Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1901, p. 5

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m‘flg'ffl‘f’? '1 5’." 11‘. {‘Yiz'i’i "‘ (it: ? u ‘7 g :‘i. 5*, t. 3‘ ‘ré t: l '1 ‘r 1 O 10. 19h] 14 (X ('3‘ A\ E The Illl‘lilillliill Hill Rink will be open to skaters Satin-day cvoning. Good lLt‘. b-.‘ J ow - Clirlingr ll]“-‘.‘llli».: in tho (‘vounoil (illi!lllll’.'l‘ Friday or. ning at S oclock. Full attondanoo roquosti d. 1300 lbs. soalo $1 Lilli at, U. Masons. Tho 'l'hoi Illllll Skating Iiink will be ro-oponod on Christmas night. Fiionn-n‘s Chorus will moot lot-prac- tioo at tlw homo of Mrs. i'ifi’llzljl‘ on Monday rt oning at. 8.30 o‘clock. (‘ ‘vht'lt you buy youi stovos from \v. 1 Mason you got them sot up froo of Chorgé'. Mr. Goo. nations at (‘ypross Itivor. Manitoba. spout a foW days this wook with-his sister, Mrs. \K'. E. \\'ilo_\'. All kinds of hardwai-o ohoap at. C. Masons. A onoi-il ('olloc‘tinn takon in the Mothodist rhuroh lrisl. b‘anulay {or tho Siinday School :iniounti-d to $24.41;). Good ili :play of V'hi'isl mas .‘i‘oat at Glass and t) is Butohoi-s‘iiop. (Hulqu sou l'or yoursolvos. Mrs. J. liutohinson and Miss Mabol Lloyd of Aurora spi'nt Friday With roiativos and t'rn-nds in tln- \‘iliago. Stovos all inakos, ltSS than city pi'ico, at U. Mason“. Miss 17. M. Iii-own will b-- first Asâ€" sistant at Htfllti‘ilill‘r'lg l’iibiio Sohool. i'llllllllt‘lli‘ilig'iilrllii‘ l-ogiJning of tho yoar. Annu-il School iiiootings in rural Zficlionl s-‘a lions will ‘oo iii-id this year on Thuisday, tho 293th of Docombor. at. It) a. in. in“. or Christ- Atkinson K Monvy ll! your poi-kot ainas ii‘ you buy hoio. Switzor. 'I‘horo will bo an :ippropiiato Christ- m'is Sorvioo. including; an addross', at J,ho Epwot th Loague. Friday evening of l/lllSWVCL-li. l Tho (l. O. C. F. will hold a. Christ- -nias Tire and oniortainmont in the hall atToniporanirovillo noxt Monday ovcning. (w'ood prograiniiio. Hookoy skaiei lUcts. poi pair up at U. Masons. \Vrits will bo issuod to-niorrow for ‘nlllt’ byo-oloctions, including \Vost Yirk. Nominations January 3, elec- tions January 15. Skatos, all kinds and; prices at C. Masons. Mr. Iiovoi-on Gloror hit Monday for O :hawa \a'hr-ro to has s cmel a posi- tion in tho [lillill'v shops- of the Mc- ‘Lli'iughliii Carriagc \Vorks. Rov. Mr. Craig of Toronto proachod in tho Mothodist church Sundiy morn- ing; in plat-o of ltov. Mr. \Vollwood who was seriously hurt the wock be- fore. Brim full and overflowing with Christmas boanty and happiness. Atkinson & Switzor. ‘ -Mr. T. F. \Vallaoo. Coi'isorvativc candidato for \Vost York, spout Fri- day ai'tornoon in tho viilago. callingr on frioiiils. M r. \Vallace attondod a mocting of tho Consorvatirr Club in North Toronto in tho ovoning. C:ll'\'lli"‘ si-ts, mod and clioa at C. M a is . ison,s Miss Aggio I‘Idtsof Blonh -iin is visitâ€" ing at tho “Dairy Farm“ with bor cousin, Miss Barbara Horn ‘1'. Miss Emma Gibnor of Mount Joy also spout a wool; at. tho sainc place and rcturnod Sunday. Christmas Bargains~como and look for yoursolf: you can soo thoni all and ,hundrods of ot‘in-rs wo have room to toll of hero Atkinson A: Switzer. Mrs. ll. Mai-Nish lol't on Monday .iiftor a \‘isit with lior sistor Mrs. A. .Sylvostor Savago,fut-Markham yilla‘go, ,and onTliursday noxt sho li-aVos for hor homo. in Kingston, Jamaica, \cht Indies. C. Mason has sonio stovos he will .sell at. quite a discount. The Prosbytorian Sunday purposo holding lllcli‘ annual (.‘hrist- mas Tree and ontortaininoiit in tho. basemont of the Church on Monday oroning. 23 inst. A silvor collection wvill bo takcii up to (It-fiay oxponscs. Nomination bills li:l\‘o boon disti-ibut. .od announcing that. tho annual moot- ing for tho nomination and cloction of chaso it l .I'fi'evc and four councillors for tho\‘illago. and three trustoos for tho ,30Lh inst. Fulnoss. freshness, ('Hl'l‘l‘t‘ilH‘SS‘i'lll tho good qualitios, and the lowost prices. Toy Drums, toy whips, toy guns. Mechanical toys. Switzor. Mr. Frod A. Clark and Miss Mai v A. Monkinan, both of lit-adt'ord. wor'c united in tiiarriago on \Yodnosday of last wook. Tho coroniony was por- forinod by Ror. .I. A. Grant M. A. of Richmond Hill. Miss Mary Goodyear ~§vas biidosmaid. and Mr. \V. G. Monk- }uaii of Toioiito acttd as gi‘oomsnian. Atkinson IS: . :3 e- runwenrxmadm Wm Wmmfilmamuxm “ Tho Dooomhor number of tho J. “I. Prppi-r l'iano Musio .‘tlagazinoprosnnts . as its Ullt‘llllig nuinbor for tho Duo-i oinhi-r issuo a bountile song by ll. l'I. Buck and (‘. '1‘. Lowis, ontillt d “’l‘ho Hoar: of Maryland." simlablo and will ho a fa\orito. 'l‘liis nunibi-r :|l~‘i\ oontains 32 pagos of tho» most otiioitaiiting intisii-al llll‘l'ullll‘t" anti lizill'tonos. which with its 21 t'nin-i plolo pioi: < for tho pianoâ€"1t) songs 11 instruinontalhgivos thus-o who pur~ survivil tinios tho woith of thoirnionoy. 2') conts. all iioWsdoaloi-s. Mon’s hoary stitoliod silk handkor- chiol's 2.3, litl, I.” and 751'.: Mott‘s onlorod siiii ts a spot ial lillr for Xmas at $1.')t); Mott'sliiio sii:.poiirli-i's and lino nook- woar. Atkinson is; Nwitzoi'. Thn (ll'lil-llltl for lli!‘ tbroo bountiful pioturos girl-n with tho Family Horald arid \Vookty Star of Montroal this soason has hm-n so gi-oat. as to comâ€" piottily upsot all oaioulations of tho publishnrs rogarding supplios. 'I‘hoy iii-o ('ortainly tho biggust \‘aln‘.u oV‘t‘r‘ otiorod and no woiult-r thoro is a. big doinand. Tho pliblislit't's of that grout paprrhavo guarantood ovory poi-son who siibsoribos for 1902. that thoy will 1'(‘(‘l‘l\'t‘ tho tliroo pioturos. and it Inigo stail'aro working night. and day onâ€" doavouringto ottoh up with oidois. 'I‘hoircopyof tho Gainsborough Pic- turo is rioating a poi-fort furoro. CHRISTMAS NIGHT. Tho Annual Sunday School Christ- mas Entortainmont will ho hold in the School Room of tho Mothodist Church on Christmas night. Docoinhor25. 'i‘iioro will ho a good programme of music and rooitalions. and thoro. will ho a visit from Santa Claus. Ad- mission 15 and 10 oonts. GOOD TEMPLARS. Tho Good 'l‘ninplars of Maple intend holding a hiin class iiiiisioal, and lit‘orai-y ontortainniont in tho Masonic Hall on (‘hiistnias night, Doc. 25th. Tho programme will consist of songs, spoochos, l't't'ltiillulis and dialoguos oto. All l'i'ionds intoiostod kindly take advantago of tho good toads, and mono to Maplo and onjoy yoursnlros, Admission Adults 15 con is, children 10 coiits. \Ve havo sparod no pains to make this storo as horoloi'oro. Christmas buying hoad (illi'll'Lt‘l's, whore bost inorohandiso is sold at. absolutely the lowest prices. Atkinson & Switzer. FIREMAN’S CONCERT. i A coninutteo of tho Firo Brigado and othor oil izons arc proparing a pro- graiiiino for the annual ontortaininont on Now Yoar‘s night. under the auspicos of tho Fit-o Brigado. Sonic of our host local talont has boon socur- od, and thoy will ho assisted by ahlo poi-formers from tho outside. 1‘ tlI‘Lil'r'l‘ particulars will be given. HO lKIEY NETS. The Hockey Club have had made a couple of nots to bo usod in tlioir inatchos this wintor. They are on the same principlo as tho lacrosse nots. and il' thoy givoas good satisfaction as tiiolattor tho monoy paid for Lhoni will bL' \voll spout. On tho lacrosso i‘iold disputos about the ball going botwocn thofiags have been re- ducod to a minimum. When you think another house undcrsolls us, in simple fairness coni- paro the qualities. Atkinson and Switzor. ANOTHER MEDAL. Moro than the usual intorost is boing‘ taken in the Curling Club this season. A largo, nuinbor havc alroady got their membership tickots, and everything points to a. good winters enjoyment on tho ice. Matchos are already being ar- ranged. and besides the G. B. Smith medal to be played for. the President. Mr. Rowland. is prosonting tho club with a beautiful silver championship medal for 1901-2. The idea is to ar- range a Coinpotitioii so that every inoniber of tho club will have a chance to win the modal and koop as his own. A. O. F. OFFICERS. The following a re the ofiicors oloct- ed for Court, Richmond Fiiday evening for tho ensuing,r 12. months :â€" P. C. 1%., F. Grangoi'; C. R., Itobt. Carson,- S. C. Rad. Glass: Tioas.. H. A. Nicholls; Sooy., \V. E. \Viloy.; S. \V. Goo. Granger; J. “7., Fred Hoppor; S. B.. \V. Ludford; J. B.. J. Michaol. Trust-cos, H. F. Hopper, D. Hill and T. Newton. Auditors, T. Lndford, F. Sims and T. F. McMahon. Modical Olficors, Drs. Langstatf and School l Li‘wrason. Boots and Shoesâ€"Boys” and girls’ heavy wintor boots, childron’s over- shoos about halfâ€"prico. Moii’s four- buoltlo felt boots AI quality; Mon’s rubbers and socks in large variety at loss than Toronto priccs. Naughton Bros. Elgin Mills. PROTECTING CHILDREN. Parents and guardians and all interâ€" V . V . s . ' tho Wolt'aro of i,hildroii should Union ‘icliool \‘oction will lr» holl ' '03“ d m' ‘ ' i .t , t .t In , my Stu“: utlt‘liiltlll to thofollowin’r the Council t‘hambor, on Monday the ‘ p ' H oxtraois fioin tho Rovisod Statutes of Ontario: 1. No child undor ll yoars of age is to bo allowod to work in any filcti)l‘y.â€"R.S.O., Chap. 20, Soc. 2. 2, It is illogal to supply intoxicating liquor to any puison undoer yoars of auraâ€"ii. S. 0., Chap. 2-15, Sec. '73. , No person is allowod under penalty to giro or sell tobacco to any porson unth 18 years of ago.â€"â€"R.S.O., Chap. 251. Sec. I. Tho compulsory age of attondanco at St‘linol is from S to 14. and all Childron within thoso yoars mustattond uiiluss oxousod for sonic vm'y good roason.â€"H.S.U., Chiip. _v\i, boo. 11. It is oniinontly‘ For salo b)" | Boo’i‘s AND snows. Don't fall to rail and soo Sivors wintor stork of bootsand shot-s. She has a lino assortinont ol' goms‘ hookoy boots, ladios‘ skatiiihr bals, and ovorshoos and fi-lt work for Iwnnien and ohildron. \Vintor inf ovory tloscript ion. a SPH'IIIIL)’. right. Mrs. R. goods You will Iind tlir pricos CHRISTMAS SERVICE. ‘ Tho Epwor‘h Longiio will hold a. Christmas Son ltZt‘ on Friday UVCIlllIg at is‘ o'olook. l’rograiniiio: Hymn 3023. I’i'ayoi'. Soriptnro Iiosson. St. Luko ii., 7-14. Solo, “ A Song in tho Air." Mr. “"ill 'I‘ronoh. Recitation, Miss Ii. \‘s'i-ight. Solo, “No Room in tho Inn," Miss G. Harris. Hymn 30-1. Soripturo Losson. St. Matt. ii., 1-11. Addross, ‘ tliir Prosonts to tho King.’ Mr. E. II. Sisloy. lyinn 295'. Dismissal. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. ASUIIH‘WiIJlLSt'l'ltillsfltt‘t'ldt‘ittlluppt’nâ€" od on tho Motropolitan liailway Fri- (lay aftornoon, botwoon Zand 3 o‘clock. opposito Dr. MolClroy’s i-osidonco. quartorol‘a mile north of tho Elgin Mills. Tho rognlai- car was coming down from tho north about tho. usual tinio whon at that particular point it ontorod a donso fog. Mr. Bowl-n was at, tho motor. and was not aware of danger until ho, saw throuin the fog a fow yards ahoad of him a. car sland- in},r on tho traok. llo rovorsed the motor but tho (listanoo was too short, in a moinont. tho cars struck Logothor. Both cars woro almost tolosoopod and sovoral pooplo woro inoro or loss injurod. Mr. Bowon jtnnpod out the door just as tho cars collidod. Ho was struck by sotnothing‘ and was roinov- od to tho Iiiohinond Hill Hospital \vhoro it was found his boat] was had- ly cut, his Ddt‘k was spraiiiod, and ho had two ribs fraotui-od. Mr. G. Stirton, a. travollor for a London {ii-in, had his linso brokcn. sovoial ladies had thoir fat-cs out with biokoii glass, and bosidos thoso two or throo nion woro injurod. Tho car that was run into by tho rogular was the construc- tion car. The lattor was standing on tho traok, and the workinon \voio busy insido fixing sonio wires, not thinking that tho rogular Would be along sosoon. Mr. Botvon, tho injur- od iiio'tborman. was takon home the noxt morning, and on Monday was able to i-oturn to got. his wounds dress- od. Clerks are oxprciod to tiy to ploaso cttstoniors. \Yo make it an easy task by backing thcin up with inorchandise thoy ran on! husiastically rocoiiiuiend. Atkinson (‘L' S'witzcr. METHODIST CHURCH. Programmo of sorvioos in tho Moth- odist Church on Sunday. Dec. 2.2: Moimixii .yr 10.30. Anthem. “Hark tho Hot-aid Angols Sinm”â€"Martiii. Hymn 7384. Autumn. " Glory be to God in the 1'1lgllt‘sb.“â€"'Ilht“HUSH”. (a) Chorus Glory ho to (ind. (b) Duo, On Earth l’oaco. (o) O Lord we BloSs Thoe. Soprano solo, “ A Dream of Bethle- hoin."â€"Rodnoy. Hymn 37E). Sermon by Rev. T.Loggatt,\Vliitevalc. Subject, Devotion. Anthoni, “Hallelujah to the King.”â€" Gabriel. (a) Chorus. Hark the Song. (h) Duo, SH" Ho Sloops. (c) Chorus. Halloliijali. (d) Bass obligato, He shall Reign. Hymn 398. Benediction. EVENING AT 7 O’CLoCK. Anthoin, “Boliold I Bring You Good Tidings.”â€"Goss. Hymn 152. Anthem, “ Soc they Come, a Glorious Army.” (a) Duot, Soo they Como. (b) Chorus. Lo Ton Thousand. (o) Poaco, (i‘rood-Vr'ill. (d) Chorus, Ilail Mo' ‘iah. Soprano solo. “Tho Universal King.” Anthom, “ Glory to God.”â€"Beirl_v. (a) Chorus. Glory. (b) Bass solo. For unto Us. Hymn Anthoin. “ The Star of Bethle- lioiii."~Stilinan. (a) Soprano solo, \Vhon Marshalled. (h) Bass solo, Dcop Horror. (o) Ohligato solo and chorus, It was my Guide. Hymn 237. Sormon by Roy. '1‘. Loggatt. Baritono solo, “ The Holy Shrine.” Obligato solo and chorus, “Thereawere Shop]iords.”-â€"Earle. Hymn 24:3. Boiiodiction. 1:: ii'l I is s. NAC(;uT41N~AtElgin Mill, on Tuesday, Dec 17, the wife of .‘iI. Naughiou. Esq...l. 1’. Oil: sou. DEATHS McKi-zx'zmâ€"At B0thesdu.on Tuesday. Dec. 17, 1‘11 tibetli. relict of the late Murdock Mc- Iiunzie, in horSlth your. I Funeral to St John's Comet-cry. Uuk Ridges. Friday. i ' A; ' Baffin??? A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a 1 bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are t liver pills. They cure con- ‘stipation, biliousness, dys- . pepsia, sick headache. ‘ 25c. Alldruggllts. l \‘t’ant your moustache or berd a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use for the BUGKINGHAM’S DY Whiskers no cu. M Glumum, on R. P. MALL A 60.. PfflnoA. 3- ’ - (ioiits‘ lino bals' l pi “Kw”. . s r. . r. w | 2. a _. r 1 go: ..i_ s . . !‘_ W .‘_ a L)". ... n ' my @Mfifag fifiyjfigsa lag nion, } Gliristmas Bargains It is always difficult at this time of the year to realize the rapid ap- proach of this great gift-giving holi- day of the year. Only five shoppng (lays remain between now and Christmas eve and into these few short days must be crowded our selling of hundreds of Holiday Pres- ents, running in price from a cent or two up to almost any amount. As this number of days becom :5 short- er as Christmas comes nearer, more and more people who have put it off until then, select their presents, and the last days are so crowded that agreeable shopping is almost iin~ possible. \Ve therefore urge the carly buying of Christmas thingsâ€"- it is none too early to do it now. Our stocks are magnificently pre- paredâ€"more time can be used in the Selecrionâ€"â€"there is less crowding and less possibility of mistakes, and our prices are always the lowest. ‘Ve quoto groceries, best cooking figs 4 cts. lb; Golden datcsocts. lb; host lomon pool 15 cts. 11).: best cloanod Patras Currants 8.1; cts. 1b.; Best selectod valoncia raisins 8% cts. 1b.; Bcst shelled walnuts 25 cts. 1b.;Bostshellel almonds 32 cts. lb. Atkinson (go Simmer. fhags’s Egg .2? inducer Guar anteed to make Hens Lay in all seasons of the year. Manufactured by Dr. Frederick A. Page & Sons, London, England. PRICE 35 CENTS. Agents for Canada, GQDQDANTELtttKh ‘VIIOLEBALE amt) RETAIL DKUUGESSTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO < - Opp. Clyde Hotel Call and see ourdisplay of Before Purchasing One grade only, and that. iddgiid Made by The McLaughlin Carriage 00:, . l @shavvsi, that. i For sale by g . l JACOB EYER & son RICHMOND SKILL.

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