Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Dec 1901, p. 1

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VOL. XXIV. UBERAL Telephone 3368 for appointment. 23:. W. Cecil Eratter, 2L, Ho Best fi Oddfeildw's BI and (Juli Oa’fi VETERINARY SURGEON Gmrlunfie of the Ontario Veterinary Cwllege, with diploma. from the Unmrlo Veterinary Dental Schoal.w1ll visit. Maple on Monday mud Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 11.111. Calls promptly attended to. Diseases of horsea.cau-:e and other domesticat» edunigxlalspropbeu by the latest and most up- Remodelledmad uowly furnished throughout One 0! the most c'mveniont and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern com venieuos. Satmule rman far commercial travellers. Anidealscoppiug place for riding 0-: driving parcias.bic\'clists. or farmers going toot returning from market. Idkectric cars pass the door. Livsr)‘ 1!; connection. fmm 1 to 31).]11. ( Diseases of horse ed animals broacau ploved methods. D}; Calls by telephone from Richmond . Hill charged to me. J 98“ E’AL‘HBR. PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, Gulls by day and night, promptly at,- tended to. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON, VETERiNARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Cor. Bloor mud §p=uima Ave" Toronto. Room 12, 12 Member $1 per annum, in advance. (4 J. T. REGEII'OEF, \Vil JIM (Succ Ouica Ha DR. L. LAWRASUN, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Lipms Taques cure flatulence. VETERINARY SURGEON, DR. DENTIST IOU! 'I‘llornhill. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY‘ 553.8 ‘Iâ€"IMCGND HILL. PUBLISH E D1 m ctm’imzry D on“ s‘\ , 'E‘E: u mama. me-Nmmm â€"-ANDâ€" dum- Soilth of Public School. From 8.30 a.ln., to?) [3.11). 8t010a ictoria 33’12331 MAHON. BOPRIETOB PUBLISH! KILL, ONT. Seams. m STUBBg if Cecil Trotte‘ 332m; ORNING )d \7 o, cor. Yonge ‘01-0 n L0, m.; 12 ‘to 1 Surgeons. ill every Torcntn. m HOUSE 9? Prop LENN’)X U ' U K 3555333? Barristers FORON'L‘O OFI Building. cur. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, ace. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Yoxk Goods soldou consignment. General Rules of stock etc.,promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R. Guuldlug, Newton Brock, agent for the above‘ SALEM ECKmDT. 1L8 Wellington Place. Toronto Suite 77 and ings, 005'. License Auctioneers 10': the County of York,re< spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nfluence. sales uttPuded on the shortest. notice and :1 reasonabomtes. P. O.nduress King Money to loan at 5 per cent J. 'I'. Suigenn. Maple‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the County or York. Generalsalee of implements, furnitnresmnding timber. etc. .utten-ied on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronageâ€"solicited. P. 0. address Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York Salesatceuded to on shortest. notice and at rear sonublemtes Patronage sulicited. RX. '1‘ :5: N O'i.‘A RY 0n the premises 9! the uaécrsiguad, well bred Jersey Bull. Terms $ISO. Lil-euker‘l Auctioneer for tb'e Counties of York and Ontsmn. A11 Rifles of farm stock, &G., at- tended to on the shortcst notice and reamnulxle mtnq. Morteaan and hailifi sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘ville. Out A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Eve accommodsrcion to 51:63“. Board.81 Der da DA vm‘j A‘M’ES RICHMOND HILL & THORNHHL [AS N EW’TON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 25 KING STHE a Witnesses C STOKES FOR SERVICE Undertakan Ar Emhalmors. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. I ‘RON'L‘O OFFICE: Freolmld Luim inildiug. cur. Azlel:ude&Victoria l Strraels. Tumntn. '. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday I afternoon of each week. i Egzl I'I'ifi RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE MONEY TO LOAN AT 5‘}: 46 ‘mhill 158 mm; STREET EAST. rostrum Barrister, RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1'2, [901. Eckarda & I’lonlice WRIGHT BROS, germ. J. 1:. McEwen. Maple. Weston. Snigeon & Melâ€"Swen. nt Stokes fi' Bkmgh. E. figflem J. D. liendman COMMISSIONER IN THE id 78 Freehold Loan Build- )r. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. tors and Sanchez-s. ‘Office. Mr. Grant’s refiideuc BI'IJHP, every evening. ach Wednenday from 10 to 12 N. B. Smith. 1309, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Solicitor. Net In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” mt: & M T WEST, TOR LAW BEN CE MACDONALD Iicitors, 62c 1‘. LCD F0 R l) PUBLICQ cha the! mortgages at MORGAN, Eatery, kc. M 01‘ J. H . PRENTICE Unionvnle Tolcrhcne 2984 i prvst me ‘mnce to tl N on market ui-h of RONTO D BLOUGK deuce the the Notes on Foreign IMis-sions. The Downs have practicany with- drawn from China. but the interest in China has not subsided. Evm y intelli- gent man, who longs for the hotter- mont of tho \Vurld must, cunlinlw to fix his attention upon n country that con- {nins one-qum-ternf the world‘s populaâ€" Lmn. i The following were the invited ; guests, most, uf whom were present : Mr. and Mrs. David Tran, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Querrio. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tran, of Toronto; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. l \Vellwnnd, Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Mors- 1 son. Rev. Mr. More, Miss C. Heise, Miss M. Mortson, Messis. A. and B. Mnrtson, of Richmond Hill; Mr. and iMrs. Klinck, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tran, ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. E F. Nichols, Mr, and Mrs. J. Mnrtson, ,of Victoria Squaw; Mr. and Mrs. J. . Frisby, Buttnm'ille; Mr. and Mrs. \V. H, Lever, Gm-mley; Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Morison, Mr. w. Mm-tsuu, Miss A. l Mortsnn, Bond’s Lake; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Saigeon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ligge. I Mr. and Mrs. R. Czusql}, Mr. and Mrs. The latest and In news is the Empress ing the u-I-y laws suppl‘ess‘m-(l u fz-w m report is that thmv i: Provincial Capital \Vestvm Educatiml. before (he nut-brmtk this wry thing. Thr Heathen Ton plos (-lnistiuu complexion to the of China fur some years estimate the results. The Missionaries who were, driven outnf China, have now nearly all re- turned. and have been kindly received bv the Chinese. The Nat ve Uhristians rallied ahouL'thein as might, he, expect- ed. Those Native Christians have gone through the furnme, and by the discipline of infliction will he better and more consecrated men, and more efficient workers” anmngsb their own people. In that respect. the Mission will he. more. prosperous because hf what has happened. From Central India word comes that wins again failed. Only sixteen inches of rain fell instead of the ninety inches usual in that Pim'ince. As a result the crop has nnt. heen sown. and there. will he nu crnp in Mai h. There is fear 01' both broad and water famine. It may lN,‘ appeals \\ ill (:mne again i'nr help, and no doubt (‘anadians out of a plentiful harvest, will respond as gener- ou_sly as they did last, year._ Even so dreadful a calamity has been over-ruled to the conversion of many souls. Many thousands of children gathered during the lust famineund are umlerchristizm inst: uc- tion. They are also taught industliul m‘ts by which they can support them- selves. We haw in this office at, the present time- specinwus of beautiful rugs of nriental patterns woven by these children. They find a. large marketh England for such work. Alltliings :59 working towards the World’s up-lift and evangelization. R. P. MACKAY, Toronto. On Monday evening, Dec. 9, Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Morison of Elgiu Mills, cel- ebrated the twentieth unnivertzu'y of their wedding day by giving an oyster supper to a number of their friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. Czusnu, Mr. and Mrs. O. Neill. Jefferson : Mr. and Mrs. J. Kitsml. Clemnre; Mr. and Mrs. Tull- man, Norland; Mr. and Mrs. D. Glass, M 1'. and Mrs. W. Glnss, Mr. R. Mc- Lean, Mr. and Mrs. A. (.‘cll'o'ull. Mr. E. Glass, Miss A. Glass and Mr. E. (lax-sun .uf Elgiu Mills. At; six o’clock the company sat down to Well-filled tables, and showed their appreciation of the good things by the time they remained wiLh them. After supper ‘all rcpaiied to the parlor, Wheietlioy amused themselves with various games, and in viewing the many handsome and costly gifts, which she“ the high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Mu-bsun are held by their many friends. Then Rev. Mr. More was called to preside nver the literary part, of the evrning's enter- tainment, which cupsistrd of speeches, recitatiun‘s, singing and histrnmentul China. Wedding and most nprcss ls < L'm's She v mom )0 is (0 .hssionnries mn- their nwn \vnrk. th:t they should y wanted th couvertod ‘ estalrlislw so educate hosidp civil a] startled npppsjtion . oncom' quietly 1 9 Sn \‘iu be M isszmmries have. alm-ndy ,ze of China’s filed and ition and lust ywu. affliction. "-9 to he Hull’me go. The Ill oh mum s mating hp old ng During the speeches Intiuns were tendered ; hustfess upnu attaining anniversary of their wedding day. and it was a surprise. to most, of those prose‘nt to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Murtsnn und family were so soon to move from this neighborhood to make fur themselves a new home in the far west. This called fm-Lh many ox- prossinns nfrngrptv. and all joined in wishing them success and prosperity. The evening’s enjoyment. was hrnught In n close hy singing “God he with you till w» inth Again." Th0!) the party (iisporsvd, :lflvr thankng Mr. and Mrs. Mnrtmn for flu» very en- joyable time they had provided. all pre- The Pd to l The fullmving accounts were 1 Pd to Ive [mid : A. Thompson, road 1‘9pairs . . . .5 John (Junk. mad rcpails . . . . . . . . S. Sthnl. 100 Voter-3’ lists . . . . . . . A. B. Davis; mud to gravel pit. . Mrs. Patterson, tole-plnmu rent. J. A. \Vatson. re.Cm1‘.-t Revision Jus. Hull, x-nud ropuirs . . . . . . . . . . \V. Ul)l1})lnlld,CPdEll‘ and work Thus. Hul‘ \V. Smith M. Px-nctu J. C. STOKES. Clerk pro tem. J. A. Watson. re. Jus. Hull, Hmd n \V. Gnnplnndmvd H. Putter, grave] S. H. Lundy, adv J. W. Bntthl (7. Jucksun. cec} Robb. W'lnitp, s: G. Stukes, slum} Neil & Ml-Murt-R M. Gillhaln, <1“. Rogms â€" Urnsfivyâ€"tvhnt the clerk obtain i'x-nm A. B. Armstrong. town‘ ship SUHUHUI', xis hill uf custs against this township. Rngoesâ€"()rossleyâ€"that Thns.B0\ven be paid $15 for keep of Jas. Hoover. Gallnuglwr~Cmssley-thut Messrs. Lemon and Rnge‘rs be H. deputation to meet Mr. J. N. Donn re. his claim for damages against. this corporation. Next meeting at, Schomberg on Dec. 16th The following is the monthly report of Maple pultlic school for the mnnth of November. The number atfixed to each pupil’s mime is theuvernge result. (monthly), of the regular weekly examinations, held throughout the year, each name being inserted in order of merit. Senior IVâ€"Laum Richardson, 94; Ethel McNaughton, 92; Mabel Byum. 88; Elmer Andrews. 87; JuniurIVâ€"EddieSliunk,83;Le0nard Speight, 77; Hazel Hilty, ’75: Mary Muir Hum Gulluughvrâ€"Rvugm write nut and have p prohibiting uli partiv gravel from sidm-mld and 11. mm. 8. Burnsâ€"Ru gm) be paid 3 Casey durng $1.13hhe zllln cmlnr hf m1. Juniur Speight, Ash, ‘70: Seniul- IlI~â€"O('y Shunk. 88; George Andrews, 83; George Gordon, 80 ; Sadie Muthosun, 74-; Junior IIIâ€"Laura. Oliver, Russel Hiity, 90; Maggie Couper, Hazel Hanna. 76; Senior lIâ€"Chestor Saigoon. Roy Jm‘kson, 83 Reggie Shzmk. 76 Junior lIâ€"\V1H Campbell. 52: Ste' Shuuk, 45. The annual missionary sermons will be preacle in the Methodist. church next, Sunday by Rev. G. VV. Rubinsun, of King. mined at nmnhe-rof their friends last Friday evuning. Their niece. Miss Berta Devlin. of Victnl-in B. C. who was visiting them left for Toronto on Saturday, but, purposes renmining East for tth wintry. Mr. And Mrs. L. Rich‘ mined a number of their Friday evuning. Their Ill jury at the gmwl‘a] 5 his absence Miss Run in the store. A singing class is al iZo-d here, with Mr. H Toronto, as instruer King Township Council unpm-ies (“L Stew Puttng‘c'. won-k um in mctur. road 1 XtOIY, wm-k. . ilsnn, cedar p O’Neill, wind 1- Stephenson Bum. repni i1 met on Nov Te: chers lnttaining the twentieth of their wedding day. and Irprise to most, of those hear that Mr. and Mrs. Ifzunily were so soon to ~\Villie Cnuper, 67 F3; Stella. Wood, 51 (H :pvvches mzmy tendered the advertising md repairs gasâ€"{hat P. J. Fl:1nni- 12 fm- maintenance of P. his iHnPss. shegp Maple ass is about to be m-gan 1 Nov. 30. Members we in the chair. lccounts were order- 1‘0 1H epnil's . . . .‘ 1nd material repairs. . . . . . astor Saigoon, 86 ; Doll Jackson, 80 “'. T. THORBURN. W. E. MORRISON. Mm. . . sheep chum ,luilu. . . , . . ) chum , to pluw art, work zmk . . 's tn budge work . . . . . 1d repairs nd \vm-l: . Richardson enter ‘sâ€"thab the clerk ustod up a notice. 5 from removing between lots 10 *1. M. Fletch-F. u'. The claws w l‘hnmsun’s hall. S. LEMON, Aim congratu- hnst :md twent ivth Reeve. Stella. Tilvin 2 ()0 61 00 3 00 3 32 4 00 5 2 clerk 99 Received in Savings’ Bank Depart-. ment and intel'vst allowed at General Banking Busing; Tmnsactei. WWEST BEBE: Money Loancd on Farmers" Sink: holes. Blank Now Forms Supplied Free. For other particulars call at, the Bank. The Next, Sitting of Division Court. to: No. 3, County uf York, will he held in the Court Room, W J The house and lot. Yonge St" i village of Richmond Hill, of the Lizzette Jenkins. Apply to Imws, Richmond Hill or Ja: Jenkins Eve-rsley. 20-5. THURSQAY, JAN. 9, 1302 For Sale or Rent RICHMOND HILL BEVESEfifi " 4.30331. Capnzal Roast Not-ice of withdrawal not 11 snry. All deposits payabl on demand. RICHMOND HILL We thorougtly prepare young penple fur the lyusinass dutim of life by our completn courses in ACCOUNTING. TELEGBAI’HY. SHORTHAND. TV PE WRITING,ctc. We provxde u. dnzeu Capable Teachers, and clghty Typewriring machines, and produce good results. VI. 3. SHA‘V. BICEMOND HILL, Enter any time. Circulars Free Commencin J. F. ROWLAND, [Single copies, 3 cts. Central Business College Yonge and Gerrard stsl DEPOSITS T0 EONTO §%%:W9QZ A i3.” 1t 10 $l,000.(}00 700.000 {ET MTES. Principal AGENT. No 24 as. f'LL-RK in the 9 late Wm. w .‘v‘

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