Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1902, p. 1

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VOL. XXIV. _ ewe“: -,--,,_- . - “ “in? em: ~ (} ('r 5 Lindsay. K C .\ I? F anruncc \V ltidout Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence .84 Wed we h. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, 36c. Home Life Building: (former-Iv Free- hold Lonn Bldg), Cor. Adelaide & Victorizt SIS.I Toronto. LIBERAL ()Iliee, Richmond Hill on its. NEWTON IS PUDLISIIEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON, Em'ron & Paormn'ron. Phone Main 2984 _ ,L_, a“ BUSINESS CARDS. minim, ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, TlloraaEaiN, _ ate resi'lont l)l.)\’~'.lcin.ll at Western and Grace capitals, ‘l‘Jrunto. NOTARY PUBLIC, Olliee Hoursâ€"8 to 10 n m; 12 to 2 p m; C‘WMIESIONER IN THE HIGH COURT or;usr1cn,&c. ‘ _ glottal. issuer of Marriage Licenses. \V “M Rogws MIIICIEIMOND HILL POST OFFICE. B¢\\v\3x, LEN N 0X & MORGAN Room 12, 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Ramsm's “ml Solicitors- Afonev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. «\urora officeâ€"Removed to the old one door west of th V Outnrio Bunk. hewmnrket ofliceâ€"T post (mice. 1“. HE amen? Lnxnox. G. STV, MORGAN, Aurora. Newmerket COOK a? MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. Cor. Adeleurlelk Victoria Best fitting;r teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. 'l‘. A. CUltitlE, Dentisst, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) post office, a entrance to the hree doors south of the Oddfellow's Bldg, Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto, VVill be in Richmond Hill every \Vedm rd 1‘ l ‘I C‘ k Sll‘lms, Toronto. . ‘S : j. . A r. 00 wi )e ."t M; - Office :â€"cht door south of Public J afternoon Of e-iyllieiiv'lder-Ikhumday School. l V . MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Oifice hoursâ€"~From 5.30 mun, to?) p.11). iii & SKEATIS Barristers, Solicitors, &c., ..,...,. 4 [in v .1 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. J. . 2.... East Toronto Office “ , Mr. Grant‘a'reeidence, \yoodbndge, every evening. Thornh:1l,each “'cdnesdny from 10 to 12. VETERINARY SURGEON â€"â€"Axnâ€"- V -TERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Gradiuto of the Ontnrio with diplulnt from the Licensed Auctioneer for the Conntr of York Goods sold on consignment. Genernl sales 01 stock etc promptly attended to at reasonable rates. I :wlIil‘d‘lG Uuionville G’Jllldlug, Newton Brook, agenl [or the Veterinary Célloce, ()utnrio Voicrumry Dental School, wnl visu. Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday d3) ., from 1 to R p. in, Cnils promptly uttended to. r V_ Diseases others 0 SFOAEB > D BLOUGH ed annuals firfl'Lifld b proved. methods. JOHN H. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i It SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON ’ RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly at- iended to. sense sores, EI¢X13]JE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Every Accommodation for the tray-i clling public. y the lutest and most up. Stokes d’r Blough. License Auctioneers for the County of York re- Spoctfully solicit your patronage and friendly mipenca. sales attended on the sLortest notice an} A reasonnbe rates. P, 0.8.ddress King Male and other domesticut-! J. T. Suigeon. J. B. McEwen Maple. Weston. ' Saigon“ & McEwen, Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. snicsmttended to on shortestnotieeand at rea- sonableratex Patronagesolicited. N. E. Smith. Licensed Auctionesrforthe Counties of York and Ontario. Alisnlesol form stock, 610., nt- teniled to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgage nudbniliu sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘ville. Ont W e, -.. WRIGHT BROS, Elnderl‘akers .1: Embnlmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. 5‘, .v-¢\ v.51. - in: E9 LEJZQJV, senses, 155 KING s'rnnn msr. 'roncn'ro accommodation toguustn. Board, 81 [PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, Rurnodelle;l,nndnewly furnished throughout (Inc of the most convenient and comfortable Eve RIOEMONE‘HIL L. b a The Next Sittingr of Division Court for No, 3, Conniy of York, will he held hote on Yonge Street. livery modern con- iu tlmL‘uui-t Room, 1'6! . ,Sninple ronns for coznnim'cml brand] 5. Anidenlstoppingpinco for riding or driving pa.rties,bi«'yclints, or farmers goinpy («or returning from market. ~Electric curs passtho door. Livary iuConuection. TERMS emu PER DAY. HHIN E’ALVEBR. ismâ€"11mm; d H ill LAUNDRY I run prepared to do Family Washings. Gents' and Ladies' fine linen a. specialty. Work gnar- ez.:,e.l and patronage solicited. . zfi-tf TILLIE MAX“ ELI EIGHMOND HILL, TUESDAY, JUNE 17TH, 1392,: Commencing at» 10 a. in. T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK Prop I v:â€"~ I Subscribe for THE - LIBERAL “I71. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essa 0f township. dollars of May. cil hereby rally the action of rccve in taking the :h-cc‘sszn‘y steps to have the bill of A. l}. Armstrong taxi-d. grant of '0 he made to improve. road opposite lots 29 and 30, con. 7,; on boundary lr-[wceu polling subdi- visions 4 and (3' con. 7 and that “'ultcr, Davis 8, Putt lge and \\'. H, Proctor be commissioners. grunt be given in pulling sub-divisiims| no. 5 and 7 of 530.00 to repair bills in , said divisions between lots 10 and 11 P. G. Savage, J. \V, Elliot and T. con. Sknown sis gravel pit hill CONSUMPTION All UNKNOWN DISEASE Ii'l TEN YEARS. Smtcmcnt of Dr. John Fergusonâ€"The New Free Consumpth'o Hospital nu Immediate Helper to this End. I The statement of Dr. John Ferguson, one of Toronto‘s well-known physicians, { that “ if consumptive patients were pro- perly isolated and treated, .within ten years from now tuberculosm would be one of the rarest of knmvn diseases," ought to prove an encouraging stimulus to the friends of the new Free Consum p- tive Hospith to hurry along subscrip- tions towards the furnishing of this insti- tution, capable of admitting at once filty patients, and without any charge. I The curability of tuberculosis is clearly in evidence in the records of the Muskoka. Cottage Senatorium, under the manage- mentof the National Sanitarium Associa- tion, and. under whose auspices the now Free Consumptive Hospital has been built. In four years 510 patients have been treated, and more than 352 have been cuer or so helped that they could go back to work, caring for wife or child or those dependent upon them. I The new Free Consumptivo Hospital is situated in Muskokn, not far from the Muskoka. Cottage Sanatorium, the two gentleman who have generously borne the cost of constructing the building de- siring that the same benefits that have come to patients of the Muskoka. Cottage Sanatorium, by Virtue of its excellent situation, should go to the poorer patients, whose only hope is in admittance to the ' Free Consumptive Hospital. Allthat is wanting- now is the furnish- ing of this Hospital with beds and other necessary appointments. The National Sanitarium Association, because of their heavy debt, are unable to undertake this part of the work. Only let the man whose hearts are touched by such.dis- ‘ trossing cases as are constantly ch ronicled in newspaper columns, send their contri- butions of $1.00 or, if possible, $55.00, $10.00, or 850.00, and no time will be lost in opening wide the doors of the new Hospital. Contributions Will be receiycd by Sir Wm. B. Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Ave., Toronto; W. J. Gage, Esq., 54 Front St. West, Toronto} or The National Trust 00., Limited, Treasurer, 22 King St. East. Subscriptions may also be sent di- rect to THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, and ncknowlcdgur~ut of Llli‘lll will be [nude in that paper. King Town The fourth regular meeting of King Council was lr’ld at Hogan’s Hotel, King City, on Saturday, doth day of April. Membcrsull present, Reeve iu the chair. I Minutes of last regular meeting: rend and adopted. I Several communications were rc- ccived and read. I The following accounts were puss- ed :â€" I ship Council Thus. Holt, shovelling snow . . . .$ 9 10 John Paxton, slnwclliug snow” 7 20 J. J. Penman, reg. deed . . . . . . . I Hart & Kiddo], stationery . . . . . . 1 30 H. O’Brien, sbovclliug snow... . 2 40 D. H. Nelson, icpuiring waggon 3 65 ‘ J. Flcury A: sons, wheelbarrow 4 '30 Thos. McMul-cby, lumber. . 3 56 J. A. Phillips. repairing culvert 75 A. Bostwick. shovclling snow. . 6 75 '1‘. Jennings. shovclling snow .\:c 7 .00 Leggeâ€"Phillipsâ€"thnt the reeve and clerk are hereby instructed to sign plan of Srhomberg and attach seal thereto and forward to reg. at Nowmnrkct. Rogcrsâ€"Arnistrong.~â€" that tho reeve and councillor Legge be and are hereby appointed at committee to examine culvert opposite lot ll, con. 12 and also roadway opposite lol 25 con.12;md report to thiscouncil at its next meeting. Phillipsâ€"L-ggcâ€"thnt :1 special grant of $40.00 be given towards gruvclling the Tuwnlinc north be- tween King and Rust Gwillimshui-y in polling div. no. I) on Cullshlt'l'iillull that East Gwillimsbm-y grunt nu equal amount, and that Norman \Vcs- ley be com. for some. , chgeâ€"Rog ‘I'Sitllilt )lujoi' Steph- enson he and H hereby appointed to up- el'ute the road umchiue on north side and \‘i'illiim Lond on south side They to furnish tivo teamsund three men, each at eight (:58. ‘0) per day and to com- mence work Ht once and not put in more than six days during the month this I’billipsâ€"L'Augc~tlntt coun- y {ogcrsuAruitugeâ€"Ihut a special Legge~Arn1't:lgeâ€"tlmt special 1 & Sons of liust York referred ‘ fur and McMahon tbeone \ves': and tlml Jos‘n'h Egnnl be .‘lppfiillll‘ll (om. for div. 5 and lid. Arebil :ll l for div. 7. I.ccg‘c~;\rmit:1g»â€"»Ih:it this cmm-l cil cannot muermin the bill of the 'l‘oronlo ‘Vfllld :Is Illt'h‘f'l'lil'Il by them to A. R. Armstrong and sent to this ernneil by the said A. B. Armstrong and that it. be returned. llogm-sal’hillipsâ€"thnt the assess- oranmes Block and Malcolm McCall- nm bepuid the sum of ($50.00) each on account. Huge]s~Pbillipsâ€"Ihut gruntof$2100 be mrulero gravel hill in pollingr sulrdiv. no. 5 opposite lot 1;"), Con. ti, Malcolm Mitchel nnd VVill- imn Kerr. eoms. The following emmuunientious were receivod:~from the Ontario Bunk. Aurora, re statement, of bnl. of trcusui-er’s account on 31st day March was $5735.10 at credit; from the Toronto Portland Cement Company, Owen Sound, in grant of exemption from usual taxation if locatingr works at King City; frmn P. S. Gibson & Sons rc plan of Schomberg village; from J. C. Lundy, clerk of Whit church, re maintenance of Yongc St. By-Law No. 125 to appoint over- seen-s of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keeper s for the your. By-an' No. 126 to make. piovisions and regulations to secure a general uniform valuation of sheep killed or injurcd by dogs and to appoint \zllu- ators. Nextmeeting‘ at Kettleby on May 31 ; Court of Revision at 2.30. “on Maple n. speeinl We wish to correct the statement in lust week‘s pnper, that it was Mr. T. Speigbt’s (log that bit the child. “'0 were wroueg inform:-d about y. the matter. Next Monday evening May 1", Rev. R. J. Trclcuvcn, of Purkdale, will deliver his celebrated lecture"S:ly So,” in the Methodist church, under the auspices of the Epwortll League. Talent from Richmond Hill and Hope. are expected to give vocal selections. Asilvcl' collection will be taken, to defray expenses. - Mr. and Mrs. Cropper, of Toron- to.were visitinqovcr Sunday, in the village. Mr. Fred Rumble, of the Toronto Post Office paid a visit to his home last Saturday, Miss E. Lines, of Toronto, is spend- ing :1 few days with f1 iends here. Mr. R. Rumble has secured the Con- tract for carrying the mail, and be- gun his new duties on the fiist of the month. A valuable ho uud belonging to Mr. H. C. Bailey w as poisoned last week. Villag The council met on May 2nd. All the members present. The minutes of 14th April read and confirnn-d. The folzowing accounts were read : Councll. Michael Bros, teaming water for rink and tank _. . . . . . . . . . . . $12 38 Jos. Hull. oil account . . . . . . . . . . 5 37 C. Morrison. shOVelling snow on Poguc estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 30 Moved by Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor limes, that the Treasâ€" urer do pay the said accounts. Cur» ricd. A communication from the Pater- son manufacturing 00. in reference to Cool Tar, was read. Mr. T. F. McMahon and Mr. \V. H. Pugslcy addressed the council. reconnncnding aid to the Village Band. Mr. A. J. Hume, representing the Village. Bond, zuldressrd the Council in reference to the repairs necesau-y to put the Bond Instruments in good (1r lcr, and slated that the probable cOst would be about $36.50, more orlcss. Mr. \V. T. Storey, Mr. H. A. Nich- olls and Mr. \V. Brydon expressed tl‘icmselvcs as favorable for the Coun- cil Lo uid tbc Bond. After hearing: the opinions of the ratepayers who bud addressed the Council it was moved by Councillor Trench. seconded by Councillor Innes, that the (‘ouncil do nka arrange- ment to have the Bond Instumenls put in a good state of repair as lecom- lnr-luleil. (‘ul'rll‘(l. The Council adjourned. M. TEEFY, Clerk, MON Lansing The stock of Dairy (‘zltllo sold by Mr. J. Prentice of Lniouville on the 20th of April for Messrs Jos. Bales to in week‘s LIBERAL, was the best sale of its kind held on Yonge SI. for many yours. The average per head for milk cows w.1s“$50.50; total cows and valves :5 930.00; horsesr and other articles 5.90, making a grand total of $3345.90. Amongl the Company present were Reeve, Duncan, Councillor Sylvester, nnd (ax-Councillor Gi-uldlng of York Tp.: \V. J. Hill. )1. L. A., of Deer Park; F. and lust, of Richmond Hill others. Among the buyers, were J. 11'. Hyslop, Cook, McCormm-lc. llunnett, \Villshire, Adam Petermnn, Mr. James. R. F. Hicks, James 1((y:, \Ym. Acey, Thos. Cook, J. Allen k son. Perry 13103., James Hyslop, Alfred Stong. There was :1 large gathering nt the raising of Mr. Fred Pratt's hunk burn on Tluz'sdny last. The day “as fincund everything passed off WiLll- out n hitch. The masonry work was done by Edward Glover of Richmm (1 Hill, and Mr. McKenzie of “'illow- dale bus charge of the cnrpcnter work. The captains ut the raising were Ernest, Goulding and \Villizim \Vullnce. the former winning by a. few mints. Mr. W. J. Hill and Mr. J. V. St. John were present, and took nu active port in the proceed- ings. After :1. tempting supper seiv< ed on the lawn short speeches were made by both political c.indidates fo 1‘ \Vest York. They congratulated Mr. Pratt. on the excellent building; which had been elected, and each of the candidntls called for cheers for his political opponent which were given with enthus‘asin. Mr. F. J. Gzlllzmough, V. S., of Thornhill, who has taken a position in the City Dairy, had a. fine sale of vehicles, household furniture, Ne, conducted by Mr. J. H. Prentice. There was a. large crowd of buyers and spectators, and the bidding won brisk. Mr. Gnllnuough sold by priv- nte sale his brick residence to Mr. Robertson of Toronto. i i t. ' “I was very poorly and could 'l hardly get about the house. 1 was tired out all the time. Then] tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it only took two battles to make me feel perfectly well.”â€" Mrs. N. S. Swm- nay, Princeton, Mo. 5, l a, ' Tired when you go to j bed, tired when you get ': up, tired all the time. f i. Why? Your blood is im- i. pure, that’s the reason. Q. You are living on the ,. , border line of nerve ex- ,7. ‘ haustion. Take Ayer’s g, Sarsaparilla and be . l . quickly cured. 232.3235. P. v "I Ask our doctor what he thinks of Ayer’a , S-Irszipykrilln. He knows all abo‘ntthln grand ._ » old family medieine. Follow his advice and i, we will be satisfied. J. C. Ann! 00., Lowell, Mass. 1: . . . . ~ iitt It mailers In the matter of the estate of JANET MCDOUGALL, Late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Spinstcr, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant lo the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1597. Chapter 129, that all creditors m (1 others having claims against the esm e of the said Janet McDougull. who dim; on or about the 29th (lay of March, A. D. 1902, are required on m- lwfnro the 30th day of May, A. D. 1903,10 send by post. prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, solicitors for the ex‘ ecutor of the estate of the said (I: cens- ed, tln-il‘ christian and surname-s, :ul- di-csscs and descriptions, the full pur- ticulars of their claims. the statement, of their accounts ulul the l].li‘lllL‘ of the securities, if any. held by Lin-nu. And further take notice, that zlftri' Sin-h lust mentioned dntc the executor will proceed lo distribute the ilSSl'ls (if the deceased among the parties on- titled thereto, having regard only to the (-luims of which he shall Ilu-n linu- bud notice. and that the said executor will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims llOlch' shall not hm (- lucl'll wceivcd by him at lbetimool' such distribution. i).ll.l"d the lQLh (lay of April, A. I). 1902. Lindsey, Lawrence A: \Vudswortb, Home Life Building, Toronto, 43-1 Solicitors for [he Executor. JSUNNYSIDE I FABI’IJ The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of In». proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (’I‘hornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Tl)01‘()llgll~l)1‘t'd bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOUDERHAM, 49-tf Proprietor,

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