A New Advertisements. Changeâ€" Imperial Oil Co. N v Advâ€"J C Ayer & Co (Triange-J. Eyer dz Son I‘or saleâ€"E. Rutherford en fliteral. RICHMOND I‘I-rLrt. February 27. 1902 WAITED ON THE PREMIER. Adeputation of about 100 pron h'bitionists waited on Premier Ross I and the Ontario Cabinet yesterday in accordance with instructions given '1: rem the day before by the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance. The deputation informed the Premier that by resolution the referendum‘ had been accepted under protest. 'I‘hcy particularly desired, however, . that two changes be made by the Government. First that a prohibition luv would be enacted it a bare irrajority voted in favor of it. And second, that the date of the voting,r be c'ianged to the day when elections are held for municipal Councils. The deputation were cour‘tcously received. The Premier intimated 'that the date originally proposed for “tilting the vote, namely the 14th of October, would be changed, and a1 dllOngll he did not give a deï¬nite ‘ Death rate 8.1:: per 1000. single year in the history of the Order in Ontario" Referring to the annual reportsoftlie otiiecrs, he adds: Our system is one of the most perfect. It is a question if there is another organ- ized company or corporation in exist- cnce that gives a more detailed state- ment ofall transactions than that given , by the ï¬nancial otIiccrs of the A. O. U. W. of Ontario." These facts gleaned from the Very , corrrolete report of M. I). ‘Car‘dt'i'. Grand Recorder, will interest not only Illt‘lllilvl'S of the Order but the public generally. The members initiated in 1001 was 4,549. Members in good standing: Dec. 31, 42,552. Average age of new lllt'lllilt'l'S 20, 1m, 14d. In 1001 there Were 2.0 new lodges organized. Total lodges in Ontario, 415). The RP- servc Fund is $220.3153.t59. Paid in 1.001 for 337 deaths $030,000.00. Avr-rage age at death 51 yrs. 8 mo. Tdys. Ainolnrtpaid for deaths since organ- ization $0.83!),10821. (‘ash received in 1001 from all sources $721,323.41. Coal, hard and sofl, Ilardwood and Slabs. Delivr-i ed on shortest notice. MICHAEL BROS. Tierney to Loan Mortev to loan at 5 per cent. interest on ï¬rst in urtru'rc f-rrru property. Ellllllll‘l‘ at THE LIB ERA‘L OFFICE RICH Me an HILL Slimth liliiii The. above rink will be open for skaters during the season on ‘ SATURDAY EVENING Dr. J. M. (lotion, (ii-and Medical Ex- aminer makes very full report on each death. Chief among; causes of death ' ,_ are: Tuberculosis '38. accidents 31, Of Hm“ Wm'k from {"50 to heart disease 30. cancer 27. Bright’s disease 17, apoplr-xy 13. diabetes 4. appendicitis 7. It is intcrtsting tr); note the ages at, which members dicd : 11 members died between ISan'd 21yrs; 5 between 25 and 29; 12 between 150 and 31: 27 between 35 and 36; 20 between 40 and 4-1; 40 between 45 and 40; 17 be tween 50 and :31 ; 02 between 5.3 and 5f): and104 at the ages of (50 years and over. In dealingr with pl'flpnst‘d amend- ments to the Constitution, Grand Lodge decided not to admit Women. not to start a sick beneï¬t branch, not to change the rates this year, not to longerdebarresidents of the Yukon from membership. not to make an extra call forthe Reserve Fund, not to start a fund for the aged and inï¬rm irrembers, not to issue $25000 or $1000 certificates. It decided to hold the 1 J 10 o'clock. Rink open to curlers every day and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Ilockcy on Monday and Thursday evenings. Admission for skaters, 14.10.; Children r 0 cents. Fiftemi adult tickets for $1.00. Thirty children’s tickets for $1.00. I’. G. SAVAGE, Reeve W. HEWESON, HOUSE PAINTER, A promise that the date for taking the referendum would be the same as ‘rhat of the municipal elections, he gave the deputation reason to believe that their wishes would be granted on ’this point. As to the changing the gbasis of voting Hen. G. W. Ross held -out no hope that 4a bare maiority of ‘tlie votespollcd would give prohibi. tion. What he asked for was an expression of opinion of the whole community. He reminded his hear- ers that he had been a prohibitionist, 'all his life, and if he had not satisï¬Â¥ the temperance party in the proposed ’bill now he regretted it. But he also reminded them that he had not satis- iicd the liquor dealers. 'FarmErs‘ Institute Work Mr. Simpson Rennie, of Toronto, in speaking of his recent trip through New Brirnsn ick in connection with the I‘arniers’ Institute Work of that Province. says that the meetings Were , generally well attended, and a lively interest taken in the discussions. Mr. ‘ Rennie also attended the Nova. Scolirt' Ilairyirren's meeting at Amherst, on 'Llle 23rd, 21th, and 25th of.1arry., and the Ill-“Ptllig of the New Brunswick I".rrrners‘ & Dairvrnen‘s Association at liredrieton, on the 28th, 29th, and 30:11, deliveringaddresses on {he "Cultiva- vlion of Corn. Field Roots, and Pota- toes" and “The requirements of the Jiccfmarkets.†At both these meet» rings, the delegates and others present. appeared to take a. great interest in the proceedings. “Judging from what -1 could see. when trait-Hing, through the country". continued Mr. Rennie, “‘Very ruuclr more. should be done in the breeding and feeding of both cattle and hogs, butbefore very much is done. -a batter class of animals should be in- troduced. Sheep raising should be more extensively gene into, especially where the land is dry and rolling. «Dairying is carried or. somewhat ex- 't~nsively and with ifair success, but in same localities the isolated condition‘ mf the patrons is found to be a great. drawback to the Industry. From my olnervations, thousands of acres of landare only yielding small returns for want of underdraining,r but when these. things are better under-slood, ‘consideri lg the intelligence of the .people, we may look for great things in the near future. F. “I. IIODSON -â€"â€"-¢ooâ€" Uuited Workmen. Annual Grand Lodge Meetingâ€"A Re cord Yearâ€"4,848 New Membersâ€" Progress all along the Lineâ€"â€" New Ofï¬cers Elected. The Ancient Order of United \York- rnen for Ontario met in 21th annual s. ssiou in Toronto last week. About {13,10 representativcs Were present and i ‘inanifested a deep interest in the birsiâ€" in As. The reports of tin (ii-and Ollicers lel‘ 1901 were exCeeding/ly satisfactory, snowingr a year of exceptional progress in this pioneer of fraternal insurance us clerics. Grand Master \Yoi-kman ( zpt. '1‘. )1. (‘ornett in his annual re- p :rt says: \\'e have been able to pay , : .l deatlrelaims from the receipts oti 1.‘ assessments, one a month. and have , - Imlarir‘e at the end of[lleyeal'oi'bï¬lc ,1 ~b will} after deilig all claims passed upon. Further- orr he says . ‘I am I mased to report that from every sec- 1 .in ofonr jur-isdiriion the most en- ll Z-" reports have been received" I :-..d “during the two years that 1 have 51~idthe horror of presiding: over the , ll. 1'. \V. we have had a large irr- m <r-~.’~.(ll‘.| applications in 1900 and 13:) in Idolwiiiv largest number in a l annual sessions in future the third week in March. to continue the (Van- adian \Vorkn‘ren. Oi-illia. as theot‘h‘cial organ, to hold next annual session in Hanger. Calls from a distance prornItly Tiheer’s Coal RiehmondHill. every POI'C)“ ulazisr, Graiaer and Paper» Toronto to continue to employ organ- izers and to try to add new members to every lodge. ' The following,r are among the ofï¬cers elected for 1902 :â€"Grand Master \Vork- attended to. RESIDENCE, RICIIM QND HILL THE caiiiiiiiimi LIFE leSDC-IATIUN On the Unconditional Accumulative Plan contains but one conditionâ€"Pay the premium. Extended and Cash Value on Rates and full information will be sent in Pamphlets on application to P. G. Savage, District Agent. Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies-: . WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. MERCAVTILE NORWICH UNION IMPERIAL YORK MUTUAL Accident Companies. London Guarantee & Accident Co. The Registry C0. of North America. We make Insurance our Business. Claims promptly paid and business strictly attended to. P. G. SAVAGE, Richmond E13111. .wr, .,_.,. . Reel . . .,._....., ,... . Quarry The Horse Goods, Harness, Blankets and supplies I handle have the rare quality which is so much desired by those Who want the best ; it is always pleasant. to ot'f‘r-r such goods. I want also to ("all your attention to my splendid stock of Robes, Coats, Gloves, Mitts, and Gauntlets at prices that will surprise you. Ioworrld be pleased to personally talk with you about them. Geo. bIcDonald RICHMOND HILL. man, Joseph Gibson, Ingersol: Grand. Recorder. M. D. Carder, Toronto; Grand Treasurer, F. G.lnwood, Tor~ onto; Solicitor, A. G. F. Lawrence. Toronto: Medical Examiner, Dr. J. M. Cotton, Toronto. â€"â€"â€"â€".o A REMARKABti: STORY. A Discovery of an Almost Cow- »I:iin Cure for Rhouuuuisnl and Kindred Disc-arses. Amongst the greatest discoveries ‘of the age of HIM of human sufferâ€" ing. 1"erliaps none take so high a place as Dr. Clar kels Little Red Pills. The formula from which these pills are made was the result of many yearsof study and experiment. It is with the greatest confidence therefore. that the proprietors place these pillsr n the market, and so salislied are they that they wil} pr we a blessing to sail fer-iris,r humanity, that they make the following offer: To airy one who is a subject of rln lr'rratisirr (no matter- how long standing) or" any blood disease, as enumerated below, and will give Dr. Clark’s wonderful Litth Red l’ills a fair and impartial trial and do not find a 1 ert'ect cure, we will rc~ fund the money paid for the p'lis. If no substantial improvement is observ- cd, we will in addition pay $10 in cash on satisfactory evidence bring suppli' ed us to this edit ct. \Ve have yet to know of a single case where these wonderful pills lime not, been almost entirely surceszul in at"- fecting a cure. CANADA CHEMI- CAL CO. Peter-borough, Ont. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills are a certain cure for rheumatism, asthma. paralysis, catarrh, eczema, (oughs, backache, indigestion, stomach and liver troubles, female complaints, even when the diseases have been standing for many years. Price 50 cents per box. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson. Druggist. Dr. Clark's Sure (lure for Catar-rlr, and Dr. Clark's Sui-e (lore for Eczema s :rne price. $10.00will be paid for any 0 rse they will not cure. Barrel Chums A complete range of sizes in the most im: proved patterns We specially recommend the LEADER. churn for its ease of opera- t on and its speed and qualitv of butter pro- duct on. You'll find our prices the lowest. ..-,â€"-.»,,., .1. w, iv... .' 'Z'A‘1f‘3‘fl‘hxa-ï¬wic‘4 ‘34 5 9w in i. ,i w- i z. Holds 12 1.». .4“ . .1 .-_»4,r,,~,1_-g (102. eggs. It's right A i, & strong, dinner time. nnyfl ‘ : )rcvents timrlsngcrd Q, 3 055 from time to use _, i if, breakage, [9‘0 1 a will pay (J: for itself “ b.9490?! - r-v many ‘ ’ Q IL"; " '31:. times ELL'JK‘E over and The :7.) . I costs only 5‘ E a 1 gm 250. that's rich err-l bril- Hunt. No odor. Many styles. Sold everywhere. =' trh'n 119% er‘r' 0.2.x V‘.‘ If you are not Satisï¬ed with what you have bought from us. re. turn the goods and get your money back. That's the way we do it. 4; y, s m iciunond Hill seminar : Wusbirrgs. Gouts' -: lty. Work guin- l‘n‘u ll. ‘1 ‘. :K‘Lll . v T11, Ln: MAXWELL * my ‘ (1UP... -' , Gross Cut . Saws. You'll find us stocked with a good assen- ment of the best makes of goods, ranging in price from NINETEEN CENTS a. root upwards. GOOD TIME 5'" to buy Wire Nails at these low pricesâ€" .- ..r...32.50keg -' .. 2.55 keg .. 2.60 keg .. 2.65 keg 2.90keg 5 inch.... 4 inch.... 3 inch...†2; in. It in. .-1"-‘ii a. nL‘-.‘;1- =1 saw,» i a.» my, my nus-L. ':'-. vu'l L‘ \‘4‘ u u,“ 1' iiiESiiAiiiSS’ T3913. We pay particular attention to this The best goods at very lowest When you are in need of We‘ll make . -\' an line. prices. any tools write to us. prices interesting to you. Three Bushel ......... 50c Why pay more, when we sell at these low prices ‘2 PAINTS AND OILS Whimetree, Centre and End In“ and Neck 'i.’ Yoke Ends. best steer goods. wp'ell them at L TEN (JEN TS EACT- '. ii :‘GNHM‘ LEADWPQEUV Large buying in this __ ‘l m “91- line Enables us to t v urn: LEAD E quote ycii closest cu i}, prices. If you wantto We Want Your TI-de , ,I. save mono;Y youll buy goods, right In?†and {m f and if right dealing will wm itâ€"IT'H orb- ruins 134-15 ' ~ - ‘ - from us. AT THE o " war; :r" *’