VVINGEE é’c SON, August 1,1301. [3m N.B.â€"No unauthorized publication of this. advertisement will he paid for. uni. snugly 1901-1932. BEST HA RD COAL For household purposes. BEST SOFT COAL For threshing and other steam purposos M25 cents per cwt., at YOU SAVE Ffibi’h: lid to 25 psi? csnt. AT DANIEL‘S DRUG S'l‘tT'RlE. Are Drugs are Pure and Fresh and Stock Uptodatc. Compare the following : Carrville P 0 Farm to Rent The west half of lot. 22. rear of 3rd con. Vaughan. adjoining Maple, con- taining 100 acres. Brick dive-Hing and good out-buildings, etc. For further particulars apply to 11. A. NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill. till ililliil’illlllt lit. Electric Oil,5 bottles for 25c Chase's Pills, 2 boxes for also )arter's Pills, 2 bottles for 25c Perfect Headache Powders, 12in a. box,25c Pierca’s Favorite Prescription (15c Pierce’s Golden Medical Disco'very 650 Pierce's PeJets 150 Ozone small 35. large 65 Scott‘s Emulsion, small 35c. large 55c Syrup White Pine and Tar, 250 Nestle Food, 40:: Feeding Bot-ties lflc Feedar Fittings, Nipples, Etc 8.113.331;le W lhz-i for 2.7! Sulphu '.l l‘u ' Kendal ‘ 37 8 5’ .U Blisters or .L Pickling Elm Alums-,1 .- Acid for mu ’ Oil {or Cl'L’lllll acpumturs Butter Color 1M: Hyposulpnile of Soda tor Poultry, 100.8.111. Eczuoni. Oinv .neuL. .23.,- '1‘00th Brush»): luc., Tel-lum'm 10c. 150, and ‘75:. Elli fill-42121683,iti‘génlll‘iw) . C. D. DANIEL & COD \VIIOLESA LE AND RETAIL EMHTHGEETS. I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - - Opp. Clyde Hotel â€"Ulullltu‘lo:2. Cloves, Tumeric, ‘ U 7â€"t The sixty~sccond annual meeting of the Gore Fire Iusnrance (Jo. was held at Galt on the 28th of January, 1901. The total income from all sources was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648.33 leaving $31,- ‘79.92 as the balance to the credit of the year's transm-tions. Out of this the directors have decided to make a refund of 20 percent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Conl- " ‘â€" '- "no i -- pany. The total assets of the company amount to $433,823.11 of which $255,â€" 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all liabilities of $375,813.91. ' .5, Reserve for re~insurauco and all Total assetsavuilublu to pay IOSSFS ' will. {W TIN Si. it I J‘l’ s G Othel- lllll)lllllt‘5 $5$.illll).20. $433. 823. l l . Consisting of 2. equal to Amer~ The undersigned having purchased a complete outfit for The amount of insurance in force was $15,077,i.l27.l)(l. The. Gore is an up-to-(Iate HomeCom- puny and is noted for Its broad policies l and liberal settlements. Cull, write or phonoJ. T. Saigeon, Maple P. 0., ii' needing insurance. whizlillaifzsllgtrill{ism333323133 CQRN ; Money to Loan - Money to loan M5 per cent. interest on first mortuuco full-.1 prul’el'if- E ( "2 l t l M 1m“ L THE LIBERAL OFFICE B. Bell 5: Son’s Ensilaga Quits: mower, 310* MOND "HILL liltiilil *3 titlilii. The Next Sitting: of Division Court for i No. 3. Countyot‘ York, will beheld in thc Court. Room. Elfiiiiyiiiii' HILL, ~0" Are prepared to do all kinds of E‘Et {3 Patronage Solicited. . T FRIDAY, filllllilgil 4, mm ACOB EYE R SON Commencing at 10 a. in. j ,BIGHMOND HILL. T. P. )li-IIABON can 1.!

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