Wmmmmmmï¬qm. I A .-';~« Filo ill. 1.002 ss®° E34 i (2.3/1 t, lticnitoxo HiLL, March 20, L()€7 A7313". Mr. and Mrs. G. .\l. lleynlh of To- ronto. spent over Sunday at the I’ai- so‘na’ge. I’ositiVeiy the Vapor Bath will cure Rheumatism. fir-e Mr. lemschel at once. The “1C. T. will meet. at the home of Mrs. Til. Storey Tuesday evcn- ' log next at 8 o'elm'li. Mrs. H. I“. Hopper spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. 'i‘. \‘v'iliiaiim, in Toronto, and returned Monday. Call at. C. 8; l4}. Mason‘s and see their :iiitoiiia.tic cream separator. The best thing out. Mr. Grant Cooper, teat-her in St. Andrew's (‘ollrge for Boys. Toronto. spent Saturday with friends in the village. Mr. Ari and Savage lrft to-day to take a position in the cloak establish- ment of Mr. (‘harles Storey, Brocktou, Mass. Mrs. Shun-r on another page an- nounces hei- Spring: Opening of milâ€" linery at Thoriihill on Tlimsday of next week. The stort of Atkinson 5.; Switzer is looking: bright and cheerful after a Coat, of paint on the woodwork, and calcimine on the walls. \Vhoeve ' appears to believe in our ability to serve them Well. sliiiiulates us to serve, them better. Atkinson t‘~: Switzer. The Methodist Church Choir of this place, are hard at work preparing a special musical Sta-vice for Easter Sun- day. See order of service next week. Mr. James. McDougali. Toronto. and Mr. Mellougall, Ilownianville. have spent most of the past week here with their sister. Miss McDougall. who is seriously ill. Men‘s shirtspants and overalls. “’0 are showingr the largest stock we have ever had. \Ve want close cash buyers. Naughton Bros, Elgiii Mills. . Mr. \V. H. Pugsley. ("minty Coun- cillor, hasbeen appointed a member of the (‘iiiiiiiiitlt't‘ of Management in the cattle department at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition. Mr. Reinsehel of the Tin-ho Vapnr Bath Co. of Orillia, is now in town and will take his cabinet to yoiirhoine on trial. If you are satisï¬ed with it pay for it; if not it. will cost you noth- ing for the trial. , Mr. S. Ritter who with his wife and family has been in Chicago for the past six years was in the village yester- day calling on old friends. Mr. Hitter came. over to attend the funeral of his brother-inlaw, the late M. Bi-illiuger. \ Next Sunday the services in the Methodist. Church will he devoted to the promotion of a deeper interest in the study of the Bible. Morning sub- ject, “ Why I believe in the Bible : †evening subject, ' " \Vhy study the Bible.†The choir will render suitable. music. - .Figs. 41:. lb.: dates, Ge. lb.: No. 1 cornstarch. tic. 1h. ; mince meat. 1%. ; extra prunes, 71:. lb. Atkinson and S w i t ze r. A NiCW' TERM. April Isl, marks the date of the opt-n. ing of the tipi his: Term in the (.‘Mitral Business College ol' Toronto, a school which is doing good work and which seems to enjov a liberal patronage as abated in its adv. in this issue. . '10 THE PUBLIC. \Ve. lia\e out] one of til.“ Turko Vapor Iiath Cabinets for two years and have gotten the host of results from it. \Ve would not. be without it fol several times the price paid for ii. Its a grand thinly,r in any (ase of sick- iitâ€"‘ss. Mn. & Mics. BAR’TLA‘Y. l‘liclllliolld Hill. NINV STOCK. It will pay those who require boots or shoes to call and see Mrs. Sivers’ stock before puiehasiiig elsewhere. She is rettiiig in a full stock of Lady’s and Tléntfls boots and shoes suitable, for Easter and Spring wear. Latest style, best quality, and prices right. No trouble to Show goods whether purchase is nrtde oi not. MR. Piinsiicy Wle Tiifii IDAL. The last. match in the Smith medal ‘ contest was played yesterday when much interest was manifested. The match was between Mr. l’ugsley‘s rink and Mr. Storey's. The play was very even till‘f ughout, lint Mr. l’ugsley won in the end by one shot. The players on the successful rink are R. A. - qnli:ii'~ioii. 1’. ‘1. Savage, J. l'. Chub" and \V. H. Pugsley tskip.l EINYORTII LI‘IAG'C '1. The following is the progi'aiiiine for Friday evening, at 3 o'clock . Hymn 219. Prayer. Secretai V‘s report. Scripture Lesson. Luke xvi. : Hymn 243. Address. "The Ministry of Angela" by Rev. Mr. More. Solo, Mr. E. Mason. Hymn 245. Dismissal. All are Welcome. 193}. P L†ELI C I'JOTI CE. | The undersigned having taken into partnership Mr. E. Mason in the Tiil . l . . and Haidware tiiisiness, solicits a ‘ share of patronage for the new ï¬rm. 1 will generally be found in the shop 7 i or store and will attend promptly to all kinds of repairing and to sales, while outside work will be attended to by my partner in the best, manner possible. Hoping that all outstanding thanking.r the public for their patron- iage dining the past 25 years, Yours truly (I. MASON. The (‘onrrete ilolist‘ is the place “\‘llt'l't‘ good things are cheap. and veheap things are good. Atkinson and S witxer. llllil) AT CARRVILLE. Mr. .‘ilieliat'l Brillinger, formerly of this village, (lied at (‘varrville on Sat.- uiday morning last. He had been in tailing health foi some time past, ll:l\ill;_:‘ fallen a victim to that dread disease. consumption. He had been living in Toronto, but thinking: that the country would he more conducive to health. be rented ll. farm atUai-r- ville intending to start farming next sprint-T. But. the end speedily came. The trineral took place to the Garr- ville cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Service, conducted by Rev. H. \\'. llean, was held in the cliiiicli. A dep- ntal ion of Ancient Foresteis was pres- ent from (ltllll‘L Star, Toioiito. where he was a member. Deceased leaves :1 wife, who is a daughter of the late George Leaf. and two children, who have the sincere sympathy of a. wide, Circle of friends. llir. Ileinsehel has just sold 19 cabi- neis lll Aurora which shows his Baths must be pioving a. success. ISISTER. OFFERING. Freely ye have received, freely give." \Ve eome again to the readers of ’l‘mi LIBERAL and other friends in behalf of the sick children in the Vic- toria Hospital. The animal offering from our village and vicinity has been most generously supporter] for many years. “'efeel, therefore, that it is not necessary to offer any explanation in reference to the work of this praise.- woi-thy institution, nor of the lasting benelit eouferred on the children of our village who are thus taught to think of and help others less fortunate. Donations of fruit, eggs, toys, books. etc.. may he left as heretofore at THE LIBERAL Oï¬iz-e. Please send not later than Good Friday afternoon, as it is very desiiahlc to have the children B’Ct-iVL‘ the gifts in time for Easter av. It Large Deï¬ance bar soap, 200. : Mg 125:. bar for 10c. ; 8 bars good Laundry soap for 25c. ; best rolled wheat, 9 lbs. for BBC. Atkinson (S; Switzer. EPWYORTH LEAGUE. An interesting programme was giv- en under the Literary Department Of the Epworth League Friday evening. the entertainment being of an Irish character. After singing the hymn, “ Come ye Disconsolate.†composed by Thomas Moore, the Irish poet, Rev. ,N. \Vellwood offered prayer. The scripture lesson vas part of the Sermon on the Mount. Mr. A. J. ,ll‘unie. sang “Jenny the Flower of 'Kildare,“ and was followed by 3 Im- morous Irish reading by Mr. ‘V. A. \Vriglit. Mrs. J. \V. Elliott read an essay on “Ireland and the Irish.†This contained muchinfmmatibn rel- ative to the early history of the Coun- try and its people. The names of many wellâ€"known Irishmen er'e re- ceived with enthusiasm. and Mrs. Elliott was warmly emigiatulated on the excellency of her paper. Miss Ethel Switzer sang “Last \Vords," and Mr. “'ill ’l‘iench read “Erin’s Flag.“ a selection from the works of Father Ryan. After singing another hymn by the congregation, the bene- diction was pronounced by Rev. Mr. \Vilkinson of Carrville. The chair was Mtellpied by Mr. T. F. McMahon. Millinery opening \Vediiesday and Thursday. Zo‘th and 27th inst. at the Concrete House. A splendid showing of the latest in stylish millinery will be made. Atkinson & Switze r. MASONIC GATHERING. The membeis of Richmond Lodge and a large numberof visiting breth- ren had a pleasant time together Mon- day night. ll. \V. Bro. John \Vatsoii, I). l'). (i. M. for this District paid an Otii ‘al Visit to the Lodge. and breth- ren were present from 'l‘horuhill and other places, and over it) from Steven- son Lodge, Toronto. who came by sperialcar. ill the Lodge room the work of the Second Degree was ex- li-mplilied to the satisfaction ofthe (lis- tinguished cliieial. Leaving the Lodge. room, all repaired to the Dominion House wheie about 75 sat down to a fowl supper. This was followed by an hilt-testing pt'ogl'amiiie of toasts. re~ spouses and Songs. \V. Bro. G. B. Newbei'y presided iii an able. manner, and proposed most ot‘the toasts. After H‘The King and the Craft" had been i duly honored. H. \Y. Bro. \Vatsmi l and others responded on behalf of the (lrand Lodgeof (‘anada. The speak- ‘ers referred in ï¬tting terms to the late (ilulitl Master. and their remarks were well received. The toast “Visitâ€" ing Brethren" also brought forth good ‘sperelies, and a number of excellent lsongs and recitatiousi Were given dur- iingllie evening. \V. Bro. Newhery and other members in replying for “Richmond Lodge" expressed their pleasure in having so many present. |and thanked the D. l). (1‘. M. for his 1, encouraging l‘t marks. The specidlcar ’lefc at 11.43. Rubber Bootsâ€"\Ve have ail sizes of in 'ii's Rubber Boots in sleek, the bed: in .ke at less than Toronto Prices. Do iiot. ask credit we sell] only for cash. Naughton Bros. Elgiu Mills. l \Valter Hislop who left here about ai accounts will be promptly paid, and‘ \VEIHUNG BELLS. The following notice clipped from theSwan River Htai', relates to the? marriage of the eldest daughterof Mr. yearago:â€"-"A very pretty but. quiet Wedding took place on Saturday last at the home of Mr. \Valter llislop, iiearDurban. the contracting,r parties being his daughte ' Annie and Mr. lme Roy ()strum. At. the appointed hour thehride. appeared leaning upon her father's arm and was presented to the groom, and the short but. delightful ceremony which made two happy heat-ls “one†was conducted by Rev. J. B. Taylor ofï¬wan lliver. Mr. John and Miss Viola llislop. brother and sisterof the bride. respectively filled the ofï¬ces of grooiiirman and brides- iiiairl. After a ruinptuous wedding “1mg†an hour or so was spent in Social chatand with the singing; of a verse of “Blest be the tie that binds," Mr. Taylor led in prayer and the as- sembled friends in saying their “good- byes†extended their heartiest wishes to the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. ()strum will reside on 32. 33, 28. The Star joins in, in good \Vishes." Now is the ehanre to try the Bath cilliinot free (if (ll‘ll‘R‘t'. See llems‘chei at Palmer House. RI R'fl' :15. STARTY‘Pâ€"In Riclit‘iend Hill, on Monday, March 17. the wife of Mr. Ernest Scartup of ll. Sell. (‘4 E A 'i‘ I! S BRvanLt. â€"At Victoria. Square. on Sn tui'llitv, March 15. Walter H. lliuinneil. {iced Kl years. HRI'JJNGRRâ€"At Ciii‘rvillo, on Saturduv. 15th March. Michael Brilliugor, aged 35 years; 5 months. Special value in brooms at 20, 25 and 3dr. ; white wash brushes at 30, 35, 40 and 45cts. ; and shoe. brushes at 20 and 250. Atkinson & Switzer. Foster Crippen, the young son of the manager of the Specialty \Vorks. Newmarket, was drowned about a weekago by falling elf Second-street bridge into the water. Men’s heavy black duck bib over- alls. 750. pair; men‘s heavy molepants, $1.00 pair; men’s heavy suspenders, either leather or braid ends. 25C. pair, special value. Atkinson & Switzer. AUonser'ative mass meeting was held in the interest of Mr. T. Herbert Lennox, the Conservative candidate for North York, in Stouï¬ville,on Mon- day evening. Addresses were given by Mr. J. \V. Moyes, Conservative candidate for East York; Mr. A. Miscanipbell, M. L. A. ; Mr. \Vright. Mr. Lennox and otheis. " Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes P Bad taste in your mouth? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggigts. Want gonr mousee or rd I besutllnl i brownwï¬ch black? Then use for t e Bliï¬lllliGHAitl’S [it was ers Wm "platinum, on R. P. HALL a 00., ana, N.H. ‘ Sale. Register. THURSDAY. March 20 â€"'3redit'snla of farm stock unplemaiits etc, the property of Jnmes Brittgeland near Fail-bank. Terms 8 months. Sitigeou and Mclï¬wen unattaiieers TauRsnAy. March 2liâ€"Credit sale of fresh milch Cowmï¬lirinserflsteers, heifers. horses, swine and vehicle-t at Hughes, hotel. ‘l‘hcrnhill. Sale at 1. Terms tour mouths. Ecliardt- at Prentice. aiicts. i‘nUiisoAY, March illâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, impluments, etc, on lot 57. rear 1st con. Vaughan. the property of Gen. F. heme. Salem 1. Terms7moutns. S!okes& Bloush auctioneers. FRIDAY. .u arch ztâ€"Credit sale of farm stack. im- plements ctr-,ou lot 2’]. 2nd con. Markham. the property of Duvnl Lynett Sale at 1.. Terms 8 months. Stokes a Ulougb aucts. FRIDAY. Mai-ch Zlâ€"(fretlit sale of furin stock implements, furniture. tztc, on lot 6. i‘eua' oi 4th con Markham. the property of John Neid,sn.le at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 months. hcltardt. (it Prentice auctioneers. FRIDAY. March Zl'Cl‘elllï¬ Sale nt horses milk cows brood sown etc at Mack’s hotel, Victoria. Square the ri'r‘nertvof Geo. Forester. Sale atl N E Smith auctioneer. SATU «in! March 13-â€"Auctvon sale of a valuable farm at the Humber. For description and terms see po~ter3. Suieeon «z. Pill-Ewen aucts MoNDA‘I March Zlâ€"Aucliou sale of farm stock implements etc the property of James Pearson near Schoinberq. S-Lle at 1. Terms 7 months. Smgeon .v Alt-Ewen tillf‘LS 'I‘i'EsDAY. Marc); 25â€"t‘ro‘liu sale of farm stock, implements etc, lot 7,con 4 West York. the property of A. (Jules. Sale at- 1 Terms 7 months. Suigeon <55 Mcl'lwen uuets. TUESDAY. Mai-eh 25â€"Ci-eait sale of mrin stnt-k, implements, etc, on lot. 8.3111 eon Markham (l)ollu.i') the property of John Ness. Stile at out: Terms 8 mouths. Suigenu & McEweu, auctioneers TUESDAY, Mari-h '25â€"Ci'edit 52110 of farm stock. iinleuienta furniture em, ou lot 3 con 7 Markham, the propsin It! Find Northcott. Sale atâ€. Ton-mas months. J. H. Prentice auctioneer. Wuiisxsiuy, Mai-eh iiiâ€"Extensive auction sa‘e oi turn; stark. implements etc. tho property of Chas MvNail lub 14 can tiVuuulJnu Terms 9 months Samson & Mclï¬weu niicts WznsicsDAv. Mar. Let; â€"Crellit sale or farm stock. implements furniture sun, on lot 6, ("(711.2 Scarboro, Highland Creek, the property of his. ll. Llauinii, sale at 1‘1 o'clock sharp. Terms 8 months. lit-km ill: & Prentice inlets Tucnsruv Min-ch 27â€"t‘redii. sale of homes cattle and swine at the Mupln Lent Hotel Maple. Partieshuvinpeny articles to oi.â€" pose J1 may leave a list (-fthe mnze With Mr N Gol‘ll‘lull, hotelkeercr, or J T biiigeon, the auctioneer, on or below Marci) 15. Buigeon dz Mekwen. uucts FRIDAY. March 28â€"Auctinu sale of farm stock. lll‘llltUJeuiS etc at Fairtinnk. the property 01 J G Einhoden. gale at 1 Terms eush. Salmon tk McEwen (Lucas. SATURDAY, Maren 29â€"Auctivn sale of {militate at \Vomlbi'idge, the property of Jam: 5 Reed- wcll. Sale in. 1 Terms cash Singer 11 5; Mc- Ewen uucts. Houmy. Min-ch (llâ€"Credit sn'e of stock and furniture at tho Mmmy HCBJFB. KiellllHl-ll- Sale at 1 Terms 6 months. Suigeou and Mc- Ewen inlets \Vnusizsiuv. April 2â€"Ci‘edit sale of farm str 0". implements. furniture, etc, on 'ot. 8‘1 1% con.\\’l.ir.cburch (You; Si., 2 m: 8‘ tin-111 of Aut'Ll‘fl), the propu y of \\. (i.Soules. No reserve. Sale at l'JJU. Terms (3 months. \\'. h. Km‘anngh, an tioueer. ' TGâ€"FATElTT Good this may be secured by our aid. Address, 1H5 °"ENT RECORD, ‘ J, Batu-mud. Atkinson Switzei’, RICHMOND HILL ltlllg CU l , mag lentil, WEDNESDAY & Til U RSDAY, MARCH 26 & 2'7. We will be prepared to display some of the brightest and cleverest millinery creations. This Spring's display will undoubtedly surpass any of its predecessors. Accept our invitation to come and enjoy the sliowmg. To make the invitation broad, it is extended to every woman who would like to have the pleasure of viewing the very latest Millinery Novelties. We will be pleaSed also to Show the best value in DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, LACES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, WHITE GOODS, CORSETS, ETC. Addition swam THE menses DRUG STORE For Condition Powders where vou save from 10 to 25per cent. Have us put up your receipes for Condition Powders, Blisters. Lininieuts, etc., from pure drugs and we Will save you money. Model Farm Condition Powders 2 lbs for 250.; 10 lbs for $1. Dr Thomas Eclectric Oil 2 bottles for 250 “bases and Gui-tars Pills 2 boxes for 250 Dodu’s Kidney Pills 300 _ Parmeeies, Ayers and BurdockPilln lac Fellows Syrup of Hynophoaphites 90c Syrup of Hypopliosph.tes is a splendid. tonic. we sell a. regular 75c bottle for 450 Beef, Iron and Wine, rut-9. 500 Ozone small 35c, large 65c Pierces Prescription. Pierces Discovery, Ayers Saran arillaPuines Celery Compound,Buru- och B 00d Bittersflooda Sarsapurillnxllurks Red :Ctover Compound, Ayers Hair Vigor, Wurnexs Safe Cureâ€"any 01 these 05:; Burdock and Sursaparilla is a splendid [5}?an medicineâ€"large bottle 650 . Littles, McDougulls and Croziera Sheep Dips. Seal Oil for lice on cattle, 3 lb hm- puio Pages English Condition Powders ï¬e Burrows Condition Powders 250 Daniels Condition Powders 250 Dicks Condition Powders 40c Sandersous Condition powders 15o Flints or Kentlalls Powders 100 Darleys Condition Powders 150 _ Epsom Salts ac lb or 10 lbs for Zn: Sulphur 3c lb or 10 lbs tor 25c Glau'rer Salts 3c1b, 10 lbs tor 250 Saltpen-e. mm. mm tor_250 Kendall's pnvm Cure ‘7.)c ‘ Pages English Spuvin Cure â€"guummeed to kill a spavin or rmgbone or money refunded, :51 Liniment; and Blistars 01 all kinds Eezenm Ointment 330 Chase's Ointment 400 w (c R Butter Color 180 ‘ ~ - t r “’0 Castile Sonp25c _ llihili'i-tiu‘l‘gicim sywp 0 a) f Babys Own Soap ma, 3 calms 101-250 Hess' Poultry Panacea. 3m 0 4 (511303;: £23355ch v u " 'tcrer :' c u in: i _ _ “‘95 rmmh Hm Res ’ Cunt Oil (Water White) 16c gal Svran Down Face Ponder 15c 'w Dr Williams Pink Pills (genuine) 30c; 3 boxes {or 69:. Remember we C I [XL sell everything: tit wholesale prices 0. D. ANIEL 8t. 00.. DRUGGISTS, I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opp. Clyde Hotel J. .a. JOHNSTON. - - - Manager WHEN IN iTovvix‘i" CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF ONE GRADE ONLY AND THAT THE BEST.