021113 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. proved TUESBW, JUHE WW, 1902, THE ' - LIBERAL Gulls by day and night, promptly at- tended t0. EULSE HGTE J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL (Sues Oddl’ellrr Oli VETEHiNARY HBERAL PRINT! om JUH VOL. XXIV. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING: ‘he os‘piml Room 1 131sz3 JE . THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. \Vill b Li. 06 how RICHMOND RICH )HN R. CAMPBEL VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. S ubscx-ibe for BUSINESS CARDS. 10 w and ( PRINTING & PUBLISHING RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘. .1‘. McMAHON. ii: )lllll V“ hunt-y in the {39311211. ‘7? w». Rogers 3 m‘fls‘a , \I Elm ttin; aTvterium‘y «31.1 by n MOND b'mm 8.30 a.m., nmm 1111qu A. CURRIE ERINARY DENTIST Ontmr F. MCMAEON. C Victoria St: 3ND th AT THE ‘uf Division Court h )f York. will be huld )om-b Room. Jt Paommron UN AND SURGEO :‘uhm, uat m, in advance. at Ism replating‘ Good work. smith of Public Western 1E 10 a. m. EILL, am HILL, Ul 131ml: and m COX‘. ‘OlltO‘ Trotter) 11 every 330 7!, 3n wonto. t05p.m. HOUSE on: ,l a. y M I am prepared to do an 1 Ladies’ flue linen named and pauounge 25-h! wax JUYIN PAL}! Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York and Outarm. All Rules of farm stock, ML, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable mteq. Mortgage and builifr sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl'villo. Out :aigeon é; McEweu. ‘- Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Smlusmttsnded to on shortestnotine and at ten- aonublerates Puttunugesnlicited. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at; both places. License Auctioneers for the County of York,re‘ spacm‘ully solicit your patronage uud friendly nfluence. sales attï¬uded on the sLortest notice and .I. reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King J. T. Saigeon, Maple‘ RICHMOND HILL & THORNHII L HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. EE’NNWX & MORGAN. Cuban Hume Life hold Lum JAS. NEW?ON Mouev to loan on land nnd chattel mortgages at lowest rates. Aurora. nfl‘xv‘eâ€"Removed Lo Lba‘om post oflicu. one door wash of the entrance to the Imam...“ n“ I, T. HE 131m? LES'N uuuumg. CHI‘. Adelmde& Victoria. Str-vots. 'I'urrmtn. ' Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. NOTA RY PUBLIC 0 STOKES U n)odell_ed,nud newly tn 3 of the most ct-nvenic E79 émwmr Eï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜kï¬ï¬‚a, .11 BI nd ormkers (k Embalm en's Barristers Lindsey. Lawrence 529 Wadsworth, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% .5. "mm ’nn‘islea‘s n: ICE WRIGHT BRO S LAUNDRY Stokes 1% {Slough W adsworth mm Bid Victoria 513 AL (Mike. R COMMISSIONER IN THE OAK 0 N. E. Smiah. s, Solicitors. Notaries, W. Building (formerly F ER HOUSE M’OND HILL. EB. 1012 d If ill â€"’1‘hree doors south of the RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1902 ox. Gr. 51‘". Monm )1 Aurora. New: mung (mrmvrly Free- lg.), Gm: Adelaide 85 L Sls., Toronto. :0, Richmond Hill on Ltlu‘d:1ys. ï¬Ã©i‘é'i’ 35 gflï¬ï¬‚ï¬Ã© Family Washin as soliéi md In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all [hi can! m! Solicitors. xlicitor MACDONALD TILLIE MAX“ ELI. EST. TORONTO. . Grant's residence, ary awning. allay from 10 to 12. he County of York 5. Geneml sales (,1 @ed to us reasonuult ished thr tors, etc. FrvohnM Loam d & Victoria. Phone Main 208-! R. McEwen Weston. Nexvinarket Vork gun- D BLOUGE Prop “about ortable But this country is not without its charms. If you like vnriet-y you turn your eye westward and if it be a. clear morning, as it. gent-rally is, you will see for a hundred miles the snow cap- ped peaks of the Rocky Mountains. Althnngh 60 miles away, they appeal so near to you that you feel like mk- iug a walk over to explore them. If thew. is any make a 1mm reali would he ('0 stand ll ocean of pr: vie wit but, grass nml sky Ontario, with the rail fvucos to guide get a little lmmsnml feels when you run wire- fun? as lhuug old friend, and whe- both sides of a. 66 thinks he is right at Lethhridge is a town of 2,500 inhab- itants, and a typical western town. Cosmopolitan to a drgrre. a sprinkling of all nations, from the A'rglo Saxon to the Chinaman, with as many lau~ guages. Common and High Schools there are, and churches of all kinds. Electrlc lights, telephones, everything but water works. The, western meth- od of distrihuting water by carts prr- vails, but water works are talked (f in the near future. One very unique feature is the irrigation ditches on the streets. The water is used for gardens, lawns and the growing of trees which are being planted everywhere. The ï¬rst. trees “ere planted a year ago and have come through the winter in good fondition. When I was here last October the trees were as green as ours in Ontario in June. There is a park'of about 15 acres in the centre of the town, which will he very pretty when the trees are a few years older. Here can be seen games 01' all kinds at all seasons of the year, the mild winters being a most pleasant. time for lacrosse and kindred games. Until recently this was entirely a. ranching country, and is undoubtedly the best for that, purpose on the North American Continent, the buffalo and hunch grass cured into hay as it stands furnishing food for cattle running at large all winter. I saw a herd of 700 steers brought. here for shipment last September that would average 1,600 lbs. (apparently as well ï¬nished as our Ontario stall fed). that never eat, any- thing prepared by man. In “ye olden times †this was the winter home of the buffalo. They certainly ha vo left. “footprints in the sands of time,†as one ï¬nds in driving over the prairie in the thousands of well-worn paths one ï¬nds everywhere. How many mil- lions of feet it must have taken to wear all those old dead furrows. If there, is anything that, would make a man realize his littleness. it, To the Editor of TEE meuL: DEAR SIR,-â€"Dnuhtless your readers would he il]t(‘1‘(‘St('d in any information in regard to this part, of His Majesty’s dominion, and us many of my friends of York County have expiossed :1 (IL-,- sil-c to hear from m0. 1 will, by your permiswiun, through U19 medium of your paper. briefly describe from time to time the umiu features of this sect-Ion. \Ve aw living in town as yet, in the house of Limit-Col. Ross, who succeed- ed Gut. Hmvunl in (:mmnund ()fthe Canadian Scouts 1n Sumh Afx'i 'H. Um- mnch is “hunt, nine miles out, and cousiï¬s of ulmnt 41):) um es,1u’*0irrigabie and the lmlnnce pnslurv. “'0 have built a, stable, granary and driving- huuse, and hnve‘uvllm- dug for dwcll in;.,r house. “’0 found that, sm-ding had been go ing on for some days, but u, Sllu-U'll cold snap delayed operations for a few days. The: that'nmnwtel- registered 4° below zero on the mornings of the 15th and 1011), with nhuut, two inches of snow, but on Mnndny, 17th, the Chinook gut in its Work and the then mnmetel' went, up to 50°. Throughnnt Mnnimhzt this storm was smnelhing unusual. the snow heng six feet, deep 0n the streets of I’m-[age 1n Pruir'n' :md W'innipeg. Sincethml the “math- er heu- hsxs been ï¬ne. and the nights cool. Jchk IMP“? we ; the Jack Fish Buy, mud Lh pipes fruzv up in the Cu we arrived in VViunipvg the 10th March, at 5 0 Here myself and family RCCI) Chen. “'9. left Letter from Mr. Thm‘nhill station on Tues- 11 4, by colonization train. board an Hg;an in charge of \s far as North Bay, \th did )ower-m make us comfmt- nu North Bay we had no is anything that would 1 ‘lll realize his little-mess. it,l rstund in the middle of LiliSj lirie with nothing in sight md sky. The man from ith the trees and the old 0 guide him, is very apt L0 onesnme out here, and one you run up against, a three 15 though you had met; an 1nd when you ï¬nd one on of a. 66 ft. roadway one right at home. mum-y is um; without its you like variety you turn cellar dug ZUI‘ dwell I town Of 2,500 inhab- ypical western tmvn. u mean-941 sprinkling mm the A'lglu Saxon , with as many lau- m and High Schools :mcln-s of all kinds. sleplmnvs, everything éxpxeséed :1 (10- I will, by your without its »t~y you turn it be a. clear is, you will Kefler 5 Miss Edith Keifvr sung in Toronto ! at the Guild Hall, on Monday evening, ; under the auspices of the Y. \V. U. G. I Many ofmn- c-itizvns purpose spend- , ing thv 24th of May at the Richmond Hill Fair. The pl‘iHPipzll attraction seems to be the (J‘rovornor-(ionernl’s Budy Gum-d Band. Those noted um- siciuns will play on the grounds dur- ‘ ing the aftemuun, and at, the concert . in the evening. pocket-hooks of mu- farmers spent louderthanuil the missionaries that can he sent out in pamphlet form that is ï¬lled with Fables: and (ï¬ll) calculated, if possible to lead the un- tel-viewing his supporters with Mr, John Boyd. one of th ing spirits of the Tory part: who are wanting a. change. h hands and kissing the babies program of the day, in urdex cure control of the money hugs csc KllPt‘ aunts than ever wot-e hur- ness. As a. sire he stands unequalled In his class in Canada m-dny having swemlcolts in Lhe.30 list) and more cmning every year. In the Sh()\V ring ln- has won prizes imnumeruhle, including Swe‘epstuke- Silver Medal ab’l‘omntn fair, and Sweepstakes at East York and Markhzunfair as best. registered horse on the ground. Vmwsky will stand at. Hughes hotel, Thnrnhill. at mmnsun Mondays, and at the Palmer House same nights; Tue-sduys hr} will he at Testtnn for noon and King for night; “'(Idnes- days at Bond’s Luke for noon and Queen’s hotel, Aurora for night; Tlnnwlnys at Vandal-f noon, and Vic- turiu Square nights. The service fee. has The attention of farmers and home- men is called to tho great Wilkes Roadster Stallion, Vrnwsky 8166, record 2.181, which tram-ls thmugh this section this svnson. This horse’s hrs-edng is of the royal purple order. his site being the renowned Red W'ilkes,1749,und his dam Nelly. by HHIIlhl'iIIO 820. Vmwsky stands nearly 16 hands high, a. bi‘éllltiflll mahogany hay in enlar, of command- ing appearance and one of the grand- est. knpe actms that ever wore har- ness. As a sire he stands unoqunlled In his class in Canada 10-day having Should you shut on that journey, you would meet plenty of variety in :1. few miles. when you came to the banks of the Bully river with its almost; pro.- cipitous bunks 300 ft. deep, and should you take one of the numerous cnoleys After a lingering illness, Mrs. Isaac Snider passed away on Thursday nmx'ning last. The funeral took place on Sutuulny afternoon and was lax-go- ly attended. The son-owing husband and daughter, and other relatives, have th'r- sympathy of all in their sad bel'um‘emtmt. Mr. T. Keys lms purchased the house and lot in the village owned by Mr. J. Stung. A large audience was present in the Methodist Church on Monday evening tu hezu'Rev. R. J. Treleaven of Park- duJo. delixer his interesting lectuie entitle-d “ Say So.†The 14 ctme conâ€" tained R‘Uud advice fur all, and was thoroughly appreciated by everybody. A couple of solos were contributed by Miss Switzer of Richmond Hill, and a mixed quartette from Hqu sung two selectinns. The. proceeds were $17. After it lingering illness, Mrs. Isaac Snider passed away on Thursday nmrning last. The funeral took place remains. This country is settling up very rapidly. To the south of us about 15 miles there is :L sugar factory built, or being built next summer, and whole train loads of settlers are still coming,‘ and a gnnd d< :ll of the irrigable land in this section has :Llready‘hoen taken up. I pruqu in my uvxt letter to tell you smnvtlling about, irrigation, and other matters social and political that may be of ian est. to vour read~ ’ 'A. EIKEFFER. L '111b1i‘dge‘, Alberta, May 1, 1902. T1 Mr. J. J. Prt :xndid L0 Ml mliug Swe‘epstuke- Silver Medal .‘omnto fair, and Sweepstakes at LYurk and Mzu-lihzuufair as best isteu'd horse on the ground. nvsky will stand at- Hughes hotel, n-nhill. at nnnnson Mondays, and the Palmer House same nights; sduys hr} will he at Testnn fur n and King for night; \Vodnes- s at. Bond’s Luke for noon and en’s hotel, Aurora for night; uwlnys at Vandorf noon, and Vic- :1 Square nights. The service fee been put at, the very low ï¬gure of tainsure. “Ht Great Roadster Stallion U] smilin Miount Pie Qoeds Richardson had the mis- ‘tn lose his drivm' last week. imul Jim-d [rum inflammatim). .1. Ball and fumin have moved r. J. Cmnnbs’ house neat-the J. Proston, the Conservative te for East, Durham, was in- ug his supporters along , John Boyd. one of the lend- its of the Tory party here, wanting a. change. Shaking nd kissing the babies is the :of the day, in urder to se- hat snme of yuul- rmdvES will his, us I did myself once at g0 stories I [wan]. Idrm’t to explain it. but the truth lttCl‘Sâ€" social and“ political be of inLe1 est. to your read~ ith Kt". M Hall mspicor‘ of the Y. \V. U. G‘.’ our c-itizvus purpose spend- h of May at the Richmond at, nouns on Imer House he will he King for ni Yours very_ Ugly: Blame HES fac 1's 'undv swelled 11' farmers speak missionaries that, Clmritv.†sant TUESDA Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowc and delivered on shortest nt The undel's shmk ecutm- of the vstato (If the said deceas- ed, their christian and sumanws, ad- (11'6’8895 and descriptions, the full pal" ticnlars of their claims. the. statement of their accounts and the nature of the svcuritios, if any. heldhy them. And further take notice that after Shrh last mentioned date the executin- will prune-ed to distribute the assets of the deceased anng the parties on- titled thereto, having wgard only to the Claims of which hp shall the-n have had nutice. and that the said executor will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any pH-snn 01- persons of whose claims notice shall not have been I-9ceived by him at the time of such distribution. Dated the 19th day 1902. 434 A. D. 1902, u the 30th dn} spnd by post, undersigned, ecutm- of the Notice is her the Revised St Chapter 129, uthm-s hm‘ing‘ of the said Jun on or about 1 L‘lte of the Village ( in the County of ‘ Lindsey, Lawrence 3; “’n Home Life Building. T 4 Solicitors for th( UESDAY Ai‘ Parcels delivered J. Sheardown. A t. O» k Rid; JANET MC you a. bottle. Be sure and he the ï¬mé ’ of your nearest express 0 ce. Address, J. C. AYER C0., Lowell, Mass. A :â€" m :4 a3 r 1-: V send "us Pastuxe to Let any 'J‘L‘ORf ‘â€"EVE In the matter of the be left at Livery Geor your drug is: cannot supply you us one do at and we will express Apply? t1» [Single copies, 3 cts. il Statute hat, I claim plenty of wa t: :ivvn [no small sum of nuny just grounda Inge when we in min are in such a, n. W’odnn’b want Egypt, to live on EOUGALI ASH of April, A. D. ll W’ndsworth, E. Turonto, estate of Oak Rid 1 hm'vvs ornmont § to pm i for t!" xecufnr No 46 to “K 1nd