New Advertisements. Change-Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J C Ayer 6: (Jo Changeâ€"C. D. Daniel & Co. Changeâ€"Samuel L. Lewis 6: Co. Buoyedâ€"d... 15. Hoover. Stan dard Bankâ€"J. I“. Rowland fillet Willem / RICHMOND HILL. Novem‘iiï¬i'zs, 1901 O MarKham Council. Council met at Unionville, on Tues- day. Nov. 19. Members all preent. Minutes of former meeting read and conï¬rmed. Messrs. F. K, Reesor and \Vni. Rob. inson were heard asking that the Township Council pass a. by-law to assume that portion of Markham Village known as Vinegar Hill, lying south of the River Rouge. as per peti- ion presented last meeting. Sisleyâ€"Summerfeldtâ€"That the members of this council visit the local- ity about Markham village asked to be taken over by the township, and take. all matters into consideration and act accordingly.â€"C:irried. Re nrt of medical health ofï¬cer. Dr. Vatsoii, regaiding his work, was considered very satisfactory. Small- pox had threatened the township but by vigilance it had been kept beyond the limits. The sanitary Condition of the township generally was good. Snniinerfeldtâ€"Morrisonâ€"That the treasurer be. and is hereby authorized to pay D. & G. Harrington $101.69 for matei ial furnished the municipality up to dateâ€"Carried. Eckardtâ€"Sunimerfeldtâ€"That the mover be commissioner to repair or ï¬ll up the. culvert opposite lot 9. ion. 6, as he may deem necessary. Eckardtâ€"Suiiiinerfeldtâ€"'1‘liat the reeve be a commissioner to repair Locust Hill bridge between Lots 10 and 11. Con. 10. Eekardtâ€"Suinmerfeldtâ€"That the. treasurer be and is hereby authorized ‘ to ay the following sheep zircounts: in. Noble, 1 sheep. $0: A. B. Elson 1 sheep and 3 lambs. 2 injured. $11.10; John Miller 3 lambs killed. 330; John Harry, 3 lambs killed. $17.80: Carried. Suinnierfeldtâ€"Eekardt~That the ‘ treasurer be and is hereby authorized ‘ to pay the followmg gravel accounts: 1 Joseph Grove~DiV. 5.3. 900.; 42. (100.; 55. $23: 0'2. $4.10. Tilinaii Reesorâ€" l Div. 72. $9.80: "3, $3.50; 65, 1,50; 58, $8.60; 18. $7.60; 45. $2.40;55, $5.50; 54, $2.40; 64. $8; 57. $10.00 : 46. $4.00; 47, $6.40;92. (north townline). $4.60. Jos. Lapp, div. 67. $8.60. Jos. Lundy. div. 215, $3. R. A. Stiver, div. 56, $14.00. Morrisonâ€"Sisleyâ€"That the treas- urer be and is hereby instincted to, pay the following personal ‘accounts: S. P. Raymerâ€"Operating stone Cl ush- ei', 12; money frr,in station, 2; l§ days . work, $2. 25; 16; days crushing rock, l 13.20; 16% hours work, 2.48; total. f $31.93. Levi Koch. 27; hours, $4.13; Sawyer-Massey 00., re airs for grader to date, $27); Chas. Ac ney. 77 hours work at 15c.. $11.55 and furnishing tool box. $3; Geo. Robb. 20 yaids stone at 251.2, $5 ; Menno Rammer, 16 '. hours operating crusher .itSOc.. $12.80; 'l‘ihnan Reesor drawing sewer pipe and crdar pests, $3.40; John Rainer, drawing sewer pipe and 1% days" Work, $2.50; .1. A. Mitchell, 1 day with team. $2.50; Jos. Grove, 12 hours loading sewer pipe, $1.80; Jas. Thomas. 51 hours with team and wagon, $16.30; Corson & Sons. advertising Judge’s Court, 4.55, and 500 euvelops 1.50, total. $6.05;John Shawz days work with team,$6; Haloh 6:. Moore. bolts, nails. etc., $3.80; Campbell, drawing Sewer pi e, 2.50. and drawing plan. 2.50, $5; Valter Eyer, conveying in- digent to home in Scott. $8.85: J. Huffman. wheelbarrow, $3.50. ABy-Law providing for the hold- ing of an election and appointment of ‘ deputy-returning oflicers reeeived the necessary readings and passed. _ Council adjourned to meet on Mon- day Dec. 16th. at Unionville. c.â€"â€"â€"~ EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Testimony Which Shows thel Great Value of Dr. Clarke‘s Wonderful Little Red Pills. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills cured me of chronic rheumatism after I had been given up by the doctorsâ€"Arch- ibald \Vilson, merchant, Sault Ste. 1 Marie. 1 There is not remedy for rheumatism. ‘ or for building up the s stein. equalto Dr. Clarke‘s wonderful ittle Red Pills. I would not be without them for their ‘ weight in goldâ€"J. J. Brandon, Fene- i lon Falls, Out. i I can thruthfully say that Dr. i Clarke's Little Red Pills have done me. i more good than any other medicine I l- have ever takenâ€"Mrs. Orison R. Estey, lVatei-ville, N. B, There is no remedy that is equal to I Dr. Clarke‘s Little Red Pills for nerr- 1. ous troubles. rheumatism, or kindred ' diseases.â€"\V. H. Robertson. Manag- i gig Editor Daily Times. Peterhomngh, l at. Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills cured me of rheumatism after 16 years of constant sufferingâ€"J. B. Armour. bookkeeper Toronto Junction. l Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills are a. i certain cure for rheumatism, asthma, ‘ paralysis. catarrh. eczema. coughs. backache. indigestion. stomach and liver troubles. female complaints, even when the diseases have been standing for many years. Price 50 cents per box. For sale by YV. A. Sandeison, Druggist. The Canada. Chemical' Company. Peterborough. 0nt.. will forfeit $10 for any case that these pills do not he] . 1 Dr. Clar 'e's Sure. Cure for Catarrh. l and Dr.Clarke's Sure Cure for Eczema. ‘ same price. $10.00 will be paid for any case they will not cure. ' Sale Register. FBIDAY.Nov. {Klâ€"Credit sale of farm Itock. I'm- lenieuts. luinituro. etc., on lot a, :inl run. uughun,the property ol'l‘. H. Keys. ï¬rms at l. Tuima 11 months. Snigt-uu & .‘ilc- l‘lwoa. auctioneers SATURDAY, Nov allâ€"Auction sale of ï¬ve acres 0! standing timber on lot13.4th eun Vullghfln' the of John Campbell. sr. Sale at one. ’larins 10 months. b'uiucou (51 Mc- l-Jwen. auctioneers MONDAY. Dec 2â€"Credit rule 01 {min stock, llll- pleineuts,etc.ou lot ï¬sh; can “last York, the property ofJ E Kaisvr Jr son. Sale at 1. Terms 10 months. surgeon is: Mellwon, auetloneom MONDAY. Der: 2â€"Auctiu'n sale of 8 acres of standing timbm.inontly hem-h and maple, on lot 5. and con Markham, the propurty or the Foote estate. Suleut 1 o‘clock. ‘l‘mms ll n onths. Eekarw & 1’roiitice,uucta. TUESDAY. Dec. 3-â€"Crodit sale of farm stuck. in]- plements, furniture, etc... on lot :‘5 con. 2, inst York, the property 01 John Harper. Sale (it 11. lunr-li provided. l'eims e'even months. Bolton". 6: l’runtico.auctioneers TUEsDAI'. Dec. dâ€"Ciauitsulu of farm star-k, iniâ€" plements. etc., on lot 8.12mcon.\'uuglian. the property o! «\let Lanaiii. Snln at. 1. Terms 11 months- Suigeon ck McEwen, auctioneers WEDNusnAYJMI‘. 4â€"Crellit salo.of fresh ruilch rows. hprlllflt’l’a and young cattle in the Palmer Home. Richmond iiill. (sale at. 2. Terms 1 months. Saigeun 6; Moliweu. auctioneer-i Whom-mean I>ce.4~ Credit sale of farm stock. implements, furniture. etc., on lot 33. 22nd eon. VauquunJio pr. party of M. Mortson. flalo “ltliulll. i‘osmve. Sale at. 1.! o’clock. Terms ton months. The farm Will also be offered {or salts. Stokes & lllough. aunts. THUiisnn', Lee. 5â€"(uenit sale of farm stick. im- plements, etc., on lot. 26. 1st con. Vaughan. the, property of G, H, Husband. Sale at one o'clmk sharp, 'lerius len mo .ths. Ecknrdt it Prentice, auctioneers. THURSDAY.Dec 5â€"{2reuit sale of farm nr-ock. implements, etc. on lot 41.1st con Vaughan. the propeity of l‘eter MrCnrter. Sale at 1. Terms 11 inontlm. Suigoun tit McEwen. uUUliiUuL‘L‘lS FBIDAY.I)€C.6*(‘1‘elliiflfll9 of farm stock. im- plements. etc.,on lot 22 21rd can. Vnuuhan (Maplel the pioperty of D. Burgess, Sale at 1 'J‘ei-iiisllinonth. Suigeon & McEwen. auctioneers TUESDAY, Doc. standing: timber. mostly Leech ullll maple on 10124.1,on. 4. Sraiboru. the property of the Mfl‘klllll estate. hole at 1. Terms 12 months I‘lClillrIit, .E I‘rrntiee, auctioneers THURNVAY Denali â€"t'rudit sale of farm stock, impleni -nls etc., on lut. 3rd con. Vulnhnn (l‘lxoirlnil Stationl. til: 'lll‘Ol-Gl‘ty of Lewis Illâ€"Ciedit sale 01'7 zit-res of Deter. Sale at 1. Terms 1‘) months. Ec- karlit & Prentice. auctioneers m Cdnstipation Does your head ache P Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All drugglsts. Want your moustache or heard a eauul brown or rich black? Then use for the BUGKINGHAM’S DYE Whiskers 50 cm. oanucmns, on R. P. HALL is 00.. NASNUA. NH. For Sale or ill-{lent .The house and lot Yongi- 8L. in the Village of Richmond Hill. of the late Lizzette Jenkins. Apply to “'1â€. Innes. Richmond Hui or J-ls. L. Jenkins Evei'sley. 2t) 5. EAST {omit " Wis" 9e ileum lies at: .2. u t; a 1% The Annual Meeting of the East Hid- ing of York Reform Association will be held at the Queen's Hotel, U NIONVILLE, __0N_. Monday. Dec. 2. 1901. At 2 o’clock p. m. sharp. for the Elec- tion of Ofï¬eeis and other very im- portant business. A full attendance is urgently request- ed as a change in the Constitution will be voted on. F. UNDERHILL, R. A. MASON, President. Sec‘y. (a wry ; tillng lipâ€"usiness Milliner Stock Consisting of a number of Black and Colored Silk Velvet Hats, all one. price. at $1.95; Children’s Trimmed Hats at 750.. ; Buckles and Ornaments at 3c. each. Everything below cost. Will be on sale at Mrs. M. Brown’s, Tliornhill, Nov. 27, and lasting 4 days. Strayed Strayed into the premises of the undersigned. lot 20. 3rd Con. Vaughan, 21-2 on nrabout \Vednesday 30th 'ot Uct- I tober. a white sow; owner may have same by provmg property and paying ROBERT JONES. Richmond Hill P. O. For Service A Berkshire Boar on the premises of the. undersigned. H. H. HOPPER. 203 Richmond Hill Subscribe for THE LIBERAL ' expenses. 21-3 Thrashers Coal Coal, hard and soft. Ilnidwmxt and Slabs. Delivered on shortest notice. MICHAEL BROS. Richmond Hill. For Sale or Rent Six Acres of Land. House and build ings on Richmond Street iii the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill. Enquire of 18-6 .‘vl RS. STOCK DALE, llielinioml Hill. money to Loan Honor to loan at 5 Her cant. interest on that mortgage farm property. Ellqllllc at THE LIBERAL OFFICE T" PEER slits. A large brick home and good outbuildings with t own urn-s r f land, heinu pan ot 10'- 21. mnigl. Valiuliun, in the village (It Mapie. This is a rely ill - imi-Ie i-r warty on which is a flowing, .voll. \\ in be sold cnenp. f DONALD WATSON. '2-t Milli EY l Maple. A Inigo amount of niivute funds to loan on unprole farm property. tz‘l‘“l~‘l. Easy trrmF for repayment. K0 com- mission churli on loans, Apply to A. (l. P. l. \\\'1£lilNUl‘l. Freehold Loan Building. Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on .‘lniur lava. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA \ssures onulltlzommlem pilllfl.11nll is one 0 Y the 111-th ll ‘ *‘ ' ' 1 or: L'J‘QGSIl'G (‘nw ,. . ' i‘rmniu-ns low, 1 . in: Ulllllllt‘lllal and immu- .'uE :e '1 alto a policy ui’r. r'ue districtngenz. ’1‘. if". fiieiilAilON, LlI‘.121‘.AL')FI'ICl‘I. RICHMOND IlluL 'Qmir « van: 2/ “<11â€; You need a 2,000 lb. scale. We are going to sell 10 only 2,000 pound scale. ï¬rst class goods in Bus!)' way, tally inspected and cum:- anteed .: » q 4-“. '3 H any scale on the mar ket. Our 25.00 :‘E .1 3 E3 special price {or this limited F, her i«_ each .............. It's a bargain. (1011’ Cross Cut Saws, 190 foot. Q Youï¬l ï¬nd in right in Cross Cut Saws. A tullrnngeoflbe best ixmkern' goods. ranging in price train 190 p-r lob! up- wards. W‘e’ll saveyoumonoy in sewn. Q Axes 586 63.. A splendid line 0! Ann nnginx In price hon: so: to 5x00 each, We no bound h suit you Ln um. CURRY “ COM BS 3 The wrong wearing \ sud letting kind st a item We catch up. lgï¬orse Brushes ‘tut bring out the ï¬, :4 .‘uut uni vitreevery time. " J' l‘tired Mi 150 each up, "E 71.3 CLOTHEQ BASKETS. You much have one. “'9 hero the uplln‘ kind al Lh- upwu‘dl. Md the old bullion-u] wil ow clothe: bin-km. they naver soon: to I. lHEUI-JWW’BZ ‘ wear out. l’riaeé Iron 3.0 upwards. Y} 7’. niï¬DLEs. Yâ€"u'l: on; us with a good 01 5'7' m-w- : tirmeth lib-foxy. uid‘kln.» .15.: 2.1:- L‘: Ilium-m, in pelt-ea conï¬dent wisu gwd qw5y x: l t. illOl‘lEY 1' Five per cent. in-" . -. WSQF‘W THE POLICY ISSUED BY ,illlll CUNFELERA'HUN LlFE fiSSUClATlUll On the Unconditional Accumulative Plan contains but one conditionâ€"Pay the premium. Extended and Lash Value on every policy. Pamphlets on application to Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies: {RN FIRE INSURANCE CO. r...- \\’ lit; ‘1‘ l\l If. ,s LA\'l‘lLl£ i\ URWICI-l I ‘y" . n (:5 a "*- u n ' I). bruising, i reassure 159 One Dollar for 250. We bought 100 5-grillon Galvanized Iron Coal Uil Cans with syphon pump. These were made to be sold at 81 each. We are going to sell them for twenty- ï¬ve cents each to every purchaser 015 gallons 01 our celebrated GOLDEN LIGHT OIL. Fencing Pliers, 250 each. A necessary cool at this season of the year when you want to do a. little tightening. straightening and genera.) fence repairing. We have a. line of Boke's well known p ion: at from 25¢ each upwards. dammomaaaasaseaaas 3 COAL OIL. 3 666 GOLDEN LIGHT ............ 220 “ Golden Light Oil costs a. little more but it's worth a. great deal more. Poor oil is dear at any price. Golden Light Is worth all she money you pay for it. You don't know what: good oil 18 until you have wed Gu=den Light. We are sole agents seeseeeeseeeeeeee- â€" Padlocks 106 each A good Stable Padlock is a very much needed thing There is no need to be Without one when we will sell you a solid brass purllork with two an steel knys for 10 cents other ranging in price up to 81.00 each. GRAIN SCOOPS at 750 each Canadian Water White...l 70 gal. é American Water Whl‘o 190 “ FGGEGGQGQG A rnnxe of Grain Scoops 101- you to Helen from at from 7le each upwards Potato Scoops. the standard line. Rates and lull v‘v )1 1M Pl“. \\ e make Insurance our Business. and business strictly attended to. WWI‘M‘. J ltmmmmmr; . information will be sent in I). G. Savage, District Agent. k a 1 ‘h l O N I\’ l A L 1‘ YO R K M U '1‘ LT A 1.. 3f Accident Companies. London Guarantee & Accident Co. The Registry Co. of North America. Claims promptly paid Richmond Hill. Real Quality The Horse Goods, Harness. Blankets and supplies I handle have the rare (lll‘lllly which is so min-h desired by those who want tln- best : it is always pleasant to offer Slll‘ll goods. I want also to I'll†your attention to my splendid stock of Robes, loats. Glow-s. Mitts, and Gauntlets at priccs that will surprise you. I would be pleased to personally talk with you about; them. (j‘reo. Nchonald RICHMOND HILL. A. ...\ s u. a ire-Pas v v.3. We are clearing Dominion Trap Loaded “ Shells at 350 box, reg [Nil 0 .500. Everyt.‘ mg in ammunition. You‘ll ï¬nd our prices right. Free With Every Purchase of one 01 our British Bulldog Revolvers, we . will give a box 015') cartridges. This is a aplen- did weapon. 38 calibre, centre ï¬re. double m- tion, rebounding locks. and the price is only ‘ $2.50. Only a few to be sold al this price. Steplallders lllc. I A sun? A stop ladder Is a necessity ' in every home. Why be thh- .. out one when we will sell you '7' one so cheap. We have then: ‘? all sizes from 3 to 12 (not high 5. Steps are one too! apart. A' E TRAPS, 100 each. We have a lull line _ _> A ofdGnineh Trapsbwith _ _..\ ‘-.~ an wit out 0 sins. †Priors ran e from 10a . aeob up. peelslpflo- ;: ea in dozen lots. Rooï¬ng Material. L: It's ii. good time of the year to see that your roots are in good ‘ order We can supply Readv Rooï¬ng. A on , {tooling Pitch. and E Rooï¬ng Fells. We make ii. apeculty 0! root- 5 ing materials. 5 f i i 4. " l , 5 "‘ For your outflui lio- é FILEo, 100. La,“ A good mm," I Flat File, 8 in. aize (or 10 cents. E CUTTING BOX KNIVES or the best Shefï¬eld ate-9'. The last I cutting and long wearing kind. We ‘ have them. ' gee AT THE St. East . 'rx‘Jpâ€"v ~., ,1», n . \1‘ .u-JM A full sin»! . PLGYJ LINES, 150. u... .0, m Our er-n value is our Leader I‘iough LII? § lor 25c.