g... . .J H V ,, $I per rmuum, in zidvanca] 3:12?“thme “In Essentials, Unify; in Non-Essentials, Libcrty; in allti’zz'ngs, Clmrigun Von. XXIV. R C {MOND HELL, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, l902. (7.x ,sre. . ,- n ' i as.-. .nw‘ “ win: ï¬gmml m--~~--~w--~~-â€"-mâ€"»M . .C' PARTâ€? IbPLI..LISIlEDEVEhY u.- ui. V TEUï¬SDA‘z MORNING "" ' “ ‘ AT THE ' I l I E nun/11 PRHITING 3i PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1". F. M1: MAI-ION, E mm: 3; Pnommron. I m a, “ M o «.9 ,9 .,. â€"â€"--,â€".m . . “w: minâ€"um-..- 114:2 1M1: :umc BY THE ONE‘. WIRE FlilluING (30., Limited. IFS ll'li‘CD'N. “TN 3‘. BUS NE ‘EEZ-Mtirzu. L. EAWRASON, Lawrence imlsay. K C l‘ l1rn11‘n111-e 1 ‘ DR. T: q '1 ‘WW 37L Mamba†CJllcgd thsininus and Sui-goons. ‘ "Hub 2'1 9.2 l; , Ont. RICH MOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours: {2‘ 111.; 7 to 9 p. m. Bazristezs. Sachets. Notaries, :c. Homo Lifz- Ilnihling (Iormvrly Frve-l 8 to 10 a" “L; to 2 ll(.hllm:1n Bldg). Cm. A1lvl11i1l1' 1\‘ Victoria Sts.. Twthn. “ LIBERAL (Jl‘ï¬ce. Richmond Hill on DR. El r Virbri-Lturdaysr. H EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, l B'<1LIJ<IE#1N EEK? 1H4? "E‘iam'nhin, Mo i-ewi but oh :-:1:ia.u at: Western and Grace usp1tnls, I‘umubu. 031:311’ )111'3â€"§ tv') in 11 in; 7 to ‘3 n In. mmm‘ ~77 .# WML‘TEEFY" Wm NOii‘ARY 13 tome; 5 Til “X. ROQQVS counzsszomx IN THE Dgflx‘is‘, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Room 12. ml Vic’mrinSt. Toronto. issuer ofi’laï¬age Licenses. Best ï¬tting forth. also replating, at Iowa†pz‘icz‘s. - Wu â€" LEFNOY & MOPC" I} ‘ K) p ‘ . 1 \J ‘ [1N u». I. A. tiUhhlIu, i †" Mono? to loan on loud and chattel mortgages at Bar;- s-Ee'a's and Solicitors. 1%) 13 ntisst, luwosn rates. W _ \ _ Auroraofliro» v lr-mm‘ei U) the OH «; 1 ‘1‘. (buccosaor to D1‘.Cec1lTr0tto1') 18w «mar west Lt the anmiiZétziiflih'é um. a Hunk. Newumrliec Mikeâ€"Three doors south of the' 11 mi.- mime. 1‘. Human: LENNOX. (:‘r. 233V. BIORGAN, «worn. IN wmm'ket ‘7 41‘ §~ood wm‘li. ' " * RICHMOND HILL POST QFFIC ()deellow‘y 32115., Toronto. cor. Yonge and College SL3†Toronto, “'ill ho in Iii'thmond Hill every \lenvstluy. COOK & MACDONALD OHise>~Next don:- south of Public x- .1 . . . Ty“ l _ ‘ ‘ II‘LflOSH‘; BLlI‘I'ISl't‘I'S, Sohmtors, etc, (. Lll- e .101“ â€"F101u 13.0) :1.1n., tn TQROVIVO OFFICF _ F lam-1.5??? . l i A, I l ‘ ' l'eehnld Lou“ Building. cor. Adolziido 5; 'Vitztnii 1 ‘r bin-001s. 'l‘1-1-onto. hr. Cool; Tflll he at Maple 011 Thursday ‘ :lflm‘noon of each work. JMONEY 'IO LOAN AT 57. ‘r‘il :‘tcrimz 1'3 S. Iii-Ecliihoy, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"._uqn _ VETERINARY DENTI mICEâ€"[MOND HILL, Grin-lune .)I the Ontario Vatnl'iuilx’y ("111‘13, “‘IC'I (h‘nl'nnl lmm tin (mmrm \1'1Hu1'111r11'y l‘uumlS-h~ul.\‘.‘11i\‘ixthI-uvlunn lluznl‘u' Fli'lwyui viz-J] “"5' uni (‘mt'mul oil Fri {mull t).lp. m C vim-J1chIntonjwl to. Diseuaq 1»! llu Genoa. J13 12.111 obli’nwllnuw.‘ “\t- [43‘4"]3.) ‘1 BliLlll'Il'lx’TW‘rl'u 1 L1; Lil-.3 lawns 114:1 monk. 111‘1â€" 3" L “’- “M†plUVHJ 1n:tho.ls. ï¬Egmz'y'ia M it'd!!! Jew " Ltdl agar, hin‘ia‘ti é? SKEi‘li‘E Burtisters, Solicitors, 620., ad (/1 T. 5 KING STRETT WEST. TORONTO. East'l‘nrnnto ()ï¬ice, Mr. Grant's residence \Touzlbndye, every evening. , Thoruhill.eauh Wednesday from 10 to 12 ‘ DAR/I I) A It: iffy EHIAC‘ E LICENSES. __ ITI'lE‘EI'iiilLL ~ . JOHN R. CAI‘JIPBELL, : 'L .VETERINARYSURCEUN, 7 "Elaorg‘xahill. Cztlls by telephone from lichmond U u» (. l. m \ H L l r _ fl 1 11.1.g,lu1’ ruzwv 1‘ ‘ lull charged to 1110. IL 1 U“ U ) “new in [be ’ x. r‘~ .E. H. P: entice. Lil-aimed,Auctioneer forthe County of lea (‘pvu'ls sum on consignment. Gemini] hnley (11. l :ztml: uio.,m':)u1pcly attended to M. reuacuanie I rm. ~ . . 1; {an «Villa J. H. SAi‘lDEIlSUN. " D BLOUGH 1 as niough. I o! ioneers {or t‘!e(,‘0nnty of Yorlnrc i1..11 \10111' panonuyv 1:1i1l 1r1m1 l": .pimnpt in 1:105. amn'idmt on the .xl_1>1‘tr1- ;1_. ‘ 1 i'c.|r.r1ua.ilel'ntc6. 1’.(>.1L:l1u'ess --~v- «u 7" r 2 ug R:.J:I.:¢O;.\ID Limo 1 - _a.-_.__ t J11):lt‘t' rm 3:" "y r)<y .2. ~1â€"1‘ i.“- \’ ETA.) £1 z‘l 1'“; l'\ {l 9‘ 1:40 Di l T J. l\.5l1~l<‘\'.1:li, “ILL-.11. gamma“ & FECEH'i'u. cunt l1}'Ll;1_\'<“~“‘1 nigh: nt-l tl‘;l.ll'l 1'). i T.’(mu.<1«l .tlzn'ti1mr‘cr< for the (‘oumvnf Ym‘r. ' mzlv 1 [non 41011051!l'UtlI'PHDKi (it rca-l :1!.:- Patronagesolicited. I I ‘ i ‘t ‘5’ 51 J) _ . ‘ 1 E 1 l. i» ‘t ' )p‘ - 1f» t 1 A, .., _ 777 nâ€? .5. L3 L1 iii L111); 5 E \ L1.)i.,l7 m. if. gamma. REC LI 211 O -_\1 1) R11) \ l- ‘lvl t) in u: . hotels m1 \‘ouiuu-s. L-sn'mu ' maul (.11'111 ~21. _ “1110i? m; i1-1z nnil "1‘11 n-nl hoihll “1.1.1 , talus uttmluctl 1-. ‘ . 1:111 unn- rnin £.-' -"V.4"1L'l't' I M“..in l:.g-'1__ - H Mt‘ 1i Sl‘lj-E‘ . ifï¬'v‘xfl’y‘w“ ‘7:""‘.. . ’2‘". . R‘f?†' k‘.‘-‘.‘~"Z « 1:1'nl1'l.'11::\'.':\,w';'.1<L~. ~1' I“ "‘4‘ â€"“~- ~- - .1 i 1i" 1.“? ' H‘ l i ‘1}: A C13 ‘1" ‘t r ‘3. . 1),â€: :._IA..V_,_.1-1;1,.\Y. l E'mh-rï¬ï¬‚wrs a Finahnhzbrarh. .9 ibli *3 run: :2. - E’rnpj .ILILl'll-i’ll'lD lllll. £- TIIORWIIII L: f Funnml F111nl>l121‘; Tl-IOR‘J‘ CHLY liEFl'IIED. , 1 Evu'v .L-c;i111uivul:i:'i~11t'oi- 110 13* «WW r‘Tm-ti-tr r-er- Tom . live JILkmLLOleCIMD :Lmzuustl. 1‘ 1 1 . 1 .tn M no. 4 p»: LIL) l .lnlm .lt‘llllit‘ (Jumiuu. t':1>1-l1'_\‘. .\1n_\' l‘nl. L'lml-liw II 111.. ih-nil 1"‘\\' :vIL'NJIl‘. livn .ll1;i~'\‘.?‘lt'll11 (LN ' LUI'HL‘ L‘ll1hi1u-,J1l1‘1 Ii11s‘.\':ll. .;:1i-11_\' Dibh. C 8.1‘I'Vi lle Eli's. M. lh-illingrrr of this plane. wishm throng-h '1’111-1 Lima: \2. to mn- \'v\' hm' thanks 1.» ci‘w ’ iwurlw‘ ninl lll‘itfllllt‘lâ€˜ï¬ who showml ilt'l’ x1: llillt‘ll lii!lllll1-.\\'1lln'ili;.ftllt‘ illnms 1111(‘1 NIH-1‘ tllt‘ (ll-zilll nl l‘v“t‘ I:1t1- ltll~lil1lltl. to('1.~111-! Finl'ol‘ tho \\'1‘.\t. 111' \\‘l1i<'h (‘nurt hm' llll\l):lllli “1-15:1nvht1-111111'd nu-Inlu-i'. Tho ii1e‘1n'1wrwnt' the nlmvo (Tomi (lid 1-\'1-1'_\'thin;: in tilt‘ll' poww- to comfort ilu‘ \1ithm' 11ml rhihlwn in tl11‘i1- hormu-rnvnl. 11ml :1 fr-w (laxys ngo Mrs. Ih'illingvi' l't‘(‘Fi\'('1‘l'llit‘ful- lowing; oxpn-xxlnn ul' (‘(:li\l11ll'11('t‘ : U1»111tf31:11'ot't‘111~ \\'<~st, I‘io. i‘xliï¬. Toronto. March 21. 1902. To Mrs. M. ih'illihg'fl', (‘111‘1'1‘ill02 I)":H‘ .\lnzl;1n1.-~!t was with thrll tho llll‘illlll‘l's oi" Mn ('mll't of thvth-nlhnt' your hulm‘ml hn>lmntl ninl min-111991101111 llihllll‘). “1‘ gymâ€" pnthizv with you in your 11133. 11nd though “'1‘ t‘nnnot know that pain 11ml l't‘pfl'ï¬â€˜l. hm HI SHll’UW \\'i1It.'ll is consul by such £121. :tliliviiun, \1‘1- \t‘ullhi ho l‘l'llll.<§ in 0111' milligutinns n< men and l)l‘“illl't‘ll if it 'lhl Hut. living: to 118 tho thought thnt )‘onl' huhlsn WW .I lu- “111‘ of grout: (listrws. “'1’ run only (‘3{]Xl!'.\‘s 1111' feelings tonunls you in thi<h11111hl<1 \\‘:1y «if uniting. :11111 “'1' “'1111‘111 ml; that the kiiul 11ml lt.\ing Futhvr of 11:4 _;1ll will ('\'(‘l' watvh out you 11nd your family, :11111 that as sml only llt‘liit‘ pmting from your loving: l11-lpvl' in lil‘L‘. lnzly \"t' 1'\'1*1' look I'm-\vnni to that phu o 111 happinvw: whom all 139111-19 1110. mntlo joyi'ui hy tlw 1mm: i111; with thuso ' low-(l 111105 \\'h()l1:1\'(1;:o‘.w i)tlllil‘t’. “villi kilni :1111l L't'l‘t' \\ ishor: to 3 .mwlt‘ \'1'(‘ 111-0 you†[Uspt'ctl'll tlw<'on1~t. U. 11‘. E51 c‘y. “(9., q,__»*_..- “2.540111% Pleasa: The {low (if manlv mphnshoon so grenL thnt 1311-1111113 11w kupt hustln‘o' ‘7‘ to make it intomaplvainp. Tiltml- who ham) to it!1‘(:lAIlSL‘\\lll bu "Ind to ‘ 1) lion.“ this 11 “A14. The so :<i1>n 12ftho Loml iii-ginlntnrn of Ontario has riosul: also \vv “‘trlliti lei ' )(Iit‘ that. the (*fiii‘anllillN' 11 l I)\ xonw in hiuh mail ions \\‘1-11l1l non-1- :llmvgr 1n punt agnn. \thn thew 2111‘ (-l::11 '5 ol' xvi-olig-(hn g ‘11) l)(‘ :nzuiw, 5:.)11‘1ityllli‘lllli‘.Willingizllnllul. low thmn 11.11 with proof. I‘M-11 in high positions Using l;: -s' . that. might llil\'HlN‘(‘l’.l1IIt'l'ill!‘ 11 the (3:11 I; 1111) not lit uxumph s [1.1 educating tlw rising gr‘nm-utinn to n, 'lngh Illtliill st111nlv111l in tho 21M: (‘vntm-y r": - .1 ‘ r 1 . . ' 1111-nohl2-1ml1111\11511311111 (nun. is new; pit-1111‘! of 1:110 nl lu'r suns in the poi-v.11 - of lion. L. ll. Hti'ntton. nothing to pzmwnt filling tlw higlu-si position in this :1t Dominion nl' t':1n:11l:1. ‘ \‘t'ho has spont 1H lllllt‘ll tnnv amongst his con-uihnnis as ho l'1:1:=,.(:r\\'ho 1-:111 (11111121 him in {7.1111115 2111(11'111'ls? To :Iim high is \\'Ii.'1l. L‘\'1‘ly vnnng poison who hm : 11.)";11nhiti1111 Mild «to. No innit :.'n1~11hl lm with him aspiring; to he l‘i-1-1niv1-mf Ont-h i1: \\ hvn thH l‘l'hlit‘l' limo comm. I’:(‘\' ‘5 l1:1~; luwn l‘t’l‘t‘l\:‘tl .1t tho han of Jun/’5 M1‘lm1n. l‘lmi.V 111 the s-1l'1- :iil'l‘.‘.‘|l :11 North llnlmlzl. 111) the lith 11lt., ol‘ :1 111-;>11-â€".e11i.1ti\c (it the iith gnnvintinn. \‘l'hih'\11.1l;in;;in hisni't-hni-(lontho 2551-11 11li., .lanm-x' Eh'lia‘nn, Est}, mat. with what might have Iu‘t-n :1. St'lltflls‘ nm-iilont. 'I'ln' l:l(it".t‘i‘ (In whiz-h he \'.‘:13 “muting “'11:: almost [Hi-prinllvn. I:11~, “hich (~\'t*l‘-I>:ll£lilt‘L‘lI Kill) him, 1-;1114113‘ him to fill to tho {mu-n gi-r-nnnlonl1i<li111-l<.thu lmhh-r "illin‘gr (in top of ltllIL 1'1-111l11‘ing: him : mum line-onscintr'. \\'l11-n found h1- \\';1x:1s~ rai<t1'(l in‘m l: < I|t1:!l~’. In. Krill] ï¬lm-11111111112 and like the guild11llH:Ln1ni"‘11n [i11lll'-I‘1l inzn him Hillnl‘liiil‘j: strongni‘ thnn oil m- \a'intn 'i‘hvw 1.; him .II1- will lw Ctllllillv'tl to his ivntl l-tll'btilllt‘ imv. 0.9â€"â€" k‘l ‘1 1‘7 \ 'n/[i' ,1,1 MES-“1:01), i5.,...2.:m1a1 . :\'.‘i:1;,;‘ 1:: tho l"']2â€t'I of S. F. . 'l‘hv- l'ol' 3.11. 1}, ,.2-:;i\.'x..':11. '14) ï¬sh-‘1 Z‘l ' l‘l111111I1 1‘:i»'~ 7§_e‘111|\' _\lll'1*l411: 2,1 " :lht illllgï¬twll. l.lii11".;.( N. 1-1 5-9141. 5.1. ..;.1.111 «.11»- ‘ : ‘1‘. il.21~lli: .I11111i1:_:;~. rl. ; ‘n ' 'l'loni'thw .l11::in.- r.'-1i1i.m1-ti1-ï¬ â€˜l'..Sl : .‘(vlliw lint..- .‘1l-.‘.. i 1, (11:11:42 ::11» "’ '.il â€" 2 (lulu In; , .ll. :3. . |.. I151" [‘1 .1'ln'2'. _. ‘wï¬hun 31, ."iwnim 'I‘iiii'. 1. II1‘:111. <- [llllii1il"llliil‘4l*'3'IK‘Il‘ :‘illit’I'lV j\l.‘ll ' 51-1] : 'Cll‘l- ‘ ,i.t)i‘||" I>('ll\iltls lomul! .â€" 4-. Honim' H m1 Ml ll:11~ol1l .\l111pl1\‘. .l11nin1-Si-r‘n1nl r.\11h11-;.' Ni1-1.-l,lltll:1n- 10y (':I<1~l(')’. E‘vnim' l'nrt 911611114 WTillh‘ l’nllnn, Tilgin Nix-11]. lidgni' I’hilliiw. ii. .i. Sinnmgg â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"7~â€"«¢~»<> ~-â€"-r- A IIIGII SCHOOL Illi'Nill'l'N. 0n ’l'humdny. 27th Bhuuh. imports “'111'1‘ lmIHlHl to (uwh stmlt'nt prom-1n. to show hi9 stumlinzfin:1llsl1l1j1‘ots11p to that date. l’ni'vnts will {:1‘1-i1tly :1i1l till' prinuipul by signing those reports 11ml 111-1111'11i11gth1'm pronmtly. I‘lnvh pupil should l1:1\'<- Stiff in each su'ijvct or ho :1hl1' tn glw‘ snnw nun-on sntisâ€" l'uvtm-ytn tho (mu-him 151' the ln\\'131' nun-lg. 'I‘hv noxt tl111'n111ontlwwill lw nilimportant2:11-1-\'i:-\\'1>I'tl11\ pix'r‘tnh ing: svvon monthu' :~t\i<ii1‘\' will ie in [):(>gll"~'<. A [1131' mm nnt (:l' stinly \\'(Illltl he tlll’t’t‘. two. .1111‘1 (-1111 :11111 111111 hull hours for fol-nu Ni. ii :1111l l rm- pvctiwly. Evmy pupil has home- .\'m I; 111111 IL L4 llllilt'wdnll‘ ‘11: (,|1H|[111i.‘_’ :II 5‘51:itt\X1'17â€":1-<nihï¬nmlo to tln~ (-nnttni'y. it i" to lu-hopmlthnt purvnts' \\'iil at nnm- (-1.111111111111‘1111‘ \‘citl lhu pIEIn-iiml in [il'i‘hflll or hy l1-ttm'. 'i'vulchm-s1‘::11nnl purlni'm tll'nil' (lutix-N prnpm'ly without the hourly 1-11-opmn- tinn of nil tho 1):Ii('l!i\‘. \‘t'hsn the Tun-l 101‘. 51:11:11,}. I lath-1' :{ivv thi~ l11'lp inmnptly mid he for? it 9: too lutt’ good insults 111-0 sow to‘i'ollnn'. liviurlls' will ht- ins-111111 :1t tlwmul of April :11111 also ;1h1:11!, tlw l‘lt h of May l'ni' tho gnhl 1111-11 (if ]>;II'- Hits and g11'11-1li;111<. l’h'nxv 1111i“: The totals: inxlimxtv tho i1-l;1ti\‘o pum- tion of (nu-h in hi; 1'lnss. Thu norm-11t- ages show pupil‘s leL‘l'ilgt" per 5111) ~ot' t‘Xlllllillt-(l. 1’1-1'C1‘11t:1;_:v\: (It: not 1:111‘11-s- poml with tutnlx', 155131111~p111lils illNOllt thwnru-hww‘ from (xxx-11114, 111’ (In not, stnlv :1ll tho >111»: (ii-1111111â€)? ‘spmking. tlu' host pupils tulio zall th1- xtnzlivx :1nzl thowt'nro tlu-y 1-;1nl; Ill'\l 111 thasv ilr~I<. In form ll,pvnwn‘11qm; l'i‘I:ltr' tnthv iivv junior I.“ wing; «'X- an); zz1tinn suhjm-‘un M. stnmls i'or )3leltl'll'lllflti0h, t}. for C(Hlllllt'nt‘htl. For n I. .St, 11-1' .‘llof‘lul on .. . . . . . 7m ('0 “1 lizlw. :lvllv's . . . . . . . . ...")†ti'i‘ iullmn'v Iiwlmrli . . . . . 1" Iii-H .‘a'iinl-y (t) (l. (-I‘Jnnghton .r\;.;1:1~.~:t‘nu;\,pr (CL... IVrmI l.’i1-h:1111>.m _ . . . . . . li‘z'ml (11-;1i1111n . . . . _ . . . . . . Ills. Ii‘x‘hy .. 3111-11151 Smith Hui-tn .‘lr-lnmr'l: (t ‘) .... \\':1II1-i- l"1i\I11\' . . . . . . .. ‘7. Allan llnmhe‘utone .. . .«i If} .l«>l111:'(,1115_>:l111;n . . . . . . . . . L. Shim-y Unlivr. .. ..., l:':1n<_‘,' Mon-nan Aiunnoth gimith (ti) . . . . . . I l l1-1-no lmnv . .. I i Nt‘lllt‘ Chnpnmn ((‘i .. 51 ' Form II. . lam-111107 “Wight . . . 79% (it't‘il Ixt‘ .' . . , . . . . t.) Uliu- ï¬witzm- . (53 Viola I‘Ct‘nm . linuiw Nunghion . . . . . . . . ' i" Shim-y linyirh . . . . . I . . . . (i3 Floiwnww 3L11'sl1lt‘) '. )Iniy (lm-mnn l$111tll1~.l41p(t'l i . . . . . . . . if l);ii.~y Nvlh-s i(‘) . . . . . . . 48 th-I-n 111lc iiynctt ((7) 5'.) hinln-l .\l;11-\l1 ~12. Aggie G;11111"e .... 54 Illnlph Pt‘l'lél is. (t ‘) :13 Fut'lll III. . l‘:\'(‘1't1lll Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . .\.1n111F1r'\v11son (I!) ‘.‘\ill't’tl Ill-.111 5-13 I.lohn Murllnugtlltun . _ . . . {:7 - \.\'illi::1n(.111;(-1'1m(.‘1l) :vl i:|1'l}'l(llllt'i( . . . . . . . . . . it lain-I11 vatm. (A1) it) ‘ilnu .r: l)1111'_‘,' . . . . . . . . . » (I :(ill' 1i.-1II41_\'l<-l.‘.i) . . . . . . a I! ‘L" 11'4 Il:1ll;I".‘ . . . . . . . . . . 7 I i‘.:1t'l1'11 lutiu-i {\ll '1} K i .l111111(€111\311.-1 (T‘l) Tm ‘l:11~\‘ lilllguilni .. 7 Iii] l‘iutlJ.'1I-21l1..I-i (PM .. i ii. i \nswn t'-.1-1‘1 h 1521 1» 111;. l :2" ‘il:.11}‘1{1‘\\12~nl.\l [3.1141,] ._’._’ .44} I Dwislon Comb lil\i\i1’l]| (‘1 1:1: \‘.:4>~i1"lvl lulu-1‘- rl iy. lli< r" , JIIISâ€" Iim.’ 111‘. .1 91.1111- :~' inn. i: IEII in: 1. H.“ .. -i .._. 1 1 1.11 in. I l"1t( \'\:1tlitlll'1l 11,1 ~tl1.1l;..:1i.11.i: ' ~1'.\i1"ii:1\..1li" .311)â€: 1-11, 11.112111'111' (l1'l'1'!i1l:1lil. i~~ 1-111 1.x; «‘11111-11.l7:'§111i t'ni- \'.- .1 _\-l‘1v':111;-1iloin-71" wi ' l lil‘_"ll.“\\ :.'1!!1l 1‘.'\‘11} ifnl‘. . ‘1 - , \ _\ 1113 11;» .112: .11 l" (.i ‘._l..~‘lii : 1- pluin'Y' »_.,'.1': .‘1m1 .1litvw-ll1' mum-t will l,tv 1:!1 ‘Wm S. S No. 4-, Markham i lvpnrt Im- tlw month of M'n-ivuh :- I“Ulll'll1 (Thins â€"M:1ggiv (,Tosgrm‘o. .\Il|t‘l'l Stunâ€. Svnior ’l‘!1i1'(l»â€"Ailio Hands. Foster lIii-kson. .lnninr 'I‘hiul ~~ llvrh. ;('11<s:'1-m'l‘. l<"1‘:1nl{ Kull)’. f ilni' Nm-nntl w t'hiulio C(‘l'tic Nt‘lshl]. Junior Hm-onl â€" John (.‘lni'n (_‘().\‘:_:‘l'(|\'t‘. 'l‘uhlr-ts llI.â€".\I:1;rgic Bill-LOP, Rnlpll liakvi'. Tulilvts llit‘nn-ie \Villi:1ms,ll1\nhvn llmm-i'. Kelly. 121m H om‘cr. (‘osgi‘ovm . FRED. \‘I'. Il.\11111.~<o_\', Tonchm‘ “0.9â€"â€" Victoria Square Tho CIT-l and Rifln Ulnh met for tl11~i14 11<1111| shoot on tho :1ftei'noon 11E 11:11111'1ln_\'. Finn-h25Ill1.\\'ith :1 few of ttw SI'HI‘I‘S :19 follown: \V. Scott ........TSI 'l‘. {rid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n! ‘»7.('211111ll .. .J'IT (i111). Fon'stL-x', . . . . . . .63 R. Agar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-1 The Svntim-l pnnm- contest. wont. in f;1\‘o'.- ot' 1\I1'. (1}. Ftvl't“~‘l(‘l', SR. Gni'mlm‘. $1.1m 11111 donnhd lly )[1‘.R.A<_r:-11- wont to Mr. 'I'.h‘oi1‘. Two Coronation :wt'kti'w‘ pi'osntitt‘tl by Mr. Geo. Brown x'unt to :‘Il'. \\'. HI-nlt and 311'. U. Enr- (‘rit' ‘l‘. i I on.» “I was very poorly and could ll hardly get about the house. [\st h» tived out all the time. Then. I med Ayer’s Sarsapm'illa, and 1t only i took two bottles to make me foel n perfectly well.â€â€" Mrs. N. S. Swnij iii ney, Princeton, Mo. ’1’ 11.10th . M w “1 Tirod when you go to cal, tired when you get 9, t'rcd all the time. . "3'1in Your blood is im- 'nurc, that’s the reason. 7You are living on the : border has of nerve ex- lnus ion. Take Ayer’s parilla and be $1.00 a bottle. All drugglsts. U. a? a: 5'. 3.4 l . 1 fr, .+ 1. tx/(‘T râ€"vâ€"w- SE! ' \111' doctor what ho thinka of Arm's rith He knows all nbnutthk grand )1 mly medicine. Follow his advice and I -. tiu'ml. “1 m s AYER 00., Lowell. Mass. If! SALE One good [umin 1-1121‘012 Aim for R 1ln (11' to 1111‘ the llvndt'ui'll arm-11m“. I’mt willow. (‘mul onA-ning for ;1 hitch- SI(.'!'Ul';I:.;1'llt. A‘xin' Ii. IiL'TliEllFtflIl) Hondfonl 1’. O. 3.3- l "Anny .-.g ‘5 hi j>1‘i1'li l‘twitli'llt'i‘ it) till" Xvilingn ut- 'l‘hm'nhill. \\'ilh Sp:t(.‘i11l::§ \t'l'.11.rl;1~,. twn munm. shin m1t1:1111'11, Lil-gr: con- r: .vlv 1'1~ll11I-. I’1~:i<1'f:11-1111CU. iwl (-onsmn 111' nhont. on“ nmo. r'on~ mining: 1mm. shh- 111111 I::11:kv liuwm‘. 1; ~1l:11' I11wlj.,1-s. [minty largo ornnmnnt- :1]111111sl1.z1l1-ti-u-1-r:. Two ('istt'l'lls and lull-«inn “‘1'â€. Fruit: Apph-s. [warn '» , pawlnw‘. :1111-i1-(1tt. grape-m Hisp- . giww-Iwi-i-ivs11ml Hui-:1an ‘i1lt‘tt‘ :1l:(l tllI‘H'Hg' Sliv'tl. -' oily i» in Iimt-cln“: (‘mn iâ€" l in- who of lllt‘ cosh-V 11ml- 1l'-*11†S 1'“ \.1!igr*l"ti‘1‘ut. _ I“:1i‘1‘l<l('ll ' . Elntw Pulitnn Hull- 21 1. t3 nil" l"m-nts. ' 'I‘v 1:11 . l '1'“ v1 - . u tux-thw Inn-limp Rim, 41:1 1.1 1MP. (1‘ NJ .‘\".".')I'(£ll. '377l tf'} ilni1)‘, 1 1:1 - A: 7 5.. 5-253 ' '31P." iIlMI llt‘l‘l"iil HHllMH in 1;1*:»~‘ :th l If'liillll' v'. Ii . 1(illlllg'lldlvizllll"ll"l‘ '~v. 1). 1v,{;/;:::1’.12H. ‘ y --1. '1. =31 :1- 11‘s Trl‘ll""i‘ ('1' Hinnys’di- . ' (‘11:(113 :tlltl ll11t-1lc-L'1I'I "