sh_v, ,, “Firm-w†s- . . $1 per annum, in advance. mummmm VOL. XXIV. (far 9539 u 1: ï¬rio'i†oils: 1...- arms M IS PUETJSHEDIQVEHY THURSIDAE l‘iEORNlNG A'l‘ 'l'lll'. UB‘ERAL I‘iilli‘l'li‘ii‘ RICHMOND iiii.i., s a - ciicilmil. DRJE. J. s PU 983,â€"â€â€" .‘iiikid. u :31 v aha rosidm‘. n‘ivsiciiii ii: Western and Grace capitals, Far-onto. (“lice Hmrsâ€"rl in i’l ii m: '7 Lu 4 ,i ll]. mm Eleni 1) to 2 p in; a1. Vii ux . B. age-r s D Q5936. 2i Victoria. St. Toronto. .58; ’ Room 12, [List ï¬tting tm’lili. also i-ep'iiifiiig, at lowvsL prices. (loud work. DR. r. i. Corinna, Dentirsit, .1 ucccssor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow's Bldg, Toronto, cor. Youge :iiid Collegc it"qu Toronto, ,, b ‘.Vill be in Richmond Hill every . \‘Cinlii‘esduy. Ofï¬ce 2â€"Next dUlll' south of Public School. Ofï¬ce liOL‘J'swl‘Vl'Uil} 5.150 :i.lll., toï¬pnn. mm, .. i mrn’tnwm: .‘TJ‘E‘: $291190 ms: @riuiamrg . ‘ "n. 7,. 3. 2.; ï¬shily, VETERINARY SUR EON wiggâ€" VETERINARY D TIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of His ()nmriii Yergrliicry CellB'It-l, wish dip! Mill. li‘ilJl Liii llliiJFl) Voicriiiniy Dental S; in 11, W1 1 visiL 3X;[>I~J on ifonlny iriid Fri-Iniynf t‘.(.".ll we and C iiisorl on Friday from 1 tn 2'. p. in G “(Hill pzl, aitwi‘. led to. Diseases ii: nurses, ,. [le ii.i \ \liliCI' domesticat- 0-‘OullULIlSlil‘a‘Lfierl by rue and most up. pioved anleddS. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'E‘lliiornï¬iill. Gulls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to inc. 77†ul‘ J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHIHOND HILL Coils by day and night promptly at- Lrliilud LL). Elmira no U en, ICHlVIOND HILL, Rmnodalleii,irn.l iinvly fiii'iiitliinl throughout One of the inost ei-uvoiiicn: -iiil L‘Jllllul'iuble hotels on Yiiugo Shunt. l-Lvri-y modern eonâ€" Vuulelll‘e. S'i'iiplu mans iiir commercial cnvellurs. Au l~lO1Ll sltiippiiiq pane for n ll'|_‘." or driving iiiii-tieS.b'cvciisas. or li‘rlllx‘l'P' inning to or retui-iiiiu fi‘.i.ii lilill'lrl‘l.'.ric curs pass the door. Livery in Connection. SI .Ui? l‘hli‘. DAY. 3 .1 T l'lll' JOHN I'AL‘LXEJ 1!. Prop 311%..19’1' 2E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Erery Accnninioduricn for the trav- elling public. ï¬Rir-iimoiiii 11in LAUEDRY Ium prepared to do Family Winnings. Gents' and Ladies' iliie linen a. specialty. Work guar- anteed and patronage suiicitud. 2.5M TLLLIE MAXWELL ’r l £781: 6 =‘ W "1/ r . trout? awe-i r .i. . Iii .- in». on. L; 5“. " ml ‘ shi'st..:i§.ï¬ F-‘ï¬g‘ Wï¬ ' iigri-ii's if?" bills. ‘ .llailU 3.213;] Eulr‘irn 14")1.‘ “All: ll‘i' THE ONT. WIRE FEbiCIVG (73., Limits-5., Para‘nw :i“'~‘ Emmi. '7 C i (i G Lindsay. K A (i lili.\\’ll'.l’,€\‘ ‘iV liuiout \A nilswortli Lindsey. Li'vranca 8. Wax or 3th, Barristers, Solicitsis. Notaries. Bic. I‘Iiuii» Main 2' M Homo Life Building (llll‘llil’l'ly Frcc 7. bold lupin llldgl Cox. Advhiidv d l \'l(,‘lf>"l?li His†'l‘uiwi' '. LlBL‘l‘iAL Office. Richmond Hill on Siiiurdn Jr-‘iS. NEW/TON iSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ruirsqsrm nrrrans M: TEEiE’ï¬Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE l HIGH COURT Gl" JUSTICE, &c. Twiar on? i ' 7' mm. -.- ii airings 408115383. grilliOHMUND HELL POST OFFICE. r w v 7 7 "W‘i‘ "’ ‘ ‘“ nLlr i‘iOX & MORGAN, Barristers and Soiiclzors. Monev to loan on hind H.111] chattel mortgages at I lowcst, rules. Aurore.vfliriewlloiuoyeil to the old post ofï¬ce. one door nest of the ' ‘ . . E‘Hllfluc Ontario Hunk. e to the Nowuiiirkec ~ou‘ieeâ€"C‘l‘hrec doors south of the p . iii-‘lii'c. " .lZlLT Lnxxox, G. S'rV. lilORGAN, ] 7 g W A†_}uroro. Nowmurkc: £00K & Mirna-ruin L'VV . liilI‘l‘lSlf‘l‘S, Solicitors, etc. m r v .. wrw w x ' iOIROI‘I'iO Olmii L: Freehold LOELD building. (or. Atlvlnideib Victoria. r Streets. Toronto. Mr. Cook will be :it Maple on Thursday :ii’ci-rnoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. neiieiii,“eiisiin e snare Barristers, Solicitors, &c., V ‘25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. EasLToronto Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant’a rosidence if. noJliriilge, every evening. ’ Thoriibill,eiich Wednesday from 10 to 12. if) \Vl D M M i-iS ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. THORE‘llilLL i Kw ’il'i» 31. Ill. 5’: canirv. Liconsed Auctioneer for the Count ‘ v of Y Gons sold on ccmSigniuent. (Scum-til sales}; Etc: 2k 56:11., promptly attended to at reasonable “1. i... ||.Ill\7 (i Uillllillu†Aowiun l‘rook v ‘ ab “0. s. A .aueni to: tho .e-i C STOKES ‘ D DLODGD Makes (k Slough. License Auctioneers for the County of York re- spmtfully snlii'ic your Ilfltl’tlillLL'C and friend] nllucnco. snlcs utcr‘uded (iii the shortest antic); and a. ronscnnberntes. P.O.o.duress King J. T. SJiLYoOii , Mable. J. R" MCEWBD‘ ‘ . Weston. Surgeon 6c Ni‘icEwen. ‘ Licensed Auctioneers fortlio Puiint. ~ ‘ g _ v yof York. nine-s itteiidoo to on shortest notice and at res.- iSODulJlt‘l'IKEUs Fmruncgesmicited. N. L‘. Smiili. I Licensed Auctinnnsr for the Counties of Yorls nnilOnmrm. All Hilts of form stock, &c., M- tcniled to on the shortest notice and reasonable ran-s. Moi-(urine iiiiil liiiililf sales attended to. liesideiice. Stouffvillo. Ont vi} “ iGï¬'iï¬â€˜ EROS, Underrakers & Emhalmol‘s. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kupi at “Mill pliices. -5 E. Lacey, brh‘r‘z’nlg idé‘iii‘Eiia, 158 KING STREET EAST. Toms'ro accommodation to guests. Board, $1 porduy Eve “In Esscnlials, Unity; in i\I0';z~E$ssntiaZs, Liber l 'you great success, and on be RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL} t} ' ' , Charity." ’ H... .., ICHMOND HILL. THU iSDAY, APRIL in, ism. No 40 WHY YOUR HELP. Ilcusmm Urged for Helping the Frco Hospital for ('onsuniptivos. IN the letters lining i'CCL‘ier by Sir “'m. R. loroditli, Mr. \V. .l. ling.» and other trustccs of tho National Sanitar- ium Association, (‘Ullliilllilig cmilribu- lions for the furnishing of tho now Free Hospital for Cruisumpiivos in Muskoka, A. some very lill‘lfi'lill rcasons arr- given why this Work should bo complctcil with the lezist. pnssililo delay. tlflio fact that so many are waiting for admittance to the free hospitalâ€"those whom death mnyovcrtnko if too great delay is experiencedâ€"is perhaps the most urgent of all reasons for opening the doors of the Frco Consumption Hospi- m1 quickly. The splendid record of the work done in tho leuskokaCotrug-c Sarintoriumâ€"tlie many cures Cllccti'd and the many helped to new Iiicâ€"is evidence that bile Associa- tion is working along right lines. But of the letters: 311‘. II. P. Dwight, in sending a contribution of $100, snys 2â€"- “I have hurl special opportunities of knowing of the good that has been done by means of the Muskokn Sanatorium, and I feel that. it is only right to state that it is hardly possible to conceive of any enterprise in the Dominion more worthy of support and encouragement.†A prominent Toronto manufacturer, who stipulated that his name should not be used, and enclosing $50, snys:â€"“ I wish half of the whole community, for whom you are so strenuoust and practically working, I i-fier you sinccro thanks.†A citizen of one of our northern towns, who has opportunity from time to time to study conditions in Gravenliurst, sends $50, and writes:-â€"“ \Vo often speak of the good work in which you are engaged, and often while at (iravenburst we had an oiipoi'tunity of seeing some of the beneï¬ts of the SillllO. May God prosper you in your noble work is our- sincere wish.†Ul‘uile‘y and Hunter, the well- liumvn evangelists, in sending their cheque for: $50 from their llullll) in St. Thomas on New Years Day, soy :â€"â€"-â€"“ lye feel conï¬dent that. if people Could visit the Silnillul‘llllll that has been in exist- eiico for yous, and lsecoiiic impressed, as we were by our visit, as to the excellence and uecr>5sity of the Institution and the good wui k that is being dUliU, they r. nld lecl it in. most desii alilc opportunity and a. ‘are joy to have a. share in furnishing the new Free Hospital.†. These letters might be largely multi- plied. They all tcll the one story of the practical and helpful character of the methods adopted to assist: the Consump- tivc to health. The new hospital draws very nerzrly to cniiiplciioii. Vl'itliin a. few Wrclis it will be siifo to announce that workmen are entirely out of the building, so grincrously given by two Torontocitiz 1. Furnishing and equip- ping is the immediate work. \Vliilst the trustees feel grateful for the hearty rc- sponscs in many ways to their appeal, yet a. much larger sum must be secured in order to furnish and equip so that; patients can be at once admitted. Con- tributions, large or small, will help to this 0nd, and the hope is that the re- sponse will be prompt. will furnish a. bed. he sent to Sir “'m. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Avenue, Toronto; Mr. W. J. Gage, 51 Front Street West, Toronto; or to the National Trust 00., Limited, Treasurer, 22 King Street East, Toronto. Subscriptions niziy also be sent di- i-e-rt to THE Linnimi, Iiiirliiiioiiil Hill. and nickiiiiwli-dgnit-iit of lllL‘lll will be iiizide in that DRIPL’l'. Tenorâ€"â€" Maple The Miiplc Vocal Society gave a, concert in the Town Hall at Velloi-c (iii \Vediivsduy (ironing of lust “'l‘t'k. An interesting pi'ogi'niiiliic was {live-n. but the :iudii-iim- was rather Siiizill. Tliol'e is SUIIH‘ lull; of repeating it lit-re ill. :m onin diilv. A pli-iisuiit time was spi'iit :it the Rectory liist Thursday evening by the young; [)l‘llllll‘ “1' [hr- .-‘.iigl‘ie;ui L'Iiuicli- cs of )lupli' aiiid King. A \ui'y iiili-iiisiiiig :iiid iiisliui-tive lei-lino iiii " llll“ Lil'v (if L‘liiist," \\'llll illustiiiiiiiiis. \Viis givmi iii the l’i'iisliy- lf'l'iilll (‘liiiii'li on Monday (‘\(’Iilll§,:, by Iii-v. ll. Atkinson, of Si. Gill s’ (.Yllllll‘ll, Tuiiiiiiu. .‘iir. R. S. Thomson liiis liml :iii :iddi» llUll built to his store, i\ illi‘ll will add greatly to its :ippcnmnuc illl«l c.iii- \eIIlL‘IlCF. Miss Flo Traviss is spending the \vw-l; with friends in the i-iiv. Miss Ellzl Powers of inlzclivlil ; Miss Eiiiiiiu. Byiiui (if Tweed: 2iiiil Mr. l’elcy Kefl’er of Tlioiusoiivillc, spent the Easter vacation at their hiiini-s here. The sum of €50 Contributions may ' - day. l l Mount 1"ea,13.n llll's. Ii()ll:‘l'l, (ii'iiig (ii' ilil‘ township of l’iclii'i'iiig‘, \\':is \l‘lllllu‘ llf‘l' son, who cuiiiiiicnccd businiiss lll‘l‘C lust fiill. Dr. (‘iii'niiclmcl of l>(‘l(‘l'l‘-0](l, .1 for Illi‘l‘ l'l‘Slxlt’ll‘. (if this lll\\'ll, was l)i‘l'0 (iii business :i ft"\'1l.'ly!~‘:l§_’,'(|. ‘ 'l‘lll‘l‘ill'llld‘l'ï¬ in this loriility .‘ll‘l‘ ro- .lilli'illï¬: mei' ll‘nl‘ll' \Viillslillvd wallets \"illl liiiiik bills. from llll‘, pi-(icci-ds of high pi li'i‘S i'milizvd from the sales of :i pi'iiiii- quality (if l’lllllt‘l‘ made at our lllllll‘i' factory lli'l‘l‘. Thi-ir inL-S and Il.‘lll;;'lll1‘l\‘ iippiiiir in lu‘, in first-class iiiili l', li:i\ ilig (‘S(‘:l[)r'(l the harassing: lull of i'liiiiiiiiig diii ing the long hard \\ iiil (‘I' about (‘ll(ll'(l. Business here is bi U :iing. Our foundry, lllllll‘l' factory, iiiills, gem-ml NMH'S. lll¢'(‘ll£lllli'.\‘, ill‘l‘ rushing so as in supply the wants of lliocoiiiiiiuiiity. Not one Hiciiiii, house mu be fiiiiiid in tlic town. so we linvi- (tonic to the cou- ('lll::ll)ll that this must lie the growing liiiw. Miss M. Ruiinings and Miss M. Sliiiilils were out on their mission linld roller-ling for the Bilile- Society. Tlu-y , \W‘l'l‘ ll'i'illi'll very kindly by those on ‘ whom they culled. ’l‘hni‘iiiiiiiigi-Iemion and the refer- (‘Il(lillll Ill‘é‘ the current topics of the d:iy._ LvL iliiisi- giiiid tried iiieii be re- [iii-iicd to power again. __~_..-..... MR. “'rll'l‘Nlu‘Y AT AURORA. Mr. J. P. ‘v‘i'liitnoy, louder of the Opposition, gave an address lust err-n» lug iii tXllllrl‘ulll the illli‘lt‘st (if Mr. T. ll. lmiiiinx who is ('iiiiiosling North l’iii-k against lion. l5. J. Davis, Minis;- lci-iil' (men iniids. Other spmikvi-s \\'(‘l‘(‘ Rev. l’ctcr (hiiiipbvll of Sher-i wiuid and the Conservative Candidate. Tllz‘ Eli-i'lmiiies" Hull, where the lllUPl’r iiig \viis ll(‘l(l was iiriiily iiiid luste- fully (Ii-coiulcd with Hugs and bunt- ing, :iiid pictures (if [Iii-king, (lumin, Sir John Mucdonuld and other (ll5< linguislicd pe‘i'siiiiiigos. The chair wuss zilin lllli'il 'iiy Miiyiir 1’. T. Dzivillc, and * lili‘ bust of ordri- pl'(‘\‘illl(‘(l. Mr. J. \V. Miiycs and Mr. J. \V.St..liiliii, Conservative candidates for Bush York ‘ :iiid \‘i'csb Yin-k respectively, wore. present, biiL Liiiie did not pcriiiitof llimii speaking. Mr. Lt‘llilOX was en- Iliiisi sticnlly rcCi-ivi-(l. Ho dealt. prim .pdlly with Mr. Davis" speech de Iivvri-d .i l‘i-iw iliiys :igii zit N€\\‘I)1Ell‘l{('l', :lll(l coulomb-d tliiit the latter liiid put ii wrong construction (Ill Sonic oi’ the spL‘nkiIi-‘s fill'llH‘I' utte‘runcvs. i‘ilr. Lt'iiiiiix was chm-rod to the (‘CllU when llL' told his Elllllll‘li('(‘ that, if (‘ll-‘(fli'tL and Mr. \Yliiliicy H'illl‘l‘iï¬il :is Picniier (if this province, the llcfmniziioi'y, \E'llll‘ll is to be removed from Penn- tuiiguisliciio, Would be brought either to'Aiii-oi'n or NL-wiiiurkct. Rev. Peter Cuiiipliell followed Mr. Lciiiiox, and Mr. \Vhitiie-y close-d the lllePtinQ’ iii .‘Lll llll'flt‘sllllg spt‘w‘l}, going over the principal political (illf’Sthns‘ oi the At the Clflse of Mr. \Vliitney‘s address ilizit gontleiiizin was [)l'l‘St'IitCLl with :L beautiful bouquet. of red roses by little Miss Hazel Griï¬'itb, which \VHS gracefully acknowledged in the usual way. ____.. “'9 have the correct shapes in men’s hll’tl and soft fell; liuls and men's sli'iiw huts, and the proper thiiigin fiiicy colored shirts, open back and front, regular $1.25 shirt l'oi $l; we Cllll sure you money on men’s furnish- ings. Atkinson & Switzm'. 0 King Township Council Council metnt Si‘llUlHl’K‘l‘g on Sat- urday, March '19. Members all pres- ent. The recve in the cliiiir. Minutes of last incoming read and adopted. The following bills were ordered to be .piiid: Eli Brouiid, for supplies . . . . . , . $ 1 60 B. \Villiziiiis, shovelliiig snow ll 80 H. 15011116“, shovelliiig snow. . . . 5 50 N. \Vcsley, sliovelliiig snow . 8 40 HAVJSLr-els, posting up notices. 2 00 J. Ficui-y’s Sous, H‘puirsn . . . . . 12 50 \V. Harris, keep of indigent .. . . 12 75 \\'.H.Slmi-po, repairs to road .. .' 80 \\'..l.l3rereton, M.l)., services .. 15 00 J.L‘.Stokcs, postage, etc . . . . . . . . 8 (ii) Jars. Cull, Slll)\'(‘lllng snow . .. , 9 01 I}. )lci‘ubii, Slli)\'(‘lllllg snow 2U .30 \V. II. Proctor, plank . . . . i . . . . . 1 US l). \\'illi.iiiiso:i, work .. . . . . . . 8 2.3 \V. llriiiiis, rent of bull . . . . . . . . 4 (NJ 1’. Davis, sliiivolliiig snow . . . . . . 5 ll) llobt. Armour, sliuvclliiig snow 1 U!) \V. \ankvr, shovelliiig snow :3 T?) Jiio. Jarvis, sliorclliiig siiiiw. . . . 2 01) .l. Billings. 1 month's siiliii-y 15000 (‘1. C. (‘lélll{, shovi-lliiig snow. , .. .‘l 5‘! L. lluu-liiiison, Sllfli‘ll Clilllll 10 Hi) Thus. szkv, sheep ('l.lllll . . . . . . 3 32 l). \\’illi.inisoii, Slll'l‘p ClillIX] .. .. ii (ill I.. liiitcliiiisiiii. killiiigdng . . . . . 4 UU l’llillilN‘AIH; r, ‘ivlllilt llll‘ iri-ve and L‘uiiiirilliri' Lung-i lit» .'l IiliIilllllllifï¬ ll! (‘Xillllilll' lilll (‘ll \‘.'llll‘il llll‘ l'llgllll‘ (if Mr. J. l). lli'i'ulliiiii was duiiii-gvd. Li‘gge ~'_"1I‘1.lllili_$£" -lli:lt the ir'ptirl of the coiiiiiiiili-r appointed 10 sec .lli-s. ('iitiiiig re road :illiiwiiiice on (iziiiiblu liliiLl be accepted, and Lin- l‘FCOU]HlUlltlilthll that this council pur- cliAse the road allowance for 850 be adopted by this council. Phillips v A Rogvi-s â€"â€" that u spor-inl griim of $50.00 be made to rcpiiir the iii;ii-:sli road. lliigci‘sAchgnâ€"lb'it the clerk be in Sll‘ll('l.(‘(l in pi-opiiri‘ u by-lnw fur the .‘lpllflilllnli‘lll (ifolio Viiluutor in curl) polling sub-division in the township, whose duty it sli:ill be to value all slim-p or lambs killed or worried by dogs. ling:is‘Arniiiagoâ€"that this coun- cil piiy Albert. Fuller Llic sum of $150 in settlement of his cliiiiii against this municipality for (liiiiingos sustained in grain sopnriiuir by being upset on the public highway. (lonimuiiicutions wore received and lilld over for further considerntiou from J. D. MeCnlluiii re damages sus- Liiiiied to his engine: also re applica- tion to operate road machine; fiom 'l‘liris. Davis lllilklllg :ippliczitioii L0 be appointed to opci'ntc road machine; from the Massey-Sawyer Co. of Hum- iIton, re Good Roiuls Miichiiierv. A «:oiniiiiiiiicnlion was also received from the Departinan of Crown Lands re the survey of [lie Holland Marsh recently petitioned for by this council. This cmninunicntion, after being read, was accepted as being satisfactory. By-‘an No. 12-1 granting a bonus of 20 cents per rod for the erection of wire fences on the boundaries of the public highway, received its third reading and wns passed. Next, meeting of the Council will be hf‘ld at Hogan‘s hotel, King City, on Sntuidnv, April 26. . “ I suï¬â€™ered terribly and was ex- 4- .. tremer weak for 12 years. The 3. doctors said my blood was lall turning to water. At last I tried 1 g- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was soon : ‘ feeling all right again.†- Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, ~ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the bc‘st medicine you can take for purifying and en- riching the blood. ' { Don’t doubt it, put your i Whole trust in it, throw y everything else. 3'11 \vi-EV.‘ at» ,wg. - a»; nah-hir- .V-iI-‘,-_A~'.¢.‘.L“,:7.L.' .1 . sk your doctor who: he thinks of Ayor'a ~ Snrsapnnlla. He knowsall about this grand old family m‘Efll‘fllAe. Follow his adwce and we will be satis ie . J. C. Ann: 00.. Lowell, Mass. Brick residence in the Village of Tliorlihill, with spacious verzindiis, ten rooms, side entrance, large con- crete cellar, PCHSC furnace. Liit. Consists of about one acre, con- taining front, side and back lawns, cedar hedges, twenty large ornamentâ€" :i1 and shade trees. Two cisterns imd iirtcsiiiu well. Fruit: Apples, pours. - pin-ins, peaches. :ipi-ioots, grapes, rasp- berries, grioscbei-ries and currunts. Large stable and driving shed, This property is in ï¬rst-class condi- tion, and is one of the cosiest resi- dences on Yuiige Street. Fare to city. viii. Metropolitan Rail- way, fainin ticket 10 cents. Terms to suit. To see photo, or for further particu- lars, apply to DR. GALLANOUGH. 37-4 City Dairy, Toronto SUNNYSIDE FARM The proprietor of Sunnysidc Ilei‘d of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of lin- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 15!: con. Mzii'kliziin ('l‘liornliill) has for sale some good young stock. Timi-iiiighâ€"bird bull and beg kch for service on lll(:1)l(‘l‘.llSPS. D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor. 49-tf RiCHMONEflIL L Eiiiigihii == :3 The Next Sitting of Division Court lot No. 3, (louiiiy of York. will be luflLl. in the Court Room. EIGEEEC‘ND nut, _i)N__ TUESMY, .lL‘i‘iE 1775?, 1382, Commencing at 10 a. in. T. E‘. MCMAHON, CLERK