Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Apr 1902, p. 5

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10, no: i Riflnnoxn HILL, LOG AE.§£. Mrs. R. Sivers spcnl over Sunday With friends in the city. The. regulaTnn-eting of Court Rich- mond will be held on F1 iday evening. Messrs. T. Lndford and Horner returned to Toronto Tuesday to act as jurymen. Mr. R. Mcodie left. Monday to spend , the summer in the neighborhood of‘ St: Mary's. Mr. Iilri'ckjfithrsflV. Klinek and Miss Lizzie Klirck of Markham spent. Sunday in King city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klinek of Markham have twen visiting in Toronto and Eglinton the past few days. King council are passing a hy-law to appoint a valualor of sheep killed by dogs, in each polling subdivision in the municipality. ' About a dozen of our citizens at- tended the Conservativc meeting in Aurora last. evening and returned by special car at 1'l.30. Mr. H. II. IIoppel‘ has bought. Mr. J. T. Saigeon's team of ponies. with. harness, pole and shafts, and other parts of a pony’s outfit. The annual meeting of the North York TcaChcrs‘ Institute will be held in Aurora. on Thursday and Friday the 8th and 9th of May. A weather bulletin may now be seen daily in the window of Mr. Jerry Smith’s jewelry shop. Mr. Smith gels the forecasts every morning at. 8 o’clock. Rev. N. \Vcllwood received word a few days ago that his son, Rev. Iliu- old “’ellwood; is suffering from an attack of smallpox at, Day Mills, Al- goina. Fortunately the disease seems to be of a mild type. During the past week football clubs have been organized at. Milliken, Markham, Lot-mt Hill and Almira. Some of these teams will compete for the cash prize here at; the Agricul- tural Fair on the 24th May. York township are movingr their Council Chamber and ofiices from Eglinton to the Confederation Life. Building. corner Richmond & Victoria sts. Toronto. This change has been in contemplation for some, years past. VVan-en \Vilson was again up be- fore Magistrates Ramsden and \Vood- cock last Thursday charged with hlackmailing Dr. Langstal‘f. The de- t‘endant was committed for trial. Bail was taken to the amount of $5000. The “'est York Prohibition Asso- ciation will hold a Public meeting at ‘Voodbridge on Mondaydhe llth lost. It will be adressed by Rev. J. E. Starr and C. Fessey of Toronto: and iiev. M. McKinnon and O. “I Follet of IVoodbridge. Nellie, youngest. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Peterman of Toâ€" ronto, formerly of Richmond Hill. died suddenly on Monday of this week, aged 7 years. 1’. months. Deceased was a niece of Mr. and Mrs. R. I-iiunee of this place. The Entrance Examination to the High School will begin on \Vednesda)‘, the 25th. of June. (.‘aml'idates who purpose writing must notify the Pub- hie Scool Inspector on or before the lirst 01 May. A fee of $1 is payable on the. first day of the examination. J. \V. Ir. Bassintrwaile and little son and Mr. ClamienPiassinguait'e oil Sault Ste. Marie, visited Mr. \V'ni. Bassingwaite. near Patterson l‘uesday and cnlb’d on a number of friends in the village, Air. Bassingwaite for- merly taught the Public School at, Car- ville, but is now License Inspector for Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding disâ€" lrict. I l l I An engine and the whole of a trainl with the. exception of the last car left I the track, but. fortunately no person was seriously injured. Mr. G. Derry. traveller for Robertson & Co., manu- i facture rs of paints and oils, was on; the train at the. time. ‘ Miss Janet McDougall of the village of Richmond Hill, who died on March 29, left an estate valued at $4611“). con- sisting largely of mortgage. securities and property in Bowmanville. The. Bowmanville Presbyterian Church is remembered in the (It't‘tfist'tl lady‘s will to the. extent of $30. The balâ€" ance of the estate goés to relatives and frleuds.â€"\Vorld. Never say dye to your old dress when you can get a new one so cheap at. Atkinson & Sw'itzer’s. \Vhat might. have been a serious accident occurred on the UP. Railway near Owen Sound one day last week Seedsâ€"Thnotliy and clover seed of the best quality lower than Toronto prices; carrot, turnip. mangel and garden seeds; onion sets in large va- , riety. Naughtou Bros, Elgin Mills. i Ifyou want an unto-date wheel that will give you perfect satisfaction get a Cleveland. manut‘m-tured by the ‘ Canada Cycle and Motor Company.‘ The hygcnic cushion frames is a feat- i ure that helps to sell bicycles. Call and examine them at Tun LIBERAL. Office. A couple of goodsecondhand wheels in stock that will he sold at. a. low ligurc. YTERIAN CHURCH. IJ~ Th" Iii'v. D. (l. IIossai-k. of Deer Park. will delivei a lectuie entitled “ Canada" in the Presbyterian church on Friday evening, Apl':l 11“. Mrs. Dr. Sisb-y, of Maple, will assist in the musical part. All are in\ilrd to attend and hear Mr. Ilossaek as he is oncot' the most popular lecturers in Toronto. I’roceeds in aid of the \Vill- int: “'oikers’ Mission Band. Silver co lection at the door. You are always in pocket. when you go out of Atkinson t‘c Swilzer‘s store. Reason: they save you money. rmmncrv. The I‘lxocutive met alterFire Bli- gade moi-ting Monday (welding and anpoinlv-d the following sprcial ser- vr'e n en: Host-men~“’. Clifford, Geo. Sims, B. Newton. .I. Michael, .I. Till'en. M_. Barker. \V. Ludt'old. I‘}. Mason, J. Glover. I.addcrlucnâ€"\V.E.\Viley, ILCIov'cr, Geo. (-‘rang'cr. E. Siartup. Fred Hop~ per, J. .v\. Reid, E. 'i‘yrell. Brauchmenâ€"I“. Granger, \V. age. Say “'0 have a few lengths of those fancy striped panting-4. regular $1.75‘ goods left, We olfer for $1. A" Swuzzer. Atkinson 14‘ A NIGHT ON TIL. The following exeellent literary and musical programme, which will speak for itself, will be given atthe Iprorth League Friday evening. commencing at 8 o'clock: Hymn. Jesus Saviour Pilot Me. Prayer. Scripture Lesson, Acts xxvii. : 9- Choi-us, Rule Britannia. Recitation, Battle. of the Baltic, Miss Tonilinson. Solo, On Venice “'aters, Miss Ida Glass. . Address, Rev. N. \Vellwood. Uliorus, Solis of the Sea. Solo, Death of Nelson, Mr. .‘dason. Hymn 50. 0, Safe to the Rock that is IIighur than I. Dismissal. shit ..4 . n- (.4). ak (urtain poles complete. with wood ends and drapery pins. 25(‘.; best plain opaque oil shades mounted complete, 35c. Atkinson 8: Switzei. A VILLAGE BAND. After Fire Brigade meeting Monday evening the citizens held a meetingr for the purpose of re-organiziug the hand. The fueling,r was unanimous in favor-of such a movement. One, com- mittee vas appointed to arrange, for the organization and. another to wait on Mr. A. .I. Hume requesting,r him to take the leadership. There is little doubt that the. Village. Council will give a grant of money for the purpose and a m at sum can easily be raised by subscription so as to start the band on a sound financial basis. A number of citizens are anxious totake instru- ments and if Mr. Iinine can he induc- ed to take the leadership there is little fear of the success of the undertakâ€" ing. Best g‘reen Rio coffee, 10c. 1b. ; an extia blend roasted eol‘r'ee, ground fresh. ltic. lb. ; best cooking ligs. 492m : dates, tie. ;,best \Vhite Gloss starch, 70. lb. : pure corn staich, 0.3g. Atkin- son 8: Switzcr. FOR MANITOBA. Mr. E. II. Sisley left for Manitoba Tuesday night. He is settling on a farm about seven miles from Brandon, and thiee miles from Douglas Station. Mr. Sisley will be much missed in this village and vicinity. For several years he has been a Councillor in the township of Markham, and has been road commissioner for Marl;- ham‘s part. of Yonge Street. Mr. Sisley will also be greatly mi>sed in the. Methodist (J‘hurch where he has been active. in various«lepartments, particularly in the Epworlh League where he is President. Mr. Sisley’s sale talics plac: next Saturday, and Mis. Sisley with her two children will join her husband in about a week. 'l‘heir many friends wish them every happiness in their new home. Brooms. 15, 20. 25. 28 and 30c. ; white wash brushes, "", 35, 41) and 50c. ; bed cord, 10, 15 and ‘Uc.; plow lines, coinâ€" plete with snups,25c. Atkinson and Switzer. A FINE ISSUE. The May number of The Delineator is the third of the great Spi in}; issues iirliothfashion and literary features and is the most notable of the season. \‘t'ith the many artistic designs for garments for late Sprng weal conic advance Summer lashions from the handsof eminent designers, and in attractivnx-Ssthese styles have pioh- ably never been surp:is~ed. All at ticle of especial interest at. this season is on , grad-nation dresses. The chief literary contribution is The. Educational Val- ne of Some Ilecent Plays, written by Norman Hapgood. the celebrated eritie. and splendidly illustrated. Dr. Elliot‘s rrcollections of- the child Patti, at tll.- time of her first. benefit. make onecf the most. delightful papers in the series of Notable \Vomen: and in a different; vein Clara Iii. Langhlin telisthe story of the gifted SiielIV's unloitunate marriage and its results. ’I‘wo vei y pictorial as well as practical subjects are Animal Photography, in which some most interestingr records 'otaniuial life are presented directly from nature. and Basket-Ball, in the of Athletics for “omen, the tine pictures being made from photo- St‘l'lt'S graphs from pictures taken during. the play. For the children Lina Beard introduces some new and inter- esting Pastimes. Ladies" fancy straw sailors. 20, 25.30, 40. so and 75e. ; straight front corsets, 55), ; and 750. ; the regular 35c. corset for 25c. while they last. Atkinson L‘s Switzer. ‘I’W'Tl‘n' brim lam: m ACKNO‘XIJ‘IDGI‘ZI). The following letter has been Movie. ‘ to the sick children in Victoiia pital: l Toronto. A 7"” 2. liltl'z, fins. Min-y \Vile)‘. I‘ilt'liniolul llill: Dear Madam,-â€"~\\'e duly received ‘lhe \ei'y generous donation from the friends at liiehmond llill of fruit, (-ggs, [)lt'lllH books, elm. and I would ask you to kindly Ulll\'l‘_\' to the con- tributors the grateful thanks of the 'l‘lllstees for the \ery kind interest they take fiom year to year in the work of the Hospital. Assuring you that your gifts are very much amil‘ceia‘ted, Yours truly. i)oi'oi..\s l).\\'li‘\:\‘().\', Set-ietary-'l'reasurer. Favorite shoe dressing, Itlc. : black or tan No. I combination slioo (Ii-es»- ing, 200.; Black Cat. triangle bottle, 150.; black or tan paste, lUc. Atkiuv son 6; Switzer. A MIJSIUA I. TREAT. The Musical Committee and Concert. Committee have been ftll‘lllll‘llil' in Se- elnlixg good music for the I“air and (,‘onecit for the filth of May. The Governor-(tenerai’s Body Guard “and will furnish the music dining the afternoon, and these noted musicians will also take part in the concert in the Agricultural llall in the evening. Others who will take part in the evening’s programme are Mr. Ilal’ry Iiich. Toronto's best humorist; Miss Mae Dickenson, one of ’l‘oronto's most popular vocalists; Miss Irwin, Ham- ilton’s brilliant elocntionist; Mrs. ‘i\'. E. Ramsay, pianist and accompanist. A little daughter of fills. Itamsay will also appear in dances in each part of the programme. The above artists, and the Governor-General‘s Body Guard Band should give the best en~ tertaimnent ever listened to in the Agricultural lIall. quality and a l:‘(>ll 6.: Switzcr‘s Small prices, best, large Stock are Atki' strongholds. TEMPEI ANCF. ADDR ESQ. Mr. John A. Nix-hulls, organizer for the Dominion Alliance. gave an intel- esting temperanpe address in the Tem- peranee Hall on Thursday evening. The chair was tilled by Mr. J. H. San- derson. and (ll-\"%lliiii:ll exorcises were conducted by left, N. \Vellwood. The audience was not large. and as is usu- ally the case on similar occasions the ladies present. weie in the majority. Mr. Nicholls. in an ath address, dealt. with the qut'stion of temperance in a clear and forcible manner, giving a. historical review of the. prohibition ,movement in this country. He also referred to the pit-sent. status of the. question in Manitoba and our own province. Relative to the defeat. of the temperance measure in Manitoba last week, the lecturer said it was due. mainly to the action of the Dominion Alliance. The Alliance took the ground that? the present Manitoba, Grokhernment were elected on their .pro llSt‘S to pass a prohibitory meas- ure, that they had passed it, but that. now the {oblin Government had" practically disowned'lhen- own meas- ure. The Alliance, therefore, refused to encourage the temperance people to vote again on the referendum. Mr. Nicholls expressed his disapproval of the action of the Alliance, and while saying that he did not regard the Ross referendum as. satileu-tory, yet he felt that it ivas the duty of every prohibi- tionist in Ontario to go to work and do what he could to carry the measure when the vote is taken next fall. Atkinson x Switzer are never beat in buying and they never beat in selling. Sale Register. SATURDAY, April llâ€"Cmdit File of furniture, implements, ttc., on lot at}, rein" lst. con. M'airklium (1 mile east of Richmond Gib), the pioierty of 19.. llmsley. Saloutcue. Terms 6 niontls. Saigecn dc McI-Jwen, auctioneeis. THURSDAY. May 1â€"Creilil. sale of residential oi'opurty,skatinn lluK, CULVGYDJLHN, furni- ture, etc.. at 'l‘bornhill. the property of ln‘. Gallunougb and Mrs. “‘llr' 11. Sale at 12.50. ’l'ermsl‘i menthson chattels; th-a pioi-krs'] terms mime known 0.1 nay of sale. J. H. Prentice}, uirc ..o;icer. ...i .. mm ‘P Then your liver isn’t acting well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayer’s Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have bean the Standard Family Pill. , l - .- -"- l Smad doses cu.e. Aus‘lrifggistsz Want. your moustache or heard I) ‘â€" l . cautliul brown or rich black ‘1 Thou use BUCKINGHAiil’S BYE f” “‘8 Whisker-s 50 ML or DRUGOMYQ. on a P. HALL A C0,,NAMIA. N. H. See the line Venese FoulardS. rezu' lar 20c. goods for lie. )‘aid : the line : the inert-er- prints for 235.". : the fine Atkinson and niorcerised lawn for 27w. ixed sateen ldrill piints for 1252c. Switzer. )r'nnc AMERICAS. con- " Dracula. '3‘ ma . tatea. Canada, Lind Iliiolialmut. in y nnw' exiwxienco. ‘1 i ('1). are noticed \'. Lin: ‘ l. I ushnod .\ FIPIL‘ /\ My] most. wnlL‘i} ' ‘Vvt-Kly. Sol: rnl‘nmtion. $5) . in“: Kent i'rv-e. A i‘ ALEXICJN (ilijt‘e. H3. _ si :sxzirw . how York. .iy ; Ripans 'l‘abules cure. liver troubles. Ripans Tabnlcs cure biiionsness. l Ripans Tahulcs cure flatulence. Rinans Tabules assist digestion. I Ripans Tabulcs: for sour stomach. ed acknowledqu with thanks them i . ~ . . . ‘I‘lllslt'l' offering sent lioni this village I’IUS- ‘ l ma- as”... a. 1.. $3 I, We are just as much batters as if we sold nothing but hats. - You can see here every ac- ! ceptable style; try them all and find the shape to fit your head and suit your face. \va can save money on the latest :tyle ol hats. tiles s thins A good, nice-fitting suit of clothes puts a man on good terms with himself and with the world. A man is at his best when he is well and comfortably dressed and whether engaged in business or pleasure he is pretty received sure of being Well wherever he goes. If you want the acme of comfort, fit, style and quality at the lowest figure, let us have ycur order. Ex- the fine Black Clay Worsted and fine trimmings we amine will make to your order for $17.50. j rasraaasas mm. new For Condition Powders whore vou save from 10 to finer cent. Home us put. up your recoipes for Condition Powders, Blisters, Linnnents, etc... _ from pure drugs and we will suveyou money. Modal Fin-m Condition Pow-dais 2 lbs for 253.; 10 lbs for $1. | Dr Thomas Eclentric Oil '2 bottles fo“ 25c. (‘hasos and Curie s Pills “.5 boxes for 2.5.- Donlu’s Kidney P :S'lc I’armcolcs, Ayers an lli'urdock Pills 1.30 Follows Syrup of llvpopliosphites SMc I Syrup cf Hypophospbites is a. splendid home, we ssll a. regular Tit: bottle for he Beef, Iron and Wine, rare, 50c ' Ozone small 350.. large V-ic l Pierces Pl'escl‘ipt’ilod. Pierces Discovery, Ayers Sarsnparilla Pumas Celery (lviinnouuilBurut- ock Blood liittersdtcorls Sarsupmrillafllurks Rod ;Clover Compound, Ayers .Hllll' Vigor, \Vurners Sula Cura~uny of was (Sic Burdock and Sal'sapnrilla is a. Splendid .sprmg PageaEuglish Condition Powders ‘ ’c Burrows Condition Powders "250 Dunlols Condition Powders 25c [licks Condition vatlurs 10c Sandereons 00nd H310“ powders 1’50 Flints or Kendalls Powders lo.) Darlevs Condition Powders 15:: Epsom Salts dc lb or 102m for 23:: Sulphur 3c lb or 10 lbs tor 250 Glua'rer Suits 3‘: lb, in lbs lor 25c Saltnerre. pure. 2 lbs for "250 Kendall’s Sprwm Core 730 Pages English Spuviu Care â€"gum‘anteed to kill 0. spnvin or ruigbono or Inuncv refunded, v11 Liniments and Blisars of all kinds I‘h'ZUmm Ointment 33H: medicineâ€"large bottle fi5c L‘hasu’s Ointment lac Littles, “10.1)OULIILIIR and (,‘roziors Sheen Dips. Hess' Poultrv Panacea :li‘c (.‘lelClll'fl. Hnnps sell everything an wholesale priced \v & R Butter ('oloi: 194: l Saul Oil for lico on cattle, 31b barpure Paces English Hair Re. :rer 50c Cuticum Salve . . .. l E L 8.1. G O G. n. D A N .. Perfect Worm Syrup 101' 230 Gust-lie Soapijt- _ (historic 2:»: Baby's Own Scan 0c, 3 0:1'263 ior 250 Swan Down Face Ponder 1.5:: l Coal Oil (Water Whits) 16-: gal ‘ 7 Dr \Villinms‘ Pink Pills (ganuine) 300; 3 boxes for 302. Roman;ch wn' SPEC l A Lâ€" DRUGGISTS, 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opp. Clyde Hotel .5. A. JQEENS'E'ON, Manage:- e Lic'ht Draft Deeringr Ideal Bind h Italics, Twine and Machine Oil. lq‘i' This plant cavcrs 6: crcs of ground. and em- 6.150 hands. 21.326 entered and left the factory during I3g8. No other harvester works in existence can approach these figures in output, sales, shipments, or size of plant. SOLD BY i Egan-33" to 1.03.11 . . II I": .- :' , , = ID x’iETiEill 'no. ideas Monev to loan at? per cent. interest on first _. :fluiihij-S’JSâ€"fgggeg . l property. V zHE ouEm’ RECORD, ‘ THE LIBERAL OFFICE Baltimore, 5.

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