Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1902, p. 2

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“Mr. Ling: sPends a at time with you. Molly Kittish to Miss Frocks. that’s all he does spend. \NOTHER CALIFORNIA EXCUR- SION. The Wabash Railroad Company is again in the field with another cheap rxcursion to Los Angels-s and Sun Francisco; the round trip will he loss than the oneâ€"Way first-class I‘m-e tickets. On sale May 26th to June “11,1902. Good to return any time within 60 days. Choice of routes going and returning west, of Chicago or St. Louis. All tickets should read via. Detroit. and over the Wabash, the short and true route from Canada to California. Full particulars of this wonderful trip from any agent or J. A. Rich- m-dson, District Passenger Agent, corner King and Yongo streets. To- ronto. The track was in perfect repair. but t-he rails were -of the old Prussian Standard and rather light. At. 01‘- dinary speeds everything worked perâ€" fectly; but, as 0. speed of 81 miles was approached and exceeded new and serious conditions were encountâ€" ered. The rails and ties both provâ€" ad too light, for such a, strain, the track began to give way, and the :m‘s swayed violently from side to C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,â€"I have used MIN< lRD’S LINIMENT on my vessel and. in my family for years, and for way day ills and accidents 01‘ life I Ionsider it has no equal. Papa!) tea drinkers try “Sahda” Gran tea. Lttained on two occasions, but the 'osults were discouraging and the exâ€" )oriments were therefore discon- I would not start‘ on a voyage vithout it. if it cost, a. dollar a. Iottle. Mr. Henpeck proposes that the um‘riage service should be altered so \hat it, will read: ,"Who dare take .his Woman?” And the bridegroom 'llall answer: “I dare.” 2d too light for such a. strain, the hack began to give way, and the :m‘s swayed violently from side to side. The highest rate of speed was Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the wow-Id produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. lack, Mixed and Green. l1 Linucd. The net result of the trials 3 that up to a. speed of 81 miles an lOUl‘ they were successful and satisâ€" actory. German electricians regard the ex- )eriments as technically successful rom their point of view. The disâ€" ippointment lay in the fact. which ecms to have been conclusively dem- vnstrated, that a large part of the lerman railroads cannot be adapted o high-speed electrical traction with- :ut being practically rebuilt. A farmer’s man took the Village :0ctor a note the other day, and 7ith some difficulty Medicus spelt :ut: "Please send me a bottle of zic.” “Halloa,” exclaimed the :octor, “I-i-z~z-iâ€"c doesn’t spell phyâ€" ic.” "Don’t, it?” answered the rus- ic; “what, do it spell then?" The loctor gave it up. Rails and Ties Damaged by Speed in Electric Trials. CAPT. F. R. DESJABDIN. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Ka: mouraska. ' Tflley ur a sdfiplié&_{€l{l{_l‘1{tclleé which 5115;? t-lnémuto berbpréfi: ' ed either way and are self acting. The. only good metal ga ice for General (arm purposesy We also make Farm and Oruamentah etfing. Nails and Staples. The Page Wiro Fence Co..L|m|led_ Walkorville, 0n!_ 1! 01%;}: in pr Fence. Poultry GERHAN RAILIK OAD SPEED. great. out deal said Miss PAGE METAL GATES solow m me no one can a o to use wooden ones. Light. and fret strong enough to sup- portnhem'y man on the 9nd wh 19 ha swmgs around uh circle without causing them to pug. They are neat l a peamnce. will last a ifenme. lel not sag nor get rickety. ' ey uresupplied with latches whjgh allow them tobe open- but Consumption and Whoopingâ€"cough, we know, are passed from one person to another by means of the expector- ations. and it is to be hoped that in the near future we shall put this knowledge to better use than we do at present, and protect ourselves by much more stringent rules. General expectoration is a public offense and menace, and should be made a penal matter. The danger with expector- ated matter is that it dries and then is scattered by the wind so that one and all must take the risks. This outrage should be so handled by all in authority that in the near future the present condition of our cars and streets will seem like an evil night- mare. Scarlet fever and diphtheria are caught by any emanations from the body, especially by saliva. The poi- son can cling for months and years to clothes and toys and books, and these things should always be de- stroyed if they have come in con- a particular WllluOW, or other place in a burning building that it is de- sirable to reach. A fireman lashed to the end of the ladder is shot up with it: and rescued persons need not clambor down, as the ladder can he quickly lowered with them on it. A horse can pull} three tons on level steel rails for every ton he can pull on an ordinary highâ€"road. REDUCES EXPENSE A German invention in fire ladders has recently been tried with success at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 1t con- sists of a telescopic ladder. capable of being extended to a length of 85 feet, and worked by means of comâ€" pressed air. The ladder is attached to a. heavy truck carrying an air- tank. The ladder can be directed at a particular Window, or other place in a burning building that it is de- sirable to reach. A fireman lashed The Krupp S)§â€"i11ch gun 'can pierce 18 inches of steel. The British 111% has Iniiod to do so. as mercury will enrely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it. through the mut ous surfaceg. Such articles :hould never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians. as the damage they will do zslen told to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ha‘l‘s Cutarrh Cure, manufactured by FJ. Cheney 5: (‘13.. To- ledo. 0.. contains no mercury. and is taken in- ernally, acting dlreobly upon the blood and ucous eurrnces of the system. In buying Hall’s Camrrli Cure be sure you get, the geuu $110. It is token internnl’y.and made in Toledo (3)110, by F. J. Cheney &: Co. Testimonial; ree. Sold by 1)ruggi.ta. price 750 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. tact with the sick, and sick rooms should be fumigated and made scienâ€" tifically clean before they are again occupied. Notwithstanding all our precau- tions there will always be disease germs, but the most virulent germ can do no harm unless it finds its proper soil, and there is no armor to compare with the resistant power of perfect heaItILâ€"Youth’s Compan~ 1011i 2,000,000 shot, and shell, weighing 20,000 tons, is the average\ annual output of British arsenals. Beware of Ointments for Catam'h that contain Mercury These germs have their own man- ners and customs. means of travel and prescribed length of life, and it is by the study of these details that we learn how to avoid the transmis- siun uf contagious illnesses. We know, for instance, that to get tyâ€" phoid fever or cholera. the microbe has to be taken into the system in the form of impure food or water, and so every year one or more pre- cautions are taken to have the waâ€" ter supplies of our big cities free from contamination, and stricter atâ€" tention is given to the purity of our food. An outbreak of typhoid fever is no longer considered, in the old sense, a “visitation of Providence,” but is recognized as a shame and a reflection on local conditions, Wherâ€" ever it occurs. Mlnard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia, HOW CONTAGION SPREADS. In these days we have most of us learned the lesson that contagion â€" that is to say the "catching" qual- ity of a. diseaseâ€"is in every case a matter 01’ a specific microbe or germ. By specific is meant that each dis- ease has its own microbe, and one cannot catch the disease except by receiving in one Way or another that particular germ. The Way to Avoid the Transmis- sion of Diseases. One cent wise One dollar foolish To use any but the best TELESCOPI C FIRE LADDERS Ask for the OcIagon mn- :07 UVCK‘ ma] 432 out of every 1,000 English people are able-bodied and between the ages of 20 and 55. In Ireland the number is 408. Palms never live more than years. my has been known to 450, chesnut 860, 051.1; 1,600, yew 2,880 years. I know that my cure is due to Dodd’s Kidney Pills, as I used no other medicine after commencing their use‘ T0 ('IYIHE A (OLD IS ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quiniuo Tablets. A] druggists refund (ha money it it fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 250‘ 1 continued the use of Dodd’s Kidâ€" noy Pills until I had used three boxes. and now believe that I have a radical and complete cure. as it is six months since I used any of the Pills, and have had no symptoms or return of the malady. The Second One. St." Mary’s Ferry, N.B., Mar. 24 1902. Gentlemen: What I said in 1895 I can :11, this moment most emphatically substan- tiatc. She: "And will you always love me? All the live-long day?" He: “Yeâ€"es, I think so. You’ll give me a chance to stop for meals, I suppose?” Minard’s Liniment Cures flandrufi‘. I have never had the slightest symptom of a return of my old trouâ€" ble. I passed a. stone that had formed in the bladder. A friend advised me to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I was very skeptical but was prevailed on to commence a treatment; the first box made me feel some better. The event of the season will be the cheap excursion from Bull-410 or SUS< pension Bridge to Boston and return by regular trains of the West Shore‘ Railroad. Tickets only ten dollars ($10.00), good going May 23rd, and valid for return until and including June 2nd. See West Shore Agents for tickets and further information, or ader-ss H. Parry. General Agent, 77 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. He gzwe my sufl‘erings a, very learn- ed name, and doctorcd me for some time, but I got no better. I called in several other physicians, but it was all no use; my sufl'erlngs got worse all the time until I began to despair of life. When I lay down it was torture to get up again. This state continued for some time, and all the while 1 was still getting weaker and losing flesh rapidly. My appetite was very mgch imâ€" paired, and at last I was obliged to call in a. physician. About one year ago I began to suffer with severe pains over the reâ€" gion of my kidneys, followed by a very lethargic feeling. When I lay down it was torture to St. Mai'y’s Ferry, N. B., May 19. â€"(Special)â€"M . ’l‘homus Harrison 01 this place haswxddressed two signifiâ€" cant letters to The Dodds Medicine 00., Toronto. BOSTON EXCURSION VIA WEST SHORE. I feel it my duty to you and to the public at large to tell What Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for me. She told him, and he turned his head, groaning in the soreness oi his amiction. A few moments later, though. his face lit up with a flash of hope. “But I'm back in my right mind now, ain't 1?” “Why, yes; I think you are." "All right, then," with fierce ex- nltzition. “I give you notice to leave to-night!" THEY PROVE THE PERMAN- ENCY OF CURES BY DODDS KIDNEY PILLS. The First One. St. Mary‘s Ferry, Dec. 18, 1895. Gentlemen: face under a. White cap bending over his pillow: "Whoâ€"who are you?” he gasped. "I’m the trained nurse." “The trained nurse! Oh, good gra- cious! And how much am I paying you?” Over Six Years Have Gone by, and This Cure Still Stands â€"Only One of Many Such Cases. The meanest man on earth has just been found. His mind had been wandering with fever for three weeks, and when he came back to his senses and opened his eyes he saw a. fair face under a. White cup bending over 110W ht .l 1' (l t it saw Yours truly, THOMAS HARRISON THE AWAKENING TWO LETTERS. Yours truly, the THOMAS HA RRISON litt] old man. “I only :00 man replied. “that 4k sister for a kiss last. she told him he could would be quick about the slowest kiss that I 250 live and 3 Wk I'IU Corisump- tion and all throat and lung troubles. One dose gives relief. One bottle often cures. A FREE UAHPLE BOTTLE to everyreader ofthis paper. PUL-Mo is for sale by all druggists at $x.oo per large bottleâ€"15 c'ents for small Size, or it may be ordered direct from $1.00 per large Domeâ€"15 cent-s lor :mzul l T ofipIcEs sq size, or it may be ordered dxrect from ‘ ’3‘ Toaonr'o STREET, Toronto_ 5: .‘ THE PUL-MO CO., TORONTO, ONT.‘ g"35.3+.WWHW4. Montreal to Liverpool. Bosbon Vto Liver- pool. Portlan to LiverpooL Vm Queens- LOWE. Large and Fast Steumshxps. Surerlor uccommodntlol (or all classes of aneeugero. 8: 00m and Suiorooml are nmldshipa. pecialnttenuon bu been won to tho Second Saloon and Third-Glass accommo «Lion. For rates 0! passage and Ill paniculnrs, apply to any agent 0! the Company. or ! M111! i go. Egon-neg & (Jo: Mother: "No wonder you catch cold. Every night you kick all the bed clothes off. Why do you do it?” Little Boy: "I don’t know. mam- ma. You’ll have to ask me when I’s asleep." The record farmâ€"rent in Great Britain is £35 an acre, paid {or a T0 PRINTERS FDR SALLâ€"Two 2-ravolution Campbell Presses, bed was inches. solemn! order. Prion $1,000 each. Terms easy. 8. FRAHK WILSON‘ 73 West Adelau‘e 8t., Toronto London Liverpool a year Domlnion__l.ln9 §team9hlph ~111‘cqoa;uysgp 13 8’9 613% ospa q; 61% 'smpnod duos Jetno umn Jonaq s; JODMOJ duos zu'c QDOJNSEG (PBOH 951M) Z'A Sula-“9'1 sewage-farm near Edinburgh. Five crops of g'ass are sometimes cut in Glasgow has spent £7,600,000 on her docks ; Liverpool, $218,200,000. 74 per cent of the British army are between 18 and 30 years old. A British barrel contains 1,000 hel-rings; a Norwegian 500. Slap: [he Consul mm Works on the (mld. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet: euro 5 cold in one day. No Cure. No Pay. Price 95021:”. MM. \Vxxsmw's Soornma SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for lhalr children whilo teething, Itsoothes the child. zoftcns the turns. tllays pain. cure! wind colic. regulate: the Ilomnch nnd beach. Ind is Lb. best remedy for Diarrhea. Twenty-Ev.- can» a bottle. Sold by druggius Llinuahout the world. Be sure and Ink for“l\1ns. Wmuow'uSoowmxo BYRUP.’ Minald’s Liniment fm sale everywhere Minard's Liniment [lures Burns. etc. ETHES v.2w~r~m~mw駧$§fi~ifififlwwnrwwwww @oeoeoooaooooeaaaoaeaa esgsweaeGGQOQOOOOOOOQU The Dawson Commission 00., Limited, Toronte. “1.11" in“ A. RAEQSAV & 3‘“. Eetnb. 1342 g} MONTREAL Pall“ “an” ? ooeossaco 6030.09 eaeat:903089090030900000613009 kwwwxuwvv~m~vwmwwwwm+~w 77 Sum BL 35st Providing we have your order at once. naming flnutity rcquind each month, we will guannue to sup&}y you with good soun mom: of food qua§ity‘ during the month of May 83. per box, during Jun; $3.23 per box. aria; 3 63.50 per box no mats" how much rice advances. Ship than as you wail I om. ofie or more boxes at a time. Thls ofior only open for few days. Non- Sulphurous. Odorless. Every suckâ€" A Match Every Matchâ€"â€" A nghtar wwflm Wyéé has 690 acres of docks , 560 acres. For Over Sixty Years D. Torrance & 00.. Montreal anal Portland. fiffie-Ea-Edav’d “ Headlight” Parieur ‘1 Matches IS THE ONLY ABSOLUTE CUBE for and no other, for no other has such a record for durability, eco- nomy, beauty, elasticity, easy to work, beautiful in tone, and at the proper price for the best paint. Drop us a card an’fl ask (or has stood the test, of years and stood it just as a paint. should stand that, has proved itself tho best of all the paints. It is BOOKLET "K" FREE. showing how some homes are painted. Ramsay’s Paint We want a: once trustworthy men and “- men in every lomlity. local or traveling. to intmdum i. new discovery and keep our shew cards and advomséuz mutter tacked up in conspicuous place.) throughout. the town and country‘ Stead employment year round commission or salary, s 1.00 per [1011“: and Expenses. not to exceed $2.50 per dny. Write for particulars. Postoflice box 337. M44+WH+HWWW RELIABALiE INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE co.. Loxndrif'bnr Lowest prices over uotod. Fine analogue. Smilluenrmlons. mails free. Write us for any. thing _ln .Vlnflc or "Iulcal lnnlrumenh. EVERY town can HAVE Able?!) MONTREAL. TORONTO. OTTAWA & QUEBEO WHELEY RUYUE 86 minimum, 855% Egg“??? WOO g!- 08 PHOTOENCRMIINL _l.rJ07NES [no.c‘? I 5* ou‘riuo -ADIES . . . sun's Can be done perfectly by our French Procua. Try it anmsn AMERICAN BEEN 00. Instruments. Dru ms, Uniforms, Preserves the tooth. Sweatena the breath. Strengiheno tho gums THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRRDE. FOUR PER cam. PER ANNUM i THE CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE GBRPORATION Accrues from the date on which the money is received by the Company CALVERT’S CARBOLIC .â€".v Hu‘v. V. R I635- EAR/751 REGIâ€" Iommo turea com bincan ab solutcly safe secur- Doupona Attached. , . xty wuh a â€"â€" Profitable return for the money invested. They are issued in sums 01‘8100 and upwards for tcrms of one, two, three, four or five years, and inter- est at the rate of 'â€"'_- Our Deben- Write for further informa- tion. Toronto. Ont. and Winnipeg. Man TOOTH POWDER. Tho 1mm math-Mn {he mm, man I'm ‘0” only pine, and cowl-lly lultnhlo (or dmtlo unvâ€" pu‘t up In ml Illdlng Duo-,uurtod onion oath bu oonhlnlng about no matchesâ€" thm hem In It paok‘ For hlo by All M Class W P C. 1129 WANTED WAEKINQ Etc.

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