Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1902, p. 1

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VOL. XXIV. “In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essmli N 101 .1. (“’1' I ,’ , H FEEXS'E‘-CLASS “ 11.111.- @1111: , IS PUBLISHâ€"EDEVEBY THURSDAY MORNING 11ml” AT THE LIBERAL 13511111118 12 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND BILL, 0111?. T. F. MoMAHON. EDITOR & PROPRIETOB. 171111 SALE BY THE ONT. WIRE FENCING 00., Limited. " ifij'l‘il‘l. 59"" '1 BUSINESS CARDS. 1 G- G S 1.1111131 y, K C k (1 F lumiuuce W lhdnub \\ unsworth Lin-31533.1. Lawrence & Wadsworth, ‘ artistes-s, S:licitors. Email-2.. 3:6. Phone Main 108-1 DR. L. 1.111111717131111, Mambo: Callege Pixvsicians and Surgeons, Out. RICHMCOND HILL. Office Houi‘cz 8 to 10 a. 111.; 12 to 2 p 111.; 7111) 9 p. 111. 110111:- Life- Building (1'111-1111-11v Fri-e- 111:111 1.11:111 1311111.). U111. .51-11-1-1'1110 1Q: ‘ Vic-111111 H1: LIBERA 71 11111111111. L Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. DR.E.J.STUSB$ ’i‘hm‘nhiu, JAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ate vosid mt ulivucian 211. Western 8.1111 Grace 0511111115, Tonuco. 03105 H 11115â€"8 10 10 c1 1n; 12 to 2 p 111; 7 no 811111. mm 7513111111. “Fax. Rogers BMW-13M Room 12, 121 Victoria SL. Toronto. "13:11? .‘AT'ETE *5}? . NOTA RY PUBLIC, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. , T1? 1. ' ' 1: er of 1.1a..r1age Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENi-irix 11: MORGAN, Banish-m and Send-111018. ‘I'I $11. Best fitting tt-i'th, also ri-plal,ing, at lmvoat prices. Good “'0'.” . DP. ’1‘. A. CUllllllil, ' Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfcllmv‘s Bldg” Toronto, cor. Yougo and 1111111- 115 2515., Toronto, :1 Mons-9 to 101m ou1.111.1uu:1c111.L-.el marten-ms at. law-112.13 111111-11. L C Aurore. (mmâ€"119111.31 ed [111110 one door Out-.1110 Newumrkec 111a oâ€"Three doors $0111.12 of the szL 1,1111%. T.Hi;au1.1u‘ L15.‘::ox. G. 911211101: Aurora. 7 ‘1 0111 post 01110.1. 11 “on of the culmuco 1.0 the AN, ‘Vill hc 111 1111:11111113111 11111 every *H' * bmmm'mt \lellk‘hi :1V. 1" 1 0111130 :~».\’1-x1. 11.1111- 51111112 of Public L‘" J' School. Office i111:11':1â€"â€"1,-‘1-11111 8.3".) :1.111.. 1115 p.111. gm_muvmmmwzmfi 119111111111 - m . u .1. .1. 1113....1my, VETERINARY SURGEON _-_-‘ND__ VETERINARY DENTIST, RICH‘MOND HILL, Graduate of 1.113 0111.111'1-1 V1't1:|'1:111'\’ V“1111,1111, with 111111411111. 11'111:1 111â€"3 11:11 1: 1'1111:1'111.11'y Dental 51:1111111. W111 v '1 .\-1-1.11:1111:1 11111111 1' 211111 11‘111111y01' 91:11 we 111111' 1111:11-111'1 1::1 1';‘1"11:1.y from 1011311111 (‘ 'uttm; .- Disdnhud 111' 111w"- & ' MACMN‘ALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. ‘C‘RON'l‘O OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. 1:111'. Adi-1:11:19 & Victoria. 5311-91-15, Toronto. 1111'. Cook V111 111-:11: 3.1::1111-011Tl1ursdav :11'11-1'1101’11111f oath week. ' Barristers, Suliciiors, 626., 25 KING STRE:«.T WEST. TORONTO. EnsiToi-outo ()iiice 11. Grant's residence. \IV-mdhndge, every evening. ' Thornh111.ench Wednesday from 101012. D. V1 D 1211 M ES 1581714111 MARRIAGS LICENSES. THC! \, . V1 ,1. nâ€" EJ111115 1111-1 11.11a- dour-m1. at» 6'1. “111111.115 “1.1111111 b) 1.110 111L051. 11111 111-Jot 11p- 111111'13.1 11111111111115. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’ "111-:1- REILlILL - 01-11. 11 .â€" 1“... , ._T EH. R’s “nice, .1, License-1 Auctione-u' for the County of Ym 11 11.1.1111 111.111.1111-111 11111111113. (Sensual sales. 01 111.11” 1311:..111'u1111111y 1115131111013 to at. reasonable run-11. *- ruinill. Calls by telephone from Richmond . o 1: 1,;,)._;\.. u’hnfl, kill 11111 charged to 1110. 111...... ” - 1‘ for 1110 C STOKL'S ' .D ELocun 5:01:95 13' 310515711. J. H. 51111313113011, VETL'RINARY 511111113011 RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night 111o111p‘11y at- 1-..-:1d1-:1 111. 1- 0 Auctioneers for tlmCoun 1:113'51n1a1cy11' ' tyo! Yorkmo ‘ [‘1111'1)Llfl,'18 and friendly . . 1:5 alt-"1111 111111LL1c shortest notice .1 111.15 14111121111 3‘. 1'. 0.2.11111'ess King J. h.1\1'(-Ewcu, Weston. {cilwuh ca. 5.1’gcon 1?; {110 1151-11 Auctioneers for tho (‘11u111v11f Vm-k, b ntLuruldcl to on shortest notice and 111: mg- 5 1L-l‘1lius l’acruuugesulicited. 1511111111111 1111111515., 3.120th0 ND HILL, N. §miih. Ink-12115911 Auntinuesrfm' 1110 (‘mmties of York 1111.1011111- . Allfi'ule 11'111'11 .' 1 , _ Rumolehoduru-l newly 11111114111111 c111 11121111111: "n \ ' ' 1 “OCL' 6"." at 1011.101] [(11-11 the shortest 11min! 11.1111 reasonable- .1 ,‘l, ., -, . .. . ' .1 ‘ .. _. 9:13 1.11.111 111-Ax- 1;.11 311.111.. 1111 1 11‘111111111b11- mp... “01-111,..- 11111111511111! 511108 attended to. untela 011 11.11 Mreez. 1-.\::1y mung-1‘1: c1111- “0,14,13,19 gmufiyn‘e on: veuieu .12. 5.1. 11,1111 r 111111\ 1111‘ L-mumel‘cliu , munellers. A11 1111- 1151111111111; 111111-11 1111' 1'1 1111,: . _. .. V _ _ , ting-KAN .mxvrâ€"vmm 01 111111113; 11:11-11~ 111-31.1. :, or f111'111c1‘s 1.1111111; m" ‘ ' -" '" ' m” r ‘ +£7.44; ca .~ ' 1. .-.- . 111-g1. 'c -- r.- » {1211;132:112-{1'1'13‘111 :-1'i\'1111'11'u11tc¢111111. n LU TERMS 3,0,, PER DAY. I Under-mixers 1% Embalmers, 111ml 9.11.1111”. - Prop- RlCHMOND HILL 8:1110RNH11L Alargostockof Funeral Furnishiug< gun. . V‘s. . mg, 1 , iii-p! :11’ 1111111 placi-s. 7 1 .m'ELEEF‘Emmdmmm REELXEEE 111G. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. W‘- i , .9‘ £17.. fifimfig 1'“ r}- ljvei‘y 111-01.1111111111111110111'111' the trawl w- gig/@111. gill-mg” Quin}? P11101113, lire 1.39 xxxn 51-111mm EAST. TORONTO accommoduuon to guestfi. Board, 81 yummy » 111: LGIN M 11 Orchard Institute Meeting-3 Atihc last annual 1111-9111111 of lhn 0111:1111) 1’1uit (1110\1'1-1'53 Avociuiiuii tho svcri-tary, Mr. (1. (‘. 1‘1-1-1-11111111. Pal-11111111111.Buildings, Tori-11111. was I'vquvsu-l to 111-rangi- 1111- a smirk of Orr-hard [1151111111- 3111-1111313, puriicu- 1:11~1y 1111'-:11;_1;1111111.[111-111111. dish-iris of 1.111) ,1‘1'0\'1111:(‘ 11f 0111:1111). 1*1111-1- 1111- 111-ginuing of 1111- your 1111- s1-1-1'1-1111'y' has 111-on corwspoudiug wiih fruit, growm's throughout 1111- 01111111131 in reference 10 the 111-«1 plum-s- 111 1111111 tll(‘S(‘ nun-tings, 111111 (1.1- 11:111-s and sprain-rs 1":‘1‘ 111151-1111111y 11.13 111-111 111-- raugrd as follows: 1~l[71-:11;1-11\>~ 1111mm- Lick 111' Oshawa, (l11\1-1'11:111-11t Fluit Inspector: \V. 11. Dianna-y of Trout- 1111, Director (11" 1111-. Ontario F11111'. (il‘th‘l'S’ Associalion. l,’1:11'1-,~:~~\\'1-x- ford, March 21; 1'11111111'1111‘. M; 111122. 11.15 1|1t1-ndi-11, :1::1';1r :1..- p115: 1111-, to hold11shor131111-v1111giu 1111- hall in 1111-, :1f11-1-11111111 at 1.31), 111111 :11 11.11111111- 1111-1-1- ing will adjourn L11 :1. 111-11111111111111; 111'- (thard. “111-1(- :1 111:1(‘111‘2‘11 111-11.1111st.1':1- 111111 will he give-11 i11p11111111;r. graft» 111g, 911;, :15 well 11:11 talk on 1111-1111111 cultivation and 1111-111111ls generally [)1-1- 11:1111111gtof111il growing. 11 iscxpmt 11 that 111(- 1110111111-1-s 1~f 1111-11‘ar1111-1-s’ Instituti-s '1111 11111-1i1-111â€" tural Societies, as w1-ll :151-1'1-1-y1':111111-1- i1111-1-1-si1-1111111119 111-1111111111111 111' 111111, will be present. and 111-1-1-11'1- 11131111011111” :11111111k1-p111-1 in 1.111- discuxsiuu. 111 the evening a gem-1:11 11101-11111; willhelu-ldf111~t.111-p111-pvm- of 1111::111- izing :1 local fruit g1-11u'1-1s’ 1158111'11111011. Thcnhjct'bnf 1111-50 local axwwialiuus 5111111110111 111911-1- lhc 111-.11 industry. Such organizations :111-1-~1dy 1'1111111-11â€" 11:1v1- 1111111- good work in dis: «11:1: 1111-1111-1131 1-f ('lillivui‘ioh, 1111- p 111g, packing.gradiugaud11111111111151.111-11115 1:11~11111-1-:11;i\'e shipping. c11»11;)1.-1':111\'1- huyiug of packagrs, (-11-. woâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Maple 011 Monday evening1111:1stwc-1-k Hr. 11111111 (11111111115, of this 111211-13 was 1111111-(1 in 112:111-111111113‘ to Miss 1.11111, 111‘ T11- 1'1111111. The cmmuouy tool-L place :11 1111s parsonage 111111 was 111-11111111011 11y 111-V. 1,-1.'\‘-.'. 1)1-:111. Aim-11y l11111s1- wedding 1111.1 plaro 111$1; \‘fi‘dlii’sduy:11'11-1'11111111:1L1111-111131w 111'1111-5. 1111111411 Barr, \1'111-11 111-1 only daughtm'. 1511111111. \-..1~; 111::1-1-i1-d 111 Ml. (111111 T. Graham, of 2‘1'1-11'111111-111-1. Th1- lu-ide- \\':1s:1\2~i~'11-1| 115' 111-1' c-iuxiu, Miss 11111111151111, (-1' Moonshmo. whih- l\11-. \Vill (111-1111:1111, 111‘ 91111-11111, :11111 111'1111101-01' L119 33-11111”, :11-1111:1s-,:1111111 5- 111:111. '1'111-v-11-111111igrmarch \\‘.1.\pl'1"11l by Miss‘ P3111111 (1:2111[111011, 11.915111111111111, and 111-v. S. ‘1‘.'. Dean, 111-11111111911 11:1- corn-111111131. Afilfl' 1111-11" 10111111 1111211 rln-ir irip, 111111.11, [111-y ink-114,111» x1411:- 111-re. '1'111- youngr 1:11111111- invc 11‘.»- 111-5‘. vii-shes of 1111 1'111'1111-11-11111111- 1111pâ€" pixu-ss. The concert givon by 1111- F'-1;:11'dt family, lust Saturday1-\‘1-1’1i11;1:\\'as w1-11 111191111911, and 1111 1111911311115; 111-11- g1'11111‘111egi1'1-11. 7111141111'115111‘1‘111'lllillly present. was 55111111-11 by 1111- 11:111 111-1111', 501116 young 1111111111111»: 11 {111g 11.1- [11:11-1-91-1-111 111111't-likea11:1111ya111 111- :1 poultry $1111 xv. 011 Mond1y 1-vm1i11g 1111- lipwnrth League 51‘1'V1c0 111111; the form 111'1111 011411111; with \‘1'1111111-1'. Au 1â€"ss:1y, quotations. songs- and 1'1-2111i11gsl'1411111 1111- 11111-1. \\‘1-1'1-;.:i\'1-11 11y 1111- 1111-111111-1-3. .ll1’.:11111.lir>~ .1. ll. Mil-11y 1'111‘111-11 a 1111;11111-1-111'y11111 ‘11'11-111151111111-1-1 111111- 111118111, Miss 1711111-111-1- 1111s;1111u1:d 11' 3111111111. Allu-H. 11151 Fri 1-1'1-111114. A [111-again 111110, was -1.1 11;.'1111_1\L‘ [11'1-51-111. M .E. Ilavisun11111111111111, is \‘isiiâ€" 1115::111111-11111111-11'7111-. .\l. Rubin-.1111. 1111. “111.511 McMillan 111111111 1'11111111:1y {'01-'111511‘1111111’51, whore 111- 11115; 51-1-111'1-11 :1 5111111111111. '1'111-1'11111-1-111(111111-11111- M15. 110/111-1- \\'11(1(1 took [11:11-1- 1'1-11111 111-1‘ son's 11-5- 1111-1111-1111Monday:11'11-1-11111111. '1'111-11-111111115111'1111-1.111-J111111-5: 111-1-11111'gh. i'uruwi-ly11111115 111111-13 :11111 \‘.'11111111-(l 111'1‘111'1111111, w1-1'1- 11111-11 cd in .1111111'11 cc1111-11-1-y 1111 '1‘111-51121y. â€"'â€"â€""°¢'â€"‘._ Dial-111181111 Council. 1 (‘111111c111111-Lat\'i1'1<11-i:1 111,1'1111111- ville,1111'111111:(1:1v,1111-1111111151.1111111- 111-1->:111p1»s1-21L. 1(1-1-v1-I)i111111:11111111- (-11:111'. :1111101111111'1111-11. ('11111111111111-:11111115w: 1'1- 1'1’1'1-i\1-d1'1'11111 J. 1111.11111‘1151‘111 1-1- 111.1111â€" 1! 111' lruauceur' 111w“ 11111-3; .l. 'L‘. 1.111111y, ('11-1-1; \\'lii:1,-11111-1-h, 1-1- 1; :111111 111\\11- 11119. 31111113111111 and \‘1'11111-11111111; .‘11. I“. Ainsley,1'1-111-1i111111111 1-11;111,-;.- and :11111-1111 1111- ('1111111y (‘1111111'119 511111111111131'11111‘. 1'1-'l'11\\'11.\hi]1 11111111111. 311'. Y01111g11=pni~11111111-1'1-1_11111111111f 1111-1':111iily 111‘ 111-311111111, £1i>11 1111 1111- '.1'. 11:11g1'11‘1'c151111111 l'ordaumgcs 1'1- 111~ jury 1111111159. 311'. 1111111151111 1'1-1111111-11 111211 1111,- Snowball lu-ilgo 1-1111 11- s'xi'v-ly 1-1-11-111-- ed. 111-111111 1..11l it 140,): rod. to IllélkL‘ ii >1-1v1:icinporarilv. . 1‘1-~11-yâ€"‘Y111111;.:v~ ‘11.:11 f»I111'1'1<1111 111- 1'1:1111111>\.<i11111-1-111 191-.111'11111 1111511131111 :41, c1111. 7, :11111111111 1'. y 111<111'111-1'\‘111c11\VUi'k xiii: 0111.1111111-11. Shh-yw‘fuungâ€"i11:1! 1111- 111-«via Mr. 5111111111~If1-1111 :111111111-(‘1111kl11-11 11111â€" 11111106 to L1.1.11'11111;~.111~.-.~ [u 111111-511 {no .“1I'L. 3111'. up. 1.11- 11.1 111111in 13' 5, Liberty; in 111/3 things, Charity.” ‘111111ai1-11 111 1111- 1:1111) 11:1 :1. piizc, \v:.s ,priz: 1:15 \-.'1111 11y J. 11:11-12 5111111110 11.11114- 11yâ€"1;1w.< :11111 111-11 111:- 9:11111-111-511111111111-11 1.11 1111- council :11. 1111-111-x1 11111-11111,:1111-1'1-111'. M1111is1111-~â€"\"1n111g~111111 1111-11'1-r19111'- 01' pay 111(- f1)1111\\'i|1f.§111:1'1111111S:~‘- (.11 $1111 1k 81111 111 iuting :11111 :1dv1-rti<,- 1111:), '.1111;11. (‘alupln-ll 1-1-[1:11'1-in-.-:111-1111:1- 1111 7111 c1111. 11111111<11H 11.119, $1.1M; '1'. F l.IC.\1:1111111.[11'1111111g 1110 ruph-s Auditors" <1:111-1111-1' - :11111 :1dvr1-tising, $111.11); \\'111. N1 .51'1-1'111111511atut1- Luhor tax, 38 1:1-n1\‘. A hyâ€"law \\‘:1\‘ passed to raisc funds F111- 111111111-111:111111~x. A 11y-1;1\V \yns‘ passwd in advr-riisc 11y 1111s11-1-1111-li-<t 1-1' dogs 11w111-d 111 1111- 111111111:i;1;1liiy. Sigh-yâ€"~Y111111gâ€"~111:1t Mr. Morrison 111-1:0111'1'111 £111\'<‘l'11:€1-:11111 1-1-1-1-iv1-1w111- (-12%for1111‘11;11-1':1111111 111111.1- '1'11w11\111p‘ road 111:1(‘111111-111111for Township 1'111-1.’ 1'1'11311012111111reportab11ext1111-1-1111g111' council. You11g7-hl111-1-isr111â€"111at. 1111- 1-1-11111-11 adjourn 1,11 nun-t on the 8111 day 111' Anri‘. 111-x1. A »â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢.oâ€"â€" Victoria Square 'Ths- 111111- ‘l1111of111isp111m- 1111-t. for 1111-11-11-a11:1l w1-1-kly 51111111; 1111 1111- zlfl,(-‘I‘- - 11111111 111' Saturday, March 8. with fxllUlCS :H 1111111\\‘S: \Y. 11. Cam-ll . . . . . . . . . 83 'J'. 111-id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 ‘1'. Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 J. LOW-1' . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . (37 (7. 111-id . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 T1123 1.1111111“. papr-r, whiuh was won 115' J. 1.1-1‘1-1'11fVic-1111111Squaw. Th1- ;ll'iLIL‘ of 5 1115.111'11111'1'1191', whit-11 has 111-111 111' 1\vo ye-ars’ 511111111111; for 1111- 1111-111111-1- making 1111- llighr-st 51:111-1- l 1111 1111'1-1- s111-1-1-ssiv1- 51111111; was wuu 11y \V. (lain-11. A 1103‘ of cigars. gin-11 , by .1. 151111111 111' [111-11111111111 11111, was 1 also won 11y \V. (711111-11. Tho Rifle (111111 1111-1. for [111-11* 11311111 1 wm-lgly shoot (>11 th1- 11f 1-1'11111111 of Sat- - 111-(lay, Marl-l1 11'), with scores as fol- low: : ’ (“u-(1. Furl-drip . .711 Thus. 111-1.1.. , . . . . 73 \V. chlb . . . . . . . .. . . .721 VT. (31111-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11'.) (l. 111-id . . . . . . . , . . . . . (17 T11-- \Vui'lfil pup-r, which wax- pre- 511-1111-11 111 1111- (21111) as: :1, [1111:1- 1.11 l»e :1111111911-11 1111', was won 11y '1‘. 111-id. A 1.1.(11fr-igum, pI'esciiti-d 11y 11‘. Mill-cl" 111' Sinull'xilhu was \1'1111 1:}: (31-11. F1114- 1-.11-1. 911111;:111'1'111111: 8.1)1'1-‘u-1111-d 113-, \\'.‘l\. won 115' (11-11. ,17111'1-<11-1-, 3'12, and woundâ€"claw c1111) 1111'. \Valii-r 11.131-11111w1-11 111:1):11'11-(1 1.111.; 1111- 1111 8:11111‘11213; (mu-111111; 1:151. 1>1c1-:1:~1-d 1111-11 111’ 1:1111<11111pti1111, 11111. 111111 111-1-11 1'111-1'1-11 111 111-111 1114111-111'111' 11111y11111- w1-1-k i11~:-\‘i1111< 11') his 111-11111. llia 111-11:11-111141- is :1 great 1119:.- 1111111“ (:11211111111111y. as 11:- au 1-:11-111-<t W111k1-riu 1111-H1111day 151-111.111,:111dw.-15 Pl‘k‘biili‘llt 111' 1111-, 1‘11)\‘1‘11l'tll 111-1-:-. The l l l 1 1 \ S 11.1-11111-1'111111 111-1-111-111 1 Vang Miuuicsol' liint nun-1111;: 11-1111 , . has [11111 11111<t siuri-i-e- sympathies 111' all 111-1- 12".- [111111-111111111-1'1'11'11119 of 1111) (11'1'1-:1.~:1-1l, :11111 1-sp1-1-ially 111 1111- Sun-1111341111; young; widow. who has 1111-11 :11) 11131-111 :11'1-1- g -:111-- 11' ‘1‘1\'11 y1-a1s (11' 11::11'1-11-11 1111-. 111-1'11111-1'.11111111{111211-1- 111 1111- .‘111-11111-1 disl. (-1-1111'11-1'3' 111-1c 1111 :11'11-1'11111111. Mr. \‘.'111. 111-211111-l1as 111-1-11s1111'1-1-E11g W111)1111-1111-.._<11-,<,111111111-111-1'11\1-1‘1-11. 1‘111'. \‘.'.1ll<'1'1"11<11y 511113-129 1-1111<i1l1,-1‘- ably 111111(111-1111.11111-51-111111'1111155fi ,1 â€"â€"“fl)° ’» Dividing Yo:g-3 St. 1‘11 111:1 Editor 111' 'i‘r.1' 1111121111142 I 111cm; 1411:.-.1111-111g '11-;111 i11 fir-1111 11:1;11-1-111'111111-11 '1114- {rm-1 1'1-1111'1'111- \YL-tlni-sdnf.‘ V ' ['0 1111- 111vi~i1111 111' ‘1'11113’1' $1.. 11'1-1;1:1-'-1 :1111111-111'y1111‘1' \'.1111:1l1i1- 511114‘(‘ in 14.111 111 giu- 1111- 111117111- 1111- [1111- \'1-1'>i1111 1:1' 111:- >1111'_\'. 11'. in 1111- 511111-1111. "X1111 ,'E;1 1111-.'1::~1'.ii1 11' 1’1- 11M. '11 5111-11 111 [my 11:111'1111-1~1~:11121111 1;11:1111111d\\‘:1111- (-111111-111111111\i.11-11,"1111- 1:1111'1-:~1111:1.1- 1-1111111:.121111111<11111-.11-111:1t \'1'i,~i111'1111\11111; :1 11111-1111 1111 11111341- 1-xI-1-11111‘11111-1 51., :1111111' 1111- filmy 111:11‘ 1»\'1-1-_~'i111-1- Yon-511411. “'11:; 11:111111-11 11\1-1' 1' [111111-12 1 1'11 1-\' _ K 111.111111-1111111:1-111' 111111. 11:11-111-111ar 1'1-:11l. \1‘111-11-115 ‘1':111»,_-h:111 (‘111111cil \1'1111111 . 111~1 11c 11111111-1-11 111 :11111111111-ir111- 11:11-' 5:11-1:11- 1'- lmim 11111- 111' 11111- 1-:11111- 111-1'111-1- 111111 111.115'. (111 1111- 11111- 11.11111 1111-1-1- \v:1~' :1‘ 1:11-1:11 111'N1;11.1;11111:11'11111111is<i11111-1-1.1111 :11'11-1-11111111111111-1-1'111-111 \vhal 111- 1-1111-‘ 51111-1111111-511'111' 1111- #11011; V. 11111- 11115 1111- 111111-1‘ 11111111 1111-1-1- was 111111i111:1‘ gram,<i11:11-1-who 1:111:1- 1y did 11111 know v1l1r11 111- \\':1.< 5111-11 :1-- :l 111-11111.1'1'1-11[-111111111111111- 111111 1'1111~111’1- 1-11 with 11.51'1111111‘11. 111 1311-1311; 1 111-- 111;:1 111- 111-11-1-11:1.~' 111-~11 1-1-g111a11y 11111114111111 :1 1-111111-.i~~1111.-1' 1'111- You-41- .‘41. .l 1.1121 11-:1\1- 11, 1-.1'111-1 your Inuit-1“ 111 11111;» whit-11 is ii1'-‘ 111111-1- 12111-1':.l 1.1: >r111~1'.:-~1u1').' I-wiii: 11. 1 '1‘111111111'1‘111 111111111411 111111 - 1.i~l '111-111111-.\, .\1:111(l1:1111 1'111111- 11:15 1 111 1‘1-:111:1» 111.1! 'li.111.l1.-111 1't.1111-' 11.1-1‘ 1-111'1-'1111\:..'11 1:1:.--" :11 '1 .-1i.111-1‘1~ 111-- (1111- .4 1-1 1111- 211111‘.‘-- 5111‘1‘:.H . ,1:1.'.111-1 111' 111-'1 a 1-1111; 111-.1111" '- 1111111'.111111'1l1111-1, Van; 11 1'111111c-1 1-11' 1511.11 1111' 1111- i1111p11~v 171111< Vaughan to go half with 11.11am 1, 11:111.l:.1111 . w :11' \‘1111-11 513W.) 1111' 1111' 1 l1:11-1;l1:1111i11 purchasmg prop-1- road 111:11-11i111-1-y. parlivularly for the main. 1111:111171-111'Yongo Si... which proposal was11111.;11-(‘1-[111-11 11y Vaughan. '1‘111- 111-11 councils, or commitfor-a 1111-1'1-111'. 11111 11:1v1- two met-tings :11. Nil-11111111111111111.1111is1tuss 111L- (livisiu 1 111' \'1111;-;-- HI. A1, 1111- 11131, 11101-ti11sz Mal-1111:1111 propowd 111111. threw and :1. half 1111111511 1111} 241111111 (-1111 and 111111- 111111 :1 half mum at 1111- 11111111 (-1111 should 111- :1 I'aii‘ 111vi<in11. At. the 801’- ond, Vaughan proposed that 1111-1-11. and 1111-1-9-1111211-11-1- 111i11-s :1t1.he.<11111h (-1111 111111 1’11111-111111 our-quarter 111111-51 :11, 1111- 11111-111 c1111 511(111111111‘u fairdivisinu. Sn 1:11- 1111- w1-il1-1- i<1111righb. 111115111: 1-11111-1- neglects. forgets to say, 111.- 111-v1-1'111-1v. 111:11. Markham agreed to givv Van-.111 111 111-r clinic-1- of tho ends on M:111;l1:1111'.~: 111-11111124111 division. while- ‘v'auchzm \1'111111111111 allow Mark» 1111111 l1--1- 1-111111-1- :11 Vaughan’s (li\1\‘1(lll. Now, 5511311111111' 1111- 111 :1..~k your road- s-rs if [hr-y 1::111 (:11111-1-11'1-111' auylhiug' fan-111111111 Markhaiu’s pokitiou in tho 111:111c1'. 11' Vaughan wally hollow-:1, :151111-y say they do, that their divis- 11111 is :1 [11-11'1-1-11y fair 0111- for 110111 parties, why (111 they 11111; :111(1\v,1\1;11-L:- 1111111 their choice 111' 1111- ends, as Mark- 1111111111111111 111-r division. In r1111rl11<im1 I wish to add that Markhaui is 51111 willing to divide 1111 the :11'1111-511111 terms. Thanking you, 311‘. Editor, for the spare 111y c111111111111icati1111 has taken, 1 remain, yours respi-r-rfully. E. II. SISL’EY, Markhmu's Cou1’1' for Yonge St. Richmond Hill, March 17, 19112. :31“: mm Heaim “For 25 years I have nay-erg missed taking Ayer’s Sarsapanlla ; every spring. 11 cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way.”T John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, NI: . .. ‘ .â€" 51 um“ WWW ‘-. (22.11135 new life to every; gnarl: of the body. You A 11 3:13 im-igorai'edfiefrsc ed. 1 1.1 v v 1 a 1, {cu feel aux 0113 to 13.. 1.1 215211.113. ’oubeccme tron-g, ‘ 3 532133-3011 ageous.Thai’s i I u what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla .,:1 I“. l (‘1) 13137011. $1.00 :1 13111:. All drugglzts. MEL-‘51:... - '- 1-1l 1131411' win: 1151 111111115 of Ayer’a ' I - l 1133‘11111aboutthiggiund 12. Follow his adnca and _ _\ wt: (30,, Lowell, . . . . - mama‘xm'mtfl 1.1.2-5;527-yr'“ ,. 1% 111.9111” 1 131111115; 13 - (1111‘ M" "I": (“E'not‘fi' .. Jun-'1N..V wag-.01“ SEEICIAL r111111113411July 111111 Augud. 111 :11! 111-111:»: 111' 11111- :‘1111-nd111 “11.11, 1111- F,,s1+'~nn1 Tia-,HZ',‘ ‘Ir‘i “1.111.... - 11011-93.) College TibiiGPN'H‘O i -11-':1::1'.11.c:111;r1',; -1111.1 2111112115 1 1 1111‘; f‘i 111111. \ 11_ 11111-11111, . 1‘\' 1y,1:\v:'1'11:1: c.11'1- \ 1111i ~111.1i‘\' 1'11] 1--1I 1,1 tiii~ 111111.111 1‘2111c111'11 - ;-.:;-1 (1' -1':.11'-’. his. 5 111.1'X1'H1‘111s'1111- 1111151111 11-- v ., .\ 11:11111-111111-1- :11111 111'11:1(-r1-s' 1:11:11111 in 1111-11111111111 11111. '1'111-11- :111- :11111111. 211:1]13111-121-1-x’,”111111111111151111111111'1-1-5 :11111111111-:'>l12:11111'1111. l)-'1\~">.<i( 1131\- 1-:1 1111-21111111'31.11111. Apply 111 ZJ‘I-Il 1’. (S. SAVAGE. m E? I -. ,1‘1 .1. 0 mat 111-11:1--'.'1‘-1 1111-11-1 -~:11'1:11111.>1:111;r111- 11-1,1111--. .1i-i“ :111-1 111'i\'i1:'_{ 11111191}. (111.111 >11“ ’ 111 \‘.:|11-1'. 3‘1111111111" 1111' \1'111111 ml "1» 11"l£\'11'1'. Andy 111 . .l _\ 311:5 )1L‘\\'1.(111 13:01-12.

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