Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Oct 1901, p. 5

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Mr. J. F. Rowland local manager of .Jfghe Standard Bzuik, is taking a. couple of Weeks’ holidays at his home infiew- castle. ‘Mr. Adam from the end omce. Toronto, is supplying in Mr. Rowlaud‘s absence. If any person doubts the ability of Canadian soil to grow sugar beets let, him visit the root, field of Mr. Thos. Ludford on the Palmer farm. A beet from that field was brought to THE ‘LIBERAL Office a. few da 5 ago weigh~ mg {6i lbs, solid and per ect. in every partzcular. ' He don't know beaus who wastes his‘ money on inferior food: Clark‘s polk and beans, 50. tin; fine rich red salmon, Lynx brand, 15c. Lin; Fax-i- nosu. and Swiss food, He. pack. At- kinson & Switzer. At a regular meeting of the \Vomen’s Canadian Historical Society held in the Education Building, Toronto last Thursday, Miss Teefy read an interest- ing paper on “Notes on Yonge street.” w‘i’e haye the latest and neatest styles in lmrd and soft felt hats for young menkand would like to bat, all the young men in this vicinity; we cmr’ save you money. Atkinson and Switzer. ' An individual who gave his name as James Baker was caught in the act of picking a woman’s pocket at, Mark- 'bam'Fair. and was arrested and taken before J. P. Ellis, J. P. He had on his person $250. ‘ Mi‘. and Mrs. G. \Vebster, Mr. and Mrs. C. Petch, and Miss Vi. Petch of Aurora. spent, Monday evening utn social uthering at; the residence of Mr. an Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. Man’s agd boys’ undershirts and drawers ; tkegc‘uds are the best at, the lowest, rices. We want; your trade in the a ove. Naughton Bros., Elgin ,Rlills. Mrs. Warren Hewisou, Mrs. A. J. Hume and Miss \Vinuifred Hume went to Jackson’s Point, Monday to' s end a, week with Mr. and Mrs. \gfilliums, parents of Mrs. Hewison. Best value in Paris lump sugar. ex- tra granulated sugar, .pgwdored sugar, ici‘ng sugar ; try some powdered sugar for table. Atkinson & Switzer. \The High mad. Public Schools of the village will be closed ctr-day and to- morrow to allow the teachers and pu- pils to pay their x~e§pects.u> lee royal vxsitors now in Toronto. Mm.W. R. Proctor, with little daughter Miss Kathleen, of Barrie. czune down \Vednesday evening and will remain until Monday with her uwther, Mrs. Storey. Mr. Jerry Smith, jewellcx-and watch maker, has been confined to his house by illness for a few days. Mr. Frank Storey is utttuding the shop in Mr. Smith’s absence. - Just be hand at Atkinson & Switzer’s a fine stock of window glass, English manufacture, hwu y, clear. even thick- ness. good quality, size 14x25, $2.25 per doz. ; other sizes in proportion. A meeting of King Pluwmen’s Asso- ciation will he held at Trents Hotel, Nobletnn, on SnLurday at 2.30 to make final :u‘rzmgemeuts for the annual plowing match. Mr. T. and Miss Ada. Davis of Selmmbmg, and Mr. L. ’1‘. Best of T0- mnt-o, spent over Sunday with the Misses Marsh at, " Elms Lea.” Big Value this week in cutlun grain bugle, wool and flame lmed shirts and dlaxvvrs, {up shirts, socksand Working punts. Atkinson .Â¥S\vixzm-. Mrs. Thus. Mon-[sun of Toronto. prut. a couple uf weeks with her daughter, Mx-s.‘ \V. \Vushingwu, and leturned Monday. A large 1 N1" on tho Elgiu Milk Andrew C: \Villinm on Sum) d Interment on Manda), Nut tun clump to be right: '1‘“ pairs men’s hem-y \vnul socks for 25¢ m-uvy flech- lined Shirts and drawer 901:. per suit. Atkinson Al Switzer. The Mohnpnlitzm Railway advertise half mLL-s Lo ’l‘m-onlu Thursday and dFridny. Tickets gnud Lu wtum Mun- My. The Columbia won the yacht races frum the Shamrock, and the cup there- fore remains on this side of the ocean. A style 1 mn- millin «SI. b‘wiL'A-L Miss Bm-tic Point is spvug Mr. and Mrs. Captain Samuel “iii and fumin of Victm-iu llnrhur, nu.- ~~pvnding :l. week with Hill b‘ros. ' ‘ ' n} my The this ('1‘ Rlcmmxn HILI‘ 1.100 A'L‘Eu". ll :pvuding a few 11-5. \‘v’nn-vn Ho 1111 was 01) Saturday “rais- furm of Nunghtun Brus.. utprvscntuccupied by Mr. Ison. 1‘. Hull died at; \Villuwdule y, 5t h inst, ngrd ‘24 years. u the \Villuurhu’e cemetry Liln wry wmuzm's taste in dcpnrtmunt. Atkinson illinms mug “‘0ka with wison. of Jackson’s nt be open 10. 1901 250. 9 WU The jury disagreed in the Siftou murder case at; London last week. and the case will again come up at next court. ‘ * anu.0ct. Iiiâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. im- plements, etc" on lot 78. con. 1. King (Yonge Street. Aurora), the property of the late Geo. Stewart. Sale all o'clock. Terms twelve months. Saigenn & McEwen, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. Oct. Ziâ€"Auction sale :of 100 acre farm, farm stock. implements, etc.. on lot 7. ccn.1. Scarboro.the property of the late Arthur Reeve. Sale an 12 o'clock. Twelve uonths’ credit. Eckardt a: Prentice. sue tioneers THURSDAY. Oct. 24â€"Anction sale of a. valuable farm of 98 acres, farm stock. implements, etc.. on lot 18 con. 5, Vaughan (Vellore). the propertyot thelate John McKinnon. Sale 1161 o'clock. .Terms for chattels 4 months. Terms for farm see him. Saigeon and Mo- Ewen. auctioneers. _ ' THURSDAY. Oct. 21lâ€"Monthly credit sale of horses, fresh miloh cows. etc.. at Hughes' Hotel,1‘hornhill. Sale ac~1_o'clock. Terms from 41:0 12 months. Ecke-rdt & Prentice. auctioneers. ‘ WEDNESDAY. Uct 30â€"Credit sale of {um stock. implements. eta; on lot 5, con. 8.'8cnrboro. the property or Andrew Graham. Sale a: ll O'clock, lunch p1 ovided: Terms Izmonths. Eckardt & Prentice. auctioneers. -‘ angv. Oct. Iiiâ€"Credit sale WALLACEâ€"At Woodbrjdge‘ on Tuesday. Oct. 8, an 10 p m..,1§:a.thnmel Clarke .VYnllacu, M. P., aged 57 year Funeralon Sum-demon. 12. at 2 p. m.. to Christ. Church Cemetery. Woodbridge. KELLYâ€"At the residence of his son-in-lnw, Mr. Wm. Cos grove. 2nd con. M when). on Thuridny. morning. Oct. 10. Pa. rick Kelly. sued 80 yearn. Funeral Saturday to Thornhill cemetery at 9 o'clock. ' Evenâ€"In Ricbmpnd 3111. )1 wife 0! Walter'fli'et}. , , _..- u...v.... u .nfiuuuuu uut Ont. Aéents wanted everywherg. boyé in engineering, and along all practical lines that boys love so well. Buys everywhere are invited to write the publishers about anything thafi they wish to know. The publishers are The Turnbull-VVright 00.. Guelph, nle “n+4 1’ ' A must ‘ .- An Armenian who has been learn- ing the English language in one of the Canadian colleges, gave what he called an Oriental Entertainment in the Schoul Room of the Methodist Church Tut‘sday evening. He delivered :1 SHOW lecture on Armenia, gave repre- sentations of Mohammedan prayers. showed various forms of sniutation among the Orientals, and exhibit-ed difl'ei-ent, custnmes. Acouple of our citizens were attired in Armenian cos- tume, and another couple in Turkish costume, when the marriage Ceremony of the respective cnunti-ies were per- formed to the apparent amusement both of the “ contracting" parties and the audience. Tho ()ntnhm' meeting of the \V.M.S. will he held in the Svhnnl Rnnm of the MellmdisL Chm-ch on Thursday after- nmm, 17th inst. Members please nntine clmngtl of date. The (1919 ate tn Brunch Meeting recently 1191 in Dunn Avenue Church. Toronto, will give her I‘Ppfil't, and it is hope-d every member will be plesent, and an invi- tation is extended to all interested in missions ulm to be present. The \V. M. S. also wish to annuunce that they will pack the box which is to be sent. t0 Lhe Indians at \Vliito Whale Lake. Alberta, on Friday. the 18th. Any one wishing to contribute will find the committee in the School Rnulu Thurs- day and Friday fI-nm 3 to 5 p. m. day. On llw se-cnnd day music will be l'Iu-nislwd by \Vundhridge and Boltnn brass hunrh. Tlu-l'e will be eight eu'nis in spoeding ()n the hawk. vi7..: Fm-mers‘ trot. 2.50 tmt, 2.30 trot, gentleman‘s driving hm-se trot. pony (14 l1;1n(ls)t,1'()t, pony (13 hands) trot, saddle horse, open trot. The usual banquet will be given in the hall on the evening of the last day. \Vnudhlitige Fair will he held on \Veduosmy and Thursday of next wook. Oct. 16 and 17. As usual this is said to he “ the event of the seusml." Thejudging on poultry, Izulies’ wolk and Sthnul children‘s competition will Lnkv place (m the uftelmmu 0f the first day. On llw second day music will he furnisde by \andlu-idge _apd h,.1L .. \Vuudhxidge Fair “’edues my and '1 week. Oct. 16 and 17 snid to he “ the even The Epwm-th Lt-ugno Friday even- ing will lmld its first literary meeting nf (hr yt-zu' marl n gnud prugnunuw is i being pi‘r‘pill’l‘d. Mr. F. J. Johnston: will dvlivvr an address on the subject. i “Thu (Hrntril'thiml of Science to Lib- ‘ ex-uturu." Gum] music will also he furnishml. As this is probably the ; last nppurlunity which the League will lune uf ho-aring‘ Mr. Johnston spvak us a momiwr uf the society, it is i hoped that all will avail themseh'eu of this opportunity to be present. iu-sd uthe The but furnitme the, late A public um- 1' p“ g9. ORIENTAL CONCERT. \VOODDRIDGE FAIR. Sale Register. EPW’ORTH LEAGUE. DEATHS BI R'l'lls. PI‘ on‘Bun y. Qct.6, the is. dgngggter. ‘ puny. The total assets of the company amount, to $433,823.11 of which“ $‘ ' ,- 199.“ are in cash ()I'w-Cilshr items. ‘ The total liabilities amount, to $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all , iagimies of $375sfilbi'91. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Uhester white bogs, lot 32, 151: 0011. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERHAM, 494:! Proprietor. Total assem‘aniqirlfirliféâ€"ib pay lossgs fimJl. Rough-cast house, newly papered, and painted inside and out, corner pf Elizabeth and Centre Six-gets. Enquire 0f ' ' ,Ihé Gore 'is an ilrp-to-d:1te HomeCanjut puny and is noted for Its broad policies and liberal settlements. Call, write 01- p565}; J. T. Saigeon, Maple 9., if_negding ipsuyance. Explainin'g trhréifgxzifiodfifiiiaifiésued by the Gore costs nothing. ‘R'e‘s'erve Vf‘éf-V'Elj‘h'sfil-apce and a)! otll‘er ljabilities $58.009.20. ' Tliera’umunt nf~ insurpnce in force wa_s_ $5,677,927.00. ‘ Tlie total income from all sources was. $1311928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648,333 leaving $31,- 279.92 as the balance to the credit of the year’s transactions. Out of this the directors have decided to make a. refund of Zuper cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Com- The sixty-second annual moetin of the Gore Fire Insurance Co. was eld at Galt m} th 28th anJnnuzu-y, 1901. McIntosh & Hanan, Gore Insurancg Bo. GLUTEN MEAL SHORTS BRAN CORN CHOP BIBBY’S CALF MEAL, FLOUR, ETLI. Sept. 19. lm North Toronto Milling Co. Custmnersnre respectfully requested to try and do all business on the above duys,as we are not living near the mill and customers coming any other day would find it very inâ€" convenient. VVINGER BROS., Edgely nun‘ In And will run on Monday of each Week during Octnborand up to the 11th of November. Customers will take notice that. we manufacture Raw (lidm-y We Boil Cider, we Make Jelly & Apple Butter, any of which can be had on same day as apples are brought to the mill. Parties wishing to have cider boiled down can get- it done here to any thickneS". Jelly apples should lu- good fur eating and twu-lhirds sweth Parties wishing Applv Buttor should keep their peeling and curing ap- ples separate from the cider apples. A Quantity of MONAY, SEW. 39TH, didfi! & Jeliv Mill SUNNYSIDE FARM Cider Apples Wanted. House to Rent lgwhriiin all Localities An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harnes. Never burns the leather; in Efiicienc is increased. Secures est service. ~: Stitches kept from breaking. Edgely Cider and Jelly Mill will start or. genders hard leather soft. specially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Quequailgd by any othgr: mm; mamas OIL HARNESS Why You Should Insist on Having Some Reasons 35 to 47 Shaftesbury Ave. EDGELY Have for sale Manufactured by Imperial OII Compm. R. E. ‘LAW JACOB EYER < DEE‘RINQ BORN BINDER ; FEED CUTTING. ENSILAGE AND WHOLEsALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. I71 KING S'I‘. EAST, TORONTO _- - Opp. Horatio Food: in}? Feeding Bottles 100 Feeder Fittings. Nipples, Etc Electric Oil, 5 bottles for 25¢ Chase's Pills, 2 boxes for 250 Carter’s Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Perfect Headache Powders, 12 in a. box, 950 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 65c Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery 650 Pierce’s Pellets 150 Ozone small 35, large 65 Scott's Emulsion. small 35c. large 55c fiyrup Whigs Pine and Tar, 25¢ Goa! Oil-4C; YOU SAVE B‘ROIVI 10 to 25 per cent. The undersigned having purchased a complete outfit for Atkinson (3 521722267. ular $2.25 er‘$1.5o. ’ 5 Men’s Fine All-\Vool Socks. regular 200. for 15¢. Men‘s Serge Suits, fine goods, regular $10 for $7.25. Heavy Pink Flannelette, regular IOc. fnr 8c. Men’s Heavy Knitted Top Shirts. regular 750. for 500. \Vnmen’s Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose, regular40c.for 25c. Lace Trimmed VViudovvf Shades, complete, rggular 55c. or 45c. Curtains Scrim, cream ground, regular 13c. for 10c. New Pack. Peas. extra quality, 3 cans for 25c. Concord Grape Vinegar, fine for pickling or table, 500. gal. A Fine Blend of Young Hyson and Green Ceylon Tea, 20c. lb. ' Search Light Soap for easy washing, 7 bars for 25c. .axlies' Heavy Flannélette \Vra AT DANIEL’S DRUG STORE. Are Drugs are Pure and Fresh and Stock Up-to-date. Compare the following: “files for 25¢ Salts, 3c 1b.. 10 lbs. for 250 )oxes for 250 Sulphur, 3c. 1b.. 9 lbs. for 25¢. bottles for 25¢ Kendall's Spavin Cure. 750 18 Powders, 12 in a. box, 950 Pure Drugs euj Condition Powders 9 Prescription 650 Blisters of all kinds Medical Discovery 650 Pickling Splcogâ€"Cinnumon. Cloves. Tumor 150 Altspice. Garlic. Etc large 65 Acid for making Vinegar 1, small 35c. large 55c Oil (01' Cream Separators 16 and Tar, 25c Butter Color 190 Hypoeulphite of Soda. tor Poultry. 100. 3 lb. 100 Eczema. Ointment, 350 Nipples, Etc Tooth Brushes 100.. Perlumes 100. 15c. and 25 Beckon You to Our Store RICHMOND HILL. "Engilqge Cniier 8:. Blawer, We quote : Are prepared to do all kinds of . D. DANIEL 86 CO. (Canadian Water White) equal ‘ ican Oil, 16c. gallon. Bargains Patronage Solicited .3. Bell & Son’s Consisting of a STRA‘W CUTTING ‘appers, nicely trimmer], reg: (3.... an :n Opp. Clyde Hotel to Amer-

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