Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1902, p. 8

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Stallion Register The following stallion» will travel through this section 0! colmtry this season : WHITE Swssâ€"Pure-brod imported Clydesdale the property of D. (2. Steele. Wednesday 1mm his own stnble, Dominion House, Rich- nmuil Hill to Hnghea’flotol, ThornhlllJnr night. Thursday to Peterliornmn 5: Son's. lot. 10, .n‘d con. Markham, 101' noon : Hook's hotel.Vlctorin Square, for night. Friday to his own stable sill W ednomlay afternoon. Terms $14. YOUNG Macqmmuâ€"The unbeaten champion draught. stallion, the property 0! the u. H. 11. ii. Associncinn. Home filund Palmer Home. To 'l'hornhill, Unionville, Victoria. Squnro,\Vhitcluu‘ch, Aurorn, llond’a Luke, mo. 'l'cl’llls $15. A.Powors. manager. RED WATTm-Imported Clydrsdnle the prop- erty of I). lllougll and ’l‘ H Leggo. Monday frun his own stable. lot 23.1mm- fich con Vaughan. to King Citv. I‘uesrlny to C. T)mmpsou';ence tn Bond's Lake. Wed- nosduv to Jus Connor's mul Wm Richard- son's, W'lllt-(lblll'cll. Thursday to Aurora. Fl'lllll)‘ in Jul; llnvis', King, thence to Jim inmailen'a. Sum-.‘Llny to Walk-or Bros', 10th con. “some home. Terms .51). J. Blough, lnnlmgur. Until furthernntico lluils will be closed at the Mouo’ron‘Yâ€"Thnroughbrod stallion the pronerty Richmond llilll'ostOIlic-o nuiollowszâ€" of Goo hubiiisln. . hlnulltly from home “URN-[VG 800 smlilo,I‘-1chiuoufl HULDV‘ZIMI Markham to ‘ ‘ " ' Sleolc's hotel, thence toChdrry‘s.m Smith- EVENING .. 6.15 - field and Clnirville, Colm-uino, Bolton, Bell's N‘,B.-â€"Rogislaercfl Lemon must be handed in I.ul:e,Lloyd:own, Kettlohv, livorsloy. King 3.13115: Filteen Minutes earlier than the above (luv. 'l’esmu, to his own smnlosmumay, mentioned hours (or closiun. Terms $10. OFFICE CLOSES AT 730 P M Tom‘ \\'imes Ju.â€"-Ilmulstorabzillion the prop- I M. TEEFY. Postmaster. orty (.1 Samuel Frnncia Nowt'm Brook, will Between Torouso and Newmnrket. GOING NORTH LenveC P R Crossing at (l, 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. m. 130, 2.40. 4.0.) 540. 7.45 p. in. Leave Rlchmoml Il|l18.20, 10,30 u. m.; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 1.50, 5.30. 8.35 p. m. GOlNG SUUTH LeaveNewmai-ket7.30.915. 11.15 a. m.; 115,000, 7.301., m, Leave Richmond Hm 7. 8.10, 9.55, 11.55 11. m., 2.111, 3.55, -l: , p. m. 2, 3.15. POST OFFICE NOTICE stuinl nL his own sluble, lot. H.133 con. Nmklmm. ’l‘orms $8. PURE (lul.n»â€"'I'rolcing smllinn tho property of D. Blouuh. King City, will lruvolhhrounh Village Direcay. ‘ ‘ ' "hm: Creek. Snowball, 'l‘om lemnccville s Chlurch 05 Eu.£l“‘1‘1“b°rvmas at 31" m‘ eve” llond's Luho, etc Terms 1 ’ um my. “â€" Elov summon. Presbyterian Church~Sorvices at 11 a. m., rind 7 p. 11:. Sunday School M. 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. . I ‘ Roman Catholic (.‘hurclIâ€"Sorvxces on albei- xmts Sundays 111.9 a. m. mui 10.30 0:. 1n. Mothoiliai. Church-~Snrvwcs at 10.30 :1. 1.11., and 7 p. m. Suudrw School ns 22.30. Goneml pm.) or Eloise l0 fireliiurs. Richmond Lorluo. iA F and A M â€"â€"-Meets Mou- _ l f ‘ 1‘ul moon a“ on or 16 me In the matter of the estate of JANET MCDOUGALL, ourtl Frilu - Ivy lIJUdL‘tG,3A O U Wâ€"-Meetsfourth Tuesday Late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Spinster, of each month Deceased. Comp 12mm, S O S â€"Meet5 second and fouzth Wednesday , R ’1.‘ of’l‘empemnceâ€"Meeie first Wednesday of each month PimBrigudoâ€"Moets first Monday of every month Public Library and Romling Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Suturilrw eyeniugs Enworth League-Meets evon‘ Friday. MONEY I__M“0NEYI Almgo amountofprivacc funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per ({cnt. in- terest. Rusyturms for repuvnuent. ho coni- missiou charged on loans. Apply to A. G. 1“. Lil \VRENCE, . Freehold Loan Building, Toronto 01' at Richmond lilll on Saturdays. Notice is hereby given pursuant to . the Roviscrl Statutes of Oulnrio, 1897, Chnptcr 129, that all creditors and others having cluims :\ guinst the estate of the said Janct Mullougnll. who died on or about the 29th day of March, A. D. 1902, are required on or before the 30111 day of May, A. D. 1902, to snud by post. prophid or deliver to the undorsignml, solicitors for the ex- ecutor of the estate of the said deceas- cd, lhcir christian and sulunmcs, ad~ (bosses and ilcsmiplious, the full pur- liculars of thcir claims. tho statement of their amounts and the inture of the socurilios, if any. ln-lql by them. And further take notice that after sm-h lust moutioucd date the executor will proceed to (listrihulc the assets of thc (incensed among the parties on- Litlcd thewlo, having rcg‘nrd only to the claims of which 110 shall then have had notico. and that. the said nxecutor will not be liable for the assets or any [mi-ti thereof to any p(‘l‘Sl»ll or persons of whose claims notice shall not. have lll'Pll rvcolvcd by hllll at the time of such distribution. Dalcd the lillh day of April, A. D. 11502. Lluilsoy, anroucc 1‘: ‘i‘i'ndsworth, Home Lilo Building, Toronto, THE sUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. Assurcs on all the modern plans, and is one o the most prosperous mnl 1|r(>-.u'c;stai\-o compunics in enisbence.’ Premiums low, policies unconditional and nonforfcifiihie. 'â€"a_ “Take a policy will; the districtagent, T. i F. MCMAE-lON. LIBERAL OFFICE - RICHMOND HluL 50 YEARS' 43.; EXPERlENCE v .1 , w__ ' nos SERVICE {solicitors for {120 Executor. For service on (110 premises of the un- dersigncd. :1 rogisti-rv a SHURTHORN BULL. TERMS $1.00. T. LUDFORD Richmond Hill. is Tarâ€"oi: MARKS ' DESKSNS COPYRIGHTS tic. Anyone soufu‘ug a sketch and :lescri tinn may quickly a" whim our opinion free w iothcrvnn lnveuiiol ls mm} -' «‘llu‘lilllil‘l‘. Communica- tions szri ‘ ' ' . lluuilbnnkon l’uieuia um. fr it F-‘Clll‘lllfl_]llll(‘lll5. Piuan In}; Munu ct. Co. receive special notice, n ithout cl. co in the $Cl£i§iiii€ 2w. Ahandsolnclg' illuslrmed weekly: ancst (Lir- $1.13“?linilfiiiflltlfé? "‘ffi‘s‘ojmmii'.‘ “gill... all? .‘Elfirsé. Ep‘ ‘. .. L ‘ ,4 .6 '- nlin:a.n32?eroiiiivilgwyén halal Jungian Stamam Rmal’yi sugfimfig Brunch 031cc. (1'5 1“ EL. “'ushinclon. . Whinso ‘1Vuntvd,:l.t onco, a practical, rcli- able mnu Ell} the lvulclur husiucss. Highest. wngcs paid. Mun-icd mun _ _ preferred. Apply in April 1:), 1902. 03 \V. H. IjEGGE. P ' " -tf 'cl‘fcrson . O. - Vt. ‘ - _ _. Sula by All Newsdcalcrs v "s 0~ - - ~» Ella-gel. s oun 1y. Th‘ouudmsigucd is prepnrcd to do all kinds of (rnsling' in tho jolihiug lino. Blluln'l‘s. mowers and implement»; ( fl all kinds l'(‘|‘:lll'('il on shorlost notico. Plow Points, Sole ’lsitos. Gang Plow Shin-vs. vlc” made and sold lwrc. Stool llog'l‘ioughs, any h-uglh, mmlc t0 (Il'llcl‘. Prices right. All lillltiu of Wrought or cast» iron taken in cxuhuugo. Shop open ii“ 8.30. w. 1i“ Sign. Prop Spray Your Trees. Now is the to Prepare The undcrsignml having become agent for n soll'~ncting, or automatic, S{.ll‘ll)':,‘l‘, is [impart-(i to furnish all who tlcsiu- to lwmmo ilw owner. on sholt . lmtico. ll ischcnpuud simple in its opcruliou. ‘Is easily opm'utvd. Can be cm-riml by a shouldcr strap, or by hands like u pull. “'ill throw the spray ovur :my ordinary fruit tron. Can lw‘usul for spraying potatoes, (10- mg the wm-l. in very lunch shorter, time than the Indium-y way; as :1 fire extinguishor: for spraying cattle; for, washing'wimlows, or buggies, in fact I any woi k requiring a. sprayer. The undersigned will be haan to Show the machine and its working; to anyone desiring a. sprayer. I 38-tf R. E. LAW, Agent ‘ Tho undcrsignml gives notice that the Muplo Creamery will ho open on and after lhe lsl‘ of May. Farmers 01- others having any liusiuvss with the prop] iotm- will find him at. the crenu - cry after this (into. ’ R. MTSE’OLET, Maple. 422 1.1 1'. Furnishcs {z‘lonihly to all lovers of song and Music a vasi volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular 36551013. Ell Péfilifi ill FlEiilfi {lash Hull Vocal, Half Instrumental 0 . r: lo “M .e .nrll‘nr: ml 39% : l8 Fascia lJl Alma Once a Month for 25 Cams. Yearly Subscrigifon, $2.00. 51: Months, $1.00. If hwghtln any muiic 510:0 It one-half off, would cost $5.25, a saving of $5.00 monthly. ln one year you get nearly 800 Page: of flask, comprising 2:32 Complete Pieces lo: the Piano. If you wilfscnd us th: Name and Aédrus of FIVE pufozmcrs on the Piano or Organ w; win and vac a. copy or the Magazine Free. J. W. Publisher. Elg'neh a Locust 89.5., Philadelphia, Pa. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans ’I‘abules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure hiliousness. 'uonedusuoo ems semqem suedlu Ripans Tabules cure nausea Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. .5153. This wm-k, some elegant lines of SPRING SI'ITINGS FANCY \VORS'I‘EllS SCOTCH MIXTUR Ff} AND lilNNUCKBURNS The luuulsomcst goods and host values ever shown in Richmond Hill. A]. HUME Tailor no . I I . Snug "lean From April 1 continues into our ’ SPECIAL SUMMER SESSION Through July and August. in all dcpts. of our Splclldld school, the Central Business College . TOE: N'E‘O There (we no vacations uml members may enter ul- any time un<l continue for uuy desired term. A dozen tenchrrs, ciglily typmvriling umâ€" chiuos and uduilv roll mil 0! 2103 niemhers this month clmrmier uml l'epulzttion College. Write for circulu.) s \V. 1LSHA\V, l .29 2%? g? 2.? T; i of our Principal Youge and Garrard Sis. ' If so I will he someof the bust immhiues made. I have in stock the A machine that will makoellher lock or chain stitch, noiseless motion and easy running. Also Lhe New Raymond, One of the host fumin machinos on ,. the lmu'kcl: will svll below To- ronto prices. Call and cxuniine before buying else- where. I have also two or thrce second hand machines, which I will sell chenp. W. T. ()f Cain: ails]. RICHMOND HlLL Capital - $1,000.000 Rest - 750.000 DEEâ€"OEITS Rccoivcd in Suviugs‘ Bunk Dcpart~ mcnt and interest allowed at HESHEST 853.3%?” EATES. Notice of witlulmvml sm'y. . not neces- All (ll-[mis payable on demand. Money Loam-d 02. Sale Rows. Blank Note Forms supplied Free. Gesegsl Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank. J. F. ROWLAND, AGENT. Passed an on ll}<ll(;l1i.0 the . 0 i 3 zit-sum Is his What You Want? plonsod to show you STGKEY . Si E‘n rmen‘s’ Ki 'Mév _. shy i .__+_.__ YOUR VOTE AND INFLUEE‘QCE Arc Rcsposlfully Solicilod in the interests o? 01% ll nicuninsé The Liberal C'wnzliil 11.9 in East. York for the chislative Ass-cmny of Ontario. NOlelNATION,_lv/IAY 22; POLLING DAY, MAY 29. _..x.___ “ Remember Boss ” And “ Build up Ontario.” Xâ€" nve UThe lining: ‘Y'R‘r‘fi ffléqfifl‘. ‘1 '57; C. MASON 3. REGEMO‘N :o HILL HARDWARE STUB 4* Has everything in season. Chums of different mach Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools of all kinds. All kinds oi Tin and-Hardware. \Vickless Oil Stoves. Eave- troughlug. Hot Air Furnaces. SM G3. 3:1,, ga r .5 LES SC Only {$2.53. BRACE and 6 best Auger } Bits, only $1.50. if; " » Barb and Plain Twist \Vire at less than wholesale price. I.- Hollow Ground Razors fully guaranteed only 50c. car-load rates WILKINS & 166 and 168 King Street East, Toronto, 3 Doors West of George Street. Nails at

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