Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 May 1902, p. 8

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NOMINATION, MAY 22 : :ldhou cimes. Reputatinns in the are not huilL in a day to establish public L belief in a (tonsistom ing a, good maker is n, ( to buy the plaice. BU E LDENG U P A REPUTATION' rm-” Examine my line of watches : i they are not “ up 10 the mark," 10!; m1 know where better ones can he [nu cured. Thu price and design is all ym need to consider. I lmld myself re sponsible for the quality. » EERRY gagéfifig PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER quick“ inven \ Ions ! cent f A ha uxlnt 33-“ No Matter When W EST Y ORK 'Rvp \V t‘ wmul 1 tmdo would the su lnzldv \vnnlh neith stack stock Gluth, them ill fut any 0' IileL' W00]. sma- wool. lulled, which makes them warm- l'l‘. softer and better than home-made, :Ippl-ucialed by every one who sees them, and selling them from 150. to 30c. par pairâ€"and will knit other sizes tum'der. If you have got any wool to sell or trade for woollen goods. or to be manufactured, go to Almix-zt \Vuullcn Mills. “'9. npprecia-Lv your trade and will do the best we can for you. Curding, Spinning, “'eaving and Manufacturing done as usual. 454 “Erin'ch 57155625 F St The Votes and influence of the Electors of It is n s. B, LEHMAN & SUNS, NH gfiggaxarcadway, Respectfully solicited for the re-electiou of you shear your sheep, but wash them clean, andshear before the wool becomes cot-ted. representative in the Leg lzttive Assembly. IICC ‘ ring good WANTED for id up mm.“ “HIS J 91y HInstratcr‘ any scientific months. 31- 5 1w an acknowledged fact that helm paying Tun-um price fur :ash. and ‘20. per 1!). more in 1- a number of y 111-5. and ay that We are prepared to do : [his year. Vt“ have always a specialty (1f making our goods out of pure won], using culton, shoddy nor inferim- ns in tho Jewelry Business Ana day. IL takes time public confidence and :1 consistent and unv: rying 0 declare business prin- cheap watches and keep- I-eputution as .1 Watch- ifl'icnlt mutter. Its better right article in the first A L?“ I RA, ONT. :lfwhich makes them Warm- nd better than home-made, “l by every one who sees selling them from 15c. to irâ€"nnd will knit other sizes If you have got any wool trade for woollen goods. or mfactured, go to Almix-zt b] WIH. LEGGE, Jcfl’ersun P. O. 0 the mark," 10!; me : ones can he pm- ul design is all you :E‘ééfi’fié’fii‘ fit l] MA Wntson COL. OTTER Wn TON fififlfi‘l FGR BUSENESS E‘fii‘é‘f 24. E‘aEUFiEQE ‘ All pmfios in torested are hereby reiluswtad to take notice and gOyeru themselves accordingly. RICHMOND HILL Map‘e, May 12, Emicipafiiiy of Markham ASSESSmrufi for the year Interiors, Extm'iors, Picnic Groups. Ac 2 u'clock _p. 111. All parties in teresf-ed are hereby requested to take noticu and govern themselves accord- ing"" - .. mum“ ‘muily Groups, I’m-traits, Commercial \V 011;. Unionvine, May 12. 1902‘ P U BLIC NOTICE UUUHT UF REVISE PUBLIC NOTICE is heleby given to all whom it may cum-em that. lhe 1““th SI [‘1 [56 OF THE COU KT 0)? REVISION for the Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1902 To hear and deter! Assessment Boll b Clerk's Office. Richmond Hill New 6. 190.4. Luke. Lloy City, 'l‘estu Terms 810. PUBLIC NOTICE THE COE The undersigned can supply pasture for stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Markham. Plenty of water. THE NE\VTON TANNING 09.3; HE COURT OF REVISION for Revis leuquwut :Eulis nf the Township of Va the v: m- 192 mil be had at, the To“ ONDAY. M AY 23 Your Photo. in the latest style, from $1 per dnz. up. noâ€" govern thornse My Spgdnh)‘: Evm‘ything’iu Photography. First Door South of Mr. Hull's Slow. Mon-flaw, May 26, 1902, 516-1 to“ Elm! @fimtisrmem'a. ’1‘ H E Stallion Register 45-tf WALETY EFF fiUfiM? hammer. Canadian d! @5011, \Vill st: 2, Markham RT 0F REVISION for Revising the Rolls of the Township 01' Mnrl‘hnm 1902 will be held at Uuiuu7ille )1] JR.â€"Fondster§tnlljon MUNICIPALITY OF At 10 1982 Twu. Kébtleby, Eversley. King to his own stable Satlmlny At 8 o’clock p. 11)., all ‘bll draught. the property of stand at. his own stable, an. Terms 9‘8. JASJS. McLEAN, us on appeals against the current year. of \v d are requ'req to take 11 TUBE will C. H. STIVER, Hééififi‘ifii‘éfi Clerk of Vaughan travel thr Clerk of Markham liL‘ M. 'IEEFY, Cler the prop- h'ook. will Elgiu Mills. 1:7. :11 SPRING SUITINGS FANCY ‘VORSTEDS SCOTCH MIXTURES AND BANNOCKBURNS The Imndsnmest gnnds and hvst. values ever shown in Richmond H111. A]. HUME \vflgflfl One of the best family machines on the market; will sell below To- 7 mnto prices. 0:111 and examine before buying else- where. I have also two 01' three second hand machines, which I will scll cheap. S’E’éfififififl gfififi This we Received in ment m HEGHEST Money Loaned on Farmers” Sale Rows. Binnk Note 1719:1335 Mappiied Free. For other particulars call at, the Bank. étandard Ratary, so I will be plensPd. to Show you some of the best machines made. I have in stock the flew Raymond, (Sapiaal lies: machine that win make eithe lock or chain stitch, noiseless motion and easy running. Also the RICHMOND HILL Is in theair and i1, is in our school, the Central Busines an} gagging Bu ‘Eraasasted. 11‘3' J. F. ROWLAND, Tailor College TUERQNTO DEPOSITS some elegant lines of flu.” \ Savings’ Bank Depart- nd interest allowed at, withdrawal All deposits on demand . STQREY BUBRENT RATES. C'Ll ~VVEII'R 2 5!,600‘000 750.000 Principal not new payable AGENT. usiness we in- wt hv C. MASON HARDW 166 and 168 King Street East, Toronto, 3 Doors \Vest of George Street. EEPAIRENG PRGEéEFTLY BGI‘IE N “ Remember Boss ” And “ Build up Ont: YOURVOTE AND INFLUEP NATION, MAY 22; POLLING DAY, MAY 2 5300! gave 'E‘he iii ml Candidate in East York fa Assembly of Ontario. NELKENS 8:: 050 EWA BE Are Respostfnll LU. MAQON 6%: EM"? =tfnlly Sul‘cited in the interests 0f Wire Nails,3 to 6 inch, only $2.50 per keg. 3 prong Hay Forks, plain handle, only 250. each. 3 prong Hay Forks, strapped handle, only 300. each. 4 prong Manure Forks, plain handle, only 37c. each. 4 prong Manure Forks, 'strapped handle, only 420. each. Rivitted Field lloes.solid steel,2oc Socket Field Steel Hoes, 25c. Turnip Hoes, solid steel, 23c. Brace and 6 Auger Bitts, $1.50. Blue Stone for spraying trees, onlv 6c. per lb. 71 ma 'm‘ it???” infl' ishtive

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