Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1901, p. 8

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METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Newmarkct. GOING NORTH LeuveC l" R Crossing at o. 7.20. {Ll-’2. 11.30 :1. 111,; 1 30, 2.10, 1.011 5 lo, 7 :1 p, m. A Leave Richmond Hill 8.20, 10.1mm ni.; 11:20, 2.1». 630.150, 6.30, 815511.11). GOING SUU'I‘II Leave NeWmurket7,:)0.fl.15, 11.15 n.. 11).; 2, 3.15. .“, 7.30 p. in. 1 Leave Richmond Hill 7. ELM. 9.35, 11.55 a. m, 2.40. 3.55. 0.10.2110 p. )1). POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice liciila will he closed at: the Richmond Hill l'ost Otlico us Iollows:-â€"â€" l h’illllN’ING .. M‘O EVENING .. .. ..... 0.15 N.B.--Reuistorod Lottms must be handed in . e lent lyl'tsmn Minuth omlicr than the above i mentioned hours for closiu." OFFICE CLOSER .\’I‘ 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. POHtllllflStOr. Village Directory. rvicrs nt» 311. in). every Church of En:lnudâ€"â€". Sunday. . Preshytarinu Churchâ€"Services at. 11 a. m., mnl 7 p. m. Sunvlny School ub 2:10. I‘vuycr meeting: Wodnomluy evening. I ‘ Roman Catholic (‘hurrh- vaxces on altar» unto Suuduya M9 IL. in. mix} 11' :31) n. m. Methodist. Churnlrâ€"Survwrs at 10.30 11. lTl..lLI'ltI ‘ \II. 7 p. in. Sunday School at meeting ’l‘hursilny. ovoniuu. _ Rirhmoml Imthzo. A F ninl A M â€"l\ICets Mou- duv on or liofore full moon Court Richmond. A 0 1" â€"Mcots Second and ‘ ‘ ourth Friday ‘ ‘ ‘ Ivy Lodge. A O U W»- )Ictms fourth 'Itirauuy of each month Camp Elam. S O S ~â€" Wednoslny ' 1 ll. '1‘ ofTemperanceâ€"Ricols first: \\ cdnesoay of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets fil'ni} month Public Library 01111 Rowling Roomâ€"Open Tuomluy. Thursday and gator-luv ovmimgs Euworth Louguo~â€"i\lccts (:vun' I“II\IH)', 5o YEARs' XPERIENCE .r' " '95: second M111 fotnth Monday of cvcry COPYRIGHTS 8.20. I General prayer l > ASTHMA C URE FREE ./ Owl-mm r-U-m-mâ€"Mxâ€"‘w-wâ€" “zany- ~m-m:â€"-_..‘ .1 -. :..r»~u».~ Ast-hmalcne Brings Instant Relief and I’crmancnt Cure in All cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTA . WRITE YOUR NAME AND'ADDRESS PLAINLY. 'I‘ht-rv is nothing likv Asthmah‘no. It brings instant nl'n-f. own in thvworet oust-s. It curs-s \\ hon all olso fails. 'l‘ho llwv. ('. l‘. \\'iil.l..‘-‘s of Villa Ridge, TIL, says: “ Your trial lmtth'ni Asthma- It‘llt‘ l‘t't‘t'l\ ml in good (‘UlltIlI ion. I cannot. tvll you how thanlvful I fm-l for tho good (IN-ivml from it. I wasa slavu, ('Ilililll‘tI with Pllilld soit- throat aml Asthma. for It‘ll yours. I ti"~p;|ll‘i‘(l rf (-vvr living ('ur- ml. I mw your ?l(I\'l‘II\'l'lllt‘lli for the cure of this «Ii-rallt'ul and toiim-nting (Iisvnsv‘. .’\‘-‘IIllllIl, and thought you had ovvrspolu'n yolirsrlvus. Inxt unsolva to gin-i1 atrial. To my astonishmrnt the trial artt-(l like a charm. .‘wntl mo 11 full» Sizu INHIII‘.“ I-‘mv. D. Norris \Vccnsler, Italihi of tho (Wing. linni Israul. Slaw \onic. Jon. 3, 1901. 1th. 'I‘.\ r'r linos'. 31mm 1x1: to, (if-illl<~nwn.â€"Yonr .‘tstlnnalvno is an (‘Xi‘vllunt rvnu-(Iy for .\.>tinna and Hay I‘VI‘VI‘I', and its composition allmintt-s all tronlili-q \Vilil'il (wnnhhw with Asthma. Its snot-inns is astonishing: aml \vomIm-ful. . . .. . . . . . . Al'lt'r having; it (-arnl'uliy analyzz‘u. we can slatt- that Astlnnalt-no contains no opium. nitn-phino, (‘hlorui‘oi u'. or other. Very truly yours. mav. nu. mounts \vict'usmcn. 1901. Eva RELIEF Avox F1Pi<1Nt:s,N. Y., Feb. 1. DR. T,\FT Rims. MEDICINE Co. Gt-ntlonwn,â€"I write this testimonial from a smise‘ of duty. having" taste-fl tho wontlori’ul vii’m-L of Your Asthnialvnv, for thr- (‘uro of Asthma. My Wife has hl't‘ll afflicted with spasmodic asthma. for tho past. 1:3 yours. Having 0x- Iial:s1ml my own >kill as “'1‘” as many othvrs, I ("lliillt'NI to sou your sign upon your windows on Iiillth Silt‘l‘t. New York. I at our» olitainvd a hottlv of Asthinalvno. Mr. wife connncncoll taking it :ilvout tho first of Novmnlwr. I wry soon noticed a radian] improvomvnt. Ai'tvr using ono holtlv her asthma has (lisappoarwl and she is entire-1y frve 1mm all symptoms. I II‘L‘I tlml. I can consistently l't‘LOIUIIlt‘lltl the modicin to all who aw :It’liii-tn-(l with this (Ili- t1 essing (list-use. Yours rospvctfully, (l. I). PHELPS, M. D. DR. 'I‘AFT Enos. MEDICINE Co. Fle 1901. GulitlmnmLâ€"I was trouhlvd with asthma for ‘22 years. I have tried num- 01‘0113 rcnmilios, hut. tht'y hzivn all failed. I ran ill'l'tvSS your :ltI\'l'l‘LIS<‘lIl(‘lltr and Still'lt'tl\\'III)11I.I'I:II [)(ittlf'. Ifound relic-f rt. ('ll('(‘. I have sinr‘t- purchased ' Anyone sending n sketch and dosrri Hon may fink:le nscermin our oplninn freu w iother nu ntlon ls probably nutcntnhle. Pommunicn- flovrih slriutly confidential. Hundlmnl: on l‘ntcuts nt true. ()I'iest (1201le for sm-urnur‘patents. asPamms taken through Man (‘1, (.0. recelve epoclal not-ice, without. charge in the Rafifig Mia'- o ascertain: 111110“ Ahandsomely illiistrr'cfgd Y'QOIi-lfly Largest clr. lntlou of any sclen 1 c J‘flnl‘lm‘. fin: four monthn. $1. Soul 1- l ‘.".(‘.\'-‘ElI(‘;VIt‘).\. UR I ..I [int c. & 80.3613roazlway. North Toronto ' 111111111 g Go. Have for sale ' GLUTEN MEAL SHORTS BRAN _ CORN CHOP BIBBY’S CALF MEAL, FLOUR, 1311:. 11611119311 81. 11.1111. 35 to 47 Shuftoshury Ave. ‘Mager’s Fonnfiry. Tho lllldt‘l‘SIgTClâ€"TTS prepared to GRIND FEED At his will during the fall and Winter Season every (I'1_V of the Work except \Vt-tL nesday. ‘3’. 1“ .91 G E '13, Pro 9 SFEEIAQLES an EYE - GLASSES TO SUIT ALL _AT__ smnsssou’s ‘ Io nun Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE “'5!” RECORD. Baltimm 3, 536.‘ your full-size hottlo. and I am ever grntvful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unalilv to‘work. I am now in tho lit-st. of Ilvallll and am doing business every day. This trstimouial you can makc such use of us you see fit. S. RA l-‘IIR EL, Home addrt‘ss, 235 Rivington stronti. (:7 East. 129th 51., New Yolk City TRIAL BOTTLE-[SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Do not (it-lav. TYrito at. once, addrt‘Ssing DR. TAFT BROS.” MEDICINE 00.. 79 East 131,111) 51.. N. Y. City. 10.10.6111 gold by at} HE‘E’HQ’Q‘Eséhi-S 51oz: Samoan: 31:12.4. sonnn A Lady’s Cipo. Owner may have $11110 liy proving ptopmly and calling a‘ TH E LIBE 1’. AL Office. 5.... 55%"? In Richmond Hill on or about the 22nd of NI'VI'IIIIII‘I' a gold stick pin. with \vishlmnv and moonstone setting. The tinder will please leave at 2-1-3 THE LIBERAL Office. For Small Cool stow in good mpair apply MKS. l). Vt". EYER. Richmond Hill. Sitit§iiӤiii ()f Carin-1(le | Rim-1110111) HILL RICHMOND HILL sums norm, Res: - 700.000 DEPOSITS 1551411)] JE. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. Ruceivvd in Savings’ Bank Depart- Every Accommodation for the trav- 2142 u I'J he c.0119 2-}â€" mvnt and interrst allowed at, 11181153? titlréfifitii’ nuts. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable cllinfr ublic on demand. ____ :3. p ,1;â€" _ >Y Money Lounch «m E’nrmm's‘ ~ an lii‘g‘b) 3 $1110 Nola-s. Elnnak mole X 5701er Forms Suppliqu Frt'c. ’ ‘ " g “ General Bankina But-111335 v h Transaciled. a I i Ta 3 For other particulars call at the Bank. .1". F. RD‘WLAND, l AG IfiNT. SUNNYSIDE FARM ' The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd ‘ of Holstein Cattle and Breeder ot' Im- proved Chester white hogs. lot. 32, 1st ' con. Markham (Thornhill) has fori sale some. gmod young~ stock. 1 Th u'ough-ln'vd hull and hog kept , for si-r‘ ice on the [ll‘l-llll\.l’\‘. . . ~ 7 1 - I). (T. Li' UiiI‘.IiI U J. Shearsowu. l l The undersigned runs his wagons to VI‘OIR()N1‘O â€"EV1£RYâ€"â€" TUESDAY A ND FRIDAY Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city 01‘ may be left at the Brown's Livery Stable, George Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on slut notice. n'W‘ csu imf L, HE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEVV' OF REVIEWS .. ls commended by Statesman, Professional men and thousands of others prominent in the world's aCIlVIiICS, {or its fine discrimi- nation in sifting the actual news from conflicting report and the presenâ€" tation of current events in their just proportion. They comment on its freedom from daily-paper scnsationalism. All men and women who want to know what the world is doing find it an intellectual necessity, to judge from the letters received from hundreds. Its editorials are comprehensive. and labor saving to the busy man or woman. It“ timely contributions on important topics are by the best-inforch7 1‘. writer's. Its reviews of other magazines give the bust of their best work. It is profusely illustrated. These letters will enable all thoughtful men and women to judge of its value to them: PRESIDENT 4’ "I am a Constant reader of the "I know that through Its: col- 'Rcvicw of Ruvicws,’ and apprc~ umns views have been pu‘scntt‘rl to clatc it wry highlv indeed. I thlnk me that I could not otherwise have it a very important part of my had access 10' because all curncst library, and pl’al‘lituiIV a necessit and thoughtful men, no matter for out: in puhlic Iiic."~â€"-_7. by how widely their ideas diverge, are Fora/I'M. U. .5. Smlztur, 0/151). glven free utterance In its col- ’ umns."â€" Thaw/are li‘nnch‘lt EX-PRESIDEN’I‘ “I COHSIIIL‘I’ it a very valuable addition to my library." â€"â€"Gl'oz.w‘ Char/.31.], “ It is a publication of very great value. I have sometimes founrl Lhcrc very important mutter inchd which I should not otherwise have discovered."â€"G.~argg F. Hoar, U. 5. Senator. [II'JIJd/‘li'lln'l/j. .. "fu‘i‘fb’l'if‘a‘L‘l‘ll,#29245“??in ’:-'""v ":2. ‘1:, . " It is one of the lzr'st and most satisfactory rulx'ications of the day."â€"('/.n:r.’zr It". flze'rl‘.z:z/.':,U. S. Sci/(1107', [mi/“La. 0. great deal of time to ram! mar tics, hut I take pleasure in C. (Villl; LIL. the ‘ Review of Rcvicu's' is among the number .2 which finds a plan: on my table each monthfâ€"j'misx lt'. jam-x, U. 5. Smear“, Ari‘zmtu. "I (It) not 3.. c . ' ‘ ' ‘ JCIII for particulars as to how it can be illu’ With an invaluable set of books for 50 cents a month. cf .‘-’ fin. ..4, Cl}? Luriicfl} 2] ‘x' 0 RR .r‘vr. V y. , , Abusxrmaukgm " .. ‘ "awn: 1.. t... M; “cumâ€".gâ€"w.: Wmmmmâ€"me .. v'u _ .c )â€" .r my. .....:., V t I I :57 : .1 hi “J U T r: L \Vill be sent with the unclcrmcnticrcd 1. 17105331737 Globe (vvith’injx‘gx {HOBBIES} to Jan. 1, “iiiâ€"m 1’ A _ « ,fih‘ii iv’ifbckly Sun to Jan. 1, .,.. Yn\ ‘ i f) a. p ‘1 l 3. Av- }.-J 2‘. l. 1'. jg apcrs as icllows: :75. A, Moutrsa Lita-r to Jan. 1, V‘feel‘dy (with procuring t7 fixture) to (Tax. 1, ‘133 it“ t’ E Hobs 13768.1" '5.-. ii; e * . 9)" "Morning Globe (Yorh Gonnâ€" ty) 1 year Daily Star 1 year Dailyvv‘rorld 1 year 1C3!” . - ul'mflm-I_m, mem._ ltICIIMOND HILL Slain Has for sale the_ Imparial Oxford Range Also the Happy . Thought Two of the best Ranges on the market. Estimates given on hot air fur- naccs. All kinds of Hardware, Tin- wnre, Fave ’I‘rtughing and 10- Daily Mail and Empire year pairingr done in: reasonable prices. 0. 11113353011, - Richmond E1111. Wonâ€"umâ€" _ Â¥ mam-.mwâ€"mâ€"uâ€"M. 5ft)? .227. _ -;_, -... .. , . . Our fee returned if we fail. _ y one any-invention will promptly receive our Opinion free concerning the patent. ability of same. “How to Obtain a. Patent” Bent: upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and Widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Semi for sample copy FREE. Address, VEGTGR J. EVANS a. 69., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, - WASHEE‘CTGE‘E, D. Go'

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