Remodelledmnd newly furnished throughout One of the most convenient and cumfui'table hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern cou- venienue. Sample rooms for commercml hmvallers. Anidealstopping plnce for l‘i'liug or driving parties,bicyolists, or farmers going toor ramming from market. Electric cars pass the door. Livery in ronnection. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. “DEN PALHEER. - Every Accommodation for the tr elling public. HULSE HOTEL PALMER HUU ,Oulls Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. proved methods V,_,_,., l. -w‘ -..._...y “mm..-†“NV-o, with diploma. from the Unmrxo Veterini’ry Dental School. wxll visit. Maple ou Mommy and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 1l 1). m Calls promptly extended to. Diseases of borsemcattle and amber dumesticabâ€" ed nuiflmls treated by the latest and most up- n..,. -. n.‘u‘_;4 deugttel of th_e‘ Ontario Veterinary Csllego VETERINARY SURGEON Oiï¬qe Hours: 8 to 10 a. 111.; 12 to p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. DR. T. A. CURREE, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow’s Bldg, Tumntn, cor. Yonge and College Sis†Toronto, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Room 12, 12L Victoria St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teach, also roplating, at lowest prices. Good work. VOL. XXIV. IS PUBLISHED EVE-m THUR SDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHMOND HILL, ONT. If H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SU RGEON RICHMOND HILL ate resident phvswian at Western ospitals,’1‘oronto. .‘. F. McMAHON. Member College thsiciana and Surgeons, Out. BI.A.P] 1E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. XVill be in “ RICHMOND RICHMOND HILL. Will be in Richmond Hill every \’v"edncsdny. ce :â€"-Next door south of Public SchooL ‘ce hodx-sâ€"iFl-om 8.30 mm†to 5 p. m. RICHMOND VETERINARY SURGEON, rI‘hOl'nhill. DR. L. LAWRASON, 'zflce Ham‘sâ€"8 to 10am; 12 to 2p m 7 1508 D m. BU SINE SS CARDS. by day and night tended to. DR. E. J. STUBBS, per annum, in advanCe. \V m . ‘30ng s Beuï¬s’t, VETERINARY DENTIST, EDITOR & PROPRIETOB. gilttcriuarg . McElmy, Thornhiil, “rï¬icdiml. â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€" 9mm. 'FTTT HILL pl‘ompLIy at- and Grace Prop 158 leo s'rrgnn'r EAST. TORONTO Eve accommodatmu toguustl. Bonrd,3l perdny Licensed Auctinnear for the counties of York and Ontarm. All sales of farm stock, &c., at- tended to on the shortest. not-ice and reasonable rntm. Modems and buih’ï¬r sales attended to. Residence, Stoufl‘ville. Ont License Auctioneers {or theCeunty of Yorkxe- spectfully solicï¬ your patronage and friendly nï¬uouce. sales athpuded on the shortest. notice and A reasonaberatea. P. O.n.dd_ress King .T. T. Saigoon. J. K. McEwan, Maple. Weston. Salgeon d: McEwcu. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Suzesattended to on shortest noticeand at rea- sonublerates Patronagesolicitfld. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Licensed Auctioneer for the County Goods sold on consignment. General atock etc., promptly attended to at re races. ..e:1duuce\.ni011ville G R Gouldmg. Newton annlr mm- A large stock 01’ Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Barristers, Solicitors, &o., 25 KING STREET WEST. TORONTO. Enel'l‘oronto Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant's residence, Woodbndge, every evening. Thornhill,eacb Wednesday from 10 to 12. THORNHILL TORONTO OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. cor. Adelzude&Victoria . Streets. Toronto. Mr. Cook Will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each Week. Burma, mï¬iiï¬ï¬fm Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. :lumm ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post ofï¬ce. one door west of we entrance to the Ontario Bunk. ' Newmarket ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the pmnorï¬ce. 'I‘. HERBERT LENNOX. G. STV. MoRaA u COOK & MTCDHNATD HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, tic. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. JASI LENNOX & Efé‘ï¬Ã©ï¬ ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BEIIJLS ' M. “TEEE’F‘ii NOTARY PUBLIC. G G S Lindsey. K 0 A G 1" Lmvrence W Ridout Wadsworth DAVI D IA M E‘s C STOKES Undortakcrs & Emba lm rrs No Witnesses ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSE; H. émmm @ï¬ï¬â€™iï¬s 'nme Life Building (forme’rly Free- hold me Bldg), Cur. Adelaide & Victnrin. Stau Toronto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. 1V9. FOR SA LE BY THE ONT. WIRE FENCING 00., Limited PIC'I‘OV. ONT. 3% Seats EM MONEY TO LOAN Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 8m Lindsey. Lawrence Wadsworth, W’RIGHT BROS. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. FARM FENCING uuu consxgnmeqt. General sales 01 ‘. promptly attended to at reas’onnble unduncu un‘onville uuldmg, Newton Brook. agent for the Stokes & Slough. FIRS I‘m-1‘7 ASS COMMISSIONER IN THE N. E. Smith. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 190:7 Ii. Prentice, A uroru. fluid. 0NLY In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in wilt/mags, Charity.†G. STV. Mom; 10‘1an7 of York Phone Main 2984 AT 5%. RGAH, Newmarkat D BLOUGE ONT. of the The services in the. Methodist church next Sunday, will he under I heauspices of the “'muen’s Auxiliary. Rev. A. Bedfux-d. of l‘omntu, will preach worn- and evening. and at the latter service, the annual Easter offering will be tak- en. The monthly meeLing of the society was held at the home uf Mis. The Rifle Club met} for their usual monthly shoot on the afternmm of March 22. The day being ï¬ne and bright there was a full attendance. and some very creditable scores were made as follows: L. G. Stontenburgh . . . .82 \V. R. Cnpell . . . . . . . . . 74 Thus. Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Geo. Forester, jr . . . . . 61 A. Quantz . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 The prize of $1 presented by Mr. A. 'Quantz. was won by J. C. Brundie. A framed picture (If the King, presented by Mr. Bpufl'm-d of Smutfville. was won by the secretary, Mr. L. (1‘. Stonteuhurgb. Twu pounds of pow- der, presented by Mr. J. Lever. for competition in ï¬rst and second classes, were won respectfully by L. G. Stout- gnburgh and Gen. Forester, jr. The A few of the farmers have commenc- ed seeding. Miss Unve Jennings is spending a few days with friends m Tut-onto. Soutin contest, will be ï¬nis'h'éd next. Safm-dav. Mr. Ale-x. Read intcnzls spending Easter under the parental IUOI. Mrs. Stone uf Lefi-oy is visiting her son Edward of this place. M1; John Mortsun is happy these days owing to an addition to his family. Mr. L. Klinck. of the 0. A. G. ex- pects tospend his holidays with his parents. Mr. Ellex'hy, Mr. “ï¬lter Fl'ishy, Mrs. T. Frisby and Mrs. Carver are not feeling well these days. Expeximental Union Tests In Agriculture. The Ontmio Agricultural and Ex- perimentnrlUnionis prepared to dis- tribute for experinmntnl purposes good seed of leading varieties of farm crops to an average of sixty-ï¬ve farmers in each county and district of. Ontario. Each person who wishes to conduct an experiment and is willing to use great care and accuracy in the work and re- port the results of the test directly after harvest should select the exact experiment desired and apoly for the same as soon as possible. The material will he fonvai-ded III the muer II) which the applications are I-u-eivml until the limited supply is (‘XlinllxiNL Although mater-in] for not more than one experiment will he sent to each person, it might be. well for each a'p- plicant to make a second choice for fear the ï¬rst could not be granted. List of Experiments for 1902. 1. Three varieties of Oats. 2. Three varieties of six-rowed G uelph, March 13, husking. 26. .F( 27. G1 and in bi 30. Planting‘ com in rows and squares. (An exc'lk-nt variety e:Ll-l_y com wul be used). Mate-rial 101' either N0. 25 or No. 26 *experiment will be forwarded by ex- prvss, and for each of the others it will be sent by mail. 26. Fertilizm-s with swvdish turnips. 27. Growing potatoes on the level and in bills. 28. Two varieties of early potulnnï¬. 29. Planting cut putatues which have and which have not been coated over with lzmd plaster. bag‘le_\;:._ 3. Two Vurivtios of Hullml barley. 4-. Emmor (Spelt) and two varieties of Spring VVhent. 5. Two varieties of Buckwheat. 6. Three varieties of ï¬eld pens for Northern Ontario. 7. Two varieties of bug proof field vetches. 19. Dwarf Essex rape and thousand humde Kale. ‘2 . Three varieties of clover. 5‘]. Sainfuin, Lucex-ne and Bm‘net. 2“ Five varieties of grasses. 23. Three varieties of ï¬eld lit-ans. 24. Three vzu-ietips of sweet corn. 25. Fertilizers with early corn for Silage com. 16. Thre peiw. L 8. Peas and two varieties of Snja, or Japanésp beans. 9. Three varieties (2f huskng corn. )0. Three varieties uf mangnlds. 11. Two varieties of sugar beats for feeding purposes. 12. Three varieties of Swedish turnips. 13. Kohl Rabi and. two varieties of fall turnips. cal-10h. 'V Three varioties of millvf. Three Varieties of smghum. Grass peas and two varieties of Three varieties of fodder m‘ Pai-snips and two Varieties of Victoria Square Maple lï¬x’ )2. . ZAYITZ. Agri‘l College. in By special arrangement with Liehler & Company of New York. Manager Sheppard of the Princess Theatre. in Toronto, has been able to secure for _ the attraction this week at his theatre the most stupendous scenic production ever seen on the American stageâ€" Monte Cristo, with Mr. James O’Neill in his famous roll of Edmond Dante's. The production is so immense that the stage of the Princess has been en lmged and remodelled to accommodate the eifects of the company. The. pro- duction, as it will be seen in Toronto, ian all last season in New York, Boston and Chicago. The Grand Trunk and the Canadian Pacific Rail- roads have made arrangements to run Easter excursions into Toronto, which will give theatreâ€"goers ail-opportunity to see this great attraction at a min- imum cost. The fare will he small, x the rate being a round trip ticket for the cost of the ordinary single trip. I The excursions will run on Thursday. I Friday and Saturday. This produc- . l tion of_ Monte Cristo is said to abound in electrical effects which have never before been attempted on the stage. Three of these are. worthy of notice. A storm at sea is shown, with forde lightning darting from lowering clouds. In another scene the effect is made of moonlight dancing and shim~ mering on water. A sun-rise scene is also shown. The most stupendous act in Monte Cristo, which is the largest of the kind ever put on the stage, ; shows the consen atory and hall-room ' of the Hotel de Mort eof. Mr. O’Neill luses the Fechter \"easion of Dumas famous novel. His company is a inotahle one. It includes the. great l character actor, Frederic de Belle\ ille; ‘James O’Neill. Jr.; \Varren Conlan, l ldward Lally, Claude Gilbert, Joseph ‘Slayter.’ Mark Ellsworth, John Greene, Miss Selore Johnson, Kate Fletcher and Virginia Keating. There is a. subsidiary company of ï¬fty peo- ple. Seats for this attraction should be ordered in advance. (Adm) 51; E. Kaiser (M). 4'9; . (M), 49: Douglas Den Kirby (M), 41 ; “'m. CH] Fred Graham (M part), LloyJ, 5L. Rflibh Perkins ' Form III..â€";‘ Ezu-le Newton Lorene “’x-ight Oliver Switzcr (’f‘fliHKtfyS Agnes Cuuper, 2523: Cameron Mc- Naughton, 254; Irvne Lane, 241 ;Nellie Chapman, 2315; Allan Hulnherstone, 214; Ken. Smith, (part) 137. Sid anlâ€"e Louise meghtnn Viola Kpum . . .. Bert Hvslop . Mabel Marsh . . . . Gm-trnde Lynett- Flnssie Marsh (0) Daisy Nelle-s (C) Lorne Pvrkins I . Mal-y Gonnan Aggie Gumhle .. b‘m-m Lâ€"Stm'x Nelles, 347; “"le Slinoy, 311; Elnn T. Graham, 5500 :1 Smith. 268; P; Fred Richardson Belmv :u-e tutals and percentages up to 12th of March. Easter report; will fallow npxt, wee-k. Form II. percent- ages are for only ï¬ve subjects, those of Part I. Junior Leaving and indicate present chances of success at mid- sumnwr. In Form III. itmns, M. stands for Matriculation. In Form II items, C. stands fox-Umnmel-cial. Fox-1n I.â€"St:u-r McMahun, 383; Ed. Neiies, 347; \anter Frishy, 345; Bm-t. Slinoy, 311; ElInm-e Rmunzm, 308; F. T. Graham, 500 ; Sid Baker, 288 ; Ernest Smith. 268; Pansy Stevensnn, 2631; Fred Richardson, 257: Ida. Kirby, 255; Agnes Cunper, 255: Camel-0n Mc- Bnots and Shrwsâ€"Ladies’ Oxfmd shoes in large variety; hoys’nnd girls’ school boots; men’s ï¬ne hunts; chil- dren‘s kid boots; Women’s sulid leather boots, $1. Nnugbton Bl'os., Elgin Mills. H. C. Bailey, Inst \Vodnesdnv. and was Well attended. The collection amounted to $9.25. Mr. H. Marsh and family remove-(l lust week to Mt. Mollink. and Mr. Hezzlvwnnd and family m-o mnving in- to the house vacntod by them. Mr. A. B. Davidson, P. S. I. paid his half-yearly visit to the public school a short time "go, and expressed himsvlf as well pleased with th‘e'work done in both departments. An entertainment consisting of mov- ing pictures and selections from the graphoplmno was given in tthnsnnic Hall last \Vednesdzly evpning, and as usual, had urdor prevailed. If a, few young i'i-llmvs were made am example of. this tumble would he stopped. Miss Joan Keith, of Lindsay is visit- ing lIE‘I' friend Mrs. (Din) Sisley. Miss M. Keith. of Richmond Hill was the guest of Mr§. Sisley nver Sunday. ' Seven loads of gypsivspassed through hPre last wveâ€"k (In their way to New Ontario. They tried to ply their trade of fortuneâ€"telling, but met, with little success. : Jtlhli \vtzm, 5] H HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS AT THE Klin MCN hton x0) um Furul II. \l k,54: nghh PRINCESS Total. Per Ct .. .432 67 .. .412 66 . . .409 59 vené 3has Alf: hxsnn 33 1 366 2f)? :95 SO" (M M), 40 : vcrton 60% rpm- {0nd 60 (11 Il'l‘ mo ~ House with 10 acres Pr-hnusv, stable and Good supply of \vzuc wholesale hutchex 0r h The undersigned, Int Mal-khan). has fur sale properly cit-ungdflVild G For other particulars call at the Bank $9 £2 Received in Savings’ Bank Depzllt- ment and interest allowed at HEEEHEST CURREHT RETES‘ Notice of withdrawal not hl’CCS szu-y. All depnsits payable on demand. Honey Loan“! on Farmel Sale Notes. Banal; Noée Farms §uppléed Free. (‘npiml Rest There are no vacations and members may enter at any tame and continue fur any desired term. A dozen tenchnru, eighty typewriting maâ€" chines and ndaiw roll call of 263 members this mnnth indicate the rhm'm-ter and reputation of our College. Write for circulars. RICHMOND HILL Through July and August in all depts. of mu- splendxd school, the From April I continues into our em Eanking Busiassa Transacted. HHS! Kev J'. F. ROWLAND, Central Busin College ()f Canada SIEGIAL SUMMER SESSI‘ [Singl'e copies,- 3 cts. null Yonge and Gerrard Sts‘ For Sale pure 1 To Ran DEPOSITS H'HS TORONTO J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hm )I'E OODI Wile hoistein bulls >l’ hunt] (lrivin $1,000.009 7.50.000 :1 quantit hmse \Vhl M 2'1 JAM EH ‘ wtnn Bu Principal AGENT‘ 0N at m'mors’ 1d cm I’Ply Ih