~mtzmssa’2sxrns 31212:; :7me its ' as“; ° . yew; sq a,†.i .l R o M‘s.) RICHMOND 131m. April I4 ()(3 ii 313:3. l'VIl‘. Rt'lllis‘t'llt'l placed 's'-\'tn of his: Ruth Caitlin-ts iii our to“ n. The \‘v'. t‘. 'l‘. l'. “ill meet at the home of .‘.li~-. .\l. Storey next 'l‘uesday (‘\ ï¬ning at .‘i rr‘eltit'k. Regular Monthly Meeting of tin-Firt- I’u-igade will |r:- held on Monday evenâ€" ing, April 7, a! l o‘clock. Mr. Hanson-r weir he in 'l'lronliill 1.»- * MW ten days, and wiil give any one a trial of his baths. Tire Manitoba Liquor Art restrict- ing the sale of liquor was deit-atetl yesterday by about. 5,000. Mr. Matthew Morison and daughter of'l‘erupei-ancetiile moved into town ' Monday. and took up residence on Church rlt. T1111 Linicirtr. and the \\'eel;ly (llohe. nine months to Jan'y l. 1005:. for$1.00. E'luhscriht‘ at once. and get nine full months. A boy's bicycle, nearly as good as new, for sale at. THE LIBERAL Otiice at; half cost. Also a lady's bicycle. new, at liaif p; ice. Call and see them. Blt'. Jami-r. Freek has sold his residence and six acres of larrd on Richmond Street. Mr. and Mrs. Freek purpose rt-irroving to the town of Barrie. A meeting under the auspices of the Dominion Alliance will he lull in the Tl‘t‘irrptrr'ant-e llall this ('l‘hru-sday) ev- ening. Au address will he givtii by Mr. John A. Nichols. Let. the members prepare to attend the Epworth League [toll Call Service on Fiitlay at, S. p. in. All are wel- come. Subject- for thought, "(ti-ow- ing iii Grace."~i€plr. iv. : L'r. The Agricultural Society held a meeting Saturday afternoon. The prize list. as revist d by the lixetartive Uninirrittee was eonrt‘u-nred. after a Few alterations “111‘ made. The judges will be appointed at the next meeting. Mr. Reinsclrel, of The Turko Vapor Bath (‘-o., ot= Orillia, has been in our town for the last. ten days; and has done some good work with his baths. Heleftttrday tor Thornlriil. If any of the people iii oirr llt-‘lgiillol‘lllg town are aï¬licted, it. would he to their inâ€" terest to see 'Mr. Reinsehel. The. G. N. “if. Telegraph Company have opened an olï¬ce here iii Mr. Jerry Smith's jewelry store. The line luns from Toronto to Midland. The rates are 15 cents for a radius within ten miles. including Toronto. Mr. J. Smith is the opt iator. ‘Tu the Civil AssizeCourt on Tuesday Mrs. Jane Jaiuieson, of King Town- ship, was rewarded $175 from the Schomherg and Aurora Railway for having removed a number of shade trees from her property in clearing a .right. of way. Joh lot. of pocket 0. & 7' Blast/n. 1. .k ni W; s ch ea p, 250 The. \V. M. S. will held their Easter Thankoii'erirrgr service in the School room of the (‘hurelr this, 'l‘l'iursday. afternoon, at iiti't'lot‘lQ. Mrs. Mellon- gall, of the Presbyterian Church, wil give a short. atlress. All are invited to attend this serv~i ,e. CALL. AGAIN! Many people were seen to try the door of the Post. Ofï¬ce and the Stand- ard‘Banl‘; on Monday, but. they found them locked. Those who wish to de- posit money or purchase stamps must bear in mind that the above trained institutions are closed on Easter Moi-i- day in accordance with Statute. "0 THE PUBLIC. I have been afflicted with rheuma- tisnr for a. number of years and am now trying one of TireTurko-Yanor Bath (latiiirets rrrt'gd. in Orillia. and must say it. is greatly bent-ï¬tting me, and do feel it will effect a cure. (Signed) ‘Mns. JOHN CASELEY, Richmond Hill CH AHO EDâ€"“TTFBTIIK (11331.3. IL. A far iner of Markham township. named \Varren \\'ilsorr, was arraigned before. Magistrates Rarnsden and “Voodcock on Tuesday on a. charge of having attempted to extort money by threats against Dr. R. L. Larrgstatf. It. is alleged that. \Vili-ren wrote let- ters to the Dr. asking $5,000 for silence. \Varreii was retriaiidetl until to-day. NORTH YORK. A political meeting for the nomina- tion of a Liberal candidate for the Ontario Legislature for the. riding of North York, will be, held in New- 1the hoyl Atkinson & Switzer. {so I’l‘ll NATION. Last 'l'liui'sday‘s (ilohe 1'tilliflln5'(l:‘.ll ilt iii in which it was stall-d iiial a boy who LEM e his name as l’red ilarrison. l'ft'liziioiitl Hill, It} year-s of age. called at a llUll:»<‘ in His: Toronto. and “as show it by the lady of the i-oasethirtv- ttvo i'alt‘uavvert'igirs. .‘ilvorlly :tt'ti-r' iliii it Was (lint'tnert-tl that lit.- sovereigns were missing As there is only one ii-ed liarrison in lt‘icirinenrl llili the alrme is a clear ease of p.-r'.sorratieir. lhrt tlielad \\ la- committed the theft aetpraintctl with our citizens. ill‘t‘. lh'ei‘y'lhinpr iii the hardware line l‘i‘il‘tlllillll" price at C. t\' l‘i. Mason's. :it lt‘.\b"i'i£li tilr‘l-‘lrllthUS. (‘oirsiderintt the many ralls on the ls in this \ ill;iy;:e and vii iriiiy, the annual l‘l’lslt'l' (lll'eiing for the sirk children in the Victoria Hospital was Kurt-rods. There were Iriotrf-l'l‘l l" 'l lll". l.ll‘.lv?il.\l. (liar-e on (load Friday. and alter earet'ul packing sent dorrn to that praiseworthy institution. ill.‘ lollmvirrg: 1.7 sealers ot' fruit and jelly. 7do'/.en eggs. L‘ dozen oranges, sonre apples, besides a large nunrlrer ol'hooks. papers and toys. The cone inittee are again tliankt'nl to the friends for their gtnerotrs contribu- titvllri. \\'e save in buying: and (1231‘ afford to he liberal in selling. Atkinson 8: tin itzer. EASTER. H It) I: V ICE-‘4. The services in the Methodist (Thur-ch ‘ Easter Sunday were specially appro- priate for the occasion. In the nroi ii- ing' llev. Mr. More preached from the subject. “ The l‘laster llope,†arrtl Rev. Mr. \‘Vellwootl took for his subject in the eveningr "The (‘lll'lslllllll‘ Hope.“ L'veiy seat in the choir was titled, and it is doubtful if their anthems. salos. choruses. aird duets were ever more thoroughly rnjoyed than on Hundayevening. ’l'lie platft-rrn and pulpit were adorned with palms. l. ' ‘ and choice potted plants and i'io\ver.,. ANCIELVT FORESTERS. The members of t‘orirt llielrrrrond. A. O. l’.. spent a ])lt';l::tllt, time to- gether Friday evening, Alter the initiation of a candidate, refresh merits consisting of coffee. ham sand- wiches, biscuits, cheese. ice cream, etc., were served iii the to those present, a‘oout 3.3 in lililllllt‘l‘. This was followed by an interesting programme of speeches, songs anecdotes. Among the brethren from a distance were Messrs. A. J. Rupert, J. and C. Mct‘otraghy of Toronto; and Beverley Glover of Oshawa. Our direct import of dress goods. laces. rnuslins, ribbons. linings. etc.. is to hand this week; extra values. EARLY MORNING FIRE. The “iire’ alarm sounded at 5.30 yesterday morning,un in a few inin- rites ï¬remen and citizens generally were out in the street. Tire scene of the tire wasat Mr. Siiuey‘s, where it had broken out it) the kitchen. None of the inmates had yet risen their beds. and itis supposed that the ï¬re had been smouldering from the evening before. The trouhle was caused from :1 defect in the chimney, tire having paSsed through itand hurti- ed the woodwork hehindfl‘here was not, much damaget‘lone, and the loss. proh- ahlyï¬i‘ftl. is covered by insurance in the .‘rIcit-antile. Mr. Sliuey desires to thank the l‘ll't‘llll‘n and others who worked so faithfully in saving his proper 1y. i Best lit; dates, 6“. “1’.- 9 \Vetht-y‘s Miner Meat. ltlt'.; Favoritev shoe dressing. 10e.: Singapore Pine Apples, 15c. can. Atkinson é; Switzer. CH ECKER M ATOH. A checker match was played at the Dominion I‘iouseon Friday, the coir- testants being live representatives each from Barrie antl Markham clubs. The. 'former won by three. games. Barrie won eight games, Markham live. and there were seventeen draws. Mr. James Lawiie t-f .r‘longolia, acted as umpire and scorer. is a synopsis of the play: Mar khanr Barrie. “'on ItVon. Dr. \\'.Fleuring . .. I} “Y Dodds . . .1 2 G.B.Reive .. ..»1'â€"J‘I.E.(lray 2 J.Featherstone. .0 IlliR-eid . . . .0 (3 \Vin. Young ....0 J.(%. Keenan .1 .' Alex. Lawric. . . .1 J.‘L.Gai'vin ..3 2 _5 8 17 The extremes of elegrmce and econ- omy are iir those 'lat‘lies‘ sailor hats at Atkinson & Switzer's: prices, 20, 2.5, 30, ~10, 50, 75c. arid $1.00. POPULAR MONTHLY. There are iirarry interesting features in the April number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The frontispiccc of this number is a remarkable draw- ing by Charles Livingstone Bull. that forms one of a series of frillspage draw- ings called Leaves from a Hunter’s Sketch Book," which give a particular market on Friday of this week, Aft“- l value to the pictorial side of this nuin- the nomination addresses will be. given 1 her. by Hon. ‘r. \V. Ross, lion. \Viii. Mulock and Hon. E. J. Davis. The speeches will he in the Town Hall which will be open to all. COLLAILBONE BROKEN. John Hearn. a lad at. Elgirr Mills, A sketch by John Uri Lloyd called "Northern Kentucky in \\';11- Time." a vivid recollection of a past period described with great literary charm: a stiking character sketch-of , Mayor Jones. the Golden Rule Mayor l l got his collar-hone fractured one day | last. week. On his way to school he and a companion got into a wagon. A car coming along frightened the term of horses. The two boys fell out, both striLing the ground heavi- ly, with Heart] underneath. On ex- amination it. was found that the collar- bone was fractured. John will be conï¬ned to tlichouse for some time to accrue. 0f Tolcdo. a man ahout. whour opinions so widely differ-at present. airtl a study of the career and attainments of the ‘ celebrated actress Mrs. Leslie Carter, add to the allâ€"round character of. this number. ‘“'eainrto secure your conï¬dence, and our prices are calculated to make us good inai-ksnren. Extra. blend of coffee, ground while you wait, 160. lb. ; best green Rio cott‘cc, 11c. lb. "Atkin- son .\' SwiLZer. (ltrlllnl ll'\'\" was ‘ S 1 "Court Room 5 and ‘ The following ‘ Till“. PRESIDENT'S MOTHER. The mother of a President of the t l'iritetl States is always air object of special interest and regard on the part. ot'tlre people. lhrt. in all that has llt‘t':!l written ahout Mr. fooseveit since he i 3Ia earne ('hiet Pixel-til lve last Septem- l.ei' there has been little or no mention ot‘ his mother. ()u this account. and lit-cause .slie \\':N= a rt rnarkalrly line and ‘ , lovely woman, l’ntteh interest :ltlaelrt-s . IV \ r l to an article on “ the l‘l lent s, Mother†which will appear in The: li'llllt‘n. Home Journal iii the near r future. It will it" the ï¬rst story other , lite yet told, and will b - one ota series ‘ of articles, the tirst oi \vlriwlr is puh- llished in the current nunrherot The Journal. on the President and his t'ain- lily. Miss Alice Roosevelt is the sol). ‘3'r-t-l. of this. Next month “ 'l‘he (tut-r door President " will he told of. and ‘ later the Presidents wife and children will he portrayed. l Our saloof gents stylish net-kw'ear ,tor l-Iaster' was much ahead (1' any ? previous Easter. but \vecan still supply the latest. ~‘lxmuiire the ï¬ne I'I'Verfs-’ ‘ihle ilt-r-hys at 23c. and the (lot-oir.~itior| ‘lit' at 2.3e. Atkinson & Switxer. DEA"!E§ McDol'flALLâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Snttrvrlnv. :lltllt'll Lil, Janet Melloagall, 'irte of Horr- r-lanvelc, (int. Irrtorrnnnr at. (‘ohottr-J (‘trirwtm-y on arrival l of (i. l'. 1?. train from the west at 1.10 p. in, on Tar-satay, April 1st. ' Ill-st, Honey syrup, 50. lb. : Tea Itose , Drips, extra ï¬ne, 5c. llr: medium syrup, 3c. lb. Atkinson & Switzer- b‘ale Register. Fiiimy. April 4â€"Credit sale of stock and furniture at the Murray House, Klernlarrg. Sam at. 1 Terms 1‘. months. linen aucts Saipo'rn and Mc- i' it’s coated, your stomach ‘ is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your (lys- pcpsia, make your liver right. 1 Easy to take, easy to operate. t 25c. ‘ddrugglsts. Want. your moustache or heard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Their use BUtlitllltlHlllr‘t’S BYE M W Whiskers 6!) us. Or Dwmlsrs. on R. P. HAIL a (0., anut A, N. H. RICHMOND HILL. rattan tltlllill. The Next Sitting of Division Court lot No. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room. EIGEMQND. gar... __0N_ TUESDAY, rillitlE fill-i. $962. Commencing at, 10 a. in. T. F. MCAIAHON. CLERK from ' El§l%33.' tail The. undersigned runs his wagons to "'I‘OE’ ()N’f () â€"EVERYâ€" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Parcels delivered or collected in any part: of the city or may be left; at the. Brown’s Livery Stable, George SE. C Coal, Wood and Slabs at. lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. “J. Sheardown. Spray Your Trees NOW is the Time to Prepare The undersigned having become agent; for a self-acting, or automatic, sprayer, is prepared to furnish all who desire to become the owner, on short notice. It is cheap and simple iir its operation. Is easily operated. Can be carried by a shoulder strap, or by hands like a pail. “'ill throw the spray over any ordinary fruit. tree. (.‘an be usetl for spraying potatoes, do- in!)r the work in very much shorter time than the ordinary way: as a ï¬re extinguisher: for spraying cattle; for washing windows, or buggies, in fact airy work requiring a sprayer. ' he undersigned will be lranpy to show the machine and its working to anyone desiring a sprayer. 38~tf It. E. LA\Y, Agent _,_ _ v , “'anted, at. once, a practical. reli- able rriair at the hutrlrer husiness. Highest wages: paid. Maiiied iriaii preferred. Apply to \V. II. LEGGE, Jefferson P. 0. Subscribe for I TH E -- LIBERAL 38~tf that it. this. _ Perfect Wurui Syrup for 250 Vv’e are just as much linttcrs as . if we sold nothing,r but hats. ‘i’ou can see here may aci ceptablc style; try them all and ï¬nd the shape to ï¬t your head \Ve can, save mercy on the latest style of hats. A good, nice-ï¬tting,r suit of' and suit your lace. en’s halts clothes puts a man on good terms with himself and with the world. A man is at his best when he is well and comfortably dressed and whether engaged in business or pleasure he is pretty received sure of being well wherever he goes. If you want the acme of comfort, lit, style and quality at the lowest figure, let us have ycur order. Ex- the fine Black Clay W'O'sted and ï¬ne trimmings we amine will make to your order for $17.50. 1,. Q7: <54.-. . ï¬llllllglsl“ + «r- Atltittï¬utt l gixf‘aw y. ï¬shâ€"Tm “ ME it?" DREFG STDRE » a. r3 ForContlition Powders where you save from Itâ€. to 25 per cent. Condition Powders, Blisters, [..iiirireirt.â€", ecu. Have as p' .lt‘um pure drugs and we will save you maria; . 1; ins tor :51. ' Dr Thomas Ec‘oc‘uric Oil '2 bottle for 23¢ (‘liasos Mil-l Carters Pi‘ls '1 bung-s tor: 1.3L- Dottti's Kidney 1’1 . . , l’urtticeres, \yers ar. ‘rrr'tlock Pill~ Fellows Syrup of llyrroplrt;sptrite Syrup of Hypoplrosplrites i- . sol s sl'. tr regular 7} ~ liottls l« i Beef, Iron and Wine, rare .. » Oyviue small .‘5. ,larv‘ ' up your†reteip‘s for Modal 350. ; Farm Condition Powder-s '2. lbs for Pages English Condition Powï¬ers 250 Burrows Condition Powders 25L: Daniels Condition Powders 250 Dicks Condition Powders 401: Sander:th Condition powders 15c, Flints 01'1:?DtlflllJS/4P0Wti6rs rec Darleys Condition Powders 15c: Epsom Salts dc lb or 10 lbs for 23c Sulphur lb or 10 lbs tor 25c GlullTeI‘ Salts 3.- 11), 10 lbs tor 25L: Sulweire, pure, 2 lbs for 9.50 Kendall’s Spavui Cure Tit: Pages English Sparvin Cure â€"gum‘aiitesd to kit] u. spuvin or riiigboiie or n onev i'et'urtrle, all Linirueut-‘s and Blisters of tilt kinds Eczema Ointment :l‘ic Chase's Ointment 4% w & R Butter Color 130 ,â€" ..itt tonic. we llismvorv, Ayers l‘.anpocnrlJlurti- n.0iarks ill‘ Vigor. 3c. lendid spring tick Blood Bit ,ll‘ivrds Reti§Ciovur C Irponntl, . _ ‘r’iti'ners Szifo (tin-a *tIllY oi (l Burdock and Sarsripioi‘tar is a medicineâ€"l- :46 bottle- - Littlcs, Mellon; ls lltlvi (3 Sent Oil for ï¬ve on Cnsti‘e Si):ip:.'re Babys Own Soap like. 3 ca‘msiur :3: Criticuru. hour‘s - Cutie-urn Salvt Coal Oil (Witter \Vhltol 16: gal ‘r: Sheep Dips. rattle, :1 ll) bur pin-c (lastoria zinc Hess’ Poultrv Panacea flth Pages English Hair Restorer 53c Swan Down Fuca Powder 15c Dr Williams.y Pink Pills ('Iï¬iluinel 390; 3 DOXDs 101' 53:- 81)E IX IJâ€"seli everything: at wholesii-e prices I C. D. DAN i ELL 8L GO... DRUGGISTS, 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opp. Clyde Hotel Jufl. JflliNs'TON. EE I r l I l llaruamfmr we Manager Binders Mowers Rakes Com Binders, ’ I ’ Binder Twine, Macliiirc'Oil; alsu the spring goods formerly made by tire \V. Mann M’f‘g C0,, of Breckville, Ont, con- sisting of Seed Drills,Seed :2 s, Cultivators, Disc Harrows, and Diamond Smoothing O Harrows, for sale by JACOB EYER 8t SON, RlGHMOND. HELL. Murray to Lean. -'-_ in Will? Goad ideas Monev to term at. 5 per cent. intexost on ï¬rst: may be Eecued‘by ,m trtsuae farm ro ert . our all]; Address! Enquire at P P y THE DWï¬NT HECDUD, ‘ Tim LIBERAL OFFICE , Eamon, w.