TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1902 Spring - Gpening _0F__ Pattern Hats and Novelties F’W’antvd, at. once, a practical, reli- able man at; the butcher business. Highest wages paid. Married man preferred. Apply to \V. H. LEGGE, Tuesday, April 8th, 1902 The next meeting' of the Council of the Munici- pality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall Vellore, on March 27, 1902., â€"â€"ATâ€" Friends and patrons are cordially in- vited. Brick residence in the Village of Thornhill, with spacious \‘erandas, ten rooms, side entrance, large con- crete cellar, Pcase furnucv. Lot cpusists of about, one acre. con- taining front, side and back lawns, cedar hedges, bwenty lzu-gc ornament,- ul and shade tree-s. Two cisterns and artcsiun well. Fruit: Apples. pears, plums, peaches. apricots, grapes. rasp- berries, gooseherries and curmnts. Large stable and driving shed. This property is in' ï¬rst-class condi- tion. and is une of thee cosiest resi- dences on Yonge Street. Fare to city. via. M_etrop01iL:m Rail- way, family ticket 10 cents. Terms to suit. To see photo, or for further particu- lars, apply to ‘ L ------ -~ Wm“ . bacurrwd by a shuuldm' strap. or by hands like a pail. \Viil throw the spray over any ordinary fruit troy). Can be used for spraying potatoes, (1'04 ing the work in very much shorter time than the Ordinary way; as a. ï¬re extinguisher ; fm' spraying cattle ; for washing windows, or buggies. in fact an; work requiring a spi-flyolx'. "W L_ The nuclei-Signed “'1†be hunpy to show the machine and its Working to nnloue desiring a sprayer. r A‘YV A ,,,,,L 33-tf The next meeting of the Council of the Township 0! Markham will be held at. Unionville on Vaughan Council. The undersigned having become agent for a self-acting. or automatic, sprayer, is prepared to fm‘msh all who desire to become the owner, on short notice. Itis cheupand simple in its ffliél‘atiun. Is 0stin operated. Ci") NOW is the Time to Prepare Spray Your Trees ngeriy Eur Saie Passengers travaliing with Live Stock should take the train; leaving Toronto at 9.00 p. m. Settlers’ One-Way Excursions To Manitoba. and Cnuadinn North-West will leave Tomato ever TUESDAY during MARC-B andAPRIL,1002. Colonist Sleeper will be astnched to each tmiu. MRS. SHUTER 38-tf THORNHELL. For full particulars and copy of ' uide." apply to you: ueueafr 1 ‘0 Agent or to Clerk’s Notice. :sseugexs travelling .11d take the train 342w gammatmmts. WANTED l‘hursday, ANNOUNCES HER King Street East, Toronto‘ NOTMAN, Asst. Pnssr. A 'DR. GALI ANOUGH, At 11 o'clock a. m at 10 mm _0N_ City Dairy, Toronto R. E. LA‘V. Agent JAS B MCLEAN. Clerk thhout Live Stock leaving Toronto at C H STIVER. Clerk LEGGE, Jefferson P. 0'. .genï¬ Settlers' funad'um Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. SELL AT‘THE [WEST PRHEES. All kinds of Tinware kept in stock or made to order. ls open for business in the Tin and Hardware Line. The new ï¬rm will keep in stock almost everything generally found in a country hardware store. We will The undersigned runs his wagons to ’TORON '1‘ 0 â€"EVERYâ€"â€"â€" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EmressiiÃ©Ã©ï¬ ï¬‚aal mm 84. Slabs C. MASON HARDWARE STORE Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city or may begleft at the Brown’s Livery Stable, George St; REPAIRING PRGMPTLY DGNE J. Sheardown. RICHMOND HILL E. MASON ï¬ver 3,966 in 113% in. Canada, An absolute necessity for proï¬table dairying. M‘ost beautiful in design and ï¬nish. 'Simple in construction. Made †of the ï¬nest material. Easy to operate... Two pieces inside the bowl. Few pieces to wash every time it is used. Made in two sizes: “ National †No. 1, capacity 350 lbs. per hour; No. 1 A, 45.0 lbs. per hour. Manufactured by the Raymond Sewing Machine 00., Guelph. You may have one on trial for two weeks. AGENTS, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainerand Paper- Hanger. SHORTHORN BULL. w. HEWESON, For service on the premises of the un- dersigned, a registered RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL FOR SERVICE 29-tf. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. TERMS $1 .00. T. LUDFORD E. MASON Richmond Hill. SOLD BY P. G. SAVAGE, - Richmond. Hill, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and." Lead. Brushes in all sizes. Dry Colors The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Ho}stein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 151‘. con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred huli and for service on t_he Premises. We have on hand a large stock of Wall Papers, which ‘we will sell at reduced prices. Latest Patterns and Designs in Ceiling" and Bordering. (-2311 and see them. Whitewash & Caloimine Brushes“. Large Stock of Fumiture SUNNYSIDE FARM 49-tf In fact everything that is used by painters. D. G. GO'ODERHAM, Constantly on hand. Everything at’ the lbwcst cash price. MAPLE. AT SAVAGE Prnprivtm‘ hog kept Now is the time to bring in your old harness and cullai-s to be repaired fer spring work. ‘ You will also need new Iiarness.’ . You can’t fail to get what you need and just, what will please you, if you buy your horse goods hvre. Good Lnnther Collars at $2 each and‘ up; Sweat Pads at, 250. each and up. All other supplies at right prices. One good family cutter. Also for sale ()I‘ to rent the Headfnrd store and Post of’ï¬cv. Good npvning for n. huck- star or agent. épgly to ï¬lflflflï¬Ã©. ' $1.513 IN MWflNflE. 30. BEODonald RICHMOND HILL. F933. SALE E: RUTHERFORD Headfm'd P. Os