Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1902, p. 4

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the into of ’ther unit; mm; the crcn tc minds the D( tors, u servat E. King Dodd‘s opinion of the same gentlemen we shall quote from his paper, the Canadian Sportsman. On November 16, 1900, directly 'after the last General election the editor of The Sportsman in most scathing language denounced Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Hon. John Haggart, Sir Hibbert Tuppcr and other Con- servative party leaders, though he did his best to have them elected in that year, 1900, and in 1896, in preference to Sir Wilfred Laurier and the Liberal party. The follow- ing is the first; paragraph of the ‘two column artic.e referred to:â€" “ The crushing defeat meted out to the Conservative party through a. solid Quebec and almost solid Nova Scotla, supplies a lesson that 'it' would. be well for some of its prominent; members to take to heart. The 'columns of \the “*ofld {wove Mr. Maclean’s opinion of Mr. ‘Whitney as a leader, everybody knows how he denounced the Conservative leaders after the gen- ma! election, and for the benefit of those who Would 'like to know Mr. Such an expression from a man who has always, and is now de- nouncing prohibition as a farce, is 1‘on a pai‘ With satan denouncing sin, and quoting scripture to help his v'case. Mr. E. King Dodds is built after the model of Mr. W. F. Mac- Hean, M. P. Both these gentlemen are now asking for a change of Government in Ontario, although 'they are both sour on thier own {party and their leaders. Mr. E. King Dodds, for many 'years a very prominent Conservat- ive worker in Toronto, and who has always taken the platform in opposition to the Scott Act, the Duncan Act or any other temper- ance measure, now writes to the “pipers denouncing Hon. G. W. Ross on the question of prohibition, saYing that the premier “ played the Coward’s part in shirking his promises when in a position to make good and prove his sin- cerity.” Change-Imperial 01100. New Advâ€"J C Ayer 6L uo tvhaugeéstkinson a Switler @112 (fiibsrnl. ANYTHING TO DEFEAT ROSS. {I l] the RICHMOND HILL. Muy 1, 196-2 11K an New Advertisements. y of this or the mother countrv. .d a feeling of hostility in the :0f the conservatives all over .nniniou against the conspira- hd in my advocacy of Con~ ive principles prior to the gem elections of 1896 I found in sentisn 'I visit-ed that Con» ive electors resented the cry to Sir Mackenzie Dowel] RK PACKING. 3xporzcr, Du: me Mme ha: :n we may expect to see :I in this respect. Muck ,Ol' a fra ions W )ndel‘f "a m 1ich he ’acb that ever since at; Ottawa entered of the members ‘ative Government a lack both of 'isitred that; Corr 5 resented the Mackenzie Bowel] on that question lial bill itself.” lodds would keep 111 he Condemned Eng" defeat, and ‘01‘ a. change of 1131‘ with the his developmem USE ids) dc- S‘Jl‘C .lKE Coal, hard and snft, Hardwood' and Slabs, Delimred on shortest notice. â€"E/VERYâ€" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY I‘hc unders The World’s reasoning is that the Ross Government and the Liber- al party should be punished no matter what the consequences may be. This would be one way to build up Ontario. “If the Conservatives were the big- gest rascals unhung: if the Conser- vatives were the allies of the liquor trade and the allies of evil doers, it would still be incumbent on the honest voter to punish the Ross Government for crimes committed in this province for years past, crimes committed to allow certain politicians to continue in office a- gainst the will of the people.” A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. The World of Friday refers at length to the “crimes” committed by the Ross Government, and calls loudly for a change. The World reasons that no matter how bad the Tories may be the Grits should now be put out of office. These are the words used:â€" lreaeh its highest paying condition lwithout the other. The Eastern and Northern sections of Ontario produceabettcr class of hog than the corn belt of Western Ontario, or in other words, the section of On; tario which more nearly resembles Quebec and the Maritime Provin~ ces in climate and grain products, produces the best class of bacon. In some respects these provinces are better suited than Ontario for the development of this industry. Land is generally cheaper, pasturage sur- er, and roots and other crops more easily raised. Two conditions are necessary in order to develop this industry in Quebec and the Eastern Provinces, especially the latter,â€" an abundance of coarse grains, which by the attention to agriculture can be profitably produced, and the establishment of packing Companies which will fully meet the require- ments ofthe best; markets, both at home and abroad. of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scozia, and Prince Edward Islnml is admirably adapted to (lair-yang, 'a branch of farming which is rap-(1- §Iy extending from Mont-real, as in Ontario. The dairy dism'icbs pro- duce the class of hog, from which the finest Wiltshire bacon is made, and in these districts hogs am pm; on the market at. as low a cost per pound as in any section of Canada. General dairying and hog growing should go together, as neither will A507 113. or Dnuumns, on R. P. HALL A 00., mum, N‘H‘ BUfiKiNGHW’S DYE Wam your moustache or beix‘vd a. beautiful brown or rich black? Then use J. Sheagrdown. 1], Wood and Slabs at lowest price 1nd delivered on shortest notice. A Bad Breath ill'Ce any (TORONTO :Is delivered or collected in r part of the city or may )0 left a: the Brown’s Livery Stable, 25c. All druggius. G) ? fie? s {393}. €35 nod runs his Wanna“: WNW MICHAEL BROS. HARD Rich Mfiifi @ME moml wagons t0 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. “mag glfigfiwé. ' $1.00 IN Aliment. w. HEWESON, TO SUIT ALL EYES. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL SANDERSON’S Calls from a distance promptly attended to. re a. fig 'harg‘fin at EYE *- GLASSES ?E6?P§E§LES $013 $3333 31’ .fi'n huv nlzas. rang iKy when, bum, bud and proof. 030 L' am unwed} Hi. '1 ha 1th Butter (‘1‘ F in 9 ml an We have Top primd We pride ourselves on our Plough Line values. We have the cheap kind, but mm « W‘c hke to sail you Is on; (-10:4D VALK E. LINE You'd 111m the was is “cth and lasts P. G. SAVAGE, - Richmond Hill. PLG‘EQE LENE f on: hanflld Tree Trunme r1 shears, Hacks 'l‘ iEADY-Fs’ifiis‘ifl PM \Ve have on hand a large stock of Wall Papers, which We will sell at reduced prices. Latest Patterns and Designs in Ceiling and Bordering. Call and see them. L L. PA P E R g Whitewash & Oalcimine Brushes Large Stock of Furniture ‘EED D R} aints, Oils, Varnishes anti Lead. Brushes in all sizes. Dry Colors them in r] : from Twr In fact everything that is used by painters, BILL TUBE Constantly on hand. Everything at the lowest cash price. n and hn‘l pattern 11' i Cb N [‘5 each AT SAVAG E’S. méwam QQ and Tying OuI Chains range at vuhuu r‘ghr-ly r LOCO MILE AXLE G} Trace Chains! Tui GRIRDSTONES 3‘15 rung ifs always handy. unfl caper-in)” m sea-«m of abaxear. ‘lhcrr: is 10 med wiulmut one when we nfllr Luck 5;: values M flu-m ONE DOLLAR m f. "2.". 3y .41 GOOD WEE} Gamnsmm FIXTUBEé E “Mam Gubd LeatherkCollurs at each and up: Sweat Pads at, 250. each and up. All other supplies at, right, prices. Now is the time to bring in your old harness and collars to be repaired for spring work. You will‘also need new harness. Ynu can’t, fail to get what you need and just what will please you, if you buy your horse goods hex-0. Geo. DIODonald RICHMOND HILL. EFF§¥$5$VV'¢V$$%$$? althose intending to go to turio or the North-W eats. y< 3 fist of Hardware. Come a We can save you money outfit. IF YOU A .u u w «- V‘Juw lvflngiug at from ONE CENT a pound ulmurds. 1‘35“. ii‘JUJu 9f§9¢5€éés$fia onpenianv m atthin arc is :0 med 90 b0 nffLr buch splez.d;d to go to New On- Weet. you'll 1169:! Come and see us. Bail heuringand orfinary, priced at from FUR’I‘Y FIVE CENTS a get upwards Per- Laps you have ‘ Law-ken l-he cum I r some other 11m) CENTS a box ‘5 e 5611 the warts main cIion, ofn cents

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