C. MASON E. MASCN RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE STE ._»' llas everything in season. ,I -~~~» “a. Churns of diï¬crent makes Lawn Mowers and Rakes. All kinds of Tin and Hardware. Lme Ne,.,,m,.§§i_,v7éilll;“$3,133,? 01-: 2' \K'lckless Oil Stoves, ' l ll H ll 'I, 3.; \, n.5,: 11." n. m.‘ ,* ' v i ' i ’ i ii ‘ ‘ Lem m“ 3.723555. 3 fiS,li,-lU,ii-l.lu ,3. m. “a To ALL “ 1‘0“ IT “1Ԡ( O‘\L ERN ' ml“ haVCUOU-‘w’hmg ' - Hot Air Furnices. Published in :icc-(iijdh‘nco with the R. alin gdvtï¬iscments. , METROPOL I Between Toronto and Nomunrliek. GOING N(:1('l‘ll 1701.17. LeuveC P R Ci‘ossnig at (1. 7.2;. ~â€" PUBLIG - NO'i‘lCE. 13“, ‘l-ll). UM 7: l". 3.15. -__._. Leave Richmond Hill-1.210. in 330,150, 6.30. . . GOING SOUTH Until further noticeâ€"En“: ivfill‘lue closed at the ‘ S. 0. 1:97. (limp. 2‘3. 5â€,“ 11 Richmond llilll’osho ice us or own:-â€" k. _ . H . . ‘ u p ‘ I â€" ‘ i ‘H w : . MORNING ...... V , _ , , . , . . . , _ 5,00 Uullbttllml U- 'llll!~ \lex. 24'“)! (Lorin lniwof EVILBING , . . . . . . . 6.15 “_ '51“:le SFITINGS S.B,â€"-Regi~torerlLettvrs iiiustlie handed in p, v , v v . , ... ‘. . " 1°39†le‘z’““ll’l‘lwwnï¬m'm“ “"3 “bm'e Tolzil iininlwr (if Inconsvs granted 1 AI“ ,\ “lib . . monciouerihnurs lorclos l' fur [UHLIUHZMHUIUL 2-,“: MW,“ 0' SL0 l ( ‘1‘ )HA H 1â€,†OFFICE CLOSE†TQCPPI‘H t 'l'olul nnnilwr of :iiiplirulioiis for :\ .‘JD BANNUFKRIVRNS ' 7 i‘ v‘ y s . . .. v . ._ a. U.-. _. ml" 1- Sign...“ . 19ll-3-1i)\"l‘â€"111‘W1v lb « t‘-“‘l's 0- The llillnls‘ullll'sl minds .‘lllll lll st \nlrivs mrr shown in Richmond Hill. Village Directory. ߠChurch of Eu:;lilfl|1"33""l""*" “t 31" "3' every The Board of License C‘oiiiiiiissioners A l\/ 4 will Him-t. on o n Buuduy. . ' I’Iunbylerinn Cliui'cliâ€"«Sori'iros iii. )1 u. mugm’l 9"“001 M. 2.30. I’i-uyei- meeting Wguluosiluy eveuii.-. Roman Catholic vhurcli rfiri'vices on albcr- sat'flrda.y, 19, note Suuvlms um u. in. rind 10.30 n. m. Methodist. Ghiii~(-.li-o:a‘urvivvs or 10.30 a. m., and AT THE . 7 . in. Sunday School in. 2.30. Geucrul prayer “hm 4mm... CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO, :1, ‘ Richmond Lodnfo.li'k F and A M K (his: m. dav on or before u moon ‘ ‘1‘ I m Courtliicluuoud, A O 1“ â€"â€"l\loets Second and A1, 10.30 H. m" a? Q†4 a > 0‘ will l ‘5‘ {a ‘ ourth Friday “Y Lo‘lfle- A 0 U W'Meets mum“ Tuesday For the purpose of granting Licenses 2/ 7 1). in. Sunday Otéfglliill’llilliiis 0 S -1\Ieel;s second and fourth for the ensuing license yeur. \ I meww MOMS ï¬rst Wednesday g‘AlI petitions and pron-sis against. F. '1' ofvl'emnernnco- 7' . ‘ '1 i . h . grunting Licoiisvs iiiiisl ll‘ loi gm “ll l? SEEGIAL SUMMER SE 5:0}, From April 1 continues into 1}, our 01631011 [nouns ' d 1 every » F‘raB‘“g“‘1°"MB°ts m“ M0†“y o the Inspector at lonsl four days pri-v- momh 1 Bowling Roomâ€"Open ions to the ï¬rst llll't‘lllig of the Board. Public Library nut ‘ ‘ Tuesday. Thursday In!“ S'm‘l'm“ 9"9“‘“33 By order of lhe Dom-Ll. vaorth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Through July and August. in {Ill dept-s. of our Klllk‘llt‘lld school, tho \Nc have on hand a large stock of \Vall Papers, which we will sell at reduced prices. Latest Patterns and Designs in Ceiling and Bordering. Call and see them. 3, Oils, Varnishos and. Lead. Bro shes in all sizes. Dry Colors ‘ JAMES ECKARDT, - MONEY l MONEYl Dated at the 1115133393:0513393. York g Central Business “mas to 10“ PD 39.2 Unionvilli‘, April 2, 1902. improved fiirin property. Fivo per cent. mâ€" __ t . m. D We“. Ensytvrmslor reiiui'nieut. N0 coni- . T“ RamTo mission Chul‘l’lc(lrfll}10[{n]S.I {shyly to H A RD Ea A \.G.i. .\\"’. Ci), V ‘ Frceholrl I‘m.“ Building, Tor-onto A Al), N a ’lere an: no variations and menilmrs E a 501‘ 1 B ‘5‘ may eiiici‘ iii any more and continue Or at Richmond Hill on Sunni-days. _ r A for any (lesirL-il (Win. A dozen ‘ tvni‘lin‘s, eighty typewrith inflâ€" \i - is).â€" _ _ I » 7â€"â€"â€" S/ at: ‘NJ . . , . .. IEIH “1 8' I q. E (hints and unaily will will of N13 ‘1 iv, 43.. . s h iiieuil~er< this month inili zit/i the 1' ' ('lilii'lilttei' uii<l i'rpliliitiiiu of our A large amount of private 5? College. Write {or Liiciiluzs N. ‘ .‘ n . . , . . The undersigned iunslii: wagons to k: “KU‘SHAW’ Principal In tact everything taint l3 used by painters. Yongo mid Gerrard Sis. '1‘ 0K{ (EN 'EO OF CANADA. fluwm; Assures on all the modem plans, rind is one 6 the most. nrosliernus niirl progressrve A N D F D Whitewash & Caloimiuo Brushes. Hr; a“ n ‘ a a BA a"). Lorrie m. Oi Eiuiiiims . conipuuics lnexmtcnmil “.- V Premiums low. polii'ies unconditional and Q . . Q‘ \" W! i . . "â€n“"m‘“me' Parcels dolivei'cd or collected in ‘ ‘ I Taizeapoiicy Wibl: inc districl ogcm, any part of the city or may COU‘nantiy on lianu. - be li‘l at the lirr Wii’s T. F. MOIIAHON, ' Geowe St. m c, ‘11:- ‘ 1â€"1 a. I _ - 1 a *’ v P. on. oï¬ij Ago, - Eichmono Elli. LIBERAL OFFICE - RICHMOND HILL For service on llll‘ pl‘l‘lnlSOR of the unâ€" Coal, “700d and Slabs at lowest price dci-signod, a i'i-gisti-n'd »m . I I hm. “10!! who who < Sn “ ". 'l ' ~ 7 . _. _,,r ‘ i933. i7 U I Sif'nlifiiiwwkrifiiig and delivered on shortest; notice, v __ “a, V _H _ V i V ___’#_ _y f a T E :lici‘ run lllilInEJh-‘l will [my H T P y‘ Pâ€" â€"â€" .J Hum (ram 9 L... or day. igingsl‘as‘xs I ‘ I“ l ’ | V ‘ E A? a) omrnuil on“ S. ‘in " .iriiuigorc I J “d ‘ U 2 I ’4‘ a 4‘ M - : P ,. ... 1,. 'lhm, h slnr1nl : *9 i A _ ‘ I ‘ . z ' uh In 1 I I‘ :& helm» l4 'lLl'll lmlunuflw Pill i: new." w ' r A 1 J r é ‘ 3 T. LYDFORD E3 YGEY £33383 29-tf. lrichiuondHill. 1â€" . L T. I ‘v i I J ‘ \l ow is me line to Pippare W I H Exiï¬i! E g 0 N, '1 he undersigned lizu I‘llgiutfzafxtlfl: TERI, sight for n. selfâ€"zicting, oi 5 Mayor, is pl‘t'pul'r'u to furnish all who g diosire to become lllf' owner, on short Grainer Now is the, timr- to bring in your old harness and collar; (.0 he repair-L11 for spring Work. You will also hood new harness. You min‘t full to got what you new] and just. what will pl'cnso you, if yr u buy your horse goods lll'X'O. L‘moil Iii-niher Collars at $2 each and up; ziweut l’mls at 250. ouch and up. All other supplies at right prices. (3: e 0 . DICE} (anald RICHMOND IIILL. notice. Ibis chmip and simple. in its operation. Is easily lipf’l‘illt’ll. Can 1a he carried by a Sllllllldl'l‘ strap, m- by hands like a pail. .\\'lll throw the Cans from a distance prmnptly Spray ovor any l)l‘(llll:ll'y flint trev. “ï¬nd-Cat Can he used for spraying potatoes, do- ‘ " b 0‘ ino' the work in Very innrh shorter s . T . a 1 '1 tllTlL‘ than the oitliiiui'y way: as 21 ï¬re REbIDEhC’L’ RICHMORD HILL J ' {A 11‘ 5‘ i J extinguisher; for spraying cattle; for washing windmw, or buggies, in fact y RE . any work requiring a sprayer. C i‘: l ‘1 . - The iiiidoisigiwd will lie lumpy toI .‘ s . i} show the machine and its working to anyone desiring 2i sprayer. f Cglnha£ia ' TO SUIT ALL EYES. 38'“ E." EtLél‘ltAgm RICHMOND HILL i I M E D Carlin“ - $3,000.000 mm? Reï¬t - 750.000 \Vnntod, at once. :1 practical. reli- ' â€"~â€"â€" ‘Hllle man at the butcher,business, DEPOSITS ~â€"-ATâ€"~â€" Highest wages paid. Married man _ , . preferred, Apply“. Removed in Sni‘uiges’ Bunk Depart- \V_ 11_ LEGGB, went and iiiloi'cstnllmved at, EB-tf Jefferson P. O. r n yours: lllï¬flEtiT Ellniiali'l' RAT53. , §Q11)§c1®ibe tOI- Notice: of withdrawal not neces- ï¬ï¬ i 7 sury. All(ll-prisilspnyuble 7- mi Lll'lllilllkl. . . _ . - __, - 7 _ T i - , ) i Money Lemar-ell on Farmers‘ . . - is , :0 YEARS. Sale News. Blank Note .1. ER :3 “it v ‘ 1a a ’ Tori-.512; Ssugigiiicd I’m-e. only 311250. h (4 ) 1 L- , i " Th1 9931921 3 Seal Genem Banning Business . BR ACE and 6 best A ._ .' A . uger C ‘1 r ‘ Transacted. I ‘ ' ' Bits, only $1.50. \ ‘ 0‘} ’ “"“l fâ€â€œ1 ““t- II“““W°â€d. and For other particulars cull iii. the Bank. i 1 bldbh. Deliuiod on SllUI'll'St notice. _L.;- i ' ' ‘ Barb and Plain Twist Wire at less than wholesale price. ' MICHAEL BROS. ’3. F. RO'W'LAND, AG ENT. ‘\ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTs éc- Richmond Hill. _,_~u_#. ,JiT‘-‘:'I‘-““’i°“"l?â€1‘kmlllï¬â€˜ll‘Vliicfiï¬lming"1‘ ' "i" 7 'gmir; -' " mummm‘ {InNNYROYAL VJAFERS' “imagers Hollow Ground Razors L'lllllll‘l‘. >"\ A 55min: monthly nimllciiio for Indies fully guaranteed nu iumk on Parents v to r- A .ii‘iiu: piitcnts. we “.d h“ Mu pm H . . -\. . .i . menses; NM ‘2 w' Auewel ‘3" “mumâ€; mt" hv‘ by Ml painless The undersiuiicd is pl'i‘ll‘ll‘i’d to do u . . e In the. .liscliurgu ho 3» cs or pains on up. .‘,;;5'. u I"' 'o ’ . -' ' ' ' ' liliilitm . ma non... was an kmd> of mums m thv Julihmglma only 506‘ it 36 9‘3: a » I "mo Grimm E 0‘ your drugmsl' Binders, mowers and implements cf a in! cm; than: wirli oiir signnrure across , . - » » ' é fuccoflubrl. .\ bscimca. Sound all kinds rcpziii‘L-d on shortest notice. \; i:::‘f°“.:it 1‘“ grinning; mow Puints. we Planes. :ang Plow molars). Dlrson-bum Slim-cs. etc, made and sold how. ' I s a .3"B iv , Rik??? sliaii'gmiiaï¬ k 7 fi Stuul Hog Troughs, uiiylcngth, made ~ ‘ FUR DALE Wl LKl NS 3!. 00 I 5 I _" Prices right. A Top Buggy 'gvg" "' T . m, ’ All kinds of wrought or cast iron D MCDOUGALL, Shop open “118.30. ,gond as new. taken in exchange. ‘ 166 and I68 Iiing Street East, Toronto, 3 Doors Vvest of SLDG IN ABVANGE, 303 ' Richmond Hill. - w. MAGER, Prop 'ri homely m‘ml weakly Largest clr- . cul: >l of :ui_\ irilli‘ l“lll‘l'..ll. Terms. ‘33 a I ran: v-iur :uoii‘.h5.§l. Bold lq'all no“ sdonlers. I I Nails at car-load rates “1“ George Street.