Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Apr 1902, p. 4

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The Mail and Empire on Monday called upon the electors to defeat the Liberal party and the Ross Govern- ment on the 29th of May, giving as a. reason that “ thirty yeam is too long for any body of men to rule, and as a consequence a change is call. ed for." The electors will scarcely think the above a sufficient reason for turning out a Government in a. province that has enjoyed, and is enjoying such wonderful pros- perity. No other province in the are not as free from crookedness as they ought to be, but it is fully to any that the guilt is all on one side. Mr. Whitney never delivers an aJdress Without referring to the heinousness of the transactions in the West Elgin bye-election, but who ever heard him condemn the corrup- tion proven in the South Ontario election a short time before. The-re was undoubtedly some crookedness on the part of certain Grits in West Elgin, but the Government was no more to blame in that election than Mr. Whitney himself was in South Ontario. The leader of the Opposition chal- lenged the Government to investi‘ gate the West Elgin election. The Gwernment accepted the challenge, and appointed three judges, includ- ing Judge Morgan of York County, to enquire into the charges of wrong- doing. Mr. Whitney seems horror- stricken when he refers to the burn- ing of the ballot-papers in West Elgin, but the worst the Commission- ers found was carelessness among the officials. The following paragraph relating to this case is taken from the Commissioners’ report : “ The commissioners can arrive at no other conclusion upon the evidence of all parties engaged in the destruc- tion of the ballots, etc., than that the said box with its contents was inadt vertently taken with the other boxes containing the general election re- turns from the vault to the furnace and there burnt. The evidence sat- isfies us that the said box with its contents was not destroyed with de- sign or deliberate purpose, but it in- dicates an absence of that care and caution in calling over, checking and scrutinizing the box-es and packages Mr. Whitney cuts a poor figure in posing as a moral reformer in the present campaign. If he would manifest a desire to punish wrong;- doing wherever it is found, he would have the good-will of thousands of honest electors. He is ever rerrdy to condemn those who are opposed to him in politics, but never seems to see that any blame can be attached to his political friends. A man who can only see far enough to blame one side, cannot be taken as the apostle of electoral purity. Unfortunately many of the elections on both sides containing the ballots and other elec- tion papers, which should be observ- ed in transferring such important papers from the vault to tho fnrnaee for the purpose of the Statute.” How glaring were the frauds practised on the electors in South Ontario in 1898 when Mr. Calder de- feated Hon. John Dryden. That election cost the Conservatives over $7,000, and Mr. Wm. Smith, a Tory ex-M. P., admitted under oath that he spent $1,200 in buying votes in that election. In giving judgment Judge Ferguson rcmarked:â€"“I think Mr. Smith's evidence cannot be too strongly condemned. I have nothing to say to him, but that his evidence is the most glaring piece of corruption I ever heard.” ' RICHMOND HILL. April Changeâ€"Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J C Ayer & Co Changeâ€"C. & E. Mason. Chnnue-J. Eyer & Son Changeâ€"Tho flusaill Hardware C Notice to Creditorsâ€"Lindsey. Wadsworth _ Election Curd-John BicEavdbon M R New Advertisements. he fliheml WHITNEY AS A PURIST. yer & Son flusaill Hardware Co. lxeditorsâ€"Liudsey. Lawrence and and packages 190'. A section of temperance WOI‘kU‘S in West York have sent letters to Mr. W. J. Ilill and Mr. J. W. St. John asking; for an expression in writing of their attitude on the ques- tion of Provincial prohibition. This looks very much like a political dodge. Everybody knows Mr. Hill’s position on this question. Only a few weeks ago he voted with his leader, IIon. G. W. Ross, to snpfort a prohibitm‘y mesnre if the electous show conclusively by their vot(s that they desire such a measure. And as Mr. St John appears on tl e same platform at political meetings with Mr. Whitney who is oppos<d to prohibition altogether, there is no reason to think he holds opinions different from his leader on this im- mrtant question. A Diseovory 0! an Almost (Wr- Iniu Cure for Rheumatism: and Kindred Diseases. DEUClark’s Sure Cure for Catarrh, and Dr. Clark‘s Sure Cure for Eczema. same price. $10.00 will be paid for any case they will nut, cure. pn‘tant qucs Amongst the. greatest. discoveries of the age of relief of human suffer- ing. Perhaps none take so high a place as Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills. The formula from which these pills are made was the result, of many years of study and experiment. It is with the greatest confidence the) eforo, that the proprietors place these pills on the market, and so satisfied are they that they will prove a blessing to suf- fering humanity, that they make the following offer: To any one who is a subject of rheumatism (no matter how long standing) or any blood disease, as emunerated lwlow, and will give Dr. Clark’s wonderful Little Red Pills a fair and impartial trial and do not find a perfect cure, we will re- fund the money paid for the pills. If no substantial improvement is ()l)$91 v- ed, we will in addition pay $10 in cash on satisfactory evidence being suppli- ed as to this effect. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills are a certain cure for rheumatism, ust-hnm, paralysis, c:it.n~1-h. eczenm, coughs, backache. indigestion, stmnnch and liver tmuhles, fenmlc’cnmpluints, evvn when the diseases have been standing fur many years. Price 50 cents per hux. Fursule by \V. A. Sanderson, Durggijtu A REMARKABLE STORY, ed, we will in addition pay $l0 in cash on satisfactory evidence being suppli- ed us to this effect. \Ve have yet. to know of a single case where these Wonderful pills have not, been almost entirely successful in af- fecting a cure. CANADA CHEMI- CAL CO. Peta-borough. Out. The undersigned gives notice that the Maple Creamery will be open on and after the lst of May. Fannch or others having any business with the proprietor will find him at the ex enm- ex-y after this date. Mr. Hill, the Liberal candidate for West York, and 11011. E. J. Davis, the Liberal candidate for North York, have written their political opponents to hold a series of joint meetings up to election day, but both Mr. St. John and Mr. Lennox have declined the invitation. This will be a disappointment to many of the electors who prefer to hear the po- litical questions discussed from differ- ent standpoints from the same plat- form. The East York electors W('llld be pleased to learn that Mr. John Richardson and Mr. J. W. Noyes had arranged a series of joint meet- ings. April 15, 1902 Dominion stands in so happy 21 fi- nancial position as Ontario does to- day, and this proud position could not; have been achieved under a bad or corrupt government. Maple fireamary ukes short roads. R. MEPOLET, Maple. The Ragga Efiéavfiware Ca. 126 KIN G STREET E., TORONTO. W. H EW 3 G N, HOUSE PAIN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. TO SUIT ALL We have a good 6800‘ . your order: m Iowan ' Wire. No.11. 82.3); No. RESIDENCE, RICH MOND HILL SANDERSGN’ES We have a good fine of Fencing Pliers. rang- ing in price from 250 I pair upwards. We have 3 good stock on hand and can fll‘ ygnr ogler‘i‘ as loweei who mule prices. Blues “A‘ns..‘74 \m .1...‘ :&?‘ 12 m high, ‘20.; 15 in. high 90o; ,. NimhiuhSI :3'Iin high,“ 5' 36 in 1.11:1}. $1150; ‘8 in. lli:i2,.§2 40' 6‘- in. high. 33 U :7; in high, #3 6). our stock is moving out van farm as these low prices. If you mad any get it now. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. EYE - GLASSES FENCING PLIERS at 250. mg,” JJQEQJELO ’ $1.00 IN AEZVfiflS/E. EL mug manual null. BARB WIRE. Put up 150 rnnniqz feet in a roll, hestq-miity Enehsh Netting We a.)â€" 3 ing m SUI] it per roll at she I huuinu lmv I ricosâ€" __AT-_ We have them in all sizes. ranging from ONE to THIRTY gallons cups. » ity. Perfectly brine and acid proot. Stone Butter Crooks. 12. $2750. Strainer Pails 250 each A good line 0' Pumin er Pails M from 25¢ each upwards. Cream- “ Cans, we. Bum; Bowls and l’mfi‘nufililk Pans A 0mm la a lme 0! dairy suppliai. EYES um uncxcefl- ed. Thu Im- prove} Un- ion Ulmrn u.- illquaLod IS one of mu owimst to 0;) ernte. r0 am, -. and In“ green Ep e7. '1 he rm; m'jce for 4. $6. hut we are going 1; : syn QM) ll: p ices at No P. G. Ss‘AVAGE, - Richmonfi Hi1}. We have Wem in plain and b3" pattern ’l‘np priced at lrom TWENT)‘ CENTS each a. pound. Turpentine. Boiled (-il ard Haw Lin~e~td Oils, \"2lrnis'wen_ etc, at elem st cm. Prices. We pen 1 Hvlzole'rJAhABxsrmm JELLSTUB 5‘. 51b. pncnnue for me. We haw- the largest retail stock of randy-mixed puma.» in Toronto and no bound ‘0 sun in Goals. lu‘imâ€"s and quality. Long bundle Tree “rune”. Pruning Kuivefl. Pruning h‘llflfll’fl, Hedge Trimmers, just what you need and priced to suit you. WHITE LES‘xD We era ourselves on our Plough Lino values. We have the cheap L ind. but tlu- om! we like to so" you in our (1001) VALL E be LIKE. You'll like the way i: vunr- and lusts Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Lead. Brushes in all sizes. Dry Colors We have on hand a latge stock of Wall Papers, which we will Sell at reduced prices. Latest Patterns and Designs in Ceiling and Bordering. Call and see them. A L L PA P E ' PLOUGH LINE VALUES. Whitewash & Galoimine Brushes. Large Stock of Furniture The Handy Egg Carrier. SEED DRILL TUBES. PRUNING SAWS. In fact everything that is used by painters. Constantly on hand. Everything at the 1owest cash price. hrhndis‘gmd. Quarts 21c; hull gsllons,45c; gunk-115.750. anrts. 35': hull gm} Iona. 7L .1 gallon.“ 4'. For your I pting cleaning we off-1r “1+ tombinaiinn mop. Will ht 1d eifiher cloth or brush, 51-6 the price is only 100. MOPS, 100 ea Robertson’s Pure Paints omgfqngnzgn'yf AT SAVAG E’S. 51'0de Ii! “1 “9518 mu pay 107 mu: many tin). saver and it rods only 250. u: $WW$3W A GOOD WHEELBARROW is always handy. and afipecinliv so thia season of the yen’. There is no mefl to be withom one when we off-.r each sp‘eudid values at from 31:6 fifty cams n-mrda and Tying Oul Chains. We have a good nu go 01 values rghzly prirod. Trace Chains! Tug: Chains! GRINDSTONES A “ 9 ranking. 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE eeeeewaeeaeeaeaefio$ 0 61) i; IF YOU ARE ONE 3: GRENDSTONE FIXTURES Gors twice as far and on!_v rwds ha]! Mu quantityol any othvr mouse. We 50:] .i an /‘ mm CENTS a box buy your horse gnan horn. Gum] Leather Cullm-s at $2 with and up: Sweat Pads at, 23('. each and up. All other supplies at right, prices. Now is tbt‘ time to bring harness and collars t0 he 1% spring work. You will also need ns‘w ‘ You r‘an’t fail tn get wh. :md jmt what. will plmsv y hnv vom- hru-se goods how. (1‘: 90 . N10130:: aid RICHMOND HILL. oltbose intending to go $0 New On- tario or the North-West, you'll need a lot 01 Hardware. Come and see us. We can save you money on your outfit. afiéa’ag Rea "U" ‘ V“u yanking at from ONE CENT a pound llme‘ds. W3 637mm. E ‘5 ma” in your old main-d fur i- gum]! I‘nosas. ynn not-d I, If yun

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