o . the. market, and so satisfied are they New Advertisements. Chunge- Imperial Oil Co. New Auv~J (‘- Ayer ‘6; or). Changeâ€"Atkinson .2 Similar '.Chn.ngeâ€"lcusaill‘s in the Market. iheral. Elle: iHiIitheccmber 19, 1901 Village Counc1l. The council met in the. Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce «on Dec. 18. All the members present. Minutes of 3rd Decal-cad and approved. The following accounts were read : 'W. Proctor. for gravel sieve. . . .$ 3 ()0 -.Michael Bros, 21 loads gravel and teaming 23 10 :P. G. Savage. expenses attend- ing Good Roads Convention 1 25 Moved by Mr. Inncs. seconded by Mr. Furey. that. the treasurer pay the foregoing accounts.â€"()arried. A written application, signed by Mrs. J. \V. Elliott and twenty-one .0ther ladies of the village. was present- -ed. Mr. Trench moved, seconded by .Mr.Furey.thal: it be received and read. The up )licution was read, asking aid .for Mrs. i achll. Mr. In ues moved. seconded by h‘Il'.’ Furey. that this council recommends «thata special collection be taken up. .and an appeal to the charitath dis- posed be. made. for the purpose of raisâ€" ing the sum of $18 to purchase a coal stove for Mrs. Maxwell. and that the Clerk do semi a copy of this resolution ito Mrs. J. \V. Elliott.â€"0arried. Moved by Mr. Hill. seconded by Mr. ’Furey, that the sum of $50. entered in the estimates and levied for the. pur~ pose of aiding the Village Fire Brigade be paid to the treasurer of the Brigade. â€"Carried. The Council adjourned. M. TEEFY. Clerk. 8.0%â€" Victoria. Square Jack Frost has again returned in ï¬ihis vicinity; we give him a cordial welcome. Miss J. Brown is visiting under the' parental roof. Mr. S. Brown has disposed of his .:-residcnce. , Mr. \Vm. Bruinwcll had a cow hang herself last. week. Special evangelistic services are be- ing conducted in the Methodist. Church here. The meetings, which are being conducted by Rev. Mr. Craig. will be continued until Sunday evening. Mr. Craig is ‘a powerful speake ‘ and every body should avail themselves of the opportunity to hear him. The meet- ings are well attended and much good has been done. and we hope much more will be accomplished before the meet- ings close. Come “one and all" if you .have not, been attending them for all are. \velcou'ie. The Sabbath School intend holding their Christmas Tree and entei tain- 1nent on Christmas Eve. The enter- ltaimnen‘t committee. are hard at. Work. Silver collection will be taken up. -.Entertainment to commence at 7 0’- xclock. A’ REMARK/IBLE STORY. \A Discovery eta“ Almost Cer- tain Cure for Rheumatism and Kindred Biscascs. Amongst, the. greatest. discoveries of the age of relief of human suffer- ing. Perhaps none take so high a' ~ lace as Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills. he formula. from which these pills are made. was the result of many yearsof study and experiment. It is with the greatest. conï¬dence therefore. that the proprietors place these pills on that they will prove a blessing to suf- fering humanity, that‘lhey make the following olfer: To any one who is a subject of rheumatism (no matter how long standing) or any blood disease, as enumerated below. and will give. Dr. Clark‘s Wonderful Little Red Hills a fail" and impartial trial and do riot ï¬nd a perfect cure, we will re- fund the money paid for the pills. If no substantial improvement. is observ- ed, we will in addition pay $10 in cash on satisfactory evidence being suppli- ed us tot-his clfect. “’e have yet. to know of a single case where these Wonderful pills have not been almost entirely successful in afâ€" ' fecting a cure. CANADA CHEMI- LlA I. GO. Peterbomugh. ~Ont. ' ~_.. Dr. Clarch Little Red Pills are a certain cure {or rheumatism. asthma, aralysis, catarrh. eczema, coughs. mckache. indigestion. stomach and liver troubles, femalccomplaints, even when the diseases have been standing for many years. Price 50 cents per box. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson. Druggist. Dr. Clark‘s Sure (lure for Caiarrh, and Dr. Clark‘s Sure Cure for Eczema same. price. $10.00 will be paid for any i case they will not cure. l MARKHAM REFORMERS. The Markham Township Reform As- sociation met at Victoria Hall, Union- ville. on Saturday. 7th inst... with l President. J. B. Gould in the chair. Thu- following‘ ofï¬cers were elected: J. B. Gould. President: A. Quantz. Vice-President; Abner Summcrl'eldt. Ber‘y-Trt‘as. Chairman of Sub~Divis-l ions: No. 1. David James, Thornhill ; l No. 2. David Lynclt. Richmond Hill: ‘No. 3. (‘. J. James. Butlonville; No. 4, '1‘. \V'. Klinck, Victoria Square: No. 5. \V. A. Noble. l-Iagerman: No. 6. Jonathan Nigh. Cashel; NH, 7 south, Gen. Robb. Armadale; No. 7 north. A. \V. Ill-my. Markham : No. 8. Peter Byw, Markham: l. o. 9. A. He-esor. Goin- Grove; No. 10. Alf. Hoover, Mongolia, A NE\V YEAR‘S ISHU 1‘). The January Ilelineator has a rich ‘ and inviting lubli- of contents. and atâ€" tractive features ale added to all the existing (lcpaitnn-nts. lra l). Sankn-y, the famous evangelist. vividly (Ic- scribes his join ney throuin Egypt and Palestine, and the personalily of the author gives to (ht-so [mpcl‘s an inter- est that is truly l'clnarkable. They are illustrated by photographs Ill-'Illt‘l by I. Allen Saul-icy. who ilci'ulllpullll-il his father. Recent mournl'ul l'\'l‘lll.\' and the intense public sympathy with Mrs. McKinley lllllkt' \‘ciy linwly an article on Notable l’ensuincis of the Nation. in which the annuities llllill Ln col-lain illustrious ladies are marlc pub- lic for perhaps the first time. Dr. S. ‘ R. Elliott begins his series of recollec- lions of a group of women noteworthy for personal character and attain- ments, and Clara E. Laughlin tells wilh great charm the sim-yof I’m-'3 Love and marriage. Some oxn-llent ï¬ction is offered in this number: the children at «- especially considered and the variom miscellaneousarticlesâ€"«the fancy-Work. cookery. the holiday dis- pluy. house-furnisbing. clanâ€"have a distinctly seasonable flavor. â€"-oo>â€"â€"â€" I ll ('oal. hard and wfl. Ilanlwoml and Slabs. l)l'il\‘\ led on shortest notice. MICHAEL BROS. Richmond Hill. N . T- «,f money to moan. Moncv to loan H! :1 our rout. iutm'CSt on )1! vi llllrll.ll;1ui llll) pi'uiucl‘tv. limpin. .M. T illi son ShLE \ lurvm l‘ru-k ill-USU and good outbuildings with hu-lvo aerosol quul.l:em: part. nt lul 21. i'nnJy’. \‘nn .wnn. lll lbw \lllllLIi" of Maple. 'l MB is .1 may (lesiinlilc propel-Lyon which is a. flowing Well. \\ ill l): mun cheap. .l)0l\ALD WATSON. {\luplc. II‘EIEAL ()FFICI'. flit Mfli‘lEY QMON‘EY! A I!" in, amount. of nrivalo funds to loan on nuprnvml farm property Five per cent. [11‘ MOP->1. HHNV ï¬rms for repnvnuent. No com- Sale menistcr. ann‘. Dec 20â€"01mm salt: of 7 uni-as of stand- ing: timber. on lot l-l. coll 7.Va.l;;hair lill‘ uopcrty of the Cu. heron estate. Sale at. l l‘m-~--s in months. Suiguon and .‘ilclliven auctioneers. FRIDAY.U::U-1 7(Ireilitsalo of {mm stitk. im- plements. etc. on lot 7. 8th non Viugimn. the property oi Wm. llurton. Sale at 1. Terms 10 months Saigcon k \lcl‘iwmi. aunts. SATURDAY, Doc ZS-Jlli'bil‘u sun of s’. inning timber, lotll. rear 4th com. Vaughan. the property of MulCoim \\ arson. 5:an at 1. I'm. months credit. Suigeuu & MrEwuu. auctioneers. MONDAY. Dec 3 . Crozlit sale. of farm stock, imp. on lu' 2i}.confl.\'.mglnui, the property of Mrs. Wm. lmnc. Sweat 1 ’ler-us 1U mos. Sttl' d’ Mnl'lwon aiiwtiouems. \VEDV sDAY, .lan l~ motion salonr :15 licnl of (.1. . .lr: at the Palmer lion-=2 l.ielmim.il Bill. sun 1.1.9 o, m '1"‘21L“~‘il" ll) 4 to 10 months. Suigeon A: McE mu. ducts. WE '.\l..~er\, Jun'vdâ€"wium. on sale ofhuusenohl i'nroirurn. vehicles. fowl. via. 11‘ Unioniiile Simon Hills the pimpcitf of Gen rlul'rioq» ton. Snlout 1. Terms cash. I‘i‘2llel'lil and Prentice, auctioneers. WE mm mm Jan. 2'3. â€"(‘.rmlit sale of farm suck. ilnplevneu 5 etc. lot Ill, [5‘ run. “Van; Man (l.}. miles norm of Elli-him [II “in Jun angc 5:. l the. property of W. Mn ‘5 m it Son. 2v. ll‘- ’ smve Salcut l: o'clo. . 'l'cr'usil monil‘s. _ Sui goon & lllclï¬wcn auctioneers flkilfï¬ .4. h“““‘ Don’t tie the top of your {oily and preserve jars in be old fashioned Way. Seal them by the new. qulck, absolutely sure wayâ€"by a thin coating of Pure - Reï¬ned Pnraï¬inc. 152.3 ' no taste or odor. la air tight and acid roof. I‘aézlly applied. sofa} in r. dozen other each cake. Bold everywhere. Made by IMPERIAL OIL 0‘} um stisu‘iiï¬i l‘SBl-lllll‘z. BEST H/TilD COAL For household purposes. BEST SOFT COAL For threshing and other steam purposes a; 25 cents per cm... at TiliilliililLL ifl'ATiï¬il. Also one of the best grades oi Portland Cemen made, for sale at >3 per bbl 'l‘wenty cents per bbl. refunded for empty sucks. Will be at the station to attend to customers on Wednesday of (each week during: August; Wednesday and Thursday or each week Liming Sept.. Out. and Now; [Hill on \Vednesdn)’ of each week during the rest ul’ the coal season. i Coal delivered to Richmond Hill and ’l‘hocnhill I ‘ on the shortest notice. Term; cash on dalivm‘y. No m-«lcrwill be con- sidered binding until accepted by us in “Twin . H. WINGEBE 8c SON. August. l,l9!‘ll. om CarrvilleP ‘ TiiiliiEl’S lililit i" We will pay you 9 cents per pound for plucked turkeys, large or small lots. we pay freight. \Ve buy all kinds of poultry. Check sent as soon as we receive the poultry. SAMUEL L. LEWVIS 6: CO., Commission Merchants. London. For Sale 1 pair light bob-sleighs. with pole and shafts also; 1 new Dominion organ. Terms easy. MRS. CLARK 24-2 Richmond Hill. Rink for Sale _ The Thornhillâ€"skaiing Rink is f... sale. For terms and particulm s apply. 1". J. GALLANUL‘SH .231 L'ily Dairy, Toronto. mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. F. T. \WRENCJ‘T, Freehold Loan Building, Toronto Or at Richmond liill on Saturdays. HE SUE †Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA. Assuresonall the modern plans. and is one o the most on sperous and progressive companies in existence. Premilurs low. policies unconditional and nonfurfrituhle Take a policy wiLl: the district agent. T. I“. McMAIION. LIBERAL OFFICE. â€" RICH .‘lOND HILL RiZQihï¬mad Him Kaiâ€".UNDRY T nm pl'sim‘ d..to do Family \Vashinqs. Gents’ Ellll 1....Iie h! e linen a specialty. Work gum- nntmil an MAXWELI rn .L .1n;l.rona gt: solicited. TILLIE FOOD CUTTEBS, $1.25 The Universal Food Cutter outs all kinds of food and meat. row or cooked. It has scatters. course. mediumund ï¬ne. It is half-clcuning and self sharpenine in. hon .clieorcr can in Mid in km Without run. Just the: mom; to make your minor meat with Made to la] sold 101' 3‘. .Il - We honestly think that our broom valuna are the beat. in H the country, bought din-ct. from the maker c :5 and sold in a. small proï¬t. they can't be othe"-‘ ’1 wise. Try us the nsxt time you want a broom " It won't be vevy bLEIGH BELLS mg WWW" l’need them. This is just a. reminder so that I Vlfllll'll know wheroto go for the best value in I em. One Dollar for 250. We bought 100 5-gnllon Galvanized Ironvoal Ull Cans with sypnou pump. These nere made to be sold at 81 each. We are going to sell them for lwentv- ï¬ve cents each to every purchaser of5 gallon of 'ur celebrated GOLDEN L16 “T «4 IL. iMW If your doors or windows do not ï¬t well and let in me cold. ur weatherstrip will ï¬x that .L's better than storm doors! . id win lows and will save half v lll'flcl It r-mu-s in urine from 'I‘ 1‘ 0 ()‘ENTBaioot up airless, HINGEs. Hinges. light nr - heavy. (we or rtrap ' pattern. “'ocaxrv i. I]. complete line at . our close selling . prices. f CATTLE (Shams, 15.. each A splrznï¬id ‘i -‘ «t i‘nglish and American cutâ€" ‘- tle chains. 1' .9. g :1] price from F {seen cents ,9 each upwind... 51WEAThERSTRIP, 20 FOOT Hm “m?†“‘"m' * mefllï¬m 34.:- gm. \JLK" “rattan. flymmmt .313: wt: w.:a“-‘.:':1u\.r':cr-uxxm Till; POLICY ISbL ED BY THE CUllEiiRll‘lUll LIFE ï¬SSUCl/lTlUN On the UllCUilCllLlUllal Accumulatch l’ian contains but one conditlonâ€"Pa)‘ the l‘lCllllLllll. Extended :: id Lash Value 0n cvciy‘ policy. lx’aics and lull information “’1†be sent in Pamphlets on application to l). Savage, Disli‘ict Agent. Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies: WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. MERCAVTILE NORWICH UNION IMPERIAL YORK MUTUAL Accident Companies. London Guarantee & Accident Co. The Registry Co. of North America. We make Insurance our Business. Claims promptly paid and business strictly attended to. P. ' SAVEiGE, Richmond Hill.- .. m Rama... The Horse Goods. Harness. Blankets and supplies I handle have the rare quality whin is so much desired by those u'lio want the best: it is always pleasant to miller such goods. I want also [0 "all yulll‘ attention trig} my splendid slot-l: ol‘ Robe-4, Coats. Gloves. Mills. and (iauntli-ts at prices ihal will Slil‘pl'i‘~‘(-' you. I \rould be pleased to personally talk with you about. tin-In. MW .‘vk O «i n aid RICHMOND HILL. (3'00. rasmï¬iwnzvmzmmm Fill your cans withâ€"â€" Golden Light Oil It costs a. little more. but it's worsh a. great deal more than the many in- Icrior oils wsich are on ti e market. It burns longer, gives a brighter lightndoex not smoke the chimney air] is pmibivcly odorlr 58. Try it and you’ll have none other than Gol- den le ht. We are solo agents. W4'flâ€1’;: . . '1‘ ‘1'. ~.~ :- we... ) A good. serviceable Axe. handled and rearlv for immediate use. for 750. You'll find. our Axe values unbe table. wv :r-rr'v Blankets Heavy Din.le eusevHorse Rankets, hound. napod and strap- icd. regular dol- tl‘ and a. quarter mine. We are cling them at $1.90 each It's a. bargain; get one below they are a. 1 sold. Sheï¬ield Razors,w 250. each. LANTERNS i i t at 40¢: each 3 A good. servireuble lantern { r FURTY - GENTS. Uurcoldblnstl lanttrus,gum‘ uteel to give a. perfect light. in any wind. We sell - at 65¢. each. Use Golden Light Oil in your lantern to ob- 1’ min a. perfect. 1igh:. Tarred Paper ~ p. We put on sale ONE HUNDRED only hollow {round razors. John Pearce (2 Sons. of Shet- ï¬eld. England well known makes. ’1 hese raz- >rs were bought to sell for 75¢: each. but to low- -r our stock we will sell onlv 100 at l'WENTY-IPIVE CENTS EACH. POULTRY CRATES. 450 roll. 4"0 rquara feet in a. roll. the right thing for ‘ lining your st'blos. Nothing better iorlinâ€" ing your chicken houses. Usually sold at 50c and 600 n. roll. We make a. specialty of it at Fort)" Fwe cents a roll. '7 ll. New Chair for 100. You cunmuke an old chair with is. worn. out seat as mod m. , a. now one with one '3 of our 1) riot-Mgr. r, chair seatscoiupleiie i with nails. (or TEN . OblN'l‘u. Bringyour l, pattern. granular.» .. ., Light and strong, just. the one you want. HAY KNIVES, 750 each. ‘ 1!! ' “TNâ€""3&1 All the best patterns We sell for 75¢. each. Grain, Root and Chafi‘ Baskets. You'll ï¬nd in our: stock just sm in goods as )ou need in this way and rightly priced. Not much snow just now. but there's loin coming. We have nspuâ€"uuid uszonmrnt ol slrigbs ranging from NiXETEEN CENTS each upnnrds. Barn Door Locks and Bolts. We have a emu. bl. te M s '11- went 0! barn door bolls, locks and We can supply your needs in tliislinc gassasssassssssaas 2» Window Glass. A 13.1956 complete stock at our close out prices. (3 ,c ï¬Â§â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬~€€$€€€€$€€€€éï¬Ã©â‚¬â‚¬Â¢ g..‘-.“ sum» QuL'ï¬f’blf-n r» .:'.~ ‘If'fd‘.L|¢f\-‘-l'/ mu aw mm Uh‘l' - latches.