Mr. Gen. Schell, Mr. Thcs. Hicks, Mr. Chas. Hull and Mr. G. Moodie. forJ merly of Richmond Hill. came up and spent Good Fxl'iday with friends and xelutives. ' Mr. A. R. Innes of Port Elgin sp9nt a few days with his parents hero. He also visisted his fathor-in-iaw, Mr. \Vm. Bell. who is seriously ill at his #91119 at. Lemonville. i day till Monday “'i Miss Bueln Brydnn. Mrs. S. A. PL‘l'l'V. at, ‘ Mr. Lm-i Hilts and Mr. T. Sedge- more of Toronto Junction, were visit- ing (we): Sunday at, Mr. T. Klinck’s and other places. Mrs. Culiitt Spm'khall, M19. Fred Pretty and Miss Louise Fugue. from Toronto, spent. Friday with Mrs. John Hamilton at, Elgin Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Dun-ling. Mr. ’1‘. Burns, and Mrs. Kelly. all (if Tomntn, made a visit on Grand Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, at Elgiu Mills. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kyle,‘Miss Kyie, and Miss Gertrude Kyle of Toronto, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. “'iley. V Mr. “'yc Trench. who has beam at- â€te-nding thon-mul College at, ,qun- ilLun, is home for a week’s holidays. Mr. \Vill T. Storey. compositorin f‘neBan-ie Gazette uï¬ice, spent Good Friday with his parents, and returned baLm-du 3'. Mr. Bevelley Glover of Oshawa, and Mr. Chas. Glover (If Barrie, were houn- fnr a. couple of days, and returned Easter Monday. Mdud 'Mx's. \V. R. Proctor and Miss Kath- leen PrncLox- of Barrie, spent a few (jitys rwiLh relatives here and returned HAIL ' {m-kham Sunâ€"l of Richmond Hill, 5 guest. of Mrs. Dunc 0f I.“ Mr. :1 increase in ceptible. S worth a m: unany cities and towns ashes and Erefuse from hotels, uactories and busi- ‘ness‘ houses are removed by the mu- inicial ofï¬cials, and the cost is con- sidered money well spent. If in a municipality like Richmond “Hill the Village Council would give notice that at a certain time carts or wagons would be provided for haul- ing away rubbish placed in barrels "or boxes, we have no doubt that in some cases accumulations of the past ten'years would be taken away. A man with a team of horses and a «wagon for a couple of days would doubtless haul away tons of stuff that otherwise will be left piled up in back yards year after year, and the increase in taxes would be imper~ ceptihle. Surely the experiment is -ԤMSS 0mm, week with fl‘ Elder carting dumpir requests gather u Dish of a to chose cit 1] 1 re tht th( ,umulations th Mr. and Mr '6 visiting in NWT)“ r‘. and Mrs.T~‘..‘I.Jnhnston of OriHi spending the holidays with M Mrs. Switzcr _ NE W ALLVS‘ )l'untu, nd M 1-: uy. n' M .11 tht naividunl house "y 5y Mill; 1rd 0t 110: will oomph ‘. as neat-1v 111 kind he! “7 of it Qway to r-m‘ound Is often . Bx-ydon spent from Fri- onduy with h_is daughter, ERSONAL Brvdtm. and his gistel‘,’ ‘erl‘y, at, \Viayton. IO \Viley and Miss spent Goud Fridu. W. E. \Viley. )1] Sunâ€"Ml Hill. spe Brydon is spc nds in Toronto. .J.Bmckiu of 01 the village zmd if done by would be dvertisements. :1 n haul clean is the duty of Health, and all good Jply with reasonable xl'ly as possible.‘ To and bottles and rub ilS not difficult, but lave not horses, the time \Ir. Hurry Marsh, pent. Sunday, the yards, lanes and The amount of ‘holders had to away their ac- Would. be con- this md should be very place '0 see that little VCfll‘ ‘HM orscs, the l suitable a greater :in clean ACT udin a. COl‘pOI‘fl Dewar .y with Ltham it 111: \S “'( 53¢ M r. In ]( Coal, hard and $6be Hardwood and Slabs. Delivered on shortestnutice. Cull, write 01' phone J. T. Saigeon, Maple. P. 0., if needing insurance. Explaining the form of policy issued by the Goa-e costs nothing. ‘ T123 7 Efï¬gflï¬ï¬g ' Thv amount of insurance in force was $15,677,92100. The Gore is an up-to-date HomeCom- pany and is noted for Its broad policies and liberal settlements. puny. The total assets of the company amount to $433,823.11 of which $255,- 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a. balance 0f assets overall liabilities of $375,813.91. Reserve for reâ€"insni‘a‘nce and all other liabilities 358009.20. Tutu] ussetsuvailuble to pay losses 35m, 23,11. when the diseases 1w ve been standing formally years. Price 50 cents p91 box. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson Druggist. The Canada. Chemiczf Company. Peterbm-uugh, Ont., wil fm-feit $10 for any case that these pills do not, help. Dn-Clnrke’s Sure Cure for Cutal‘rh and D1’.Ulal‘k("s Sure ( same price. $10.00 v any case they will not Dr. Clarke’s Litt-le RN? ] certain cure for rheumatism paralysis, CuLm-x'h. eczema. backache, indigestion, stn liver Ll‘Ullhif-‘S, fmunivcomple when the diseases 1w ve been formally years. Price 50 box. For sale by \V. A. E Di'uggist. The Canada. Company, Peterbm'ough, In ing Ont 01' 111 he il)‘ M Sold eTcryWhem in cans-â€" all sizes. Liau‘e by Thresher’s Coal Miss Lu] and Mr. \V.‘ m Continuoin Which Mann's IE"; (EH-:31 Warm! of Dr. (‘lm-lu-‘s “Manchu-{MI Lillie Hod Pulls. mperia; m \med mghter. DI flu 1‘ 1M ,ompany. EVERY Al r nfurtn M in , he 1 taut 31:88 i?! EBVAKSE. 1! fund. and M) glVf hni M 11‘! O 1‘ u-ko’s Little 1'(rui(- them"; en up by the Vilsnn, mere his Vilh 1‘k("s Sure Cure for Eczema, ‘. $10.00 will be paid for 19y will not cure. not I‘m-me’dy for rheumatism, fling up t1)» systt-m. (‘qunl in ‘3 wonderful Lit‘flo Rm] Pills. It: he withth them forthrir LtoIILâ€"J. J. Brandon, Fema- 110 BODY SHOULD READ Du 1d You v, \Vt'uillh l‘be visiu . H. Ht lily Tim \\'inn remedy that is eq Little- Rvd lr‘ills for rheumatism, or k Litt-le RN? Pillsnre a r- I-heumatism, asthma, m-rh. eczema, coughs, ligostiun, stomach and female complaints, e'vrn n :my Hum.â€" innifred Mvssmm Pill; Gnm’l Friday \Vm; Marsh alt “ 1k ure Cure for Cutarrh, MICHAEL BROS. 11in Junction In Rubi-rt '1, Mr. Allen Kerr, IlCIA‘illl of ’l‘unmtu», 1ft ilm-nhuge, Iln'illingm'. Richmond Hill. lt‘isll] afu-x 3 doctors.â€" ‘hant, Sun say that Dru ’ills have done 1m other medicine] M is the On Peterbm-ough , Ill Pills cut-t 16 years n Pills his f furnw )nson E93 EENE JGB PEENTENG THE LIBERAL OFFICE