Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1901, p. 5

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\Ve hawx before us a copy of The E)npndn. I-Idycatjonul Munthly. fru- Octolwr. Qixis journal. whose. editor .is Mr. Arvhiimld McMurchy. M. A.. is published in Toronto at. $1 1L year. and cannot. fail to pruve useful m the hands of teachers. students, and all taking an interest in educational matters. The October number con- tains art.icles:by ‘Ffirnf. A. H. Young, H. Bonis, B. An Fabian “'ave. M.A.; J. G. Hullund :u1d,uchels, The thermometer and mu‘prices are both moving the same way. The bvst green Bin.cofiee. 100. lb..; Lynx brand mnllnomflle choicesb‘quaglity. 2 cans fax 270. Atkinson é: Swiv‘ A Harvest, Thanksgiving Service will he held in St. Mary‘s Church on “79d- nesdny evening Oct. 30. Rev. T. “7. Powell of St. Clement’s CliurclLEglin- {$01}, will he the preacher. A collvc- (inn will he made in aid of tlw fund for cleaning and dvcm‘utiug Llie in- terior 0f the vhurch fabric. The service will commence at, 8 o'clock. Thervciprncal idea is evident herP. AVe ll help you save mnnvy; you’ll when) us gain space. Atkinson and Switzer. These price hints may ~be‘hélpful :â€" Best pure lard in pails, ‘13.{.c. per 11). ; Quaker brand corn and peas, 3 cans fur 25 cents. Atkinson & Switzer. At the York 00. \V. C. T. U. ennâ€" ventiun held in Newnmrket Tuesday and \Vednesduy of last wwk the fol- .vaing ()fiiuH-s were elected: Hon. President. Mls. H. Curly, Nexfimax ket; Pres. Mrs. Ed. Cane. Newmurket; Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. E. Irwin, “’estnn; hm Sec. Miss \Viley Richmond Hill; Rec. Sec" Mrs. MCCllllncl). Enst To- mntn; Twas, Mrs. Abbot, Toronto junction. Boots and Shoesâ€"Buys’ :m‘d gin-15’ school hunts in large variety. A special lubnf ludies’ slippers, :1. grth ‘imrguin. Om- 1~uhher Sim-k is up-tn~ date. Naughtou Bl‘os., Elgin Mills. In reply to an 911q1)ir("r\\‘e would say wintpnssvngm-s taking the Motrnpnl- ‘tun cars from Richmond Hill on \le- stdays and Saturdays gvt to the (city and return at single fair, 40 cents. Ibis 'zptesrommenceé on Lhu'lz o‘clock mu: Ihe‘Am-nm Banner last wevk sa “Newmarket’s tax rate this ymu‘ $2.40 an the $100, 48c. on the :8 hing- Lhun Aux-urn.” VVP might .- let, the fornwr rate is just {61.00 am: $1UO higher than Richmond H “Tea Roux-"firms syrup is \w-. it, is in stock at. Atkiusm: & at. we. per quart Mr. G. J. Blamlin of Pw-ra (thy. _3.Iich. who :Lttoudvd thu Yum-ml ufhis mutlwrat Brougham, on Sunday nf last. week (value this way ml his return and spent. Friday last wit in his cousin. Mrs. J. Mortscu. \Ve are :5 hold your p1 Switzer. A puhlic meeting “'1” he held in Aurnl-zt 0n the Il‘fth insa. tn nominate cundidatvs fur the position of luwn (:()lim'.iil(.u-s. Om- of the vucnnnios was caused by the l'er‘sigdnliun Of Mr. T. H. Lennux : the other owing to the death of the late \V. A. Hutt. Miss BI‘I M’undie, .' Euwrgenuy Hmpitul \Vt‘k‘k attending hm- -.whu we are pleased is recovering from an ,Nr. John Ellstnn is arnund tlm Domiuimn ing the wmnd-wurk ui' slu-ds. and other 0110) tugether the uppvzum‘ is_1_uuch improved. Aul'nm anwrâ€"Ml Standard Bank, Tm‘ Linmut, of Richmond} urduy visiting frivnds sun-ks. Mr. Chas. Mulmhy, j the Stands-rd Bank, 1: ten-ed to [he I’ul'kduh Frank Hun-«y takes 1 place hen-r. The door hunting swarm opens on [he first of November. .Huntm-s 1w- fure guing tn the hush must, pmvide theluselws with :1 $3 Kim-mu. NIP. J. :N. Buyll‘, Mr. of this plucv, and M L'. .1 Maple. visiu-d the Pun- latterpurt of last week. Mrs. Jus. Newton of Newmarket, um! Mrs. F. H. “mu-s (-1' Auwru‘ me :gpcndjpg_phg_\yevk with their sister, G. Wile)? Miss R’Nldilt an {It-(Mitt wnn-nlvd work Sprint with frit M ls M iw E\' M m. U ml: Mrs. 3;”: n few dny< [’ulmor, nu - 51» 2.153199%!» - mmmafi»nwu§wi§ "girl, In a Miss Alice Gm-rws \viLh fl‘il”h(ls in Ann RICHMOND HILL 'zl'HANKSGIVING SERVICE. EDUCATEONAL MONTHLY ;. \VT 9 L()(3A YORK \V. C. T. U va/d uL uvm \Vilc iving l ‘Em-encv. “"iley [h and ‘up :s wry chain-v. usuu & Switzer’s hiuldings. lnce of th I New Glasguw Sunday with Ah‘s industriously t0 . Atkinson and Riéi‘nmohd Hill to Mt J. B McLean u n-Amevican the )U m Adam of the “in, and Miss ill, spent Sutâ€" lt the “inter- nm‘sv 1 IS hmm ll ninz- c1011; in us bevn trans brunch. Mr. dis flu; in ‘ n: a few days »\.lu-or .lu-onl. spe] ‘, Mrs. Jul szly. mntn, an 31- Magglv, able Lu say I: of cher. week said 1 file $100 might add t $1.00 on 1g repair-s ‘, 1‘(*-[Jzullt- le stables, 11 u 1‘ nail. Mr. M ulczl‘uy‘s Hannah after untu. in the u this LHI 1d :11 place spent 1901 nyk: evm- that for the labor and money in- vestvd he receives a better return in both comfort and cash than Jess «forf- unute neighborjp the‘ town. Farm- ing tn-dny means in the highest sense business ability. Bruins perseverance are what count on the farm. By taking advantage of other men’s ex- perience through the columns of The Farming World any intelligent farmertn-day may make his calling not only hb‘nni‘hhle but, highly profit,- nble. The Farming World is ub- . lished every week and we are 3! to % say that, we have made arrangement ‘ by which we are prepared to supply it and THE LIBERAL from the present ,dute to January lst. 1903, for $1.75. ; Sample copies of either paper may be . bad by application to this office or by addressing The Farming \Vorld, Con- 1i , «ration Life Building. Toronto. Many of us are apt to consider the farmer’s position inferior to that of his neighbor tfiqumflq. Theifucb is how- us far as could he seén e'veryfliifig about; the place was kept in a. sanitary condition, M r. Ludfnrd’s litthdqyghter, Ormu.‘. is improving every day from an attack? of typhoid. W'hen nearly two Weeks ugu, Mr. Ludford learned that. fever had been contracted, he at once com- municated with the City Dairy where he sends his milk. _ Dr. Armstrong of‘ the Health Department. was at once i sent out and made a thorough exam- ination of the premises, the stables, the creek, the house and the cowg.. He reported everything perfectly clean, and Mr. Ludford was instruct- ed to forward his milkas usual. Later the Inspector of the City Dairy came nut and he also reported everything satisfactory. He took with him tp the city a. bottle iof water from the Welland hndib analyzed. Mr. Lud- furd received a letter on Tuesday sny~ ing that the water was pure, and that ing the past year, and so well was he liked that he was re-engaged for an- nthm' yea], though two months of the ftrrmer term had nut yvt expired. Sugarâ€"On Friday and Saturday on this wen-k we will give 221bs. extra granulated sugar for $1, and 301bs.‘ brown sugar ful' $1. \Ve have special.; bargains in men’s shirts and drawers.“ tap shirts, Jadios’ vests. Nuughton ; Bx~os., Elgin Mills. V . w "â€" cvuwtery, fullmvvd by :1 sad procession consisting of nmther and sisters of de- (iHiSv‘L with (Ithm- relatives-"mi sym- pathizng fl'iruvls. The funeml oh- quuit's \Verk pelfurmod by Rev. J. A. (h ant. The dl-‘(VPHSNL who was in his 2111‘!) yan, was the main 511] port of his Inuther. He was a \vell-lwhave-d ynun man, and “2:5: Well spoken of by his mnpioym-s and those who ,know him. Hu- had worked for Mr. Ludfmd dur- The mneml of the late John Griflin Lmk place frqu the l'esidenceuf his mother on Friday afternoon. Six young: men carried the remains to theirlast Posing-place in the vfllage W'ox-Lh ymu' attention bvcause worth the price: Best, XXX \Vhite Wine vinegar, 300. gal. ; pure Concord grape vinegar, 50¢. per gal. Atkinson undl‘. Switzer. Bil-Opening Services will he held in the Methmlist Church, Maple, on Sun- dnyand Mnnday, the 27th and 28th inst. 011 Sunday, Rev. Dr. Uliown “ ill preach at 1130 n. in. and 7 p. In.. and will address the Sabbath Schoul at 2.30. (‘rnllectinns in aid of Improve» ment Fund. At, a sacred concert the l'nlluwiug cronng Rev. A. C. Crews. B. A., B. 1).. will deliver a lecture on “'l‘hi-uugh the Mammoth Caves with 200 Epwm-th Leaguers." Solos will be given hy Misses Roliinsnn, Keffer, Hazelwnud and Bnynes. and imighbor- ing ministms have been invited to give slim-L addresses. Admission, l5 and 10 cents. passed prevh son & Switze her, is pressed friends to allow thy convention, (tept it is than Neshitt. I’M-side' It is lu-cnusv the goods are thorough Ind the lnwast priced that sales have- n'lssod previuus lecm-ds hvre. Atkin- (ll M iss \Vzali N1 mvh mt H Inn 11 In mi- rm MR. LUDFORD’S PREMISES ‘rid Vt‘ll Tin HH- THE LAKE ,JQEHN GRI} FIN. Kl 'ue MONEY ON THE FARM. RE-UPI nine cl: *z'uus on 1011 5pm- idt-d fm ‘lwuls \v 1-«-pm-t lwing ‘ing that :1. gm hm n dom- in 9 above pluwing match will he on [hp farm nf Mr. Alfred Lloyd. mm. King. m-nr Lluydtuwn, on 15', Llw. lst of November. 'l‘hvxfe ninv cl- ssvs and the prize list is u. runs one. Tth is nlsu a number ml flue-vial prizes. Lunch will be idvd l‘m- plow-men in the livld. and nunls will ho SN'VPd at the Muns- lnusm Lloydhiwn. KING PLO\VING MATCH. \Vil {11116qu of the} late John Griflin nnmml 1m x hold Tm HI )6 st rouge . :L hm pressed The I u-su Mrs. I)“ be until Hgnf Um \Vé'st Ynl'k Cam. will hehpld in stmn on tlw 91h of Nuvmnlwl', to se- lidal’c tn (-nntn-st lhv riding mmmbhy tlw dvalh of the N. U. “Juliana Mr. T. F. a ln-ut‘hvr of the late mem- ssmi by .‘l number of his allow his nmne Lu gn lwfnre ntinn, but if he duos not ac- Hmught. that Dr. Beanie l'i‘siziont‘uf the ()an-in Lib- l-Vutivo Association, will strongest man. ENING SERVICES. :X'I‘IVE ] Inc-11Lng of tho \V. C. T. Tue-sde pw-ning M, the , Dwrry. Rvpurlsuf \vmk untimls depm-uncms wvm Suphsu lhv Flnwvr Mis- hving purtivulnrly goud. I, :1. grmt mnmmt. nf wnl'k nm in this lu-amch of the z‘ (".H‘l inn «If nffiuvl's [00k Mlle-d as fnlluws : Pres“ ; Vicu-Prmu Mrs. Mason: Mrs. Hum: : Run. Sec’y. '1‘“: was” Mani]. H. Sand- W . C. CONVENTION. SATURDAY. Ovt. 20 â€"Cash {51le of turnips. mang- olds. carrots. corn, (udder. etc.. on lot, 2,0011; 7, Mar. ham. the property of the Healer Es-f tote. Sale at 2 o'clock. Eckurdt anda Pteu Lice. nuctinneers ~ MON‘DAY.00t28â€"-Aucli0n sale of house and 10! 1n the Village of Buttonville the property of Robert Moukmun. Sale 3.1.2. Terms made known on day of sale. Eckardt d: Prentice, Inctioneers WIDNEsnAY, Oct Elli-Credit sale of farm stock. implements. etc" on lot 5, con. 3, Sun-hora} the property of Andrew Graham. Sula nt' 11 o'clock. lunch provided, Terms 12months. Erkardt A: Prentice. auctioneers. 'IDNESDAY. Ox-t. dUâ€"Credll sale at farm Pmck, implements. em., on lutsl. 2nd con. Vaugh- an. the proportv of Wm. Washington. Sale withoutreserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms ll months. The north and south halves of lot 30, 2nd con. Vaughan. containing 100 acres each, for rule on eusv terns‘. Suigeon 6: McE won, auctioneers. IaUnaDAY. Nov. 7â€"(lrelit. sale of farm stock, implements, etc. on lot ‘2'). 2nd con. «as: York.the property of Geo. Williams. Sale “11 o'clock Terms 12 months. Also the 100 more farm at ‘2 p. m. Eekardt and Prentice, auctioneers. Inm‘r, Nov. 12 â€"Credib sale of farm stock. implements. etc” on lot. 1. 8rd con. Vaughun (near Cherry's hotel). the property of Miles Farrell. Bale Without reserve. Sula at one o'clock. Terms 3 months. Ecknrdc and Prentice. auctioneers. THURSDAY. bov. 14 -Uredit sale of farm stock. implements. 9:13.011 101548. lat con. Vaughan' (Richmond Hill). the property of Arthur Coomba. No reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 nouns. Snigeou and McEwen. auctioneers. MONDAY. Nov. 18~Credit sale of farm stock, im- plements, 8110., lot. 19. .con. 15. York (Emory)., gm propel-wt)! Wm. L'nceky. solo at one. 303mm On Saturday. Out 13.Ju.cob Homer 0! Headlonl, aged 7‘9 ycurs. SIR.â€"In last week‘s issue of THE LIBERAL the- writer noticed a letter from “One Intercstm‘l in School Work,” exprcssing his disapproval of the action of the School Board in granting two holidays on October 10 and 11. In the opinion of tho writer the Board was perfectly justi- fied in giving the holidays. so that any I school children who wished to see the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and 1 York might. do so without, getting he- hind in their school work. In thefllsl‘, lace many of those who saw the I uke and Duchess will never have the iopportunity of again swing them. I Secondly, on occasions of that kind a ispirit of patriotism is encouraged, which at any other time is hard to i arouse, and patriotism We all know is ' one of the essentials of a good educa- liion. l l l CURTISâ€"NIGH-~0u xWednesduy. Oct 2‘}. at the reridence nf {ha igfida’s mocher. by Rev. F. Elliutb,l\h‘. Inseph J. (turns, to Christan-Q A.. only daughter (fijha la. «9 Eng Nigh 01 } Vichrin Sqlmro‘ ‘ BIBSNRRâ€"DUNER «At 12,133 residence of the bride's: mother. by the Rev. J. W. Hoover of ‘ South Cayuga. Mr. Christian S. Brenner of ‘ Smitbvitlo, Wayne (‘n,,()l|in, mMurv. oldest ‘ daughter of tuo late John Doner ofGnrmleyJ‘ Markham Tp. BEAT-"S Thafiking yoh for your Valuable space, I remain. yum-s sincer~ely,_ In conclusion let me say that, in our schnols We are taught luyulty to 0111' King and country, and expect to gmw up loyal men and \vumen. Perhaps our friend does not think this is right, bu}. if he will call :u'nund at the H. S. some afternoon we will sing for him “God Saw 0111' Gracious King," and t“ Th9 loyal suns of Canada, ‘tflhvuld serve the king, VVnuld dip fur him.” But. somehndy wnnld not; give us a holiday to look at him. - It was further stated that probablyt not one in five schulars went Lu Tut-(m- _to. Maybe not that number (if thej smaller“ children went. but We will} guarantee that mnre than one-fith 0f*‘ the High School pupils saw the Duke. We are glad, Mr. Editor. that, SO manv Schuldl's took advantage of Lln holidays tn see their future King and Queen. and \vm-e able to CUNLI'lllllt” their littlv In the welcome of Their R43an Highlwsses. Anuther statement was about par- ents paying Cal' fzu'P. hmu‘d, («t/c. We all know that; the school fees must he handed in holiday or not. but the majority of people will see that, ifa scholar does hot go to school, hv will not have any car fax-e m- bmu‘d hills to pa_y. It, was stated in the lettr-r the peti- tions were given in to the Bum-d Sign eh by pupils seven years and upwards. The High School hunde in a pl-titinn, but, none was presumed by the Public Scboul. an, the writer has ht-on go- ing to High Sr'html long enungh to know every pupil (m its roll. but, was not aware that there was one of seven years attending. Oxford Parlor Cook. nearly new. Loyal to King and Country To the Editor 01TH): Lmlemt. Tingle r11 ‘inbhths. Saigebn 6; McEwen, aucuoneers. FOR SALE Sale Register. NIARRIAGE.‘ A HIGH SCHOOL“ BOY. MRS. CROSS, Thorrihill. ‘DEERINQ CGRN BINDER ; JACOB EYER & SON FEED CUTTENG. ENSILAG-E AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUQGIS'I‘S. I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO V- - Opp. Electric Oil, 5 bottles for 25¢ Chase‘s Pills, 2 boxes for 25¢: )arter's Pills. ‘2 bottles 101'250 Perfect, Headache Powders. 12 in a. box, 250 Piorce's Favorite Prescription 65-: Pierce’a Golden Medical Discovery 63c Pierce's l’edeta 15c Ozone small 35. large 65 Scott's Emulsion. small 350. largessc Syrup bete Pine and Tar, 25¢ Nancie Food. 40c Feeding Bottles lOc Feeder Fittings. Nipples, Etc coal Gil-4‘1 10 to 25 per cent. The undersigned having purghased a complete outfit for _, . rivv‘v per \yard. Beautiful Cochecn Riga Fleece Goods, 1250. per yard. 28 inch Fine, All-VVonl Grey Flannel, 25c. per yard. ‘11-4‘ane Heavy Flannolette Blankets. $1 per palr. Men’s Unshrinkable All-Wool $hirts and ~Ell-,nwers, $1.30 Atkinsan (9} Switzer; Fine All-VVool Checks, regular ‘leue‘VSC‘ fififififiafififi Values are this Store’s Stronghold. AT'DANIEL’S DRUG STORE. Are Drugs are Pure and Fresh and Stock Upâ€"tQ-date. Compare we following: RICHMOND YOU §§;&‘VE B‘ROIVI C. D. DANIEL & CO. of trade, and some manutacturers are placing goods on the market that are not cheap at any price. It’s quite another thing to sell good, re» liable meritorious goods at extra~ ordinary low prices such as this store has been doing since it first made a bid for your patronage. It is rthis method of merchandising that has gained for this store its popular- ity, and it is with this method that we intend to always claim your patronage. We quote : It is an easy thing to quote a low price these days, since the cheapen- ing process has affected all branches Ensflaga Quite: & Blower, Are prepared to do all‘kinds of fanadlan W'ater White) equal to Amer- ican Oil, 160. gallon. ' Patronage Soliqited. B. Bell & Son's Consisting of a ,SII'RAW .C UT TIN G per suit; Altspioé. 0mm. me Acid for making Vinegar Oil for Cream Separabors Butter Color 18c Hyposulphite of Soda. tor Poultry, 10c. I. lb. Eczema Ointment, 350 Tooth Brushes 100.. Perfumes 100. 150, and me. Salts. 30 1b.. 101m. for 250 Sulphur, 3c. lb..9]bs. for 25c. Kendall's Spuvin Cure, 750 Pure Drugs aui Condition Powders Blisters of all kinds Pickling Spigvgtmg‘qumon, Cloves, Tumor . uh, 'F-TTT. ‘. per yard, for 550. Opp. Clyde Hotel

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