Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1901, p. 1

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$1 per annum, in advance.l WW VOL. XXIV. IS I‘Uii If» VI: 1 ‘ CE: 5‘21?“ THURSDAY uranium ] I“-.. \ l \J‘_(\, 7/ r.‘ 4 J 7' 1- '1 v x mm, Nil} [8 ll, - .L’LBLIC, LIBERAL mums PUBUSHM Heinz, "'"““"”""”""‘“m“ RIGIUZOND hum. our. ‘ “'H'H COURT OF JUSTKE' ‘fc' : v 1 ‘ . n; 'F ‘ , r 3's“ Cffllfil’T'TfiQI‘V-l -'.' 3 a , l . 14 . ‘\I C 31 U N! t u... méfivrlauvéb LiCbnoE’S. E mroa & i’ aormnron. BUS NE SS CA'iiiiilS. -__~__.__4__. . _ {a .2"? 1 T J. I,‘ oil. 1' I v. .. 1 DR; LI LA \Ill Member 00119.20 Physicians and Surgeon 1. Out. I RICE’C‘ECN D HILL. Rice Hour-w 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p in.; 7 to 9 p.111. BR. E. J. sums, 'E‘h;1r:‘a!:ill. Lute !‘osiden‘. plum-nan at . Western mil Grace Hospitals, ’l‘orouso. 031cc Hoursâ€"~51 to 10 n in; 12 to '3 p m; 7 ms 1) in. \V “a. Rogers Bew’ds’i, Room 12, 1234 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth. also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. 1‘. ll..CUllillE 1091216313. (Successor to Dr. Cccil‘Ti-otter) Oddfellow’s Bldg, Toronto, cor. Youge and College Sts., Toronto, I a Will be in Richmond Hill every Vcdnesday. Gfiice:â€"cht door south of Public School. Br. ‘23. Cecil Trailer, ii. iii, DENTIST, Cor. Bloor and Spuduia Ave... Toronto. Telehone 3368 for appointment. 1T J. T. Mooney, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"ANDâ€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the ()Htfu‘ with diplomi from i0 Veterinary C.-lle.ce, the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. Will visit. Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 .p. m. Calls promptly attended to. Diseases of h0rses,cul tie and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and most up- pioved methods. - Gsllcnough & Richerâ€"{ls VETERINARY SURGEONS, 'Flnornhill. i Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANHDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night promptly at- tcnileil to. Wm PALMER HOUSE? RICHMOND EILL, j Remodelleil. and newly furni. One orthe most (“'lin‘llli‘llL hotels on 1‘ June Sim-ct. vsnicnce. Supple roan: travellers. :‘iuiilealstnpp ordriviug partiegoiuvcli . or farmers 51mm: to or returning from in rkci. . :tric cars ell throughout VJUJlurtlL‘UlQ . modern cou- fur cuinniorcxnl : place for ri on: “In. E W (‘t‘a't- I; 7" .mzn -.-.. ..u, § V'Y‘z .1037 rtr‘r T 5.1 (Jl‘iolxiiul) ZlEllLJ. .‘J’ n a‘sfiri . 0N1) HILL POST OFFICE. {uraaox & MquAn, Starfish-rs mu! EOEN'EEOI‘S. n l LUHE‘V L-l loan on land and chattel mortgages at l()\\'d5.fil‘l15).\. \urora | llln'eâ€"nl‘il‘l‘\'l‘il lo the Elli post o'l‘ca, .om .looi‘ um: the cahumco to the ("mmrio Brink. ( ICowizmlkr-r olh~-o~'_llnrc doors south of tho 1 \t o‘iioe. o i‘ I i‘. l‘l}:..lJl:li".‘ LL‘me, (1‘. 81 V. Norman. Aura-n. l‘munmrkct “TOT! {I i O v" 'nl'lfll'. - T‘WWITYOM 7‘ 7V [.1le Oi lWlCUJiUlLD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 'ICHI‘rN'l'U OFFIITI‘I: Freehold Loan .l:lilll(llllg. cor. Alleluia.ka Victoria ‘ Sirens. Toronto. Mr. Cook will lw at Maple on Thursd :rltcrnoun of each week. MONEY. "O LOAN AT 53°o iifiiill, G? ay Elli idli‘i if: Barrisu‘rs, Solicitors, £10., KING STIlE".T V. q:- no "T 1‘4 S'l‘, TORONTO. Ens: Toront- I (it‘d/:1», l-ii. Grant's residence, Woo-(budge, over? evening. 1 'l'lmrohill.eqcli Wednesday from 10 to 12. , W I llSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ernaâ€"En; REIFJEJSS DAVID lAMES u ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. THORNlllLL ONT. No Witnesses. iii. â€"_â€"Tcle:hrii;29-8:1 A. G F. LAWRENCE, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, he. Money to loan at :2 per ('0 Suite 77 and 73 Freehold Loan Buildâ€" ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. ' LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturd ays. SALEMECKARDT, 1GB Wellington l‘lucc, Toronto. r J. H. EREM‘ICE Unionviile Eckm-cli i“; P: entice Licensed Auctioneers for the Count-y of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. (, Newton Brook, ngent for the above. 0 STOKES , Stokes 4k Blougli. License Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly niluonce. sales attended on the shortest notice and A reusonabo rates. P. 0. address Kim,y D BLUUGE J. T. Snigeon, J. K. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigcon dc Mel-Swen. Licensed Auctioneers for the Co Sulesutteu dad to on sonablerates unty of York. shortest notice and at ren- Piitrounge solicited. J. Reudmnn, Licensed Auctioneer for the County 01 York, Generalsules of implements, furniturentanding timber, etc. ,ntceniled on the shortest notice and at i-eusonublc m ti 5 . Patronagesolicited. P. 0. address Maple N. E. Smith, Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York and Ontario. All snlosof farm stock, &c., at- teudcd to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Morth and bailifi sales attended to. Residence. Stoui‘fvillc. ()nt W Uendci'lakcrs 6k Enibnlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. savers 15$ KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Eve accommodation to guesti. Board,$1 nerds. 9:185 the door. Livery in vonnec'ioh. TERMS SLCG Pill: DAY. s:b11Nl’.\LHER. {P ro p Ripans Tahulcs cure liver tr. fates. I Ripans Tabules: for sour Stomach. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. sen SERVICE On the premises of the undersigned, bred Jersev Bull. Terms :‘l. «16-?! well- T. LUDFO RD. Richmond Hill I in. siniicrsfiru lOVer 5000 People Present. Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty .W flihid. I’r'oluibly never befori' (lid the Cili- ,zi-us of this couuly \Vlllll’55 such a huge funeral as that of the l:|i(‘ lion. )4. C. \Vallacv, M. l’. for \Yl‘sli York (.1; Saturday lust. lit-tween 5,01") and (5,1,le paropic attended and SlHHVt'tl their-lust mark of respect. and esteem i to the di-purted and the bereaved family. From rally in the day until' the lid of the oakcn coffin was [astou- i-il down there. was a constant. stream of friends and acquaintances passing [iii-ough the modem though comfort- able dwelling, all being anxious to m-t a last look at him who from his birth had lived in that. place. The obscquies which wcic. lmpl't's‘sive‘ in their simplicity were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Swallow, and thel'um-i-al arrangements were under the direcâ€" Lion of the Orange Grand Lodge. About 800 members of the Orange Cider marched in procession, and fol- lowed the remains of the Grand Sov- ereign. There was no ostentation. rvcrything was done in a quiet. man- ner, buta feeling of sorrow and gl'lz’f vas manifest on the” solemn occasion. Alibusiness in \Voodbridge was Mis- pcndcd for the day. and many homes “'ch draped in mourning in token of sympathy and good will. Two special trains of 1:4 coaches ar- rived from Toronto shortly after two o'clock. Public men and members of the Orange Order were present, not only from all parts of this province, but from Manitoba, QuebecflNova bcotia and other parts. Mourning badges consisting of black, purple and yellow ribbons With a. likeness of (le- ccased were worn by nearly evu'y- m THURSDAY, (’lC'l‘OBER i7, IQUl. llyrcuiloiino1;.(izul llis duos, by re- ;:ul.ii'il_\‘ of .‘llll‘llililllt‘f' at Worship, by [he- i'ccr'pliou oi' the Holy Savrauu-nl and by his good works, by all those tin-y had groat [rope that llu-ir broth- i'r would rust in llH‘ Saviour. The singing of the hymn, “On the RL'Slll'l'('t'illlll Morning," concluded the service. and as the casket was taken out of tho church “The Dead March" was play-ml by the organist, Mr. G. \V. l‘l(l\\':|lll.\' of 'l‘ulmllo. At. the grave lho ()raugcservicc was conducted by l‘r. h‘pi-oulo. who is now (ii-and Mdsivl' for British America. At its conclusion the gathering well- od togolhor “ 'I‘hv Lord's l’r:1_vm‘.“tlio lll‘l‘llll'l‘ll filial past and dropped into thcopcu grain tho mourning badge, and the mouruful ccromouy was con- chided. ~â€"â€"â€".‘o Vaughan Council (‘ouucil mot on October roevo in the chair. ent. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. 53. The following communications were received: l.“l(llll Mrs. A. Sulhcrlaud, St. Thomas, asking for right of way to her propel-Ly in Maple. From John McQuai-rio. Es:q., asking [he council to open the ditch opposite Dr. Hisley's property in Maple. Also a charge made by Mr. \Vm. Jackson. Maple, stating that his prop- erty is being damaged by a flow of water coming oll‘ the public highway, and asked the couiuil to make an in: vestigation. Dov insâ€"Longhouscâ€"tbat the treas- 19.33 for one sheep and one lamb killed and g. urcr pay .las. Bax ry the sum of .9 three shé-cp and three lambs injured by (log: or (l()g.~I.â€"(l:ll'l'lt’(l. Malh»yâ€"Bi.yleâ€"that thc treasurer pay llll‘ following amounts: The Members all pres- [Singlc copies, 3 cts. “An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said '_: I. I had consumption. I then tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and it I cured me promptly.” V’ A. K. Rnndles, Nokomis. Ill. _'1 You forgot to buy a bot- i. tle of Ayer’s Cherry Pec- :- toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run , along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it ,. ., will not disappoint you.’ ' There’s a record of sixty ' years to fall back on. Three sizes: 25c.. enou h for an ordinary ' cold; 50c..just right for ronchitls. hoarse- :_ .' mess. hard colds, etc.; 81, most economical :1 [or chronic (38:83 and to has on hand. J. C. AYEE’. 00., uwcll, Mass. WANTED â€" TllUS'I‘Vw'OR‘l‘HY MEN AND Women to travel and mlvm‘tise for old estub~ lisiied house otsoliz financial stun ling. Sulurv 378041 your and ex; enscs. nil pnyuhle in cash. Nu canvassing required. Give reference and (:nclosc Sc'fâ€"ILIlt‘lC‘bBil stamped envelope. All- dross Millingtu‘ :15.) Caxton Hid-,1. Chicago. 42-26 ‘ “i I I . bud). present. Michael llornc, breaking stone. .536 85 F3 \V'ant of sf)in will only permit the Alt‘x- BLWk. \Vul'k. ~ --; . - ~ . - - - - . - 10 ~ . ;, mention ofa few of the very prom- I} Blillll-nsmll'lwl”(‘9; Plfiks ~ ~ - - - ~ “3 a incnt men present. Among the thou- 1‘; - “ 15;" 1"’(l‘:.l"l' l’l'lfliu’re ‘al ‘ sands resent were the followin'r:-.â€" h “PW” «17m "lg “1 H" "J ‘ , - n . Si]. Magkenzie Bowen, “Kinny,” F. Baldwin 6; ('o., plank. . . . . . ...,](i 16 NOW 01”“ m “11 devmments of the Clarke, Hem G90. 1.), Fug-[en Hmh 1.}. ll. Humble, work on sand hill. .39 75 I . ' J. Davis. Mr. J. P. ‘Vhimpy‘ AL P. P‘; A. l)llily, Work on sand hill . 6 50 central (30L sum Hughes, J_ Gimmeyy AL 9. ; A. Cl)‘ll‘:L(:l_'. hauling gravel . . . . . . 21) C 11 John Richardson, M. an; w.J. um, J- .L- MGIHWI-«w. work, etc . . 0 .ege M_ 1.». 1).; may“. Huwpmd, D,._ John Pairtgravcl‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 1 I ‘ IL tiln-oule, Grand Master. B. A. ; J. \V. 1"“8" 5" ACC‘MIW I ‘05g0N10 5;. J01)”. Dr. Beau“, Numcu \Vm. Chatterley, work . . . . . . 2‘.‘ _ , ' a . a The casket, was placed ‘iu the centre \V- ,(V‘hi‘llt‘l'lf’l'. WUlk illld break }u°?,3‘;’Sl‘ils‘gi‘l‘ifinpfigdigiiuifi of the drawing-room in the home, "If-'5 “WU” v- - attend our school.becuuse they find which was literally banked with flowers, wreaths and other floral trib- . 1 *C’ EEKmem’W ewmms tuem' wme utcs having been sent from all parts Dt“'1“Sâ€"M“Il“l’_that 1”" tl‘t‘“ 3;. of the Dominion. The chief mourners Pi‘y 11‘" f"””“'mg “(70"unt§‘ 5:/ Enter Ally were the widow, fmu. sons, three Leader and Recorder-“adv g .552 00 daughters, two brothers and two Hart (2 Riddell,p1mrs lists . . . . . . 98 frilne sisters. â€"Carricd. . ' - ' After the family carriages followed the members of L. 0. L., No. 28, VYoodbi-idge, of which the deceased was a member, in full regalia and wearing crnpe on arms, then came the Grand Lodge ofi‘lccrsin full regaliu, members and vii-members of the Do- minion Parliament and Provincial Legislature, their the members of the. different Orange lodges and friends of the deceased. The sad procession marched four deep along \Vallace street, up Pine street. along Eighth avenue to the Agricultural Fair grounds, around the grounds and along Pine avenue to Christ Church. The pulpit and chancel of the church were draped ianack and purple. Hon. N. Clarke Wallace had long been a member of this church and a regular attendant, and fora number of years was Superintendent of the Sunday school, The casket was borne down the centre aisle and deposited in front. of the pulpit, the immediate members of the family and relatives ()ceupyiug two pews on the right. The church was speedily filled with the officers of the Grand Lodge and other mourners. The pastor. Rev. F. \V. Swallow. con- ducted the service, being assisted by Rev. McKay McLennau. In his address to the congregation Rev. Mr. Swallow touched only upon the personal qualities of the deceased. ll) was not the time nor the place, he remarked, to refer to all his political career. He pointed out that under the Christian belief all the sting of death was removed. That was the grand lesson of the Scripture. It should be a matter of joy and thank- fulncss when a brother was removed from the trials and suffering of this world, and why, therefore, should they not give thanks even if their own friends and relatives were taken away. , But while this was true, it was proper also that they should grieve, although it should be done in submission to, God’s will. i \Vith regard to the departed, while he could not. judge still it was right that. we should use the virtues ofotlii-rs ‘ as an encouragement to ourselves. The deceased was one who knew it was our " duty to render to (;JL1 his due, and. Sunday afterSunday he was in atteiid- ,1 once in the sanctuary. He HIM) gularly approached the altar of God and partook of the bread and the en For many a long year he was Superm- tcndent of the Sunday School, a diffi- cult and arduous work that no man, could keep up without being sincere. l THE NOVEMBER of i l I throughout . P- i who wishes to get splendid value for iherexpcnditurc should buy The Ile- M. Uonloy, breaking stone . . . . . . Longhouscâ€"Devinsâ€"that the Reeve and Messrs. Malloy and Boyle be a committee to iuVi-stigate the griev- ances of Messrs. “'iu. Jackson and John McQuai-ric of Mapleâ€"Carried Boyleâ€"Devinsâ€"that \Vm. \Valkiug- ton, Esq.. of King township, be ap- pointed an arbitrator on behalf of Vaughan township in connection with one appointed by Geo. Cooper for the valuation of timber cut by the said Geo. Cooper opposite lot. 24, con. 8.â€" Carried. By-Law No. 737 was then passed rcgulatingthe fees to be paid to the Clerk in cariving out the provisions of the Ditches and \Vatei-courscs Act. Council adjourned until the 19th day of November. w».â€" Maple Harvest Home Services were held in St. Stephen‘s Church on iSuuday. Special thanksgiving music was reu- dercd by [llt' choir, and the church was decorated for the occasion. Rev. Dr. (ihown of Toronto, \vill pruich at the reâ€"opening serviccs of the Methodist (,‘hurcli a week from next. Sunday. 011 the following Mon- day evening a Sil(‘1'|.‘(l concert will be given in the church, when Rm: A. C. Crew's of’l‘oronto,will deliver a lecture. Several soloists will also contribute to the progranuuc. Mr. and Mrs. Cummings and family of Flos, have been visiting at Mr. H. C. Bailey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Leeds Richardson, Miss Etta Richardson and Miss Jl. Morrison spent a couple of days last week at tln- Pan-American. The monthly meeting of the \‘i'o- man's Auxiliary was held at the Par- sonage on “'eiluesilay afternoon. WOOâ€"~â€" DELINFA’I‘OR. A scasouable atmosphere rises from thevarious useful and valuable features ‘ the Kovcmbcr Dvliucalor. The i styles shown are for early \\ lllli-l'; ll’ll' ‘ ldri-ssmaking article tells about 1 limkillg of coats: the fancy needlework artich- bears upon Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts ; the t'l‘l chctingarticlcs [by we those of a winter Character; the I gardening article deals with the prun- l'L“ i ing and protection “'inti-r. of rose trees livnry woman inentort'or itself. It in return will ,help her to economize in household matteis at every point. with us Verv superior advantages. W. H, SHAW, Principal Yonge and Garrard Sts. l i i r.) .. can stream ism-1902. BEST HARD COAL For household purposes. BEST SOFT COAL For threshing and other steam purposes at :55 cents per cwt., at THOBRHILL STATION. Also one of the beat armies of Portland Cement made, for sale nt #3 per bbl Twenty cents per bbl. refunded for empty sucks. Will be at the station to attend to customers on Wednesday of euch week durim August; Wednesday unil 'I'hnrsdav or each week during Sept.,0ci. and Now; and on Wednesday of each week during the rest of the coal si‘ason. Coal delivered to Richmond Hill and 'I‘hornhill on the shortest notice. Ternn cash on deliverv. No order will be con- sidered binding until accepted by us in writing. H.VVINGEB 86 SON, August 1,1901. Um C urrville P 0 RICHMOND HILL :i’il‘ilé‘ilfill - fidlllll. ,T‘ho Next Sitting of Division Court ioi .\o. 3, County of York, will be llL‘lLl in the Court Room, auction sin, â€"ONâ€" TUi‘iliéll’, ll ‘3” (.‘onuni-nciucr at 10 a. m. T. I". IiitllJfl’ON CLERK Fin. '3!!- 3E. 03 (.33 mi 1 l

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