Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1902, p. 8

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.41: The Votes and inllncncc of the Electors (If \VEST YORK Bespi-ctfully solicitcd for the rc-clection of. W. 3. Hill As rcprcsr-nfalivo in the Logis- lativc Asscinbly. NOMIXATIDN, MAY 22 ; POLLING, MAY 29. Ho limiter When you shear your sheep, butrwash them clean, and. shear before the woolbecomes cotted. It is now an acknowledged fact that we have Iii-on paying Toronto price for Wool ll: rash. and 20. per lb. more in Made for a numbcr of years, and w'ould say that we are prepared to do the same this year. \Ve have always mado it a specialty of making our woollon goods out of pure wool, using neither cotton, shoddy nor inferior stock of any kind. “'9 have a good stock of Blankets, Sheeting, Flanucls, Cloth, Yarns of all. kinds, and soiling thom at, lower prices than ever before; '* in fact we will not. be nndcrsold by any one for the same quality of goods. Have also a good stuck of socks, pure wool, foiled, n hich makes them warm- et‘, SOle' and better than homo-madc, :lppl'c‘clalcd by cvery one who sees them, and sclling them from 150. to 300. per pair~and will knit. other sizes to Ol'llt‘l'. If you have got. any wool to s.“ or trade for woollcn goods, or M be manufactured, go to Almira W'oullcn Mills. “’6. approciatc Your trade and will do the best we can for you. 8. F. LElâ€"E‘lilAN & SONS, ' .asmmn, oars. Crawling, Hg’iinhing, \ch‘ing and Manuéimim-ing done as usual. 4.34 13 This Tribal: You Want '? ,. If so I will be pleased to show you some of the best machines madc. I have in stock the Standard Rotary, A machine that will makceither lock or chain stitch, noisclcss motion and easy running. Also the “Jew Raymond, One of the best family machines on the market; “'1” sell bclow To- ronto priccs. Call and examine before buying else- whcre. I ha \'0 also two or throc socond hand machines, which I will Scll chca p. E. r. ssossrl . l Iti‘arrnei-s of Vaughan and Earhham l W'liy not secure a Farm in Manitoba. ‘ now? Prich going up rapidly. The Government haw advanced their lands 81.50 per Ilcl't‘ since December last. The rvei-y finest lands from $10 to i '31; an' acre. Further out and not quitc so choice, 8.") to $10; poorer quality, $2 to Thousands of acl'cs are being sold every month. Ameri- cans are picng up everything in si ht. will secure you what you want on a. 5% commission. me for lists. DR. HUTCHISON, 45-4 Fol-incrly of Richmond Hill. If interested. Write now READY For. USINES°. . If you want a photo of your Baby, Family, House or Yourself, Co as in and see me. Come anyway. Everything at City Prices. 5 in Elna an sin. inland liill. I”. C {T'l‘lilfl 1%. Elan agor. , , ,, ,__,__,._, “glow Silllftilflwlt‘fitfi. TEllEiiE- Scalod (t'nth‘l's, :uldrvwsl‘d to the Pro . vinclal Hr-crol ar)‘, l’rovinro of Ontario, ‘ Parliamcnt- Buildings Toronto, and max-Rod "Trudi-m [or (‘oalf‘ will bo rcccivml up to noon on MONDAY, MAY Zlilll, lllllfl, for tho (lolivoi-yoj‘ coal in the sln-ds of tlu- institutions named bclow, on or lieforo the 1.3:}, day of July noxt, cxccpt asrcgards tho coal for London, Hamilton and Brockâ€" villc Asylums and Contrle l’iison, as noted :â€" Asylum l‘or Insane, Toronto. Hard Coalâ€"1,250 tons large egg size, 200 tons stove sizc, 100 tons not ship. Soft Cualv Bill) tons lump, 1:30 tons soft. screenings. A'sylmn for Insano, London. Hard Coxll#‘2,lill0 tons small cgg siZP, 250 tons stove size, 00 tons chestnut. , Soft Coalâ€"ll) tons for grates. ‘ size. 0f the 2,930 tons 1.000 may not be re- quircd till January, 1903. Asylum for Insane, Kingston. Hard Coal~l,350 tons large egg size, 260 tons small egg sizP, 25 tons clwsl- nut size, 500 Lons hard screenings, 500 tons soft. screenings, 15 tons stove size (hard). Asylum for Insane, Hamilton. Hard Coalâ€"3,575 tons small cggsize, 4'74 tons store size, 146 tons chestnut Size, coal for grates. 50 tons ; for pinup house, 200 tons soft. slack ; 120 tons hard slack screenings. 0f the ahch quantity 25.000 ions may not. be roquir- ed until January and February, 1903. Asylum for Insane, Mimico. Hard Coalâ€"1,600 tons lai'gccgg Size, 12:. mus Store size, 105 tons chestnut, IOU tons soil scrccnings. EU cords gu on hardwood. ‘ Asylum for Idiots, Orillia. Soft coal scrconings or run of mine lump, 2.0% tons; {in Lons hard coal, mm o sizo; Si) Lnns hard coal, grate Sizc. Asylum for Insane, Brockvillc. Hard Coal~~1,8()l) tons large egg siiir'. 1251mm s‘mvo sizc. T?) tons small egg. Ui'lhcabovoquantity1,650 tons may not be ri-uuiicd until January and March, llvl’ll. Asylum forli‘cmalc Pal icnts, (.‘obourg. llilltl Ctli'll#livll) ions largo egg size, 15 lons (1:1,: sizu, LU ions stovc :th'. (‘rnlial Prison, Tolonlo. Ilard Coalwlllt) Ions Small cgg sizr. Soft Clarkâ€"ZLUH tons soft Coal SCl‘t‘l‘ll- logs: or run ol' ininu lump. The, soft coal to be dclivurcd monthly as rc- quircd. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Bellcville. Hard Coalâ€"800 tons large egg size, 90 tons small egg size, 15 tons stow Size’, 14 tons nut size. Institute for Blind, Brantfmd. Hard Coalâ€"4:75 tons egg size, 150 tons stove size, 1.3 tons chi-smut. size. Ilcful-Inulory for Boys, Pcnctang. Eighty tons egg size, 51 tons stove size, 2‘5 tons nut size, but) tons sofL coal Screenings or run of mine lump. Dc- livcred at instilution dock. Mercer Rcforinatory, Toronto. Soft coal scrocnings or run of mine lump, 650 tons; stove coal, llU Lons. 'l‘cndcrcrs are to specify the mine or mint-s from which the coal will be sup- plicd, and the quality of samv, and must also furnish satisfactory (wide-nee that the coal delivered is truc to name, fresh mined and in every respect equal in quality to the standard gradcs of coal known to the trade. Delivery is to bocll’cctml in a man- Ill-'1‘ satisfactory to lln- lnSpoctol's of Prisons and Public Charities. And the said inspectors may require ad liLional amounts, not. cxcwding 20 pul‘ cent. of Lhequantitivs hcielnhol'oie specified, for Lilo allow mentioned in- stitutions to la: dclircrcd then-at at ihc contract. prices at any time up to the 15th day 01' July, 1.003. Tcmlcrs will be rcwivcd lor the whole quantin above <[N‘ciill‘d or for the quantitics required in each in- stitution. An acceptl-d checkt'or $500, payable to the ordcr of - tho Hon. the Provincial Sccretai-y, must be furnish ed by each ti-ndcl'vi as a. guarantee of his bona fidos, and two sufficient snic- tics will 1w rcqnircd for the due ful- filment of t‘ucll contract. Specifica- tions and forms and conditions of tenders may be obtainod from the In- spector of Prisons and Public Chari- ties, Parliament buildings, Torontâ€"O, or from the Burs-airs of the respective institutions. Thelowrst or anv ten- der not. necessarily aCCepted. 'vas- papers inserting this advertisement; without authority from the Depart;- ment: will not be paid for it. J. R. STHATTON, Provincial Secretary. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, May 12» 1902. ,a Is in tho air and it is in g our school, llw » ll“? :9 Gauge ‘4‘) iron-20ier \Vo haw just inslallr-(l coon ploto sols of \Viwluss 'l'i-lâ€" curaphy lust. unn-nts, and wc aro now pl'l'lml‘k'll to girc in- slrnr'Lion in this important , subjuct, e-ilhor poi-mural or by t . mail. \‘Ciitc for particulars. \V. 11. SEA“', Piiucipul Yongc and Gerrard Sta. \15- ' _ 3,, null lili‘ii an This ii'cuk, sonic elegant lines of SPRlNG SUITINQS FANCY VUl-l-‘TISDS‘ SCOTCH. MIXTL'R ES AND BANNCCKBURNS B V The handsomrst goods and bosl \‘2llllk‘S crcr shown in Richmond llill. ainnnc E‘aiior inn is rains? FANNY CHARLTON, Deceased. The creditors andall others having claims against the cstato of the late Fanny Charlton, doccasol'l, late of the Village of Dzu'isvillc in the Township and County of York. (but; foimcrly residing in the Township of Vaughan in tho County of York) widow, de- ceascd, who died on or about. the 20th day of April A. D. 1.002 at Davxsville aforesaid, are on or lie-fore the 16th day of June A. D. 192, to send by post prepaid to Montgomery, Flour-y 8'. Montgomcr)‘. rooms 67-69 Canada Life Building, Toronto. Solicitors for the At’lministratois, their Christian a llll Sl'H'Hil-IHES, a dd rcsscs a nd descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statcnwnt. of their ac- counts and the nature of the-securities (if any) held by them. Ewry creditor holding any security will be required to produce the sanw for insprt'tion and examination. And take notice that; forthwith after tho said llith day of June 1902, the ('State of the said de- ceasI-d will ho distributed among the . parties entitch [he-rum, having re- gard only to such claims as the Ad- ministrator will lhon have had notice; Dated at. Toronto this 1(th day of May A. I). 1902. THOS. H. CHARLTON, 46â€"5 Administrator Montgomcr)’,Floury 6': .‘Im‘ltgnnwry, Canada, Life Building. Toronto, Solicitors for Administrator. @asture to Let At. Onk Ridgcs; plenty 9i water and shade. Apply to 45% JAMES ASH, Oak Ridges Subscribe for THE - LIBERAL' C. M A80 N â€" - Jim. .g 1 LV . _â€"_. YOURVOTE AND lNFLUEl-ICE Arc llc:~prstl'ulli‘ Holivilcd in the inlw’csls of Elli ilhil The Liberal Candid do in first "(Mk l'or llll' Ll‘gislatix'c An-tomlily HI Oliinl'iu. , MAY 22; , POLLING DAY, MAY 29. ,5; “ Remember Ross ” And “ Build a; Un'tario.” as V (3 "Ella Iii n g arson RICE-EMOth HILL HARDARE STDRE' .4 Emu: 4.0:) iZO'Ul-‘> sapgmw- chamo \H U‘fizg g .563 _C: 5;; CCU)“ de ‘Ur-S gqovma J) COL. Uw mm“..â€" ‘ '7: U) cm}; <1 ""_:U,._E +1 Crahhflo cg "an: EC:ch swag" “H‘E'U‘gfi. $ébc-; .H'xco m'” 'xu “Forum-a5 MCHBS ~ow<$ u REPAmiNG rscrsrrm noun CG. \Vlre Nails,3 to 6 inch, only $2.50 per he”. ' 3 prong Hay Forks, plain handle, only 250. each. 3 prong Hay Forks, strapped handle, only 30¢. each. .i prong Manure Forks, handle, only 37¢. each. 4 prong Manure Forks, strapped handle, only each. Rivitted Ficld Plocssolid steel,2oc Socket Field Steel Hoes, 25c. Turnip Hoes, solid steel, 23c. Brace and 6 Auger Bitts, $1.50, Blue Stone for Spraying trees, only 63¢. per lb. WlLKlNS c, 00., 166 and 168 King Street East, Toronto, 3 Doors West of George Street. plain 42c.

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