mtflï¬ï¬‚rmwauu’mnwrwm. , , ï¬g’ 3 g ' tanta- vials-:2. RICHMOND No.1,. iii-i ry t). lit-J3 53's. L'IIHEL‘ ALE. Regular meetinjz of (‘ourt Richmond No. 7046 to-inorz-o-.\' evening. Mr. J. \V. (li'bsslev is. reenl-~ of King and Mr. lt-riuy Dunc-an l‘t‘t'Vt‘ of York township. Rn“ Mr. Leech ot' Toronto piearhI-d iii the .‘feiboilist church last Sunday .lDt'l'ltlllg and evening. Mr. 0. A. l'Iowlzind was on .‘zloiiilay I‘I‘d'lt‘lftt‘i‘l l:ayorof Toronto 1401' Air. :‘tV. F. Marti-an by over 4,000. The \'\'. 3d. 8. meets this week at the home of the President. itlrs. J. \V. “Elliott. l‘ileinbvrs and Friends are re« quested to attend. The aiiiaril meetingr ot' the Public Library l‘.o.ii‘d for the election of oiliners will b:- held in Reeve Savages .ottice next Monday evening at 8.30. Mrs. Crawfoid of Hamilton, .lrne of "\Vinnipe-g. has been visiting iii the .-village aviib Mrs. .l. Morison. and with her sister, .‘iiis. \V. \i'iisliiugton, .- at. Jefferson. Parties outside. the vi' who «wish to iuake useot the Public Library .‘1ll(ll{{‘i1\i‘l‘ inoiii a. requested to renew l l"ll‘ tileiillu'i'sliip for 1993. Tickets, 5"r~u‘.‘s. may be had of the -»S-'Cl‘dttu yi .it‘l‘uis Li'iaisnAi'. oBice. we.“ The Pease Furnace (‘oiiipany will ““ehis week r-‘plneo the large ideal ileat- t-rii) thy uublic school by a smaller one. If the new ozr- proves satisfacâ€" ( V .ry the I!Tl~'ll-'l‘s [.‘tll'piis’ “tiny: s'iui- ‘l'ir heater»: in eak'ii of the. other two : l‘UUIJJS. to be .liere -.' .‘ï¬â€˜A-‘ll'la‘t. wit-inn \v‘iii to-iiioi row. Polling next; \Veditesrlay for tliel «UV-st. bye-elect ioii will take, rfrla-ei‘ ‘Kl‘t'll‘ys Shop. .‘tli‘. TV. T. . Storey .5 be Deplin Returning" oil lice-r. and Iili. R. zit). Law poll clerk. The. poll will be open from .9 to ,5, York L li‘ , Reeve Savage ieceived a large nuur her of rollers on New Year‘s Day and evening. It is needless to say all re- ceived a warm Welcome, and thoroughâ€" ly eiiioyed Mr. Savage}:~ Well known hospitality. .l’i-icerauge elastic enough to suit all pui-sesin this store. Atkinson & Switzer. Complain: is being infill" by- those who have teaming,r to do on Richmond and ether streets relative to people (lumpingr thrir coal ashes on the track. T‘ iis should be avoided until thesucw disappears in the, sprint): Dr. Blakely of “Wanipeg. Mun.,: .:-.fter visiting Irisold lllllll" near Ficton. made. a short s iy with friends. here. i The D15 li-n ‘ty Rl-{ii‘rbli.'~li’t‘ speak“ well for tlr- seVez-e cliuiite of the. Priiirio City of the \‘r'est. Big;r reduction in the prices of {lan- nelelie wrappers and blouses. Atkin- suut‘: Switzer. ‘ The \V. (J. T. U. will meet. . :it‘Nt-s. J. H. Saiiderson’s next. Tuesday even- _ ing at 8 o‘clock. The subject of H'l‘eni» perance in Sunday Schools" will be i'tt-ik'r-u up. and discussed. Members are requested to be present at this . . . . . ., meeting and to bringr their j'lllllt‘S. Rev. N. “'ellwood. the esteemed sipt. ol’ the Methodist Church ot'this place is making satisfactory progress after his: severe :icc cnt. and his many ; ’ii'ieuzls will be pleased to learn he will soon be able to resume his labors on the circuit. __,._~ *4 . In the January nuin'ocr of the He- view of Iteviews. Mr. Thomas (I. ‘T'lartiu tells the interesting stoiy of the latest developments in high-speed electric locomotion. describing the famous tests at Zossen and the results * .ofthese experiuu'nts as already emâ€" bodied in traction improvements plan~ tied and under way iii this country. Big drive in Asliton‘s prints. regular i .xl‘llc. prints for lï¬c. Switzer. Atkinson and ' Les." â€" ATie \Veight with strap attached I was lost in the village by Mr. J. Hoi‘tl- l er, while delivering milk. ' he ï¬nder will oblige by leaving it with the .,owner. ivriï¬ _7_ A POINTEI . If you want. increased returns of ,.cizgs. use Herbageum. It keeps the “fowl in a healthy condition: Those who have tested it thoroughly on poultry have got remarkably goodi , results. Sold by J. Hall. BRADFORD Mr. Frank Craig of this place was' . on Gliristiinis Day married to Miss' Lizzie Cameron of Angus The cere- mony was perfoiiiied by Rev. Mr. Scott, Methodist,tiergyuiati of that ' town. The youircr couple will reside in Mr. (ii-.iig’s home at. lleadt‘ord. The. bride was a favorite in her form- er town, and she will receive a warm welcome iii this place. ' secured ‘lovi'ly: . er. the late Victoria the Good. .0. P. “'iley ,J. McKenzie LADIE‘S HOME JOURNAL. Nothing seems lacking,r in the New . Year number of The Ladies Home. Journal to make it the most cmnplete . issue of that periodical yet. published. It is a. regular store~liouse of interest- . ing facts and good ï¬ction, it is singular- ,-ly attractive in every way. and in ..every point. of illustrations is one of . theiiiost beautiful issues ever giveni the public. ‘ “.l. Casi-IV ' J. Glass . HOCKEY CLUB. The membership tickets of the Richmond Hill Iloclzcy Club for the season have been ‘Sstlt'dwlid can be from) tllt‘ Sm:‘y-'l‘i'e.~is., (i. l'I'ilsioii; l’layeis' tickets. $l: lili‘lll- beis‘ tickets, 75 cents; admitting to matches. VAI'G HAN R EFOHM ERS. The annual meeting; of Vaughan Re- form A-:sor:iatinn will .be‘lield iii the 'l‘own:hip Hall. Vellore. to-morrow. Friday. comin-nciiig at Zo‘eloek. dressosari-experied from Mr, Arch. Campbell. rx-M. P.: Mr. \Y. J. Hill, M.l’.l’.; .‘ulr. A. J. Andersiiii. Mr. A. B. lilm‘. Dr. l;.’lll(l"l'klll and others. Everybovasaysour gents’ ties are fancy bows, dezbies, flowing ends, putts. Atkinson & Sarita/air. BENEFIT CARNIVAL. A Fancy Diess Skating: Carnival for a most ivortiiy object will b:- hel-l in the Skating;r rink next “'ed-ie. ._ evening. January 1.3, iindei thepatroii- age of the ladies of the village. A good programme will be given. and it is hoped this will be patronized by all our ('iliZeiis. Admission 1?) cents. skaters and spei tutors. Full particu- lars by bills to-iiioirow. PARKER CRUSHY‘S ICN'I‘ATE. Parker Crosby of Richmond Hill was worth $51860 when he died last, month. He owned two town lots. worth $20.00. and had $515!) in stocks. $19M) in notes and debts. and 53613.) (ash, :Illtl other personally. 'l‘lie son‘s wife. Mrs. Issac Crosby, gets the village property and her- husband is l‘(‘Si(l‘l-’Il'y legatce. ’l‘he grandson. John Parker Holmes Crosby. will get $500 when he is of age. \Villiiii one year Miss Grace Kirk- patJ-ick is to receive $700. \\"e have the handsomest colored shirts for gents that. we have ever shown, and the latest in collars and calls, and the ï¬nest value in black cashmere :} hose. sizes ll. 10% and 10. Atkinson 3;- Swi FIRE BRle ABE OFFECiCR. . The following were on Monday evening elm-ted ofï¬cers for 1902: Chief. \‘v'. H. Pugsley'. Lieutenant. .l. ll. llrydon: , Foreman of Ilose. .l. P. Glass; Foreman of lluok and Ladder, F. E. nus - S . Steward. Geo. Sims: Treasurer, l’. G. Savth : Secretary, \V. E. \Vilny; Auditors. O. \V. Unnlin and ’1‘. F. .McMahou; Janitor, Frank Irlopper. M R. BOYLE \VON THE MEDAL. "i'br- decisive match iii-‘the Smith Medal series commenced last winter was played Tuesday evening. when Mi. M. Boyle’s rink \voii from Mr. F. Sinis‘ by 9 points. After themiateh the medal was pinned on Mr. Boyle’s width? the President, Mr. Rowland. The following are tbeplaveis: \‘v'. Efrer .l. .tl:"‘K(-n7,ic (i). Chlillll J. Mchmzie G. Melloan A. .l. Hume M. Boyle. skip. .21 F. b’inis, skip. . . .}2 Men‘s arctic socks, 23c. pair: men's liiiesiEspeiidei-s. " pair; see the new turned down collar for men now in stock. Atkinson & Switzer. El) “’0 {TH LEA ‘UE RALLY. Au Epworthï¬Lcag-ce Bally compos- cd of members of Richmond Hill, Maple, Thoruhili. lleadfoi-d, Victoria Squa re. and several Toionto Leagues. will be held in the Methodist Church on Friday evening Jan. 10, at 8 o’clock. Rev. Dr. Large of Balla Balia. B. 0.. will be one of the speakers, while good music will be provided by the choir of the church. Friends of the League, and other iiienibci's of other congreéu- [ions in the Village are invited to at- tend. A collection will be. taken up to defray expenses. Good singing and courteous ushers. TIIE PICTURES LOOK “TELL. "The teachers of the Public School have been expending the net reciripts of their recent Blttr’l‘Lilllllnt‘llt, and the pictures \\'ltll’ll now adorn the walls in the three looms show that the. money has been judiciously handled. In each room are good pictures of King Edward VII. and his illustrious moth- Most; of the pictures indicate ,a patriotic spirit, among them being “ The. Battle of Queenston Heights.†“ Canadian Militia.†“494th Battalion Highland- ers," Champlain, thc.Exploi-e.r,†“Lord Kitehener,†etc., etc. Other pictures are. “ Jtaphael’s Sistine Madonna,†" Coasting." “The, Bugler.†and a number of Bible scenes. Union Jacks are crossed above several of the ‘ pictures. and everything has-been ar- ranged with good taste. VICE PRESIDENT \VINS. The President. vs. Vice-President match was played otf Friday and Sat;- urd'iy. resultinan a victory for Vice- Piesident A. Blondie. 5 drinks ,over President .I. F. Rolland‘s. The fol- lowing is a summary. President. Vice P1 esident. J. .Miifhael (1'. Derry \V. Ever E. Barker .1. F. Rolland A. J. Hume F. Sims. skip ...11J. Sanderson, sk.17 \V. Glass -J. Brydon \V. A. Sanderson ~F. McCouaghy \V.Stnrey. skip .16 \\'.!Piigsley,skip .9 A. 8. Savage E. Barker J. H. Sanderscn P. (l. Savage .9 H.Nicliols, skip .20 A..G. Savage A. Moodie J. Browiilee 14 R. Moodienskip . j 50 1 J. Ellstoii AI.Boy'lc, skip _. .- D. Boyle G. McDonald J. Palmer, skip . 17 (ii I Ad- ' i l i lvwitiisfy you that it is the best l the Hockey Club expect to open the season on Monday next, Jan. 13. Ar- rangements are being made with the . \V. R. Johnston L'oiiipany’s fast teatnl and if successful the game will be announced bv dodgers to-moi-row. . Or in l'ntti‘lfl't' To YOU. I You will ï¬nd Herbageuin the best, preparation you can feed to your iorses, cows. hogs and all animals on the farm. Try it and the results will ‘ you have ever used. Sold by J. Hall. CANADIAN MAGAZINE. . Professor Goldwin Smith discusses "Tbel‘ublic School Qiiestion" in the January Canadian Magazine. chatacâ€" terizing our present system as mechan- ical and inflexible. He thinks volun- tary schools might be grafted on our p1 ernuitaivsleni \\'itli..simu- advantage. The Hon. L. G. Power. Speakei'of the Senate, discusses the Military System. and advocates the enrolment of all citiZe-iis in the volunteer force. with a si.ui:tL-i‘,-.iiiip:iid drill season. He bases his suggestions on the experience of Nova h‘t-otia before Confederation. Arthur ll. 'C. (lolquhoiin discusses the. Reciprocity sitiiat.i<u2..:iiirl intimates that Canada has nothing; to expect. from the. United States. Arnold ‘JfLIIltHlIJ gives a beautifulword put-\er of the Sea. \Velfoi-d \V. Benton de- scribes a new (‘anadian Glacier, his article being well illustrated. \V. G. Rossgjves a History of Street Rail- ways in (laiiada, and Jean contributes a story. exceedii‘ rlv valuable. Blewett The number is B I “’3' H S. McKinneyâ€"In Hacebridge. on the Qtst of De»: cumin-i1 two Wife of JoliuA. Mckiunon. (.hief of l‘o'ica, of a. San, i‘tiA iï¬islAGES “TILIJAUSWliAl‘iaRâ€"‘At the residenc: hiiito’s {mm c: ,on it. c in hiclim not H of the Leuionvnle. by liider (7.11“in L-t. Mr, lioiiia \\illimns of to Ali lie, daughtar of Mr. J-‘Llullir‘in H... m o: liemoiNii-e. ' CEA’I‘TERLEY «no It' v tlin r slilon'u: of tire btltivgin malt. r Hit ‘1 d con. Markham on Iii-N. F. Elliott. Mi". George Chatterley of 'I'horvibiii. to Mary Margaret(Muggiei,only daughter of Scion Bsker, UNI. Wednesdav. Jan'y . Dilly ? Then your liver isn’t acting “milligram. ~ well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayer’s i Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. > Want. your moustache or board ' brown or rich black ? Then use . beanqu for the DYEWhiskers so cu. or Mm". on w. P. Mk A 00.,NAnmm. N. H. italic ta 'lllfltllltls In the matter of the estate of JONATHAN BRILLINGER, . (The elder) late of the Township of_ ‘ Markham. iii the County of Yoik. Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O., Chapter 120, Section 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of Jonathan Biillinger (the elder), late of the Township of Mark~ ham, in the County of‘York. Faimer, who died on or about the 6th day of December, 1901, are required to send or delivei on or before the 2nd day of February. 1902. to Jonathan Btillinger (the younger), Administrator of the estate of the said deceiised.;it Rich- mond I'lill,.a statement in writing with their names and addresses tov getberwv'rth full particulars of their claims and all securities (if any) held bytheui. the same to be veriï¬ed by afï¬davit. Notice is further given that after the said last mentioned (late. the Adtiiiiiisti-ator will distribute the as- sets ol’ the (let-eased amongst; the per- .sonseutitled there to. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice. and the said l Administrator will not be responsible forthe assets or any part thereof so distributed to any. persnn of whose claim notice shall not haw been receiv- ed as aforesaid. Dated this3ilth (lay of Dec. 19,01. COOK & JOHNSTON 27â€"4 ()0 Victoria St. Toronto, Solictors for the Said Administrator. Song and Music a vast volume 0! NW. Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. 35. Fans it Plan llillslit Half Vccui, Half Instrumental Zl liï¬llllliéifl Pieces ltl' Plait!) Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subset-i tioa, $2.00. Six oaths, $1.00. If bought in any music store at one-half off. wculd cost $5.25, a saving of $5.00 monthly. in one year you get nearly 800 Page: of Music. comprising 252 Complete Plan to! the Piano. If you will sand on the Nun: and Adah-cad I‘VE pcrfurmzn on the Piano no Organ w: will and vcu a copy of the Magazine FICC. J. ‘1’â€. Publisher. E3251)! § Lgcun‘. Sem, Phllnvdelphltn, “Pg. Fééï¬Ã©Ã©aï¬ï¬ï¬ "What. Sets The Face l With us it is not competition that; sets the pace in valuesâ€"ï¬t is past splendid records that must be lived up to and even surpassed. Day after day we are spurned on- ward, toriner successes being the in- centive to greater effort. Therefore, there is not a day in the week that does not present opportunities more brilliant, values more convincing than those of the preceding days, no matter how wonderful those others may havebeen. Fraser River Red sockeye Salmon, 2 cans for 250. Extra quality, blended coffee, 253. per 1b. .8 bars Happy Home soap, good quality, for 25c. Golden Dates, 5.50. lb. Extra primes. 7c. lb. Best cooking Figs, 10. lb. ' Davies’ Pure lard, 15c. lb. Great bargains duringjanuary in Men’s ready to wear su1ts and ovei'coats, and some big drivesrn lwcedsand Mantle cloths. ._____ A t/emson 8mm. V .7 Page 3 Guaranteed to make Hens Lay in all seasons of the year. Manufactured by Dr. Frederick A. Page .8! Sons, ‘Lonclon, England. PRIGE 35 CENTS Agents for Canada, llll:DANlElidtfll, .WHOLEsALE AND aura“. DRUGGIES'I‘S. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde Hotel Call andâ€"iseei-our diSplay of Before Purchasing One grade only, and that Made by The McLaughlin Carriage 00., Oshawa, Ont. For sale by JACOB EYER & SON .zRICHMOND _HILL.