Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1902, p. 4

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to give this province prohibition as soon as it was seen totbe backed up by public opinion. Every Conser- vative member in the Home with the exception of Mr.)iartcr, voted against this prohibition measure. Some tein~ iperance people seem to think that prohibition should be obtained simply Eiy a "naive of the hand. exception 0 this prohihi parancc pc prohibition E\\' Q -‘!"‘I\'n past: bbirty intoxicating A prdhfliition‘rally was held in the' Orange Hall, “'oodbridge, cn Tuesday evening, and according to Quhlished reports Mr. \V. J. Hill, M. P. P., was at that; meeting plac<d on what is known as the black list, beLuase he. had " opposed by his vote and influence the unun‘nnoas >1‘eqncgts ~of‘cfie prohibition convention.” May the temperance people not‘be’making a unstake in g'olngrto such 'a Hengzln'? Mr. Hill“ ~suppor§s a Wlticul party] that has made great reforms in ! the electors who Vote at an ordinary political election will Show that they desire such a measure. In the face ‘of this Rev. Peter Campbell take“: ‘the platform and supports Mr. Whit- mey who declared himself against rprohib’ition. THE LIBERAL, however, must not; be misunderstood- in this ‘ma'tter. We ido not wish to give the impression that the Rev. Peter Campbell is O]‘~ :posed to prohibition and other mOl‘-‘ -al quest-bus. We believe that Rev.‘ #l’eter Campbell would support any "temperance. or moral question that may be advocated- and introduced by ill-'1"; Whitney or the Conservative party. great moral issue. Rev. Peter Camp- bell ridiculed the referendum and :Hon. G. W. Ross’ position on the tem- perance quegfiion, although the Prem- ier has pledged his government to enforce a prohibitive measure if half People of ordinary intelligeme {and observation must have consider- A’ttbl: difficulty in repressing a smile ‘When they read such twaddle as the article referred to. Rev. Peter Camp- ’l) all who formerly preached at Maple, Flint is now without a; church, inns been on the political stump fol" several yen‘s past. He has received‘» éevery consideration from the press and political opponents although he days himself open to criticism as other political stnmpcrs do. Rev. Peter l Campbell never fails to impress his' hearers with the fact that he is a ‘minister” . At Aurora a few nights ago he laid considerable em: phasis on that point, fielaimed the rright to speak as a minister, and grew quite eloquent when he re‘fe‘f- red to the temperance question as a "The Mailand Empire on Friday Vast contained an editorial of about a 'column in length Headed “ The Great Moral Issue.” The object of the art- Eele was to show that in electicns when ordinary questions are being discussed the clergy refrain from {taking any part, but that when the moral Wei-fare and political liberties ‘ of the people are at" stake, as they are in this campaign, even the mir- «isters of the gospel must speak out. ’The Mail says that the rectitude of the rulers are involved in this issue "and ‘proeeeds as follows: “In the face of such an issue there need be no wonâ€" ‘Zler that clengymen such as Rev. Peter Campbell, who spoke with Mr. Whitney at Aurora on Wednesday, rshould feel inpelled to come forward and declare strongly in behalf of ti e tight." RICHMOND HILL. April 17, 1902 253119 fiifieml. Change- Imperial Oil Co. ‘Now Advâ€"J C Ayer & U0 _ ~Changeâ€"Atkmsnu a Swilfidr “THE GREAT MORAL ISSUE.” m unluc great rerorms in ting liquor laws during the irty year; Mr. ~HiH at; the ion of the Legislature voted New Advertisementa TUE DAY. Aprll 22â€"Almtiuu sale of cow. horse uuggmerness, furmburo. etc.. at Unionâ€" ville, the ) rupeer of Jurqu Ecknrdt. Sale at 2. ’L‘emeth. J. H. Prentice, aunt. TEES my. Apnl wr-Uledib sulent horses. mil: )1 cnws. dairy uteusns. «to, on lot. 15. c1111.: Elthb York (h msiui ). the property of Jasuph Balm: a Suns. Ema at. 1:4 u'nIo--k. Terms 6 months. J. H. Pruumi e. auctioneer. 'Bnu aun'. May lâ€"Gredib sue of fresh milr‘n cmw. wim culve»~ by side. sprungars tn (1 young- cnruo. at. Hughes’ hotel. 'lhoruln ). Sale in.uwdiately at-t‘m' DI" Gallunuugbs snle. Terms 4 umubha. J. B. l’ruucicc auctioneer. Taumrul‘. May ‘b-Credic sale 0‘ residential .Iropcrmy.skt‘.tiug rink, oonvnyunces, funn- tnre. etc.. at 'J'LwrnhillI the prouerty of Dr. Gnllmmugh and Mrs. leson. Sula at12.d-‘ Termsfimunlhauu chattels; we proper!) mm“ mm! known on day of 5:116. J. 11. l Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pillsare a ‘ m-rtain cure fur rheumatism, asthma, _ paralysis, mum-h. eczema. coughs, backache, indigestion, stomach and liver troubles, fmnzlle-complaints, even when the diseases have been standing I’m-many years. Price 51) cents per hux. Fm sale by \V. A. Sundersmx, DI-uggist. The Canada. Chemical Company, Pvterhnrmlgh, Ont, will fm-fx-it $10 fur any case that these pills (l0 nut, help. Dr. Clarke's Sure Cure for Cat-.‘n-rh. and Dz~.(3larke’s Sure Cure for Eczema, same price. $10.00 will he paid fur any case thvy will not cure. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills cured me of rheumatism after 16 years of constant snife1~ilxg.â€"J. B. Annolu, lmokkr-epex- Toronto Junction. I can thruthfnlly say that Dr. Clarke’s Little “I'd Pills have done uw more good than any other medicine 1 have e'r’m‘ LnkPILâ€"DII‘S. Orison R. Estey. \Vutm-ville. N. B. Thore- is no remedy that is equal to Dr. Clarke’s Little Rod Pills fur nnrv- nus troubles, l-lleunmtism, m- kindred (liseases.â€"\V. H. Ruhm-tsnu, Manag- ing Editor Daily Times, Peta-borough, Ont. Ribans Riga: Ripans There is not run-)de fm- rheumatism. or fur building up the systvm, equal tn Dr. Clarke’s wonderfinl Little Rvd Pills. I would not he withuut them f01‘thtil‘ weight. in guld.â€"-J. J. Brandon, Fenv- lon Falls,- Out.â€" Dr. Beattie Nesbitt on Monday evening received the nomination of the C<n<e1'vati\'es of North Ti,- ronto. - Dr. Egerbon Ryerson am! Mr. John Shaw also allowed their names to go before the conven- fion but Dr. Nesbitt won in the; first balloti Mr. Marter, the late member, was referred to as the man who betrayed and deserted the par- ty, and therefore not entitled to any cmsideration from the hands of the North Toronto Conservatives. H N n'th Toronto wants a man to rep- present them in Parliament who will keep burning ata white heat the fire of race and religious pre-- judiee they cannot do better than elect Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. Testimony Which Shows the Great Value of Dr. (market‘s “’ondcrful Llulc Red Pulls. Dr.CInrke’s Little Red Pills cured Im- uf chronic rheumatism after I had been gin-n up by the_ dfitt()1‘S.â€"Arch- ilmld \Vilson, merchant, Sunlt Ste. Mmie. _._.._...., u ‘Efigéaa ‘of a penny a pound, and to impose 12>. duty of threepence a hundredwcight on grain, and five pence a hundred- weight on flour and meal. The in- come tax is at present fourteen pence to the poundr which increased bv an- other penny will make the tax equal to about six per cent. This new move looks like the thin end of the wedge in England’s return to protection. No doubt this will'be widely discuss- ed durng the next few months. 'mutice. auctioneer‘ = mnkeaa rlooklnzhab % uess likopogow. Made of pure. bmvy bodied all. an- pscinlly prepared to win:- sund the weather. Bold everywhen In Innaâ€"all sues. The treme'ndous eXpense of the Boer war is given as the cause for film proposai to piace‘ctstoms duties on 'Certain articles in Britain. The chan- cellor of the exchcquer proposes to in- ‘crease the income tax to the extent EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Ede by Wm mum. % m Tahnles: for sour stomach. lS Tabulos cure flatulence. :s Tabules curmbiliousness. fiamess @il You cau‘mnke you 2.» 11995 as soft' as. ‘ gave and as mush awn-e by “MHZ EUREKA Har- ness 0“. You cm. lengthen It: "ftâ€"mm“ Lut m'lco as long u-n ordinarily would. 5 Me megLSLer. FRANK RUSSILL, General Manager. Neckyokes and Whiffletrer. W. H E W N, HOUSE P.»\L\"i‘!€R, Glazier, Grainer ancl Paper- Hanger. v... .v- LVL'AL‘AA'M CENTS EA'C'E." Don't'd'élay it you wunc one‘ We will sell 50 only manure forks, 4- ron . exactly name“ as_\]e_ {oyAFORCIle-F VE I\r.!\vmn n A a RES TO SUIT Remember these spfifiaily low prices. Calls from a distance promptly attended to, SANDE Manure Forks, 45 cents. w (; $1.00 IN a M931. rfi, Lambs: Righfly named-because they lead in up to date construction. eaayopera- fiiou and quick churning If on are going to buy a c urn. buy the "Lead- er" from us at these apqcialiy log pricegâ€" ‘No. 1,'03."7f{.“1~3a a. 04.00, No 3. 01.50. up Kma STREET 5., TORONTO LEADER A Wire Clothes Line Will not rust, rot. stretch. or contract. &ply, rust: prool'. 50 feet long. for FIFTEEN CENTS fine flan! a pound for a line of Grind- stones which you will allow are adecided bargain 3‘ me prices. 11 you need a Grind- stone come and see our values. CHURNS b V1 ..-. .. .__°.u5 n. In“ T‘VENTf-FififéENTS each upwards The best known maken' goodsâ€"Joseph ma vets a: Sons.Joseph Allan a: Sons,Aakham'a. She eld'l first makers. ranging in price from 'T‘KVDUMV BIT!“ nn‘vr-n - _ Lon bundle Tree Pruner: u mush-nod for BI TY-HVE GIANTS. Pruning Knives. Drnnlnn Sun“-.. 0.. . . . . _ _ n__4 Prunfié ‘8â€"h énfiffifiEBWE: __v . "wm "r aulhl of spraying. Your outm is not complain wuhout s "BPBAMOTOB." A word m the wisei‘ lumclem. Make up your mind and order one from us now. If you haven’t a SPRAYING OUTFIT you onghtrtor We are headquarters for Poultry Naning. Whether yourawams be for one yard or one thousnnd ya:- s.‘ you'll find our prices the LOWEST. P. G. SAVAGE, - Eicbmcnd Hill. BUTCHER KNIVEE Paints, Oils, Tvarnishes and Lnad. Brushes in 21711 sizes. Dry Colors BUILDING NEEDS. \Ve have on hand a largo“ stock of Wall will sell at reduced prices Lats Designs in Ceilingr and Bordc POULTRY NETTING Whitewash 8c Caioimine Brushes. V Large Stack of Fumfiure TREE PRUNERS. In fact ever 'thin; Hut is Used l ) Constantly on hand Evervtln'ng at (hr Inwest (n AT SAVAGE-1’23. If you axe going to ball a house ’01- lgarn this spring, bring your hard- wue list to us and i! be“ Foods and owes! prices will secure your order we’ll fill it season. There is no ques- ‘ion as to ‘he plot itable ro- every in- dicstion of an early spnng. fl wil! 1106 be long before she mist spra. 113 will fie in GET ONE NOW WM] Brushes st 150, 20c and Extn value in dandyé 250 each. \ I t: Setgictealile “fig-a é a mpe 5 ea q “9“ Curry Comb, 11' led through the handle for TEN CENTs, Horse Brushes 100 onlv Cattle ObainsA a regular 26c war We are clinging at FIFI‘EEN (JEN (‘8 each Cattle Chains 100. each less A mas! compleGe range of files for any and all purposes. You'll save money by buying files from us. An outfit consisting of a soldering iron. Iolder. resin. patching tin and full instructions for use,punu in a neat box. We sell me cumin! TE CENTS. Be Your Own Tinsmith for TEN CENTS. rock of Wall Papers, which we Drices Latest Patterns and f and Bordering. (.3211! see them. FOOD CUTTERS at Tarred Building Paper harness and 1 «priug work. Yum will : Ynllcuu't.1 1nd jmt whu hny yuur hm Gnud Lr'nt} up; Sweat i' All nLhr-I- sun ii’O. FILES. FILES. nw is L! y. ‘M‘Ic Donald RICF’ MOND HILL. 3'! if EC? each. ne’gu'lfi’siza vh'ue. hr lining houses, mblesmoultry hnuBea. Windproof and water- proof. 400 square feet In a. roll and we sell h for FOXLTY-FIVE CENTS a. roll. W1. mm.“ CURRY pa inlers. aim E The Universal Food Cutter chops anything in the line of food. Mm raw or boiled, bread, biscuits. vegetables. etc. It‘s invaluable ‘0 the carti‘ul house- wife. In order to lace one in the 01119 01 every one of oureustomers we are going to give away our prom and sell ‘ ihem M NINETY- ‘ EIGHT CENTS 1 hri COMES ngm v \v hrll'lH‘SS. > hut ynu new] ’ .VUH, if you q in ynnr 01¢}3 H‘puired for 980. each and ach and up. [)1 im-s. rivet-

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