IS PUBLISHEDEVEMY THURSDAY MORNING | , AT Tun l.lBEllAL PialilTlllG ct PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. ’1‘. F. fichAHON. EDITOR dz PBOPRIETOB. mimL’ G G 81.: A (l 1" Liiwrniiro W llidont n (Ltsn'ol'tll Lindsey. Ll? 84 Van; with, Barristers, Sclicitoxs. Notari S, Ste. Phone hitiiii 298$ Homo Lifo Building (formerly Froc- liold Limn Eldon), (5m. Adelaide & \rlt‘tfll‘iil ifil‘i, Toronto. LIBERAL (Jim-o, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. - BEE‘I§E,§$5AFDS- -IJTSWEWTON ISSUER lliARRlA‘GE LICENSES, DR. E. J. STUâ€"BBS, 'F Eioi‘sihizl, at.) riai'litibplivsiciin at Western and Grace usyitnls, Taro-.159. 011:3 {liarsâ€"S to 10am; 1?. to 2pm; 7 tr) 8 n in. _ ,intiih Wâ€" m. Rogers chx’ï¬s’i, {mini 12, 1'31 Victoria. St. Toronto. Bast ii Mi :1 low: '3 tmtli, also rcplating, at prices. ("mod work. Dill. T. A. Cllitltlh‘ E)en$i:st, {Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) O-lll’cllow's Bid-5., Toronto. cor. Yongc and (,‘uilcgu Sis, Eur-onto, \Vill be in ll'clnnond llill every \‘Jollni’sdriy. i‘iice :--Nu:>:t door soiitii of Public School. ' 0213c liours~Froin 3.3%) :l.!ll., tOSPJXl. mmmzrmmzm i. I i F. 1 x»: was h {- l‘rlj L. VETERENARY Sll “ox TIN? liisi, VETERINARY uni RIC‘ {\IOND HILL, “N r Gi'niliiito of tn:- Ulltlt'll) Vi» ‘narv C-llcgs, With diplmni um.) tin (lid in Veterinary l‘dutlllSdllilill.\71'l\'lilti ,n ‘rll Monday and Fridiiyui’ cic'u \w. , L) "J 'Qr‘l on Friday from 1 to 3 p. In "all; {h‘ulilllliy attended to. Disoiisss n ‘- Ll.le ziir' "ll-1r domesticatâ€" el uii‘iiiiu ls ti .ni u)’ the linss. and most zip- pl‘UVcJ. motho ls. '1 JOHN R. Cilia-"ii3 ELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Ei'iiiornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond 53-“ Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSUN, VETiSi‘thARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Hills by (in): and night promptly at- triided to. TliORtlUGHLY REFITTED. Every Accmnniodntion for the trav- elling public. #YEUI‘C-DHEMONE HILL. “’5 .3-‘7’33, aï¬â€˜; “HT- "3 il l: Tho Next Sitting m†llii'i_=ion Court for No. 3, County of York. will be held in tho Court Room, raisin; sin, A “a, Coiiimeiiciiiu,r at 10 a. in. T. F. MCKEXH N. CLERK S subscribe for THE ~ LIBERAL l , l Eve Oil" of tho in )\C cm or driving par so!) and Ladies' v > antsed and patronage solicited. ‘flï¬nfï¬ll‘h’ Fiï¬ 134E135: nit. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer ofil/iarriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LEN NOX a. MORGAN, Barrisicrs rim! solicllors. Mons? to loan on lniid and chattel mortgages at inwnsï¬ rates. Auroraofï¬uoâ€"uctiiorcd to the old post 0mm. one door west of the entrance to the Ollt‘ll‘lu Rank. Newlllfll‘h'ï¬t calmâ€"Three doors south of the 1» is: o"‘iim T.HERBH‘€TLL _ ox, G. STV. MORGAN. ’tui‘ora. Nowmarkot O “w. 7-â€, .7 7, 0c liACDONALD litiri'islzr‘i's, Solicitors, etc. l‘OllUN'l‘x) OFFH‘E: Freehold Loan Building. mu; Adel (loci: Victoria. Kl roots, 'iV'vl-onto. Mr. Cook will be :1 Maple on Thursday :1 ftornooii ofâ€" ouch week. l A MOHEY 'i‘o LOAN AT 5%. r 5.5:.§§"“43‘.‘ ‘3' ‘z-"v' '43 as‘nn‘rtié, a iii‘si‘. * "‘1‘, TORGNT . (‘rmnt's residence. awning. n;; from 10 to 12. M .~.,_ __ VFW. . .. 3". Licorisc-i Anr ' . ilF'Tu] Rules (.1 L3 to at reasonnnli C STOKE D BLOUGB S 5:05: is {1; Smash. License Auctioneers for thoCcnnty of York r5- spoo fully sol 12a and fi‘icnol‘. nil: lil't), l-lLir-S ._ . esliortcsii unticl ~iin i a i'ciisouulm i.'css King J. 1‘. Sitij49r'n. J. Ix. Mdiwen. Man's. Wastun. Sn aggco n rk ï¬frï¬lwru. Licensed .lurtinnccrs for the County (:1 YWiL nits. Loon >llill'lit‘n‘l noticeand nt 103.- soniibl: ates Patronage solicited. N. H. §:i:itEi, Licnnsed \llCLiï¬llP}: (\rtl‘n (‘ounti‘e‘s of Ynlh and Ontario. Alis of lawn stuck, (Cm. iii- tended in mi tlio short-st until-o and reusnriz‘lï¬e rut-cs. “illl‘tflnflf’nh‘llllililltl solos intended to. Residence. StciiiTvi'lo. Ont w veidcrimkcrs «'1; Embalmsrs, illClllill'll‘iD HILL 8: TllORl‘lHil l. ‘lES mxo s'rmzi-i EAST. TORONTO accommodation to guests. Board, 31 noi'dny .Kl ‘1 "Ti K1} SN 3"†1“; {4‘2 9 PAM ii it HUUSE, RICHMOND ETLL, Roniodellolxini non-l ' fll"lll"'lt‘.(l iLlit il(l throughout v. nnfortul‘lc l-chrr niodci'ii rou- rumns t'rl‘ eonimCii-iii‘ iiiszpfiioe for l'i'l or farmers in ,. mt. Electric 0-. .- i';.' in Clvlllll.‘Ctluu. howls on vuniciice. ti"l\’0il‘ll'ï¬. Y viino 5 Simple Au..l: _ to or rotiim passzhe alcoi. TERMS $1.0; Plih DAY. x Hamming. R i it‘llâ€"31E; 0 iii (1 If ill? LAUNDRY I am prepared to do Family Washings. Gents' ï¬ne linen a. specialty. “ark gum- 25-tt TILLIE MAXWELL DISTRESSING CASE OF CON- SUl‘i’lFTiON. Four of One Family Pass Awayâ€"Last Daughter Now Ill. A Toronto clergyman tells of a family in his congregation, which consisted of the mother and ï¬ve chililrn-nâ€"Lho father being deadâ€"four of whom in a few years have fallen victims to consumption and died. And now the ï¬lth, n. (laughter, ‘. who is employed in the ofllco of a whole- saler, and who has been the one source of ‘ support to tho mother, is obliged to leave her work, realizing that she alsoâ€"mainly, it is believed, as a result of iiursmg her dread disease. Kind friends are interest- ing themselves in the case, but the difï¬- culty met with is to send her to a. place where the proper care and treatment will of those goods :iii- going into Now (hilurfo. (Applausn) \Vlirnln-rnl'i‘. \Yliitm'y had said that, liispnlii-y In New Ontario \ was practically tho Sllllle :is that of the Goreiliniriil. but Mr. Underliill, :is a. Ulllllllfï¬lutlli‘l'l‘, was afraid illr. \Vliitney‘s siinirm-ss miglt not be tho sumo. By rvlui-ning Mr. J)ll\’lS,S:li(l Mr. Under-hill in conclusion, you will not, only lie doing what is light. liy him, but you will he doing justice to your-solves. (Appl:iiisr.) Mr. t‘liiyton Hartman of ('lurks- inn-g, son of tllt' lutc Josopli llnl'l mun, “ho l'vpi-rwnl’rd North York in tho i old l‘rii'linnirnl, of Upper (‘unudrn (le- , liVi‘l(‘(l zi stirring: :iddi-vss, :ind lll:)(lt' :L strong pimi l'or Hon. Mr. Davis and El. , .Coiitinuiinru in power of mm of lhc' ' . A l brothers and Sistersâ€"has contiactcd this lllPSt (im-rrnnu-iits that ever iul: d in any province. ,ccllernt sporcli. The Commissionin- , w: ' :1 cheerful vein, and l'l'Ct'in'd :t l't)ll<lllg \Vi-liroiiio. After his intro- be given. - It is for such cases as thisâ€"and there is hardly a. clergyman in any city who is not constantly mccling such animalsâ€"â€" that the new Free Consumptivo Hospital, , under the auspices of tho National bank , barium Association, is being built. The people of Canada. as a. whole must fcel rratolnl to Mr. XV. J. Gage and tho gxocutors of the late Hart A. Massey,\1‘ho out of their own funds have erected this ‘ building. But before it can be occupied it must be furnished With beds and other proper furnishings and appointments. The National Sanitarium Assocmticn, already carrying a. lioavy‘dol‘t, are not ahlo to furnish the new building so genoâ€" ronslyplaccd at tlicirdisposa ,and are op- pealing to citizens gcnorully the Dominion over {01‘ 510.000 for this purpose. It does not need the sugg: ‘tion that. this is the most preSsing 0t 3211 charities at this time, for the public are fully awakened to the widusprciid ciiaiactcr of consumption, and also to tlisfact, ns dc- monstrated hy tho host medical-authori- tics, that when this discosn is tii‘luzn hold of in its: early stages it, as in ‘1-21 as any other disease, is cur;.hls. Tile-HQWJIOSPI- tal, just so soon as the moncycs raised to complete the turn 3s, \‘Jlll. ready to receive ï¬fty patirnts, free. or chargeâ€"â€" oven their railway fare will not in a tax upon thorn. r CiiirfJustico .Qir ‘Wm. R. flier: lianipoi‘t Ave... Toronto, llQSdIillll ‘ scnted to recoivo contributions fur the Free Cons ‘in ptivo Ilosi-iriil ;>or they can be sent to Mr. VJ. J. Gag-o, 5.4 Front St. \Vest, Toronto; or to th" hatiorniil trust 00., Limited, 2.’ I‘ll-‘13 East, “manta. Enlist-i .ii su-iil iii- rest in 'i‘isiz in .id Hill, and .‘H’lx’llUL it it ill lil‘ lili‘iu will li-Jl made in tint in, or. â€"râ€"-â€"â€"<>-54> Politics ii: :§l£v\l' ;.l~'(> lie wins ' ’Alq i.iwliii ira 111:: l . . l The )lr‘tjllfllllf‘.‘ Juror-ii. one, of tlli' l:ll‘_{(‘>t l ‘13 in 5.1,th link. was Mixed lo i..~ litmmi l'.“ll:ll'lly’(lll ifi'iilnv ruining. \\'l‘it’il El lllI‘i'tllig wus. iiiviii in mum: of Hull. i). J. ! lin‘ris, Culiiiiiiwiniiiii' of l‘ruwii Lands. l The iiilrini of tho lllllltilllg \'\':i~; ills-tn- t'ul'v and l’iï¬llull‘dtl‘ly drool-112ml “illi, dog‘s, lllllltillg, liltiiitlt’s, and pit-turns“ and the l‘l:(illl>iil>llc :indlL-iicu nus; gl‘HCNl with llw pirsl-iicc of [1:019 tliilll‘ n, hundrrd l:idii-<. l A fi-uliirc of the niw‘iilig was. ho pl‘t'St'll‘Jt‘ (Ill tlw piillflviln iii' ‘ilio lt‘dti- iiigz iiiziliiil':ii:tuitr» of tho riding, \‘x'llti‘ also spulil‘ iii furor (11" u continual-Hm: of HIP-iitm‘x‘ Adiniiiistinliivn, llll'iilililllllg' tilt‘ fuct tllflL till"! ' luminer ('1 ii.- (‘l‘t‘ilSi'Ll liusinws, . L'llll‘l't upon 'tlll‘, (ll‘Yt‘lilllllll‘lll. of l\:l‘\\' Unluiin. lllt‘ll‘ t'rcloi'ior: had lit‘l‘ll “'(dLi lg oreiliind for Sonic months p:::~t. l The (‘lmirmum (. -:\l:i_r‘or Fll'il‘.‘y, liiniiut'nctnrri- (It .- irullii‘rnl iniva- ziil'lits. SFIlLlZ*â€"\\I:.(‘l:l\i' llt‘\‘t‘l‘l'l|11ll1\)'~‘ (‘ll so many men in our fimlui-y or paid so lllllt'l) in \\‘.‘!§_‘[i‘> us no |i:.\'1- iii lln-E [inst two months, Zzl i run my, in all fairni-ss to Mr. li:i\.<, Hm [I considrr- hill“ lll'l‘tlilll ill. that li'ruli- is \lllt’ tn lllt“ “l‘l'llil‘;:' Hp (ll Din-W LLiituiio. (Ap- i'lilll‘d‘.) Muni- \\'(l(!(ll‘ll\\';ll'l' ll‘.l‘.'il'.l illl‘ ‘l' if it'll l:l7§f(‘>‘t| :u-lurwrs in liil' llo-l t'nlir‘. (1 iiiiliimi, ivl'l'iivil tr. llin us. .tlllll't‘ .‘iil'. li;i\’i.< li:i.~ ll: on in iii-1pm,: tln- 'l'ri“ ll (\1 .\'c\\’iii:ii-l(i'l in llzn- lllflili‘l' ul' ll'glo’lil-"‘ lion. and I‘ll. I’M-d. t'ndi-rliill, of the boot and slim- lirm ut' l'ndi'i liiil ik‘ Siss- lll:lll. Alli-min, said that he- found it, iii-r-rssui'v tn hilw El hand in lllt‘ ('(‘ll- “‘51. iinii‘y: ill till' llll\ll'lil'l‘st‘llliilllilli' :l\' to “ill l‘i‘ lii- slw (l "llll lim‘.’ liis (‘lli-, ploy†\\‘- l‘i‘lli\"l)'1(i\lil('. lit~ lll‘l'\‘l‘ll- :illv l'zill llivy m-uld llul lil‘l'l) H. goodl titl‘\,l‘llllll"lll ll)lll>\\l‘l‘t(llil(ill}1,illl(l,}lS‘ l‘Hl‘ lli‘ l‘llll‘llv)'i'\'i lll‘ ll‘i[ Ull A lit'lilill ilh)’ lll' \‘ “I'llill ‘llll\‘.‘ lltl‘ \\lrl'lll tl:-:l‘ .ltlllli lll'l!.'_l.l.\‘ l ~ill“:lll‘ 4 f lili' ril’ll’i‘lll-‘ : til llie lllt«‘ll"l'l lil‘ lllt‘ slnii'liiulx‘i-i'i l K’l‘i Ll. \Axili‘l-Ill\’t',l (I‘ll? ll-; indi- :zl :iluiw li:-:iiv il iigi'ill lllk‘ lii<-iii~| lie-is (it lll" (in Illillli'lil. liy .‘ilr. \‘Ciiil-j llt'y :ziiii 'l'ln- Snail \\':i:;s:iilici< il. in illt‘l ~plunkz-r's I‘Nilll"l:lllll, to 1: lisi- llli'lll who lilllllglll :iiiylliing of ti ir p:11'i_\' “1‘ I'( unliy In «ll‘t‘lill'l‘ llll‘lllhl‘th's v. iili nnunrrrtuin sound. (Airgilniisftl \Ve l):l\'l'. sziid .'\lr. lTiidvrliill, been running m‘ertiinv ever since we have iii-en in Aurora, liuvn lint liven able to keep with our orders, and the jobliei‘s u l l i ductory iciiizirks he i-vfei-rod at some length to the wmk of his dr‘pnl'illli‘llti, taking oxcoption to Mr. \‘v'liilncy‘s cliiiigc that tho. voterzins nevrr receiv- ed tlivii- lllllll grants. Ho. (Mr. \‘Jliit- may) also Silld that the grunt was practically \‘nluelvss uliywn)’. ()ii the other hand it was complained that the hind rH-koiiingiit one dollar an acre '{llS worth tlll'(‘(:‘ million dollars, and the givin;,r iiwny of this amount wns :L‘ crying Sillllllt‘. Mr. )‘m'fs UKlellll‘d that many of the retina-ins Would have l‘L’Cl‘th‘d theircertiï¬cate-s liPl'uro this, ‘ lint the zipplittnnls €\‘(’l'y\\‘ll‘.‘l‘(‘ wished to llL‘ t.l‘l‘:lll'l' alike, and it was l’rll lliut thvir \\'l.~ll<‘S should hr i'vspecli-(l as far :is pi‘vssilvlv. Many (ltllt‘l‘ mintii-is toiii-liingliis iii-piii'tiiiriit :ind regaini- in; tho ilnve-lopiiwnl o'r'Nun'llnani-io wqu [llll':ll('ll upon by Mr. Unis. and in llw i'mnsi- of :l rt‘t'i-ronco in his or» p‘Hli‘lll, llt' pniiiti-(l out. that ('iglit. yuan-s zigyo Fair. Lrnnux Stilllll‘ï¬â€˜d lill) riding : h'rllllï¬t him on tll(‘ ground that; it was. :i simnm that any Ulllt'l than n forun-r should l't'pl‘t‘Sl‘lll tlio agricul- turn] 1- 'turnl-y or“ North York. _ il‘. Du ,lll :iddilion to iii-inf; 2] in inziliul'drlnrrr is t‘Xtt‘llill'll Sl'hll‘. : is :i lungs: 1‘ now, about. :1 far morn prrsunln . r. . N. \V. l:(’\‘~l‘,‘l i:li\-~:wl tho iur‘e‘t- ’ A Hilt‘ iii' tllt‘ illili‘sl Slll'l'l‘lli's ' ‘ ll orâ€. For lllhl'l‘ llinn Ill llir‘ muslin): (if Lilith; in, and inur- ' ‘ tin-(lorriiii i‘iil's il in .s:::. mini-tory in every par -,u lf::i'llli‘l‘ w: quilv Eill hisoppiinv-nl, who had nothing; to say :in lll'lll' will) “in (*l ('iillt‘ll pi-lii'y \.: ticnlui'. 'i' l _â€"4.\ea l‘i‘i‘clï¬pie Til.“ twirlilii's flllil ;i' i 1' li<r Ni'iiiml lu‘pr lust " :.<, Alluri- lhi)‘. :irid pl“ zit cl Zion" and, : .iiiiiâ€" lll‘l‘ (-l‘ trim»: lll llw srlmzd g: on: . (I 3‘. Mi'llmirild. V. >1†(if 'i‘mnnin, Mr. T. Cousins \\'l‘l‘(‘ buying lzlr't \‘i't‘l'li to solid in Enuulii Ali-irri. 'l‘lioy wish to Sl'l‘lil“ :1 Luge llllllllh'l' yvt, for lll" mum puipzise. Liiillr ‘Czillvrliiilsewzes lyiltvn on lllt‘ tire-oil :ilmniuy liy :i (ling owned ivy T. Spi'ig‘lit. tlii- lli'illly. List Friday inn-lit, \Vliilo l'i‘tlll‘lllllg‘ l'ioni llw city l‘lit mi"uni-invrvlmnts gut lH‘H‘iitik‘l‘Ml iii iii-’3 (lurknnss and liioun‘lil lie lliiiil l‘n’.it'lll‘it 1min.“ win-n ll.“ \a'us _ii:~l zit Ilii- smith (-iidoftliv \illngr. lik‘ loud shouts ' ‘ tho Puli- I 11. L, illl‘ Zillit‘ to {dorm-d snft-ly to his tli‘fitlllilv , thin. Uii Aloud-2y night. lllP l7,:\\'m-l ll Lingui- llt‘lil :i union lilf't‘llllg n iali lilo Jlllllul“:. .\..]i" mr on Hiiliuirl's t‘uil was l't‘illl ii}: flilss Bi‘l‘li!‘ lilli‘l it. and :l iiinsil‘ul :ind litm-ni V pi'ngiwiiiiiiii- was 3h (iii l;_\' ()1 llt'l' inl'iiilm-is Ht lllL‘ lmugiiv. (built-Hy sci-\ii-vs \rill lw lit-id in till‘ .‘ili-lliwllw‘i ('lllll‘t‘ll llt'Xt Hulilmili. A liisl-vlws liiii':w~.:lim-l' darksinitli is in tiwold Hand. ('1 u~In sling», in illl‘ [H‘lvlll (if liir'li'iid l'uw- (‘l'll. 'l'iii- proprie-lnr lll‘il"~ l'ur ri gr“!!â€" I i , (‘l'lillN >ll‘ll‘1‘('tllliltl‘llllilgl‘ which ll:'il:l$ ulna-:35 li'Cl‘th'ti :ilid l‘mpt's [u llil'llt. <9 . kiâ€"â€"â€" N ews Notes. lion. Dmid llie'sni', Hmmfnr, «if loronln, l'oiian-i-ly (if Muiklinm, diul Ii;- on Slimlny lusi, :in'vil Si \‘H‘ll'x‘. lieu-munt lmrl; plow.- in Mount l'll'ilSilllb t'i'iin-lx-i y. in our l‘i:'i':idiil}' suits tlu‘ tn'lming is (if the highest ('lllll‘ï¬t‘tf‘l' known In i'riii)’ lilillll‘, and is lll'ttl‘l‘tll-‘lll lliiit doin- by many custom «mucking inside :lll(l will. \‘.7- will sell you :i llit’L‘ suii for $10.73, an t’thll. one for .5? 3.7:â€. Atkinson 6.: Swilzwr. lll El srhoul in Kingdom on Monday iztli-riilmn, “Pit! Sharp, :1 St'lllltil lmj.‘ l.’i }'.-:il\ Hill. 11. : >llnt limitliw-lfll'lâ€" litiid, if) )‘v in": tilill tlli‘ lniy was :I. cigiiri'ttc Sillukl‘l' l iiiidillomon tell us tliiit tlio gimit bulk : Hon. :l. J. Davis followrd in :in (ix-l Dl'. Sisli’y (lttl‘lllltti to , Jlll'l fjwin'ldl: lttlliil liiiluililie-s amount to !li‘."\'lll‘4' :i :‘ilni~;#iii(ii'o‘ of mg». ' .l Ill :1 indict (If :ir:- l it \Yn‘: ', r irili limit! EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Which Shows the Value of Dr. CI:II'EH‘.‘3€ Testimony min-n1 ‘, “’omloimlllAttle Rod Pills. Dr. Cl:il'l<<"s Tiiltlo Rod Pills rurcd in» of (:lirnnirrlii-nnintism :il‘lni-l lizid horn givin up liy tliu doctorsâ€"Arrh- ilmld Millie. , Thorn is not. rrnirdy forrlimiinntism, , or for building up the S)‘.\'l(‘lll,('(1ll;llt" Dr. Cliii-ko’s wondorfnl [illitll- ltrd Pills. i I would not be without tlll‘lll i'urtln-ii' i weight in gold.â€"J. J. Brandon, Fouc- ‘lon Falls, (Put. l I min llirutlifully say that. Dr. , (llnrlir‘s Little lird Pills liiii'c drino lllt‘ moi-o good llllll) any (\tllt'l' nivdii'ino I have (‘VPI' tiikvii.~â€"-L‘ali's. Orison ll. | Estry. \‘i'iiti-rvillo, N. B. I Tlirri- is no l‘l'lllt'lly that is oqnnl t0 ' Dr. Cl;lll{l"n Little Hod Pills for nor-\f- ous trnuldrs. rheumatism, or kindri-d dise:isrs.â€"\V. II. Robertson, Mining‘- ‘ ing Editor Daily Times, l’ctorhorough. , Ont. , Dr. Clnikc's Little Red Pills cured l l \Vilson, iiiercliiint, h‘uult Sic. mo of rliuunmtisni after 16 yours of .('l|n9t:lllt slitl'L-riiig.â€"-J. B. Armour, lioolike’i-pei' Toronto Junction. I Dr. Clarke's Littlv {rd Pills are :i. ,crrtnin cure for i-hrnni’ntisni, ilStlllllfl. lpni‘nlynis, cutm-rh. PCZE’lllll, coughs, 'liucknrlir. indigrstion, stoiiiucli‘nnd lirci' lroublcs, femalecoiiiplziints, cw-n , when llit' dismiscs have been standing for many yours. Price 50 (:cnts per box. Forsnlo by \V. A. Sziiidoi'son, Druggist. The Canada ()limnirnl ,‘rtnnllillly. Point-borough, Ont, will fox-frit $1!) for any case that those pills do not. liolp. Dr. (‘Pzii'lzo’s Sure Cure for Cabin-h, and Di .(‘hirlcv's Sui-e Cure for Eczema. s=imc piic -. , ill he paid for." an}: cnso they “'lll not. curr. ‘f A ~.. ,. 4 mmmmmmï¬ww _ , - camsmnx ï¬ï¬‚if wwmrrf .. p 4.â€; "ing Aycr’s Sarsapmi‘iia spring. It cleanses my lam, makes me feel strong, and good in every wag/3’7 ‘, P. Hodneite, Brcolilg'mei. , Stuntjtalm'mfl'" Pure and my rich blood f £14833} "12% K291122321 mu- , carries new life to every l par: of he body. You (3) :rr' t igcrzited,reii‘c bed. 1 anxious to be M n. [Islâ€"Ls- ngnzmmsuug < O i... ,. (D O S? :3 O U) P? i“). O :3 go stocdygcurageons.Th3 "s ' who: _/‘-.yer’s will do for you. ‘l s bottle. All imgclslz. 1 La“ Ask Vi ni' v'i stoi- what he thinks of Sara iphi Ill' '_ vIll about til 03-1 fiimlly L: we will be mil. - J. C. A mi- sfï¬ï¬kinn in“) lww '- W. ..~ «‘Ala..iv- , Hm i iyfyrntqm. 3,, disguising “ifs , l i l J ’l‘lio sixty-seinoinl illlllllill mneting oi tlli' time i'iir- lnsnrzinco Co. was hold :it Giilt (‘i'l tlit- 23th (if January, litll. 'l‘lir total income from all soiirtes at?“ 1:. na L m: V \\':|:« .,al:‘.l.5-l2".l‘~ll and tho dislmrscnzents amount: iluï¬-Illi‘l.(518,?.3 lrnVing 1G3],- ‘-n- llillIIIlt‘l' tn tlw (-ridil’, (if itllé‘ yin-ins liunsm-tioiis. limitâ€. (it .: (Yul of this lllfl'k‘tll‘clill‘tl to nistlw :i. 'l' 2.â€? on cont. on all n uni. s H'- l from tho lilt‘lllill‘l‘.“ ol' llll‘ (inkli- wny. 'l‘iii't :issotsnl'tlii-r-(i: 'i:iilit to SC" .23.“ (if which .ll .‘ll‘i‘ in ior (‘lhll llt‘U rif 'iV )-).~ 1' ,. 3mm um) m‘cr all lI'llJUlt'l' t-t' :lssi'ts 'liziliilil'ns ul‘ :,-‘.iT.'i.7~‘l".lll. llosrm v for I' -il‘.\'lll':lllCC ()tlit'i' llilllliitll'\7 Jilvt‘flï¬i“. 'l‘iitzil :i<â€"‘t'ts :i\‘:ill;il)lc- in pay #3 lii’;l.t~‘3fl. l l. i 'J' v amount of insurance in force "wileTJIU. 'i'in- l inn- is zin up-to-dnlr- Hnniwfliim puny and is lioivd for l[~‘ lmuui pollrirs :ind lilli‘l'dl hl‘itlt'lllt‘lltï¬. (‘.ill, \‘ii-iii‘ or [)ll'llll‘ .T. .‘iiiigr‘nn, Muplv l’. (L. if nrvding iii~ lll'Hlll't'. ‘ Explaining tin: form of policy issnrd by Hip (v'ui'r- routs nothing. 1i i l iiiid :ill 105:5(5. l M, aâ€" l 7 bill" ‘llBl “- Fill) A il l Ll l The pi‘opi'ir-tor of Snnnysidc ï¬nd of Holstein (Billie :md lirccdi-r (lf' lin- pl'ovcd l_‘l:(‘:< er \vliiic hogs, lol. 3'), 15:: >â€"â€"â€"~o ;. id .‘l l'l‘JILli’l‘ of novels of the Jusse June's stump. 'l‘wo cans of choice Friiss'r river ml salmon for 250. is gtmil lniyinghvie now \rln-n lm-f is so dear. A kinson & SWlth-I'. Con. Markham (’l‘liornliill) has for sale some good young: stock. Thorn " "ll~i.l'-'(l hull and hog kcpt for Scl‘vi'co (ill till‘ pit-mists. D. G. GOGDERHA ll. Proprietor. 49-tf