Mm. Wmsww‘a Soo'mnm Symm- has been used by millions of mothers for their children while Loathiny. Itaoothes the child. softens the gums. almya pain. cures wind colic regulates the lbomach :mrl bowels, and is the Quest reme y for Diarrhoea. Twenty-ï¬ve cent! a boLLle. Sold by drugginta throughout. the world. Be pure and ask (or " Mnsv Wxxuow‘s Som‘HIxo SYRUP.‘ DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited, TORONTO Most. deaths during the 24 hours take place between 5 and 6 21.1114, the least. between 9 and 11 in the waning. The biggest guns in the British mvy are of 16iâ€"inch calibre, and :an only be ï¬red once in three min- .ltes. They weigh 110% tons. The xew 12-inch gun weighs only 50 :ons, but can be ï¬red three times ls quickly. The mother listened with illâ€"con- cealed dismay, and when the boy stopped she turned to her husband, and said :â€" “William, I’m very much afraid that that boy is being contaminated by wicked atheists, because he’s making the blessed ï¬nnament into a. menagerie !" Stop: the C ugh and works 0“ I m Culd. Laxative Bromo-Quinine ’J‘abEets cure a. cold in one day. No LIure, No Pay. Price ‘25 cents. Mi: ard’s linimenf I umhemankhirnf Butter, Eggs, ï¬yjtgfy, Appies 03;†Pmcmce The youngster, proud of his supe- :i01' knowledge, probably exaggeratâ€" ed what, he had heard. At any rate, he told her about the Great Bem‘, the Swan, the Lion, the Bull, Ram, Scorpion, Fishes, and other con- stellmions. A bright boy had attended some evening lectures on astronomy, and after three or four Visits was ques- tioned about it by his mother, a good and very devout, but very ighorant. Woman. "On one occasion I employed this property of soda in a, useful way. There was a large quantity of new blankets sent to one of our hospitals which. when given out, were said by the. patients to be not so warm as the old blankets were, and that led 'to an investigation as to whether the blankets were genuine or not. I‘hey looked well and weighed proâ€" perly, land I got a. blanket sent to me for examination and analysis. We found soon that there was cotton .m_ixedflwith the Wool, and the quesâ€" I can assure you, madam. that it [Is not my desire to sell anything that will be injurious to either the hands or clothing of my customers, and I shall be glad to know how vou prove that what I sold you in- jured your blankets and your hands. Well. I was telling Mrs. Neill my trouble, and she lent me a little cut- ting. and here it is: you can read it: “Dr. Stevenson Macadam. Leetur- Pr on Chemistry, Surgeon's K'l’nll, "Edinburgh, describes the destrucuv property of soda upon wool very graphically. "After mentionng how strong alâ€" kali such as potash and soda. disas- Ll‘ously afl‘ect cotton, linen, and wool he says: Named a particular brand! How was T to know anything of brands? but I know better now, and I know what ruined my blanketsâ€"and my hands are in a nice plight, too! But. madam, I always give my :ustomcrs what they ask for. Had you named a. particular brand of soap you would have had it. MAKING A MENAGERIE OF IT Sir, I have just come roung myself lo tell you that; you have absolutely spoiled a pair of blankets on me. I have! Yes, sir, you have! Surely you are mistaken, madam! I am not, mistaken. I sent round my little girl a few days ago for a 00(1 strong soap to wash out some cavy things. In all innocence I used What you sent me, and the reâ€" sult is that my blankets are just the llkclcton of what they were. They are ruined, sir, and it's your fault! Yes, but I sent. What I usually -:end in such cases. What, you usually sendl. No won- Iler Mrs. Moore, my neighbor. comâ€" plains of her clothes wearing: out; I ï¬nd you usually send her the same ‘Ioap. Correspondence Solicited To gain his ends In Life’s ï¬erce tussle, Man’s two best friends Arc Hope and Hustle. For Over Sixty Years TWO FRIENDS WHY WOOLENS WEAR THIN. IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR YOUR A SCENE IN A GROCER'S STORE. CONSIGN THEM TO THE Salmon rarer live years ; but. pike and live to be 150 years Italy, Roumania, Servia, and Greece are the only European coun- tries where men outnumber women, Greece has 113 men to 100 women. The best homeâ€"made ï¬reâ€"extin- guisher is 4 ounces of pearlash dis- solved in hot, Water, and added to a. pail of cold water. T0 l‘lIllE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quiniuo Tablew All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 250. Minard’s Linimsnt is [188de thsicians A train travelling at 120 miles would hit any object it came in Con- tact with nine times as hard as one travelling at. forty miles an hour. SIIEAP EXCURSIONS TO CALL FORNIA. For the meeting of the Independent erer of Foresters at Los Angeles, April 29th., cgeup round trip rates will be in effect via. the Chicago, Un~ ion Paciï¬c and Northâ€"Western Linc. Rate from Toronto $62.00, and proâ€" portionately low rates from other points in Canada. Three-through trains daily from Chicago, with Pull- mans, Tourist Sleepers and Free Re- rlining Chair Cars. Select the best route, affording finest scenery and quickest time. Choice of routes rev turning. Full information and spe- cial folder of this excursion can be obtained from B. H. Bennett. Gener- In the United Kingdom only 1 person in 200 is a landowner. In France 9 in 100 oWn landed proâ€" perty: Note by the GrocersiThls whole neighborhood is using Sunlight Sotp now. I has no more complaints. I have no room in my store nnw for resinous concoc- tions of alkalipoilonu; but. in is not the urocer's faul‘ if the public nre satisï¬ed with common soaps. If the pcuallic ask {or Sunlight Soapâ€"octagon bar â€"wa give I em" n1 Agent, ronto, Ont Let me see it! Why, Sunlight soap! It's a. beautiful. clean. fresh- looking soap, and this Octagon shape is very handy. Give me ï¬ve bars. ï¬nd it, elsewhere. Madam, you enlighten me! So many soaps are advertised as pure, that I really took little heed to any diflerence between them. I have one, however, that has med- ical certiï¬cates of its freedom from free alkali. It'is guaranteed pure; and the makers offer $5,000 reward to any one who can prove it is not pure, and further, I am authorized to return the purchase money to any one ï¬nding cause for complaint. <er Minard's Liniment in the House Now, I want to tell you that we neighbors have had a. talk over the matter, and we are not going to have our clothes and hands ruined in this Way. Several of our neighbors who know have proved to us that Washing Sodas, Potash, Chloride of Lime, and "soap substitutes" are most injurious to clothes and hands. "Free alkali†in soaps is practically the caustic soda, that burns the clothes. Why, you dare not keep Caustic Soda. in a, tin canister: it must be in an earthen jar, or it will even corrode the tin! Now. it's for you to provide us with pure soap without free alkali, or we must ï¬nd it elsewhere. tion was as to separating' the two, because they were thoroughly woven throughout, and it, was only by de~ taching the ï¬ne ï¬bres from each othâ€" er that you identiï¬ed the cotton fibre. I fell on the device of using soda. I took a. bit of blanket and put it in a. vessel with soda. and boiled it there, and very quickly the wool got eaten away by the soda, and there was left behind the cotton as a kind of skeleton-a. sort of ghostâ€"of the original blanket out of which it was taken. I mention this merely to indicate to you the pernicious effects of using caustic ma- terials, which, when employed strong by themselves, an‘ect woolen arti- cles in this way, and which. even when not very strong, will more slowly, but with equal certainty, tend to destroy the woolen ï¬bre." East King Street. To~ more than ten carp sometimes 01d. Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- €001. Portlnnd to Liverpool. Via. Queens- 0WD. Lu e and Fast Scenmshlpa. Su rior accommodation {or chase: of Naeugers. SI 00m and Stateroom: are amidahipa. peclalnttention has been veu to the Second Saloon and Third-019.5: accommo ntiou. For mm nfpassage and all particulars, apply to any agent of the Company. or Richards, Mills & Co. D. Torrance $00.. Hundreds suï¬er from Ulcers and Run- Hing Sores. Gileadlne will cure the (vorstcasas. Mrs. L., Lindsay. says: "I have doctorad since last August. found no relief, never had a good night’s reï¬t till last night One appiicatlcn had marvelous effect. gave me unbroken night’s rest. 258,6ruggists. or Gileadine 60., Toronto. Money refundedif not Dathlactow. Dominlp‘nnlina §teamships Lowest prices ever quoted. Illustiated 'price-Hst mailed free. “'rite us for ANYTHING in MUSIC or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Winnlpeg. Man WOODa PHOIoEmn/me $4 LJONES {No.09 EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL FOR SALEâ€"7m: 2-ravolution Campbell Presses, bed was inches. Splendid order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. 3. FRANK WILSON, 13 West Rdelaide st., Toronto yelng I cleaning 1 Montreal,Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. IS YOUR Splendid birguns. Send for . printad ljSES.â€"WESTERN REAL ' SFATE EXCHANGE. London. Ont. TO PRENTERS A pound of cork is sufï¬cient to float a. man Weighing 154 pounds. Flying ï¬sh have been known to rise 20 feet, above the surface of the sea. 260 years ago lama on Manhattan Island, where New York stands, was sold at two cents for 12 acres. To- day it is worth $1,250,000 per acre.‘ We willgive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can nu, ho outed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send aor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY s; 00.. Toledo. 0. by local applications. as they cannot reach tho Ilisoused portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro qleafneu, and that is by constitu- liunal remedloa. Dmlneaa is caused b an Inflimed condltion of the mucous lining o the Eustachlan Tube. When lbiu tube is inâ€" flnmï¬xd ypu nave grumbling sound or impel- feet, enin . and when“. is enblrely cloaod deafness is he result. and unless the inflam- muion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal conditicn, hearing will be de- rtrcyod forever: nine case: out or ten are mused by ouarrh. which is nothin but an in- flagged qgndltioq of the mucous sur acea. Ask fer Minard's and {aha no other vcn years with inflammatory rheum- atism, so bad that I was eleven months. conï¬ned to my room. and for two years could not dress myself without help. Your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD’S LINIMENT in May, '97, and asked me to try it. which I did, and was so well pleased with the results I procured more. Five bottles completely cured me and I have had no return of the pain for eighteen months. The above facts are well-known to everybody in this village and neigh- borhood. Yours gratefully, A. DAIR'I‘. St. Timothce, Que, May 16th. 1899 A vulgar fop called to a bootâ€" black to polish his shoes and showered vituperativo epithets upon him for his slowness, till at; last, the little fellow stopped his work and, looking up, exclaimed :â€""See here. mister, ’tain't no use to Work on your shoes till somebody polishes your tongue." Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Gentlcmen,â€"After suffering for seâ€" ven years with inflammatory rheum- atism, so bad that I was eleven months conï¬ned to my room. and for two years could not dross myself without help. Your agent gave me Claraâ€"“Half the time he says he doesn't know Whether I love him or not, about. one-quarter he hopes that. I do, and the rest he thinks I may, and in addition he is nearly always utterly miserable." Maudâ€"“Well I’m glad you‘re mak- ing such a success of the affair." Sold bi‘Drugglsts, 75c. Hall's amliy Pills are the best. lnstrumenE’Bugles. Fifec. Drums, Céps. etc‘ Prosarvas the tooth. Sweetens the breath. Strengthens tho gums. EPPS’ WHALEY, BOYCE 8 $0.. limited 77 Sumac. Bo'stou 'us‘sTEAVsiEEEiL'Ibï¬mâ€"IE THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE. " BRITISH AMEREGAN DYIING 00.“ Can have a Fiie raidilirm; {yrâ€"aim; éing. Look for “out. In your iown. or and «mu. CALVERT’S OARBOLIG TOOTH POWDER. RRATEFULâ€"COM FORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. For tho very but land you: work to thc Deafness Cannot be Cured BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. CONGRATULATIONS BOYS RIGADE LizCi EiET'B‘ER '2 W P 0.1l22 D. Torrance & 00.. Montreal and Portland. Toronto. Canada mmmï¬aamarmrmm: d: QIEI In moving the adoption of the Directors' and other reports submitted to the meeting, the President ably. reviewed the business of the Company during the fiscal year ending December 3lst, 1901, showing that steady progress had been made in all that denotes strength and stability, while the ratio of expense to income was the lowest in the history of the Company, being $23,951 less than the previouz year. It was gratifying to ï¬nd that the interest and rents from investments exceeded the amount paid for death losses in 1931 by $67,307, and that the large sum of $305,021 was paid to living: policyholders during the same year for endowments, annuities. divi- dends, etc. On the whole the business of the Company for 1901 was in all respects most satisfactory, and if everyone interested in its welfare will do his duty the year upon which we have entered will be still more successful than the one just passed. Mr. A. Hoskin. K. C.. First Viceâ€"President. having supported the motion at some length, the reports were adopted unanimously. The scrutiueers reported the unanimous re-election of the Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Hon. J. T. Garrow. A. Hoskin, K. C.. and E. P. Clement as Direc< tors for the ensuing term of three years. The full Board is now composed of the following members :â€"Robcrt Melvin. President, Guelph ; Alfred Hoskin, K. C.. 15!: Viceâ€"President. Toronto: the Hon. Mr. Justice Britten, 2nd Vice-President. King- ston; Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. P.C., G C.M.G., Premierof Canada. Ottawa; FranciSC. Bruce. M. P., Hamilton ; J. Kerr h‘isken, B. A.. Toronto ; E. P. Clement. Berlin; W. J. Kidd, B. A.. Ottawa; Geo. A. Somerville. London: Hon. I, W. Borden, M. D., Minister of Militia and Defence, Ottawa; Hon. J. ’1‘. Gar-row, K. C.. Goderich. and Wm. Snider, Waterloo: and the ofï¬cers of the Company are :â€"Geo. \Vegenast, M uager; W. H. Riddell, Secretary; T. R. Earl. Supt. of Agencies; J. H, W'ebb, M. ., Medical Director; and Miller 85 Sims, Solicitors. ' . ’ which sum $305,021.95 was pald to living golicy‘nolder The Death Claims pmd were $188,510.50; Maturcd Endowments 6163,48 ; Purchase Policies $52,523.37: Surplus $32,255.51 : Annuities $6,763.07. During the year the domand for money has been nctivo. investments and the funds of the Company have been t'ully employed. The rate of interest has been good, and payments on both instalments and interesl have 133w promptly Inlet, the inï¬el'esj overgue being much lesg tlmn inany forgner yggt, The manager. ofï¬cers and stnï¬ continue to discharge their duties to the entire satisfaction of the Board, and in the best interests of the com an . The Executive Committee have carefully examined all 13m gncurities. and com- pared them with the entries in the ledger, and found them to c rrespond therewith You will he called u on to elect; four Directors in place atom. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Alfred Hoskin, . 0., E. P. Clement, and Hon. J. T. Garrow, whose term has expired, all of whom an eligible for re-election. . Waterloo, March 6, 1902. ROBERT MELVIN. Presldenl‘. Hr t The Board of Directors have not seen any reason why canada .8 they should depart from the rule hitherto followed of conï¬ning thnr operations to our own country and Newfoundland. n ("canoe in F The number of policies in force was 21,785, assuring I s . ores $31,718,031, the reserve on which, based on our own standard, Actuaries 4 per cent... on all business previous to 1900, and Hm. 3k per cent. on all business taken. since then, is $5,301,100.41. The cash assets are $5,439,541.65, and the total assets Assats and Income $3,757,832.17. The surplus on Government standard. over all liabilities, is $605,470.00; on the Company’s standard $379,970.53. The net premiuminoome was 3903.61906; interest and rent $255,817.03; annuity premiums $23,250 ; total income $1,277,686.08. The amount paid to policyholders was S493,532.£5,o! which sum $95,021.95lvas paid to liyiggpoligy‘nolders. New Busmess They.are Pleased to inform vou that the business of the . year 11) a1 respects has been of the mo! satisfactory character, enablmg them to make the same liberal dlstrlbution of surplus to Relicy- a holders as in the past. The volume and cherncter of new business were ltbau could be desired; the death rate was much below the expectation, and the lapses nud surrenders, in proportion to business in force. very moderate. Amount of appl‘ipnw tious for new assurance received was 8,403,000 ; accepted and policies issued 64,071,669, all of which with the exception of $36,500 was secured in Canada. The Company Solid and Progressive.â€"â€" Another Yeahr of Substantial Gains. The Thirty-second Annual Meeting of this popular and pros ernus life company took place atits Head Ofï¬ce. \Vaterloo, Out, on Thurs ay. Marc WI. 1902. Gt 1 PM The Company’s spacious Board room was well ï¬lled wi h golicyhoklers who evinced deep interest in the proceedings which were throughout oth harmonious and In- structive. The President having taken the chali‘. on motion, Mr. W. H. Ridden, Socrg; buy of the Company, acted as Secretary of the meeting, and as the request of th President read the “we ï¬utual life 6f ï¬anada. Your Directors submit for your consideration and approval their report. wibh ï¬nancial statement for the year ended Dec. 313%. 1901. Reserve, 4 and 3:} per cent All other Liabilities . . . . . . SURPLUS. On the Government Standard, 4 and 3; per cent. On the Government Standard, 4;- and 35- pcr cent Tota1.. ASSETS. Loans ’on First Mortgages and Bonds. Municipal Debentures and Bonds ......... Loans on Company’s Policies . . . . . . . . . . Real Estate, including Company's Ofï¬ce Cash in hand and in Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Assets... Death Claims, Endowments. Proï¬ts, etc All other Payments... ... ........................... Premiums, Net... ..................... Interest, Rent, and Annuities Advise {o a Young liuebnanâ€"Don‘t start out by giving your wife advice, but bring her home a packet of Head Ofï¬ce, 32ND ANNUAL MEETING. BAM$AY8 PAHN?E ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS FOR 190! INCOME. Fï¬ce, - Waterloo, Ontario. (Formerly The Ontario Mutual Life.) DIRECTORS' REPORT. Total . , . . . . ., DlSBURSEMENTS Total... LIABILITIES [MEIER-HE LON A. RAMSAY & $9", Entab.1842 MONTREAL‘ Paint Makers is the purest paint, the oldest and best known in Canada. Made irom pure materialsâ€"made right to preserve your house to beautify it, to make it look fresh and bright. Ready for use and sold by all dealers at the right price for the best that. goes in paint making. Drop us a. card and ask for BOOKLET “K†FREE showing cuts of beautiful homes Don’t use cheap paint on your house, or the ï¬rst blast of storm and rain or hot summer sun makes it look shabby. Cheap paint with no reputation is dear paint. Total $ 493,532 215,676 $1,277,686 $2,650 ‘ 2,012 643 123 ‘5 998,619 79,067 5 709 379,970 605,470 377,851 313 301,100 822 566 449 361 729 312 403 209 45 94 08 03 93 34L