Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Mar 1902, p. 7

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“Nonsense!” again Lord Russell. You 11 time to make yourself you are naturally ca your appearance. Go "Well, Sir Charles, this vacancy has occurred inâ€"" ‘ “And you are very fut." inter- rupted the chief justice. irritably. \ “That is hereditary, I am afraid," said the visitor, not. a little disconâ€" certed by the criticisms of Sir .Charles. “My father was very fat "Not at. all,” said the chief jus- fiicc. "I knew your father well. He wasn't fat. It's laziness." 1 But Lord Russell helped the man "How do you do, Sir Charles?" said Wilkins. “I think I had the honor of meeting you with Lordâ€"" “What do you Want?" interrupted Loijd Russell. “Well, Sir Charles, I have on- deuvorcd to state in my letterâ€"" "Yes. I have your letter,” said Lord Russell, brusqucly, “and you Write a very slovenly hand.” “The fact is, Sir Charles. I wrote that letter in a, hurry in your Wait~ ingâ€"room." “Not at all, not at all. Y( plenty of time to Write a. note. No, you are careless on!” ~ "Wull, a vacancy has occurred in -â€"-" began the visitor. "You are very untidy in your up- peal‘ance,” broke in Sir Charles. “I was travelling all night. I on- Lord Russell of Killowen, the late Lord Chief Justice of England, was very brusquc in manner and to call upon him was sometimes "a fearful joy..’ A visitor, a Mr. Wilkins. once afipeared in Lord Russell’s office to ask a favor. The conversation which ensued would be regarded anywhere as suflicient evidence of Lord Rus- sell’s eccentricity, to use a. mild term. Expenses have been confined to a reasonable limit, consistent with due efforts for new business. The assurances carried by the com- pany now amount to $13,058,777.61 upon which the company holds I‘LL wives to the full amount required by law, and, in addition thereto. a. conâ€" siderable surplus, as above shown. The work of the current year, now weH under way, hasproduccd results even betfpy _tha_nflfor the same pcripd Careful attention has been given to the investment of the company’s minds in first-clams bonds, mortgage isecnrities. and loans on the comâ€" pany’s policies amply secured by re- serves. Our investments have yield- ed results better than the average results of insurance companies doing business in Canada. The field officers and agents of the company are intelligent and loyal, and are entitled to much credit for their able representation of the comâ€" mny’s interests r[he members of the office staff have also proved faithful in the company’s service. Policies on 56 lives became claims through death, to the amount of $126,745, of which $5,000 was rah insured in other companies, a rate of mortality considerably under that provided for. Including cash dividends and diviâ€" dends applied to the reduction of premiums. $30,638.70, with annuiâ€" ties. the total payments to policyâ€" holders amounted to $182,925.67. The twentieth annual meeting of ’(hc shareholders of this company was held at, the head office in Hamil- ton. Tuesday, the 4th inst. Lieutâ€" Col. Kerns, vice president, was ap- pointed chairman and David Dexter secretary. i The new business of the year conâ€" sisted of 1,793 applications for in- aurance aggregating $2,479,500. of which 1,704 applications, for $2,â€" 3 5,768.50, were accepted; applica- h ‘5 for $93,731.50 were rejected '01' held for further information. _ As in previous years, the income or the company shows LL gratifying in- .cj'base. and we assets 01' the comâ€" 1) y have been increased by $178,â€" 53156, and have now reached $1.- .92558, exclusive of guarantee capital. The Fedarafi Life The directors presented their an- nual report, as follows: Your directors have the honor to present, the report and finam-ial st‘a‘tement of the company for the liar which closed on December 31. 1 _ 1. duly vouched for by the audi- tors. The security for policy-holders, inâ€" cluding guarantee capital, amounted at the close of the year to $2.319,- 92558. and the liabilities for re- serves and all outâ€"standing Claims. $1,290,840.94, showing; a, surplus of $1,029,075.64. Exclusive of uncullâ€" ed guarantee capital. the surplus to policy holders was $159,075.64. REPORT OF DIRECTORS One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more than two ounces of impure soap. A FEARFUL JOY will be paid by LEVER norms LIKITED. _ . to any person who can provo that this son): Reward Assurance C0. of Canada. will be paid by LEVER BROTHERS LIKITED, Toronto, to any person who can provo that this soap contains any form of adultoration, or any injurious chemicall. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON mm _ 5 on interrupted ad plenty of tidy. ' No: .reloss about You had a legible series of pictures. It all seems like dealing with children. There are mil- lions who read no books or news- papers, and Write and receive no lot- ters. The hardest wood in the. world is not‘ ebony, but cocus, which is much used for making flutes and other similar musical instruments. Miss Nipperâ€"“He would give her all world to make her 11 Swanncâ€""And whth ( Miss Nipperâ€"“He told her he would give her all he had in the world to make her happy." Miss Swanncâ€""And what (lid she ' do?” Miss Nipperâ€"“She married him and held him strictly to his promise.” The general illiteracy of the aver- age Russian peasant has one curâ€" ions result. A writer who has tra- velled widely in their country notes that the shopkeepers announce their Wares by pictures rather than by names. The attention of the cusâ€" tomers is sought. by paintings of the articles on saleâ€"us of coats and trousers in the clothing" stores; bread, butter, cheese and sausages in the line of provisions: knives, forks, and carpenters' tools at the hardware dealers’, and so on. Even in the barracks the sentry is taught the proper military motions by u to the position he desired. His bark was often Worse than his bite. The retiring directors were re- eiected. and at a subsequent meeting David Dekter was elected president and managing director, Lieut.â€"Col. Kerns and Mr. Macpherson vice-pre- sidents. Total security . . . . . . S Policies were issued assuring .. ...$ 2,385,768 50 Total assurance in force... ......$13.0585777 61 On motion of Lieut.â€"Col. Kerns, seconded by Mr. Macpherson, the reâ€" yort was adopted. Guarantee capital The medical director presented a statistical report, showing a favor- able mortality experience. Assets, December 31, 190] Debentures and bonds 8 32 Mortgages... . . . . . . . . . . 61S Loans secured by pol- Liabilities: Reserve fund... ...1 Death losses uWaiting proofs... . Other liabilities... Surplus on policy- holders account Hinard's Liniment [lures Distempei Paid to policyâ€"holders for death claims, onâ€" dowments, surrendâ€" er values and proâ€" fits... . . . . . . . . . $ last year. leading to the belief that a. like advantage may be maintained throughout, the year. DAVID DEXTER, Managing- Director WM. KERNS, Vice-President. To the President and Directors of the Federal Life Assurance Company: Gentlemen: We have made a care- ful audit of the books of your comâ€" pany for the year ending December 31, 1901, and have certified to their correctness. The securities have been inspected and compared with the ledger accounts and found to agree therewith. icy reserves... Cash in bank and othâ€" er assets... .. .. The financial position of your company, as on December 31, is in- dicated by the accompanying state- ment‘ Respectfully submitted. Premium ixcome Interest... . . , . . . Capital stock... All other payments Balance... .. ... ‘éinaid's Linimem {ques flifihtfelia FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1901 cinle without: causin" them to _sag. They are meat in a peamnce. will last a lifetime. W111 notsag nor gets rickety. ey are supplied with latches \vluch allow them to beopen- ‘ ed exther way and are self acting. The only good metal gate that is low eno h in prlce for general farm purposes We also make Farm and Ornamental Fence. Poultry acting, Nails and Staples. [he Page Wire Fence Co..LimIled_ Walkerville, Ont, ] Hamilton, March 1, 1902 CHILD-LIKE IGNORANCE AUDITORS’ REPORT H. S. STEPHENS, J. J. MASON. REDUCES EXPENSE $ 1,449,925 3 870,000 8 1,449,925 3 2,319,925 8 1,255,056 ‘$ 439,504 57,554 7,715 273,530 235,530 182,925 158,810 163,537 504,773 159,076 504,773 321,172 84 619,691 65 Auditors 20,400 15,393 to use wooden ones. Light. nnd'yet strong enouEE to sup pox-ta heavy man on the end while he swlngs around. tin-3 cinle withougnqnusmgftgpm to 593. ‘ They are. n_e_at PAGE METAL GATES 64 69 50 58 Heâ€"“You know you love me bet- ter than you do him, even if he has more money.” Sheâ€""Yes. but, I think it better to become engaged to him while you are making a. fortune. Think of the lovely presents he will give me!" The world has now houses. Of these the owns (535 and Britain Titanium is the hardest metal. It looks like copper but will scratch rock crystal. In order that a rainbow may be produced, the sun must not, be more than 42 degrees above the horizon. The Publisher of the Best. Farmer’s paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: I would say that I do not know of a. medicine that has stood the test, of time like MINARI)’S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would be competitors and imitations. A cow's hide produces 35 pounds of leather and that of a. horse about 18 pounds. MIL". Wmsmw‘s Soonnxo SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for thcxr childran while teethiny. [noodles the child, :often‘s the gums. alluya pain, cures wind colic. regulates the Stomach and howels, and is the but. remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty~flm cenu: a home Sold by drugzists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for “ Mas. Wmuow‘s Soo'mmo sump." It takes 2,800 silkworms to make a pound of silk, and these worms eat 156 pounds of leaves before they spin their cocoons. Minard‘s Linimrnt [Tums Enlfis. Etc The horses considered best for heavy dray work Weigh 1,800 pounds each. There were 6,378 deserters from the British Army in 1900. against, 4,107 in 1898. The weekly mail to our army in South Africa is 204,000 letters. Stop: flu- Cough and works ofl‘ the Cnld. Laxalive Bromo-Quinine 'l'ablets cure a cold In one day. No Lure. No Pay. Price 25cents. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completelyderange the whole system when entering itthrongh the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rcpu table physicians. as the damage they will do lston fold to the good you can possibly derive from thomu Ha‘l's Cutarrh Cure, manufacbured by F.J. Cheney 3.: 00.. To- ledo, 0.. contains no mercury. and is taken in- ternally. acLing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you gob the gem: ine. It is takeninternally.and made in Toledo Elmo, by F. J. Cheney 6; Co. Testimonials roe. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. T0 (111“! A (30LD l.\' ONE DAY. Take Laxm‘ivo Bromo Quinino Tablets. AW] drqulsts refund the money if it fails to on o. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 230. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury Tho London Daily Chronicle pub- lishes the following letter from a. ycoman in South Africa: You mustn‘t think that I‘m cruel because I go in for smashing things. but, you can never trust a. Door. The other day we came to an empty farmâ€" house shut up; we broke into it and came across it piano with a note atâ€" tached begging us not to smash it, as it was a present from somebody’s mother. I guessed that note was all bunkum, and suggested that we should open the instrument. We did so. and, sure enough, it was full of ammunition. That was good enâ€" ough for us: we burnt it down. but it did not burn long, for the house blew up. Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. ‘Yâ€"Z (Wise head) has an advantz over other soap powders inasmuch it also acts as a disinfectant. ’1pan tea. drinkers try "Sahda" Green tea. PIANO FULL OF EXPLOSIVES EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. For Over Sixty Years are so léwiin brie no one can aflo 3,320 lightâ€" United States advantage removed or healed by one or two appli- cations of Gileadine. It keeps the skin soft and clear. Large Boxes 250. Druggists or Gileadins 80.. Toronto. Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned The“ on: be sent by posh. 10 per oz. the best place is BRITESH AMERICAN DYEIHG 00. FEATHER DYEENG “Of course. you've read Homer’s story of Ulysses and Calypso, have you not?" "No, I really can‘t say that I have. There‘s so many books keep coming out now, don't, you know, that I just simply don’t pre- tend to keep track of them all." In 1880 an ounce of gold would buy 15 ounces of silver. Twenty years later it would purchase 20 ounces. SALESHEN WANTED Best compressed-air spravor made. Sample machine free.â€"DAVERS 35:03.. can, any: mum‘s UHF: Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples 0%“ Praduce DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited, TORONTO WOOD 8 Wow. imam/mo g3. LJMESENGE " '66 BAV‘ STREET. â€"- IORONIO I give a. free test to 911 who call. If lllustratad book with full lubrmatlon FRI you that my be]: u all I represent 1: to be‘ My twout years of study are shown in this grand applia. cc. You wear it with comfort M:- nights an the Ehcrrlallvihfuned into your body cure: a l N rvous a 4 benl troubles. KJdncy and Bladder troubles. Vazlcncole, Rheumatism. Lama fuck. 1n tzestlo . \Vcnk 31.9mm and all forms of pain and weakness. 1! rcstarc: thc hfo while you i so . and must cure. Any one who will secure me can use my Belt and Do You Suiier'.’ If so ltrongth. Wou- thts llfa1 SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"If insured you. or am; that «1 half the price of mine Kori B. 53. E3. ficléflfifilifi: I30 Yange Siras’a‘, Teronie Prosarvos the teeth. Sweetens me breath. Sirengthens the gums I can cure you with Electricity, as I have cured thousands of oihers. I can make the blood circulate in your veins. the nerves tingle with vigorous life and the spirit of engrgy show itself in every move of your body. My r. Efisiaughiin’s Eectric 39H. u. THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRIOB. Correspondence Solicibed. GAIJVERT’S GARBQLEC TOOTH POWDER. Is a Model, a Modern Home Treatment [38m GUIES GUIDE] in COWS. Pay FOR MONTREAL. W P 0.112! “AUTGSPBAY ” IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR VOUR 911 who can. If you can't call I will send you my beautifully luprmstlon FREE. Call to-dny if pousible and I will prove to ....... . A. --LA Y9“ 1 have an old belt of another makelwhlch has burned mfd nor. possess electricitymrinz it In and I will allow you one- n'c healcabo. don't. waste your time on drugs. which give no as appliance :u I direct and it will cure you. When Cured. CONSIGN THEM TO THE M A. RAMSAY 3; son, E‘*'-b-'m§‘ MONTREAL; Paint Makers the oldest and best in Canada. Pure colors. pure oil, finely ground and properly mixed. ready for use. no loss, no waste, Sold at just the right. price by all dealers. Send for our booklet showing beautiful homes. Ask for booklet. "K" free. and it's the kind of paint, you should I have on your house. It stands up; against the weather, fights of! rain? and storm and hot sun, keeps your a house looking bright, clean and handsome among your neighbors. Going to this spring? Buy W110 are Old While Young, Whose Vitality is Wasted, Whose Nerves are Shattered, Who Find Life Burdensome, RAMSAV’S PAINT . Montreal to Linn-goal. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. Vin Queens- town. Lnrge and Fast Stenmshvps. Superior accommodttlon for all 0135593 ollm'sengen. 33.100113 and Smcereoma Me nmidslllps. Specinlattanlion has born iven to the Second Saloon and Third-Class amommo Minn. For nten nfpamze and all pnrticulnrs. apply to any agent of the Company. or Richaflls, Mlllg J: 90. D. Torrance 5; Col. Lowest prices ever quoted. Fire catalogue. woilllxstralions. mailed free. Wnbo u») for any- thing in Music or "Inch Instrument» EVERY TGWH CAN HAVE A BAND WHALEY RUYUE & 00.. Limited, FOR SALEâ€"Two 2-revolutlon Campbell Presses, bad 407a; inches. smendm order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. 3. FRANK WILSON. 13 West melnlde st., Toronto Bow§flA39An..|-ine §teamshipe T0 PRENTERS Inairuments, Drums, Uni’r'orma. Etc 77 State Sc. con. Toronto. Ont. and Winnipeg, Man D. Torrance 5; Co‘. Munzrenl and Portland. if“?! .Qu

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