\V(‘ are pleased to receive from Mr. Hal-0141 I’mclm-. who is employed in the. (J. 1’. R. ofï¬ce at \Vinnipeg. a imuk (11' views (me 0f which shows the City of St. Pierre, recently (lestruyâ€" red by \nlcunic N'uptinn. The High Suhnul Fnutlmll team went to Maple Friday a‘ftm'nmun and played :1 friendly game with the hull†of that; Village. Th:- mntch ended in a. draw. m-ithor side having scored when time Was (.ulled. A Mr. Fessey \ ’us in the village 6;; Monday s<.rlniding a nnmher (If our citizens as to bringing out a third cunâ€" didalv in Euut York, as :m Independ- ent Pl-uhihitionisn. me all uccnunts he received little vncmu-ngenwnl. The scum-farce was tried in North Mrs. A. E. Omnth with liLLle daugh- ter, Miss Alice Cumnhs, 1s spouding n. cmxplc of Wei-ks in the Village, Lhu, .glwst of Mrs. J. \V. Elliut'. More have pew) altunï¬ing tho Mx-th- mdiszt District, meeting i1) 'l‘montn this ave-0k. Mr. \Vellwoud was (*lwru’d Alinis‘wliul Delegate to the b‘tnt‘iuning Committee from Torunin (It-111ml Mr. W. Klinck, (If the Maple Loaf ’Pul'tmit Cu. lt-fL Mundny morning for .Parry Sound and other puinl-s north. Rt‘v.J. C. Spec-r, D. 1)., Toronto. will preach :umivprsary sermons in the Methodist -(Illurch next. Sunday, vmurning and evening. Cullentions will be taken up :Ithbotp services on Tho Metrn; putting in :1 s\‘ starts at a 1n Agl-iuulh of Victur though and :llwu audit-new. companix Poultry netting and green wire cloth all widths at, C. & E. Mason‘s. All the neat (Ire-3:: goods ideas are here. Atkinson & Swilzer. Cummitl u District. will hell. In order In get; the whims of 1119 ‘Geneml Provincile Elvctinns THE LIBERAL will not be issued-1th week until Friday. the Uume AH kin :IL lowest duLu Im- Eu Masonic H: May 27th. vundidnlp, ' Miss Hinuhnm of Ayhrwr. is the guest of Mrs. A. Sylvrstor Savage. Every price-110m stands fur a bar- gmn pnco. Atkinson &.‘Switzor. Rev. J. R. \Vilkinsnn. 0f Cum-ville and MI. J. H. Mnl'v had an exchange of pulpits last Sunday. Mrs. John Klinck nf Markham. the past week with hot- duughLL-l R. Harman 0f Vundurr’. {119nm M419 l) N011) Ynl'k «1 Hull. 3 i‘Every customer hero is n s: customer. Atkinson & Switzx-l he I" The s York. Regular mewling ‘01] Friday evening i\v Mr 216112 E‘i‘ihmal. m-ni If In†:1 Fri: A: Screen douys and \vindUWS at 0. l. Mason’s c'uezyp. lll )Olll Hy 'ew \'( t! he lukm llf of the J. W RlcuMnND HILL. May 22. 1902 auhl H1 nent Lensnn Will cu In. Day a‘ point, appoxiie \Vm'ks. and th )rne Avon and ext Ivy 10L behind ‘Lht “'ellw issuxmm fl! water CPU 1 who \vi l'HS .litn tch In pl in candidâ€! l he hvld lb b01711 s: tFund. {ht nut '4 H'( will be held in than eh 1nd ,‘l't [at u1-t Richmond lll th week H1'(‘ The curve e Trench’s :0 switch tends intn e. Vuiting iute have done than Miss ing at; the us evening charming. u presence, with [11-1- nwu Hf.- x-. and s9]- }: encored. ill tinware Isun’s. fol May puLy st chum lliva'es .he cit y. !ti>ï¬e<1 crank candi .’. LU, . . 3 t to he 7 hen your liver 1511 t actu . ‘ well. You suï¬erfrom biliou $1553; mess, constipation. Aye: m of Piils act directly on the live spent . MI <. it thi HM the n th - Band ’ - 1mm Led 5’ ; of U]! mg , “l mu: Vulst Selec L‘...L..< lst and the passengers were unable tn gvt off till 6 p. In. Three of the steel plntvs were nearly tm-n off and three- fuux-lhs 0f the props-"or was hrnkm) mvuy. Them were furry passengers on hoax-d. The Daily News-Record. Michigan, (If the 16th inst, givvs an :u-ouzmt of the accident. Thm-e was naturtuconsidvrahle vxt‘itvnwnt on board, but there was no pnnir. STRUUK A ROCK. Mr. \Vm. E. S. Savage, \va left hm-e fm- Hm Sun on \Vednesduy of last week. had rather an unpleasant 9x- pm'ience on the hunt “ Th0 Athuhascu." Thu steamer strm‘k a ruck at 4 a. m.. Seedâ€"Red and white ('m-n. nmngol and turnip ï¬nds. all varieties. Naugh- Lou 131-05., Elgin Mills: The Gnvernor-Genm-n1’s Rudy Guard Band will play the fulluwiug pru- gmmme in the park on the aftenmon of the 24H) of May: {arch . . . . . . Blaze Away . . . Holzmnn Valsv .. .' . . .Ninuettn. . . . . . . Bennett Selectinn. Beauties of Irvin nd. Hurl mzm ,Schnttisuhe. .Uhicken Piukens. . .Alleu Medley. . . .Happy Home . . . . . .Mackie Selvction. .Jolly Mans'ketemu .Edwm-ds March . ~ . . . Cmnmrmwvalth . .. .Hull Yulso. . Cyrano de Boogm'ac. . Hm hert Medley O\'(‘l‘tlll‘l:. . Popular Genrgin. .. J. Davis, and thnt the said Mmms rpm-vsentshinmelf as being sent out by the \V. C. T. U. st. Cane gives this :1 flat. denial, refers to Mr. anis as :1 true temperance 1mm. ewe-1- ready to help in the cans», and expresses :1. hnpu‘thut he will "Apt-mum. North Ymk fun- mully yours tn 001110. Boats and Shoesâ€"“70 will be pleas- ed tn show you the lnygesg stock of boats and shut-s in this neighborhood. Nuughtnu Bl‘US., Elgin Mills. 2 Men’s Spring Furnishings possvss (ivory good quality hou- nmv: see our King Negligve Shirt fur 450: and f-mr-y snspmnder fm' 23c. AlTk'i-nson "'3' 5115 & SWitZtâ€"‘l M1“. C. E. (7am), Pi-(‘sidt-ntWï¬mnn’s Christian Temperance Union ‘6? York County, had a. letter in last week's vamm'ket Em, stating that a Mr. Munns is holding political meetings in North York in nppusibinn to Hon. E. A large nssmfmsnt (If all kinds of handles to choose from at U. 85 E. Musuns. In; 1m or cut. to sizr: 1; 15331) at. $2.75 1 in proportion. The programmes which z [wing circulated will convim who l‘t‘ild them that. an excel my of talent has lie-(an wanted concert in H19 :\gl‘lCll:truP.ll Ha evening of the 24th of.\Iny. ’I m'nmnGenvrnl’s Body Guard D appear three times in the ï¬rst Lhc pI-ngm1131119155le other pm nus V func) pimu All those interested in tPnnis are requested to mm-t in the Temperance Hull m-nightv (Thursday), at 8 o‘clock for the put-pow of organizing 1L 'l‘vn nis‘ Club. The grounds of Mr. Pulllin. ()f Duffm-in (have, have been secun-d with plontyyof mom fur two emu-t9. Brng nlung your racqueb and enjoy the game. tll mont by his anth Hynv. and as nsu from it unscntched. 'l'he prngrnlmm‘s which are now being circulated will convince those who I'm-1d them that. an excellent; ur- my of talent has been wanted for he concert in H19 Agricuituml Hall in the evening of the 24th of.\I;1y. The (inv- m'nor-Genvml’s Body Guard Band will appear three times in the ï¬rst part of Lhc programme, and other pm farmers are Miss Mme Dikemnn of Tomnto, vun‘al and guitar suloist‘; Miss Jessie Irving, quniltun's lust. olocntinnist; Mr. Harry Rich. the ynpulvu‘ humor- ous vncnlis‘t; Miss A.ice Ramsay, in fancy dances; with Mrs. Ramsay, as 11 £02 and to". ' attention will In give them 1). call. nus» u-mg bugm‘, Fur-is“ Lump Sugar, Puwdered Sugar. Berry Sugar, YL-lluw Sugar in stock; sugar never was so cheap: a big $1.00 wm'th here now. Atkinson & Switzer. HOT M EALS. Bath hr‘ Methodislvund Prvshytmti- nn chm-ch98 are preparing ï¬rst-class hot dinners for their patrons ml 24th of May. Dinner will I)" served from 11 m2 and tea. from 5 to "1 Eva Mr. Harry Rich, the popular humor- nus vncnlis‘t; Miss A.ice Ramsay, in fancy dances; with Mrs. Ramsay, as piuuuaccumpauist. The cum-err; will begin sharp at eight o‘clock. Tickets 15 and 25 cents.; reserve seats 10 cents extm. _ ..Bn%ttger Jake “'ulk. . Koonville Knonlets. . . V .. Bust; “hing _Sngm' Id All “(‘6 (1 PE T HE JUNE PEARSON’S :un's Magazine fur Juno ()ffvl's a 11'i9{_\' of reading Iu:\lt(~1-,ru'ng- m the serious personal article apolmlar science paper. Ln :m :intiuuâ€uf the game (pf Ping my the lady chumpinnof Eng- The ï¬ction of the numberinâ€" nnuther of the adventures of mus Captain Kettlo. The r-x- king Sugar, szll‘TIgA’fz‘ur Iinwderfd Sugar. Berry Sng. mgha {Ldl‘tl ( l‘hnt, h CONCERT ON 24TH. BAND CONC ERT. 7ALS E ()0 LORS. h( ha Dizzy P TENN] ‘fl'om 5 to ", Evv‘y he paid to those whu \vm'er. is the {Hie 1‘9- )uptuin in this instal- nthm‘. Mr. Cutclifï¬e usual he comes forth quirrml l’1h1Z. Atkin among suiflm's: ," is pl'uhuhly (211 all in thir m‘v Awn y . . . Holzmnn .Ieltu . . . . . . Bennett of IrvInnd.Helrl mzm :en Piukens. . .Alleu Home . . . . . .Mackie ï¬s'kefw-zu .Edwn rds unWHrItH . .. .Hull Bcogevac. . Hm herb Popular Orr-“rain. .. Id ss in stock quote size utlwr sizes Swilzer. actiné ’ as he- \Veidb no one vntful Hymn. Snrnmn by RP“. J. C. Spom‘, I). D. Baritone 5010â€"“ Abide \Vith Me.†Hymn. Benediction. Speltiavlâ€"Friday and Saturday of this week 25% lbs. hestrgrunuluted sugar and 31hs. 35c. Japan tea. for $2, or 27 lbs. granulated sugar alone for $1. Atkinson & Switzor. CHIME CLOCK. Probably the greatest attraction in timepieces zmd the ï¬nest \vnrkmnn- ship ever attempted in this place may nmv he seen in Mr. Jerry Smith’s jewelry shnp. It is an eight-(lay qnzu Iur hnur chime clock. manufactur- ed by Mr. Smith himself, The. only parts that he did not make are the bells, the pendulum and the case“ The case, was made by L. Innes &' Sons, and is a mgedit tn the ï¬rm. It is made from quarter out white oak. neatly umtcllt‘d, and there is a. plate glass door in frnnt of dial and lpendu lum. The clock chime-s the \Vest- minster chimes. It has brass move- ment, midullt'he pininns, :n'hnrs and racks are cut frmu Sluhhs steel and tempered. The (liful is made of hard rolled brass, and the ï¬gures are hrnss (Arabic pattern) and set in a. circular and Wuopoth.†((:)Snpr:mo :md Lenor- snlos with ohligatn. Chm-us, “God is ‘t‘he Refuge of His Pvnple.†Soprano Su‘mâ€"“ Just for Tn-dny" There will he :1 special nnnivorsnry servicv in the Methodist Church on Sunday. the 25111 of May. The fullnw- ing will be the order of Sm'vice :â€"â€"- annlngy. Hymn. Anthvmâ€"Hnuse of our God. Hymn. Sermon by Rev. J. C. Spc-or. D. D. Snpmn‘n Sulaâ€"Sweet Home of the Angels . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . King annlogy. Anthomâ€"Migh by J vhnvah Hymn. The smN-‘tau'y has :tlrody receile a large numbewa mulrivs for the Fair unSutnrduy. :1an with ï¬ne weather the sin-toss of Viclnrin. Day is assured. in the spending class tlwre will he a 2.30 tml m paceu n 2.50 trot, m- pn'co, a Brrrnr-lm running rucc‘, anti :1 special for Gentleman’s Tm-n’nn‘h Tho games and sports will (-mnprise 'n Fontlmll tnnrnmuwnt. open to all teams ; u thild of a mile font-mop, 8.200 yard font-mum, n 100 yard font- moe for boys undtr-I' 16 _VIS.. annthz-r fm' buys 12 years and undm- &c. The font-hall tt‘HnlS are tu cmnmcnce ta play at 11 u‘clock. Hymn. Benediction. (Arahic pattern) and Sgt in a. circular recess. The hands are scroll, cut from steel. and have a. polished brass starï¬xed into wide part. The clock heats once per second, chimes at} each quarter. and strikes at, full hour. The time drum contains “maintaining power,†which enahlae the Cluck tn continue running during the process of winding. ‘Vithunt this the second hand \vnnld mnve backwards while the windng foul; place. The total height, if the Cluck is 8 feet 2 inches. It tank 2» year and fulll‘ months tm-nn- strurt tlw clock during the m-npriemr’s spare- “1119.. \Ve are not prepared to say this clock is for sale. but it will he \Vrvrth any person’s while to call at Mr. Smith’s shup [0 sun its construc- tion, at (I hear its molmlions chimes. sockeye Salmon Burs Happy Hun' kinsun & Switzcr 10c. “L; Bi’at PH ed, 311m. fnl'25c.1 via. Raisins, 3 Cream Cum fur GBAINGER~IH Richmond hill. on {Mondam May 19. 1002 a duuhmur to Mr. and Mrs. lred. W. Gruiuger. WRIGHTâ€"In R‘cl'unoul Hill 18, James Aahfnrd. inful Mrs. W. A. Wright. agml C 'night He w The Havel-est. (-hick millinm-y id kinsou & Switzer. ily nro'. (h) Chm-11$: inter-pt from “ Queen Esther.†(a) Tenor solo and ()bliguto Thee 0 fund.†:Xlx Made by IMPERI Jnhn Lnrkiv died suddenly last at his hmne ahm-e Elgin Mills. 13 30 years uf :cgv. Film-ml F‘ri- ro'uniug at, 0 n'cluck, tn Thm-nhill‘ THE FAIRI METHODIST CHURCH. Morning at. 10.30. Evening at 7.00. that r fl-EAETEES HE i‘s'l H's. He ‘Ihilt gnoch forth trivs for the Fair with ï¬ne weather Viclnriu. Day is ending class there pncv. n 2.50 trot running race, anti imxmn’s Tm-n’nn‘h n~ mnmhs :m-nn- g the prnpriemr’s not, prepared to do. but it will he while to call at $09 its construc- AL OIL 00‘ ice Lit :(-st,:md most. 111; here. At- 11 L11 Sunday. May ‘1 of Mr. and Abbott, Bellini lays “ T0 At, H- Fm- Qoljdiliun {fowdgï¬ wherq yo_u sav_e from 10 to ‘35 per cent Condition Powders, 1mm Farm Cundiuun Powders Pages English Condition Powders E Burmws Condition Powders 250 Daniels Condition Powders 25c Dicka Conr‘litmu Powders 400 Snudersons Condition powders 15c Flints or Ksndnlls Powders 100 Darieys Condition Powders 15c: Epsom Salts do 11) or 10 lbs for 230 Sulphur 3:: lb or 10 lbs tor 25:: Gluu’rer Suï¬-ts 32111.101bs 101: 250 Sultpezre. pure. 211m for 250 Kendall's Spavm Cure 750 Pages English Spnviu Cure â€"gu:u'£ i1 spavin 01" ' ‘gboue or money Linimen a: and Eli: EozemuOinbment‘ Chase's Ointment4 w 8-: R, Butter (‘0‘.L Perfect Worm Syn-u (Vastm-iu. 250 3653‘ Pouer Pam. Pagesï¬uglish } Swan Down Fm J. A. Jï¬‚ï¬ ï¬S'E‘ON. SPE C I ALâ€"é’e’i The fewer repairs the better. There is little call for Deering repairs because Deering machines are strongly con- structed ; are built of ï¬rst-class material ; are made by thorough mechanics; are made by the largest harvesting machine manufacturers in the world; are light draft and built to stand the most trying work; made in the following sizes: 3:}, 4, 4%, 5, 6 and 7 ft. cut. Sold by Jacob Ever 5c Son. Bichmonfl ï¬ll. C. D. DANEEL 8!. CO... DRUGGISTS, 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opp. Clyde Hotel THE FARMERS DRUG sféiï¬ Extra quality Cooking Figs, 50. )b. Cleaned I’utras Currants, 3 lbs. for 250., extra“ Pearl Tapincm 5 lbs. forZï¬c. Best Green Coffee, 10c 1h. Good Crvam Corn. 4 runs for 250. Happy Home Soup, 8 bars for 250. Tea Rose Drip syrup. 50. lb. Medium syrup, 30. lb. 32::- @ï¬ :21» h “V u r" t Burl-y sugar, very ï¬ne quality, 5c. ll). 70 inch Put-o Flax Bleached Damask Table Linen, 750. yd. Extra quality Blue Duck, 12§c. yd. Heavy shit-ting. warranted Indigo Blue 13c. yd. Extra value in Ladies‘ sailor Hats and ’Men’s and Boys’ straw Hats. There’s 3.. Well- Eeamn Path! Aflï¬mwn mcl the most trymg won , 4, 47}, 5, 6 and 7 ft. cu‘ t Eyer 8c Son, 1 tum-5n?me l ‘r 180 , p for 9â€. 'owder 1.3 'en ‘5 at all kin It }eads directly to our doors. Throngs of buyers traverse it day after day, shows that we are strengthening the friendly business relations between the store and public, without which there can be no success. Want you to keep coming; Want you to tell your friends and neighbors about this store; Conï¬dence once establisned be- tween us, the rest will be easy. \Ve quote this week: 3. Linime: lbs for 25c Wders 250 â€"gun.mnteer1 to kill m mmy refu nded, 1 from 10 to 25 per cent. Have us put up your receipes for , 9th from nure drugs and we will save you money. Model 10 lbs for $1. Dr Thomas Eclectric Oil 2 bottles for 2’50 Chases and Carters Pills 2 boxes for 250 Dodu's Kidney Pills 300 Parmeeles, Ayers and Burdock Pills 15:: Follows Syrup of Hyvophosphites'fl’dn ' Syrup‘gf Hypopbggplglteg is_u. splendid tome. we s all a regular 75?: bottle for 450 Beef, Iron and Wine. pure. 50o Ozone small 350, largech Pierces Prescription. Pierces Discovery. Ayers SursnparilmPaines Celery Compound,Burd- Ocli Blood Bittersfloods Sarsupnrillufllnrks Red;Clovar Compound, Ayers Hair Vigor. W'm‘ners Safe Cureâ€"any of these 65:: . Burdock and Slusaparilla is ,5 splendid {spnng medicineâ€"large bothle 65c Limes, MuDongalla and Grazia)"; Sheep Dips. Saul Oil for lice on cattle. 311: bar nnre 2%wiï¬zer ‘Vater White) 160 gal 30:; 3 boxes for 890. Remember we mama and Grazia)"; Sheep Dips. for lice on cattle, 31b barpnre 313250 -ap 1%,3 cakesiot 250 JOHN Richmund Manager