chnniianVHiLL, M..y"15.“1bo'2†gland. LOO A143. Read P. G. Savage's change of adv. this week. \Vall papers :3 cls. apd up- Wards, and other lines at. low prices. Al'neetingr of those wishing to he- cnme members of the hand Will be lieldiii the Lorne Hall to-night at 8 o’clock. The Liberals of the village held a meeting for organization purposes in the Temperance Hall on Saturday crowing. - Mr. J. F. "Rowland on Thursday pliiyed in the Standard Bank‘s first ascball match of the season, win- ning from the. Ontario bank by a score of 7 to 6. ‘ Mary Agnes McKenzie, aged 20 years, (lied at the residence of her uncle in Churchill, on Tuesday. The interment will take place in the Oak Ridges cemetery this afternoon. Mr. Fred 0. Ash of Markham was iii the village Monday posting up Proclamation hills relating to the coming East York Election. Mr. Beasley of \Veston was through here Tuesday performing a similar work for the election in \Vest York. Examine at your leisure, here: buy at your pleasure. Atk illSUll & Switzer. Proclamationbills are up announ- cing tlierioiiiination of windidates for- East and \Vest York on the 22nd inst. The former will be held at Mark- liiiiii, the latter at “lesion. Mr. James Massic, Registrar, is Returning Officer for 'I'ist York; and Mr. P. Ellis, Police .‘rlagistrate, for \Vest York. The pocketbook argument, of our- goods is unanswerable. Atkinson t): Swrtzer. Therc wa a baseball match in the park Tuesday after school hours, be- tween the Public School and tliejunior pupils of the. High School. There, was not time. to play the fifth innings, so the. matrh was declared a draw. The score at the close of the fourth inâ€" nings stood 16 to 15 in favor of the ,‘High School. “’indnw glass. all sizes in stock; we are. prepared to give close quota- tions in glass. Atkinson &- Switzer. Mr. J. B. McLean, clerk of Vaughan, will meet the Pathmasters of the Township, and deliver them their lists as follows :wlloniinion House, Richmond Hill, Friday, May 16, frorii 10 to 12: Concord I’ost Otlice from 2. to 4.- Saturday will he at Emeler's Hotel, \Voodbridge from 10 to 12; Ix'leinburg,r from 2 to' t. __K% There is‘a nariu less soniethingabout the cut. and finish of our Piccadilly suits for men th:rt. appeals to careful dressers. Atkinson & Switzer. _‘_-h_ï¬_, EI’VVORTH LEAUL E. Friday at. 8 p. in. Hymn 31 ; Prayer: Scripture Lesson. Rornins, xii ; Solo, Miss Ida, Glass: Address. “1)l‘q‘li‘ilLElT Coiisecration,†Rev. N. \Vellwood; Duet. Mr. \V. T. Violet Storey; Hymn 184; Dismissal. PUBLEC MEi‘ITthl. . Mr. John Richardson, Ex-M. RP, the Government candidate, will hold 1 meeting in the Masonic Hall next Tuesday evening. The speakers will it: Mr. Frank Anglin K. C., of Toroii~ o; Mr. J. G. Ramsden, Mr. A. F. Vilson and Mr. Richardson. Mr. I oyes or his representative is invited 0 Speak: Reserved seats for ladies. CHICAGO ELECTION. The Interocean of Chicago, makes be following; amiounceiiient regard- irg the approaching election: “Ald- ‘l‘lllilll Brennan annouli yesterday but he Would ask the convention Democratic) to put. Armand l“. Teefy in the judicial ticket. Mr. Teefy was unnecth with the corporation coun- el’s for many years and is a well- ‘nown lawyer." Storey and Miss The fabric. the shape, the style, nish and inakc~up stamp our Picca- illy suits perfect as can be made. by uiniiri hands; examine the suit at 10.50. Atkinson & Switzer. EDUCATIONAL MONTHLY. The May number of the Educational onthly. published in Toronto, con. iins many valuable and well written apers, and should be in the hands of l teachers and students. Among ic articles are Arnold of Rugby, notes 1 English in America. Vocal Music our Public Schools, Studies in Eng- h Grammar, Voluntary Schools &c. lie editorial notes are good, and ever solutions of questions iii Arith- etic are given. The Journal is $1.00 vear. N MR. l-llLL AT MAPLE. A ublic irieeting in the interest of r. TV. J. Hill, Ex. M. P. P., was held the Masonic Hall, Maple, last eve- ug. The hall was crowded, and enieeting was enthusiastic. Many dies \vero present. Good addresses ere given by Mr. T. C. Robinette, of norm): Mr. Barton of \Vestcn, and c candidate. Mr. Hill‘s popular-.ty and aiound Maple was shown by aquent outbursts of applause. The etiué‘: closed with cheers for the ing and Mr. Hill. Methodist; and Rev. Mr. The Council met. on May 13. Meth- bers all present. Minutes of last. meet- ingread and approved. Mr. \Viii. T. Storey and Mr. Naughtorr addressed the council in reference to matters in connection with the care-taking of the schools and school rounds. Mr. Innes moved, seconde liy Mr. Hill. that the Reeve, the Chairman of the Board of Education. the Secretary of the Board, and the Clerk of the Village do form a committee to draft an agree.- ment between the Council and the Board of Education relating to the duties of the caretaker of the schools. â€"Carried. Council adjourned. Four cans sugar corn for 25m; 1 can each tomatoes. peas and corn for 251,-. ; 5 lbs. best pearl tapioca for 25c. : 5 lbs. heir-y sugar for 25c.; 8 bars Happy llorrie soap for 25c. Atkinson and Switzer. NA RROW' ESCAPE. On Monday morning of last; week Mrs(ltev.) Mctliilloeh, of Newmarket, formerly of this place, with great presence of mind, managed to save the lifeof her little. children. Sin- had jnst gone down stairs lt‘:l\ill§.l‘ her three youngest. daughters in their bedroom to ï¬nish dressing themselves. A few minutes after- wards the youngest girl called to her mother saying that Joy {one of the twins) had lighted a. match. Mrs. McCulloch ran iip stairs and was just in time to save the children. The child's clothing was on fire, her hair was singed, and a large. blister was burned on her side. The frightened mother Siiiotllered the flames with a blanket. and thus prevented a sad catastrophe. Mange] seed. mammoth long red and mammoth yellow intermediate: turnip seed, purple top swede, at low- est figures, at Atkinson d: Switzer’s. LL 3 DEATH Ol“ l{lNLir'b' HELEVE. Mr. J. “'hiiing (lrossley, rem-A of King. died at his home in King“ City on Saturday last. the 10th of May. in his (list year. The funeral took place toKiiig City cemetery on .‘.londay. where the remains were laid to rest in the family plot. Although the funeral was announced as' private there were, many friends [)l'(’S'-‘lll-. The. pallbearers were, the four col- leagues of doc-eased in the Council. namely Messrs. Legge, Phillips, Rogers and Armstrong: Mr. ‘d'alton, treasurer; and Mr. Jenkins, township clerk. Among the mourners were the two sun iving brothers, Revs. Hugh and D. 0. Crossley. Before leaving the residence service, was held, in whit-liHev. Mi. Carmichael, Presbyâ€" Ll’l:lll clei'gyiiian; Rev. Mr. Robinson. Spragge, Baptis t, took part. Boots and Shoesâ€"Our stock is now complete. A large lot, of new samples up-to-date goods at very low price. Naiighton Bros, “lgiri Mills. CHURCH BANQUET. Mr. T. Church celebrated the anni- versary of his birthday by giving a supper to a few of his friends at the Palmer House last Thursday evening. i’roiiiinent among those present were Mayor Howland, organizer Birming- ham, Mi‘. J. \V. Moycs, P. Lilley, Chrisinas and others. We are not sure whether it was the 20th or 30th .inniversaiy, as Mr. Church was very reticent on that point, but notuith- standing this mystery a very pleasant evening was spent. The lllr‘lililgt'llielll of the Metropolitan plat-ed a special car at the disposal of Mr. Church which arrived at the Palmer House about 8 o’clock. After a sumptuous repast a short toast list was indulged in with Mr. Church in the chair. The city of Toronto was responded to by Mayor liowland: Parliament of Canada by Mr. J. \V. Moyes and Mr. J. \\". Elliott; County Council by Mr. \V.H.Pugsley; Sports by Messrs. Lil- ley, Christmas, Nicliolls, Rowland :llltl others whose. names our re- porter could not obtain. The car returned about ll o’clock, all Well satisiicd they had spent a pleasant and profitable evening. Seedsâ€"Corn, white carrot, rriangel, sugar sugar beet seeds. Elgiii Mills. and yellow: inangol and Naughtoii Bros, BIRTHS. PAULâ€"At Hawkstone. on Tuesday. May 6, a daughter to Rev. and Mrs. A, J Paul. HILLâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Thursday, ‘Hay 8, 8. sun to Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Hill. DEATHS SXIDEnâ€"At Mup‘e. on Thurs-lay, Nov 9. ill“), Mary 12., wire of Isaac Snider. aged 51 years. Interment in Maple Cemetery, Saturday, May lu. Victoria. Square On Monday night last the I-Ipworth League had a most enjovable. evening in charge of the Literary Department. The orchestra furnished music to the satisfaction of all ;. two choruses were given by the little girls: reeitations weregiven by Greta Lunau. “'alter Fi-isby. and Jean Seott; t'ecil Klinck read a very suggestive paper on " So- ciahility." Mr. T. Johnson, President of the League, occupied the chair. Refreshments were served and a col- ‘ lection was taken for the funds of tlic } League. There is a unanimous feeling; that this was one of the best social evenings in the history of the League. Miss Fitzpatrick of Toronto, was the guest of the Misses Hopper over Sun- dav. Mr. \Villiam Petty of (flierr-ywood, is spending a. few days with his old friend, Mr. Edward Sanderson. A meeting of the friends of the Sun- dav School is to beheld iiiâ€"night. to decide about the annual picnic for the 1 Sunday School. l l r l ,ceased will be distributed EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Testimony Which Shows the Great Value of Dr. Clarke's “louder-rut Llulc lied Pills. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills cured me of chronic rheumatism after I had been given up by the doctorsâ€"Archa ihald Wilson, merchant, Sault Ste. Marie. There is not, remedy for rheumatism, or for building up the system, equal to Dr. Clarke's wonderful Litt le Red Pills. I would not be without them i‘ortlieii- wright in goldâ€"J. J. Brandon, Fene- loii Falls, Out. I can thruthfiilly say that Dr. Clarke‘s Little Red l’ills have done me more good than any other medicine I have ever takenâ€"Mrs. Orison R. Estey. “hrterville. N. B. There is no remedy that is equal to Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills for nerv- ous troubles,-r-lieuinatism, or kindred diseases.â€"\V. H. Robertson, Manag- irig Editor Daily Times, Peterboi-ougli, Ont. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills cured me of rheumatism after In" years of constant sufferingâ€"J. B. Armour, bookkeeper Toronto Junction. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills are a certain cure for rheuiriatisni, asthriia, paralysis, Catarrh. eczeiria, coughs, backache, indigestion, stomach and liver troubles, female complaints, mien when the diseases have been standing;r for many years. Price 50 cents per box. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson, Drnggist. The Canada (Ilieiiiieal Company, Peterhorough. ()nr., \vill forfeit it'll) for any case that these do not help. Dr. Clarke’s Sure Cure for Catarrh, and Dr.()larke’s .‘s'ure Cure for Eczema. same priCe. $10.00 will be paid for any case they will not core. 6.“ Shcrwood The Vhut-ch of Christ, generally known as Disciples of Christ, at Sher- wood, has arranng to have assistance llllllt'll‘ worship and work from the Church of Christ, ii-unswick Avenue, Toronto, which possesses a strong force of capable speakers. For a length of time some one, of the follows in},r gentlemen is expected to he pres- cut. as speakers each Lord‘s Day :â€" Messrs. \Villiam li‘oi-rester. Geo. J. Barclay, James Stewart, John Smart, Geo. E. Buck, \V. J. Dow and others. The public are cordially invited to these iircetings.â€"Ad v. 44-4. _ .._._ pills Sade Register. FRIDAY. May lGâ€"Crellit sale of a. car 10ml of cattle at the Maple Hotel, the property of NJ". Hopper. No'n'esoi‘vc. Sale at rue. Terms 4 mon'hs. ï¬aigeoii 6:'cts. You can make your him mesa as soft as a glove and as tough as wire by using EUR EKA Hur- noss Oil. You can lengthen its lifeâ€"make“ . his: twice as long as 1: ‘ ordinarily would. Elihhi’ili licenses till 1‘ makes a poor- looking har- 2-,! nesa like new. 'Mudc of f in pure. heavy bodied oil. es- pecially prepared to with- smud the weather. Bold everywhere In cansâ€"all sizes. it“. by 15mm“. 011. WIRE}. PA 5 T U El. E Large run, plenty of water and shade ; 1st con. Markham. Apply to NAUGHTON BROS. 45-3 Elgin Mills. limits in ï¬lttliifliil FANNY CHARLTON, Deceased. The creditors and all others having claims against the estate of the late Fanny Charlton, deceased, late of the Village of Davisville in the Township and County of York. (but formerly residing in the Township of Vaughan iii the County of York) widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 20th :11on April A. D. 1002 at Davisville aforesaid, are on or before the lb‘lh day of June, A. D. 19m, to send by post, prepaid to Montgomery, Flt-ury 6c Montgomery. rooms 67â€"69 Canada Life inilding, Toronto, Solicitors for the Administrators, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a. statement- of their acâ€" counts and the nature of tlieseenrities (if any) held by them. Every creditor holdingr any security will he required to produce the same for inspection arid examination. And take notice that forthwith after the said ltith day of June 1902. the estate of the said de- among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard oiin to such claims as the Ad- ministrator will their have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 10th day of May A. D. 1902. THOS. H. CHARLTON. 46â€"5 ' Administrator Moutgouiery,Flem-y & Montgomery, Canada Life Building. Toronto, Solicitors for Administrator. i"sssssssss . There’s 3. Well- Beaten Path! It leads directly to our doors. Thrones of buyers traverse it day after day, shows that we are strengthening the friendly business relations between the store and public, without which there can be no success. Want you to keep coming; \Vzint you to tell your friends and neighbors about this store; Conï¬dence once establisned be- tween us, the rest will be easy. We quote this week: Extra quality Cooking Figs, 5c. lb. Cleaned Patras Currants, 3 lbs. for 25c. l’earl Tapioca, 5 lbs. for 25c. Best Green Coffee, 10c lb. Good Cream Corn, 4 cans for 250. Happy Home Soap, 8 bars for 256. Tea ltosc Drip syrup. 5c. lb. Medium syrup, 30. lb. Bert-Vsugar, very ï¬ne quality, 5e. lb. 7!) inch Pure Flax Bleached Damask Table Linen, 750. yd. Extra quality Blue Duck, 12?. yd. Heavy shirting. warranted Indigo Blue 13c. yd. Extra value in Ladies†sailor Hats and Men's straw Hats. , extra. and Boys’ o it a Atkinson asceiizei‘ i ’ D“ UG STORE THE FARMERS n. For Condition Powders where you save from 10 to ‘25 nor cont. H170 us put up your recciiiés for Condition Powders, Blisters, [.inimeuts, etc. from ours drugs and we will save you money. Much Farm Uoiidiiion Powders Ll lbs for 2.30.; 10 lbs for $1. Paces English Condition Powders 250 Dr Thomas Ec'ccti‘ic Oil 2 bottles for Burrows Condition Powdc 25c Chases and Curlers Pills ‘1 boxes for '2 UkLHlUlS CODtllLlUll Powder 0 Dodu’s Kidney Pills title, Dir its Condition Powders .100 Parmecics, Ayers and uni-dock Pills I‘m. Sundersons Condition powders 150 Fellows Syrup of llypopnosphites {)th ‘ Fliiits or Kendalls Powders tfic Syrup of Hypophnsphrtes is u. spleniid tonic, we Dai'levs Condition Powders 159 » sel‘. a. re_:u|iir 75c bottle for 450 Epsom Salts .30 lb or )0 lbs for 230 Beef. Iron and Wine. rui‘o. Soc sulphur 3c lb or 10 lbs tor 25c Ozone small 35c, large fiat) _ Glan'rer Salts 3c In, It) lbs tor 250 l Picrces Prescription. Prorces Discovery, Ayers Saltnerre. pure, 21b9, for 25c Sfll'SliIlfll‘llittll’aiEPS Celery Compound,â€ur-i- Kendall's Spn vm Cure 75c oak Blood Bittei's,lloods Sarsapriritiimliurki Pages English Spavin Cure ~gu'rranteed to hill RediClcver Compound, Ayers Hair Vigor, u souvin or riiigbono or nionev refunded, {s1 Vl’ai'ners Safe Cureâ€"any 01 these om: Liiiirncnts and lllistcrs of all lilLli.S Burdock and Sai'suparilni. is a splendid ‘sprmg lCr‘ZJllla. Ointment 37c inevicirieilin'ge bottle 55c Chase’s ointment li'c Ditties McDougaHs and Crnziors Sheen Dips. W 6: R Butter Color 18c , ‘ 1 Oil for lite on cattle, 3 lb bur pure 27c -'> c 5 Perfect Worm Syrup for 2:30 Castile Stillll' Castor-in. 15c Bal-ys Own heap Hess' Poultrv Panacea. :loo 4 c, 3 cakesior 25c (,‘Iitir-ura. n'nups Panes English Hair Restcrar 500 (lutit'lil'a Salve 50c. _ Sv'un Down Face Powder 15c Coal Oil (Water White) 16.: gal "4 1 Dr Williams‘ Pink Pills (genuine) 300; 3 boxes for 800. C I ii 1.1 sell everything at wholesqu prices . C. D. DANiEL «34 CO. DRUGGISTS, 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opp. Clyde Hotel J. A. JflllNSTON. Remember we Manager There is little call for The fewer repairs the better. Deering repairs because Dcerrng machines are strongly con- structed; are built of ï¬rst-class material; are madc'by thorough mechanics; are made by the largestharvcsting machine manufacturers in the world; are light draft and built to stand the most trying work; made in the following sizes: 33,-, 4, l, 5, 6 and 7 ft. cut. Sold by ‘ Jacob Eyer & Sen, Richmond Hill. ' Money to Loan Monev to loan at 5 her cent. interest on ï¬rst may be secured by h, ,, a . . our aid. Address, mlijlizaauifcfaltm property THE owner RECORD, THE LIBERAL OFFICE , Baltimore. Md.