Tooth Powder 25° 1. power that. makes the mightiest. el- lorts of man appear as nothing in :omparison. A force fully equal to nver 400,000,000 horse-power \Vns estimated as developed in a West In- lian cyclone. This is about ï¬fteen limes the power that. can be developâ€" ld by all the means within the range 0! man’s capabilities during the same time. Were steam, Water, wind~mills and the strength of all men and all animals combined. they could not at all npp‘rouch the tremendous force exerted . " Indigestion is a. trouble Mat, is very common in infancy and early child- hood, and unless prompt, measures are taken to control it, the result is 0an very SCI‘IOUS. It prevents the ptoper groth of the child and weakens the constitution, so that. he is unable to resist other diseases that are more dangerous. Fortunatoh 1y, however. the trouble is one that. Often Leads to Serious Trouble Unless Prompt Steps Are Tak- en to Check it-How This Can Careful estimates of the force of a ryclone and the energy required to leep a fullâ€"fledged hurricane in acâ€" hvc operation reveal the presence of igleasily controllcd‘ Proper foodâ€" not too much, but absolutely pureâ€"j plenty of frgsh an; gait Dabyâ€™ï¬ 0WD madam; 1T?)er admxmstered accordâ€" ing to the directions, will soon put the aull‘erer right. and make both mother and child happy. Mrs. W. E. Basswl, of Kingston, Ont., is One of the many mothers who has proved the truth of this statement. She says: "When my little girl was about three months old, she had indiges- tion very badly. She was vomiting nnd had diarrhoea almost constant- ly. She was very thin, Weighed only [our pounds and although she had a. ravenous appetite her food did her no good whatever. I had tried sev- eral medicines but they did not, help her. Then I heard of Baby’s Own Tablets, and procured a box. After giving her the tablets for a few days the vomiting and diarrhoea ceased, she begun to improve at. once, and grew plump and fat. I always give her the Tablets now when she is oil- lng and the result is always good. Baby’s Own Tablets are the best, ‘medicine I have ever used for a. thild." These tablets will promptly cure all the minor ailments of little ones, guch as sour stomach, indigestion, :olic, constipation. allay the irritaâ€" tion accompanying the cutting of 109th, etc. They are good for child- ten of all ages, and crushed to a powder or dissolveq in water can be given wifh absolute safety to the youngest infant. If you cannot ob- tain Baby’s Own Tablets at your iruggists, they will be sent post paid A GUAIIANTEIEâ€"“I hereby certify that. I have made a, careful chemical malysis of Baby’s OWn Tablets, which I personally purchased in a flrug store in Montreal. My analysis has proved that, the Tablets contain absolutely no opiate or narcotic; that. they can be given with perfect safety to the youngest infant: that they are a safe and efï¬cient medicine [or the troubles they are indicated to relieve and cure." l Mrs. Wylesâ€""Did your husband give you anything for a. birthday present. '2" Mrs. Stylesâ€"“Indeed, he did.†"Did it. have your name on Kt ?†“Yes, and my husband’s name too." "That’s just like selï¬sh mun. He must share the gift with you." "But, he didn't." “What was his name doing on it, then ?" "1t wouldn't have been any good withâ€" out it. It. was a cheque." ' it 25 cents a. box by addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brock- Pille, Ont. MILTON L. HERSEY, M.A.Sc.. Provincial Analyst for Quebec Montreal, Dec. 23, 1901. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the worid profluces, and is sold only in lead packets. Shacke Mixed and Green. hm In. drinker: ty “Salada†Green m. THE FORCE 0F CYCLONES CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION. Best be D one. . Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Sozodont Bozodont Liquid 25c. Largo Liquid and Powder 750. At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postage.3c. HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal. } Denmark holds the record for con- sumption of spirits, 4% gallons 3, year, against less than 1 in England. The origin of the word "toast" in drinking a health is interesting. The drinks most in use in the seventeen- th centuries were sock, canary, clar- et, sherry and others, to which it. was customary to add honey, Sugar, giner, cinnamon and other ingre- dients ; also a piece of toast, which floated on top of the liquor and was supposed to give it an additional flavor. Later on. in the eighleenth century. Dr. Johnson relates : "A certain beau, being at Bath, pledged a noted beauty in a glass of water taken from her bath, whereupon an- other roysterer cried out he would have nothing to do with the liquor. but. would have the toastâ€"that is, the lady herself." From this inci. dent. it is said, arose the habit 0! giving a lady's name to preface or flavor the drinking of wine. Hence a popular lady whose health was oftrn drunk became "a toast," or “a great. toastâ€, Later the word has come to mean any sentiment which prefaces a. drink. Little Tiddle (nervously, to livery- stable keeper)â€"-â€""Have you a very quiet horse ? It must be like a lamb neither kick nor shy, and not, go too fast.†Livery-stable Keeper (eyeing hizm cantemptuously) â€" “Certainly, gâ€"uv’nor “‘hich’ll yer huve -- a clothes-’orse or a r0ckin’-’orse ?" Same Florentian experts in snail- ulogy. ï¬nding time hang heavy on their hands, conceived the idea of ac- curately calculating the travelling speed of snails, and. with this end in View, it Was decided to make a ser- ies of more or less elaborate experiâ€" ments. Halfâ€"aâ€"dozcn or the molluscs 337mm, pomn‘ltfe’d to crawl between tWO points 10 feet apart. Exact time was kept from the start to the ï¬nish, and thus the average pace was asâ€" certained. The experimenters reducâ€" ed their ï¬gures into tables of feet, and thus found that it would take a. snail exactly fourteen days to travel a. mile. Norwegians are surely the most thrifty of Europeans. The average age income 01' the inhabitaan of Norway, according to the census of 1901, is 326 kroncr. or about. $85 a. year. Small as this is, the people are abJe to save. for there is a. sav- ings bank for every 5,000 inhabi- tants, one depositor for every 2.8 inhabitants. with an average deposit of 119 kroner. Speéinlist (irritably)â€"- "But, madam. you must. chew your food. What were your teeth given you for ?" Female Patient (calmly) “They weren't given to Incâ€"I bu':ght Dy'épepsia From all over America they testify to the merits of MINARD'S LINIâ€" MENT, the best of Household Rem- edies. We publish simple, straight testi- monials, not p*ess agent’s inter- views, from Well known people; Minard’s Liniment Eumsflandruff. India. produces 170 thousand out of the world's crop of 800,000 tons of to baccu. ~ England makes 12 million men's hats a. year, worth $20,000,000. SGZDDONT for tho TEETH 25¢ In. Wmuow’a Soorumo SYRUP ha been and m “on: of luau-an: (or them children while medal“. tmtlze: the child. mums the gums. ll nyspuin. cure: nd colic. mmlnru the "Bunch And 1:014:13. and in nu remedy for Dlu'rha-s. Tn enly-ï¬ve com: | home la b, druggisu llzr‘xughou the vorld. Bo mu sud at lot" in; Wnuww «Soornnm 81:01.. THE MOST THRIF’I‘Y PEOPLE DRINKING A TOAST SNAIL RACES rcr Over me Your: TAKE NOTICE. C. C. RICHARDS & CO ornamental. ve showy and surprisingly CE is wanted for oor yards, division fences yayds. orchards. etc. It ‘3 2;; cts p; lubed. and retail: at only ' us: flunk of it. Let 1:15 send youvfull make tax-m fence. poultry netting, nmls an Tho P193 Wire Fence 00., Limlte Page Mam] Ornagpientgl fggge, Sevenâ€"year-old tea plants yield 4 ounces of leaves apiece, or 700â€). 0! tea to the acre. To give some idea of the tremen- dous growth of the English language it may be mentioned that. the words and phrases under the letter "A" have increased in ï¬fty years from 7,- 000 to nearly 60,000. So enormous. indeed, has been the growth of the English language that. it, would be practically impossible for the most. learned man to be acquainted with every word. Intelligent persons, ev- en those engaged in the learned pro- fessions. do not make use of more than from 6.000 to 8,000 words all told, although there are properly belonging to our language over 200,000. "a MRS. MAXWELL TELLS HOW MUCH PAIN AND SUFFER- ING MAY BE REMEDIED. Elora, 0nt., Jan. 18 (Special). Mrs. Maxwell of this place has writ;- ten for publication :1 very strong letâ€" 1cr in which she claims that. Dodd’s Kidney Pills have cured her of Feâ€" male Weakness after she had tried almost everything else. This good lady, according to her statement, suffered for a. long time with kidney trouble, enduring the gi’flntest pain with a. dizziness and headaches that, made her very ill. She was passing through what is alâ€" ways a critical period in every Wo- mun’s life and her troubles were con- siderably increased by this. Indeed her life was for a time in great, danâ€" ger. Australia via. Suez Canal is 900 miles nearer England than by the Cape route. TU WEAK WOMEN She says she used Dodd's Kidney Pills with the most renmrkable rtr sults, being almost, instantly relieved and in a very shurt time completely cured and restored to good health. She is very grateful and in her let- ter she says: “I cannot ï¬nd words to express my gratitude to God for my marvellous cure. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are the greatest medicine in the world especially for those of my age. , - ‘,,__x -- foot I was so dizzy, and violent pains would shoot through my Whole system, but now thanks to Dodd’s Kidney Pills I feel Well and smart." This case and its cure has created quite a sensation and Mrs. Max- well's full and frank statement of the matter has been the subject of a great @0211 of comment. ,,,A A- 1.- A“ 60,000 British pnstmen deliver in a year 8.600 million letters, post- cards, newspapers, and parcels. Ilodd's Kidney Pills seem to be an infallible cure for Diseases of Women as Well as for Rheumatism. Diabetes, Bright’s Disease and all Kidney dis- orders. In 1670 the Dutch possessed 60 tons out of every 100 afloat. Now they own 1% tons out of each 100. The sun’s diameter decreases at. the rate of ï¬ve miles in a century. lts present. diameter is 860,000 miles. by local applications. as they cannot. reach the diseased pnnion of the car. There is only one way t. cum deafness. and that. is by constitu- tional rrmedies. 'Deifnrss l4 caurd b an inflamed condl ion of the mucous lining o the Eustachian 'l‘ul c. When this tube is in- flamed you have stumbling sound ur impar feel: hwrinyz. and when it u an: rely closed deafness is 1119 result. and unless the inflam- mmion can be mm n r m. and lhis .nbe rescued to Its normal oonditi in, hunting w.ll be de- stroyed braver: nine «£1393 out of ten are 0 u~ed by c Iarrb. which is nothing but. an in- flamed condition of the mucoui sur ace . We willgive One Hundied Boilers-tor any case of Deafness (caused by cat rrh) that can :1 L be cured by Hall's Cure. Send Nearly eight million tons of ish shipping pass the Suez Car year out of a total of 11 milli all nations. Mlnard's Liniment Eures Burns. 3.820005†Tooth Powder 259 101‘ cifcdlurs, ~{re}: )‘ii could scarcely move hanq Sold 1) Draggiats. 756. Ham: Mme Pine are the best. Very.Interesting Statement by an Elora Ladyâ€"She Has Found a. Panacea for All Female Weakâ€" ness and Wants Every Woman in Canada to Know of it. EPPS’ GRATEFULâ€"GOMFORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Deafness Cannot be Cured ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BREAKFAST~SUPPER. ï¬ri'CHENEY a; 00.. Toledo. 0. 20 cts. FER BU total of 11 millions for full articulsrs. We Lisa .ilsan staples. , Limited. Walkenllle, Ont. 8 EVERYWHERE. EVE; now make fence 2113: is 16 is just what Fri 76:31' grave HNiNG FOOT. us of Brit- z Canal in a unly it, is Nieceâ€""Aunt this is our new vicar, who has called to see you." The Old Ladyâ€"“Indeed l I am glad to see you, and I the you will call as often as the last incumbrunce didi" In England onlv 80 persons per million commit. suicide in a. year. In France the number is 205, and in Germany 208. Irish horses are worth to-day 2% times as much as in 1855. Twenty per cent. of all horned cattle are killed for food a year. 40 out of every 100 sheep, and 90 out. of every 100 pigs. {fir-1r*k'k'i‘“E'H"Ir"i"ï¬*++l~+id~'~l~++vt ++4ï¬ï¬++++$+++++wm Great Britain buys 8. pounds Weight of sconges a T0 (‘lIIIl-Z A COLD IN ONE DtY. Take LPXflliVO Bramo Quiniue Tablets. A'l drquists refund Lhe money if it faih to euro. E. W. Grove's signature is on out: box. 230. v." CASH will buy a box of SleET SONORA ORA’NGES, or I. . you take 5 boxes we will make Ihe price $2.10 per box. (Slzu you: or 7160.) THE DAWSON COMMISSION 00., limited, TORONTO. Consignments of Poultry, Butler, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, Honey. Apples solicited. Mlnard's Linimant Relieves Neura! Cleaning Ind Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned T1 cu: be lent by no“. In per a; the heat ule in WI? DYEING amnsn AMERICAN nvsmc co. HUNTREAL Smut lhn- rough and warlu of! the full]. Laxn'ive Bromo-Quinine 'l‘ubYets cure a cold tn one day. 30 ~ure. No Pay. Price Mccntu. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere %/£M1/ 3% monies ghe teal THE Every Stick-j Every Matchâ€" A “ Lighter USE »w~1~:~w+w«w+~t~w<w MM~WM$~WMMMÂ¥~M CALVERT’S GARBOLIO MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE. the team. Sweatena the hreafll. Strengthens the gums FOR BASE-‘5 EVERYWHERE. A Match ’éa TELEPHONE ~" PARLOR million year. llll Thm §‘_Ulsersand Bunningt‘ores EVERY TOWN OR“ HAVE A BAND Lowo=t prices over uncod. F'i e mum)qu mommach mm, m uil“ (rue. Wrm-u ui (many thing in ‘luslr ur \Iudml lnslruuu‘nt‘. WHELEY mm: are 00.. Limited, uileadine cures long stand- ing sores. Try it. large 80x33 23:. Drugglsts, or Gilaajina 00., Toronto. Domlnionhuna §team§hlpa Manual to Liverpool. Donon Lo Lint-' pool. Ponlnnd to LivorvooL VhQuuu Lawn. Largo Iud hut Suamlhlpo. Superior nmmmodu (or I“ cluue- Mg: bcnuwl Suloou 3nd Baum Ire Omidlblpl veninl hue-Mon hu benn "- u Beoond 8.1mm Ind Third-Uln- woommw won. I' run 0! pumps und I“ Mimi-n, up], w up 0! 5h. Comp-my. or Biahsrdo, Mills a (‘10. D. Tornnoo £00.. 11 an. 85.. Benton. Human] and PM Ins rumento. Drums. Unlformn Etc. Toronto.0nt... and Winnipeg, Man