r. “'m. E. Savage, lot 26, 2nd glmn, had :I. buy mare, cuveled gy. a set. nf harm-as and u. robe en frnm his stable and shed Mon- night. Mr. Savage went, to the Tuesday lllm‘ning and laid the ‘terhefr-re High Constable Rams- Mx; Savage hzls offered ;l rmvuxd 25. and this with the county’s re- d of 3"“, will makcjt worth \\ bile MASS MEETING ‘he Ymmg Liheml Club I: are m ranging for n, mm: the interests of the Lille Les fur North and Rust- u-lh and 801th Ontario out May 15th at Stuuï¬'vil} u't will I): nmdp :v. "ml-u Mr. Bert; Hopper disposed nf his mu nf pnuius In Mr. R. Dal-ling a w days isgn, taking :1 driving horse ) chhangn. A day or tm» after- :u‘ds aunt-her deal was mndo, Br‘rt Ming the ponies hack. and Mr. urlinghis hm-so. Bnt‘h dvnlers are uw uppzu-L-nlly we“ satisfied. CARD 0F THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. N. Slim-y wish to :uik Mr. P. G. Savage, agent for the remitile and Norwich Union. for e pi-uiimtiwss in which :5 settlement their L'iuim an Account of ï¬n- was ule. The claim was settled withme lay, and Mr. and Mrs. Slinevsuy y received the full amount. of the mages‘. rcnmved the Incutiun of unit}: shop to tho Dumnfm _ The Trensmer of 01d a sale If land In Dishix-t Nu. 2 (‘0 uwnship :1an Villz Richmond Hill, 01 )f épril. 7 The 5:] Stan-ting 10-day the (-m'lymr-rnm :Ul'ion of The Glube Will he "Milt-1 ix-vct, frmu the «flier to any nddrvss Canada or the United Stnlvs for he Lime cm‘eriug the Onlarm Elec- inn Campaign. 1902, ending two days tor the eLucLiun. fur 50 cents. Mr. M. R. Humming-way, proprietor of the Queen‘s Hotel, Uuium'ine, has sulda Ynung Macquovn Cult :1 year nd tun momhs’old for about The colt, goes to the Nnm h \var we mn- su nemn- stuck uf gcm‘s white wed shu-ts. collars, tics. hard L J felt hats and stnw l1:lt,s,nl |st. Atkinson & Switzer. Men's shirts. «wan-(HS. sum g punh‘. suapcudvrs, Sucks ve you mmwy on these. Switzer. smith shop tn the pump factorynvlwre he is now prepared to run the business 1nd give satisfaction in all work Llu-u- I‘ll our, of his shop. .he Lbrne Huiâ€: . . y 7 J n l‘ for Mumboha, whele went a Week before. The nicest and ( Ldivs' handkerchiefs Ltkmsnu (k: SwiLu-r’s‘ lst. The Rev. D. C. Hossack of Deer Park will (lolii'cr n lecmre on “Can- udu†in the Presbyterian Chm-ch on Friday eveningan Mrs. Eustou Sis- luy of Maple will sing. Mrs. A. Liuklutor 0'." Buffalo, N. Y., spent, a few days here with her sister, 3113.19. H. SESlGV who left. 'PIlPQalzav 'nne eu'r Mr. John Ness hn’s purchased from \Vm. Stephen VVill-iinsnn at, Dollar, ~2nd cnu. Markham, it huuse and 10!. The price paid was $225. Mrs. Edu'md Dils, o_f_~:‘._ttm'cliffo. Mnnck County. spent a few days with 'fn-r bruthvr, Mr. T. F. McMuhun, and ,1 I, I ' ‘ huh...“ .. returned home Mend Ours were running, and men \vm-e at work manly all day Sunday trim- min the tl'evs on Ynngc Street, along the ï¬lett-opolitan line. Mr. Brownlee. road cummissimwr, has been at. work this week putting ant-streets in better repair with the road scruper. Mr. Thus. UhuLhm-n of [)1’ Reeve Savage. spent over with fliends iu B-u'x-ie. and guest of M r. and Mrs. \V. R. l ‘V Remnmher the lecture (m “Canada†m the 1’: eshyteriuu Chm-ch tu-mm'mw (Friday) evening. ~h'nme of flowing. m: m ranging tor a. mass meeting rinterests ut' the Liberal candi- fm' North and Rust, Yon-knnd I and Soul; Gntm-in lo beheld Mny 15th at: Stuulfville. Every will he made #3:» wake the meet~ 1e of tEHâ€"s largest, and best, that up been held {-1) this part of the ma \Vulcl) for pustexs and :mnuuncements. Richmond meets next O‘clock. Mr. “'1â€. Freak of spent a, few days with his parents hex-elast Week. Dr. Conlter of Ottawa. visited his father and mother here on Mundny. RICHMOND H ILL Elm: gikeml.’ The \V. 0. mt LOCALL‘. months’ old for uhnut, goes to the North W'esls. STOLEN. Luer of York County will f land to be suld for taxes 'n. 2 comprising Markham )rl Village, Vaughan and 11'â€, on Tuesday, 22nd The sale will be held in rum-1‘s, Sucks; “‘9 can yun these. Atkinson C. T. U. will med; at the Mrs; Den-y next, Tuesday u‘nld_clu,-apnf.<c Hue nf éley who 12ft; lodge A. Fumd A. M.; Monday ï¬cning at 8 }1 Club of Stout?- (HS. smacks. work- czuf bc seen pen}: 0\'£‘l_ Sn "(1le but: April 17. 1902 Maple, has his black- he and d and all the Tuesday, husband white extra Sc] uh sun I: LAWâ€"At Peachland, B. 0.. on Fliday, April 4, to Mn. and Mrs. Roscoe E. Law. a daughter. D1118 â€"At Jcï¬eraom a 1: Wednesday. the 9th of Aplil, the wife of Ge wge Dibb. of a. son. can-ut'and t’ui nip see-{1. I ' Lity nf seed potatoes 31-03.. Elgiu Mills. Seedsâ€"~Tim0thy and clove-r [H'st ‘qnal‘ity, sud om-n, uni IUUFO. Snlu, †Boy adisv," Miss E. Hymn Z45. Benediction. EP\VORTH I EAGUE: Christian Endeavor {Sm-vice Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Hymn 05. “Hymn Stripture Lesson, Heb. iv. Hymn 204. Address. “Anchored,†Rev. Mr. I! ~, thâ€"e u _ 7. ....v. «V». 1 n ul'ut 1h. ,t cunking figs. 4y: kinsou & Switzw. A young man with an nily tongue canvasan the» village and sun-mundiug npiglilnu hands prntty thoroughly last Wonk taking suhscl-iplinns for The Ladies’ Home Journal. Now. the sub- scriptinn price of this excellentjnurmd is $1.00 it your, but the supposed rup- i-Pqentntivecf the ï¬rm prmuisvd his subsurihurs as a remiqu a. handsome Call‘pOL swevpor. mth useful and 01-mi- mental. IL is rumored also that. an industrious house-keeper at Elgin Mills is still waiting for n wopk’s lmard from this same individunl. 0f (mm-so ullsuhscriptinns Were payable in ad- vance. The :ultlmrizpd agency for The Ladies' Hume Jmn'mll tm- this St’K'llUn (If country is at THE LIBERAL ()flice. \Ve guarantee :1 full year‘s subscription for $1.01), but we regret to sny Wu gummt give a carpet-sweeper as a premium. Best green Rio cnffw. 10c. ; Wethey's mines meat, 10c. : D.S.F. mustard in 5‘ “’- t“‘51- 206- ; white glass starch, 7c. 1|. . .. ,_I.: n .‘ , ay Best whitening, 1&0. lb. : best wash- ing sndn. 1:30. lh.: bvst, baking soda, 3%.: Happy Hume soup, 8 for 25¢. Atkinson & Switzer. The Village Council handed the in- strumean over to the hand on Monâ€" day evening, and they expect to start l1!-utlf;nn ._ 1 ,_ . day evening, an: practice at. once. THE BAND. The Village Band was rmrg‘nnizpd a few evenings ago with the following ofï¬cers : President. E. Mason ; Vice-President, G. Sims; Secretary, “1'. E. W'iley; Treasurer, \V. Trench : Committee of Management, the above “mom's, and A. Glass, J. Mc- Kgflzigagd M. Barker. . ..u\ . uu It "In: buflllu' ard ()f qualitjitrbe highest: and one standard of price, the lowest. At, a meeting of the County Com~ missionm‘s held Thesday afternoon in the old Com-t House. Solicitor C. C. Robinsnn was inst) noted tn notify the Metrup'flitan Railway Cmnpnny to make the cars comply with the tvl-ms of the uri‘ inal sign-eornent with tho county by . (me 1 next. The? c'm-s are d?f\‘CtI\'P. the commissioners say, be- cause they have m) cushions, no bag- gage rnmn attached and no arms Rpufe . " "‘ cause they have m) cushions, no bag- gage rnmn attached and no cross seats, as provided for m the agreement. COUNTY 00Mnirs7§fdi§1EEs MEET. (-u nas nuw decided to appeal to (He Supreme Court, at, Ottawa. These cases ul-egfld for the luyyï¬ys. Bunts and Slumsâ€"Ladies‘ Oxfmd slums in great rariPty; men’s wm-king bouts the best made‘ ; men’s huff hunts, 6 and 65. nnly. $1.00, \vm'lh $1.75: anughtnn Bros, Elgin Mills. ,, ... J‘ 1;u' u l/ll llll‘ way it was dune and applied to the courts. but was benten. Then thvv tnnk the case to the Court of Appeal. and :1 few days ago that court decided in favor of Markham. Aurora coun- ril has nuw decided to appeal to the Supreme Court, at, Ottawa. These cases are [mod for tho lnuvvuI-n _ , V..».., . u yurqlu: “‘HS issued the same day as papers were presumed at the (ffflcm‘. Yours truly. J ENNIE BRILLINGER. C. & E. Mason sells nnv the best churns made : can he worked by lever, foot or crank. Call and see it. {ktkjnsnu & Switze; Dear Sinâ€"Kmdly accept, my thanks for the promptness in whit-h you settled the claim on my late husband held by the Confederation Life Assu- ciabion. Cluimpapm-s \VQ-II'H placed in my hands at once, and cheque was Nun"! H." m. .u, PROMPT SETTILiaiiENT. Mr. P. G. Savage, agent fm- the Con- ft-dm'utiun Life Association. has I‘P- coived the following lt-ttm- of thanks frnm the widuw of the late M. Bril- lingm‘ who died at Currville a few wveks ago : Mr. P. G. Savage: Dem" Sinâ€"Kindlv m-pnnf IrI‘v H.....l... d. ’ ' ' V ' ' C You want evleLhIng we make». dml. Lkmsnn Sr i Emplnyos of Tm-nnto Street Rail- way Unmpnny and thoir friends to the number of nhout200 held their Third Annual At Home ut the Palmer HouseFriduy ni ht. A gnod supper was served in l; 0 dining room, and dancing was indulged in in the Lorne Hall till 311. m. There was quite at stir in the Village when the \wll innde special curs arrived about 9 o‘clock. and by all accounts the entmtuin- menb mus “spirited†to the 0nd. We have ‘f Bo‘gopd ‘the Gates of THAT PREMIUM NOT YET, iSï¬I‘LED‘ BIIR'IIIS SUPPER AND DANCE, 1. Switzer. everything you want. 'Lhing \Fe liuvo. Lo Lkmsun & Switzur. dates, 60. 'Aé; nhout200 held their Home ut the Palmer :ht. A gnod supper 'e (lining mom, and clover of the n. union sets, A large quan- . Naughton " have one stand- Cept my thanks in. yvhjch ‘ you 'ar- I am prel axed to do Family Washings and Ludieu’ ï¬ne linen 3 specialty. We ante-ed nn-‘. patronage solic' 97d. That’s what you need; some; thing to cure your bilious- mess and give you a good digestion. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. I. They cure con- stipation and biliousness. gently laxative. Anprz-ï¬'gim. _ ,...U . - -..\ uxnull‘ r1 Inut’llu buildings. although I have yet consid- erable. Work to do. I have spent a very pleasant winter, having had very little experience of cold or snow, not requiring to go out, of doors from ~ Monday morning until Saturday night. It takes almnt ï¬ve tons 11f coal per day to beat this institutinn. I ï¬nd the people here more friendly and sociable than thUSe of the city. This must he :4. very pleasant place in sum- men It, appem‘s to have heen it wil- derness conrm ted into :1 Paradise, on the slimes of Luke Sluicoe, opposite Strawlwn-y Island. These buildings cover ahmit ï¬ve acres, and there are thirty acres uf lawns to he kept lnuwn. \Vheu one gang uf patients tire, alu- uther IS put. on the. same machine. You may pass thruugh the dining- room where 600 patienls are at their meals and you Would hear less nnise and cunfnsinn than one hulfuf sane penple Would minke, fur the simple reason that many of them neverspt-ke a “turd in their life. The death rate here is nhunt seven per month, and the patients are buried by contract. Theycull it, “going 10 the sand pit." I never saw u funelul since I have been here. The only thng that. I see small about. the Ross Government, is the salaries they pay their employes. They have prnmised us a raise of one dollar after three Year's sen \‘II'P. A pril 14, 1902. 1i£chiï¬onii1:711ill‘ aucx[HGHAM’sbmsarsmz “an , my monnarhe or brown or nah black ? The min: The followmg letter is from Mr. C. E. Sin-ppmd, gnvernment electrician in the Ul'iHiEL Asylum. formerly of this place : To the Editor of TEE LIBERAL: DEAR Sm,â€"I have just about com: pleted the Wiring 0f Elyse Government I...:l.‘l:...__ h _Uill‘l'l(‘3u. Messrs. Juh’n McBride, Eldei-‘s Mills, and Daniel Bulgess, Maple, were ap- pninted to operate mad graders for the present season, at, 156. per hour. By-lzuvs were passed dividing the interest; of the Clergy Reserve and the Municipal Loan Funds among the several sclnmls in the municipality. Council adjourned to meet at the Town Hall. Vellure, on Monday, May 245th. at 10 a. m.. as a Court of Revision of the assessment roll for the present vnu '- year. I “my \Vm. anper, breaking stone M. Conley. breaking stone. . . G. McDuugall, work . . . . . . . . R. McNair. work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Newbery, wm-k.. . . . . . . . . les. Conmbs, wm-k . . . . . . . ‘ D. \V. Clubine and man, 22 (In D. \V.Cluhme. 2 lmrse and cm 9 days . . . .- . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Chatterley. \vm-k . . . . . . $19 50 John. Chattorloy, work . . . A . . . 8 50 Jun. Simpkins. breaking stone. .v 11 00 ‘17.» n I ' ‘ J. J. CAmVemn, sharpening" m. V wedges, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Yongc St. Account, half to be paid by Mmkhum: ’ Council metnt the Town Hall, V83: ‘ lure, on Tuesday. April 8. at 10 u. m. Rem'v Kirby in thechuir. Members all present: Minutes of last meeting road and up mx'ed. nyleâ€"Longhouscâ€"thut the trans: :iy the following accounts .- Vm. anen, putting in culvert, 2ndcnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Alpx. Black, 1.5 days†Work on 7th con. hill . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 P. Mitchell.10 days with team on tnwhline, con. 11. King ‘ tn pay half cost . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 00 Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Innes, that the village band, when organized, hegmnted the use Of the musical instlunwnts on the same teriils as furnwrly.â€"Can-ied. Council adjourned. Mr. “I. I advdurlésseci the council. intinmting a (Main: t0 revive’ the village harm. and asked the enun- cil to grunt the use of the band in- stunnents. LAUNDRY a , , , _ _ . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 W aned by Mr. Innes, secunded by Mr. Furey. that the tlensurer do pay the ful'eï¬â€˜pillg ucgyuuts.~(}.~nI-l-ivd. , WV. V w nun“ u, nasrssuwut rolls. P. Bussmgthnuute, stone . . . . . . . . John Innes. lumber . . . . . . . . _ . . . Jus. Hall. nil . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . Sundry persons shnvolling snow. J. Bruwnlee. services altendinp Hockey Club ‘. ...........~:.Z H. Blunulmx’d. Wfl‘rk (m ï¬nk .. . . . Brmvnlue. services attending skating rink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cnuncil met on April 14. Rem-e in thechuir. Prosvnt, Councillors Fun-9y. Innes and Trench. Minutes of 7th Feb‘y read and ap- proved. The fUHm'ving accounts were read : art- &'Ri(1(_](~‘“, assessment rulls.$4 75 Liver‘Pms‘; Orillia Asylum hey pay their empioyes. promise-d us a. muse of one - three year's sex vice. Lm-ee year's sex vice. 'uul-s truly. CHAS. E. SHEPPARD. )2. Govt. Electrician. Vaughan Council Village Councu than one hulfuf sane minke, fur the simple ny uf them nevex-spt-ke lit ‘ v' I! . t Ion at 111 Washin . Gents Grey 0 u lIzsi‘ialty. ‘53:): guu- mortgaae farm pro] ,1 e ‘ . Enquire u: TELLIE MAXWELL man, 22 days 22 M. TBWF‘Y, Clerk. CHI‘IS fawn-mt]. 18 00 ll 00 16 50 10 00 2700 350 1100 $4 75 15 no 8 03 14 61 w Home of the Light Draft Deering Ideal Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Twine and Machine Oil. DRUGGISTS, 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTOI J. A. JOHNSTON. _ "â€"- n. spaviu or ringboue or mun Liuimouca and Blisters of 3.)) 2m Eczema. Ointment- 35c (Shane’s Ointment 40c w «2 R Butter Comr 18c Perfect Worm Syrup fur 25'0 Custurju 25c Hess' Poultry Panacea 300 Pages Enalish Hair Restorer 50c Swan Down Face Powder 150 SPECIAL Money to Loan For Condition Powders where vou save fro: Condition Powders. Blisters. Liuimeuts. ett Farm Condition Powders 2 lbs for 25¢; 10 1 Pages English Comlitiou Powders 250 Burrows Condition Powders 25c Daniels Condition Powders 250 Dicks Condition Powders ~10c _ Sandersons Condition powders 15!: Flints or Keh-lalls Pan-don iOc Darleys Candi biou Powders 150 Epsom Salts dc lb or 10 lbs for 230 Sulphur 3c lb or 10 lbs 102' 250 Glau’rer Salts 3: ll). 101bs tor 25c Sultuex-re. pure. 2Jbs for 25¢ Kendall's Spawn Cure 7.30 PagesEu l avin Cure â€"gun.ra.nteed to :SOLD BY Jacob Eyer & Son, Richmond Hill. inkâ€"ha THE FARMERS DRUGâ€" STORE A very nice fine Princess White C( A line of Men’s Fine Suspvnders, re Black Satin Duchessv, Very special 42 incl) Black and Slate Percale Lir Ladies Black Patent Leather Belts Oak \Vindow Pofles, wood ends. on 42 inch “White Victoria. Lawn, very special, per yd . . . . . 4-4 Reversible Jute Carpet, regular 30c. value. for . . . . . \anen's Heavy Black Cashmere Stockings,double knee Fine Figured Mercerised Prints, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A lot, of GUI-sets, regular 35c. value for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A line of very ï¬ne Foulm-ds. regular 20c. fnr . . A . . . . . . . . The best Six Cord 200 yard spools, per dnz . . . . . . . . . . . . r A - - .un “b... L..- ‘n _ NH I, my-“ w .u nugboue or mugev refunded, 8], "Hub... -1 4n Y‘Gl‘ Aflï¬ngmï¬ Lara 0! 3.1175543» . _rs where vo_u save from 1c to Blistegs‘: Lipxmeuts. etc.. from _Dr Williama' Pink Pills (genuine) 300: 3 boxes sell everything at wholesale prices . DANIEL & 00.. Our showing now tar surpasses previous efforts. Our stock was al- ways largeâ€"this season larger than ever; and pricesâ€"â€"they are really very low. It’s hard to put values in cold type 'so you wrll appreciate them. Look over the following list, then‘ come and inspect the goods; you’ll ï¬nd it worth your while : Is where you ï¬nd the largest assort- ment, the best goods and the lowest prices. mum-4w. cum. 1mm p1 'ror 25c.; 10 lbs for 31‘ m ool', wry specuu, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . 24- d Slute Percale Lining, per yd . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lent Leather Belts . . . . . . . . 25, 35, 40 and 50 ï¬es, wood ends, complete, regular 80c. .25 ZUU ym-d spools, per dnz . . . . . .. 'I-incess White Cnttan, per yard ne Suspvnders, regular 50c. for. 2539, Very special, per yard. . . . . Glut... h.“ 7 I Y ' ' kill IC to 25 per cent. Have us put up your receipes for TED“! Pure drugs and we will save you money. Model I 01‘ 81 Dr Thomas Eclectric Oil 2 bottles for 250 Chases and Carters Pills‘l boxes for " : ‘ Dodd’s Kidney P1113300 Parmeeles, Ayers and Burdock Pills 150 Fallows Syrup of Hyvophosphites 900 Syrup of Hypophosplntes is a splendid tonic. we sail a. regular 750 bottle for 450. Beef. Iron and Wine. rure, 50;: Ozone small 35c. large (Lie Pierces Prescription. Pierces Discovery, Ayers SarsapurilmPaineï¬ Celery (Iompouud,Bur-l- ock Blood Bittersfloods Sm‘sapirillufllarka Red :Clover Compound, Ayars Hair VigorI Warner Safe Cureâ€"any of these (350 Burdock and Suraaparillu is a. splendid {spring medicine-large bottle me Littlcs. McDougalla and szieri Sheep Dips. Seal Oil for lice on cattle. 311) bar pure Custile Soap 25c Bnbys Own Snap 10c. 3 cakes ior 25c Cuticura. Snaps ‘Lï¬c Cuticuru. Salve 50c Coal Oil (Water White) 166 gal wiï¬zw 'r C‘Pp: Clyde Hotel for 50¢. Remsmber wh‘ 3313 Manager 13$ 10c