Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces; and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. ‘apan tea. drinkers try “Sahda†Gum 1:2. as mercury will surely de‘troy the sense of smell and completely dorauzo the whole system when enbering it through Lhe murous surfacea. Such articles x-hould never be used except on roscriplionx from reputable physicians. :Li tlm gamage they willdo is ten mid to tlm good you can possibly derive from thom. Ha l's Cubarrh Cure. manufnctured by FJ. Cheney 8:. ('o.. To~ ledo. 0.. contains no mommy. and is taken in- ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface-1 of the system. In buying Hall's Cnmrrh Cure 50 sure you get the genu line. It is takanintornallynnd mmlo in Toledo ?hio, by F. J. Cheney & U0. Testimonials ree. Sold by Drnggiuts. prion 750 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills nre the bean. The London police are circulating I. notice calling attention to the [rent need for providing ï¬re guards in order to prevent the many cases bf children being burned to death. Three men, for attempting blackâ€" mail on an aged schoolmaster, were sentenced at Lancaster Assizes, two for twelve years and one to ten yem‘s' penal servitude. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury The Marquis of Salisbury is 72 years of age. He looks his age His hair is turning from grey to White, and his step is not so ï¬rm now as it used to be. Eiï¬ï¬‚ffl's liflilï¬efll CUES GUIDE! In COWS. paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: I would say that I do not know of a, medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD'S LINIMEN’I‘. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would be competitors and imitations. The chess match which has been arranged between the British House of Commons and the Australian Parliament will be played on April 16th and 17th. Mrs. Homerâ€"“Jane, open that Window and let a little fresh air into tho house." Janeâ€"“1t isn’t fresh air at, all at all, mem; it's the same air that‘s been about here all the morning.†card, we will send free of all charge a. valuable little book on the care of lnfanls and young children. This book has been prepared by a physiâ€" cian who has made the ailmean of little ones a. life study. With the book we will send a free sample of Baby’s Own Tabletsâ€"the best» inediâ€" cine in the World for the minor nilâ€" ments of infants and young children. Mention the name of this paper and addrws The Dr. Williums' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. "7. do indeed," replied the husband. Then she thought. and he thought and she Wondered if he meant it as she understobd it and he wondered if she unddrs‘cood it as he meant, it. To every mother of young childrnn who will send us her name and ud- dresg plainly Written on a postal Visitorsto Trinity College Chapel Dublin, of late, have noticed a reâ€" grettable falling off in the singing. "Do you love me still wife. The Publisher of This is the route of the famous Empire State Ex- prgs. That the New York Central possesses great advantages over other lines cannot be gainsaid, and they are too numerous to enumerate, but a few of the principal features are: the great train service (“valve express trains each Way between Bufl‘alo and New York), four tracks and the Grand Central Station the onâ€" ly station in the city of New Yorlé. FREE TO MOTHERS ONLY One woman with Sunlight Soap will do better work than Two will with impure soap. MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER LINES. PAIR OF GUE Ask for the Octagon Bar. If your grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, sending his name and address, and a trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of coat. the Best Farmer’s SES asked the average res has made i following ï¬ adu. were 3: sent the no ilfdividunl r: of the busir 'ine ltevenue Account shows that, after deductin losses and expenses from the premiums for the year, there is a. balance, or un erwriting prolit, of $58,â€" 795. This, with the earnings from interest and rents, $40,795, makes the total balance at the credit of Revenue Account $99,590. Compared with the precedâ€" ing year the ï¬gures before you show again in premiums (after deducting rcin- suranccs) of $117,159, and a reduction in lesses of $16,124. This increased income is derived mainly from the ï¬re business, and as stated in the re ort, is chiefly to the better rates that have prevailed. In the Mar- ine Branc there has been little changein the volume of business we have done, but while the income from this source represents less than oneâ€"fourth of the to~ tal premiums received, we are indebted to this Branch for nearly one-half the year's proï¬ts. Taking into consideration the large amount of ï¬re business transacted, the results of the yearâ€"although they show a. marked improvement on those of the year 1900~cannot be regarded as aï¬ording an adequate margin of proï¬t. but those of you who have noted the records from month to month of the serious ï¬res in Canada and the United States, beginning with the conï¬agration in the business Centre of Montreal in January last, must, I think, regard the ac- counts prescnted as more favorable than might have been anticipated. We can at least claim that they will hear comparison in their eneral results with those shown by other Companies operating In the same ï¬el s as ourselves, and this Is perhaps the best test of the judgment exercised by the ofï¬cers and agents of the Company in the prosecution of its business. "he problem as to What rates will be adequate to meet the losses of any one year is a dill‘icultâ€"I might say an impossibleâ€"one for the most experienced underwriters to solve. They can only meet the changed conditions that confront them from time to time by readjusting their rates in accordance with the less records which these changing conditions produce The adverse experience of Companies engaged in the tire business on this continent for the past two years have shown the necessity of increases on many classes or risks, and we have beneï¬ted to 8. considerable extent from the advanced rates which prevailed during the year 1901. and in view of the action taken during the past ten days by all the leading Companies doing business in the United States to bring about a more radical advance than has: hitherto been attempted I feel that we may safely anticipate that these improved conditions will have an even more marked eliect upon the business of the present year. In _re\'ieW1ng the business of the past year, as well as of the preceding eight years during which I have had the honor of occupying this chair, it is very gratifying to observe Inn progress which the Company has made in its lire business in Canada. us well as 1hn nrniiic mm“. um... A“ r - The ropart, on motion of the President, seconded by the dent. was carried unanimously. In mOVing the adoption of the President said:â€" The Revenue Account shows gig preimiums [or the year. there Although considerable progress has been made during the direction of advancing rates throughout Canada and the Un the results of the business, owing to the increase in ï¬re losse: proved satisfactory to Companies generally, and measures are taken for further advances which should bring about a. materi ment in the condition of the ï¬re inmn‘anm: hnqinnue m. “up. The railway companies of England and Wales employ between them 312,000 men. The Scotch and Irish companies employ 40,000. There has been a. moderate increase in the Premium Income in all branches, the Canadian Fire Business, particularly, showing a. considerâ€" able increase over that of any previous year, this being mainly due to the advanced rates which have been obtained. Father (to little son)â€""And how are you getting on at school. Johnâ€" ny ‘2†Boyâ€""Oh, I have learned to suy ‘tlmnk you' and ‘if you please' in French." Fatherâ€"“That’s more than you over learned in English." T0 (‘ITRE A COLD IN ONE DAY. 'l‘uko Laxative Bromo Quininc Tablets. A'l drugglsts refund me money if ll; fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 250. Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Sixtyâ€"eighth Annual Report and Financial statements, duly vouched for by the Auditors of the Company. The Sixtyâ€"eighth Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the British America Assurance Company Was held at its oti‘ces, Toronto, on Thurs- day, the 27th inst. The preslident, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, occupied the chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read the following Cash capital. Reserve fund Security to policyholders Total cash incowie... Total expenditure, including ses under adjustment . . . . . . Total assets... Dividends declared SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETHNG. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ts of the business, owing to the increase in ï¬re losses. have "not 1Usfactory to Companies generally, and measures are now being r further advances which should bring about a. material improve- thc condition of the ï¬re insurance business on this continent. GEO. A. COX, President. ssaarame whammy. ANNUAL REPORT. at and REDUCES EXPENSE me IS aenved mainly from the ï¬re business, and as stated !y to the better rates that; have prevailed. In the Mar- been little changein the volume of business we have done, rom this source represgqtsJess than oneâ€"fourth of the to- mn urn :“AIA‘JAA 4» A†‘c‘ld subsequently, the Hon. Geo. A. Cox was J. Kenny Vice-President. wast year, as well as of the preceding [the honor 01’ occupying this chair, it is ress which the Company has made in ips the proï¬ts which have accrued upon this onflagrations oi the past two years. A gusinessâ€"as the British America. hasâ€"for hould, we have felt, occupy u. prominent. less of its home ï¬eld. and wm‘l-a an incmn~ h oï¬ices which carry much larger amounts on for, it should command at. l‘heral share ' results equal to, if not letter than, the The progress which the British America present. management is ind-manâ€: r“. um appropriation for losâ€" insurances). so this brunch has all Companies ill more gram West, riding of Yorkshire Huddersï¬eld is more liable to storms than any other town in the It is stated than an American syn- dicate has been formed to develop the granite quarries of Donegal. A Parliamentary return shows that in the last. two years 227,699 officers and men have been sent to South Africa. Mr. Washingtonâ€"“No; Whaï¬â€˜ur ‘2†Mr. Johnsingâ€""He asked faw a cup of (lat. which in-ebriates but does not; intoxicate.†Mr. Johnsingâ€" Mistah Snowball sent back his ( tea ?" Hinard's Liniment Bums Distempm imp! 1hr (Tough nml works on‘ llm Cold. Laxative Bromonuinine 'l‘abletï¬ cure a cold tn one day. No Lure. No Pay. Price 2ï¬ceuta. 1e WHAT HE seconded by the Vice rt. Ju $1,612,001 31,7 $1,000,000 612.001 -"Did you hear what I asked for when he cup faw some moah $2,040,197 1,940,607 ASKED FOR the year in the United States 99,590 65,000 55,849 Vice Presi- the report 553i EPPS’S SALESMEN WANTED Best compressedair spmver made. machine froe.â€"0AVERB 31:03., Can, 0 The only copy of the ï¬rst edition of Dr. \Vatt’s hymns known in Eng- land was recently sold at/ Sotheby’s rooms for £140. Monkey Brand Soap will clean a. house from cellar to roof, but won’t wash clothes. The ofï¬cial estimate of the cost of the war from the outbreak of hostil- ities up to the end of March is about £160,000,000. At Shelton Abbey a deputation from the tenants on the Earl of Wicklow’s estate ‘ttended recently to present; to the arl and Countess an illuminated address. Féinard‘s Liniment Cures Colds. Mas. Wmsww‘s Soo'ruma Sum! h“ been used by millions of mothers for their children while LesLhiny‘ Itsoothes the child. softens thsgums. shay: pain. cum: wind colic, regulates the smmach and howeil. and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-ï¬ve ccnu a bottle. Sold bydruzzists throughout. the \vurld. Be sure and ask for “ Mus. Wmsmw's 300er30 sranr." At the coronation. the Duke of Somerset/3 servants will wear liverâ€" les of cloth of gold, the only ones so privileged. Chicago &. North-Western R’y; dur- ing the months of March and April $30.00 from Chicago to Helena, Butâ€" te, Anaconda, Ogden and Salt Lake City; $30.50 Spokane; $33.00 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, Victor- ia and a large number of other points. Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to the Paciï¬c Coast. For maps and particulars apply to nearest ticket agent or address B. H. Bennett, 2 East King street, Toronto. Ont. Thomas Sheehy, a. cottler on the property of General Dickson, near Glin, County Limerick, is 109 years of age and well. Froservas 25m teeth. Sweetens the breath. Strengthens the gums Every Stickâ€" W1 A. §i§ww~x«»z«~x4-:«MMMMM-aaaww ~M+M4»M~1»t«~1 7% i'w'fl'i‘w'i'd‘i-i'i'w’i‘*M'i~°&~'i‘+'i‘~£«&‘W'f'iflfldwi‘iwiwi'iflw+4~§v++ï¬Â§ THE MOST POPULAR DENTlFRICE. Inard's Linimenf {lures Diphtheiia Butter, Eggs, Poai‘éék;"iiiihié§vo§;er Praduce DAWSON COMMISSIGN GRATEFULâ€" COM FORT! NG. CALVERT’S GARBKSDLEO $33.00 TO PACIFIC COAST ‘3 5". ‘ - 2‘ hemfl THE NUTRITIOUS. Every Matchâ€" A “ Lighter †Correspondence Soliclmd USE TOOTH POWDER. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. The [0 wires and 6 stay fence has heavy uprig‘ weak spot in its construction. It will last three tim fences. Place your order for Frost Fence, satisfacl Write for Catalog-.194 Frost Wire; Fence O U l s a Strong Fence For Over Sixty Years FOR FOR SALE EVERYWHERE! A Match “AUTDSPBAY " TEiEGRAPH THEM“! NE P C. “2-1) IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR CONSIGN THEM T07 THE THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LTD; WELLAND, Ont Sampio prest; prices ever taunted. Fir a catalogue. SOOIIIIlsLx-Miona,maim free. ‘Vrite ua for (my. thing in Music or Hunlcal Instrument-u WHALEY ROYUE & 00.;"Liihited EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BANVD Montreal’to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- I 7 pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Large and Fast, Steamshlps. Superlor uccomm odazlon (or all classes or nn-sengers. Saloon: and Stateroom! are amidships. Specml attention has hem given to the Second Saloon and Third-Class Mcommo atlon. For not: otpumgc and all partlculnn, nyply to any agent of the Company. or Richaggls! Mlllg 51 go. D.7Torrnnce & 00.. Is a Balm of Inland pragaration. It cures Bald Sores, Chappsu Hands Waunds or Skin Diseases. It is n05 unmathatlo, but a healerâ€"THE SOVER- EIGN HEALER. Largesoxee 250. Drug- zlsts. or Tha Glloaulna 00., Toronto. "maklwnhl-lna §teamships MONTREAL. TORONTO. OTTAWA & QUEBEC @LEAENE Inazruments, Drums, Unlforrns. Etc -ADIES’ . . . a“ $33??? Can be done perlcctly by our French Process. Try 1% BRII’IEH A-Mr (1A! DVEING 00. Toronto, Out. and Winnipeg. Mun 77 State 5:. 30301:. ‘.. Limited, TORONTO YOUR D. Torrance & 00.. Montreal and Portland: MMM WALKING