Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1902, p. 4

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New Advertisements. (‘hangeâ€" Imperial (lit (Jo. New Advâ€"J (3 Ayer tic Co (fli.lllL{E-‘\\ . H. Show. Commaâ€"A. .l. Hume. Cnanueser. McDonald. Soul \Vheut J.Bri‘linszer Matinery Openingâ€"Mrs. Shutcr ('hnmze!C. & 1'). Mason. (:huugeâ€"l‘. (1. Savage. Changeâ€"Atkinson (Q Swilzer Property for soleâ€"l 'r. (tutluuough a baby. '5 Am. a (tilt Martin. 2t), 15702 It icimoxo H l LL. March HARD TO SUIT. The TorOnto Evening News does not like the hill giving additional rep- resentation to Ontario. The News says “The change will in all prol‘ability give the Government three additional supporters, which is a sound political reason for thelcader Ne w of the Opposition lighting it." The News should not encourage Mr. \Vhitncy to take a stand for “political reasons" when the interests of the Province are at stake. The same paper thinks that the unit. of rcpre~ ocntation in the new constituencies is too small, instaneing the city of To- ronto with unit of representation much higher. The comparison hardly fair. The doctrine ti repre- sentation by population is all right, but it would not he practicable to carry it out to the letter in new and is toxicating liquors. A bill was passed giving increased that portion of the province known as New Ontario. A bill was a committee of the lixecutivc Council was appointed with jurisdiction over to The sub'ect the Legislature. J s \ir. Martin voted with thcttm'crnmcnt on several occasions. mm EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Shows titu- lbl" Dr. d'l:l!'k6“.‘~e Red li‘lzls. Dr.(‘larke‘s Little lied l’ills enrrd me of chronicrheumatism atterl had been given up by the llzn'l(ll's.'-;\l'l‘ll~ ibald \Vilson, merchant, Hault Ste. Marie. There is not remedy for rheumatism. or for buildingr up the system. ('qlml to Dr. Clarke‘s wonderful Li: I li- lied l’ills. I would net. ln- without them l'ortln ir Temlimony G real Valua- W’onderi’iul laule weight in goldâ€".1. .1. Brandon. Mileâ€" lon Falls. Uni. I can thrutlifnlly say that in Clarke‘s Little ted I’ills have done me more good than any other medieine l have ever ltllU'llrâ€"rllls. Uiison ll. Estey. \Vatervillr. N. ll. There is no remedy that is equal to Dr. Clarke‘s Little Red i‘ilts for nerv- ous troubles, rlu'umalism. or kindred (liseases.â€"\\'. I]. Robertson. Manag- ing Editor Daily Times. l’eterbnrruigh, Ont. I‘ir. Clarke's Little lied I‘ills eured mo of rheumatism aftv-r lti years of constant sutl'ering. .l. B. Armour, bookkeeper Toronto Junction. spareelydistricts like New Ontario which will probably have a large population within the next ten years“ The trouble with the News seems to be that it is looking through po- litical spectacles. But in tindirg fault with the bill it says: “ probably is what the Tories‘ wenYd have done under similar circum- stances, but it is not right, and any [Ill- 7 party resorting to such tactics is worthy the support of the electors.‘ The News, apparently, has no faith in either political party, but would like a change as an experiment. The News may recall the replyyavliich King Charles gave to his brother, the Duke of York, when the latter "re- minded the former that a plot! was on ‘ioot to murder the King “and rut James in his place. “Brother,” said Charles, “they will never murder me to make you King.” m “KING PRINTING.” Two or three weeks ago the New- market Era complained that its tender for King printing was rejected by the Council, and the township print- ing given to another firm, though the figures of the last named firm were considerably higher than those - of the Era. The Era contained what seems to us a very serious charge, in the following words: “It was hinted to us that if we would allow a com- mission to a certain peran that the printing might come our way, but ' we refused to be a party to any such transaction.” etc. The Newmarket Express and the Leader and Record er have since had articles giving credence to the Era‘s report, and the whole affair looks very bad in print. Without positive proof THE LIBERAL cauld not believe the charge, but it is I unfortunate that such a stigma should be placed on the Municipal Council of the Township of King. Since writing tlieavae we learn that. the Era has acknowledged its error. and apologzed to King Council in the following words :â€"“\Ve ad-l niit we were a little hasty in our re- mar s, as the explanation in last , ‘5 issue puts a reasonable con- struction en tlte matter, and we (‘nly apologize to the members of King,r 1 Council for the insinuation.” -This is the manly thing for the Era to do, but it should act as a warning to the .‘ ltlxpress and the Leader and Record- v er not to condemn until the alleged culprits are proven guilty. l week t l The Ontario Legislature was pro- regued Monday afternoon. The, session had not been a lengthy one1 almough 110 bills were assailed to. Dr. Clarke's Little lied Pills are a eertain cure for rheumatism. asthma. paralysis, catarrh. eczema, coughs, backache. indigestion. stomach and liver troubles. l'einalecomplaints. even when the diseases have been standingr for manv years. Price 54} cents per box. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson. Druggist. The Canada (‘hemieal Company. I"t“lvl‘l'l)(Il'ltllgl), One, will forfeit $11) for any case that these pills do not. help. Ilr. (‘larke's Sure Cure for (‘atarl-li, and Dr.(‘larke‘s Sure (‘ure l'or I‘ll-zeina. same price. any case they will not cure. Wfiix’mfimm have no udcct on p harness treated -* with Eureka Har- ncss Oil. It rcâ€" ' sists the dan‘p. keepsthelcxth ~ 7 .- E? s was er soil‘npd ph- ‘ikfi' able. glitches \E do not break. \ \ ' No rough sur- andcut. 'l he birncss not only keeps 7‘ -/ face to chain: looking;le ‘_ new, lut (is. , wears twice , as ion 2 ' Use oi everywhere in Lansâ€" rll sizes. Made by imperial Oil Company. Edit SALE One good family cutter. Also for sale or to rent the Headt'ord store and Post nl‘liee. Good opening fora buck- SLcl' or agent. Applv to E. RUTHERFORD 3.34 t Start This week. some elegant. lines of SPRING SUITINGS FANCY “'ORSTEDS SCOTCH hllX'l‘l'R ES AND BANNOL‘K BI‘RIVS The handsomest goods and best \alues ever shown in Richmond Hill. A]. HUli/tE 'I‘ailor For Sale 3 young pure bred holstein balls, 8 months old. 2 turkey liens and lgohblor. .‘I. B. 23 gt-ese and l gander. pure toulousn. D. G. GOODERHAM. Thornhill 36-4 representation to i l l Of the bills passed none took up near- v ly as much time in (li;,ct1ssieii as the : measure. respecting the sale of in- ‘ passed l dealing with electric railways. and i all electric systems in the l’rovince, r (lovernnient majority was. 12 or if}. , ‘ttie t . 't‘la» illn- year‘s transactions. ». ,F... eta esher’s ‘ (‘oahhard and soft. Hardwood and , Slabs. I)t‘ll\'l red on shortest notice. MICHAEL BROS. Richmond Hill. a“. it t i l. oney 0 Joan M' ’thlonn n13 Sirâ€"cont. interest on first nra t. L‘\‘ rut-m property. l I‘lnqnn’c u‘» ‘Tlll‘. LItlERAI. OFFICE restarts ts. The sixty-second annual meeting of lln- (irlre l’iz'e Insurance (‘4). was held at “all (an the :3»! h of January. Ill-til. total ineome from all sources “as $lill.l‘2*.till and the disbursements amounted lostltltlxilhfiilii leavingr it‘ll].- 137i‘.€!3 as tho lmlttllt't' to the rretlit of Out of this the llli't't tors haw- decided to make refund of 2” per cent. on all monii-s re- ceived from [be members of the (‘oln- puny. The total assets of the eomp- iy amount to Ill,H21-l.ll of which $133.3,- lSlSHI are in ..h or cash items. The total liabilities amount in $;)K,llllil.2ll leaving a balance of assets over all liabilities of $375,813.91. Reserve for re-insuranco othei liabilities $59.00!).2U. Total assetsavailable to pay losses . liliifiiildl. The amount of insurance in force was $l3.(i77.ll27.0ll. The (tire is an lip-toâ€"dnte IlomeOom- pany and is noted for It's broad policies and llllt‘l’tll settlements. ' (lull, write or phone J. T. Saigeou. . Maple l’. 1).. il' lll"‘(llllg insurance. Explaining the form of policy issued 31 and all $10.90 will be paid for" ileudi'mxl P. 0. i . by the Gore costs nothing. sea SALE A Knitting Marliine. nearly new, , for sale cheap. (‘all or write JACOB EYER & SON. Richmond Hill . n ._11- if LEADERA CHURNS Rightly namer‘hecanse they lead in PP to date 0005‘ ructiou. easyopera- tion and quick churning If you are going to buy a churn. buy the “Lead- er” from us at these specially low pricesâ€" No. 1. 83.7‘. No. 2. ELOO. No 3, “.50. Remember [hose speclally low prices. Manure Forks, 45 cents. We will sell 5') only “18.111119 forks. 4â€" '. prone. ' exactly same as sample (or FOR'1'Y-FIVE A_ CENTS EACH. Don't delay it you want one. fine deal a. pound for a line 01 Grind- stones which you will allow are a. decided bargain at the prices. It you need 9. Grind- stone come and see our values. fi-Iâ€"-’ . A Wire Clothes Line “ill not rust, rot, stretch. or contract. A ti-ply. that proof, 5U ‘ feet]ong,for FIFTEEN CENTS Choice selected hickory. ironed and unr ir mad, at prices that W'll suit vnu. GAME TRAPS, 100. each We have a lull range of sizes with and with- out chains. Prices range from 10¢: each upwards. POCKET KNIVES. A good twmbluded. genuine Joseph Rodgers ' & Sens jack knife for 450. A splendid selection ?. of pocket. knives to choose from. sum of spruving. Your outfit is not Withoul wise is sumclenn. order one from us now. for SIXTY-FIVE CENTS. Pruning Shears. Pruning Saws. AT SAVAGE’S. \Ve have on hand a large. stock of \Vall Papers, which we Latest Patterns and Call will sell at reduced prices. Designsm Ceiling and Borderin". and see them. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Lead. Brushes in all sizes. Dry Colors In fact everything that is used by painters. V‘Jhitewash & Caleimine Brushes. Large Stock of Furniture Constantly on hand. Everything at the lowest cash price. P. G. SAVAGE, Richmond Kill. tutti-g earn Retake! Now is the time to bring in your old harness and collars to be repaired for spring Work. You will also need new harness. You can‘t. fail to get what you need and just what. will please you, if you buy your horse goods here. Good la-athor Collars at $2 each and up ; Sweat ’ads at. 23c. each and up. All other supplies at, right prices. (i130. NIcDonald RICHMOND HILL. 1 M.) roon CUTTERS at 980, .. The Universal Food Cutter chops anything in the line of food. Menu raw or boiled. breed. biscuits. vegetablesetc. It's invaluable to '_ the cart ful house- . wife. In order to place one in the home of every one ' of ourcustomers we are going to give away our profit: and sell them at NINETY- EIGH’I‘ CENTS . Regular $1.95 value. - .J-p- We are headquarters for Poultry Netting. Whether your wants be for one yard or one thousand yards. you’ll find our prices the LOWEST. If you haven’t aSPRllYING B Y o T. .1, f OUTFIT you ought to e ouéENWgEggssml or NOW With every in- dieation of an early spring. it. _ will not -, be long ‘ 'iefore v he first 5 .praylng f will be in , season. There is ,4 no ques- ,1 tion as to the prof- imblo re- complete a “BPRAMIITOR.” A w- rd to the Make up your mind and each. An ontm comlsting of a soldering iron. solder. resin. patching tin and full instructions for use.puu up in a. neat box. We sell the outfit at TEN GEN] S. FILES. TILES. a @Q A most complete range of files for anyand i ' all purposes. files lrom us. Cattle Chain; 100. each less You‘ll save money by buying : TREE PRUNERS. 100 onlv Cattle Chains, A regular 250 line‘ 3 Long handle Tree Pruner»: as illustrated We are clearing at FlFl‘EEN UEN ['3 each " Pru ulng Knives, BUIhDING NEEDS. 1-, _ If you are . going to ,1 .-..r. A:-lg<.'-._ A serviceable stamped steel ‘nrry Comb. rivetâ€" ‘ led through the handle {or TED. CEhTS. ‘ build a house H or hum this spriue. bring r.” 3 our hard- wue list to us and if best goods and lowest prices will secure your order we‘ll fill it. BUTCHER KNIVES. The hub known maker-5' goodsâ€"Joseph Rl dqers & Bona..'oseph Allen (3: Bons,Askhem's. Bhetfield I first. makers. ranging in price from TWENTX-FIVE CENT“ each upwards. Horse Brushes Exer- value in dendv Brusth at 150. 900 250 each. "’” Tarred Building Paper. t'r lining houses ,â€" atlsblesmoultry housies. Vs rudprool' and water- . proof. 4005qu3re feet ‘ m a rt It and we sell it ' for FOILTY-FIVE CENTS a roll.

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