Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1902, p. 1

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W‘NIM m‘mhxbmmm. 3151 thl‘ annizrr‘», in advance] VOL. XXl V. rm an»? , n ' “ {the internal l Is E't‘ .i.i:~ii:-;i;nvi:1i2 l ; THURS-Lani: MORNING‘ ’ \1‘ 3’ ll. l UBEML Piillllllifl ruensame HGUSEl l‘t‘_-1Ii.‘-ic‘rt.l> lilLL,C~NT. l 'l‘ . 11‘ . Etc Mi .~‘l.lilCll-.\T,l 1'. riraa .l’. {nth-raring. '1. .53. .\ e.«.: m and (irch :J. Ohm ll Hrs -.<' r l“ a in; 12 to E: p in; 7 a s ,» m, Writme :‘I l carnal. Vt m. . Rogers it} c\‘;\".3\ , Room 12, Lil Victoria St. Toronto. Best fittiag t'w tli. also i-t-platirig, at lowest, prices. (mod work. TR. 79. it. tlUltltlljl, ;E§(3llitfi§§twi§:, (Successn‘ to Dr. Cecil 'l‘i'ottei‘) ().l.lfe‘.lou‘."s Hid ' Toronto. cor. Yono‘c ‘ \1 9 ‘ . b and Canlcfi- )LSH loronto, \Vill hr- in ll'clniiarid llill every \‘\'eihies.lrry. â€"-;\"ext don- sorizh of Public. l Hollaol. (Ir .ce llodrsflrr'zuu 8.3‘) a.m., tos'ipan. 03109 : ,... M ' l dd: 3 ,‘fl «545 .y’ A. l s l’l em “par “r313. 1. n --: :- . .L'Fao “my, ‘i' UKRY SURGEON e “‘";\NL‘-‘- \yz'iil‘EHlli‘ifill Y UENTlSiu (“rm-tn the i 5 v.ith ilipl » ‘r l‘ouml S 1‘:id~ry ol from 1 to .- Diseasa . oi nodes 0 6.1 animals to piovaJ man JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, Cl‘horirhiil. Calls by tcleplione from Richmond, Hill charged to are. J. H. SANDERSDN, ran: «radar SURGEON BICENLOND,HILL l Gulls by, day and night. promptly atâ€" tr‘rrtlt‘d to. :lc rrir \lou i.l‘.' nail l ' :l on l'r'iilziy xâ€"znlel to P_ l nor: :"i- ll.» .419: . THOWVufliLY liEFlTlED. nooul Every Act: nnmiodation tor the trav- elling; public. ll‘l till“ Bil ‘lll 0 ll .1 ‘ 5 IJI'XlLll‘Aliil’Y or RlCllliitli‘tD Hilda l UBLJC N'tJ‘l'ICll is herebysivcri to all rah an ’ i! nrav ci- warn that the l7'llx‘b l‘ M. ? l‘th‘. 0F TILE ct‘l ‘ t'l‘ irisvisrox for tho Village of Richmonihjl “ill be held in the Council . Chamber on ‘ l TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1902, A: 5 o'clock p. m., Totem-11nd determine on aprouls aariust: the Assessment Roll for the current \ c.1120! which all persons llrtel'i‘stcd irrc required [0 take notice no govern themselves act-Ordingly. M. TEEFY. Clerk l Clerk's Ofl‘rce. Richmond Hill. May 0, 190}. 45â€"3 ~._u-r. nâ€"v-rc-u-o . « m- HOEMOND ill. u v‘ s‘ iiiail ' lawn l‘l'r‘ Phone zlaiiii‘fisl . .mit WA. ...\‘:u)‘tll ‘ . -- . o Lindsey. Ls... rams a " 7'. '3 , »- n-J.“ v’l answer. in, Barristers, Solicitcrs. llctai‘ics, m. . Home Lift.- Buildint: (l‘or-rnerlv Free- hold Ln n niaga, cm. Adelaide (c Victoria Hts. Toronto. lirizrzna .'.. (lithe, lir'hrnorrd Hill on Saturdays. £8. Nilitll‘l‘fiN lSSUER MARRIAGE llClii‘lSES, 31:2. Lo; 2‘ n; .ii Lia‘s Mi. Trial}: 57: r2333. i Whirl-{Y PUBLIC, CDTrlft’lSSXOllER I}? THE RICHMOND niLL rosr OFFII‘E. :‘iRT 7. r: '94 LV h 0X 6:. MORGAN, Barri at c rs a I: <5 L nollcitm‘s. Money to loan on lir'rl and chn the} mortgages at ‘ to r 'tmms. Anrara «Hiveâ€"Removed to the old post Office. one door west. of the entrance to the 02lL::r’lU l'vzurlt. 1r ‘ could be desired, and speakers on ho; h N-‘w n irke: ne-Jl‘hi‘ee (loOl'S 11J5EI flaccmr Lizsrmx, G. STV.MUFGM1, Acrora ‘ hevwrnm'kct tannins Barrisicrs, Solicitors, etc. south of the l‘ fl . .. A .4 '_. E ril:~ cor. Adelaide & Victoria :1: roots. Toronto. afternoon of each weck. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 0/ Ar flags; EarFa‘J-r dermal" $5 crisis; . Barristers, Solicitors, 616., ST, TORONTO. Grant's: residence, . every evening. ‘litl lenesriny from 10 to 12. r; o 2.56.! F Uh.“ ) J a. ,. r1 ‘ h .rr‘r Mr. m}... the County of York ‘ t. (llLlliLErl sales or .> nior ville , sew-Na brook, agent for the \VM. ll. (IRAN ‘. Barr-ister-at-Law, :2"; King bl. \'\'est. Toionto, has been . " ‘trfiI‘l‘tr t‘l’FlCl‘T: Freehold Loan had grown rich. .2 ,. ‘t .â€" “Ia Essenlials, Unity,- in Non-Esseirtfils, Liberty mYm.”=fl? AKIZPWL'I 'AZh’Y-J'. RIAVWWWT'Y». ELM... A... HILL, THUIL M1‘.Eichardson's hie ating Mr. John Richardson, the Liberali candidate for l‘fast York, got. a warm roecption at the public nun-ting bore 'l‘ucsdrry evening. There was a good attcndance. llll' order was all that” sidrs i'eceivcd u. fair hearing. '1 he, chair was occupied by Mr. ,\Iltll'o\\' Newton, President. of the local Assoâ€" ciatiorr. Mr. Richardson was the that. speak- ‘ Pl'. Likc tlrcothcr spcakers he ("our i plirncntcd the meeting on the lhl't'rd'llt‘t‘ of so many ladies. lle riferr d to the fact that the Liberal GOVt‘l‘ll.rl ‘lr‘lii had handled over $113,0lj’ttltlt) lll the ad- ministration of atl’l‘airs, yet it. li ul l\\‘\ “I: been shown that one cent had cvcr'l liecn rnisappropriated or ini:applicd. ()ntai io's linarices had been well inan- agcd. At, Confederation each of tlrcl pi-ovinccs star-it'd with a clcan shect. , \Vith the exception of Ontario thc‘ oter six provinces have now large dc'ots, while our province hasa sure surplus of $2.?Itlllaltltl. lte rct'errcd to, the lllllt‘il»:lllllst‘tl l'ldaoatioiiril Systcm. i which he showcd from undisputh ‘ and reliable authorities to be the last i in the world. lie touched onniairy other points, and askcd thc cteetor: or, this part to again rally round him on the 229th of May, and r‘cturn a supportâ€"j er to thcablest and most progitssiuel govcrumcnt that ever l'lllcd a prov-i incc. Mr. T. L. Church. barristcr, follow- . ed in support of Mr. Noyes. llc stat- ed that curry department of the (lov- crnment was corrupt, and rcfer-rcil to 1 the leaders as gr-afteis. ballot box staffers, ballot burners, etc. The (jovcrnmcnt had given away the pulp ,wood in New Untar-io for nothing, Hon. John Dryd -n was part owner of a. cattle ranch in Dakota. and there was a ringin school borks by which V. J. Gage & (30.. Hunter, {oscr‘ci 00., Buntin. {cid & Co.. and others? lie spoke. til: the: \Vest Elginelcctiou frauds. and said that while other rulings were gettingl r _ a v ,- 7 ~ . . r rul. .rool. will be at Maple onTriursday Jails, asyluins and other (JtlYt‘l‘lllllt‘lll institutions built. John Richardson. the Liberal candidate, had practically done nothing for East, York. Elect. Mr. Mojts and return .‘-ir. \‘i'hitney and they would inrpime the l’uhlic Schools where now many children are, ignorant and can scarcely road or write. Mr. \Vilst-n of ii-khani, followed, arid referred to most of Mr. Church’s statcrnents. Mr. t‘hlircli had l‘ousrl' fault, with the scrap iron assess= but pcoplc would laugh at' the-1 sending Mr. Boys to i’arliainez. tax corporations like the .‘.letrop.>iit-:u Railwav. lle conlcndtd that .llr. 1 . .‘l. \'.l.l-f{vutl€‘\i to at rousoflhblt Henry Duncan. and not Mr. flioycs, was the choice of East York t'on- scrvativcs. ' Mr. 1). lilacs of Toronto, also spoke in favor of Mr. \Vhitney and Alia! Noyes. He made the statenicirt that ‘ the present tiovcrrinrcrrt had takenl the powcr away from llllllllL‘llllllllli‘Sg to tax corporations, and assumed that: appointh Financial Agrrnt fm. John work tlrcrrrsclvcs. He thought it was Richardson. a candidate for East York Provincial Election. JAMES MASSIE, Returning Officer. \VILL RUN Excursions ft) 1-- ’ ‘3 ' GIS DAY on. Home Se TO TH E CANADIAN NORTH- \\'LS'L‘ AT RETURN FAIRES. Winnipeg lteginn....,.......‘ \Vusknla Moosejaw‘ Epcvuu .. ioi'kton . ........ l ;"i . . . . . . . iii-om .. if} n Pr. Albert l‘lit soniiu - ~, Mxiciood .. l Y mew. ‘ "t . Calgary . . .. B1 mar'tzr 3' ' i ' RedDoor...... " Szr‘athcona ...... l rd,retrrrriiiig until AUGIMT 4th or h..‘.!|mr‘ml. (loingJL’Nlâ€"j inhum- tintil AFGCST '25“) (all rail or S. S. .ricl""l, Gan-l ::o"ng.ll.'l.Y151h, returning un- llt‘ll-JMrsllli lt‘wh (1111 rail or ‘5‘ 5. Alberta). n. v-o ».l on “ [nrper‘iul Limited." ti1'lit‘ESIllril piiuphlets gi'rni; lull partic. rrlniscpr-iy 1.) your nearest: Canadian Pacific r y . _ gent. or to A a. n. AO'EZIAN. Asst. Gen. Pass. .1ch ~17 ~ 50-1 1 King St. East. Toronto Seal Potatocs Selected new varictics. Mills‘ Yew .AXsIL-nishcr: \Vhite Giant. and Golden llusseis: they last. C. H. BYAM, Maple Station. PASEURE The undersigned can supply pasture for stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Markham. Plenty of water. THE NElVTON TANNING 00., 45-tf Elgin Mills. $1.13!) and $1.25 per bag while 1 of Public \Yorks, was ftilt‘ml to retire time for a change, as 30 or (it years was too long for any government to , rule, as they were sure. to get corrupt. l Civil servants were often irrrpcrtirient l and overbearing when asked propcl‘: questions. Besides when Liberals, Were in power at Ottawa, there should ‘ he a difi'ci-cnt political party iir Ontario. Mr. \Vhitncy would abolish‘I the. ofiice of Minister of Education and appoint a consultive Board ‘ of such gentlcmen as Rev. Father. 'l‘eefy and Prof. Goldwin Smith. I Mr. J. Gr. Ramsdeu made a tell-~ ing speech on behalf of‘Mr'. Richardson. He. rcferred to thc slanderous cliaigcs made on this and other platfoi ms a-[ gainst the Government. and showed from the report of J ridge Morgan and two other members of the, t‘ommis5< ion that the burning of the ballots in \Vest Elgin in no way r-eflccted on the good name of the Government or any other person. The burning of the ballots was unimportant as the judgcs had already made [hcir scrutiny. In reply to Mr. Church as to why Mr.l Richardson was holdingr so many - meetings he said it was to answer ilrc misreprescntatioiis made by Tory speakcrs. 7 Mr. Frank Anglia, K. C.. of Toronto, closed the meeting by one the host, and most forcible speeches ever heard iii this place. llc rcgretted having to take up time in relating charges of ballot SWitchiug and othcr forms of Corruption. as nothing of the kind1 had been traced to airy proinincnc' Liberal. Not so with the late Ctrll~ sci-vatin Gt)\'(‘l'lllll(‘lll iii Ihc Domin ron. as Sir Hector Langcvin, Minister- from the Cabinet through proven corrunt acts. The speaker denied the charge that children in our Public schools were unable to read or write. He reviewed with clcarness the Gov- ernment’s policy relating to pulp wood and timber limits. The Boss Govern- ment had been selling the timber at: $2.000 per sq. mile, whereas when the late Conservative Gm'crn merit thought they owned New Ontario they were .selling it at; only $5 per sq. mile. . VI 4 . .“nh-w “Lu :4 .as, whcn time was t'allctl, rrcithcr side ill'r‘ ' and Dr. C 7 in rail things, Charity.” . 5 mom: '1... [Single copies, 3 cts. ._..__7 _‘__. ,1 1.: r . MAX ‘2 ‘. ‘Qllg. No .17 livery charge male was sonar-My A Great Sire of Trotters met. and ill couc'qun Mr. Augi rr _ made a strong Illt'n tor the return of .\lr. Richardson and the present. (Em- crumcnt. The meeting closcd with the usihl cheers. M aple .-\ frieadly game of football w:s played ll‘l't‘ last Friday evcrring be- tween the Maple and the High School tcaurs. The game re :ulH-d in a draw. had scorctl. 'l‘hc Misscs Rumble oi~ the 2nd (lon- cession. entertained a number of their l1:"l1'lhfltrlll here last. .‘s‘aturdav. The day wasan idwl ont- lon- an '(HlLlllL'. and all thoroughly cujoyed thc walk there and back. A may pleasant tin.c was spent rowing on the trout pond. and it] other aura-:ements. Mrs. (1‘. l'ictl’cr, and His .lchorrall had a way ii'iriow cscapu last. Friday morning,r while driving to the city. The ‘ had just cro ‘ 'cd the bridge on th" t‘trl’rr't'ssltrll. bclow (‘onCord, \\l‘.l‘ll itcollapsed. ll’ tlnry had btcn on it wli -u it went down they might have been scriously injured. The sale of cattle on Friday last. was well attended, and quite a num- bcr' wore sold. A valuable horse, belonging to Mr‘. éX. Daily, Llll‘tl last. ueck \Il i1rflanr.â€" ltrll. d. __â€"...._.___ Victoria Square On Sunday. May 25. Miss CHI'ECU, of The Hero-oimess lionic, Toronto, will givi- an address from the Meth- od st pulpit. under thc auspices of the. \Vornzin‘s Missionary Hocicly. There will be special singing by par-L of the ‘- 1’nionville choir, aftcr-iroou and two lllrlg’. Arr enthusiastic meeting in the in- terest of J. \V. Moyes was held in the ’l‘cmperance Hall on ‘r‘v'cdncsalay cvc- ning, let inst. Mr. \Valter Frisby drovc up the thirl coria-ssiou on Tut-allay evening at :r spt-cd which suited the horse but not the driver. \‘t'e Would like to 590:1 goodly numâ€" la‘r‘ outto play football on Saturday cwnrng. â€"â€"â€"â€"oo>-â€"â€" .A' iaiiiiaidiaa STORY. A Discavcry cit :15: Almost Cur» loin {fare for 522241: rausm :rraci Kiccircai Biseamca. ..\!'.roi‘j.'t the pjreatcst discoveries ot't‘m- of relirl' of human sutl'cr- iug. Perhaps now; take so high a place as Dr. Clarke's Litilc lied l’ilis. The formula from which these pills lrrzrtlr‘. was the icsult of many yearsot’study and expcrimenr. It is with tho greatest. contidcnce lihcr efor'o. that the proprietors place i hose pills on ' thr market, and so satisfied are they that thcy will provc a blessing to suf- fering humanity, that they make the following oil'er: To airy one who is a subject of rheumatism (no matter how long standing) or any blood disease, as cnunreratcd below. and will give Dr. Clark‘s wonderful Little Red Fills a fair and irrrpartial trial and do not find a perfect crrr'c, we will re- fund the moucy paid for the pills. If no substantial improvement is observ- ed, we will in addition pay $10 in cash on satisfactory evidcnce being suppliâ€" ed as to this ct'fcct. \Ve have. yet. to know of a single case where these wonderful pills have not; been alrnosteutirely successful in af- fecting a cure. CANADA CHEMI- CAL CO. Pctcrborough. Ont. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills are. a curtain cure for rlrcurrratisrn, asthma, p iralysis, catarrh, ct'Zr-lrra, coughs. backache. indig’estion, stomach and liver troubles, female complaints, even when the diseases have been standing for many years. Price. 50 cents per box. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson, Druggist. Dr. ‘lar-k’s Sure (lure for C.itar-r-'n, lai-k‘s Sure Cure for rlczema same pr-ic . SULUU will be‘paid for any case they will not cure. Sherwood The Church of Christ, generally known as Dis iplcs of Christ,nt Slit-r- wood, has arranged to have assistance in thcirwurship and work from the Church of Christ, Brunswick Avenuc, Toronto. which possesses a. strong force of capable speakcrs. For a. length of time some one of the follow» ing gentlemen is r-xpectrd to be pros- cut as spmikcrs each Lord’s Day :â€" Messrs. \Villiam Forrester. G00. 3. Barclay. James Stcwart, John Sinait, Geo. E. Brick, \V. .1. Dow and others. The public are cordially invited to these meetingsâ€"Adv. 44-4. O'.‘â€"â€" “’0 offer you in our Piccadilly suits the smartness, correctness and good- ncss of high class tailor-made at a. saving of one third to one half; 9x. anrine the suit W9 ofl'er for $10.50. Atkinson & Switzer. The attention of farmers and horse- lrrcrr is called to the great \Vilkr‘s Roadster Stallion, Vrowsky SltiU, record 2.18}, which travels through this section this season. This hors-‘s breeding- is of the royal purple order. his sire being the. renowned lir'll \‘i'ilkr-s. 17]”. and his dam Nelly, by llainluino H20. \‘rowsky stands nearly lii hands high, a beautiful rrraliogany bay in color, of command- incr amiearance and one of the grand- es knee, actor s that ever wore liar- newts. As a sire he stands‘ unequalled in his class in Canada Ioâ€"day having scvcralcolts m the.3l) list and more coming; every year. In the show rim.r he has won prizes irrmunrerable, including Swoepstakc Silver Medal at Toronto fair, and .‘J‘wcopstakes at East. Yor'r; and Markhiun fair as best. - I Retort-d horse on the ground. owsky will stand at Hughes: hotel, 'l‘l‘rrrnhill. at noonson Momlava an" at the l‘almcr llouse same ‘nlglitb‘: Tu'sdirys hr! will be at_ 'l‘cston for no in and King for high. "\\’T-dfies-’ (la/‘3 Q'reen’s hotel. Aurora for night; Thursdays at Vandor-f noon, and Vic- toria Square nights. The service fee has boon out at the very low figure of $12120 insure. . -â€"â€"-§OO~â€"-â€"- at. Bond’s Lake for noon and x The biggest sort of valin on tle ‘ bust ttll‘t ol' garrncnts is on ter Pica- dilly suits for men at. $10.50 and $3150. Atkinson L\' Switzer. EL. Wmuml I 9 , ,_._ _., I. “ I suffered terribly and was {3}:- ' tremely weak for l2 years. 'llie doctors said my blood all - turning to water. At last I tried I. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again.” Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. _ - .Wmm... No matter how long you . have been ill, nor how r poorly you may be today, . , Ayer’s Sarsapai‘illa is the - best medicine you can .. take for purifying and en- ' riching the blood. . Don’t doubt it, put your whole trust in it throw. .. , _ “.mmm Ask our doctor what he thinks of Ayer‘n - . ‘ svrlln. Ho krrowrrallnhoirt this grand old tanin modicino. Follow his advice and we will be satisfied. J. C. Av . Grandfather Clecl s. Thcre is quite a charm in the “tick” of a Grandfather Clock. The. slow and uniform motion of the pcndulum speaks multitudes in regard to its tinrcâ€"kccping qualitics. These clocks are cxcellent timeâ€"keepers when in good repair. Perhaps your "Grand- father” is not. in good rcpair. Bring it to me: I‘ll put it in order. and you will find that the money spent for re- pairing it was well invested. In case you are not. blessed with such an heir- loonr and would like to gct a rerrl'.y first-class Grandfather Clock, leave. rue your ordn-r, and I will construct one for you any pattern you like. Call and sec the. line Chime Clock I have just completed. ‘ litil’ gala, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER PUBLIC ivoTIcn r: ugn THU lPr’aLlTV ll? VfiUL-‘Lallll‘l THE COYTRT OF REVISION for Revising the Azsessment Rolls or the To wnshrp ol Vaughan for the )clll‘ l'J’J‘: will be held as the Town Hall on MONDAY, MAY 26, 1902, At 10 o'clock a. In. All parties interested are hereby requested to take notice and. govern themselves accordingly. 46â€"2 JAB. B. McLEAN. Clerk 01 Vaughan Maple, May 12, 1902.

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