Purity and. perfection in food stuffs. Swiss fond, Jersey oats. McIntosh’s rolled wheat, Cream of VVheat-, Grape Nuts, Malt Breakfast. Food. Atkin- son &.~Switzer. by circuln them w Paints um are supul'i lines, : butter and 5 ing. brusl All Pu! shall be tezlclwr: Thursda ‘Millan. dress on the Lite turnip The York '1 in Am- .next w shmvil 450. Mr. J. H dairy cum articles 'l'u Pl'ty 0f Jus Milch cmv Potato {Obit-(res “)gin Mi far East, and S with descrimin car-v.01- (nf C(‘cil pose and pm!) uuu-kable hem The edil’nrinl department Revmw of Reviews for May 1 excellent summary and expo: the Van-ions measures hefure c There are also illuminatin graphs on foreign polh French electricians. :H‘Fnim ‘lVe rel] Variety, ï¬t in the [1 in those I Atkinson a Fire Brigade meeting. and ï¬rst rantice of the season will be held nndny evening of next week. At 7.25 the “Fire†Alan-tn will be sounde when all ï¬remen Within hearing are expected to repair to the Fire Hall. Saturday was one of the windiest days of_ the season. Shutters Were rhldwn down, bricks from chimneys were scattered around, windows were smashed, and the upper half of the smukc stuck at Innes’ mill was broken ‘Ufll. Cultivate your conversational pow- ‘ers. but espvcially try to be a. good )istenvr. To draw people out by gentle and judicious questioning is sometian the highest, :u-t.â€"â€" May ~Ladies’ Home Journal. Don‘t. wait till it rains before you think of those umbrellas at Atkinson ’& Switzer’s. There has been so much rubbish and garbage dun) ed in several parts of the village lube y that l-eevo Savage has been compelled to have. printed notices put. up at theso points threut~ ening prosecution to olfeuders. Quarterly Religious Services will be held in the Methodist Chm-ch next Sunday, commencing at 10.30. The business moot-in of the Quarterly Board will he 11015 the following day at 2.30 in the School Room. Un d l1H «Remember that you will never gain, but always lose, by being afraid to do the thing that seems to you right. by following the crowd without cultivat- ing your own individuality.â€" May Ladies Home Journal. , 1A meeting of the Agricultural Society was hold on Saturday when judges were appointed for the various classes for the fair on the 24th May. About n dozen of nur citizens attend- Pd Hon. E. J.‘ Davis’ political meeting in Aurora. Fiiduy evening, and re- turned by special czu- about midnight. Rev. Herbert: Lee of Burks Falls spent a. day or two with Rev. N. \Vellwood at, the parsonage and re- turned home Saturday. ‘lllt Mr. Lorne Morris of Toronto spent QVer Sunday with his mother and ‘sxster. Miss Ethel Switzer and Miss Hattie L'infoot spent over Sunday in Aurora and were guests of Mrs. Chas. \Veb- tater. The W. C. T. U. will moot, at the hmup. crf Mrs. Switzer next Tuesday Welling. {531:9 ï¬ibemlo rul SOME G 31' the ab Rxcmmxn HILL, May 1. 190;? IJ()C A1433. editorial department of the .v of Reviews for May gives an ant; summary and exposition of “ions measures hefnre congress. are also illuminating p.11“- 3 on foreign politicsâ€"the l1 electricians, affairs in the st, and Suuth African situation, ,escrilninutingcomment on the “l with 1d ‘V 0n fox-eig electricians, and South . :l'iminating Cecil Rhod llll'( he highest p( Piccadilly & Switzer (I W ll‘( iil isf strylv, chum GRE m‘e heading Mr. H. O. informs his customers Lt; he can now supply Sherwin \Villizuns x11 Unlurs. The above quality, and give ex- lCliOn. Color cards 5 supplied fm- the ask- y also advertises Damt I‘ll large lot of ï¬rsfâ€"cluss ale. Naughtuu Bros., ble res actions 1, )OD THINGS. ‘ 11‘sdny R h b'de Is in the In: I those days tice bud a. ï¬ne 3 's and a few Lfternmm, the ll). ; and best: Swed Atkinson 6: Switzex the Hov. Alex. Mc- ), will deliver an adâ€" lttish Highlands in Sir \Vulter Scott.†ncin AT SALE. tituteuvii possible tll) 1. lolor can-(ls plied for the askâ€" 0 advertises pamt wall papers. and atiuns. His usual is complete in all highest price for amt. long rod and ediute in lnts ()f3 INSTITUTE u had a ï¬ne sale of and a few other tel-noun, the prop- ; 8.: Sons, Luming. IS high as $67, and Ltle realizvd nearly *tors are giving up :11; will continue tu farm. lies and the pup- results of his re- 3.1me degree suits for men *e shirts we are of (NH store for and Frid at, 10 o'( (3 Inspect ()f the North Lev, value atte ay. rate all On an d are -ld r1 Lâ€"t'pâ€"dâ€"‘an Son the well J city is at bm though a. life- wus thronng John Mac-don that stutesl: prouchuble c! genernus mm will cherish and three daughters a eldest of Whom Fat president; of St. Mic] while the second son is 'Stockton, Cal.. and th barrister in Chicago. E Son the well known new city isa brother of M though a life-long Libem was throughout the life barrister in Chicago. E. R. 0. Clark Son the well known accountant Of this city isa brother of Mrs. ’l‘eufy. A1- tlmugh a. life-long Liberal Mr. Teefy was throughout the life of the late Sir John Mucdonald a. warm admirer of that statesman. A man of irre- prouchuble character. of a kindly and genernus nature, there are none who will cherish the hope that, many years of useful life may yet; be spared to Mr. Teefy and his venerable con- sort, of pustnmster he is to da charging his dutips. Th: made, and probably with cuntrudictinn, that Mr '1‘ day the oldest acting pus the Dominion of Canada. ' and three daughters are eldest of whom Fnthr dt‘lb‘d necessary by railways. 11's. Tee master’s consort in l-enmx-kulfly vigorous husband, is in full pns faculties. 'I‘hojunim' husbaan st. Teefy year. A remarkable tiun with this inter that in the very otï¬ce lb'Zd, his parents emigrated to Canada two years later, and settled in Town to, then Yolk. and he resided there until the death of his parents a, few years subsequently. Mr. Teefy came to Richmond Hill in the year 1840‘, and four years after was appointed postmaster of the village, a position he has held continuously ever since, a period of more than 51 years. Rich in reminiscences and with a mind well stored with information. no more in- teresting cmnpanion could he desired. Compared with the Yonge St. of the present day and the limited travel now passing (H'GI‘ that road, the stirring scenes of 40 or 50 years ago present a striking contrast. Yonge St. was the great highway between Toronto and Newnmrket, Aurora, Bradfoid and an immense tract of country to the north of these points. Mr. Teefy states that during a large portion of the year this great highway was lhronged with teams. a condition of aifairs renâ€" The \Vorld of yesterday contained a very good photograveur of M.Teefy, Esq,. our esteemed postmaster, with the following account of his life :_â€" Fifty years of service in the Post- ofï¬ce Department, is a record unique in the history of the Dominion of Canadaand Matthew Teefy of Rich- mond Hill enjoys this proud distinc- tion. The \Vorld called upon Mr. Teefy in his ofï¬ce yesterday and was struck no less by that, gentleman’s perfect grasp of public affairs than by his erect figure and splendid physique. Born in Newport. Tip- perary bounty. Ireland, on April 18, 132.2, his parean emigrated to Canada two years later, and settled in Toron- to, then Yolk. and he resided there until the death of his parents a, few years subsequently. Mr. 'l‘eefy came (luuvm' \‘icp-presidmxt, Mis» Millie Trench: Missionary viceprosidont, Miss Ethel Switznr; Literary vice- presideut, Mr. \Vill Trench;Social vice-president, Miss Lorene \Vright; Junior League, as superintendents, Miss Violet; Sbmrey and Miss Vera Tnmlinson; Secretary, Mr. Douglas Derry; Treasurer, Mm, E. Mason; Organist, Miss Ida Glass. Mi. Teefy, Esq, Postmaster Mr. ‘Vnitet‘ Scott‘s driver became frightened of :1 Metrupnlitnn car com~ ing south on Friday afternoon and hruke away fmm a tie pust at Elgin Mills. There was an exciting speed- ing contest between the car and the horse down Ynnge street to the vil- lage, but the latter having a “through†ticket and no stops to make turned the corner at Szmdersnn’s drug store in advance of the car. The animal with its head pointing home-ward run to the 2nd uf Markham. turned north, and was ï¬nally stupped neur Mr. Heisc’s house, near Victoria Square. Many sharp turns were made, but fortunately neither horse nor rig were injured. or more variety in ï¬ne prian than now: the 10c. line is extra; examine the value. Atkinson & Switzer. At the Standard Bank Friday last. a. meeting was held for the pm pose of organizing a. base-ball club. The following ofï¬cers were (‘lected unan- imously:â€"~ PrPsident, Mr. C. Ell- ston:; Vicv-Pres., Mr. J. Gmd’m-v; Captain, Mr. J. F. Rowland; Sec.- Treus.. Mr. F. L. Storey; Commitve of mono ement. Mf‘ssrs. J. Ellston, J. Sheau own, J. Michuek H; Glover. A minimum contribution of ï¬fty cents was set for those wishing to be- come mmnbr-rs. It is (l('sll'(‘d that all those who purpose joining the club. will do so at once, in order that the necessary outï¬t may he provided as soon as possiblp. Contributions will be received at any time by Treas- urer. t mast ezit hig'ï¬why \mus, a. condition ( uecesmu-y by the EP\VORTH LEAGUE nu‘e nggver shown better value BASE BALL CLUB‘ ks.- Teefy, consort in Me ly vigorous. a BROKE LOOSE. 85311 resting couple is e where 51 years ,ned the position to day still dis- 5. The claim is we liv thr hue] and, like he 13km of all he *1- Teefy is 91's college, I. banker in younm’st, a u hse the nut fear of efy is to- .‘master in Three sons post lkewise 1106 of ht I] “(‘1 l't‘ll the ankctt‘, Gwn-go Empringhum, Michael O’Sullivun, Richard H. Crew, James Meagher, Mrs. Tex-95:1 \Vull. Geo. Hayes, uf Souwr House, was given three months, and the Franklin Huuse was held uvex uuLil [.110 next meeting. Inspvctor Eckzu'dt will he at the Clyde IiutPl,.'l‘0r(mtn, on Thumclny the 1st at May. to alluf the licen- ses to the sncesst’ul applic-mts. well. York Townshipâ€" Jnlm Gamble, John Schmuit, Thomas Hackett, Gnu-go, Eust Torontoâ€"Samuel W. Harris, Chas. W. Gates. Richmund Hillâ€"John Palmer, John Ellston. Markham Villageâ€"Edward Sander- son. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Torrance. Markham vanshipâ€"vabury Button, Thomas Hughes, Muses R. Hemingway, \Vm. Meek, Redmond Joyce. Sum-1mm Townshinâ€"VVm. B. O’- The Board of License Commission- ers for the East riding of York, held ameeting at the Clyde Hotel, Toron- to, and granted the following licen- ses for 1902-03 : Mr. Barclay Was the speaker on Sun day last, his subject, “The \Vedding Garment,†being well received by the assembly present. Next Lord’s Day, Mr. Jus. Stewarb is expected to spï¬uk. The public are cordially invited to these 1neetings.â€"â€"Adv. 44-4. The Church of Christ. generally known as Disciples of Christ, at Sher- wood, has arranged to have assistance in thoil'wurship and work from the Church of Christ, Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, which possesses a strong force of capable speakers. For a length of time some one of the follow- ing gentlemen is expected to be pres- (‘nt as speakers each Lord’s Day :â€" Mossx-s. VVillinm Forrester, Geo. J. Balclay, James Stewart. John Smarty, an. E. Buck, W. J. Dow and others. The West York License Commission- ers met Tuesday afternoon in the license inspector’s ofï¬ce, Toronto Junction, and disposed of ap plications for licenscs, as follows: Toronto Junctionâ€" C. J. Hm-hert (shop). Frank \Vatts, G. A. Kelly. J. Le-ï¬nr. \V. J. Brown, A. J. Hcydcn, and Mrs. E. Tyler two months’ ex- tension of present license. Etohi- cokeâ€" Charles Nurse, K. Huff, Janus Downs, O. H. Vint, John F. Hass, Ambrose O‘Brien mid R. Harri‘. You-k Townshipâ€" John Harris, F. V. \Vinter, James O’Hnlloran, Abner Cherry. James O’Lenry, and Charles Thompson. Vaughzmâ€" John Steele, Josephine Got-man, John Dng‘gan, Thomas Sullivan, W. E. llIchtcheon. Andrew Lloyd. North Toronto-â€" W. H. Minns, \V. J. Martin and Charles Lavender. VVestonâ€" \V. J. Bourke. John Bayley and Mary Lrllis. \Voodbridgeâ€" John Emcler and A. B. Iiuy<teaAL The application of George Gth-il of Kleiulmrg could not be con- sidered because it was not accom-- panied by the celtiï¬cate of a major- ityof the electors in the polling sub- division. as required by the law in cases of new licenses. Boots and Shops â€" Just arrived, lmlies’ Oxford shoes, men's working hnoLs; 75 pairs men’s ï¬ne lmots (samples) at less than wholesale price. Naughbon 81-03., Elgin Mills. Ripans Tabules cure héadache. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Swiss muslins, Victoria lawns, white m-gnndy. India linen, oxtm ï¬ne qual- ity ï¬ne Swiss embroidm'y and inser- tions and ï¬ne Valencienne laces in stuck at. Atkinson & Switzer‘s. R_ipans Tiabrules: at druggists‘ It is dosired that each nwmhernf the League be present, at, the.Rnll Call Service Friday m‘vnimgr. The ’tnp’éc for tho'sght. “ Px-nym a Necessity,†is based on the scripture, St. Matthew xxvi.: 26-36. All are welcome. Mr. Alfred D. \Vright, who spent, twelve weeks in the Toronto General Hnspital, and while there had an op- e-rutiun performed fur Bri rht's Disease, has been staying at, his 0 d borne for the past. week. ‘ill‘ :zu-lmm Townshipâ€"“’11). B. O’- L'y. \Valtel- A. Shnmhx'uuk. Romy. Andrews, Mrs. Mary Ann Max- West York Licenses. EPVVORTH LE Sale R Sherwood egister Licenses. EAGUE. 5iI'I‘E‘l. 0d H. Mrs. zhuu), Crew, Money to loan at 511m mortgage farm property Enquire at DRUGGISTS, 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opp. Clyd s. A. JOHNSTON, .. . - 3 a. spuvin or ringhone or mm Linimenbs and Bli 's of all k Eczema. Ointment Chase‘s Ointment 40:; w & 1%. Butte): Color 18c Perfect Worm Syrup (or 250 (lastnria 2‘50 gess' Poulcrv Panacea 3:70 Pages English Hair Ruétcrrer 500 Swan Down Face Powder 150 For Condition Powders where you save from 10 to 25 per cent Condition Powders, Blisters. Linimeuts, 530., from pure drugs Farm Condition Powders 2 lbs for 25¢; 10 lbs for 51. Pages English Condition Powders 25': Dr Thoma Burrows Condition Powders 25c Chases in). Daniels Condition Powders 250 Doild‘s Kid Dicks Condition Powders 400 Parmeeins Snudereons Condition powders 15c Fellows Sy Flints or Kendalls Powders 100 Syrup of H Darleys Condition Powders 15¢ sell a. r Epsom Salts dc lb or 10 lbs for 230 Beef, Iron Sulphur so 11) or 101bsiur 25c Ozone sma Glau’rer Salts 3c lb, 11) lbs lot 250 Piei‘ces I’r Snltpen‘e. pure. 2 lbs for 250 Sin-sap Kendall’s Spavm Cure 750 ocli Bk Pages English Simvin Cure â€"gimi'z=.ntee(l to kill Real :0 SPECIAL~2€D§$fli§im§£1332333, Jacob Eyei M01197 ta DEERH'G THE FARMERS’ DRUG STOR Length, strength and durability guaranteed. Every ball is just what the tag says it is. Your money cheerfully refunded if not satisï¬ed. Sold by For Men and Boysl Better than ever! Better style, cloth and tailoring for the money than ever beforeâ€"which means better serv- ice and durability. There is more to durability than the wear of the cloth. There’s the wear of the buttons, the linings, the color, and most important of all the wear of the “ï¬t.†The makers of our clothing look to all these things. Want you to examine particularly our new Ready-to- VVear Piccadilly Suits for Men. Examine the style, workmanship, linings, buttons, etc. We will guarantee the ï¬t. l Fine Tweed Piccadilly Suit, extra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V $ 10 00 Fine Serge Piccadilly Suit, extra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 50 Special Serge Piccadilly Suit, extra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 15 00 Clothing 2 Aï¬kimmï¬ HNG EENDER THE LIBERAL OFFICE Cure ~gum‘anteed to kid ne qr 1}}9ney refunded, $1 3. SANiEL & uterest on nms’Pink Pills (qanuine)30c; 3 boxes for 896. Remember ything at wholesale prices 1&1]. 0 to 25 per cent. Have us put up your rcceipas for 30m pure drugs and we will save you money. Model A... 1-1 Littl sel‘. a. regular 750 home for 4 Beef, Iron and Wine. rure, 500 quue small 35c, large 65!: Pierces Prescription. Pierces D Sm-snparilluPuines Celery (l oclL Blood Bittersfloods SM' Redicmver Compound, Ay. “ Wm‘nersï¬ï¬te Cure â€"uuy 01 c1 Parmeems, Aye;s and mm Fellows Syrup of Hyvopbc Syrupnof Hy)lqphg§p}gltes Burdoc Dr Thomas Eclectric Oil 2 Chases um] Carters Pills ‘2 Qudu’s Kidney Pins 300 Eutiuura. Salve 50c 100.1 Oil (Water White) 1 mmmona ck and Su‘rsapnrilm is a splendidjpnng rdiciueâ€"mrge bottle '15:: V :, MuDougnlls and Croziera Sheep Dips. :1 on fur lice on cattle, 31’.) bar pure sti‘e SoapQSc Own Soap me, 3 cakesior 25c ra. ï¬naps 25c WNsz Tn PATEET m: WEI. dock Pills i130 )sphites 900 i331, splendid. tonic. we bottles for 25¢ boxes for 25¢: ' soad Idea: zzcured by Address, 4T RECORD, 30mm, Hi. Mr NE manger ‘overv, Ayers .Bunl- Ulnrks Vigor.