Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1902, p. 1

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$I per annum, in advance] VOL. XXIV. oi: @Iitem IS PUDLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNINGI “ 3, AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING (in PUBLISHING HOUSEi RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. EDITOR & PBOPRIETOB. BUSINESS CARDS. Winn. DR. L. LAWRASON, Member College Physicians and Surgeons. Ont. RICHMOND HILL. "Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. 111.; 7 to 9 p. in. DR. E. J. STUBBS, Thornhill. ate resident phvsician at Western and Grace capitals. Toronto. ()i'flce Hoursâ€"8 to Maw; 12 t02pm; 7toSum. D (MANN s\ , Room 12, 121 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. T. A. CURIIIE, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow’s Bldg. , Toronto , cor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every Wednesday. Office :â€"Next door south of Public School. Office -â€"From 8.30 a.m., to 5 p.m. hours Statutory ' J. '1’. Mchlroy, VETERINARY SURGEON â€".AND~â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cillege, with diplonri from the Ontario Veterinary DontalSuho-il.w1=l visit Maple on Monday and Friday of such week. and Concord on Friday from I to 3 p.111. culls promptly attended to. Diseases of horses.cattle and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Oulls by day and night promptly at tended to, IER o " RICHMOND HILL, Romodellod,mr1ncw1y furnished throughout (la-3 of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yauge Street. Every modern con- venience. Simple rooms for commercml travellers. Anidezilstopping place for filling or driviu;piii', or farmers going to or rot‘lruin: from inirket. Electric cars pussthu door. Livery in connection. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. 19th Bunion. Prop HULSE HOTEL,‘ argue] 4E. THOROUGHLY REFITIED. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Eve Fl EST-CLASS FARM FENCING ONLY 3% tents in Int. I FOR SALE BY THE ONT. WIRE FENCING 00., Limited. PIC'I‘flN. ON'I'. ' igtnlfl. 7 S Lindsey, K G G G ' A G F Lawrence Phone Main 2934 W Ridout Wadsworth 1 Lindsey. Lawrence & Wadsworth, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 86c. Home Life Building (formcrly Free-i hold Loan Bldg), Cor. Adelaide & Victoria. Sta. Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. JAS. NEWTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN Elli-.4le or. TEEFY. NOTARY" PUBLIC, oouuissmuns IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & IIIâ€"ORGAN, Barristers and Solicitors. I Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at ' lowest rates. Aurora. ofl‘iceâ€"Removed to the old post offie .3. one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the post orlice. T. HERBERT LENNOX, G. S'rV. MORGAN. Aurora. Newmarkr'ofi COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. cor. Adclaide& Victoria Streets. Toronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. DUNCAN, GRANT & SKEAHS Barristers, Solicitors, 6:0,, 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. EastToronto Office, Mr. Grant’s residence, Woodbridpe, every evening. Thornhill.eech Wednesday from 10 to 12. DAVIDJAMES ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. , and the Ontario Cabinet, and prose ‘tiinatcly adopted. Temperance Convention. THE PAVILION ("IIOYVDIZIL Prohibitionists from all parts- of thc l provincc asscinblcd at the Pavilion in 3 Toronto on 'l‘ucsdny and :iftcr n lu-cn dcbatc (ltt'ltll‘tl upon the line to take relative to tho lil'tllltlst'tl rcfcrciulum by the (itlYt‘I'IlllH'llC. The import of the EXt'CllllYi' (luminiftcc of tho ()na tario Branch of thc Dominion Alliance was Cill‘l'lt’d, and a deputation appoint.- cd to wait on the Hon. G. \V. Ross upon them the views of the Conven- Hull. Rev. \V. A. McKay of “'oodstock, presided, and his task was not an easy one, as there was lack of unanimity among the spcakcrs. and many points of order were raised from Lime to time. The attitude of thc convention is that the prohibitionists arc displeased at the action of the Government. in in- sisting upon the. rcf’oi-cmluin, but will. under protest, accch the situation and throw themsolvcs into Lhccam- paign. They demand, however. a rc- vision of the terms of the rcfcrciuluin, in the direction of having the vote taken on the day of the municipal elections, and by having the question decided by a. simple majority of the vote cast. The main question was whether the referendum should be rcpiuliatcd or accepted. The official VIEW was in favor of the latter, and Mr. F. S. Spence moved the adoption of the rc- port of the committee, which was ul- Rcv. Dr. (Jhown mOved the amondmcnt to icpudiate the referendum, and the principal vote of the day was the one which negativ- ed this. Other amendmcnts were thrown aside rather unceremoniously and the vote was passed. The full report of the Ontario Alliâ€" ance reads as follows : That this convention hails with pleasure the decision of the Privy Council sustaining the Manitoba. liquor act, thus afliriuing the right of a Pro- vincial Legislature to prohibit trans- actions in intoxicating liquors which take place Wholly within the territor- , limits of its jurisdiction by the res- ,ufents of the Province. \ That the bill introduced into the Ontario Legislature, making prohibi- tion conditional upon difficult, un- reasonable and unjust requirements, cannot be accepted as a fulfilment of the Government’s pledges, and this convention expresses its deep regret that the Government has not carried out the simple, definite promises of Sir Oliver Mowat, reiterated by Hon. A. S. Hardy and the Hon. Geo. “7. Ross, to introduce a. bill to prohibit the liquor traflic to the liinitcf the declared powei of the Province. Thata specially objectionable and unfair feature of the said bill is the provision that even if the bill is apâ€" proved by a majority of the electorate voting thorcon it will not become law unless that majority attains very large dimensions. This convention bch to respectfully inform the Government that legislation limited by any con» dition that would permit the opinions of a minority of the voting electorate THORNHILL ONT. No Witnesses. .: a... J. PRENTIOE Unionvnle Eckardt dz Prentice Licensed Auctioneers {or the County of York I Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock etc., promptly attended to at reasonable.‘ rates. G. R. Gouliling, Newton Brook. agent! for the above. SALEM Ecxmnv, 108 Wellington Place, Toronto. 0 STOKES Stokes k Blough. License Auctioneers for the County of York ,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nfiueuce. sales attended on the sLortest notice an-ia reasonaberates. P.0.address King D BLOUGE i J. 'I‘. Seigoon. J. Ix. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigcon & McEwcn. Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York. Salesmttended to on shortestnotice and at rea- sonableriites Petronageeolicited. N. 13‘. Smith. Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘ormtics of York and Ontario. All sales of farm stock, to” at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable I rates. Mortgage and bailifi sales attended to. Residence. Stonffville. Ont A» zugia- ».~;--â€". "~>» k A. rm“ WRIG T BROS, Undcrtnkers a: menlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL l one”. @EEE’EE Edd-ENE, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO accommodation to guests. Board, 81 Der day to prevail would not be considered by the prohibitionists of Ontario as a ful- filmentof the Government’s promise nor as entitling members of the chis- laturc who voted for it to their con- fidence and support. That this convention also objects to the unfairness of a method which mach it necessary for prohibitionisfs to pull a large vote in order to secure the legislation they desire, while anti- prohibitionists are not rcnuired to do so, but may succccd without taking the trouble of voting. That a dcputation be appointed to lay before the Govcrnmcnt the forc- gaiing resolutions and to ask for a re- inoval from the bill of the unfair con- ditions complained of, and that every member of the chislat ure ho urgi-d to do all he can to secure the cliinina- Lion from the bill of those conditions. That this convention fin-thcr pmâ€" tcsts against the fixing of the datc for the proposcd votingat an inconvcnicnt' time, although such voting might be providcd for at thc linic ofa municile clcction with an important economy of public funds, and the time and cf- fort of Illt’ volcl's. That whcn this convcntion adjoin-us itstillids :n’ljourncd to inch again at the call of thc Exccuiivc. nIIci' the general clot-lion, unlcss b-llllL‘ mum'- gcnr‘y require its being convcncd at an cai-licr date. Presentation. ‘ The Oi-cuo News of last work con- ‘ taincd an inn-rusting account of a. pleasant surprisc givcn to Ali: and .‘II‘S. Patterson by lilt'll' frian~ at Newtonâ€" ville. lllL‘\lull\ In Ilu-il‘ (If gnu-[urn fir ‘ this placc. Mr. l’attcison Ilil\ bwcn a wood-worker in Trench‘s (‘ai riagc , “'orks for the past few months, and his Wife and family will join him here kings, Charity.” this wcck and will take upbnuwâ€"kcop- ing. Boforc the I'uruiluro was par-lu-d for shipment about 50 fril-mls gathvi-cd to show some tangible pionf of their t-stccm. Aftcr a sumptuous l't‘]l.".\L in tho dining-11mm the ci-mpany won- callcd to ordcr by the chairman who statcd the object of tho gathcring, after which Mr. and Mrs. l’atlcison wci-c proscntcd with a purse, ac- companied by the following address to which Mr. l’attci'son made a. fitting reply :â€" llcar Mr. and Mrs. Patterson: \Vc, fhc pcoplc of this vicinity avail mnsclvcs of this opportunity to make known to you our appreciation of you as a, neighbor. It only (lawncd upon us of late that you wcrc about to leave us. One thing we can say conscientiously. that this house has evcr been open to thc minister to which church you wcrc united. You both have home the long and tedious task of caring for the ang with patience and mcckncss. \Ve know this has always been the home of Mrs. Patterson, with the ex- caption of a few years, from infancy up to the prcscnt time. \Vc have no doubt but you will make many friends in thc place you are go- ing to reside: allow us in the namcs of the fi-icnds and neighbors to present you with these purscs as a slight token of our respect and appreciation of you. \Vc ask you not to cstccm these for their financial value but for the motive that promptcd the gift ‘Vc wish you piospcrity in your new home and pray we shall all live Sll('ll lives here that we may at last meet around His great white throne. *0 Victoria Square Mr. \Vm. Bovair, of Yellow Grass, Assa., is visiting with fiiends and relatives in this community. Mr. \Vm. Mortson, wife and family are paying their farewell visit to old friends here previous to leaving for their new home in Manitoba. A large number spcnt Tuesday even- ing at the homo of Mr. Jacob Lunau. Many caineover thc bad roads from Bloomington and were a little late ar- riving. In the morning all returned, having had a very enjoyable time. Mr. Ross Nichols has returned from New Lowell in good condition. The ladies of the \Vomcn’s Auxiliary met on \Vcdncsday afternoon in the basement of the church. Mr. Chas. P. Read while going to the shooting gallcry on Satniday last had the misfortune of losing his cart- ridges. Mrs. C. P. Read spent a fcw days with rclatives in Toronto. Mrs. Perkins spent \Vcdnesday with Mrs. T. W. Klinck. *0. Maple The V‘Vomen’s Auxiliary held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. 'I‘. Cousins last “'cdnesday. A large number were present and the collection amounted to over $10. The ladies voted $50 of the procecds of theirincctings, to be applied to the church fund. Mr. W. Back, of Ottawa. who has been with his son Rev. \V. G. Back, at the Manse since last fall, left for his home last wcck. The Eckardt Family, of Swiss Bell ringers, passed through the village last Saturday. They purpose giving a concert here next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dcan, of Toronto. were visiting with their son, Rev. S. \V. Dean, over Sunday. Miss Sarah Cameron, of Aurora is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose. Miss Annie \Vilson returned home lastwcekaftcr spending a. couple of wee-ks with friends at Purplcvillc. Miss Carrie Schunck cf Patterson, spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend. Miss Etta Richardson. At the last Regular Quarterly meet- ing of the ofiirial lioard of Maple Cir- cuit. a unanimous invitation was ex- tI-ndcd to Rov. S. \\'. Dean to rcmain anothcr you r on tln-circuil. Mr. Donn accepted the invitation subjcct to the appi oval of the Stationing Cullllllltlfif‘. Ri-v. J. R. “'ilkinson was also invited to rcniain another year and accepted subjcctto the approval of the same body. OHâ€" News Notes. Augusulis Von Buseck, a harness- makcrat Stouli'villc for nearly sixty years, died on Sunday, at the age of 85. He leaves two sons and two daughters. Premier ROss has dccidcd to grant the i'cipicst of Iln‘ prohibitinnisfs to have tlic volc talu- placc on iln- day of the municipal clcctions. No changcs in the bill will It!) made. Protests have brcn vntcrcd acninsf ’rhc clt‘t'Iinll of Mr. limliz‘l‘i Bwuh in \\'c\1lHH-hum. M . Arch. ('unijln'll in \cht Yolk ‘l‘::l\), and : inst Mr. '2. G. Porter, \V'rst I'lasli ind Mr. Avery in Addingion {Conserva- tives). other ‘ pl'L/*-'CII (flies-tor white hogs, lot ,on. .‘dai'kliain (l‘liornliill) has I'l' side sonic growl yunniy stock. I _. Agricultural Society The annual Inchng of the Richâ€" mond Hill and Yongc Slrcct Agricul- tural Socicly was hcld on \Vcdncsday of last \Vt‘t'k. On motion lhc ircusurcr was in- structs-d to pay Messrs. J. Brillingcr and T. Lloyd prizc nioncy for llllll, loss $1 for l!lI‘llll>(‘l"S ticket for 1002. The following officcrs were elcctcd : NV. II. Pugslcy, President: I). Lyncfi, lst Vice-President; J. Slatcr. 2nd Vice-President; II. A. Nicholle, Scc’y-Trcasui'er. lllrcclurs, \V. Thompson, ’1‘. Lloyd, L. L. Hartman. T. II. chgc, \V. \Vclls, \\'illiain Paxton, G. Gorinlcy. \V. ()rincrod, G. Luck. G. Padget. R. Elliott. Jos. (‘mniskw J. N. Bovlc, \V. II. Ulubino. Goo. Dibb, I{. Ituniblc, PotcrBassingthwaitc, .I. II. Sandor- son, I. (.‘i‘osbv, I’. (i. Savagc, T. F. McMahon, w“. Eycr, H. F. Hopper. .l. Palmer. J. T. McEli'uy. Alex. DIOIKIlt-R An lixocutivc Committee was scloct- cd by ballot as follows : J. N. Iloylc, G. Leek. T. H. chqc. T. F. McMahon. T. Lloyd, \V. Or- mcrod, \V. Eycr, J. H. Sanderson, P. G. Savage. Concert Committeeâ€"J. H. Sander- SOY], T. F. McMahon. J. T. McElrov, w. H. (‘lubinm ii. A. Nicholle. ' The Executive will meet on Satur- day, the 8th of March. “I had a terrible cold and could ,' hardly breathe. I then tried Aycr’s ,» Cherry Pectoral and it gave me im- .. mediate relief.” :“ ~W. C. Layton, Sidell, Ill. . How will Vauligiwr-flv‘mn I.“ ' ‘ ‘ h' our cough ;' betoni ht? orse,prob- ably. or it’s first a cold, then a cough, then bron- 5 chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend , downward. Stop this 5 downward tendency by -. taking Ayer’s Cherry Pec- . total. - fan-w; 36 s A} I -. I. 5' 4 g ,4. 'i E . i .' Three sizes: 25m, enou h for an ordinary ‘ cold; 50c" just right for ronchltle. hoarse- : nees. herd colds, etc.; 81. most economical '= -* for chronic cases and to tree on hand. J. C. AYER 00., owell. Mall. Settlers’ 1 One-View I Excursions To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest will lexn‘o'l'nronto ever TUESDAY during I MARCH and APRIL, 19'”). . t Passengers travelling Without Live Stock . should min: the train leaving Toronto at ' 1.45 p. Ln. Passeugcrs trnvclfing with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9.00 p. Ln. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each truiu. For full particulars and copy of “ Wattlers' Guile,” apply to your nearest Canadian Politic Agent or to l l A. H. NOTSIAN, Asst. Dussr. Agent. l l l ;l King Street East, Toronto. y .‘ 7‘ d _) kid hinges s ndry. The undersigned is prepared to GRIND FEED At his null duiing the fall and winfcr sr-nsou (‘H'l‘y (lay of the wcck cxccpt \Vcd- licsiln)’. W’. M tGER. Prop sunuu FABII The j‘roprictcr of Sunnysidc III‘I‘II of llulsti-in Cattle and Brccdcr crim- J2.l'~ Fen r Timiuv‘uuii-bixul null and hog krp., for service on the pi'ciniscs. I). G. GUOIJERHAM. 49-tf Proprietor

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