L ,..,,__,, PERSONAL POINTERS. Interest About Some Leading People. Notes of The life of Mr. Marconi has been in- sured by the \\ireless ’I'elegraph Company for £150,000. The object is to compensate the coml‘ï¬nl' 10" the loss which they would suffer by his death. When Mr. Clinznlierlain was eight years old he went to a. damcls School at (.‘aInlierwell. and is said to have been a fairly mischievous; boy. (Inc day the old lady found young (‘hnm- berlain and a dozen other boys fight- ing. ()n asking the cause of the scrimmage the schoolâ€"mistress was informed that, the boys had formed themselves into a I‘eace Society, and were fighting as to who should be the ï¬rst president. The Dowager Duchess of Abercorn has just become a grandmother for the seventyâ€"first time by the birth of Lady Evelyn (.‘avendish‘s child, but. .there are actually twice as many of her descendants still living! This wonderful old lady is a 'peeress of the three kingdoms. She will be ninety in July, and three months later will witness, let us hope, the seventieth anniversary of her wedâ€" ding day. The death of Lord John Ilervey, brother of the Marquis of Bristol, recalls the adventure which. in comâ€" ‘pany With Mr. Strutt, afterwards Lord Belper, and Mr. 11. (l. Coore. he underwent many years ago while on a. yachting cruise along tlict‘oast. of Greece. Potting into a litt,e har- bor in search of sport and being heâ€" trayed by a guide, they were capturâ€" ed by brigands, Mr. Coore being held as a hostage while a ransom of £3,000 was secured. There are many stories current, in South Africa regarding Mr. Kruger's innnense strength. It is related of him that some thirty years ago, when he was out. buffalo hunting, a huge bull that he was after stumâ€" bled into a waterâ€"hole. The exâ€" President, unable to pull up in time, came plump on the back of the uni- l ma]. Fearing,r lest he should lose. his “bag†Mr. Kruger literally “took the bull by the horns†and held the animal’s head under water until it was drowned. Though close upon seventy years of ago, Mr. Baring-Gould, the author of more books than any other living Englishman. is as upright toâ€"day as he was thirty years ago. 'He attri« butcs this erectness to his invariable custom of writing at 3. high desk in a standing position. Mr. Gould al- ways writes with a quill pen. and his manuscript is not beloved by printers. As a relaxation from lit- erary work l\Ir. lould, like the late Mr. Gladstone, often spends a couple of hours chopping down trees. Mark Twain moved into a district recently where there were a good many burglaries, and consented to be interviewed on the subject. As he. talked to the interviewer he fondled a revolver. He said:â€""I think any decent burglar is entitled to someâ€" thing for his pains. The burglar, like everyone else, must make a livâ€" ing; perhaps he has a family to supâ€" port.“ Then he whistled, and three great dogs came bounding into his study. “What a pity it, would be" he said, thoughtfully, “if the burpâ€" lar's family should be deprived of its means of support.†Evidently the iburglars thought the same: at: all events they left Mark Twain's house severely alone. The din and monotony of the acâ€" clamations accorded to Royalty on the occasion of public processions are, of course, fearfully trying to the nerves. In the course of their recent tour the then Duke and Duchess of York paid a visit to ’I‘ikitere. in the Maori territory. II.I{.II. asked the driver of the coach what sort of a place it was. lie was informed that it was usually called “The Inferno" on account of the weird sights to be seen there; on that day, however. the inhabitants would be away at Itoâ€" tana. . “What!†exclaimed the Duke, “no hand, no soldiers. no schoolâ€"children. no ‘God Save the King'!-â€"thank lleaven for that!†An anecdote significant of the ways of the house of I-‘itzwilliam, is told of the late Earl Fitzwilliam. A farâ€" mer came to him to represent that, pis wheat had been damaged seriousâ€" ly by the hounds The car] inquired at what he appraised the damage. The man said £50. and it was at once paid. After harvest the farmer mine. again and said that the wheat, far from being injured where. most lramplcd on. seemed the strongest. when they came to cut it, and corn delighted sequently he had brought. back the £50. “Ah.†said Lord F., “this is ns things should be. 'twixt. man and man.†Then he wrote out a cheque for £100. saying. “Take care of this. Ellld when your eldtst son is of age present it to him. and tell him of the occasion which produced it." ___+__ COASTING A MILE A MINUTE. Terrible Ride of Two Men Down a Steep Mountain. hard to imagine a more reckless and thrilling adven- ture than that of two men sliding down a steep, ice-crusted mountain- SIdc. one in a prospectors pan and the other on a miner's shovel. 'l‘he feat was accomplished not long ago by two miners. Peter thiotl‘ William Murphy. in the descent one of the Sierra Madre ranges. On the morning of the day of the Ldventure the two men climbed to he Lop of the peak through two feet r , .. ,- lt would be of One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more than two ounces of common soap. REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon nu:- cox W composed quartzite rock which show- ed rusty iron ore, and which. they believed, must. carry gold. In the afternoon it turned cold and a crust formed on the snow, so that the mountain seemed to be encased with glass. It was near sundown when the two men had finished prospecting and started to retrace their way down the mountain. The descent was steep, icy and dangerous at best. They had gone down a hundred feet or more, when Murphy said: "Pete, I reckon it would be. safer to slide down in the pan and shovel eh?" "All right,†said McGoff. "I will I and t \ sumv. to wash out some deâ€"l if you will.†And without further hesitation or debate, he sat down in the pan. “I’m with you!" cried his companâ€" ion, and he squatted on his shovel, unmindful of the danger ahead. At ï¬rst both men slid over the crust in a jerky fashion. for they were obliged to hitch themselves along with hands and feet. But sud- denly the descent became more abrupt, and the two miners almost shot into space, so great was their speed. They tore down the moun- tain side like an avalanche, each holding on to his metal sled with vise-like grip. Down, down they flew, breathless, their eyes blinded with tears. faster and faster. Luckily there were no trees. and no precipices. The two miles were covered in less than two minutes. They shot over Cow Creek, a fortyâ€"foot canon which they had forgotten, and plunged out of sight; into a snowbank like two human drills. When they were. finally dug out. by their friends the two miners did not require the services of an undertaker, but it is said that there. was not enâ€" ough court, plaster and liniment in camp to cover their scratches and soothe their bruises. Nevertheless they were counted fortunate. and counted themselves so, to have es- caped so lightly from so foolhardy an adventure. .â€".____+_..__._â€" LUMBIGU BUB. Ell. A SERIOUS CASE OF THIS PAINFUL DISEASE IS RE- STORED TO GOOD HEALTH. Satisfactory Improvement Leads to a Continued Treatment Which Results in a Complete Cureâ€"An Interesting Story Which Will No Doubt Proï¬t Anyone Suffering With Lum- bago. I-Iolyrood, Ont, Mar. 24 (Special). »â€"~Mr. Bat. Pinnell, of this place, has for the past two years been a great sufferer with that most painful and stubborn diseasv Lumbago. The pain he suffered was almost beâ€" yond description and many were the medicines and treatments he used to try and get some relief. However, nothing he could find seemed to help him in the least, and he became very downhearted. At last someone suggested Dodd-s Kidney Pills and Mr. Pinnell, alâ€" though very skeptical, thought he would make one more trial for a cure and began to use them. The ï¬rst box did not do him very much good, but after he had used part of the second he began to feel a change for the better, so he kept on until he had used in all seven boxes, when he was delighted to find that every symptom of the Lumbago had entirely disappeared. His general health is much proved and he feels better than he has for years. To say that Mr. Pinnell is pleased does not begin to express it. Only those who have sullered as he did with this very painful disease can understand the extreme satisfaction of one who has found a complete cure and restoration to health and strength. Lumbago is a. direct result of disâ€" ordered kidneys and should always be treated as a Kidney disease. Efforts to cure or even relieve by outward applications are invariably unsuccessful. Rubbing may in itself for the time being produce a little I relief, but in order to secure a. comâ€" plete cure it. is absolutely necessary to go right to the root of the trou- ble. The Kidneys must be restored to their normal condition. This is just what Dodd's Kidney Pills do, and this done the Lunibago very soon leaves for without diseased Kidneys : there can be no Lumbago. ,__ LIMITED APPLICABILITY. . “Variety is the spice of life." imâ€" t oâ€"da y raid ‘ Cumso, .cr," objected L‘awker. Keep Ilinani's Linimenl in the flame “ELEVEN MILES OF SNOWDROPS. "That doesn't apply to the vxeaih- ‘ 1n the grounds of LonngI‘d Castle. Ireland, there is a large tongue of land known as "The Underwood." The spot is given up to nature, and is intersected with a retwork of shady and delightful Walks. The late lzv-ad gardener planted thesides of flu» many paths with snowdrops. so that in the early spring: the whole surface of the. Underwood is covt-rml with these graceful flowers. In order ‘to ascertain the length of theground coveer by the flowers the present Earl of liadnor recently pedalled along the paths. making the dis- tance that. is whitened by these early blossoms no less than eleven miles. T0 TICST I‘IIIU“. MILK. The Echo de Paris has inaugurated a. novel competition, a direct. out.- come of the present. milk-zulultcraâ€" tion scare in the French capital. A prize. of 5,000f. is offered to the sucâ€" cessful competitor. irrespective of nationality, who, before the 15th of May, shall devise a simple anti effi- cient test. of pure milk. such as can be used at the door when buying and fit/Mutant~ “1" MAME SWEEP We are handling large quantities We can handle yours to advantage. The Dawson Commission 00, Limited, Toronto. Conslxnmonta or Guitar, Irma, Aoplon and other Produce aollnltod. 9390909900009960300900 QOQOGOOOOOOOGOOOQGQOQQ éTHE BEST without waiting for the official re- port from the. city laboratory. England has a yearly surplus of births over deaths of 360,000; Scot- land, 51,000; Ireland, of 27,000. Mlnard’s llnimeriLlsIIsed bl Physicians Between 1859 and 1874 wages rose 41 per cent. in England. Since 1874 the rise has been much more gradual. T0 ('IIRII‘. A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tako Luative Bromo Quinino Tablets. All druzgicts refund the money if it fails to cute. 2. W. Grave's signature in on each but. 850. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. "Bridget, what. did you say to Miss Smith when she called?†"I told her you were out toime for sure, ma’am." ... ...- . ._ Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. lentlemenpâ€"AAfter suffering for se- ven years with Inflammatory rheumâ€" atism, so bad that I was eleven months confined to my room. and for two years could not dress myself without help. Your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD’S LINIMENT in May. '97, and asked me to try it, which I did, and Was so well pleased with the results I procured more. Five bottles completely cured me and I have had no return of the vain for eighteen months. The above facts are well-known to everybody in this village and neighâ€" horhood, Yours gratefully, A. DAIRT. St. Timothee, Que, May 16th. 1899. this NOTHING COLD. V Hungry Iâ€"Iankrâ€"“I'Iav’ youse enny- t‘ng cold ter ete, lady?†Mrs. Squelchemâ€""Do you think I’m going to the trouble to keep things on ice for specimens of your class!†Deafness Cannot be Cured f. local applications as they cannot roach the ll sensed portion of t to car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by conntitu~ lional remedies. Deafness is caused by an lnï¬amed condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When thll tube is in- ï¬nmed you have urmubling BOHId or impcr feet hearing. and whoniti is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless Lb. inflam- mation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wlll be de~ Itroyed forever: nine cases on: of ten are caused by cunrrh, which is nothing but 32 ll- flamed condition of the mucous surhcv. We will give One Hundred Dollaufor any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can n it be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send Lor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY 8!. 00., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 750. Hall'sFami y Pills are the best. 1896 was the record year for Brit- ish shipbuilding for foreigners. 100 sailingâ€"ships and 22:2 steamers were built that year to foreign orders. A HANDSOME MENU CARD. It is a noticeable fact that the dining car department of the Grand Trunk Railway System is second to none on the American Continent, and new improvements and modern innovations are continually being made. The Cafeâ€"Parlor cars which have been running on nearly all of the divisions of this great. System are a constant source of praise from the travelling public. The company has recently altered the style of the menu cards used on all of the dining cars and cafe-parlor cars, and hav- gotton up a very handsome and neat bill of fare that appeals to the arv tistic sense. The stock used is what is knowri as Old English Ruskin Bristol of ï¬ne texture, and mist grey tradl in color. The Grand Trunk mark in black appears at the top left-hand corner surrounded by a neat combination of scroll Work of Italian renaissance design, printed in gold and embossed in high relief. The name of the meal is also eni- bossed in high relief, and the tout ensemble is a pleasing and artistic combination. The wine lists have the same design at top, and are printed on the same quality of. card. but, an olivette color for distinc- tion. GROWTH OF CHILDREN. At five years of age boys are main- ly taller than girls, but the girls apâ€" Ipear to equal them at the seventh lycar. and continue thus up to and 'illt'lfltlillgj.‘ the ninth year, after which illlt‘ boys rise again abo\e the girls ,for two years, At about twelve iyt-ars the girls suddenly become fullâ€" ’m' than the boys. contniunig until the ifiltecnlli year. when the boys finally ji'cgaiu their superiority of stature. PAIN..... 9 o 9 o O o O o O o O o G o G o 0 e e o 0 o 8 o D o a Is the paint made from the best materials, studied out, thought. out, by practical paint men. and put to the test in actual use In Canada for many years. lllllSAY’S PAINTS .OOOOOWO9 are the best, and the most. eco- nomical, ready for use in handy .~ can, containing the best paint pigâ€" . merits known, ground ï¬ne and a mixed by experienced men to preâ€" 0 vent cracking, blistering or chalk- 2 ing. They are made to wear. . Drop us a card and ask for 2 BOOKLET FREE. 0 showing cuts of beautiful homes. a A BAMSAY & sou "WW ° l ’ e MONTHEAL Paint Makers 09 0900915 oeoaoooeoGGeOOo 3145300000000! ‘ Riki." {mi rnamental Gates and Lawn Fences are a specialty with us. Prices on application. THE FROST ornamental best. Write for catalogue. . THE FROST WIRE gates are the haudsomest and FENCE CO. LTD., WILLAND. ONT. ALWAYS marine. In order to preserve the steel the gigantic Forth Bridge in Scot- land from the effects of the weather, it is painted every third year, and the structure is so large that it takes three years for the workmen employed, about 35 in number, to cover the entire bridge, so that, be- ing compelled as soon as they have reached one end to begin at the opâ€" posite end, they are continually at work. The bridge contains 50,000 tons of metal, and is 8,295 feet in length. For Over Sixty Years Mm. Wmsmw's Sooruma Sun? has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teaching. Itsoolhes the child, mftens the gums. allay: pain. cured wind colic, regulates the uomnch and howell. and is the best. remedy for Diarrhu‘a. Twenty-the cents n bottle. Bold by drusgista throughout the world. Be cure and ask for “ Mus. Wiriuow'ssooraixo BULan Mrs. Caddieâ€"“My husband is so slipshod. Ills buttons are for ever coming oil.†Mrs. Goode (severelyâ€" "Perhaps they are not sewed on proâ€" perly." Mrs. Caddieâ€"“That‘s just it. He’s awfully careless about his sewing." Isl for Minad’sidflale If [that 8,600,000 of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom are between one and five years of age, a number» about equal to all who are over 35 years old. Stop: the. Cough and worlta of! the Cold. Laxativa Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cure. No Pay. Price ween“. Of foreigners in England, Germans come ï¬rst in point of numbers. with 50.600. and next to them Russiansl and Poles, of whom that country shelters 45,000. Mirazd’s linlmenl Lumbelman’silltnl $31,000,000 of gold and £18,000,â€" 000 worth of silver are imported inâ€" to England in the course of a year, and a little more than these amounts exported. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crysâ€" tal. In the south-western counties of England, 37 out. of every 1,000 per- sons are in receipt of out-door relief. This number falls to 19 in the northâ€" west counties. V â€" rHE wins-r NUTRITIous. EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"GOMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST-SUPPER. of London. In 1871 there were 1,268 'buses in There are now 8,200. W P C. "24 THE "0&7 POPULAR DENTIPRIOI. CALVERT’S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER.‘ Preserves the tooth. sweeten: the breath. Strengthens the gums. YOUR ' OVERGMTS and faded Suits would look better dyed. If no of our: In your town, write direct Montreal, BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. Montreal. TO PREFITERS FOR SALEâ€"Two 2-ravolutlon Campbell Presses, bed 40rï¬ Inches. aplendll order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. 8. FRANK WILSON, 13 West Nolan‘s st., Toronto B’OYSWBBI’G’KéE [Bugle Band Instruments, angles, Fllu. Drums. Capt. etc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Can have a Flt. and Drum or Bugle Band. LES?! .ever uot‘idï¬yl’rllï¬sltrated price-lint mat rec. rite us or N ’ ' or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. G m MLSIC WIALEY. MYCE 8 00.. limited Winnipeg. Man. Toronto. Gil-Ind. Dominion Line Steamshlpa Montreal to LiverpooL Boston to Iber- ool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queen-- 0WD. Large and Fast Steamship; Su erior ammznodatlou for all classes of naseugera B: can! and Stateroom: are nmldahipa. peolalntuntion has been no to _ Second Saloon and Third-Clue momma ntfon. or rates cannon“ and all paniculon, npply to any “on. of the mpany. or D. Torrance & 00.. Richards. Mills 5 Co, Montreal uni Portland. 77 State St. Hinton. "Lease... WANTED We want. at once trustworthy men Ind women In 'rcry locality local or traveling. to Introduce I do" ‘ a lice our show cards and adveitis ‘ giggling up Inpconspicuoul place: throughout 9 1mm and country. Steady employment you ran!) "Olnmilllon or sub". $65.00 per nonth an Expenses. not w nceed 82.50 W any. Write for particulars. Poutofï¬ce box 33’], :HTERNATIONLL MEDICINE 00.. LONEKQHI. clloadlna POSITIVE“ and cpoodlly cares Plies. It In the qulokost, eaten and cheapest remodv known. N6 Irrltatlon, no plln, soothed lmmedlately. Try It and“ free again. 250, druggluto, or alleadlne 89., l’oronto. Money refunded If not sutlofaot’ary. / < ‘29 000 a PHOTO. Inconvth w l gluowrs “Legs; l â€" lees- BAV' 51 REET.- tortoqu I __