During the last ten years 249 accidents occurred in the Swiss mountains, resulting in 313 deaths. {Thirtyâ€"seven of the victims were guides. It is said that of the whole 'number 287 deaths could have been prevented by the observation of common precautionary rules. "During my stay in Paris I felt many times quite run down owing to the complete change and to the Worries and work of our business there. I suffered not a little with backache, with general feeling of depression and I found Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills invaluable. “I had learned the value of this medicine before going to Europe as I had it very successfully for backâ€" IIChe which I found it, relieved alâ€" most instantly. So when I went to Paris I was careful to take with me Iome of this my favorite remedy. "Every time I was threatened with a return of the trouble I used a few Dodd’s Kidney Pills and can say they did not disappoint me. They are the best medicine I know of to tone up the system generally and they do certainly relieve backâ€" ache instantly. What Mr. Jardinc has said is nmply borne out by many othcrs in Bay to day are~ certainly medicine for out," "run d The odor from burning leather is considered a protection against. inâ€" fections disease. Du‘ing the Arcâ€" valence of cholera in l‘7}‘enna. years ago, no shoemaker was attacked. They prevented it. by burning scraps of leather in their houses. this city Whose expcriences been and are being published In a certain town there is a. ï¬re brigade composed Wholly of volunâ€" teers. Not long ago a, ï¬re broke out in the town at midnight, and the volunteer ï¬remen were quickly on the spot. The smoke was rising in heavy clouds out of the building, but no flame appeared, and the night was very dark. Presently a tongue of flame shot out of one corâ€" ner of the building. and the crowd cheered as the man at the nozzle directed a stream of Water towards it. But at this crisis the excited captain interfered. "Be careful What you’re doing, man !" he shouted. “Keep the Rater ofl that blaze I Don’t, you see that's the only fight we’ve got to put the ï¬re out by ?†Mr. Jardine was chosen as one of the Canadian Commissioners to the Paris Exposition two years ago, and performed the oncvous duties of that pflice with honor to himself and :redit to his conntry. It is to his experience in the French capital at this time that Mr. 'Jardine makes particular reference In the published statement in which he says :â€" Toronto, March 17.â€"(Specia1)â€"- Mr. J. G. Jardine, whose statement as to the Wonderful curative and lonic properties of Dodd's Kidney Pills has been published in many of the papers, is a resident of this city. His home is at 305 Crawford street. ‘Well Known Throughout Canada? as One of Canada’s Commisâ€" sioners to the Paris Exposition. â€"â€"His tatement is a Very Valuable One and Has Been Read With Much Interest. This new modern, upâ€"toâ€"date hotel Wus Opened for the reception of guests in 1901. It is situated in the centre of the ï¬nest summer resort i-egion in America. known as the Muskoka Lakes, within easy reach of the principal points in Canada and the United States. The interior of the hotel is planned to the best adâ€" vantage for cuminâ€; and conve- nience, special uttention being given to ventilation und sanitary arrange- ments. Its spacious suites. with handsome bathro H.115 attached. are especially udnp ed to either large or small families. Cuisine and ser- vice are the best. Open for guests June 15th. For further particulars, descriptive matter and all informa‘ tion, writo M. C. DicksonfDistrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. THE MR. JARDINE REFERRED TO LIVES IN THE QUEEN CITY. Dodd lowed THEY NEEDED THE LIGHT 110 Y /\ L M USKOKA HOTEL One woman with Sunlight Soap will do quicker REDUCES work than Two will with impure soap. EXPENSE INFECTION PROTECTION. MOUNTAIN A CCIDENTS A TORONTO MAN. day. Dodd’s Kidney Pills tainly without an equal as a. e for those who are "tired 'run down" or "used up.†’5 Kidney Pills have been enâ€" most heartily by all classes. Ask for the Octagon But. If your grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, lending his name and address, and a. trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of cost. munw ul.u thaw-‘1 _. -..., Susi think of it. Le‘ us send you full articulnrs. We also make farm fence, poultry netting. nails an staples. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"’_'v Page Metal Ornamental Fence. mc?°‘{h‘§€‘§2 u r MAL vs Ibex and sun-prism 1:: cheap. 1'“ st what 9 “mo frv 2m.- Hm did-ion fincea If: town ~10m, grave - (mqu rmmonul. va than and (ml-prisineg cheap. 1! l Jusv wnav fa ad for net ya .divhion fences if: town iota, grave . h :15. to. . is v ggfmcdégngfrmï¬u, “v.20 «fifty: RUNNIth FOOT. .:._u__A “an ~u__ have from Pills Ther inns Win Fence 0o.1 Lxgmgd. Walkorvllle. om. a President Schwab, o! the US. Steel Trust, once said that he could not help knowing that he was a great man. The fact was brought home to him in a little town not; far from Pittsburg. “I had my colored driver, Bob, sitting beside me." Mr. Schwab said, “and was driving through the town. A woman and a little girl. evidently her daughter, were watching us. 'That’s Mr. Schwab,’ I could not avoid hearing the mother say, 'Which one ‘2’ asked the child." The United Kingdom uses 3% tons oi coal a year per head of her popu- lation, the United States comes next, with 2; tons. Germme uses a little over 1% tons per head. Copies of a neat little booklet giving further particulars may be had by applying to M. C. Dickson, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Considerany denser than sea Waâ€" ter, the eï¬ects are very marked, and when heated and skilfully applied cures rheumatism, gout, scrofula, neuralgia, liver trouble, skin disâ€" eases and cases of nervous prostraâ€" tion. Many of the cures are simply wonderful. The Waters of this spring are referred to in Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Appleton's American Enâ€" cyclopaedia, Hare’s System of Thera- peutics. etc. The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem have included in the large list of summer and winter resorts which they are bringing before the public, the Sanitarium at St. Catharines, Ont., a retreat for rest. and recupera- tion. A mineral spring from which the water flows and which is used for bathing and massage purâ€" poses at this establishment, was discovered years ago, and has been the means of attracting hundreds of the best class of people from the south to enjoy the beneï¬ts derived from bathing in it. A novel fort has just been com- pleted at San Paolo Island, at the entrance to the military harbor of Taranto, Italy. The fort is a large steel tower, with external armour 5ft. thick. It contains two 12-ton guns. The entire tower can be turnâ€" ed in any direction by hydraulic power. The tower weighs 50,000 tons and cost $2,400,000. It is only during the last few years that. a commodious Sanitarium has been established at this point, com- bining restâ€"cure and family hotel. In 15 years there have been 12 gales in May in England The windiest month is not March, which has had 117 gales in that period, but January, with 171. It is a noticeable fact that the dining car department of .the Grand Trunk Railway System is second to none on the American Continent, and new improvements and modern innovations are continually being made. The Cafe-Parlor cars which have been running on nearly all of the divisions of this great System are a. constnnt source of praise from the travelling public. The company has recently altered the style of the menu cards used on all of the dining ears and cafeâ€"parlor cars, and have gotten up a very handsome and neat bill of fare that appeals to the ar- tistic sense. The steak used is what is known as Old English Ruskin Bristol of ï¬ne texture, and mist grey in color. The Grand Trunk trade mark in black appears at the top leftâ€"hand corner surrounded by a. neat combination of scroll Work of Italian renaissance design, printed in gold and embossed in high relief. The name of the meal is also em- bossed in high relief. and the tout ensemble is a pleasing and artistic combination. The Wine lists hme the same design at. top, and are printed on the same quality of card, but, an olivette color for distincâ€" tion. the latter. Up sprang the “Bushie.†"You stepped on my foot," he hissed menacingly. "Well," said the Highlander apologetically, "I did ma best tae leap over it, but a Hielan’ mon is only human. I’m nae a. kangaroo." A ï¬erce battle imme- diately ensued. A soldier of the Black Watch, While passing a. private of the Bushman regiment, stepped heavily, and perâ€" haps intentionally, upon the foot of the latter. Up sprung: the “Bushie.†Mirald’s Liniment Lumhetman’shiend A POPULAR HEALTH RESORT A HANDSOME MENU CARD A MOVABLE TOWER DID HIS BEST WHICH ONE “Bushie.†foot," he said the "I did Markleyâ€"“No; I don’t like Bor- 1'oughs." Parklayâ€"“Why, I under- stood you to say you thought a. great deal of him." Markleyâ€"“No ; I merer think of him a great, deal. He owes me money." There are ï¬ve rivers in the world which drain over a million square miles. They are the Amazon, La Plata, Obi, Congo, and Mississippi. A Woman named Marie Eska. has just died at Spring Valley. in the State of New York, who for thirty years lived with her husband With- out exchanging a single word with him. This long silence was the re- sult of a vow voluntarily taken. ATLANTIC PULP AND PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED. The prospectus of the recently or- ganized Atlantic Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, is being sent out this week by the brokers, Messrs. Sutherland 8: Cameron, Ottawa. The capital stock of the company is 53: 000,000, and its property is situat- ed on the little Cnscapedia River. at New Richmond, on the north of the Baie des ChaLpur. Prospectuses and application forms may be had from any ofï¬ce of the National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto or Monâ€" treal, or from Sutherland & Camer- on, brokers, Ottawa, Canada. Herrings hardly ever exceed ï¬fteen inches in length. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Gentlemen,-â€"â€"A[Ler suffering for sc~ Yen years with inflammatory rheum- atism, so ~bad that I was eleven months conï¬ned to my room. and for two years could not dress myself without help. Your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD‘S LINIMENT in May, '97, and asked me to try it. which I did, and was so well pleased with the results I procured more. Five bottles completely cured me and I have had no return of the pain for eighteen months. Fare same as by other lines except by Empire State Express. Stops the Cough and works on the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinino Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Lure. No Pay. Price 25 cents. Permanganate under the skin . the bite of the ‘ A teacher was trying to convey to a. sixâ€"year-oldâ€"pupil some conception of beauty considered in the abstract, and its power to more the human heart,-but the little girl was slow to grasp the idea. "Suppose, Nellie," said the teacher "your mamnm should ï¬ll a vase with lovely flowers and place them in the center of the (liningâ€"table. What. would your papa say when he ï¬rst saw them, on sitting down to eat ?†Minaid’s Linimenl is used by PM doing Nellie Lawyer~"thn I was a. boy my highest. ambition was to be a pirâ€" ate." Clientâ€"“You're in luck. It isn’t every man who can realize the dreams of his youth." Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, no! is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. This is a large number of fast trains each way between Buffalo and New York. and they are all splendid trains. The Empire State Express is one of them, (daily except Sunâ€" day) and is the most popular train in the country. Ask your ticket agent for tickets by the New York Central if you wish to travel in com- fort. The above facts are well-known to everybody in this village and neighâ€" borhoml. Yours gratefully, A. DAIRT. St. Timothee, Que., May 16th. 1899 by local applications, as they cannot. reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way ti curo deafness, snd that. is by constitu- |iona1 remedies. Deafness is caused by an lnflnmed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have arumbling sound or impel“ tect hearing. and when it i entirely closed deafness is the result. and unless the lnflsm mulhion can be taken out and this lube reswred to its normal condition, hearing will be do» Ftroysd lorever: nine cases out of ten are caused by outarrb. which is nothing but. an in- flamed condition of the mucous surface‘. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catsrrh) that can Int be cured by Hall's Catarrb Cure. Send xox- circulars. free. F. J. CHENEY Sc 00.. Toledo, 0. {3pm tea drinkers try “Salada†Green tea Croquet balls are made of beech or Turkey boxwood. A DOZEN FAST EXPRESS TRAINS EVERY DAY. Sold by Druggiéts, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best He'd say SHE KNEW HER FATHER Deafness Cannot be Cured A LONG SILENCE. hero ? What are those weeds ' †promptly replied I of potash injected is the best cure for common adder. SiBlflflS Coraâ€"“Paul told me last night that he Wouldn’t marry the prettiest woman living." Fannieâ€"“Then your chances of getting him ought to be very good." ' The basking shark is the biggest variety ever seen on' British coasts. It grows to 40ft. long. Monkey Brand Soap is a. cleaner and polisher combined but Won't wash clothes. Mm. Wmsxow's Soowmxo Svnvr has heua used by millions of mothers for their children while Leathiny Itaoothes the child. softens the gums. allay: pain. cured wind colic. re ulacea the stomach and bowel], and is the best, remedy or Diarrhaau. Twenty-ï¬ve tenu- a. bottle. Sold by druuist: throughout. the world. Be sure and ask for" Mns.W1NsLow‘sSoormxo SYRUP." It has been noticed that, hailstorms rarely do danmge in thickly-wooded parts of the country. The only way to keep matches dry when camping is to put them in corked bottles. The biggest. British 5 from the Tay. One has weighing 7011)., and 4ft T0 ('IYRE A COLD IN ONE IDA". Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TB‘HeLs. Al druggists refund the money if it mm; to euro. . V\ . Grave’s signature is on each box. 250. The Dawson Commission 00., Limited, Toronto. Keep Minaid's Llnlment in the House Ask for Minard's and We no ulhm MAPLE MW? 13:: $41344:+49++~i~i~§¥§¥k+4H~+++MMé+++£¥x§fl+~£++++w$wiz~g A nghter I'IaI-UI Iva For Sal. by I all F|Irï¬ Claus ea ore. +MM+M+MMM+M+M 4-+44“+~Â¥*~$~Â¥-~N*+~Â¥-~!~¥‘+44+4»M I .E’F'i‘W wwï¬g My Preserves the teeth. aweotons the breath Strengthens the gums THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE‘ EPPS’ GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. Every Matchâ€" A Lighter Non- Sulphurous. Every Stick-â€" A Match Odorlos. CALVERT’S CARBOLIC THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. TOOTH POWDER. For Over Sixty Years m w? W? Eiff’é‘séEddy’s “ Headlight†Parlour Matches P C. 112:; salmon éome 5 been caught 't. 5 in. long. I Winnipeg. Man. loronio. Can-an} {CLEANING * ""W"3§'*° 1 LADIES’ . . . °;:.*.Â¥;° Can be done perfectly by our French Process. Try Is BRITISH AMEaIQAN DVEING GO. or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Can have a Fm and Drum or Bugio Band. Lowest prices ever uoted. Illustrated price-lint mailed free. Write us or ANYTHINGin MUSIC T9 PRENTERS MONTREAL, TORONTO. OTTAWA k QUEBEO *' If so you can cure It with cllaadinz. This w on! darful salvo soothes and heals the most dellcato ussnu. Paaltlvsly unequalled for disease or injury aï¬ootlng_skln or Inemhvjano. 7 FOR SALE.#Tw3 2~ravolutlon c mphell Presses. bed “mas inches. plendll order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. 8. FRANK mum;y _ _. _, -N“ Dominion Line Steamshlpi Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to [Aver- p001. Fenland to Liverpool. Via Queeni- town. Lnrxr- and Fast. Steamslups. Superior uccommodttlou (or all classes of Pasaengerl. Saloon; and Stateroom are amidships. special unenliun has been lven Lo 6 Second Saloon and Third-Glass accommo Allan. F I rub!!! 0113355350 and I†particulars. apply to nu: u of the Company. or Rlclmrgs, Milli; go. ‘ MN WU mam“ I1"? ' 'i'ry' It for inflamed Eyes, Gaténh, chafflng Sores or any Sore you can touch. 250., Drugglatn. or Glleadlne 00., Toronto. Money refunded If not satisfactory. \V e WOOD a PHOTO. Eucmv we; EJ. LJONES [No.09 râ€"" * 166- BAV' STREET. â€" Forum-10‘ lnstrumonwsugles. Flies. Drums, Caps. etc Wï¬AlEY. ROYCE 8 (30.. llmltefl 'ii'ét'ale'sc. Bdabon. are handling large quantitie BOYS BRIGADE '7'5We's't'Tdeléwe st., Toronto The ï¬nest muemeln the workman“ from 00ft oorky pine, and oopeclnlly lultflble for damn-No ulo~ put up In neat; sliding boxes,aosurtad colors eaoh box nonulnlng about 500 mammaâ€" tnroe boxes In I pack» ago. D. Torrance & ()o . Montreal mi Portland; y